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an" Ste#e M$%rea D%IM FILES AND YOUR %AMERA Your camera or photo chip comes with an automatic storage device inside labeled DCIM, for Digital Camera Images. This folder, also called the image root director , !eeps together the images captured with our camera. Ta!e a photo and our camera automaticall creates and names subfolders within the DCIM "li!e placing manila folders in a hanging folder#. The first three characters in a folder$s name, called the director number, are numbers between %&& and '''. The ne(t five characters are !nown as free characters) an uppercase alphanumeric characters chosen b the camera manufacturer. *hen an image is saved, the camera assigns it a filename and stores it in the current folder. +ilenames have two parts, an ,-character filename and a .-character e(tension. Thin! of them as first and last names. The name is uni/ue to each file, and the e(tension, separated from the name b a period, identifies the file$s format. +or e(ample, a 012 e(tension means it$s a 0132 image file, TI+ means it$s a TI++ image file. 4emember one important thing after reading all this 5 it6s o!a to D373T3 the DCIM folder when clearing our storage card or chip. Your camera creates a new DCIM folder as ou begin ta!ing new photos. 8ut don6t leave images in the folder or the 6ll be deleted when ou delete the folder. HOME ENTERTAINMENT BU&& 9tir cra: ; <etfli( has an e(cellent deal whereb viewers can bu a 4o!u movie pla er for ='' and download an movie the want as often as the li!e. 8ig hit movies are streamed into it. The pla er hoo!s up to a computer, which can then be connected to a T> for comfortable viewing. S'ea(in) a*+,t -+#ies. Apollo 13, Armageddon, So I Married an Axe Murderer and Around the World in 80 Days are included in the movies !ept aboard the 9pace 9tation for viewing. The grand IM?@ format was developed b four oung gu s from Canada who hastil rented and furnished swan! offices to impress potential 0apanese Investors. It wor!ed. "Discovermaga:ine.com#. FEED YOUR BODY AND BRAIN 7et6s move from the sofa to health grilling. ?dd a little wine to that meal and wipe out an food guilt. 9tudies have found that grilled beef, marinated in red wine for two hours before grilling, has ,,A fewer carcinogens compared to beef that is grilled without the marinating "Bealth.com-Ma C0une &'#. Yet another stud claims that drin!ing Dust one glass of red wine a da could reduce arter -clogging inflammation in the bod b ,'A. "Bealth.com +eb. &,# ?nd if beef doesn6t charge up our brain, a Eniversit of California stud found that people who ate fatt food retained their memories longer than those who didn6t. "<8C Toda FCG'C&'#. *here6s the ice cream; T/e Ba" News The number of people hospitali:ed for eating disorders grew %,A between %''' and G&&H "+ederal ?genc for Bealthcare 4esearch I Jualit --Discovermaga:ine.com# It 0ets W+rse In 0anuar 6&' Mens Fitness Maga ine rated 9alt 7a!e Cit fol!s as the most fit population. It also rated Miami as the countr 6s fattest population, with K!lahoma Cit at

number two and <ew Yor! Cit at number four. 7oo!, we onl report this stuff. *e still want ice cream. LO%AL TRA1EL Fis/2 *+ats2 %/ea' 3 Di44erent There6s still old time fun left in the Le s. The slogan for 4obbie6s in Islamorada is ? lot of bang for one dollar. The last bargain in the !e s. Kne dollar bu s entr to a nice pier on the water food for feeding hungr droves Tarpon. 2et a little more e(travagant and rent a !a a! or fishing boat and chart our own course. It definitel har!ens bac! to simpler times where fol!s still hang out on the dec! sipping beverages and tal!ing tides. Kr sample the Bungr Tarpon restaurant right there for a Le s st le meal. Leep e(pectations reasonable and Dust have a good time. The have a well done newsletter ou can view at www.4obbies.com. L+$al2 L+$+ 3 Deli$i+,s >isit the famous 4obert Is Bere for freshl made fruit betides "delicious mil! sha!es#, incredible Le 7ime pie, piles of local fresh fruit and vegetables, plus an assortment of turtles, goats, emus and who-!nows-what-else. 8egun in %'H&, this mar!et-fruit stand is a mainsta in +lorida Cit and lies at the entrance to 3verglades <ational 1ar!. Bead *est on *est 1alm Drive "a.!.a. *. .FFth 9treet# off of 4oute %. freshMrobertishere.com. +irst /ualit goes to shoppers) seconds are given to the need . ARTS 3 ENTERTAINMENT %LOSE TO HOME 9upport the arts and visit the 8roward and Miami-Dade ARTS %ALENDAR2 9outh +lorida6s ultimate guide to the arts with events, film, art, and museums at Arts%alen"ar5$+-5 IDEAS WILL BE REWARDED *hat websites do ou thin! are ama:ing, useful or fun; *e6re compiling a director of tested good lin!s, based on recommendations from friends, colleagues and media. Tell us our favorites at +ree3nglish7essonsMgmail.com. >iew our progress at httpNCCwww.scribd.comCdocC%H&HHGHOC>er -Cool-9ites-Balf-3dition. Ideas will be rewarded with e8oo! lin!s. T/e A,t/+rs 0L and 9teve Mccrea are professional writers, mar!eting consultants, educators, photographers and lecturers. *hen we can6t sleep, we do websitesN 4oad7overs.com) TeachersToTeachers.com) +ree3nglish7essons.com) 0Lmccrea.net) and Cruisetal!s.net. Use Sen"Ran"+-Ti's6)-ail5$+- 4+r s,))esti+ns2 'raise an" 'art in#itati+ns5 %riti$is- will *e i)n+re"5

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