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Gesta Romanorum 84 de muliere adulterata et austeritate patris et misericordia filii

Erat quidam imperator, qui statuit pro lege, quod, si mulier deprehensa in adulterio sub viro esset, vir eius vel filius, si haberet, interficeret eam. Accidit, quod quidam miles uxorem pulchram habebat. Ad bellum accessit, dextrum bracchium in bello ammisit. Ipso absente uxor est adulterata. Quod cum maritus audisset, contristatus est valde. & ' ( )

Ait filio suo: Fili mi, per legem mater tua morietur. extrum meum bracchium in bello * amisi, non possum eam occidere. Ideo volo, ut tu legi oboedias et eam occidas.! +

Ait filius: "icet lex hoc, pater, praecipiat, tamen alibi secundum legem habetur: #onora , patrem et matrem. $i ergo occiderem eam, contra legem pepretrarem, quia mater mea est. Absit ergo a me, ut tale piaculum commitam%! Et sic mulier est a morte salvata.
adulter 0&1 2 to defile, commit adulter3 adulterium, 2 n 2 adulter3 alib 2 adv 2 some4here else bracchium, 2 n 2 arm contrst 0&1 2 to ma5e sad dprehend, ere, end, nsum 2 to get, catch, apprehend honr 0&1 2 to honor &. pr6 l7ge 2 as la4. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. sub vir6 2 married8 an idiomatic 4a3 of sa3ing it. '. esset9hab7ret9interficeret 2 should be9should have9 should 5ill8 imperfect sub:unctives indicating present contrar3 to fact situation. quod 2 introduces indirect speech. (. bracchium 2 in some places 0though not here1 it can be spelled brchium. ammisit 2 alternate spelling for amsit. ips6 absente 2 4ith him a4a38 ablative absolute 4ith ips as an intensive pronoun for the unmentioned mles. ). quod cum 2 4hich 4hen8 quod is a relative pronoun here. audisset 2 he had heard8 s3ncopated pluperfect sub:unctive of audvisset. *. F;l; m; 2 vocative case. oboedi 0)1 2 to obe3 pepretr 0&1 2 to carr3 through, commit, perpetrate piculum, 2 n 2 sin, crime quod 2 conj 2 that salv 0&1 2 to save secundum 2 prep + acc 2 follo4ing vald 2 adv 2 ver3 +. ut 2 the follo4ing clause 4ith a sub:unctive verb sho4s purpose. t< l7g; oboedi=s 2 oboedis ta5es lg as its dative complement8 that is, treat lg li5e the direct ob:ect. ,. "icet lex h6c9praecipiat 2 It is allo4ed >that? the la4 should command this8 definitel3 not classical "atin 4ith licet. ,2-. #on6r= patrem et m=trem 2 the actual quote from the @ible is Honra patrem tuum et mtrem tuam! 0Exodus '/.&'1, 4hich is prett3 close. -. $;9occiderem9perpetr=rem 2 If I 4ere to 5ill, I 4ould perpetrate >a crime?8 imperfect sub:unctive sho4ing present contrar3AtoAfact situation. = m7 2 from me8 ablative of separation, definitel3 not ablative of agent. &/. = morte 2 ablative of separation again.

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