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Trade of Electrician

Standards Based Apprenticeship

Induction Motors
Phase 2 Module No. 2.4 Unit No. 2.4.1



Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Created by John Watters - Sligo TC Revision 1. April 2000 by John Watters - Sligo TC Gerry Ryan - Galway TC Revision 2. ov 200! by Chris "#dlow - $#ndal% TC Revision &. 'eb 200( by Chris "#dlow - $#ndal% TC Revision )* ove+ber 201& S,"AS Co+piled by "ia+ Carroll - Certi.i/ation 0 Standards

Published by


!""er #a$$ot Street %ubli& 4 'rela&d ( SOLAS - 2)1

All rights reserved. o part o. this p#bli/ation +ay be reprod#/ed* stored in a retrieval syste+ or trans+itted in any .or+ or by any +eans* ele/troni/* +e/hani/al* photo/opying* re/ording or otherwise* witho#t the prior per+ission o. the /opyright owner.

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Ta"le of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................4 ELECTRIC MOTORS...................................................................................................................................5 MOTOR RELATED I.E.C. SYMBOLS......................................................................................................6 THREE-PHASE ( SQUIRREL CAGE ) INDUCTION MOTOR.............................................................7 ROTOR SPEEDS..........................................................................................................................................15 RE ERSING A THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR......................................................................17 TESTING A THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR............................................................................1! METHODS OF STARTING THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS.............................................."7 SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS................................................................................................"# TESTING A SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR...........................................................................3! RE ERSING A SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR.....................................................................45 METHODS OF STARTING SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS.............................................46


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Wel/o+e to this se/tion o. yo#r training /o#rse* whi/h is designed to assist yo# the learner* #nderstand the basi/s o. how ind#/tion +otors operate and how they are /onne/ted to the s#pply.

1y the end o. this #nit yo# will be able to2 3nderstand the ter+ $%&'()$*% +*)*,. Re/ognise and #se ind#/tion +otor sy+bols. "ist the +ain parts o. an ind#/tion +otor. $es/ribe the /onstr#/tion o. an ind#/tion +otor. State the /hara/teristi/s o. ind#/tion +otors. "ist +ethods o. starting ind#/tion +otors. $e/ide how to /onne/t the s#pply to an ind#/tion +otor. 3nderstand the ter+ syn/hrono#s speed. Cal/#late the syn/hrono#s speed o. a given +otor. 3nderstand that rotor speed is lower than syn/hrono#s speed. Reverse the dire/tion o. rotation o. a three-phase ind#/tion +otor. Reverse the dire/tion o. rotation o. a single-phase ind#/tion +otor. Co+plete an ele/tri/al test on +otor windings and any asso/iated starting gear. 3nderstand the operation o. a /entri.#gal swit/h.

4le/tri/ +otors a//o#nt .or appro5i+ately two thirds o. all ele/tri/ity /ons#+ed. They are in /o++on #se in all areas o. li.e* .ro+ wor% sit#ations to leis#re a/tivities.

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Electric Motors
4le/tri/ +otors and generators are re.erred to as ele/tri/ +a/hines. 4le/tri/ians are +ost .re6#ently /on/erned with ele/tri/ +otors* d#e to their e5tensive appli/ation. The ele/tri/ +otor +#st be one o. +an7s +ost #se.#l inventions. 8n the +an#.a/t#ring ind#stries they are #sed in large n#+bers* to drive lathes* drilling and +illing +a/hines* a#gers* /onveyors* /ranes* hoists* li.ts* .ans and steel rolling e6#ip+ent. 8n the pro/ess ind#stries they are #sed to p#+p li6#ids and gases. They are #sed in transport to start engines* operate winds/reen wipers* open and /lose windows and power ele/tri/ vehi/les. 8n do+esti/ sit#ations they are #sed in washing +a/hines* /lothes dryers* /oo%ers* .ridges* .ree9ers* va/##+ /leaners* .ood +i5ers* a#dio : video e6#ip+ent* /a+eras* /lo/%s et/. 4le/tri/ +otors are pop#lar be/a#se they are /o+pa/t* reliable* and /heap* need little attention* and are /onvenient to #se. They /an be provided in a wide range o. si9es and /an be designed to have di..erent /hara/teristi/s .or vario#s appli/ations. Also* there is a readily available s#pply o. ele/tri/ity. The ele/tri/ +otor +ay be regarded as an energy /onverter. 8t is s#pplied with ele/tri/al energy and provides +e/hani/al energy as an o#tp#t as shown in 'ig#re 1. Ener#$ Con%ersion
E le c tr ic a l E n e r# $ M T ! M e c h a n ic a l E n e r# $

&i#ure 1 There are AC +otors and $C +otors. There is a n#+ber o. di..erent types o. +otor #nder ea/h heading. They +ay be /lassi.ied by their power rating. This +ay be given in Watts or ;orsepower. ,ne ;orsepower is the e6#ivalent o. <)! Watts. =ower ratings range .ro+ a .ew watts* s#/h as those #sed in ele/tri/ /lo/%s* thro#gh to a .ew %ilowatts* s#/h as those #sed in do+esti/* agri/#lt#ral and light d#ty ind#strial sit#ations* to large +otors in the order o. tens o. +egawatts. These are #sed in heavy d#ty ind#strial sit#ations s#/h as +ining* 6#arrying and /e+ent plants. >otors are also /lassi.ied by the way in whi/h their windings are inter/onne/ted. >otors are /lassi.ied depending on the environ+ent in whi/h they are intended to be #sed. 'or e5a+ple* very high te+perat#re lo/ations* da+p lo/ations* d#st laden lo/ations and e5plosive lo/ations. The basi/ re6#ire+ent o. an ele/tri/ +otor is that it sho#ld provide rotational drive. The +otor is .i5ed in position and drives a +e/hani/al syste+ dire/tly or via gears* belts et/. >otors depend .or their operation on the intera/tion between two +agneti/ .ields. 4le/tri/ /#rrent* .lowing thro#gh windings /onsisting o. /opper wire prod#/e both o. these +agneti/ .ields. So+e s+all +otors #se per+anent +agnets to prod#/e one o. the +agneti/ .ields.

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Motor !elated I.E.C. S$'"ols

&i#ure 2

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Three(phase ) S*uirrel Ca#e + Induction Motor.

This +otor is very rob#st and* be/a#se o. its si+pli/ity and tro#ble .ree .eat#res* it is the type o. +otor +ost /o++only e+ployed .or ind#strial #se. There are only three essential parts* na+ely the -).)*, /,.+0* the -).)*, 1$%&$%2- and the -3'$,,04 (.20 ,*)*,.

The Stator Frame

The stator .ra+e +ay be /onstr#/ted .ro+ /ast iron* al#+ini#+ or* rolled steel. 8ts p#rpose is to provide +e/hani/al prote/tion and s#pport .or the stator la+inated +etal /ore* windings and arrange+ents .or ventilation.

The Stator Windings

Three sy++etri/ally pla/ed windings @ one .or ea/h phase A are .itted into slotted la+inations* whi/h are +ade .ro+ high-grade alloy steel to red#/e the e..e/ts o. eddy /#rrents. Generally the si5 ends o. the three windings are bro#ght o#t into a ter+inal bo5. 'ig#re & shows the stator windings .itted into the slotted la+inations. The si5 /olo#red leads .ro+ the winding ends are also visible.

&i#ure , These windings /onsist o. /opper wire ins#lated with varnish* whi/h are .itted into ins#lated slotted la+inations. The i+pregnated varnish re+ains rigid at all wor%ing te+perat#res. 8t has a high ins#lation resistan/e and a high resistan/e to +oist#re* saline at+osphere* a/id or al%aline .#+es and also oil and grease* so giving /o+plete reliability #nder all /onditions.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

'ig#re ) shows a typi/al +otor ter+inal blo/%. The si5 leads .ro+ inside the +otor +#st be /onne/ted to the ter+inal blo/% in the /orre/t order.

&i#ure 4 'ig#re ? shows the si5 leads .ro+ inside the +otor /onne/ted to the ter+inal blo/%. The /olo#rs o. these leads +ay di..er .ro+ one +an#.a/t#rer to another. A rewo#nd +otor will +ost li%ely have di..erent /olo#rs.

&i#ure 'ig#re ! shows a n#t-spinner. These are available in vario#s si9es to s#it di..erent ter+inal blo/%s as re6#ired. 8t is an ideal tool .or /onne/ting and dis/onne/ting a +otor ter+inal blo/%. A set o. so/%ets is another option. P4$0,- -5*'4& %*) 60 '-0& /*, )5$- 1*,7.

&i#ure .

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

'ig#re < shows how the windings are arranged in the slots o. a typi/al stator. The layers o. ins#lation between the windings and the la+inations are also visible.

&i#ure / The ends o. the windings o. the three-phase ind#/tion +otor are identi.ied as shown in 'ig#re (.
02 U2 W 3 U1 11 B PE 01 12

&i#ure 2 8t is essential that the 8*4.,$)9 o. the windings* are s#/h that the three +agneti/ .ields* are a/ting in the sa+e dire/tion. This +eans that the -).,) and /$%$-5 ends o. the windings +#st be /orre/tly identi.ied be.ore -)., or &04). inter/onne/tions are +ade. S#/h +ar%ings are #s#ally atta/hed to the ends o. the windings in the +otor ter+inal bo5. Three-phase AC ind#/tion +otors +'-) be /onne/ted in either -)., or &04). ( whi/hever s#its the s#pply voltage available A. The installer sho#ld re.er to the +an#.a/t#rer7s te/hni/al data on the +otor na+eplate prior to +a%ing any /onne/tions. A +otor* whi/h is wrongly /onne/ted* will 6#i/%ly b#rn-o#t. S#/h three-phase +otors are #s#ally s#pplied with & lin%s* whi/h are #sed to /onne/t the +otor windings in star or delta .or+ation.

*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Star connection
To +a%e a star /onne/tion* the three .inish ends are /onne/ted together. This /onne/tion point is re.erred to as the -)., 8*$%). The three-phase s#pply is /onne/ted to the three start ends. 'ig#re C ill#strates the ter+inal blo/% arrange+ent .or a +otor /onne/ted in -).,.

Motor Ter'inal Bloc3

T5o 4in3s 02 U2 12

U1 11 01


42 &i#ure 6.



'ig#re 10 shows the s/he+ati/ diagra+ and the star graphi/al sy+bol.

Motor 0indin#s connected in Star

2&0B E4ECT!ICA4 SUPP47 4881 , Phase

! T !


12 U2 02


11 01


STA! S$'"ol


STA! Point

&i#ure 18 When /onne/ted to a )00 Bolt three-phase s#pply* a star /onne/ted +otor will have 2&0 Bolts a/ross ea/h winding. So+e three-phase +otor 1$%&$%2- are only s#itable .or 2&0 Bolts. 8. /onne/ted in delta in this sit#ation* they will 6#i/%ly b#rn-o#t. @ Che/% +otor na+eplate A. 0arnin#9 Under no circu'stances should the three(phase suppl$ "e connected to the star point of the 'otor i.e. onto 02(U2(12 as this 5ill cause a short circuit across the suppl$.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Delta Connection
To +a%e a &04). /onne/tion* the .inish end o. one winding is /onne/ted to the start end o. the ne5t winding and so on. 'ig#re 11 ill#strates the ter+inal blo/% arrange+ent .or a +otor /onne/ted in delta.

Motor Ter'inal Bloc3

, 4in3s




PE U1 11 01





&i#ure 11 'ig#re 12 ill#strates the s/he+ati/ diagra+* and the delta graphi/al sy+bol.

Motor 0indin#s connected in :elta

! T !

U1 02
E4ECT!ICA4 SUPP47 4881 , Phase )00B )00B





:E4TA S$'"ol



&i#ure 12 A three-phase +otor having 1$%&$%2- rated .or )00 Bolts sho#ld be /onne/ted in &04). to a )00 Bolt three-phase s#pply. 8. /onne/ted in star in this sit#ation it will only develop one third o. its o#tp#t power* and will stall #nder load. @ Che/% +otor na+eplate A. A three-phase +otor having windings rated .or 2&0 B +ay be /onne/ted in &04). to a 2&0 Bolt three-phase s#pply OR in -)., to a )00 Bolt three-phase s#pply. This type o. +otor is re.erred to as a D'.4 *4).20 M*)*,. @ The windings are rated .or the lower o. the two voltages A.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

The Squirrel Cage Rotor

The s6#irrel /age rotor is +ade #p o. /opper or al#+ini#+ bars Doined together at both ends to .or+ a short-/ir/#ited /age arrange+ent. The sha.t is s#pported on two bearings* one at ea/h end* to red#/e .ri/tion and allow it rotate .reely within the stator. 8t is i+portant to re+e+ber that there are no ele/tri/al /onne/tions +ade to the rotor bars in an ind#/tion +otor. See 'ig#re 1&. !otor Co'plete 5ith :ri%e(Shaft and Bearin#s

&i#ure 1,

Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction

The rotor /onsists o. a sta/% o. steel la+inations with evenly spa/ed slots p#n/hed aro#nd the /ir/#+.eren/e into whi/h are pla/ed solid heavy #n-ins#lated /opper or al#+ini#+ bars. These /ond#/ting bars are then physi/ally and ele/tri/ally Doined together at ea/h end o. the rotor by shorting end-rings. See 'ig#re 1). Cut(a5a$ 1ie5 of !otor

Rotor 1ar

4nd Ring

&i#ure 14


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

8n the /ase o. s+all and +edi#+ si9e +otors* the rotor /ond#/tors and end rings /an be die-/ast in al#+ini#+. See 'ig#re 1?. C*+840)0 R*)*, 4nd Ring 4nd Ring

Cooling 'ins

Steel "a+inations &i#ure 1-

8. the la+inated +etal /o#ld be re+oved* we wo#ld be le.t with the al#+ini#+ s6#irrel /age. 1etter starting and 6#ieter r#nning is a/hieved by having the rotor bars @ /ond#/tors A slightly s%ewed. See 'ig#re 1!. D$0-(.-) S3'$,,04 C.20

4nd Ring

S%ewed Rotor 1ars

&i#ure 1. 8. the /ond#/tors and end rings are +ade o. /opper they will be bra9ed together rather than /ast.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

The rotor is the part o. the +otor that is .ree to rotate. 8t is +o#nted on bearings to red#/e .ri/tion. 1#shings are #sed in so+e s+all +otors. 1e/a#se o. their /onstr#/tion* s6#irrel /age rotors are /heap to +an#.a/t#re and are very rob#st and reliable. The rotor is a sel.-/ontained #nit and has no dire/t /onne/tion to the ele/tri/al s#pply. As previo#sly stated* the operation o. an ele/tri/ +otor depends on the intera/tion between two +agneti/ .ields. 8n the /ase o. the ind#/tion +otor* these +agneti/ .ields res#lt .ro+ /#rrent .lowing in the stator windings and in the /ond#/tors o. the s6#irrel /age rotor. The /#rrent in the stator windings prod#/e a rotating +agneti/ .ield. This +agneti/ .ield sweeps past the rotor /ond#/tors and ind#/es an 4>' in the+. C#rrent .lows in the rotor /ond#/tors and end rings as a res#lt. The ind#/ed /#rrent in the rotor establishes its own +agneti/ .ield* whi/h intera/ts with the +agneti/ .ield o. the stator. This prod#/es a .or/e and hen/e /a#ses the rotor to t#rn in the sa+e dire/tion as the +agneti/ .ield o. the stator. 'ig#re 1< ill#strates the /o+plete str#/t#re o. a three-phase ind#/tion +otor Cooling 'an Ter+inal 1lo/%

Stator Winding


'an Cover


Stator 'ra+e C')-.1.9 $01 */ . T5,00-P5.-0 I%&'()$*% M*)*, &i#ure 1/


Advantages of the Squirrel Cage Motor

They are relatively tro#ble .ree. There are no ele/tri/al /onne/tions to the rotor. The s6#irrel /age rotor is s#itable .or any n#+ber o. stator winding poles. The si+plest and +ost /o++on +otor is the three-phase s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otor. 8t has +any advantages over its single-phase /o#nterpart. These in/l#de /heaper* 6#ieter : s+oother r#nning* a s+aller .ra+e si9e .or a given o#tp#t and less +aintenan/e is re6#ired.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!otor Speeds
When the stator windings are energised* they set #p a rotating +agneti/ .ield* whi/h is re.erred to as the -9%(5,*%*'- -800& ( N- ). This speed is +eas#red in revol#tions per +in#te @ R=> A. NB This is not the speed at which the motor shaft rotates.

The speed o. the rotating +agneti/ .ield depends on2 1. The /,03'0%(9 o. the s#pply 2. The n#+ber o. 8*40- per winding in the +otor When /onsidering the n#+ber o. poles in a +otor we only need to loo% at one o. the windings. This applies to basi/ single-phase and three-phase ind#/tion +otors. A winding will /onsist o. an even n#+ber o. poles. These poles are energised in pairs. A large n#+ber o. poles aro#nd the stator will res#lt in a slow speed +otor. A winding /annot have less than two poles @ one pair o. poles.A. This res#lts in the .astest possible +otor speed .or this type o. +otor. The syn/hrono#s speed +ay be deter+ined by the .ollowing .or+#la2 s Where2 s . !0 = E E E E E . 5 !0 = The speed o. the rotating +agneti/ .ield in R=>. The .re6#en/y o. the s#pply in /y/les per se/ond @ ;9 A. Converts /y/les per se/ond to /y/les per +in#te. The n#+ber o. =airs o. =oles per Winding in the +otor.

1. The syn/hrono#s speed .or a 2 pole +otor operating at ?0 ;9 is2 s E . 5 !0 = ?0 5 !0 1 &000 R=>. Note 2 poles = 1 pair of poles.

s s



*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1


The syn/hrono#s speed .or a ) pole +otor operating at ?0 ;9 is2 s E . 5 !0 = ?0 5 !0 2 1?00 R=>. Note 4 poles = 2 pair of poles.

s s &.


The syn/hrono#s speed .or a ! pole +otor operating at ?0 ;9 is2 s E . 5 !0 = ?0 5 !0 & 1000 R=>. Note 6 poles =3 pair of poles.

s s ).


The syn/hrono#s speed .or an ( pole +otor operating at ?0 ;9 is2 s E . 5 !0 = ?0 5 !0 ) <?0 R=>. Note 8 poles =4 pair of poles.

s s


The syn/hrono#s speed in t#rn deter+ines the rotor speed. As /an be seen .ro+ the above /al/#lations the greater the n#+ber o. poles in the +otor* the slower the o#tp#t speed. The rotor speed is between 2.?F and ?.?F slower than the syn/hrono#s speed at .#ll load. This is the speed* whi/h is given on the +otor na+eplate. The no load speed o. a +otor will be slightly higher than the .#ll load speed. A s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otor /an be /onsidered to be a /onstant speed +otor* as its speed varies only a s+all per/entage with variations in load. Typi/al rotor speeds .or s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otors are2 2(?0 R=> 1)2? R=> C?0 R=> <12 R=> 2 pole +otor ) pole +otor ! pole +otor ( pole +otor 2nd +ost /o++on speed. +ost /o++on speed. &rd +ost /o++on speed. slow speed appli/ations.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!e%ersin# a Three(Phase Induction Motor

'ig#re 1( shows the phase se6#en/e "1 @ 1rown A* "2 @ 1la/% A* "& @ Grey A* applied to the stator windings* whi/h /a#ses the +agneti/ .ield to rotate in a /lo/%wise dire/tion. 8. the .ield rotates in a /lo/%wise dire/tion the rotor also rotates in a /lo/%wise dire/tion. Connections for Cloc35ise !otation

Motor Starter
41 42 4, &i#ure 12 Changing any two o. the phase /onne/tions to the stator windings* reverses the rotating +agneti/ .ield and this in t#rn* reverses the dire/tion o. rotation o. the rotor* see 'ig#re 1C. Connections for Anti(Cloc35ise !otation 42 4, 41


Motor Starter
41 42 4, 4, 42 41


&i#ure 16

To reverse any three-phase ind#/tion +otor* ,0:0,-0 .%9 )1* 4$%0 (*%%0()$*%- . 'or e5a+ple* reverse either "1 and "&* or "1 and "2* or "2 and "&.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Testin# a Three(Phase Induction Motor

Tests hen !solated

1isual Tests Che/% that +otor .ra+e is +e/hani/ally so#nd. Re+ove ter+inal /over plate and /he/% .or ingress o. .oreign +aterial* +oist#re et/. Che/% .or signs o. overheating* ar/ing or b#rning. Che/% ventilation is /lear. Electrical Tests 8denti.y windings #sing a /ontin#ity tester. >eas#re the resistan/e o. the windings @ & identi/al readings A. >eas#re the ins#lation resistan/e between ea/h winding and between windings and .ra+e. Mechanical Tests Che/% that the rotor is .ree to rotate and does so s+oothly : 6#ietly. Che/% that +otor interior is .ree o. dirt* d#st* water and oil. Che/% .or play in bearings. Tests 5hen !unnin# Che/% r#n /#rrents @ 8. #neven /he/% voltage at +otor ter+inals A. Che/% speed o. +otor at no load and .#ll load. Che/% vibration levels and noise levels. Che/% .or te+perat#re hot spots.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Testing of Three"#hase Stator Windings

!esistance Test This test is /arried o#t on an isolated +otor* to /he/% the resistan/e o. the stator windings. 8t is ne/essary to +a%e an a//#rate +eas#re+ent* so a low reading oh++eter or a high-resol#tion digital +#lti+eter sho#ld be #sed. Step 12 Step 22 8solate the +otor ele/tri/ally* and i. ne/essary* +e/hani/ally. 8denti.y the way the +otor ter+inal blo/% is /onne/ted.

Star connected. >a%e a /are.#l note o. how the three s#pply /ables are /onne/ted so as to avoid errors when re-/onne/ting. Two lin%s /onne/t 32-B2-W2. Re+ove the lin%s and the s#pply /ables be.ore /arrying o#t the test. $is/onne/ting the s#pply /ables ens#res that there are no parallel paths via any /ontrol e6#ip+ent* whi/h wo#ld lead to .alse readings being obtained. :elta connected. >a%e a /are.#l note o. how the three s#pply /ables are /onne/ted so as to avoid errors when re-/onne/ting. Three lin%s /onne/t 31 to W2* B1 to 32* W1 to B2G Re+ove the lin%s and the s#pply /ables be.ore /arrying o#t the test. $is/onne/ting the /ables ens#res that there are no parallel paths via any /ontrol e6#ip+ent* whi/h wo#ld lead to .alse readings being obtained. Star(:elta connected . >a%e a /are.#l note o. how the si5 s#pply /ables are /onne/ted so as to avoid errors when re-/onne/ting. 8t is re6#ired that all /ond#/tors be dis/onne/ted .ro+ the ter+inal blo/% d#ring the test. $is/onne/ting the s#pply /ables ens#res that there are no parallel paths via any /ontrol e6#ip+ent* whi/h wo#ld lead to .alse readings being obtained. 8denti.y the & stator windings - #s#ally labelled 31-32* B1-B2* and W1-W2. >eas#re and re/ord the resistan/e o. ea/h winding.

Step &2 Step )2

8. there is any appre/iable di..eren/e between one winding and the other two* this indi/ates a .a#lt /ondition. 8. one winding resistan/e is higher than the other two* this indi/ates that a high resistan/e .a#lt is developing possibly d#e to a poor 6#ality solder Doint. An in.inite resistan/e indi/ates an open /ir/#it @ or brea% A in the winding. 8. the resistan/e o. one winding is lower than the other two* this indi/ates that the winding is be/o+ing short-/ir/#ited. This is possibly d#e to an inter-t#rns short /ir/#it on that winding. 8t is #s#ally the res#lt o. the winding overheating* whi/h da+ages the ins#lation @ shella/ : varnish A* or be/a#se o. +e/hani/al da+age. 1oth .a#lts +ay ne/essitate having the +otor rewo#nd.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

The .ollowing 'ig#res 20 to 22 ill#strate how to /o+plete the winding resistan/e test. !esistance Test on 0indin# U

&i#ure28 !esistance Test on 0indin# 1

&i#ure 21 !esistance Test on 0indin# 0

&i#ure 22


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!nsulation Resistance Test

This is a test /arried o#t to deter+ine the 6#ality o. the ins#lation between2 The windings and the +otor .ra+e 1etween the individ#al windings Insulation !esistance Tests Bet5een 0indin#s and &ra'e Step 12 Step 22 8solate the +otor ele/tri/ally* and i. ne/essary* +e/hani/ally. >a%e a /are.#l note o. how the s#pply /ables are /onne/ted so as to avoid errors when re-/onne/ting. $is/onne/t the s#pply /ables .ro+ the +otor ter+inal blo/% to ens#re that there are no parallel paths via the /ontrol e6#ip+ent* whi/h wo#ld lead to .alse low readings being obtained. S#/h dis/onne/tion o. /ables will also ens#re that any ele/troni/ e6#ip+ent in the /ir/#it will be isolated be.ore the test /o++en/es* as it +ay be da+aged* by the 8ns#lation Resistan/e Test* voltage. >eas#re the ins#lation resistan/e between the 3 winding and .ra+e. So+e +otor +an#.a/t#res re/o++end a reading o. not less than 10 > however a reading o. not less than 2 > is generally a//epted. See 'ig#re 2&.
U2 12

Step &2


PE U1 11 01

8ns#lation Resistan/e Tester ?00B &i#ure 2,


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Step )2

>eas#re the ins#lation resistan/e between the B winding and .ra+e.




PE U1 11 01

8ns#lation Resistan/e Tester ?00B &i#ure 24 Step ?2 >eas#re the ins#lation resistan/e between the W winding and .ra+e.



PE U1 11 01

8ns#lation Resistan/e Tester ?00B &i#ure 2-


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!nsulation Resistance Tests $et een Windings

Step 12 8ns#lation Resistan/e Test between windings 3 and B. See 'ig#re 2!.

&i#ure 2. Step 22 8ns#lation resistan/e test between windings 3 and W. See 'ig#re 2<.

&i#ure 2/


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1


8ns#lation Resistan/e Test between Windings B and W. See 'ig#re 2(.

&i#ure 22 8. the +otor be/o+es da+p it +ay need drying o#t to obtain the +ini+#+ a//eptable ins#lation resistan/e val#e. @ 2 > A


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

4a/h apprenti/e to per.or+ the .ollowing ele/tri/al tests and observations on an isolated &-phase ind#/tion +otor and /o+plete the atta/hed test report sheet. 1. >a%ers a+e. 2. #+ber o. internal /onne/tions. ( Include any star or delta symbols as they appear on motor nameplate )

&. >otor rated voltage. ). >otor .#ll load /#rrent.

?. $eter+ine .ro+ +an#.a/t#rer7s na+eplate the rotor speed. !. >otor rated power in watts 0 ;= @1 ;orse =ower @;=A E <)! wattsA. <. >otor rated .re6#en/y. (. >otor 8= rating. C. Sho#ld the +otor be /onne/ted in star or deltaH 10. S%et/h the +otor ter+inal bo5 and show the three stator windings /onne/ted to their respe/tive ter+inals. 11. 8denti.y stator winding +ar%ings and insert on the report. 12. Carry o#t resistan/e tests o. stator windings and re/ord. 1&. Carry o#t ins#lation resistan/e tests and re/ord.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Test !eport Sheet

Ma3ers Na'e Nu'"er of internal connections Serial No Motor connected in Star or :elta Arran#e'ent of Connections in Ter'inal Bo;


Stator 0indin#s Mar3in#s !esistance of stator 5indin#s !1 - !2. /1 - /2. 01 - 02. M ! a&d / 1i&di&$. / a&d 0 1i&di&$. 0 a&d ! 1i&di&$. M M M *.P.M. A-"s /olts 23 41 5 2P 6

Insulation !esistance Tests "et5een all ends connected to#ether and the fra'e Insulation !esistance Tests "et5een 0indin#s &ull load rotor speed &ull load current per Phase Motors rated %olta#e Motors rated fre*uenc$ Motors rated po5er I.P. ratin# of 'otor An$ additional Infor'ation

Apprentices Na'e :ate


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Methods of Startin# Three(phase Induction Motors

4very +otor re6#ires an e..i/ient +ethod o. starting and stopping* whi/h ta%es into a//o#nt the starting /#rrent o. the +otor. There are several +ethods e+ployed .or starting three-phase ind#/tion +otors. $ire/t-,n-"ine Starting Resistan/e Starting Rea/tan/e Starting A#to-trans.or+er Starting Star-$elta Starting =art-Winding Starting Solid State Starting

$#ring this /o#rse we will only /onsider the $ire/t-,n-"ine @ $.,." A +ethod o. starting. This is the si+plest and +ost /o++only #sed +ethod.

Direct"On"&ine Starting ' D(O(&( )

3nli%e the other starting +ethods listed above* the $.,.". starter does nothing to li+it the starting /#rrent o. the +otor. This starting /#rrent +ay be as high as si5 to seven ti+es the F#ll Load C#rrent ( FLC A. This /an /a#se s#pply di..i/#lties s#/h as di++ing and .li/%ering o. lights and dist#rban/es to other apparat#s d#e to voltage drop. The li+it to the si9e o. +otor* whi/h +ay be started by this +ethod* is al+ost entirely dependant #pon the /onditions o. the s#pply.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

The three-phase s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otor is the +ost /o++only en/o#ntered +otor. A three-phase s#pply is /apable o. prod#/ing a three-phase rotating +agneti/ .ield in the stator. >ost +otors are started #sing the dire/t-on-line @ $," A +ethod. 8t does not provide any +eans o. red#/ing the starting /#rrent o. the +otor. Changing any two o. the phase /onne/tions to the stator windings reverses the phase se6#en/e and this in t#rn reverses the dire/tion o. rotation o. the rotor. The three-phase s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otor is /heaper* 6#ieter* s+oother r#nning* +ore reliable and re6#ires less +aintenan/e than the single-phase ind#/tion +otor.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Sin#le(phase Induction Motors

When a single-phase s#pply is /onne/ted to a single stator winding it provides an .4)0,%.)$%2 rather than a rotating +agneti/ .ield and the rotor will not t#rn. ;owever* single-phase +otors will r#n s#//ess.#lly provided that an initial start is given to the rotor. They will r#n in either dire/tion depending on the dire/tion o. the initial start. This initial start is prod#/ed by providing an arti.i/ial phase* whi/h si+#lates a two-phase s#pply. 8n order to /reate this arti.i/ial phase* single-phase ind#/tion +otors are +an#.a/t#red with two separate windings. These windings are /onne/ted in parallel with ea/h other d#ring starting. ,ne winding is /alled the >ain Winding @ or R#n Winding A* while the other winding is /alled the A#5iliary Winding @ or Start Winding A. The +ain winding is always le.t in /ir/#it* b#t the a#5iliary winding +.9 be dis/onne/ted on/e the +otor has started. There are .o#r di..erent types o. single-phase ind#/tion +otor. The parti/#lar na+e given to ea/h o. these relates to its starting arrange+ent* and is as .ollows. 1. 2. &. ). Split =hase >otor. Capa/itor Start >otor. Capa/itor Start and R#n >otor. Capa/itor Start Capa/itor R#n >otor.

They are in /o++on #se* parti/#larly in do+esti/* agri/#lt#ral and /o++er/ial spheres. Singlephase ind#/tion +otors /annot /o+pete with the per.or+an/e or e..i/ien/y o. three-phase ind#/tion +otors. They are +ore tro#bleso+e* +ainly on a//o#nt o. the an/illary starting e6#ip+ent re6#ired. They are also physi/ally larger than e6#ally rated three-phase +otors.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Construction of a Single"*hase !nduction Motor

The basi/ /onstr#/tion o. the single-phase ind#/tion +otor is si+ilar to that o. a three-phase ind#/tion +otor. The +ain di..eren/e is that it has only two stator windings. The operating prin/iple is si+ilar to that o. the three-phase ind#/tion +otor* e5/ept that the rotating +agneti/ .ield re6#ired to start it* +#st be prod#/ed .ro+ a single-phase s#pply.

Single"*hase Motor Winding !dentification

>otor +an#.a/t#rers #se a standard +ar%ing syste+ to identi.y the winding ends in the ter+inal bo5. The +ain winding ends are identi.ied in the ter+inal bo5 as 3 1 and 32 and are '-'.449 /olo#red red and bla/%. The a#5iliary winding ends are identi.ied in the ter+inal bo5 as I 1 and I2 and while there is no standard /olo#r* they will at least have di..erent /olo#rs to that o. the +ain winding. See 'ig. 2C. Main ) !un + 0indin#

Au; ) Start + 0indin# 05500indin#

<1 <2 U1 U2 1 M*)*, T0,+$%.4 B*; &i#ure 26


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

T%*ical Single"*hase !nduction Motor

&i#ure ,8 The rotor is si+ilar in /onstr#/tion to the three-phase version. 8t +ay have a /entri.#gal swit/h +e/hanis+ atta/hed to it. A Single-phase S6#irrel-Cage Rotor in/orporating a /entri.#gal swit/h +e/hanis+ is shown in 'ig#re &1.

&i#ure ,1


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

O*en +ie

of Ca*acitor Start , Ca*acitor Run Motor

Start Capa/itor

R#n Capa/itor

"ead to Centri.#gal Swit/h

"ead .ro+ Centri.#gal Swit/h

&i#ure ,2

Centri.#gal,pe rating >e/hanis+ Swit/h Ter+inal

Swit/h ,perating "ever Swit/h Conta/t

&i#ure ,,


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

The Centrifugal S itch

The role o. the /entri.#gal swit/h is to dis/onne/t all or part o. the start /ir/#it* .ro+ the s#pply on/e the rotor has rea/hed between <? and (0F o. its .#ll speed. 8t /onsists o. a +e/hani/al #nit* whi/h prod#/es physi/al +ove+ent at the re6#ired speed. This physi/al +ove+ent is arranged so that it opens a /onta/t. >any o. these #nits are dis/ li%e* /onsisting o. two .lyer weights and /ontrol springs. When over/o+e by the /entri.#gal +ove+ent o. the .lyer weights* the /ontrol springs yield* allowing the dis/ to +ove a s+all distan/e. This +ove+ent opens the swit/h /onta/t. The swit/h dis/onne/ts part o. the start /ir/#it .ro+ the s#pply. 'ig#res &) and &? ill#strate this +e/hani/al prin/iple in si+ple diagra++ati/al .or+. S5itch Position 5ith Motor at !est
Mo"ile S5itch Carria#e Contact Closed

Motor Shaft

4oc3in# =e$ &l$er 0ei#hts

Insulated disc

&i#ure ,4 S5itch Position 5ith Motor !unnin#

Centrifu#al Mo%e'ent Contact pen

Motor Shaft

Control Sprin#s

&i#ure ,When the +otor is swit/hed o..* the rotor loses speed and the /ontrol springs p#ll the dis/ ba/% to its original position. This /loses the /onta/t and re/onne/ts the start /ir/#it .or the ne5t starting se6#en/e.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

S*lit #hase Motor

The a#5iliary winding o. a -84$) 85.-0 +*)*, /onsists o. .ine wire* i.e. wire o. s+all /ross se/tional area and th#s has a high resistan/e @ R A. This winding is also wo#nd so as to have a low ind#/tive rea/tan/e @ J" A. Conversely the +ain winding has a +#/h lower resistan/e than the a#5iliary winding as it is wo#nd with a larger /ross se/tional area wire* b#t it has a higher ind#/tive rea/tan/e @ J" A. The a#5iliary winding is -5*,) )$+0 ,.)0& @ S.T.R. A and will 6#i/%ly overheat and b#rn o#t* i. le.t in /ir/#it /ontin#o#sly.
Main ) !un + 0indin# I1



Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin# Centrifu#al S5itch

4 Suppl$


&i#ure ,. 'ro+ .ig#re &! it /an be seen that the high resistan/e a#5iliary winding is $% 8.,.4404 with the +ain winding as the +otor is being started. When the s#pply is swit/hed on* the /#rrent 8 1 passes thro#gh the +ain winding and 82 passes thro#gh the a#5iliary winding. The two /#rrents do not rise si+#ltaneo#sly in ti+e* d#e to the ind#/tive e..e/t o. the +ain winding. This ti+e delay between the two /#rrents /reates an arti.i/ial phase. The two /#rrents prod#/e two +agneti/ .ields* whi/h are o#t o. step with ea/h other. 8n e..e/t we now have a rotating +agneti/ .ield in the stator si+ilar to* b#t not as e..e/tive as a three-phase +otor. When the rotor a/hieves <?-(0F o. its nor+al speed the /entri.#gal swit/h operates and dis/onne/ts the a#5iliary winding .ro+ the /ir/#it leaving only the +ain winding in /ir/#it. ,n/e the rotor is #p to this speed* there is no ne/essity .or the a#5iliary winding* as the tor6#e prod#/ed by the +ain winding* pl#s its own +o+ent#+* %eeps it t#rning. This +otor has a low starting tor6#e* abo#t 2?F o. its .#ll load tor6#e. The o#tp#t is li+ited to abo#t &<0 Watts be/a#se o. the high starting /#rrents asso/iated with it @ .o#r to si5 ti+es .#ll load /#rrent A. 8t is #sed to drive s+all .ans and re.rigerator /o+pressors.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Ca*acitor Start Motor

When a /apa/itor o. a s#itable val#e is /onne/ted in series with the a#5iliary winding* it red#/es the ind#/tive rea/tan/e @ J" A o. that winding /ir/#it to a low val#e. The +ain winding /ir/#it now has a higher ind#/tive rea/tan/e and the two bran/h /#rrents 8 1 and 82 now have a greater ti+e di..eren/e between the+. This ti+e di..eren/e between the two /#rrents sets #p a rotating +agneti/ .ield in the stator and again* the rotor t#rns in the sa+e dire/tion.
Main ) !un + 0indin# I1 Start Capacitor



Au;iliar$ ) start + 0indin# Centrifu#al S5itch

4 Suppl$


&i#ure ,/ ,n/e the +otor rea/hes <?-(0F .#ll speed the /entri.#gal swit/h opens /a#sing the s#pply to be dis/onne/ted .ro+ the a#5iliary winding and /apa/itor. This +otor has a high starting tor6#e* abo#t 1?0F .#ll load tor6#e. The (.8.($)*, -).,) +*)*, is +ore e..i/ient than the split phase +otor and is +ore widely #sed. The Ca*acitor The /apa/itor #sed in the (.8.($)*, -).,) +*)*, is a large ele/trolyti/ type designed .or #se on AC b#t is short ti+e rated @ S.T.R. A or inter+ittently rated. This +eans the /apa/itor +#st not be le.t in /ir/#it @ energised A longer than its spe/i.ied ti+e. $epending on the power rating o. the +otor its val#e will be between 20 K' and &00 K'. 8t will have a wor%ing voltage o. appro5i+ately 2<? Bolts. This /apa/itor +ay be +o#nted piggyba/% .ashion on the +otor or lo/ated in the +otor ter+inal bo5.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Ca*acitor Start and Run Motor ' #ermanent Ca*acitor Motor )

oti/e that there is no /entri.#gal swit/h e+ployed in this type o. +otor. Again the +otor has two windings* a +ain winding and an a#5iliary winding. "oo%ing at the a#5iliary winding* it /an be seen that it has a per+anently /onne/ted /apa/itor in series with it. This +eans that the +otor /ontin#es r#nning with both windings in /ir/#it.
Main ) !un + 0indin# I1 !otor


Au;iliar$ 0indin# Pol$prop$lene !un Capacitor

N Suppl$


&i#ure ,2 The o#t/o+e is a s+oother r#nning +otor* with better e..i/ien/y and i+proved per.or+an/e over the -84$) 85.-0 +*)*, or the (.8.($)*, -).,) +*)*,. Starting tor6#e is appro5i+ately ?0F o. its .#ll load tor6#e. R#nning tor6#e is higher than the /apa/itor start or split phase +otors. The Ca*acitor The /apa/itor #sed in the (.8.($)*, -).,) .%& ,'% +*)*, is a polypropylene type and is /ontin#o#sly rated. $epending on the power rating o. the +otor its val#e will be between 1 K' and &0 K'. 8t will have a wor%ing voltage o. appro5i+ately )00 Bolts.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Ca*acitor Start Ca*acitor Run Motor

This type o. +otor e+ploys two /apa/itors. 1oth /apa/itors are #sed .or starting. ,ne /apa/itor is swit/hed o#t when the +otor r#ns #p to appro5i+ately (0F o. .#ll load speed. The other /apa/itor is le.t in /ir/#it when the +otor is r#nning. Th#s the 2**& -).,)$%2 80,/*,+.%(0 */ )50 (.8.($)*, -).,) +*)*, is /o+bined with the 2**& ,'%%$%2 80,/*,+.%(0 */ )50 (.8.($)*, -).,) .%& ,'% +*)*,.
Main ) !un + 0indin# I1 !otor Start Capacitor Electrol$tic T$pe


Au;iliar$ 0indin#

Centrifu#al S5itch !un Capacitor Pol$prop$lene T$pe

N Suppl$


&i#ure ,6 This +otor is /apable o. starting and driving against heavier loads than the other single-phase ind#/tion types D#st /overed. 8t has the advantage o. 6#ieter* s+oother r#nning* higher e..i/ien/y and better per.or+an/e. Starting tor6#e is appro5i+ately 2.? ti+es its .#ll load tor6#e. The Ca*acitors The start /apa/itor #sed in the (.8.($)*, -).,) (.8.($)*, ,'% +*)*, is a large 040(),*49)$( )980 designed .or #se on AC b#t is $%)0,+$))0%)49 ,.)0&. $epending on the power rating o. the +otor its val#e will be between 20 K' and &00 K'. 8t will have a wor%ing voltage o. appro5i+ately 2<? Bolts. The r#n /apa/itor #sed in the (.8.($)*, -).,) (.8.($)*, ,'% +*)*, is a 8*498,*8940%0 )980 and is (*%)$%'*'-49 ,.)0&. $epending on the power rating o. the +otor its val#e will be between 1 K' and &0 K'. 8t will have a wor%ing voltage o. appro5i+ately )00 Bolts.

Rotor S*eeds
Single-phase s6#irrel /age ind#/tion +otors are available with appro5i+ately the sa+e range o. operating speeds as their three-phase /o#nterparts.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Testin# a Sin#le(phase Induction Motor

Winding Resistance Test
This test is /arried o#t on an isolated +otor* to /he/% the resistan/e o. the stator windings. 8t is ne/essary to +a%e an a//#rate +eas#re+ent. 'ig#re )0 shows all leads /onne/ted to the +otor ter+inal blo/%. This is seldo+ done in pra/ti/al +otors. There will nor+ally be at least one /onne/tion hidden away inside the +otor. ;owever* it is still possible to test all the /o+ponents. Step 12 Step 22 Step &2 Step ) 8solate the +otor ele/tri/ally* and i. ne/essary* +e/hani/ally. 8denti.y the way the +otor ter+inal blo/% is /onne/ted. 8denti.y the 2 stator windings - #s#ally labelled 31-32 and I1-I2. >eas#re and re/ord the resistan/e o. ea/h winding.

Main Winding Resistance Test

Main ) !un + 0indin#


Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin#





Motor Ter'inal Bo;


&i#ure 48


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Au-iliar% Winding Resistance Test

Main ) !un + 0indin#


Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin#



<2 Motor Ter'inal Bo;



&i#ure 41 These are ideal tests to +eas#re the resistan/e o. the stator windings. ;owever* it will not indi/ate whether any part o. the windings have been short-/ir/#ited be/a#se o. +e/hani/al da+age or over-/#rrent. To establish this* %nowledge +#st .irst be obtained .ro+ the +an#.a/t#rer7s data. ;owever* the a#5iliary winding will '-'.449 re/ord a higher resistan/e val#e than the +ain winding* and depending on the design o. the +otor* /o#ld be #p to 10 ti+es greater in val#e. At this stage tests /an also be per.or+ed to ens#re that the /entri.#gal swit/h and leads .or+ a path o. low resistan/e @ Swit/h /losed reading al+ost 0 A. The /apa/itor and asso/iated leads sho#ld also be tested @ See LTesting a Capa/itorM in the .ollowing pages A.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!nsulation Resistance Test bet een Windings and Frame

Step 1 Step 2 8solate the +otor ele/tri/ally and +e/hani/ally i. ne/essary. >a%e a /are.#l note o. how the s#pply /ables and any lin%s are /onne/ted* so as to avoid errors when re/onne/ting. Re+ove the lin%s and the s#pply /ables be.ore /arrying o#t the test. $is/onne/ting the s#pply /ables ens#res that there are no parallel paths via any /ontrol e6#ip+ent* whi/h wo#ld lead to .alse readings being obtained. Che/% the ins#lation resistan/e between +ain winding and .ra+e as shown in 'ig#re )2.
Main ) !un + 0indin#

Step &


Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin#


<1 <2 Motor Ter'inal Bo;


Insulation !esistance Tester

F$2',0 4".


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Step )

Che/% the ins#lation resistan/e between a#5iliary winding and .ra+e as shown in 'ig#re )&.
Main ) !un + 0indin#


Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin#


<1 <2 Motor Ter'inal Bo;


Insulation !esistance Tester

&i#ure 4, The /entri.#gal swit/h* /apa/itor@sA and asso/iated /ables sho#ld also be tested to veri.y their val#es o. ins#lation resistan/e.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!nsulation Resistance Test $et een Windings

1e.ore the val#e o. ins#lation resistan/e /an be deter+ined* the two windings have to be identi.ied .ro+ ea/h other. @ See previo#s se/tion on how to per.or+ resistan/e test A.
Main ) !un + 0indin#


Au;iliar$ ) Start + 0indin#



<2 Motor Ter'inal Bo;


Insulation !esistor Tester

&i#ure 44 'or both 8ns#lation Resistan/e Tests the +ini+#+ a//eptable val#e is 2 >G however a +#/h higher reading wo#ld nor+ally be e5pe/ted. 8. the +otor be/o+es da+p it +ay need drying o#t to obtain the +ini+#+ a//eptable ins#lation resistan/e val#e. An 8ns#lation Resistan/e Test sho#ld also be done between the windings and any starting e6#ip+ent* e.g. /apa/itor@sA* /entri.#gal swit/h and asso/iated /ables.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Testing a Ca*acitor
Capa/itors sho#ld be tested #sing a proprietary /apa/itan/e tester* or a digital +#lti+eter with an appropriate /apa/itan/e s/ale. 0arnin#> 1e.ore testing* ens#re that the /apa/itor is .#lly dis/harged a.ter dis/onne/ting it .ro+ the s#pply.

&i#ure 4'ollow the +an#.a/t#rer7s instr#/tions when testing a /apa/itor #sing one o. the instr#+ents +entioned above.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Testing a Centrifugal S itch

Che/% the +e/hanis+ o. the /entri.#gal swit/h* ens#ring that when the .lier weights are +oved by hand* the /onta/t opens* and when the .lier weights are released* the /onta/t /loses. The swit/h /onta/t s#r.a/es +ay be /leaned with .ine e+ery paper i. ne/essary. Also /he/% the lead /onne/tions on the .i5ed ba/% plate.

#roblems ensuing from centrifugal s itching devices

=ra/ti/al di..i/#lties +ay appear in +any di..erent ways* .re6#ently res#lting in the +otor not being able to start or to /hange .ro+ one r#nning +ode to another. "isted are two /o++on /onditions* whi/h /an a..e/t the a#to+ati/ swit/hing se6#en/e.


S itch #ermanentl% Closed

This o.ten res#lts .ro+ a proble+ s#/h as a sei9ed swit/h asse+bly* ar/ welded swit/h /onta/t. Sho#ld this o//#r the start /ir/#it will %*) be dis/onne/ted when the +otor starts. This will res#lt in .ail#re o. the start /apa/itor or start winding* #nless the overload prote/tion operates or the s#pply is +an#ally dis/onne/ted. To re/ti.y2 Repair or /hange the swit/h asse+bly .or a /orre/t repla/e+ent Carry o#t resistan/e and ins#lation resistan/e tests on both windings. Che/%* and i. ne/essary repla/e the /apa/itor. 8t +ay be .a#lty as a res#lt o. the de.e/tive /entri.#gal swit/h /onta/t or +e/hanis+.


S itch #ermanentl% O*en

This o.ten res#lts .ro+ a /ontrol spring proble+ @ bro%en spring A* a sei9ed or sti/%ing swit/h asse+bly* worn asse+bly parts or da+aged /onta/ts. A +otor .alling /as#alty to this proble+ will not start #naided. 8t will prod#/e a L?0 /y/le h#+M. The res#lt will be .ail#re o. the +ain winding #nless the overload prote/tion operates or the s#pply is +an#ally dis/onne/ted. To re/ti.y Repair or /hange the swit/h asse+bly .or a /orre/t repla/e+ent. Carry o#t resistan/e and ins#lation resistan/e tests on the +ain winding.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!e%ersin# a Sin#le(phase Induction Motor

The dire/tion o. rotation o. a single-phase ind#/tion +otor /annot be /hanged si+ply by reversing the polarity o. the s#pply to the +otor. 8t /an only be reversed by inter/hanging either the +ain winding /onne/tions @ 31 - 32 A *, the a#5iliary winding /onne/tions @ I1 - I2 A.

Reversal of Ca*acitor Start Motor

Main ) !un + 0indin# U1 U2

<1 Au;iliar$ ) start + 0indin# <2

4 Suppl$


Cloc35ise !otation &i#ure 4. !e%ersal of the Au;iliar$ 0indin#

Main ) !un + 0indin#
Main ) !un + 0indin#

!e%ersal of the Main 5indin#





<1 <2
<1 Au;iliar$ ) start + 0indin# <2

Au;iliar$ ) start + 0indin#

4 Suppl$


4 Suppl$


Anti(cloc35ise !otation &i#ure 4/

Anti(cloc35ise !otation &i#ure 42


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Methods of Startin# Sin#le(phase Induction Motors

Single-phase +otors o. <.? %W o#tp#t are available. >otors #p to ) %W are in /o++on #se* parti/#larly in agri/#lt#ral pre+ises. The starting /#rrent o. these +otors is .o#r to si5 ti+es their .#ll load /#rrent. This +ay /a#se s#pply di..i/#lties s#/h as di++ing and .li/%ering o. lights and other line dist#rban/es. Cons#ltation with the ele/tri/ity s#pply a#thority is advisable in s#/h /ir/#+stan/es prior to installation o. large single-phase +otors. There are two +ethods e+ployed .or starting single-phase ind#/tion +otors. $ire/t-,n-"ine Series =arallel

The +ethod o. starting #s#ally #sed is $ire/t ,n "ine. This +ethod does nothing to red#/e the starting /#rrent o. the +otor. The li+it to the si9e o. +otor* whi/h +ay be started by this +ethod* is al+ost entirely dependant #pon the /onditions o. the s#pply. $#ring this /o#rse we only /onsider the @ $.,." A +ethod o. starting. This is the si+plest and +ost /o++only #sed +ethod.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

Single-phase ind#/tion +otors /onsist o.2 1. A standard /age rotor. 2. A stator #s#ally /onsisting o. two windings. There are two +ain starting +ethods or arrange+ents .or single-phase ind#/tion +otors2 1. 8nd#/tive Winding. 2. Capa/itive Winding. The split phase ind#/tion +otor is the na+e given to a parti/#lar type o. +otor where a rotating +agneti/ .ield is prod#/ed by having the a#5iliary winding o. a higher ind#/tan/e or resistan/e than the +ain winding. When a /apa/itor@sA o. a s#itable val#e are /onne/ted in series with the a#5iliary winding* a rotating +agneti/ .ield is established. The na+es o. the /apa/itor +otors are derived .ro+ the way the /apa/itor@sA are /onne/ted to the a#5iliary winding. The s#pply is generally swit/hed dire/tly onto single-phase +otors. The dire/tion o. rotation o. a single-phase ind#/tion +otor +ay be reversed by inter/hanging 0$)50, the a#5iliary winding /onne/tions @ I1 - I2 A or the +ain winding /onne/tions @ 31- 32 A.

4a/h apprenti/e is to per.or+ the .ollowing ele/tri/al tests and observations on an I-*4.)0& S$%240-85.-0 I%&'()$*% M*)*,. Then /o+plete the atta/hed report sheet. >a%ers na+e. Serial no. Starting arrange+ent. e.g. LCapa/itor StartM Arrange+ent o. /onne/tions in ter+inal bo5. Stator windings +ar%ings. Resistan/e o. stator windings. 8ns#lation resistan/e tests. Capa/itor tests. Centri.#gal swit/h tests. '#ll load rotor speed. '#ll load /#rrent. >otor rated voltage. >otor rated .re6#en/y. >otor rated o#tp#t power. 8.=. Rating. Any additional in.or+ation.


*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1


Electrical Course Notes Module 2.4.1

!eport Sheet
Ma3ers Na'e Serial No Startin# Arran#e'ent Arran#e'ent of Connections in Ter'inal Bo;



Stator 0indin# Mar3in#s !esistance of Stator 0indin#s <1 ( <2 U1 ( U2 Insulation !esistance Tests "et5een all 5indin# ends connected to#ether and the fra'e Insulation !esistance Tests "et5een 'ain and au;iliar$ 0indin#s Start Capacitor ? t$pe Capacitance 1alue 1olta#e !atin# !un Capacitor t$pe ( )if fitted+ Capacitance 1alue 1olta#e !atin# Capacitor Test9 Usin# a proprietar$ capacitance tester Centrifu#al S5itch9 Electrical !esistance across S5itch Contact &ull 4oad !otor Speed &ull 4oad Current Motors !ated 1olta#e Motors !ated &re*uenc$ Motors !ated utput Po5er I.P. !atin#

M M @& 1olts @& 1olts &AI4 A B : !.P.M. A'ps 1olts CD 30

Apprentice Na'e9



*e+isio& 4, No+e-ber 2)1

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