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Participant Name:_______________________________________Birth Date:_______________Phone #_______________________ Street:__________________________________________________email:____________________________________ City:___________________________________________State:_____________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name/Reationship____________________________ ________________Emergnecy contact Phone#___________________

User Terms and Conditions

1. Red Roc Clim!ing Center and any o" its employees# directors# o""icers# agents# representati$es# or assigns %hereina"ter &RRCC'( reser$es the rights in its sole discretion to re")se entry# or to remo$e any )ser %&participant'( incl)ding his/her *)est "rom RRCC+s property %the &,acility'( or "rom participation in any acti$ity organi-ed !y RRCC "or any reason .hatsoe$er. /ny s)ch re")sal o" entry or remo$al !y RRCC shall !e its sole discretion. RRCC shall not !e responsi!le "or the sa"e eeping# loss# the"t# or damage o" any participant+s property or the property o" any g)est that is !ro)ght into the "acility. Participant shall comply .ith and o!ser$e all r)les and reg)lations o" RRCC and the terms and conditions o" this agreement at all time and shall ass)re that his/her *)est%s( complies .ith and o!ser$es the same. /ny delay or "ail)re !y RRCC to e3ercise its rights and/or remedies )nder this agreement does not constit)te a .ai$er o" any s)ch right or remedy. 5he terms and conditions herein %as amended "rom time to time( constit)tes the entire agreement !et.een the participant and RRCC regarding the participants )se o" the "acility and s)per cedes all pre$io)s agreements# )nderstandings and arrangements# .ritten or oral !et.een the participant and RRCC in relation to s)ch matters. 7n the e$ent o" an emergency# RRCC is a)thori-ed to noti"y the person%s( listed )nder participant+s emergency contact in"ormation.

0. 1. 2. 4.


RRCC Liability Wai er

7 %participant( )nderstand that roped clim!ing# !o)ldering# and other acti$ities no. a$aila!le or that may !ecome a$aila!le at the ,acility in their $ario)s "orms# as .ell as preparation "or participating in# coaching# or spotting# $ol)nteering# and all other aspects in$ol$ed .ith these acti$ities %collecti$ely re"erred to hereina"ter as &/cti$ities'( are inherently dangero)s acti$ities in$ol$ing many Ris!s"Dan#ers and $a%ards& 5hese ris s# Dangers and ha-ards incl)de# !)t are not limited to# "alling# collisions .ith o!8ects# people or str)ct)res# !eing str)c !y other participants or o!8ects %incl)ding loose holds and or clim!ing e9)ipment(# !rea ing# or spinning hand holds# )ne3pected and )ncontrolled "alls# )ne$en padding or other "acility that may e3acer!ate or contri!)te to dangero)s "alls# e9)ipment "ail)re# the actions o" other participants incl)ding negligence# or ine3perience o" the Participants partner%s(# o$er)se in8)ries# the aggra$ation o" pree3isting conditions# or other "oreseea!le or )n"oreseea!le e$ents and circ)mstances. 7 )nderstand that IN'URIE( )* ALL TYPE( ARE A C)MM)N AND )RDINARY )CCURRENCE o" the acti$ities. 7 no. that the ris o" (EVERE IN'URY and e$en DEAT$ e3ist in the participation acti$ities. 7 also )nderstand that maintenance o" the ,acility and e9)ipment# training# coaching# instr)ction# s)per$isors# en"orcement or lac thereo" o" any r)les or reg)lations# ro)te setting# or any added sa"ety meas)res %hereina"ter &/ssociated /cti$ities'( !y RRCC# its s)!sidiaries# a""iliates# o""icers# directors# employees# $ol)nteers# agents# coaches# instr)ctors# contractors# representati$es# competition organi-ers# and sponsors and e9)ipment pro$iders do not and cannot g)rantee my sa"ety. 7 %Participant( here!y represent that 7 am "it and s)""er "rom no ad$erse health condition or e""ect that .o)ld limit my a!ility to participate in any /cti$ities o""ered !y RRCC. 7 %Participant( here!y represent that any o" my o.n e9)ipment that 7 )se at the "acility is sa"e and in no .ay shall RRCC !e lia!le "or any damage ca)sed to mysel" or a third party "or any "ail)re o" any s)ch e9)ipment. 7 %Participant( here!y represent that 7 ha$e cond)cted a thoro)gh $is)al inspection o" the ,acility and e9)ipment 7 .ill !e )sing and 7 am a.are o" any potential ha-ards associated .ith the ,acility and/or s)ch e9)ipment. :ith ")ll no.ledge and )nderstanding o" the RI(+ )* (EVERE IN'URY AND DEAT$ in$ol$ed in the acti$ities and the /ssociated /cti$ities. I *REELY AND V)LUNTARILY ACCEPT AND *ULLY A((UME T$E RI(+ T$AT I MAY (U**ER TEMP)RARY" PERMANENT )R EVEN *ATAL IN'URIE(" e$en i" 7 "ollo. the instr)ctions or ad$ice o" RRCC.


7n consideration o" RRCC acceptance o" my mem!ership application or day )se o" the ,acility# and in spite o" the ris o" se$ere or permanent in8)ry# or e$en death# the )ndersigned agrees as "ollo.s. 1. 7 %Participant( here!y )nconditionally WAIVE AND RELEA(E ANY AND ALL CLAIM( AND CLAU(E( )* ACTI)N )* ANY +IND )R NATURE AGAIN(T RRCC" AND ANY MANU*ACTURER( )R DI(TRIBUT)R( )* E-UIPMENT U(ED BY RRCC" RELATED IN ANY WAY T) T$E ACTIVITIE( )R T$E A(()CIATED ACTIVITIE(& T$I( WAIVER AND RELEA(E INCLUDE( BUT I( N)T LIMITED T) ANY (UC$ CLAIM( )R CAU(E( )* ACTI)N" present or ")t)re# related to in8)ry %incl)ding DEAT$( s)""ered !y any person "rom or in connection .ith participant engaging in any /cti$ities and "rom /ssociated /cti$ities d)e to any ca)se .hatsoe$er# INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE and/or !reach o" i" e3press or implied .arranty on the part o" RRCC. Participant agrees to hold harmless# de"end# and indemni"y RRCC "rom any claim or action# present or ")t)re# related to in8)ry or damage to participant his/her property or to any other person or property# "or any loss# damage# e3pense or in8)ry %incl)ding DEAT$( s)""ered !y any person "rom or in connection .ith Participant+s participation in any /cti$ities or /ssociated /cti$ities# d)e to any ca)se .hatsoe$er incl)ding negligence and/or !reach o" e3press or implied .arranty on the part o" RRCC. Participant here!y RELIEVE( RRCC )* ANY DUTY T) PR)TECT PARTICIPANT *R)M $ARM in connection .ith any /cti$ities# or /ssociated /cti$ities in .hich RRCC is in$ol$ed in any .ay. 7n the e$ent Participant does s)""er any type o" damages or in8)ry# Participant shall noti"y RRCC immediately o" any s)ch occ)rrence or ca)se. Participant a)thori-es RRCC to sta!ili-e# o!tain medical care "or# or transport him/her to a medical "acility or hospital i"# in the opinion o" RRCC medical attention is re9)ired and Participant is )na!le to ma e s)ch decisions "or himsel"/hersel". Participant agrees to pay all cost associated .ith s)ch medical care and related transportation and shall DE*END" INDEMNI*Y" AND $)LD $ARMLE(( RRCC o" and "rom the conse9)ences o" s)ch decisions and "rom any s)ch cost inc)rred relating to the pro$ision o" medical care. 5his lia!ility :ai$er shall contin)e in e""ect in perpet)ity so that each time a Participant or mem!er )ses the ,acility or participates in any /cti$ity "rom this date this .ai$er is signed "or.ard he/she shall !e !o)nd !y the terms and conditions herein. 7" any pro$ision o" this agreement or the application o" any s)ch pro$ision to any person or circ)mstance is held in$alid# the remainder o" this agreement# and the application o" s)ch pro$ision other than to the e3tent it is held in$alid# .ill not !e in$alidated or a""ected here!y. 5his agreement shall !e constr)ed in accordance .ith# and go$erned !y the s)!stanti$e la.s o" the State o" Ne$ada# .itho)t re"erence to principles go$erning choice or con"licts o" la.s. 7n addition# participant agrees not to s)e or ma e claim against any a!o$e=mentioned parties# and that any action or claims relating in any .ay to this /greement# the rights con"erred here!y or the )se o" the "acility# incl)ding claims "or personal in8)ry or related loss m)st !e resol$ed in Ne$ada district co)rts. 5he party pre$ailing in and s)ch case shall !e entitled to reco$er its cost incl)ding attorney+s "ees# and e3pert .itness "ees.


1. 2. 4.

6. ;. <.

S7*N/5>RE ?, P/REN5 ?R @E*/@ */>RD7/N REA>7RED ,?R P/R57C7P/N5S >NDER 5BE /*E ?, 1<
/s the parent or legal g)ardian o" the minor participant named a!o$e# /7l here!y ma e and enter into each and e$ery agreement# representation# .ai$er and release descri!ed a!o$e on !ehal" o" mysel"# Participant# and any other parent or legal g)ardian o" the participant# intending that they !e !inding on me# the Participant# and o)r respecti$e heirs# e3ec)tors# personal representati$es# administrators# and assigns. By a""i3ing my signat)re !elo. 7 represent that 7 intend to gi$e )p my right o" Participant# and the right o" any other parent or g)ardian or person to maintain any claim or s)it against RRCC arising o)t o" Participant+s participation in any /cti$ities or related in any .ay to the /ssociated /cti$ities. 7 ")rther agree to hold harmless# de"end# and indemni"y RRCC o" and "rom any claims "rom third parties arising "rom or related to the minor child participant+s participation in any /cti$ities or /ssociated /cti$ities.

Parent or Le#al Ga0rdian1s (i#nat0re/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Printed Name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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