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Adelia Putri Sabrina 1102013005 1-A

1. SKENARIO Seorang anak berusia 15 tahun datang ke Rumah Sakit bersama ayahnya dengan keluhan flu dan demam yang disertai dengan nyeri pada bagian pipi. Anak tersebut mengatakan bahwa keluhannya tersebut tak kunjung sembuh selama 10 hari. Ia juga mengatakan bahwa ia tidah mempunyai riwayat sinusitis. Setelah dokter melakukan anamnesis, dokter menyarankan untuk melakukan test CT-Scan untuk mendeteksi penyakit sinusitis. Namun, menurut informasi yang didapat dari rekan kerja sang ayah, test MRI juga bisa mendeteksi sinusitis. Kemudia, sang Ayah menanyakan kepada dokter tentang efektifitas teknologi tersebut. 2. PERTANYAAN KLINIS BACKGROUND : Apa yang dimaksud dengan Sinusitis? Apa saja gejala yang dialami penderita Sinusitis? Apa penyebab penyakit tersebut? Apakah Sinusitis merupakan penyakit menular?

FOREGROUND Pemeriksaan manakah CTScan dengan MRI ? 3. KOMPONEN PICO Patient / Population Intervention : : Seorang Anak berusia 15 tahun CT-Scan MRI Hasil yang lebih akurat yang lebih akurat untuk mendeteksi sinusitis antara

Comparison / Control : Objective / Outcome :


Comparison of the efficacy of lamivudine and telbivudine in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review 8. LAMPIRAN ARTIKEL YANG DIPILIH

MRI vs. high-resolution CT scanning: evaluation of the anterior skull base.

Levine PA, Paling MR, Black WC, Cantrell RW. Abstract
While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is no longer a tool of the future, its availability is limited. Most hospitals still use high-resolution computedtomography (CT) scanning as their major imaging modality. Although numerous articles point to the improved diagnostic uses of MRI--as compared to high-resolution CT-a change from high-resolution CT scanning to MRI scanning throughout the United States would cost billions of dollars. We should, therefore, delineate those clinical situations in which magnetic resonance imaging is distinctly superior to high-resolution CT scanning. It is already an accepted fact that MRI provides improved imaging of the central nervous system, but, while recent articles maintain the superiority of MRIhead and neck imaging, the advantages to the clinician are less clear. We present representative cases of large malignant tumors of the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses, in which the full extent of the disease which involved intracranial structures and the orbit was better defined on theMRI scan than it was on the highresolution CT scan. Decisions concerning the involvement of the infratemporal fossa, the cavernous sinus, the optic chiasm, the pituitary, and the frontal lobes were more easily made when based upon magnetic resonance imaging, while the tumor involvement as evaluated by CT scanning was much less clear. Establishment of the problem regions of the head and neck--when magnetic resonance imaging is superior to highresolution CT scanning--will assist in identification of the true need for this tool in the practice of the otolaryngologist--head and neck surgeon.

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