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The crucial problem faced by Indonesia petroleum upstream industry toward and after 2000' s is the emergence of existence crisis because of the shrink of oil and gas reserve in traditional area. During this period every oil company to be able to come out of the crisis has to increase its exploration activities. ccording to its ob!ective there are two main solutions" intensification of exploration in the traditional areas or extensification activities in open areas through a new assessment. The extensification in the eastern part ofIndonesia basically has many handicaps" while the main problem for intensification is marginal reserve. #owadays intensification activities can be carried out by accommodating the ever expending exploration technology" while the extensification in the eastern part ofIndonesia re$uires new assessment because the target of its activities is beyond the petroleum system widely known. %ne of the significant result of&''( ) '*+ ,xploration -anagers -eeting. *urabaya 2/)20 1une /223. is the !udgment to produce a book on 4'etroleum 5eology ofIndonesian &asins4. in which each of '*+ is re$uired participate. The book will be used as a guide and reference toward increasing exploration activities in Indonesian in the future. This volume of the 'etroleum 5eology ofIndonesian &asins which discusses widely aspects of petroleum system is a professional explorationist's guide to the methodology to find another attractive oil and gas accumulation. *ynthesi6ing the data in this volume was a long one difficult task shared by operators and ',7T -I# &''( . 8e are grateful for the Team for their hard work in conceiving this book. The high $uality of this book is a product of their effort. 9inally. we hope it wi II find widespread use to support efficient exploration and development.

*. :uhdi 'ane ;ice 'resident

Indonesia with a potential production more than /.< million barrels of oil per day and producing around =.2 billion cubic feet of gas daily. presently ranks as the largest oi I and gas producing country in *outheast sia. Today there are some <0 known basins in Indonesia. of which only /> have in production. -odern theories and available technology have anabled to gain a greater understanding of the region. particularly the geology of the main hydrocarbon ) bearing basinal areas of Indonesia. In the past three decades. the oil exploration activities in Indonesia have continued to decline. During this period. we achieved high performances between /2<? and /2=0. /2?0 ) /2?>. and between /220 ) /220. The maturity of exploration activities in the western part of Indonesia on the one hand. and the complex geographical location and geological system of the eastern part of Indonesia on the other hand has become a dilemma in our attempts to promote exploration activities to increase production realisticly and economicly. In attempt to preclude the dilemma. it is necessary to activate scientific activity by evaluating the basins where the '*+ work. 9urther advances in the basin evaluation enabled the Indonesia petroleum upstream activity to increase its drill ing success ) ratio. It is hope that the development of the application of science and technology will continue to improve the drilling success ratio in both exploration and development phases of oil industry. 9inally. grateful appreciation is extended to ,xploration Department &''( for their enthusiasm in organi6ing this publication. 8e thank the Team for their hard work in preparing this volume.

ead of ,xploration and 'roduction 9oreign +ontractors ;entures Development &ody

The science of petroleum geology continues to make technical advances and is becom ing more and more soph isticated. s exploration ist. we have an excellent opportunity to incorporate this vast amount of technology into the effort of locating new commercial accumulations of hydrocarbons. The idea of the treatise originated from a concept put forth by -r. *. :uhdi 'ane. Driven by his continued encouragement and with input from advisory board consisting of geologists and geophysicists from existing Indonesian 'roduction *haring +ontractors. 'ertamina designed the set of publications to reflect cutting edge technology and its applipation in petroleum exploration. It is a great honor for us that -r. *. :uhdi 'ane committed his time and experience as a professional geologist to this pro!ect in addition to his busy schedule as ;ice 'resident of 9oreign ;entures Development &ody. This treatise illustrates and discusses the wide ranging application of geological studies and hydrocarbon play types in the Tarakan sedimentary basin. new structure pattern is presented in this volume. which can give some ideas about this basin. -odified stratigraphic column due to additional new well data are combined with other geological successions chart such as sea level curves and tectonic intensity chart. 'aleogeographic maps presented in this volume also give backgrounds about tertiary sedimentary prospects. This volume serves as a guide to the petroleum geology of the Tarakan sedimentary basins. incorporati ng data from existing field In addition. it provides exploration ists in different fields of geology. with an example of a structured approach for evaluating basins allowing them to compare and contrast their approach to studying and evaluating the geology and petroleum systems in their area of interest. 9or the explorationist. who is building and selling prospects. nothing is more convincing than a close analogy.

r would like to point out the sub!ect of petroleum geology. in the Tarakan &asin' &asin. is considerably more complex than this volume indicates. 8e understand that some statements and perceptions herein will have to be modified as additional geological information becomes available in the future.
I would Iike express my sincere appreciation to -r. @erman Darman and -r. -ichael 7. Aentini of *hell +ompanies in Indonesia. -r. chmad 9au6i of'T. ,taksatria 'etrasanga and -r. #andang @eriyanto of 'ertamina. who formulated the structure of this volume and provided significant support throughout this pro!ect. They deserve most of the credit for bringing this pro!ect to completion and I am grateful for their contributions.

+holidy @. 7eminton

Exploration Manager Foreign Contractors Ventures Development Body


The +ommittee
%riginator dvisor +hairman Technical +ommittee *. :uhdi 'ane. 'ertamina *ungarna *ukandar. 'ertamina

+holidy @. 7eminton. 'ertamina (arsani ulia. 'T. +altex 'acific Indonesia 7amli D!aafar. 'ertamina @usein @atuwe. 'ertarnina ,mir Aubis. 'ertamina *. *osromihard!o. -obil %il Indonesia 9irman . Baman. tlantic 7ichfield Indonesia ,tty #uay. ;ico Indonesia mrullah Ba6id. 'ertamina . # awawi. 'ertamina nwar *useno. 'ertamina . #awawi. 'ertamina nwar *useno. 'ertamina #andang @eriyanto. 'ertamina

*ecretary Treasurer *upport ,ditors

8orking 5roup on The Tarakan &asinC


@erman Darman. *hell +ompanies in Indonesia -ichael 7 Aentini. *hell +ompanies in Indonesia chmad 9au6i. 'T. ,taksatria 'etrasanga #andang @eriyanto. 'ertamina

Tarakan &asin

T &A, %9 +%#T,#T*
'age 9oreword 'reface Chapter 1 Introduction Aocation ,xploration and 'roduction @istory 7eserves. +umulative production and distribution of oil and gas field Chapter 7egional 5eology Tectonic ) 7egional Tectonic *etting ) 7egional Tectonic @istory ) *tructural *tyles *tratigraphy ) 're)Tertiary ) ,ocene ) ,arly %ligocene ) Aate %ligocene ) -iocene ) -iddle to late -iocene ) Aate -iocene ) 'liocene ) Duartenary Chapter ! 'etroleum *ystem 7eservoirs Trapping *eals r *ource 7ocks 'etroleum 5eneration Chapter 4 : %il 'lay +oncept Chapter 5 : +onclusions 7eferences
m-v VB

3 6 6 6 8 8 10 14 14 14" 16 18 18 20 23 23 25 26 27 27 30 34 35

and -igration

Chapter 1 Introduction
The Tarakan &asin is located in the north)east (alimantan. lying both onshore and offshore E9igure / F laG. The northern basin boundary is the *emporna high which lies !ust north of the Indonesia and -alaysia border. To the south. the -angkalihat 7idge separates the Tarakan &asin from the (utai &asin" and to the west it extends onshore for <0 to /00 kilometres where progressively older Tertiary formations crop out towards the strongly folded 're) Tertiary rocks of the (uching @igh. ,astward the basin extends to unknown limits out across the continental shelf of the *ulawesi *ea into the deep -akassar Trough. This basin occupies an area of approximately >0.000 krrr'.

covering the Tarakan Island. Tesoro farmed into 7edco's interests in /2=/. Thereafter. between /2=0 and /2=< the -engatal. *outh 'amusian and *elatan fields were discovered. Tesoro's interest was relin$uished in /2?2 by which time they applied for a '*+ covering the Tarakan island. The last field to be discovered on the island was -amburungan E/2?<G after farm)ins by *hell and others. The Tapa gas field on &unyu Island E9igure =G was discovered by 'ertamina in /2=3. This led to the construction of a methanol plant to utili6e the gas discovered on &unyu Island. &unyu #ibung and &arat 9ield were discovered in /2=> and /2=2 respectively and are essentially satellite fields of &unyu 9ield. rco ac$uired the onshore *embakung '*+ in G 2=> E9igure 2G and drilled some 20 wells and had three sign i ficant discoveriesC *embakung and &angkudulis oil fields and gas at *esayap. portion of the *embakung '*+ is presently held by 'ertamina) Teikoku who have drilled four wells in the area. In /2?3 the old 1apex area was awarded as a new offshore '*+ E&unyu '*+G to a consortium ... with *ceptre as operator E,sso >3H. @adson 2?.=3H and *anta 9e <.23HG covering basically the area of the Tarakan basin. excluding the &unyu and Tarakan island '*+'s. fter several partnership changes and the drilling of 3 wells of which > wells contained subcommercial $uantities of hydrocarbons. the '*+ was relin$uished in /220. *o far. there is only one well has been drilled in down deep position. the *ceptre ;anda)l. drilled in 0>? meters of water depth in the central part of the offshore. 'etrocorp's -aratua and (arang &esar '*+ were awarded in /220 covering the on and

Exploration History

and Production

,xploration for petroleum began in the Tarakan &asin. when oil was first found on Tarakan Island in /?22. Thereafter exploration has continued to the present. In /2<= 'ertamina awarded the first '*+ contract in offshore Tarakan to 1apex E9igure 2G. Twelve exploration wells were.drilled" four by 1apex E&unyu) /. 2. & I and + IG. five by farm)in partner Total E(anah)I. hus)l. *erb an / and 2 and -enulun)IG and three wells by moseas as a farm)in partner E-ayne)I. 5iru)l and *egitiga)I" 9igure =G. 'ertamina and 7edco signed a T + in /2=/.




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!"asin' a$an






FIGURE 1 - Tectonic 9ramework of the Tarakan &asin and Its *ub)&asin Distribution E-odified after &,I+I'. /2?3G

offshore &erau and -uara *ub)basin south of *ceptre's &unyu '*+. The offshore part ofthis area is remote from clastic input from the Tarakan deltas and is essentially a carbonate province. These two blocks were awarded to -aersk in /223. %n the other hand. *hell's *ebawang '*+ was awarded in /223 covering Tarakan *ub)basin.

%eser&es, cu'ulati&e production and distri(ution of oil and gas $ield

,xploration in the Tarakan &asin has resulted in the discovery of /.> oil and gas fields. +umulative production from these fields is approximately 020 --&% in a basin

of =.000 km). with ,K7 from the proven fields estimated at 300 --&%. Total gas produced to date from /0 wells are ?/ &+95. #early ?<H of the oil production to date has come from two fieldsC the 'amusian 9ield on Tarakan Island E/23L --&% producedG" and. &unyu 9ield on &unyu Island E?> --&% produced" 9igure 0 and >G. -ost of the remaining production comes from a series of very small fields located in individual fault blocks on Tarakan and &unyu Islands. %omkens E/2=2G reports that most of the structures on the Islands are only partially filled. -ost likely cause for the undefilling of structures are inade$uate top and cross fault seals. ll the production and most of the drilling to date have been limited to an area defined by the fold axes ofthe &unyu. Tarakan. and hus arches E9igure 3G.


la - Tarakan &asin Index -ap






PertaminaiTeikoku Bangkudulis Fld, J B 1!"#-!$


,N*' #Taraltan /2?2I2>

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,xploration @istory of the Tarakan &asin. /2</ ) /22<.


&&B P'l(111sian



&illion Barrels )umulative il Produ*tion to .22/

/00 : 30 1eata I..IKt.r!oo

el"W. !"





&>4/O' #iliufP


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3142 5or 5ield

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FIGURE 0 ) Tarakan &asin 'roduction. +ummulative production to /22/ was 020 --&% Emillion barresl of oilG. with three of the largest fields discovered bed ween /20 I and /22>. #o ma!or reserves have been added since the /2=0's Emodified from 8ight et al.. /220G

+em,akung 7',7 &&B Bun6u #7," &&B 7":

Juata 1"/# &&B 9:

Total t8ers $/# &&B I 1:

Pamusian 1!7,# &&B

FIGURE 4 - +ummulative %il 'roduction by 9ield. 'amusian with /22 --&% cumrnulative production. is the largest field in the basin. &unyu produced ?2.< --&% or 2<H. followed by *embakung with 20.2 --&% Emodified from8ight et al.. /220G


Chapter ) Re)ional Geolo)*

3000 metres of rift and passive margin sediments in the -uara *ub)basin. predominantly %ligocene to 7ecent carbonates resting on older volcanics. Aittle structuration is present in the post rift portion of the section. *ource rocks within the ,ocene rift section are likely. however. are poorly documented. 7eservoirs in the -uara *ub)basin are dominantly carbonates. The &erau *ub)basin is bounded to the north and south by 're)Tertiary outcrops. The *uikerbrood 7idge forms the southern margin. contains igneous rocks. ,astwards the basin extends into the Tarakan *ub)basin E9igure 3G. The division between the Tarakan and &erau *ub)basins is based upon the pinch)out of the Tarakan 9ormation. *everal ##8)**, trending compressional features are present within the &erau *ub)basin. This structuration is related to left lateral movement along wrench 6ones accommodating the oJoing spreading of the -akassar *trait. ' The thick clastic fill in the Tarakan *ub)basin is an amalgamation of numerous 'lio) 'leistocene clastic depocentres located below &unyu and Tarakan Islands and prograding further offshore. The 'liocene thins regionally to the west and south. onlapping -iocene highs and eventually pinching out. The Tidung *ub) basin is separated from the Tarakan *ub)basin by the *ebuku 'latform. as defined by the northern pinchout of the Tarakan 9ormation. Tidung *ub)basin contains a prominent positive feature and several #8 trending tightly folded anticlines. Thrusting also occurs along the coastal strip. In the north it is bounded by the *emporna fault 6one exhibiting sinistral transform movement.

Re)ional +ectonic Settin)
The Tarakan &asin is generally a passive deltaic margin with a minor wrench tectonic overprint. %ligocene and -iocene sediments onlapping the older ,ocene eventually thinning onto an ,ocene 7ift se$uence. -agnetic anomalies imply sea)floor spreading with associated #8 trending transform faults. The Tarakan basin is divided into four sub)basins E9igure I F 3GC I. -uara *ub)basin. the southernmost depocentre developed exclusively offshore.

2. &erau *ub)basin mostly located southward.

0. Tarakan *ub)basin. mostly offshore but including &unyu and Tarakan Islands. >. Tidung *ub)basin. the most northerly and mainly onshore.



The #8)*, trending -uara *ub)basin is bounded to the *8 by a coast parallel wrench fault 6one along the north shore of the -angkalihat 'eninsula. Towards the #, the -uara *ub)basin is bounded by another wrench fault 6one and associated with basement high upon which the -aratua reefal islands have developed E9igure 3G. *eismic data suggests


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FIGURE - - *implified 5eologic -ap of the Tarakan &asin Emodified after 'ertamina) &eicip. /222" #etherwood % 8ight. /220" @idayat et al.. /222" *itumorang

Re)ional +ectonic .i/tor*

The Tarakan &asin was initiated simultaneously with the formation of the *ulawesi *ea by rifting of north and west *ulawesi from ,ast (alimantan E@amilton. /2=2G. ,xtension and subsidence began during the -iddle to Aate ,ocene and had stopped by the end of the ,arly -iocene E&urollet and *alle. /2?/" *itumorang. /2?2. /2?0" 9igure /0G. This extensional tectonic phase opened the Tarakan &asin eastward. indicated by the existence of en)echelon block faulting which has a slope downward to the east. The opening of the *ulawesi *ea has been interpreted as being related to the same tectonic episode responsible for the opening of the *outh +hina *ea E7angin. /22/G. The Tarakan &asin was more tectonically stable from the -iddle -iocene up to 'liocene with deltaic sedimentation from the west through several drainage systems. During this phase the combination of basin subsidence and gravity induced listric faulting created accommodation space for an increased volume of deltaic sediments. The latest tectonic phase is a reactivation of transform movement along the wrench faults crossing the -akassar *trait beginning in the uppermost 'liocene and continuing to present day. Transpression during this period resulted in the formation of ma!or dip oriented arches. ;itrin ite reflectance. porosity and seisrn ic data suggest /000)/300 m of structural inversion has occurred during arch formation. The *ulawesi *ea is underlain by an old 'acific %ceanic +rust E9igure <G. trapped by the westward bending of the *ulawesi Island due to the spearheading westward thrust along the *orong Transform 9ault system E(atili. /2==G. %n the western margin of *ulawesi *ea..

n ( a / o o f


St* le/

The Tarakan *ub)basin boundaries with the neighbouring Tidung. &erau and -uara *ub) basins E chrnad and *amuel. /2?>G cau'be more rigorously defined in terms of stratigraphy and structure. The sub)basin is composed mainly of a collection of contiguous 'lio)'leistocene depocentres underlain by -iocene depocentres which have not been upl ifted to outcrop. as the onshore sub)basins caseE8ight et. a l.. /220G. The -iocene depocentre is located in the vicinity of #un uk an and *ebatik Islands and onshore *imenggaris to the #orthwest of the Tarakan *ub)basin boundary. with the distil portion continuing below the Tarakan *ub)basin E9igure 3G. 'ortions of the 'liocene depocentres .are inverted. as for example below TarakanE and &unyu Islands. while the 'leistocene depocentres. the (antil and -andul troughs.

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continued to subside. The easternmost depocentre. east of the -ayne fault. contains active growth faulting and expansion of both 'liocene and 'leistocene ages E8ight et. al.. /220G.

expression of the extensional 6one and north)south -ayne fault system in relation to the folded area to the west. where the fold axes are generally north)northwest to northwest oriented.

Three sinistral wrench faults are found in the Tarakan &asin E9igure 3G. *emporna fault is the most northern wrench fault. It separates the volcanics of the *emporna 'eninsula from the #eogene sediments on *ebatik Island. 9urther onshore it becomes a boundary between +retaceous sediments in the north and #eogene sediments in the south. 9ield evidence. however. is very limited due to remote access. -aratua 9ault occurs as a complex transpressional 6one. It forms the boundary between the Tarakan and -uara *ub)basins. The third ma!or wrench fault forms the southern boundary of -uara *ub)basin. along the north shore of the -angkalihat 'eninsula. It appears as the extension of the 'alu)(oro fault in *ulawesi. 5rowth faults are the most common structure in the Tarakan *ub)basin E9igure ?G . They are north)northwest and north east oriented with a trend change shown by the prominent swing in coastline orientation at the *esayap 7iver mouth. from north)northwest in the south of Tarakan Island to northeast in the north of &unyu Island E8ight et. aI.. /220G. The set of north oriented faults are most continues. longest and have the largest displacements in the east. at the -ayne fault system. which extends more than I*% km. from the &ulungan delta to north of the -ayne)I well E9igure ?G. This represents the extensional edge of the @olocene basin. regional seismic dip line down the (antil Trough shows the typical

9ive arches dominate the western area structure. informally named from north to south. the *ebatik. hus. &unyu. Tarakan and Aatih arches E9igure 3 F =G. They are broad *, plunging flexures formed by #,)*8 transpression and are oriented roughly ##8) **,. surveying to the #8 further northwards. The age of compression appears younging northwards and is coeval with. but coupled from. the ma!or extensional system to the east of the -ayne fault. The intensity of folding also increases northwards where the broad arches give way to tight folds in the onshore *imenggaris area E9igure 3 % =G. The existing oil and gas fields are found as combination of structure and stratigraphic traps at the axis of the Tarakan and &unyu arches. Aatih and minor anticlines develop in the southern part of the Tarakan &asin. They are #8)*, oriented. The minor anticlines are inverted structures. cored by ,ocene to Aate -iocene bathyal shales and tight turbidite limestones E8ight et. al.. /220G. ll three anticlines have been drilled resulted with oil shows in *a!au)l well and gas flows from thin turbidite sandstones in &irang)l well.

The stratigraphic se$uence of interest in the #ortheast (alimantan basinal areas were deposited above 're)Tertiary basement E9igure /0G.



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FIGURE = ) 8ells and seismic sections location map.


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FIGURE ? ) +omposite

Aine . specially processed. composite seismic Aine along the axis of the hus arch showC a. a western trough with an a angular unconformity 'liocene and the 'leistoence. b. the shallow. uplifte -iocene shelf edge EcarbonatesG. c. easterly thickening 'liocene. d. 'liocene growth ) faulting east of %&) 2. e. a footwall anticline on the -ayne fault E-ayne)IG. 5 Thick 'leistocene growth east of the -ayne fault Efrom 8ight et ai. /220G.
,Cine 4

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FIGURE 2 ) +omposite

Aine &. composite seismic. $uasi)strike Aine shows the large isoclinal folds ofTarakan. &unyu and lms. The (antil trough. between the Tarakan and &unyu rches. is the ma!or 'leistocene depocentre Efrom 8ight et ai. /220G.



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,ach cycle beginning with the oldest E'alaeocene to Aate ,oceneG sedimentary rocks exposed in the &erau *ub)basin. was terminated by volcanism. uplift and unconformity. The overall post)rift stratigraphic se$uence consists of generally shallowing)upwards environment. starting with ,ocene clastics to %ligocene carbonates and becoming progressively more clastic again during -iocene to 'leistocene. -inor marine incursions punctuated the section in the present day nearshore and onshore.

(re- +ertiar*
The 're)Tertiary basement. Danau 9ormation. consists of intensely metamorphosed flysch sediments and is possibly 're)+retaceous in age E9igure /0G. This unit composed of micaceous sandstones alternating with dark grey slates and silty marls with numerous red and green chert beds near the top E#ordeck. /2=>G. Information about this formation is scarce because of its inaccessibility and lacking commercial mineral or hydrocarbon potential. The closest and best described sections of th is formation are found along the upper (ayan 7iver. The 're)Tertiary &engara 9ormation is found in Tidung *ub)basin. This formation consists of Kpper +retaceous shale. sandstone. and tuffaceous materials. This unit is highly metamorphosed. having slickensides and abundant of $uart6 veining.

sediment E9igure /0G. The *embakung 9ormation is the oldest post basement sedimentary unit encountered and is ,ocene in age. It unconformably overlies basement and consists of clastic and volcanic material deposited in a rift setting. In the Tidung *ub) basin. @idayat et. al.. E/222G observed foraminiferal limestone facies with sandstone and shale intercalation. indicate of a marine environment E9igure I I aG. The *eilor Aimestone was primarily deposited in the -uara *ub)basin. having been penetrated by (arang &esar)I and Tabalar)I wells E9igure II aG. The 'ulau 9anny)I well is the northern most penetration of the *eilor 9ormation. -icropalaeontology analysis of several outcrop samples in the north E*ekatak 7iverG show marine environment of deposition E&rown et. al.. /22/G. +lastic sediments were transported from *ekatak and *uikerbrood @igh to the northeast down to the basin during Aate. ,ocene. The upper part of the ,ocene interval is less tectonised than the lower part.

Earl* Oli)ocene
&asal coarse sandstones with poor reservoi"r properties of *u!au 9ormation give way vertically to marine shales and finally to a regional micritic and dolom itic carbonates of the *eilor 9ormation. These carbonates pass vertically and laterally into basinal shales and marls of -angkabua 9ormation. Aate %ligocene unconformity eroded some of upper part of Aower G1 igocene se$uence. The %ligocene interval as well as Aate ,ocene is commonly tectonised. though not as severely as the ,arly ,ocene package E&,I+I'. /2?3G. The carbonate shelf sediments of *eilor 9ormation are distributed in southern and

The 're)Tertiary basement is unconformably

western part of Tarakan &asin E9igure II bG.



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The *eilor limestone consist micritic limestone and grades basinward into thick massive

primarily of upward and marls of the

-angkabua 9ormation E chmad F *amuel. /2?>G. The -angkabua basinal deposits occur locally in the east. and are penetrated by &unyut)I well E9igure II bG. where it is comprised of intercalations of shale. siltstone and minor marl with calcareous siltstone. packstone and boundstone. 9urther south the -angkabua is time e$uivalent to the *embulu 9ormation along the northern margin of (utai &asin. named *embulu 9ormation E9igure II bG. Aepidocyclina limestone lenses occur as part of *eilor 9ormation. It is a fossiliferous limestone. wackestone to packstone containing algae. foraminifera. and massive hard coral. +rystalline reef limestone with low porosity occur in places E7ustam. /2==G. lthough terrigenous clastic deposits are not common. some lava and pyroclastic deposits are found in the west. supplied from the *ekatak ) &erau 7idges.

rock fragments with siltstone and tuffaceous 'sandstone matrix. The source of these materials are the vulcanoes of the Dent ;olcanic rc ETongkul. /22/" @idayat et. al.. /222G. The Tempilan 9ormation is comprised of alternating thin bedded sandstones. tuffs. shales and coal seams E chmad F *amuel. /2?>G. The thickness in outcrops was reported up to /000 m. The thickness penetrated by drilling is much less ranging from >3 m in the '. 9anny)I well to 2=0 m in the &arat)I well E'ertamina ) &eicip. /2?0G. The Tabalar 9ormation represents a platform carbonate se$uence with local reef development. and is deposited unconformably over the *eilor 9ormation E9igure /2a. /3" chmad F *amuel. /2?>G. *everal build)ups in this unit have been drilled without success. The Tabalar 9ormation is dominantly a micritic limestone of Aate %ligocene ) ,arly -iocene age. This formation is widespread over most of the onshore and nearshore areas mostly in the southern part of the Tarakan &asin. The thickness of the Tabalar 9m. is 300 m near the *u ikerbrood ridge and ?00 m at *egitiga" I well. The Tabalar 9ormation gradually thins to less than I*% in the northern margin of the Tarakan *ub)basin E'ertamina ) &eicip. /2?0G. 9arther to the north. the Tabalar limestone grades laterally into alternating marls. limestones and shales of the -esaloi 9ormation. This formation is rich in planktonic foraminifera which indicates an open marine environment and in deeper water grades laterally into shales of the &irang and #aintupo 9ormations. E9igure

6ate Oli)ocene-$iocene
In the west volcaniclastic deposits of lelai 9ormation were accumulated during Aate %ligocene E9igure /2aG. 9urther transport of volcanic materials basinward produced basal volcanic sandstones and coals of the Tempilan 9ormation. deposited over the Aate %ligocene unconformity. It grades laterally southward into the Tabalar 9ormation" a platform carbonate se$uence that forms a good regional seismic marker. r ;olcanic breccia of .1elai 9ormation was observed in the western portion ofTidung *ub) basin. ranging from Aate %ligocene to Aower -iocene in age E@idayat et. aI.. /222G. Tuff and lava interbeds occur within this formation. The breccia unit consists of basaltic igneous


.G.). ,

During ,arly -iocene the Tabalar 9ormation is encased in shales of the &irang 9ormation and the time e$uivalent #aintupo 9ormation due to the continuing transgression E9igure /2bG. It had a more restricted distribution


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being found in the -uara *ub)basin and in the northern portion ofTarakan *ub)basin. The contact between the Tabalar and the &irang 9ormations is gradational turning into shales. and marls with thin limestone beds. s an open marine facies. this formation is r ich in planktonic foraminifera. The thickness of the &irang \ #aintupo varies from 200)>00 m but in the Tarakan *ub)basin it increases to <00) ?00 m and was deposited over the entire region E9igure /2bG.

environment ETower. /2=3G. In the south of the Tarakan &asin the clastic se$uences were all succeeded by shallow marine limestone during Aate -iocene. The carbonates were deposited in delta front or platform environments. reflecting deposition outside of the main EnorthernG depocentre E9igure /0bG. Tabul 9ormation sediments of upper -iddle -iocene to Aate -iocene age consist of an eastward prograding delta complex. This formation is dominantly shale prone containing sandstone and silt interbeds and is restricted to the Tarakan and part of the Tidung *ub)basin. In the -andul Island area. it exceeds /300 m in thickness and tends to increase in thickness toward the east. The laterally e$uivalent calcareous mudstones. marls. and limestones of-enumbar 9ormation were deposited in the -uara *ub)basin. This marine sedimentary section was deposited unconformably above the &irang 9ormation. however. is sand poor as a result of deposition south of the main deltaic area. Kpwards. the -enumbar gradually develops into micritic limestones. In the northeastern part of the Tarakan *ub)basin. the lower -enumbar extends as thick limestone beds and is 'an e$uivalent unit to the Tabul 9ormation in the western Tarakan and Tidung *ub)basins.

$iddle to 6ate $iocene

-iddle to Aate -iocene facies varies from proximal deltaic in the *embakung)I well. prograding eastward to #unukan Island. to shallow to deep marine delta front facies encountered in the (anah)I F Teratai)I. *hallow marine and continental facies. however. are present far to the east E;anda)I well" 8ight et. ai.. /220G. carbonate platform emerged in the south where a local high developed as a result of inversion along transform faults. *upratidal deposits are found in the west and north of the basin. These sediments were transported from imbricated ophiolite complex in the northwest and volcanic arc in the north E9igure /0G. The delta front facies. of the -eliat 9ormation Ealso e$uivalent to the Aatih 9ormation in the south" 9igure /0aG. consists of fine to coarse grained sandstone with $uart6 fragments. silty in part. interbedded with shale and conglomeratic sandstone locally E7ustam. /2==G. This formation was deposited in early -iddle -iocene. The 1apex's %&) 2 well penetrated prodelta)shelf facies. indicated by marine shale and limestone units. %n &unyu and Tarakan Island the facies change to delta front and prodelta. -icropalaeontologic analysis shows fresh to brackish water

6ate $iocene - (liocene

The deposition of the delta)front facies during the -iddle to Aate -iocene shifted southward during Aate -iocene to ,arly 'liocene. In the area around &unyu Island it is interpreted to have prograded locally from the southwest E kuabatin et ai. /2?>G. thick Aate -iocene to ,arly 'liocene se$uence is encountered at 'amusian and -amburungan 9ields located on Tarakan Island.

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The Tarakan or *a!au 9ormation is composed of sandstone. shale and coal interbeds that belong to this Kpper -iocene to 'liocene deltaic system. +ross bedded sandstone and pebbles sands. lenticular clay and coal beds in the north E&unyu IslandG are interpreted as channel deposits. 9ine grained sands and laterally continuous clay and coal beds in the south are interpreted as upper flood plain deposits of highly meandering rivers on Tarakan Island E#ewton F @ewett. /2?0G. t the same time a carbonate platform developed well in places where ecosystem is not charged by clastic influx of the deltas. These carbonates are represented by the Domaring 9ormation in the south and Tarakan +arbonates penetrated by the -ayne)l well in the north E9igure />a. /3G. The carbonate platform se$uences grade eastward into outer neritic marls and shales. The Domaring was unconformably deposited in the onshore over the underlying formation. especially on the western margin of the basin. while offshore the contact seems to be conformable. The Tarakan and *a!au 9ormations of 'liocene age are composed of marine to supralittoral clastics and coals. These formations have a lower overall sandstone percentage than the 'leistocene and becomes carbonate)dominated in the distal prodelta offshore. east of the

Tarakan *ub)basin E9igure />aG. *eismic data suggests that during sea level drops numerous incised valleys were cut into the exposed palaeo)shelf and forcing thick lowstand deltaic deposits to bypass the shelf and be deposited near the shelf edge. ,vidence for such a model exist in the thick sandstone deposits encountered in the shallow 'leisto.cene of ;anda)I and the @olocene deltas that have a pronounced present day bathymetric expression far down dip of the present coastline. dditional lowstands may have occurred during the 'liocene and -iocene. particularly at the -iddle to Aate -iocene boundary E/0)// -aG.

*ediments of this cycle were deposited after the general marine onlap caused by a global rise of sea level. This transgression has shifted back the 'liocene deltas westward to near the present coastline. The &unyu 9ormation was deposited in an upper deltaic plain to fluvial environment. It consists of clastic units containing numerous intercalations of lignite. lying unconformably upon Tarakan 9ormation. 8aru 9ormation carbonates were deposited seaward E9igure />bG. in areas free from deltaic influence E chmad F *amuel. /2'?>G.





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Chapter . (etroleu5 S*/te5

,ighty metres of sandstone intervals were recorded in #8 &erau)I and &unyut)I wells. These intervals have good flow rates of water with traces of gas. The sands are mixed with volcanics)to the west E'ertamina)&,I+I'. /222G. *ome Aatih 9ormation sandstones beds with favourable reservoir properties were observed in the &unyut)I and *a!au)I wells. This formation is partly or totally eroded further onshore. The Aatih deltaic se$uence is assumed to have a sufficient percentage of sandstones further east and south in the offshore to constitute an attractive reservoir characteristic E'ertamina)&,I+I'. /222G. The onshore sub)basins fill consisting of mainly ,ocene to -iocene sediments deposited during a period of generally rising sea level. Thick homogeneous shales and claystones grade upward into marls and carbonates. They crop)out in broad. #)* oriented folds in the &erau *ub)basin and a series of tightly folded. #8)*, oriented anticlines which bring -iocene clastics to the surface in the northern Tidung *ub)basin. In the Tidung *ub)basin the primary ob!ectives are clastics of the Tabul 9ormation of Aate -iocene age. *embakung 9ield is the only field where production has been established in the -iocene. @ere the entire field is drained by six wells out of the Tabul 9ormation having well initials of2000)2300 barrels of oil per day and rates remaining stable for much of the field life. 'rodelta sandstones of the Tabul formation deposited during sea level low stands have considerable reservoir potential ar d are secondary ob!ectives in the offshore Tarakan &asin. In much of the offshore the Tabul sandstones are present beneath a thick cover

The -uara *ub)basin lying offshore of the &erau Delta has a sedimentary fill comprising predominantly %ligocene)7ecent carbonates overlying volcanic basement and ,ocene rift sediments. In the -uara and &erau *ub)&asins data on reservoir $uality from the few wells drilled is scarce. 'oor reservoir properties are lacking in Domaring +arbonates. *egitiga)I and Tabalar)I wells which penetrated this formation and encountered reefs trending parallel to the -angkalihat 'eninsula. Tabalar 9ormation carbonate platform reservoirs are located in the southern part of the basin. These carbonate platforms contain locali6ed reefal facies exhibiting /2H porosities in Tabalar)I well and 22H in (arang &esar)I well. The thickness of the Tabalar 9ormation ranges up to /200 m thick at *egitiga)I and a test over an interval of 00 m recovered 3>0 bpd of salt water. 'innacle reefs may exist with good reservoir characteristics. however. are difficult to identify using seismic E'ertamina)&,I+I'. /222G. dditional reservoirs may be found along the flanks of the -aratua basement high in the form of carbonate talus and turbidite deposits containing carbonate bank material shed during sea level drops. In the &erau *ub)basin the Tabalar 9ormation is tight and of limited thickness in the onshore wells. *light shows are reported in the &unyut)I well. thick ,ocene)%ligocene section of clastics was encountered in Aatih)I well.


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of 'lio)'leistocene age sediments and are probably to deeply buried to be a viable ob!ective in the offshore. -iocene age sandstone was encountered near total depth in well ;anda)l suggesting -iocene reservoir potential far downdip in the basin. 'orosity) depth trend curves of -iocene sandstone indicate them to have slightly higher porosities than those for the 'liocene at e$uivalent depths E9ig. /<a F /<bG. The cause of this distinction remains speculative. however. there are many references to the presence of volcanic clasts in the 'lio)'leistocene sandstones and it may be that the -iocene sandstones were derived from a different provenance. In the northern portion of the Tarakan &asin. clastic sediment supply was limited giving rise to a carbonate shelf with isolated build)ups. These wells have been tested by several wells and found to be tight. During the 'lio)'leistocene large volumes of interbedded fluvio)deltaic sandstones. shales and coals were deposited into the ma!or depocentres on and between the arches. Isopach maps show that 'liocene deposition was more active south of the &unyu rch and in the vicinity of Tarakan Island. whilst the focus of 'leistocene deposition was to the north in the hus rch area. The 'leistocene reaches its maximum thickness EQ0000 mG north and south of the &unyu rch. whilst the 'leistocene exceeds 2000 m in the hus rch area. #orth of the hus rch the 'lio)'leistocene is characteri6ed by a larger proportion of carbonates. %cean circulation appears to have swept clastic input southwards into the Tarakan *ub)basin allowing clear water conditions in the north where carbonates could develop.

sandstone percentage than the 'liocene. Thick sandstones of 'leistocene age were encountered in Banda)I well indicating the potential for sandstone deposited during forced regressions occuring in those parts of the basin characteri6ed today by deep water. It may be expected that similar forced regressions during 'liocene Eand -ioceneG time also brought shelf by)pass coarse clastics into the distal parts of the basin. s in all deltaic depositional systems. reservoir continuity can be expected to be very poor in the portions of the section deposited in a delta plain environment where shales and coal beds are cut by channels filled with either sandstone or shale Edepending upon the style of abandonmentG. 7eservoir continuity should be much higher in the distributary channel.!river mouth)bar. and inner fringe environments of the deltaic system Emost likely where the percentage sandstone decreases to between /0H to >0HG. -aximum thickness of any individual sandstone reservoirs should be on the order of ,&!)m. During lowstands the distributary channel system should have migrated to the shelf margin thus enabling . sandstones to reach the deeper water areas.

In the south ofTarakan &asin. several potential stratigraphic and structural traps occur. The stratigraphic traps are include the reefal buildup ofDomaring 9ormation. The pinnacle reefs aligned along structural ridges or shelf edges. %ther reefal facies. Tabalar and *eilor +arbonates are located on basement highs or on discrete ridges. They are enhanced and sealed by age e$uivalent &irang formation shale.


The 'leistocene &unyu 9ormation comprises marine to supralittoral sandstones in coal measure se$uences. It has a lower overall

In the Tarakan Island. 'liocene supralittoral point bar. braided stream. channel sandstones and coals found in outcrops indicate delta plain environment. Thick 'liocene deltaic sandstones have also been encountered in wells hus)I . %&) I. %&) 2. (anah)I. Teratai)I and on &unyu Island. These Tarakan 9ormation sandstones are notably volcaniclastic in origin indicating a northern provenance from igneous centres located In *abah E*emporna @ighG. 8edge out stratigraphic trapping geometries are found 8ithiJ3ItJi+ sands. This trap style occurs <n)stmcture flanks or along the unconformities. %nlap and pinchout traps possibly occur within ,ocene *u!au 9ormation. however. poor seismic data at that depth obscure ade$uate trap definition. nticline structures in the north and west of *egitiga)l well E&erau 7iver DeltaG are mostly wrench. The structural features. the western compressional and eastern tensional tectonic regimes and the effects of tectonism on sediment dispersal are intimately related to hydrocarbon trapping mechanisms of the northern Tarakan &asin. The basin is a complex combination of ma!or arches comprising 'liocene and 'leistocene inverted depocentres which were filled with regressive. sandprone sediment which host all the ma!or hydrocarbon accumulations except the late -iocene deltaic of the onshore *embakung field E8ight et ai. /220G. 7oll)over associated anticlines occur within the &unyu and Tarakan 9ormation. The fault plains are dipping to the easl. down to the basin. 9ault block trap formed at the upthrown side of the fault. *hale diapirisms in the east also produced traps together with the roll over anticlines. +omplex structures 'generated traps

by structu9aAiJon. They with Etrike)s)ILp44P'nduced +arbonate) trJ's+o'4c4cur as the upthrown slide of the fault reefal facies on the shelfedge.

often combined deformations. mixed trap at or within the

In the southern sub)basin. the thick marine mudstones of %ligo)-iocene &irang 9ormation are effective seals for the Tabalar +arbonate. The -enumbar 9ormation forms a potential seal for -iocene reefs located towards the basin margins. The Domaring carbonate is sealed by the 'leistocene 8aru 9ormation. 'ossible lateral seals in this area are sealing faults. facies changes. or diagenetical differences within limestone. 9or the clastic sections of northern Tarakan &asin. marine. prodelta. and delta plain mudstone facies can form seals. The lack of thick and laterally continuous' shale seals in the more proximal portions of the basin is considered the main reason for the lack of recent exploration success to date. 8ith a high net.to gross sandstone and thin seals fault trapping is difficult. In a more distal part of the basin Ei.e.. further offshoreG the net to gross will decrease and thicker laterally. In this location continuous seals will be deposited during transgressions. Therefore seal is not considered to be a critical risk further offshore in the Tarakan &asin. -any of the direct hydrocarbon indicators observed on seismic also suggest that the shales provide effective lateral seals where they are !uxtaposed against sandstones across faults. 9urthermore. the young age of the shales and the presence of over pressuring are strong indications that smearing along faults can also provide effective sealing.


Source %oc$s
Identified source rocks in the northern Tarakan sub)basin include coals and siltstones of the -iddle -iocene -eliat and Aate -iocene Aower Tabul 9ormations. 5eochemical data suggests that source rocks which generated the Tarakan oi Is are interpreted as lacustrine. coastal plain and deltaic deposits. The coals are mainly drift coals containing inertinite and as much as >3H cuticular matters with vitrinite usually subordinate and have hydrocarbon generating potential. +oals from the coastal plain and deltaic environments are the richest source rocks with around /0 to =0H T%e. Inertinite is also found in siltstones. associated with the coals. The oil consists of low gravity E20)>00 'IG asphaltic crude E&eicip. /2?3G. 'yrolysis 5+ data and geochemical plots suggest a multitude as various source rocks. They indicate that the source rocks are ranging from types //////or I; E1uata)I;. 'amusian. -engatal and &unyu)IIIIIIG to type //// E*embakung. &unyu Tapa. &angkudulis and ;anda) I oil and condensate" 9igure /=G. The source rocks appear to be more complex and from more varied depositional environments than earlier believed. &ased upon presence of hydrocarbon charge source rocks are also apparently widespread. occuring from &angkudulis in the west to ;anda) I. //0 km to the east and between *embakung in the north /03 km to the south. at -uara -akapan)l EcondensateG and oil seeps 00 km still further south. onshore in the &erau sub)basin E8ight et al.. /220G. r In the south E-uara *ub)basinG oil and gas shown in exploration wells indicate that source facies with generative potential are present in the basin. The source rock intervals in this sub)basin are possibly the ,ocene -alio

9ormation and the %ligo)-iocene &irang 9ormation. The -alio 9ormation consists of fossiliferous mudstone with minor carbonaceous material. 'lanktonic shales and marls of an open marine facies are dominant within the &irang 9ormation.

Petroleu' 0i-ration



5eothermal gradients are $uite variable within the basin. ranging from 2.< -Cll))m to over 0.3 _+II %%m to the south)west and at &unyu Island. 8here penetrated. the 'leistocene and 'liocene coals and coally shales are immature to early mature Emax. 7o usually 0.3 sometimes reaching 0.<LG in all wells except at the base of -amburungan)I E00<3mG. where peak maturity E7o 0.=G is !ust attained. -odeling of vitrinite maturity profiles by previous operators indicates that an 7o of 0.= would be attained below wells at depths of around 0200)0200 m Ewithin the -ioceneG depending on local heat flows. 9or the well sections and hypothetical stratigraphic units below them. oil expulsion appears to have been more recent than 2 -a Ei.e.. from around latest 'liocene onwardsG. @eat flows appear to have been generally higher during the 'liocene E/.= @9KG than the 'leistocene E/.< @9KG and are higher than those generally attributed to passive margins. Aower values are measured in the eastern area Ee.g.. ;anda)I has /.2 @9KG. This progressive heat flow decrease with distance offshore is similar to that observed for other deltaic margins in the world. notable exception is -amburungan)I. in which present day heat flows of /.2 @9K are higher than in the 'liocene. lso expulsion of type 8Ill oils appear to have taken place earlier Earound 2 -aG


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Tarakan &asin %il Types. Type IIII and /II/1/ oils Elacustrine and fluvialG are present in the basin and most were generated at relatively low maturities E7o < 0.2G. %ils are thus spatially widespread and from many depositional environments. 9ew gas condensates have been found Eredrawn from 8ight et al. /220G.

than in the other wells modeled. This hot spot may be due to the presence of deep seated transform movement responsible for the structural inversion that has taken place on Tarakan Island. dditional. as yet unrecogni6ed. hot spots may also be present in the basin. The -iddle)Aate -iocene may have entered the gas window during the latest 'leistocene Eapproximately 0.2)0.= -B&'G within the deepest portions of the depocentres. The above constraints suggest that oils from terrestrial EType //////lGacustrine source rocks lying either directly below or lateral to. but around 200m vertically deeper than the well TDs. have migrated into the Tarakan and &unyu Island fields and the Banda)l accumulation. -aturities of these oils are mostly e$uivalent to 7o 0.=)0.? Ei.e. top of the oil windowG except for the more mature &unyu Tapa oils with a 7o 0.2. *ince -iocene source rocks have been proven onshore in the Tidung

sub)basin. it is proposed that similar facies are likely to be present below Tarakan and &unyu Island and the Banda area. The hydrocarbons encountered in the Banda)I are extremely significant as it establishes that mature source rocks are present far out into the basin and well away from the delta plain coals that have been documented in the updip portions of the Tarakan &asin and that are typically regarded as the likely hydrocarbon source rocks along the eastern margin of (alimantan. lthough the Banda)I flowed gas on test. a significant li$uid hydrocarbon charge could be present in the offshore portions of the basin. 79T near TD in the Banda)I at 0332.= m recovered 03.0 'I oil in two chambers and below the tested gas 6ones. This data suggests that the area is not overmature for oil. The geothermal gradients likely decrease in an offshore direction. an observation that is common in passive margin basins.


*ub)&asins with th establishment of production at *embak g 9ield E23 --&%G in /2=< by rco E9igm /?G. This play type is located in a half graI en tectonic province E'ertamina % ()**5. /220G. Traps are found at rollover anticlines within down block of ma!or growth faults. 'lay ob!ectives of this tectonic province are *antul. Tabul. ana -eliat 9ormation with carbonaceous source rock of -eliat 9ormation. &angkudulis 9ield E2.> --&%G. which is located in the west of &angkudulis Island has the same play type as *embakung 9ield E'ertamina % ()**5. /220G. dditional accumulations are likely. however. exploration has been hampered by poor seismic data $uality and coverage. Aittle exploration effort has been made in areas further offshore which are characteri6ed by growth faulting apart from the drilling of well Banda)I by *ceptre in /220 E9igure /?G. 9our potentially productive fairways have been identifiedC I. a shelfal trend of growth faults in water depths of 20)/00 meters influenced by arch inversion" 2. a growth fault trend west of the ;anda)I well in water depths deeper than /00 meters" 0. an inboard crestal collapse\ graben trend of faulting located down dip4of the &ulungan Delta and >. an outboard crestal collapse\graben trend located in the southeastern portion of the *ebawang II '*+ &lock in water depths greater than 200 m and downdip to the inboard crestal collapse E9igure /?G ll four offshore fairways rely upon deltaic progradation to the east and forced regressions during drops in sea level to get deposition of reservoir far down dip of existing well control. Traps could exist containing thick delta front and turbidite reservoirs in the hanging walls of large scale listric growth faults. In this setting. reservoirs and seals could be thicker and more continuous.

Chapter 1 Oil (la* ?once0t

&oth the Tarakan and &unyu rches are proven hydrocarbon fairways into which hydrocarbon charge has been focused by these basin ward plunging noses into 'lio)'leistocene sandstone reservoirs deposited in a very proximal\delta plain depositional setting E9igure /? and /2G. Knfortunately. a play in this setting has resulted in the discovery of several oil and gas accumulations with poor lateral reservoir continuity. poor recovery efficiency and typically hydrocarbon volumes that are often too small to develop under current '*+ terms and market conditions. The exploration effort on the shallow shelf has concentrated on the areas immediately along strike of the plunge of the arches. Aittle exploration effort has been made in areas to the northeast and southwest flanks of the arches. where sandstones may either pinch)out or become truncated giving rise to wholly or partially stratigraphic trapping geometries. Traps in this dip position are difficult to identify" cross fault leakage in highly likely due to a very high net)to)gross sandstone ration. The two largest fields in the basin. Tarakan E2/3 --&%G and &unyu E/>0 --&% and '/E/%r)F- are faulted anticlines. ) llof/9ie%fner acctrrriulations are substantially dependent upon fault closure and all contain less than 23 --&% recoverable. s the southeasterly plunging arches become progressively younger from south to north there could be problems with the timing of trap formation and hydrocarbon change in the northernmost part of the Tarakan &asin. -iocene clastic reservoir play has been proven in the onshore &erau and Tidung








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r-Lo-Pleisto*ene 8ig8 nett-to-Yross *lasti* &io*ene anti*lines

5aulted .la6 Eit8

anti*line roll over 5aults


+8ellal Plio-Pleisto*ene trend Eit8 5aults in5luen*ed ,6 ar*8 inversion Plio-Pleisto*ene AroEt8 5ault trend Puo-Plersto*enedoEn Plio-Pieislo*en~ *olla.seOgra,en *restal

and maFor )ar,onate




di. o5 Bulungan

ligo-&io*ene )ar,onate .la6 ~ @Z-+1 anti*line ar*8es ~ Basin Boundar6

out,oard *restal sout8 G1 +e,aEang

II Blo*k


/? ) %il 'lay +oncept -ap of the Tarakan &asin


EfG I-

ui EfG



N aCC N I,

EfG I')


eo c CCs o








ui I-

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c o

In the west and far north of the Tarakan &asin where clastic sediment supply appears to have been limited. -iocene carbonate shelf containing isolated build)ups rised E9igure /2G. These build)ups have been tested by several wells and found to be tight. #orth of the hus rch are the 'lio)'leistocene is characteri6ed by a larger proportion of carbonates. Thick untested carbonate buildups have developed along the footwalls of many of the faults. 7eservoir $uality is the highest risk in these carbonate buildups. %ligo)-iocene carbonate reefs of the Tabalar 9ormation comprise the most prospective play in the -uara *ub)basin E9igure /2G. #o commercial hydrocarbon discoveries have been made. however. oil and gas shows were reported in exploration wells which penetrated reef prospects at (arang &esar)l . *egitiga)l and Tabalar)l. This sub)basin is structurally less complex being characteri6ed by uniform subsidence between basement ridges and persistent carbonate deposition on basement highs and platform areas. Trap types include pinnacle reefs aligned on tenuous structural ridges or shelf edge. fore)reef talus deposits. wrench related folds. wedge out on flanks of structures or along unconformities. and reefal facies located on basement highs or on discrete ridges. %nlap and pinchout stratigraphic traps of ,ocene sandstones are poorly defined from seism ic data E&eicip. /222G. @ere the primary risks include charge. because the basin is not deeply buried. and trap because the build)ups are large along with the potential for thief 6ones on lapping the build)ups.


Chapter 2


Tarakan &asin consists of four sub)basins. named Tidung. Tarakan. &erau and -uara *ub)basins. The basin initially formed by rifting during the ,ocene with continued spreading of the -akassar *trait evident present day. The basin is bounded by 're) Tertiary basement in the west and wrench faults in the north and south. The Tarakan &asin is open to the east. The sub)basins are separated by faults and unconformities. ,xploration activity in the greater Tarakan &asin dates back to the earliest exploration for oil and gas in Indonesia in the nineteenth century when discoveries were made at 'amusian E/20<" ultimate recoverable 2/3 --&%G. 1uata E/2/?" ultimate recoverable /? --&%G. and &unyu E/22=" ultimate recoverable />0 --&% and 030 &+9 5asG. ll of the subse$uent discoveries are less than 3 --&% recoJerable with exception of *embakung 9ield E/2=<" ultimate recoverable 23 --&%G. The presence of hydrocarbon charge is not considered to be a critical risk considering the existing production. the presence of onshore oil and gas seeps. natural offshore oil slicks and hydrocarbon shows in exploratory wells. The stratigraphy reflects )the generally regressive nature of the Aate +eno6oic with marine carbonates of the %ligocene and -iocene grading into progressively more clastic dominated 'lio)'leistocene se$uences.

identified throughout the 'ost)%ligocene section in all of the *ub)&asins. ll of the production to date occurs in a very proximal depositional setting. The ob!ective section typically contains abundant coal units. thin continental and nearshore marine shales and numerous thin channel sandstones. 7eservoir net)to)gross and percent sandstone is typically $uite high 00)<3 percent" explaining the high failure rate of fault traps. and higher volumes in faulted and simple anticlines. +lastic plays further down)dip where reservoir and seal continuity may be much higher could be more successful. Aarge carbonate build)ups of %ligo)-iocene age provide attractive exploration targets in she lightly explored -uara *ub)basin.

8e gratefully acknowledge *hell +ompanies in Indonesia for data and facility support. 8e would like to thank &ambang. 8ahyudi. *ugiran. and @ipni for their drafting support. 'aul (ehrens is thanked for his contribution in 9igure 3. The primary draft of this paper was reviewed by 5eoff ,dwards.


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