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Brief Intro by Chandramowly

Cosmological Perspective of East
 Ancient Indians used to organise information using
numbers symbolising with cosmology. The way of life in
the Vedic age was centered on single objective of liberation
from bondage and enjoying the fruits of life and material
wealth in moderation.

 The delusions and distractions take way the pointedness of

the mind to fully enjoy life in its holistic perspective. The
nescience (avidya) and its sub-products such as
selfishness, ego centeredness, result oriented actions are
the reasons for generating thoughts in our mind.

Symbolic Numeric System
 The collection and bombardment of these thoughts
take up the form of MIND. The best way, our ancient
seekers found was to achieve inner purity and
experience everything as a witness.

 The discipline, system and the method of study of

scriptures was also reflected in counting of micro and
macro aspects of universe. Thus, the numbers became
a symbols of hidden spiritual aspects.

Zero ‘0’ – ShUnyam
 Zero is indefinable and its true value is unknown.

 It is beyond shape, name, quality, beginning or end.

 Zero, Symbolises the universal power, the primal being, the


 When multiplied , Zero absorbs all other numerals resulting

an unknown value (Zero)

 When appropriately added, it can infinitely enhance the value of

other numerals.

One - ‘1’ - Ekam
 Represents ‘Saguna Brahma’, or ‘Hiranya Garbha’ or ‘Athma’ who is the creator
of tri-powers, the Generative Power, Organising Power and Destructiing

 The G, O, D or the Trimurthis - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva who are

supported by Intellect (saraswathi), Wealth (Lakshmi), and Power (shakti) to
manage their portfolios.

 He is the same purusha as explained in purusha sUkta, the one power , who
created all gods, demigods, nature, life and living beings from himself. Like
Atman, number one creates all other numbers. Number one is the only truth
and it exists in every other number. ‘One’ is the symbol of Advaita, the
monistic school of Atman.

Two - ‘2’ - Dwe
 Represents Dwaita, the dualistic school of belief that the Atman and
Jiva are district though essentially are same

 Represents God and Nature (Purusha and Prakriti).All Gods are

perceived with this duality concept. Ex: Shiva-Uma,, Hari – Lakshmi,
Brahma – Vani

 2 represents, the duo; Earth –Sky, Day-Night, Right-Wrong, Science-

Nescience, Adam-Eve, Allah- Satan, Life – Death in its ‘dwandva’ , the
concept of duality which is appearing because of delusion (Maya).

 To find out the reality, one has to attain ‘1’ - the self realisation or
reduce to ‘ 0’ – Nirvana
Three - ‘3’ - Threeni
 Life, Lord and the World are the trio pointers of all religious belief. The three letters of A,
U , M forming the cosmic sound Omkara, the fourth state of supreme consciousness

 Generation-Organisation- Destruction is the numeric symbol of one power , performing three

different functions in perpetuality.. Similarly Human cell is generated, organised and
destroyed to keep us alive. Trinity Gods (Brahma , Vishnu, shiva) are symbalised for 3 and
united in the other symbol ‘Dattatreya’. IcchhAshakti, KriyAshakti, JnyAna shakti, the powers
representing wives of trimurthis combined to on in the form of Durga.

 3 also has symbolic links with , Trigunas (sathva, rajas and tamas), Thrisandhya (morning,
Noon , Evening) and Triputis (knower-known-knowledge) , Time (Past – Present – Future),
Age ( Young-Middle-Old), Praana (Inhale-Hold-Exhale or Puraka – Kumbhaka- Rechaka,)

 No. 3 is Shiva since he is 3rd in trimurthis.. He is trinetra – three-eyed, thrishUla dhari – holds
a three edged weapon. Destroyed the trigunas as symbolised in trupundra - three lines of
vibhuti scribed on forehead. Bhur-Bhuva-Svah – represents the three worlds in ‘Gayathri
manthra’. www.scribd.com/chandramowly
Four - ‘4’ - ChatvAri
 Symbolises the quadruplicate knowledge in the form of Rig – Yajur- Sama – Atharvana Vedas.

 4 also denotes four Purusharthas (dharma – righteousness, artha – wealth, kama – desire, moksha –
liberation) which prescribes the best way for fulfillment of life (Accomplish Artha-wealth in a
dharmic way and fulfill all desires in a dharmic way thus leading to attainment of supreme state , the

 ACTION BRANCHES: Universally all human activities are divided into 4 types based on knowledge,
selfless action, selfish action and ignorant action

 FOUR YOGAS : There are also 4 paths to realization which are Action, Devotion, body purification
and supreme knowledge (Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hata Yoga and Jnana Yoga)

 FOUR YUGAS: Indicative of universal transition of periodicity - the chatur yugas – Krita, Threta,
Dwapara and Kali, where Dharma stands on its four legs loses one leg progressively in each
mahayuga. In Krita, the first epoch dharma walks on 4 legs and in Kali it walks on one leg.

 The Four sides of Swastrika symbol., Chaturmukha bhrahma, 4 hands of devine gods, four divisions
of army (horses, elephants, men on chariots and the land army also represents the Number Four.
Five - ‘5’ - Pancha
 ELEMENTS : 5 represents the 5 Basic Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth). Air came
from Ether, the SPACE. Air has space and MOVEMENT, Fire comes out from Air. It has space,
movement and HEAT. Water is derived from Fire. Water has space, movement, heat and
SHAPE. Earth is emerged out of water. Earth has the fifth attribute, the SMELL besides the 4.

 PANCHAKOSHAS (annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anamdamaya0,

Pancha Pranas (prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana), Panchagni, Pancha Karmendriya,
Pancha jnanendriya, panchanga (thithi, vara, nakshatra, karana and Yoga)

 Panchamrutam (ghee, milk, curds, honey, coconut water),

 Panchabana (1.aravinda= a lotus , 2. ashoka= a flower of hellebore origin, 3. chutam= mango

flower, 4.nava mallika= new jasmine, 5.neela utpala= blue costus, are the five arrows of

 Panchagavya (cow dung, urine, milk, curd, ghee),

 5 Ms of Tantric cult – Madya (wine), Mamsa (meat), Matsya (fish), Mudra (gestures),
Maithuna (intercourse)
Six - ‘6’ - Shashta
 6 faculties of mind (reason, emotion, thought, awareness , knowledge and analysis),

 6 inherent enemies (Kama – Lust, Krodha – Anger, Lobha – Greed, Moha – Delusion and
Mathsarya – Envy)

 The Six chakrars (Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Vishudha, Ajna and Sahasrara)

 There are 6 branches of Vedas, the Vedangas which are Shiksha: phonetics and phonology ,
Chandas : meter , Vyakarana : grammar , Nirukta : etymology , Jyotisha : astrology &
astronomy, and Kalpa : ritual
 6 Darshanas : nyaya (logic), vaisesika (atomic theory), sankhya (analysis of matter and spirit),
yoga (the discipline of self-realization), karma- mimamsa (science of fruitive work) and
vedanta (science of God realization).

 Indicates Shanmukha, the six headed son of Shiva –Parvathi, also called as ‘Kumara’

Seven - ‘7’ – Saptha
 The 7 Days of the Week.

 The plane of universe is said to be 7 above and 7 below, earth being the 6th and center. (Atala,
Vitala, Sutala, talalala, rasatala, mahatala patala : The Darker worlds & Bhooloka Bhuvarlaoka
suvarloka,Maharloka, Janoloka, Tapoloka, Sathyaloka – the higher worlds).

 Sapta Jihva – the 7 tongues of Fire (Kali – Black, Karali – Fierce, Manojava ( swift as mind),
Sulochana (red as iron), sudhoomravarna (smoke coloured), visharuch-devi (universally
pleasing) and sphulingini (cracking)

 The Sun God rides on a chariot driven by 7 horses of seven colours

 The basic musical notes are seven (sadja, rishabha, ghandhara, madyama, panchama, daivatha,
gandhara, and nishada ) and also the beats (dhruva, mattya, rupaka, khanda, triputa, atta, and

 The 7 sacred rivers : Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri

 The 7 Rishis : Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara, Jata, Vodhu, and Pancha-sikha
Eight - ‘8’ – Ashta
 Ashta Lakshmis : the eight forms of goddess of wealth (Adi – primal, Dhana – Wealth,
Gaja – Wealth of Elephants, Santana – wealth of Children, Vijaya –Wealth of Success, Vidya
– wealth of Knowledge, Dhanya – Wealth of Grains and Dhairaya – Wealth of Courage.

 Ashta Vasus: the eight attendants of Indra : Dhara (earth), Anala (Fire), Apa (water),
Anila (wind), Dhruva (north star), Soma (moon), Prabhasa (dawn) and Pratyasu (light)

 Ashtadikpalakas, the lords of eight directions : Indra (east), Varuna (west),

Kubera(north), Yama(south), Agni(SE), Niruthi (SW), Ishana (NE) and Vayu (NW)

 Eight parts of Yoga are : Yama (control), Niyama (rules), Asana (Postures), pratyahara
(withdrawal of senses), dhyana (meditation), Dharana (concentration) and Samadhi (State
of Self absorption)

 Lord Siva is known as Ashtamurthi depicting 5 pancha mahabhutas, sun, moon and Jeeva.
Nine - ‘9’ – Nava
 The highest single digit represents many concepts and practices.

 9 types of devotion (shravanam, kirtanam, mananam, padasevanam, archanam,

mantram, maitri and sharanam)

 Hindu astronomy recognises 9 planets (surya, chandra, mangala, budha, brihaspati,

shukra, shani, rahu and kethu)

 The Nine Jewels are : Mouktika, Manikya, Vajra, Vaidhurya, Gomedhika, vidruma,
padmaraga, marakata and Nila)

 Nine Goddesses – Navadurgas : Uma , Gauri , Parvati , Kali , Chandi , Bhairavi,

Chamundi , Jagadamba and Aadimaaya

 Human body is considered as a city of nine gates – nava dwarapuri : two eyes, two
ears, two nostrils, mouth , genetic and excretory openings.
Ten - ‘10’ – Ten
 The first and smallest double digit number symbalising the combination of
saguna and nirguna bramha. It is the symbol of incarnation of God

 Dasharatha’s son Sri Rama killing Ravana (dashashira) symbolizes unification

of 10 to O.

 10 Basic Upanishads are derived from 4 Vedas. Ittareya (Rigveda), Ishavasya,

Brihadaranyaka (Yajurveda), Katha, Chandogya (Samaveda), Prashna, Mudaka,
Mandookya (Atharvana Veda)

 Ten Directions( E, W, N, S, NE, SE, SW, NW, UP and DOWN)

Sincerely acknowledge the help of various texts and information
and also an article of Mr. V. Jayaram in hinduwebsite to put the key
data together for our younger generation to know our great



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