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How to Profit from Biogas Market Developments

GIA Industries White Paper

June 2010 Global Intelligence Alliance2010. All rights reserved. Contact: info@globalintelligence.com

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Table of ontents
!"ecutive #ummar$ Global %utloo& 'ar&et Characteristics ( !uro)e* +#A* Asia ,acific Conclusions A))endi" About GIA . 1/* 22* 2/ 20 12 1.

3he hite )a)er is )rovided as is* free of charge and ithout an$ arrant$ or guarantee. Global Intelligence Alliance acce)ts no res)onsibilit$ for errors or omissions* or for an$ loss or conse4uential loss arising as a result of decisions ta&en based on its contents. 2010 Global Intelligence Alliance. All rights reserved. 3his hite )a)er is co)$right* ho ever individual )ages or )ortions thereof ma$ be co)ied referencing 5Global Intelligence Alliance6 as the source.


Introdu tion
3he global megatrends such as climate change are driving the increased ado)tion of rene able energ$ sources in general* hereas the )rice volatilit$* su))l$ issues and environmental ha7ards of fossil fuel )roduction are about to accelerate the )ace in the investments of non8fossil fuels )roduction in )articular. 9iogas* the most sustainable of biofuels* is in a starting )oint of an e")onential mar&et gro th curve. 3his )a)er ill cover the latest develo)ments and future scenarios of the ra)idl$ develo)ing biogas business* starting ith a global outloo& and going through s)ecial mar&et characteristics of !uro)e* +#A and Asia ,acific.

!on epts and abbreviations

Anaerobic :igestion Anaerobic metabolic )rocesses caused through microbial en7$matic activities Anaerobic digester. An istallation to )roduce biogas ith anaerobic digestion of organic material A combination of methane* C%2 and trace gases released during anaerobic digestion Generating electricit$ from man$ small ;aste ater treatment facilit$ <eed in tariffs


9iogas :istributed Generation sources ;;3< <I3


"#e utive $ummar%


"#e utive $ummar%

A com)an$ ith the right e")ertise and timing can ca)ture it=s share of the billions that are invested in the infrastructure in the coming $ears
,rimar$ )rofiteers of biogas industr$ gro th
Anaerobic digester )roviders* es)eciall$ those in Asia toda$ 9iogas condensation and u)grade technolog$ develo)ers Centrali7ed and s)eciali7ed )lants )roducing* utili7ing and

distributing biogas

+nder an o)timistic scenario* the 2 9illion !+> )lant installations business to gro u) to 29illion b$ 2020.

#econdar$ )rofiteers
Global su))liers to )rofit out of increased demand for com)onents* services and chemicals

#u))liers of )o er )lants and )rocess e4ui)ment 'aintenance* service and certification businesses Com)anies s)eciali7ed in environmental management Chemical com)anies develo)ing the )roduction $ield

and efficienc$


"#e utive $ummar%

As a global trend* the larger sites ill im)rove the efficienc$ of )o er generation* )rofitabilit$ of biogas u)grade and the utili7ation of b$8)roducts
5?a s similar to German model have lead to gro th in other mar&ets as ell.6 Andrea Horbelt, European Biogas Association

3he +# mar&et to )rovide innovative a))lications and ne business models

!uro)ean com)anies and technologies ill be the ones to atch bet een 201082015,rice volatilit$ of gas and oil ill be the main drivers for the biogas industr$@ a sufficient )rice increase of gas and oil ill ma&e biogas )rofitable ever$ hereA6 Kim Sderman, Finnish Biogas Association

Asia ill be the main gro th area* installing basic sites on ;;3<=s and landfills

Global &utlook


Global megatrends drive the biogas growth

9iogas industr$ gro th

Inevitable end of fossil oil and gas

Climate change

Increased utilization of technology


Biogas ' what(s in it for me) *+,-.

A han e to redu e both organi methane and fossile !&- in the atmosphere
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

C%2 from deforestation etc. 20 C

C%2 from

'ethane 12 C
Ditrous o"ide . C %thers 1 C

fossil fuels -B C

'ethane* &e$ com)onent of biogas is 21 times a more )o erful greenhouse gas than C%2 . uring the incineration of biogas! methane is turned into C"2
and #ater! thus reducing the negative im$act to the climate.

A chance to )rofit out of emissions trade carbon credits and government subsidies

Source: US Environmental Protection Agenc

.globalintelligence.com 14

Biogas ' what(s in it for me) *-,-.

A han e to redu e both organi methane and fossile !&- in the atmosphere
Global %rimary Energy %roduction

#olid fossil fuels 2- C

%il 1B C

Datural Gas 21 C
Duclear / C >ene ables* h$dro and other 0 C

:ue to the identical chemical com)osition EmethaneF u)graded biogas an be used as an alternative to all e"isting natural gas a))lications

A read$8to8use* economicall$ sustainable source of energ$ and a su)erior second generation trans)ortation fuelA

Source: US Environmental Protection Agenc

59iogas has better $ield )er Ga than ethanol or biodiesel* ma&ing it the most sustainable of biofuels.6 Kim Sderman, Finnish Biogas Association

.globalintelligence.com 11

Agri ulture shows greatest potential in biogas

B- CH of the biogas )otential is in the
anaerobic digestion of agricultural cro)s* b$8 )roducts and manure

1BCH in munici)al
and industrial organic aste

.CH in se

age ;;3<=s

* !he higher utili"ation rate o# #armland as an energ resource could increase the share o# manure, agricultural crops and b $products
to %&', leaving organic (aste a )*' and ++!F,s a &' share Source: Biomass -aga"ine, .lobal +ater /ntelligence, American Biogas 0ouncil, Frost And Sullivan, European Biomass Association, Eurostat, /o(a State Universit

.globalintelligence.com 17

!urrent bottlene k of improved biogas utili/ation is the ost of upgrade te hnologies

9iogas u)grade into e4uivalent ith natural gas

Agriculture B-C

Anaerobic igestion
;;3< 1B C

<ed into e"isting net or&s I used directl$ as a trans)ortation fuel

?andfill .C

Combined heat J energ$ Gousehold use

3o date onl$ of the )lants in German$ are feeding the gas directl$ in the e"isting natural gas net or&.


Global pla%ers to aim at te hnolog% and servi es to se ure profit 0 positive image
rivers and constraints
&e$roducable technologies and services for locally o$erating biogas $roducers'
Im)rovement of solid

aste and se age

Climate change 3he end of fossil oil and gas Increased utili7ation of technolog$ ?ac& of long term subsidies 6<ood to energ$6 in develo)ing countries 5Do in m$ bac&$ard6 effect

treatment )rocesses
,rocess develo)ment of anaerobic digestion 3echnololog$ for the )roduction of heat

and energ$ out of biogas

+)grade of biogas to suit e"isting natural gas

Installations to e"tract chemicals such as C%2 Condensation of u)graded biogas into li4uid


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With man% potential routes to market1 where do ompanies target limited resour es)
>a 'aterials +)stream ?ogistics 9iogas ,roduction 9iogas +)grade :o nstream ?ogistics !nd +ser

Im$rovement of solid #aste and se#age

(echnology for the $roduction of heat and %rocess develo$ment of anaerobic digestion' /s there a technolog 3ump in sight2
3 energy out of biogas' +hat si"e o# po(er plants is re4uired2

treatment $rocesses' +here does it ta1e place toda 2

.globalintelligence.com 21

Installations to e*tract chemicals such as C"2'

Condensation of u$graded biogas into

/s this a business opportunit 2 )$grade of biogas to suit e*isting natural gas
4 a$$lications'

li-uid biogas'

+ho to pro#it out o# higher energ concentration2

+ill there be biogas re#ineries2

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Market !hara teristi s



The "23wide targets to fight the limate hange and the e#isting infrastru ture boost the business

A target to reduce greenhouse gases b$ 20C b$ 2020 (rans$ortation fuels need to be blended #ith rene#ables at an accelerated rate 3he initiatives are im)lemented through national legislation

Arable land available also for non.food $lants /igh tech industr$ )la$ers in energ$* chemistr$ and automotive industr$ A ell8established natural gas net#or0

9iogas ca)acit$ orth over 2 modern nuclear )o er )lants

!+ 3argets
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German%1 the biogas market leader1 runs half of "urope(s 41555 biogas plants

'ost of the gas is currentl$ )roduced b$ inde$endent farmers out of biomass A feed.in tariff E<I3F ensures a reasonable )a$bac& time for investments E28- $earsF !"isting natural gas net#or0 acce)ts u)graded biogas 1arger! more centralized sites are being built 9iogas as a trans)ortation fuel is ta" free

Ke$ outcomes of the German model


,rocess &no 8ho J global $layers in the biogas )lant installations mar&et eg. !nvitec 9iogas* #chmac& 9iogas and 9iogas Dord 3he rural areas have a ne# source of income and Lobs as the )rofitabilit$ of the agriculture in general is decreasing %ther !uro)ean countries are starting to co$y the German model



#ource: 9iomass 'aga7ine

.globalintelligence.com 1.

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$ubsidies and ountr%3spe ifi strategies

<I3=s e"ist in most !+ countries 8 their efficienc$ is rated B times higher to other government su))ort #econd generation biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel are blended ith fossil fuels. 3he e"isting fuel distribution infrastructure su))orts li4uid fuels over gas.

3#eden' Innovation
Communit$ buses

increasingl$ using biogas

?i4uid biogas to enable long distance

3echnologies to e"tract chemicals out

of biogas %oland today is 4Germany in 15506

?imited biogas )roduction !"cessive food )roduction and


resources of arable land

Good infrastructure and an e"isting

natural gas net or& in )lace

3he utili7ation of biogas as a trans)ortation fuel is neglected

A need to find alternatives for im)orted

natural gas

#ource: 9ioc$cle* 9iomass 'aga7ine

A bright future for "uropean high te h pla%ers

3he mar&et in !uro)e to gro# at a t#o.digit rate. 3he main gro th ill ta&e )lace in refinery $ro7ects and 819: $o#er $lants. 3he share of e*$orts #ill increase from the current 10 81-C.
evelo$ment of e-ui$ment! enzymes! chemicals and 0no#.ho# 9ore countries ado$t biogas in trans$ortation (he sco$e in the business to shift from $o#er generation to gas and chemicals

%rice of fossil fuels increases #hile biogas u$grade gets chea$er

%lants gro# and centralize

;e# $layers enter mar0et

#ource: Global ;ater Intelligence* Gelmut Kaiser Consultanc$



!ountr% trends highlighted b% industr% e#perts

53here=s a biogas boom in the +K. ,oland and +&raine Enon8!+F are sho ing gro th. # edish mar&et is interesting due to innovations. German$ )otentiall$ to re)lace 10820C of natural gas ith biogas.6 5u11a 6intala, 5 v7s1 l7 Universit

5Ital$ is a )ossible gro ing mar&et in regards of biogas utili7ation in trans)ortation* # eden as ell ( Cit$ buses running on natural gas. +K* <rance* #)ain J Ital$ ado)ting )arts of the German model.6 Andrea Horbelt, European Biogas Association

5,oland has lot=s of )lans and )otential but so far not that much action. :enmar& and Dor a$ are rising* so is # eden* at a high level.6 Kim Sderman, Finnish Biogas Association

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#ource: GIA #urve$

.globalintelligence.com 33

Market !hara teristi s



Private se tor beginning to leverage the biogas industr%

!uro)ean8st$le <I3=s for biogas in the +#: California* <lorida* Mermont and Ga aii 3he <I3=s are limited to a certain si7e of )o er )lants as )rivate

;A#GIDG3%D '%D3ADA D%>3G :AK%3A 'IDD!#%3A M3 I:AG% ;N%'IDG D!MA:A D!9>A#KA I%;A ID:IADA %GI% ;I#C%D#ID #%+3G :AK%3A 'ICGIGAD D!; N%>K >I ,!DD C%DD D!; J!>#!N :!?A;A>! KAD#A# ;M MI>GIDIA 'A>N?AD: DG 'A## 'AID!


+3AG C%?%>A:%



'I##%+>I A>IO%DA D!; '!PIC% %K?AG%'A A>KAD#A# 'I##

K!D3+CKN 3!DD!##!!

D%>3G CA>%?IDA #%+3G CA>%?IDA

com)anies and individuals are encouraged to feed electricit$ into the )o er grid

G!%>GIA 3!PA# A?A9A'A



<ollo ed b$ the e"am)les of !uro)e and %ntario ECanadaF* local governments are discussing <I3=s in ;isconsin* Indiana* 'ichigan* 'innesota* 'aine and ;ashington.
.globalintelligence.com 36 .globalintelligence.com 36

#o urc e: >e ne a

ble !n erg $ ;o rld* 3h e De

Nor& 3imes* +.#. :e)artment of !nerg$


<I3=s in )lace for biogas <I3=s under discussion


.globalintelligence.com 37

"nvironmental management is the driver to install new AD(s and landfill gas olle tors
+# farms )roduce 2Q manure than German$* but have toda$ onl$ 100 8 200 manure A:=s. 3he total mar&et si7e for biogas manure in the +# ould be .000 A:=s@ ca)acit$ that e4uals 2C of all electricit$ )roduction. 108$ear )a$bac& times not attracting investors for the energ$ cro) A:=s. -0C utili7ation rate of landfill gas. 10C utili7ation rate in ;;3< A:=s

In the absence of <I3=s in most states* the environmentall$ driven )roLects in munici)alities and industr$ are gro ing the business.

#ource: American 9iogas Council * Io a #tate +niversit$: 9ioc$cle



Three profit s enarios for the 2$ until -5-5

3cenario 2 < a$$lication innovations 3cenario 1 . stagnation +#A does not sur)ass German$ nor A,AC in ca)acit$ as the use of energ$ cro)s into biogas is not ada)ted in large scale. Assuming the fossil )rices develo) moderatel$* <I3=s ill cover most of the +#. Com)an$8s)ecific )o er )urchase agreements ill also be im)lemented for u)graded biogas. 3o avoid aste and se age fees* su)ermar&et chains* schools* hos)itals etc. to follo aste8 intensive industr$ o)erations in the installing of anaerobic digesters. %ther states to co)$ California in allo ing distributed generation and consumers to )rofit out of selling electricit$ into the grid. 3cenario = < li-uid biogas the leading 2nd generation biofuel 9$ 2020* biogas u)grade and condensation technologies become available for farm8si7e o)erations* ma&ing the utili7ation of biogas as a trans)ortation fuel )rofitable. ?i4uid biogas ado)ted b$ trans)ort and defence.

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#ource: #candinavian G3#* Global ;ater Intelligence

.globalintelligence.com 41

Market !hara teristi s

Asia Pa ifi


!hina and India are Asia(s ke% biogas markets

#mall8scale and lo tech biogas )roduction is an Asian tradition. Countries such as India* China and De)al have traditionall$ robust* small scale A:=s serving onl$ a fe households ith gas for coo&ing. 3he benefits in lo infrastructure areas include im)roved
sanitation* decreased use of fire ood and costl$ fuels and the access to a free fertili7er.
5A maLor driver in China is economic dis)osal of aste and se age.6 !imo 8ei3anen, 9E+A0: ;td

In China* the &e$ )la$ers ado)ting biogas technolog$ are the ;;3<=s J landfills. Increasing demand for electricit$ in rural areas has s)un off biogas8based distributed generation initiatives.

;ith mid8si7ed units the share of electricit$ )roduction out of

biogas has increased /00C in )ast - $ears. households using biogas.

In 200B China had 2/ 000 biogas facilities and 2/ million

Ja)an and #outh Korea are ado)ting biogas technologies at a high rate. 'ala$sia=s )alm oil residue re)resents a ell8 managed resource for biogas.

:es)ite high infrastructure* the develo)ed Asian countries

not to sur)ass China* India or even the +#A in the )roduction of biogas.

#ource: !nerg$ Information Administration* 3he De Nor& 3imes* <rost and #ullivan


B% -5-51 !hina and India to take the lead globall%

<I3=s are generall$ not in )lace in Asia* but governments do )rovide financing and ta" incentives. ,o er )urchase agreements ta&e )lace ith local energ$ com)anies. In 2020* the most modern biogas )lants ill e"ist in Asia* nearl$ all of the ca)acit$ built bet een 201082020 German$ graduall$ to lose the tech edge.

Asian countries alread$ have high ado)tation rates of gas vehicles. 3he re)lacement of traditional fuels ill ta&e )lace onl$ after the )rofits available in )etrochemicals sur)ass the )rofits in electricit$ )roduction. In the absence of <I3=s this change ill be more ra)id than in !uro)e.

!.g. China=s target is to have 100 million rural residents using electricit$ generated ith biogas b$ 2020

;hen most of the economic aste* se age and manure resources is being utilili7ed* the use of non8edible biomass accelerates

#ource: !nerg$ Information Administration >ene able Cogen Asia



!on lusions


With man% potential routes to market1 where do ompanies target limited resour es)
Im$rovement of solid #aste and se#age

treatment $rocesses' +here does it ta1e place toda 2

Asia is the main gro th area for ne ;;3< )roLects

)$grade of biogas to suit e*isting natural


gas a$$lications' +ill there be biogas re#ineries2

?arge8scale refining to start first in !uro)e

%rocess develo$ment of anaerobic digestion' /s there a technolog 3ump

to revolu tioni7e the indust r$ Do tech Lum)s in sight

.globalintelligence.com 50

Installations to e*tract chemicals such as C"2' /s this a business opportunit 2

9$8)roduct chemicals to remain a niche* serving

a limited mar&et

(echnology for the $roduction of heat and energy out of biogas' +hat si"e po(er plants re4uired2 o# is

Increasing demand for Q 0.- '; )lants

Condensation of u$graded biogas into li-uid biogas' +ho to pro#it out o# higher energ concentration2

?ong distance trans)ortation and defense to ado)t li4uid biogas

.globalintelligence.com 51

Te h trends highlighted b% industr% e#perts

5;hile biotechnolog$ ill resolve issues ith handling big masses of different ra materials* the use of biogas as a trans)ortation fuel increases.6 5u11a 6intala, 5 v7s1 l7 Universit 53echnolog$ research on biogas is ongoing but )rogress is slo @ it=s more a al& than a Lum)A6 Andrea Horbelt, European Biogas Association 53he bigger the )o er )lants

get* the better the efficienc$ of electricit$ generation and heat recover$.6 Fredri1 +ilenius, +7rtsil7

#ource: GIA #urve$

Breaking news highlighting industr% growth

)3A Asia %acific

(he Anheuser.?usch bre#ery in Gouston +# ill begin using landfill biogas as an alternative fuel source. 3he gas ill be carried through a )i)eline to the Anheuser8 9usch bre er$ to hel) generate steam energ$ for the bre er$=s )o er )lant. 'ore than -- )ercent of the bre er$=s fuel demand ill be su))lied b$ biogas. Environmental ;eader <=>?><**=

&hodia announces its first business develo$ment investment in biogas technology* b$ ac4uiring !concern Grou)=s )artici)ation in si" )ilot biogas )roduction )roLects located in China and Mietnam. 6hodia ?>@><**=

:almart has com$leted biogas installations at t o stores in southern California* each at 200&;* generating a))ro"imatel$ 1.2 million &;h annuall$. !ach of these sites has the )otential to eliminate 1 million )ounds of C%2 annuall$ hen )o ered b$ biogas. Bloomenerg >com

GE biogas engines to be used in Chinese $ro7ect to )o er a Chinese co manure8based biogas )roLect. 3he manure from the 2-0*000 co s at the ?iaoning Guishan <arm in #hen$ang* China* ill be converted into biogas through G!Rs four engines. 3he energ$ )roduced ill be sold to the state grid in China. Bloomberg &>&><*)*

Breaking news highlighting industr% growth


3chmac0 ?iogas AG has sold a + 9: biogas feed.in $ro7ect to >!DI%D 9iogas GmbG J Co. KG at a )rice of a))ro". !+> 11.2 million. 3he ra materials ill be trans)orted over an average distance of less than 20 &ilometres. Financial>de )?>A><**= (he construction of a 1, million Euro $lant for 1i-uified ?iogas in 3#eden has started. 3he facilit$* hich is one of the orldRs first )lants for ?i4uefied 9iogas* is scheduled for com)letion in inter 2010I2011. BiogasmaB <<>A><*)*

&oyal 39 ;.@. announces an agreement to ac-uire the enzymes su$$lier ?io$ract Gmb/ * based in 9erlin. 3he ac4uisition of )rivatel$ held 9io)ract ill serve as an entr$ )oint for :#' into the )romising biogas mar&et. ACo->com <>?><**=



About the Methodolog%

:iscussing the financial )otential of biogas is challenging as the out)ut of a biogas )lant is a combination rene able electricit$* heat and a second generation biofuel.

1. 3he )otential of biogas is not an absolute figure.

In the case of anaerobic digestion of aste ater sludge and manure and the collection of landfill gas the ra material base is limited* tangible and the )roduction is continuous* thus reliable calculations of the biogas )otential can be )erformed based on the number of ;;3<=s and landfills. ;ith the anaerobic digestion of agricultural )lants* cro) residue and other biomass* the biogas )otential can be valued man$ times higher. Go ever all farmland cannot be used for the cultivation of energ$ due to regulations and the need to )roduce edible )lants for food. 3his e")lains h$ the share of energ$ cro) based )roduction ranges from 0C to .-C b$ region.

2. 3he energ$ out)ut of a biogas )lant is a combination

!lectricit$ hich is either utili7ed on site or fed into the grid Geat that can be used in the anaerobig digestion )rocess or in distant heating of homes Gas that can be u)graded to e4ual the e"isting natural gas a))lications. In some cases the gas is also flared into the s&$

3. 3he measurement of the utili7ed biogas )otential challenging as ell 'ost commonl$* there is an e4ui)ment to convert gas into electricit$* thus the use of ;atts E;F to illustrate the net and gross
ca)acities is Lustified. 3he amount of electricit$ that is not used on8site is fed into the grid. 3his value is usuall$ measured and re)orted. Gere &ilo att hours E&;hF are used in 4uantification.

3he 4uantification of heat )roduction can onl$ be done to an e"tent. 3he heat energ$ out of the electricit$ generation is usuall$
utili7ed either on site or used b$ a nearb$ industrial o)eration. %nl$ in some cases* the heat is contributing a distant heating net or& and a reliable re)ort e"ists.


A biogas u)grade o)eration is actuall$ a )etrochemical refiner$ and a suitable measures are cubic meter Em1F and the tonne of oil e4uivalent EtoeF In flaring the gas* the )lant is not contributing energ$ at all and measurements rarel$ e"ist.


About the Methodolog% * ont(d.

%ne unit for all a))lications ould hel) mar&et understanding.

!nerg$ industr$ re)orts about biogas tend to 4uantif$ o)erations ith one unit onl$ Eeither ;* &;h* m1 or toeF thus creativit$ is re4uired to find descri)tive methods to understand )otentials of various end uses of biogas. <or e"am)le* the use of electricit$ units tend to neglect the use of biogas as a second generation biofuel. Joule EJF ould be a fair unit to 4uantif$ each biogas energ$ a))lication. 3hree as)ects should be highlighted hen discussing the biogas mar&et 1. A relative number that is mostl$ referred to in mar&et re)orts is the total value of ne installations )er $ear. 3his is an
interesting figure as the )lant installations su))lier is loo&ing at the mar&et but does not tell an$thing about the value of services and maintenance of e"isting o)erations.

2. 3heoreticall$* the annual revenue of a biogas )lant can be calculated ith a sim)le formula as the local )rice of gas or
electricit$ is &no n. 3his value should be added ith ra material costs Eeither negative* )ositive or 7eroF* trans)ortation costs and the average value of the b$8)roducts Eorganic fertili7er* C%2* %2 etcF to ma&e it interesting for a com)an$ in

the biogas )roduction business. 3. <or )olitical decisionma&ers the labor intensit$ of biogas )roduction Ee.g. em)lo$mentIGJF in com)arison to other rene ables
ould be of interest as ell.


$our es
In al)habetical order:

American 9iogas Council AOo'.com 9ioc$cle 9iogasma" 9iomass 'aga7ine 9loomberg 9loomenerg$ !nerg$ Information Administration !nvironmental ?eader !uro)ean 9iomass Association !urostat <inancial.de <rost and #ullivan
.globalintelligence.com 61

Global ;ater Intelligence Gelmut Kaiser Consultanc$ Io a #tate +niversit$ >ene able Cogen Asia >ene able !nerg$ ;orld #candinavian G3# 3he De Nor& 3imes +# !nvironmental ,rotection Agenc$ +# :e)artment of !nerg$ ;i&i)edia

About GIA



GIA is a strategi market Intelligen e and advisor% group

Global Intelligence Alliance EGIAF as formed in 100hen a team of mar&et intelligence s)ecialists* management consultants* industr$ anal$sts and technolog$ e")erts came together to build a )o erful suite of customi7ed solutions ranging from outsourced mar&et monitoring services and soft are* to strategic anal$sis and advisor$. 3oda$* e are the )referred )artner for organi7ations see&ing to understand* com)ete and gro in international mar&ets. %ur industr$ e")ertise and coverage of over 100 countries enables our customers to ma&e better informed decisions orld ide.


A ess lo al knowledge in over +55 ountries

GIA Grou) has 12 offices on 2 continents. 3ogether ith affiliated GIA 'ember com)anies* certified GIA >esearch ,artners and consultants* GIA )rovides access to local &no ledge in over 100 countries. All GIA Det or& com)anies adhere to GIA=s >esearch and Anal$sis Sualit$ #$stem as ell as the #CI, Code of !thics.

We understand %our business

Industry %ractices Automotive Chemicals Construction J ,ro)ert$ :evelo)ment Consumer J >etail !nerg$* >esources J !nvironment <inancial #ervices ,rivate !4uit$ ?ogistics J 3rans)ortation 'anufacturing J Industrial ,harmaceuticals J Gealthcare 3elecommunication* 3echnolog$ J 'edia Aunctional %ractices ;orld Class 'ar&et Intelligence 'I for #trategic ,lanning 'I for 'ar&eting J #ales 'I for ,roduct J Innovation 'anagement 'I for #u))l$ Chain 'anagement 'JA and ,artnering

;ith a trac& record of su))orting thousands of clients around the orld* e bring $ou )ractical e")ertise in $our mar&ets* as ell as &no ledge from our )ractices covering 11 industries and all the &e$ business functions.


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