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An OCCUPY Bill of Particulars A PLUTOCRACYCORPOROCRACY, wielding the fraudulent TWO-PLUTOCRATICPARTY SYSTEM and a real POLICESTATE, have corruptly insinuated

themselves into power in America, waging war upon our Constitution, people, land and dream. In particular: THE WEALTHIEST AND THE CORPORATIONS have bought power in America by way of bribes in the form of campaign-donations, in war upon our American Constitution: The American people have never voted for government of the people, by the wealthy, for the wealthiest and the corporations, nor established such rule in our Constitution, and only we can amend our Constitution. But such rule is what we see today. THEY HAVE long forestalled democracy in America with the ancient two-plutocratic-party-system's

pretense of alternative, now threadbare, hence the low and falling percentages of voters identifying with either Party and electing local and primary candidates, as well as the desperate attempts to manipulate voters using polls, focus-groups, targeted mailings, push-polling, etc.; gerrymanderings; astroturf groups; and black-box voting, all to maintain a wretched appearance of democracy. THEY HAVE established corporocracy in America, based on bribes and the fraud of "corporate personhood", the latter established by Gilded Age DC Theater farce in which a Supreme Court reporter supposedly misreported Santa Clara Railroad, the Court chided without correction, and subsequent Courts have sustained and extended the fraud, most recently in Citizens United and McCutcheon unleashing the tidal waves of bribes now overwhelming our politics as intended, with no impeachments by or Amendment from Party or Congress, many of whom indeed submit to extra-Constitutional practice under ALEC giving

corporations equal votes on legislation, all while "corporate persons" remain exempt from individual income taxes, and benefit as criminals from deferred prosecution agreements, nolo pleas, etc., rarely available to ordinary citizens, an aristocracy in violation of our Constitution. THEY HAVE waged ever-morebrutal economic warfare against us for three decades, forcing most families to become two-wage-earner under the family values Reagan Administration just to tread water, but sinking ever since, in "trickle-down" miracle after miracle; conniving at union subversion by organized crime, actively union-busting, and undermining unions with right to work, all resulting in the puppet Big Labor that has trotted for thirty years at the heels of the Left Plutocratic Democratic Party with its wretched pretense of being a Labor Party; destroying local economies across the country with Wal-Mart in defiance of antitrust law; corruptly passing fraudulent free trade treaties exporting jobs and importing poverty, unadvised

on or even read before passed by Senators as derelict in their Constitutional foreign-policy responsibilities as in their representations of those who vote for them; dismantling our once-leading industrial base to disemploy us and further enrich the wealthiest, muscled through in large part by Wal-Mart; throwing open the borders to illegal immigrant labor, undermining the wage-scale for service sector jobs; conglomerating and unleashing the bank-trusts in defiance of antitrust law under the liberal Democratic Clinton Adminstration; delivering the coup de grace of the speculative Oil Bubble of 2006-8, depicted as supply and demand, then dropped into the memory-hole", bringing on this Depression, never named as such, with consequent Great Leap Forward in "income inequality" and concentration of wealth; imposing "austerity" dismantling where not neglecting infrastructure, education, jobs, health and environment, rather than tax the wealthiest; and silently devaluing the dollar. THEY ARE waging war even upon the land and waters of America, with

fission power, fossil fuels, fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, GMOs and oceans of herbicides and pesticides, none profitable if those who gain from them were forced to cover their real costs, poisoning land and waters for generations, even killing off bees, butterflies and birds for profit. THEY HAVE established a policestate to spy on and crush dissent, under endless Orwellian post-9/11 "state of emergency"; jailed whistleblowers revealing crimes, but not the criminals; jailed none of those responsible for the Oil Bubble, but many who protested its devastation, notably in the nationwide sixteen-city repression of First Occupy by the "liberal" "Democratic" Obama Administration; had their police arrest those who recorded their actions (No pictures! no pictures!); and massively armed police all across the country in open preparation for war against us. And THEY ARE waging war on the press, conglomerating the "mainstream press" into media-trusts in defiance of the antitrust laws

forming an oligopolic corporate media disinforming, diverting and distracting from the "unstory" of plutocracy-corporocracy police-state: How much of the foregoing have you seen reported on television or in your local newspaper? In the shadow of the foregoing, we say, to start with: Throw the Democrats and Republicans out. Restore the Constitution and strengthen it against plutocracycorporocracy and police-state. Restore the antitrust and postGreat-Depression financial laws. Main Street, not Wall Street. Buy American. Boycott Wal-Mart. Tune the corporate media out. Support whistleblowers, Anonymous, Wikileaks, ICIJ, Reporters without Borders, independent journalism. Fight Internet/Mesh censorship. And expose, resist and fight the plutocracy-corporocracy and its police-state: OCCUPY AMERICA.

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