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Join Majority Leader Eric Cantor in support of State Senator Evan Jenkins (WV-3) on April 9!



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Good afternoon! I want to invite you to join us at a reception in support of State Senator Evan Jenkins, Republican Candidate for Congress is West Virginia's 3rd Congressional District on Wednesday, April 9 with special guest Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Senator Jenkins is running ahead of the incumbent by 14 points, and the seat is considered a likely Republican pickup this November! I've included the current polling information below. To RSVP, please call or email me at (703) 619-7031 or andrew@theodorecompany.com. Cordially, Andrew

You are cordially invited To a reception in support of

State Senator Evan Jenkins

Republican Candidate for Congress, West Virginias 3rd Congressional District With special Guest

Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:00 PM
Capitol Hill Club (Taft Room)
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Join Majority Leader Eric Cantor in support of State Senator Evan Jenkins (WV-3) on April 9!

300 First Street SE Washington, DC 20003 $2000/ PAC Host $1000/ PAC Attend $1000/ Person Host $500/Person Attend

Please RSVP to Andrew Theodore 703-619-7031 Andrew@theodorecompany.com

Paid for by Jenkins for Congress Contributions to Jenkins for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Corporate contributions are prohibited. Contributions from foreign nationals are not permitted. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Not Printed at Government Expense

MEMORANDUM TO: EVAN JENKINS FOR CONGRESS NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE FROM: DAVE SACKETT RE: A SURVEY OF VOTER ATTITUDES IN WEST VIRGINIA 3 DATE: MARCH 7, 2014 The Tarrance Group is pleased to present Jenkins for Congress and the National Republican Congressional Committee with the key findings from a survey of voter attitudes in West Virginias Third Congressional District. These key findings are based on telephone interviews with N=405 likely registered voters throughout West Virginias Third District. Responses to this survey were gathered March 3-5, 2014 and the margin of error associated with a sample of this type is + 4.9% in 95 out of 100 cases. KEY FINDINGS As a result of his unrelenting war on coal President Obamas job approval ratings among district voters are among the worst in the country. Only twenty-five percent (25%) of district voters approve of the job he is doing, while seventythree percent (73%) disapprove (including 62% of registered Democrats
http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=261f85b34c23d5e2c847746fe&id=fa780fd6d6&e=34d2941b46 2/4 Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time www.politicalpartytime.org. The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.


Join Majority Leader Eric Cantor in support of State Senator Evan Jenkins (WV-3) on April 9!

indicating that they disapprove.) Senator Manchin is the only Democrat who remains popular with voters in the district. Manchin maintains a sixty-seven percent (67%) favorable and twenty-six percent (26%) unfavorable rating. Views of the ACA among district voters are also extremely negative mirroring President Obamas job approval numbers. Only twenty-three percent (23%) of voters in the district approve of the ACA, while seventy-two percent (72%) disapprove of the ACA (with 65% indicating that they strongly disapprove.) President Obamas dismal image and job approval ratings have a significant impact on the generic congressional ballot, which currently affords the Republicans with a +11 point advantage. There are 47% who indicate they would vote for the generic Republican candidate and only 36% who would vote for the generic Democrat candidate. Evan Jenkins begins the campaign with a high level of name awareness and a firmly established image. Jenkinss soft name ID is already at sixty-two percent (62%) across the district, and is over 50% in both media markets. He stands with a very solid 3.4 to 1 favorable to unfavorable ratio, and his favorable ratings are up over 60% among voters in his State Senate district. Congressman Rahalls image ratings are fatally poor, as only forty-four percent (44%) indicate that they have a favorable impression of him, and 49% already have an unfavorable impression of him. Rahalls job approval is even worse a net -11 points worse than his image ratings. There are only thirty-eight percent (38%) who approve of the job that Rahall is doing, while fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove. Congressman Rahall is widely viewed as complicit in President Obamas war on coal. Fully fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters in the district believe that Rahall has mostly supported President Obamas policies on coal, and only 22% believe he has mostly opposed these policies. Given the political environment and the tremendous weakness of Congressman Rahalls image and incumbency ratings, it comes as no surprise that Jenkins leads on a trial ballot test for Congress. Fifty-four percent (54%) indicate they would vote for Jenkins, while 40% would vote for Congressman Rahall, and seven percent (7%) are undecided on the ballot test. Sample Demographics Gender: Men - 45.2% Women - 54.8% Party registration (*): Republican - 22.2% Democrat - 62.1% Independent - 15.7% Vote behavior: Republican - 36.5% Ticket-splitter - 11.8%
http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=261f85b34c23d5e2c847746fe&id=fa780fd6d6&e=34d2941b46 3/4 Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time www.politicalpartytime.org. The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.


Join Majority Leader Eric Cantor in support of State Senator Evan Jenkins (WV-3) on April 9!

Democrat - 51.7% * Registration in the sample conforms to current reported voter registration statistics for the district as reported by the West Virginia Secretary of State.
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http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=261f85b34c23d5e2c847746fe&id=fa780fd6d6&e=34d2941b46 4/4 Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time www.politicalpartytime.org. The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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