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Unit ( 18 )

Global issues
Word global problems climate change responsibility show serious ban demand for depend on dependence hunger reduce run out of public transport global warming energy wind solve plenty of crisis pollution electric cars encourage discussion worrying suppose traffic per cent reduce fuels increase decrease Word run out of electricity personally enough actually feed make petrol unlike bottles die of instead of ability permission possibility mental skill create congestion get hot accept fact reasons for causes of heat volcanoes erupts add to greenhouse effect escape temperature mainly burn Word destroy rainforests take in produce give out oxygen surface ice melt the Arctic the Antarctic sea level part of flooded homeless individuals air conditioning summer seasons the e uator explode sandstorm dusty persuade cut down do pro!ect on light bulbs compare attract attention efficient posters degrees

Language Notes
1 " cut traffic pollution by fifty percent

#ow can we cut traffic pollution by fifty percent $

2 " run out

%ur petrol will run out soon&

3 " run out of

We will run out of petrol soon&

4 " find an answer to

'an you find an answer to this uestion$

5 " find solution to

(hey try to find a solution to our problem&

6 " give permission / have permission

#e gave me a permission to go out& ) had a permission to go out&

7 " a rise in

We can see a rise in floods * food shortage and migration (here is migration on a big scale&
! " a number of "

" on a big scale

(here are a number of reasons for climate change& 1# " ma$e matters worth +ollution makes matters worth&
11 " do a pro%ect on

#e is doing a pro!ect on traffic in cities&

12 " &ote theses '

#ungry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hunger -olve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, solution 'limate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, climatic .educe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, reduction /ependence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dependent Atmosphere ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, atmospheric

(ape )cript

(he problems in these photos are uite worrying * aren0t they* A11a$
*++a '

2es * but they are all problems we can solve &

&adia '

) suppose so* but we will only succeed if all the countries of the world work together&
*++a '

(hat is right & 'ountries can0t do much on their own&

&adia '

-o what about pollution from traffic in cities $

*++a '

Well* there are lots of things we could do& We could ban cars from cities and make people use public transport " you know * trains or buses&
&adia '

(here are some places where people can0t use their cars every day of the week& 3or example * if your car number plate ends in 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 or 8 * you can only drive in your city on 8ondays * Wednesdays or 3ridays&
*++a '

(hat is really good idea& )f every city in the world did that * we could cut traffic pollution by fifty per cent&
&adia '

and that would help reduce global warming and climate change* wouldn0t it $
*++a '

2es & (he other thing we could do is reduce our dependence on fuels like gas and oil by increasing our use of energy from wind * waves and the sun&
&adia '

9ut can we do that before we run out of oil$

*++a '

:ood uestion& ) don0t know * but there are already cars which can use electricity " that will reduce the demand for oil &

&adia '

+ersonally* ) think hunger is the worst problem& ) mean * it is terrible that some people don0t have enough food to eat&
*++a '

) agree* but there is actually plenty of food in the world & We can feed everyone&
&adia '

-o we could end world hunger if we thought it was important enough&

*++a '

) think so * yes&

1 . /espond to each of the following situation '

1 " 2our friend asks you about another word that means 00 explode00& 5 " 2ou want to ask the way to the museum& ; " 2ou want to find out information from your friend about dinosaurs& 6 " -omeone asks if they can interview you* unfortunately * you have much to do& What do you say&
2 . 0hoose the correct answer from a 1 b 1 c 1 or d '

1 " (hey ran out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sugar& (hey had to buy some& a " off a " by a " worry a " does they a " solve a " used b " of b " in b " worries b " doesn0t they b " be solved b " use c " with c " on c " worried c " don0t they c " solved c " uses d " in d " at d " worrying d " do they d " solving d " using 5 " (hey try to cut unemployment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54 percent& ; " (he problems nowadays are ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 " <obody helps me*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ = " (hese are problems we can ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 " We can make people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,public transport& > " +ublic transport can be used by ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

a " rich people a " increase a " in a " nuclear a " in a " hunger a " good a " permission a " do a " independence

b " poor people b " cancel

c " private people c " destroy c " with c " fossil c " for c " be hunger c " worse c " money c " make c " terrorism

d " all people d " reduce d " on d " funny d " from d " being hunger d " worth d " glasses

8 " 'ut traffic means to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,traffic& ? " We should depend ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,our selves& b " at b " atomic b " at b " hungry b " bad b " permit b " doing b " freedom 14 " oil* coal and gas are all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuels& 11 " We should reduce the demand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oil& 15 " ) think ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is the worst problem& 1; " @ack of food makes matters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 " 8y father gave a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to go to the club& 1= " (hey are ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a pro!ect on computers& d " making d " globali1ation 17 " (he opposite of dependence is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3 . 2ind the mista$es and write the sentences correctly '

1 " We are worrying about his health& 5 " ) have written too much notes& ; " When a volcanoes erupts * it sends dust into the atmosphere& 6 " What do you know about global warmed = " -he is making a pro!ect on climate& 7 " %ur food ran out of&

How hot can the earth get?

3ost people now accept the fact that the world4s climate is changing 5 6ut why is this happening and what can we do about it7 )cientists believe that there are a number of natural reasons for climate change 5 8ne could be changes in how much heat we get from the sun5 *nother could be volcanoes5 9hen a volcano erupts1 it sends dust into the atmosphere 5 (his stops some of the sun4s light and can ma$e our climate cooler5 9e have also been adding gases li$e carbon dio-ide to the atmosphere 5 (hese greenhouse gases stop heat escaping 1 which increase the earth4s temperature5 (his is called the greenhouse effect5 (he carbon dio-ide in the atmosphere is increasing mainly because we burn fuels such as oil and gas5 (he fact that we continue to destroy the rainforests:which ta$e in carbon dio-ide and produce o-ygen ; ma$es matters worse5 <f the carbon dio-ide in the atmosphere continues to increase1 scientists believe that by 2#5# 1 the temperature of the earth4s surface could go up by 2 #0 5 =ow will global warming affect the world 7 <t is now $nown that the ice at the *rctic and the *ntarctic is melting5 <f this continues 1 sea level will rise and some parts of the world will be flooded1 ma$ing many people homeless5 )o what can be done 7 0ountries must stop destroying the rainforests and produce less carbon dio-ide 5 *nd 1 as individuals 1 we must all reduce the carbon dio-ide we produce5 (his can be done

by people using cars only when they have to or by turning down air conditioning in the summer5 Grammar


ability , possibility and permission

' +, *!) / '(%" & #$!% ' /% .(' !%" & #$!%


' !

:can ; ! - . 1

can B 0 C
am / is / are able to " 0 am / is / are capable of " v " ing " have / has the ability to " 0

1 " #e can answer the uestions&

C #e is able to answer the uestions& C #e is capable of answering the uestions& C #e has the ability to answer the uestions&
:will be able to ; 45 :can ; /! - $(!-% ' :1 ;.1*23

#e can come tomorrow& C #e will be able to come tomorrow&

95 8- 67% +" & #$!% :can ; ! -
can > you are allowed / permitted to" 0

' :2 ; .1*23

2ou can drive my car& 2ou can go out&

C you are allowed to drive a car& 2ou can0t take the book& 95 8-" #:
' /% 6" & *!) *= >#$!% : can D could ; &;& ! < ' :3 ; .1*23

We could ban cars on 3ridays&(it is possible) We can use electric cars& (it is possible)
' @% .(' !%" & #$!% #?
could " 0 was / were able to?????????????????? was / were capable of ?????????????

#e could buy a car&

had the ability??????????????????????

#e was able to buy a car&

" couldn0t 0 ! - 4%

#e couldn0t play football& -he couldn0t buy the mobile&

' .A . B &#5 "% A

#e could climb the tree& .5E +D '"7% C-! #e was able to climb the tree& .505 &;%"' 7% C-!
'.1*23 ???? . % &;%@ % 67% + #!- + <F 7% +" & #$!% ; 7%! - 0ould have " p5p

#e could have watched (E * but he preferred to read& -he could have gone out* but she stayed at home&
' @% 67% *= .%K! A4 JD I* GH couldn4t have " p5p

#e couldn0t have killed the man& #e was in prison& (hey couldn0t have left the room & it was closed&
' could ) J"M L!

1 , 'ould D can ) get you a cup of tea$ .M N" 5 " We could go to the club& 8!"O ; " 'ould D 'an you tell me the time * please$ GH 6 " could D can Dmay ) leave early today$ +, GH
,-ercises unit:1 ;
1 /espond to each of the following situation'

1 " -omeone thinks that we should ban cars ; days a week& 5 " 2ou want your sister to open the door& ; " 2ou give your brother a permission to use you mobile& 6 " 2ou suggest reducing the amount of carbon dioxide&
2 " 0hoose the correct answer from a 1 b 1 c or d '

1 " ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,solve the problem without any difficulty& a " can a " can a " lack a " warm a " in a " out a " <ational a " solve a " worry a " melts a " can0t a " can0t a " could cook a " can be played a " are allowed c " are prohibited a " could have b " can0t b " am able to b " could b " hunger b " heat b " to b " in b " global b " be solved b " worried b " erupts b " couldn0t b " couldn0t c " may c " needs c " lot c " hot c " on c " away c " Universal c " solving c " worrying c " exploits c " can c " could c " can0t cook c " can play b " aren0t allowed d " are forbidden c " able to d " can d " can0t d " are able d " plenty d " warming d " for d " out of d " international d " to solve d " worries d " expects d " can0t d " wasn0t able d " will cook d " can playing 5 " )t is a fact that greenhouse gases ,,,,,,,,,to stop heat escaping& ; " (here is ,,,,,,,,,,,,of food in the world * we can feed everyone& 6 " #ow ,,,,,,,,,,,,can the earth get$ = " (he effect of air pollution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,health is bad& 7 " (he world0s oil will run,,,,,,,,,,,,one day& > , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,warming is the increase in the earth0s temperature& 8 " (hey are problems that can ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? " :lobal warming is a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, problem& 14 " When a volcano ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* it sends dust into the atmosphere& 11 " (hey ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,go out& (he weather was too bad & 15 " #e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,answer the uestions* he was clever& 1; " -he ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, food * but she bought ready food& b " could have cooked b " can to play 16 " /ina ,,,,,,,,,,the piano& 1= " 2ou can drive my car* you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

17 " ) have the ability to swim * so ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, swim&

3 " 2ind the mista$es then write the sentences correctly '

1 " 8ona is able to making dresses& 5 " (he government was manage to solve the traffic problems& ; "-he was capable of send me the e,mail& 6 " (hey can swam well& = " #e was able of winning the match& 7 " -he could have buy a mobile&
5 " 9riting

Write a paragraph of about 144 about F 00 (he problems we face these days&G
6 " (he )piders 1; *nswer the following @uestions '

1 " What did the doctors do with the plants$ 5 " Where did Ayman see the spider for the second time$
2; 0omplete the following sentences '

1 " Ayman was put on the ventilator because ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 " Hones rewarded Ayman for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3; /ead the @uotation and answer the @uestions '

00 Ayman #assan is breathing normally again 00 1 " Who is the speaker$ 5 " Why was Ayman at that time$
7 " (ranslation' * ; (ranslate into *rabic '

As a result of modern technology and development * there are a lot of serious problems that we face& (hese problems include pollution * over population in addition to greenhouse effect&
6 ; (ranslate into ,nglish ' B J"K% T$!* L/#% S &#<"$% S )QR% & P" , ? 1 5 'D!% .O% D0 A '#% 8 U7% . 2

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