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Analyse your nsurance and nveslnenl needs

Undersland lhe producl in delail

Know lhe lenure of Fenewal Preniun paynenls

Earn the Benefits of ReguIar Payouts

Every year, Ior 15 years
Every individual wishes lo secure his fulure when lhe lines are good. n lhis uncerlain world you would like lo
save for rainy days in fulure, fron whal you earn loday. One nusl be financially prepared and secure lheir fanilys
vhal you need is adequale noney readily available al regular inlervals, as and when you need il lhe nosl along
wilh life insurance cover lo prepare for lhese special requirenenls of life.
nlroducing SB Life - Snarl ncone Prolecl , a snoolh way lo plan for your fulure.
About SBI Life-Smart Income Protect
Snarl ncone Prolecl is a Savings Plan wilh added advanlage of Life Cover and Fegular Cash nflow al lhe line
you need. l is a Parlicipaling Tradilional Plan where you conlinue lo pay your Fegular Preniuns over a period of 5,
10 or 15 years. Thereafler your Payoul Period slarls, where you gel Cuaranleed Fegular Annual Payouls
(condilions apply over a period of 15 years, neeling your various financial obligalions.
Key HighIights
Plan lhal provides nsurance Cover and Fegular ncone
Choose your Policy Tern fron 5, 10 or 15 years
Preniun Paying Tern will be sane as Policy Tern chosen by you

Cuaranleed Annual Payouls (condilions apply of 11' of
Sun Assured/Paid up Sun Assured over a period of 15 years afler halurily
Vesled Feversionary Bonuses plus Terninal Bonus, if any, will be
paid as lunp sun al lhe end of lhe Policy Tern, al halurily
Cuslonize your coverage lhrough a wide range of addilional
Fider Benefils
SB Life-Snarl ncone Prolecl would be referred lo as Snarl ncone Prolecl here-afler
Provided al halurily, lhe policy is in force or paid up
How does Smart Income Protect PIan work7
hr. Joshi who is 35 years old heallhy nale, decided lo buy Snarl ncone Prolecl, wilh 15 years as Policy Tern,
for a Sun Assured of 10, 00,000. He pays a yearly preniun of 76,270 (exclusive of service lax during lhe
Policy Tern. He will receive yearly payouls equal lo 11' of Basic Sun Assured, i.e. 1, 10,000 p.a. for nexl 15
years afler halurily.
Key Benefits avaiIabIe under the pIan.
Maturity Benefit
Snarl ncone Prolecl offers you lhe following benefils:
Maturity Benefit as Iump sum
You gel Vesled Feversionary Bonuses Plus Terninal Bonus, if any, al halurily.
Maturity Benefit in instaIIments
You will be paid yearly payouls equal lo 11' of Basic Sun Assured for nexl 15 years afler halurily. This period
of 15 years is your Payoul Period. The firsl inslalnenl will be paid al lhe end of firsl year during lhe Payoul
Period. n case of dealh during lhe Payoul Period, all fulure payouls will be paid in lunp sun lo lhe oninee or
legal heir.
Death Benefit
n lhe unforlunale evenl of dealh during lhe Policy Tern, your oninee will receive Basic Sun Assured plus
Vesled Feversionary Bonuses plus Terninal Bonus, if any. n case of dealh during lhe Payoul Period, all fulure
payouls will be paid lo lhe oninee or legal heir in lunp sun innedialely.
Bonus under the pIan
You will receive lhe Vesled Feversionary Bonuses plus Terninal Bonus, if any, on Survival al lhe end of lhe Policy
Payout Period. 15 years
Mr. Joshi gets 1,10,000 p.a.
for next 15 years
PoIicy Term. 15 years
76,270 p.a. for 15 years
At the end of PoIicy Term. Vested
Reversionary Bonus pIus TerminaI
Bonus, if any, as Iump sum
Vesled Sinple Feversionary Bonus is lhe lolal anounl of bonus accrued under lhe policy during lhe Policy Tern.
The bonus will apply lo lhe Basic Sun Assured. Terninal Bonus (if any will also be paid on dealh or surrender
during lhe Policy Tern or al halurily.
Age** al Enlry hin.: 8 years hax.: 60 years
Age** al halurily hin.: 18 years hax: 65 years
Sun Assured hin: 1,00,000 ( 1,000/- hax: o Linil
Policy Tern 5/10/15 years
Preniun Frequency Yearly / Half - yearly / Ouarlerly / honlhly#
Preniun Frequency Loading Half-Yearly: 52' of Annual Preniun
Ouarlerly: 26.5' of Annual Preniun
honlhly: 8.9' of Annual Preniun
Payoul Period 15 years
Payoul Frequency Yearly
**All lhe references lo age are age as on lasl birlhday.
# 3 honlhs preniun lo be paid in advance and renewal preniun paynenl lhrough Eleclronic Clearing Syslen (ECS
or Slanding nslruclions (where paynenl is nade eilher by direcl debil of bank accounl or credil card
AdditionaI Protection for you
SB Life - Accidenlal Dealh Benefil (ADB Fider
(U: 111B015V01: n case of dealh due lo an
accidenl, Fider Sun Assured becones payable in
addilion lo lhe Basic Sun Assured.
18 years
60 years
65 years
Riders Sum Assured Entry Age
65 years SB Life - Accidenlal Tolal & Pernanenl Disabilily
(ATPD Benefil Fider (U: 111B016V01: Accidenls
are unprediclable. They nay lead lo lolal and
pernanenl disabilily and lhis rider provides proleclion
againsl such disabililies.
SB Life - Crili Care 13 on - Linked Fider
(U: 111B025V01
The Fider Sun Assured would be payable on lhe Life
Assured being diagnosed wilh any of lhe 13 diseases
nenlioned below and surviving for 30 days fron lhe
dale of diagnosis.
The 13 Crilical llnesses are: Cancer, Coronary arlery
by-pass grafl surgery (CABC, Hearl Allack, Hearl
Valve Surgery, Kidney Failure, hajor Burns, hajor
Organ Transplanl, Paralysis, Slroke, Surgery of Aorla,
Cona, holor eurone Disease, hulliple Sclerosis.
hax: .50,00,000*
18 years
60 years
64 years hin:
18 years
55 years
SB Life - Preferred Tern Fider (U: 111B014V01: n
lhe unforlunale evenl of dealh, lhe Fider Sun
Assured becones payable in addilion lo lhe Basic
Sun Assured
hax :
65 years hin:
18 years
60 years
You have lhe oplion of availing lhe following Fiders for conplele proleclion al an affordable cosl.
Fiders can be availed of al lhe inceplion of policy only. hore lhan one rider can be selecled. The rider Sun Assured
cannol be nore lhan lhe basic Sun Assured. Fider lern will be equal lo lhe base policy lern.
* haxinun aggregale Sun Assured under all individual policies laken wilh SB Life.
n lhe unforlunale evenl of Accidenlal Tolal & Pernanenl Disabilily Fider or Crili Care 13 on - Linked Fider, lhe
Sun Assured is paid bul lhe policy and olher benefils conlinue. On paynenl of preniuns, olher riders and covers
conlinue lill lhe end of lhe policy lern chosen by lhe policyholder.
Fiders nay be cancelled on any Policy Anniversary wilh 2 nonlhs advance wrillen nolice.
For furlher delails on SB Life - Crili Care 13 on - Linked Fider, please refer lhe Fider Brochure.
Other Benefits
Paid Up VaIue
The policy acquires Paid-Up Value and / or Surrender Value only if al leasl lwo years preniuns have been
The Sun Assured of paid up policies will be reduced in lhe sane proporlion as lhe ralio of lhe nunber of
preniuns paid lo lhe lolal nunber of preniuns aclually payable as per lhe lern chosen al inceplion of lhe
policy. The Sun Assured so reduced will be called lhe Paid - up Sun Assured. A Paid-Up policy would nol
parlicipale in any subsequenl dislribulion of profils. However, on Fevival, full bonuses applicable for lhe
period of lapse would also gel allached.
Maturity Benefit under a Paid-Up PoIicy.
Vesled reversionary bonuses and lerninal bonus, if any, will be paid al lhe end of lhe policy lern. 11' of lhe
paid-up sun assured will be paid al lhe end of each year during lhe payoul period. The firsl inslalnenl will be
paid al lhe end of firsl year during lhe payoul period. n case of dealh during lhe payoul period, all fulure
payouls will be paid lo lhe noninee or legal heir in lunp sun innedialely.
n case Paid-Up Policies where each halurily Benefil inslallnenl is less lhan .1000, all fulure payouls will be
paid in lunp sun innedialely.
Death Benefit under a Paid-Up PoIicy.
On dealh during lhe policy lern, Paid-up Sun Assured plus Vesled Feversionary Bonuses and Terninal
Bonus, if any will be paid lo lhe oninee or legal heir.
Surrender VaIue
Conplying wilh Seclion 113 of lhe nsurance Acl, 1938, policy will have Cuaranleed Surrender Value
(CSV which will be equal lo 30' of all preniuns paid excluding firsl-year preniuns, rider
preniuns and exlra preniuns, if any. Cash value of allocaled bonus, if any, will also be
The on-Cuaranleed (Special Surrender Value (SSV will be based on assessnenl
on pasl financial and denographic experience of lhe producl / group of sinilar
producls and likely fulure experience and will be reviewed fron line lo line
depending on changes in inlernal and exlernal experience and likely fulure
On surrender, lhe higher of lhe on - Cuaranleed SSV and lhe CSV will be paid.
o surrender value is payable on lhe riders.
Paid Up
halurily Benefil
Policy Loans
Grace Period and RevivaI FaciIity
ve offer you 30 days grace period fron lhe preniun due dale for yearly/half yearly / quarlerly preniun and 15
days for nonlhly preniun. The policy will renain in force during grace period and will lapse if no preniun is
paid. A lapsed policy nay be revived wilhin 3 years fron lhe dale of lhe firsl unpaid preniun subjecl lo
salisfaclory proof of insurabilily as required by lhe Conpany fron line lo line.
Participation in profits
The policy shall parlicipale in lhe profils arising oul of lhe Conpanys vilh Profils Life nsurance business. l
gels a share of lhe profils energing fron lhis business in lhe forn of Bonuses. Sinple Feversionary Bonuses
would be declared as a percenlage rale, which apply lo lhe Basic Sun Assured in respecl Basic Policy Benefil
(nol of Fiders. Feversionary Bonus is declared based on our long lern view of inveslnenl relurns, expenses,
norlalily and olher experience. Once declared, lhe Feversionary Bonuses forn a parl of lhe Cuaranleed
Benefils of lhe plan. Fulure Bonuses are however nol guaranleed and will depend on fulure profils.
A Terninal Bonus, if any, nay also be paid al halurily earlier dealh or surrender.
Nomination & Assignment
Provided lhe policyholder is lhe Life Assured, he / she nay, al any line before lhe policy nalures for paynenl,
noninale a person or persons as per Sec 39 of lhe nsurance Acl 1938, lo receive lhe policy benefils in lhe
evenl of his / her dealh.
The Policyholder can also assign lhe policy lo a parly by filing a wrillen nolice lo us. Only lhe enlire policy can be
assigned and nol individual benefils or any parl lhereof.
Sun Assured ( Febale on Fegular Annual Preniun for Sun
Assured of 1,000.
1 Lac = < Sun Assured < 2 Lac il
2 Lac = < Sun Assured < 5 Lac 3.50
Sun Assured = > 5 Lac 5.50
Febales on Large Sun Assured are available on lhe basic preniun based on lhe following slabs:
PoIicy Loans
o loan facilily is available under lhis producl.
Free Look Period
You have lhe oplion lo review lhe lerns and condilions of policy wilhin 15 days of receipl for policies sourced
lhrough any channel node olher lhan Dislance harkeling and 30 days for policies sourced lhrough Dislance
harkeling. n case you disagree wilh lhe lerns and condilions, you can relurn lhe policy slaling lhe reason for
objeclion. Preniuns paid by you will be refunded afler deducling slanp duly and cosl of nedical expenses
incurred. The proporlionale risk preniun for lhe period of cover will also be deducled.
Tax Benefits
U/s 80C of lhe ncone Tax Acl 1961 on your preniuns.
U/s 10(10D of lhe ncone Tax Acl 1961 on your nalurily / dealh proceeds under lhe policy.
U/s 80D, for your preniuns paid for Crili Care 13 on Linked Fider.
*Tax provisions will be applicable as per lhe currenl lax laws. This will be subjecl lo change based on change in
lax laws. Please consull your Tax Advisor for delails.
Tax deduction under Section 80C is avaiIabIe. However in case the premium exceeds 10% of the Sum
Assured, the benefit wiII be Iimited upto 10% of the Sum Assured. Tax exemption under Section
10(10D) is avaiIabIe, subject to the premium not exceeding 10% of the Sum Assured in any of the years
during the term of the poIicy
Tax benefits, are as per the Income Tax Iaws & is subject to change from time to time. PIease consuIt
your tax advisor for detaiIs.
o benefil will be payable in respecl of any condilion arising direclly or indireclly fron, lhrough or in consequence
of lhe following exclusions and reslriclions:
Basic PoIicy
Suicide ExcIusion
f lhe Life Assured, whelher sane or insane, connils suicide wilhin 12 nonlhs fron lhe dale of issue of lhis
policy, lhe policy will becone null and void. o benefil will be paid under such circunslances excepl on an
ex-gralia basis al lhe discrelion of lhe Conpany.
f lhe Life Assured, whelher sane or insane, connils suicide wilhin 12 nonlhs fron lhe dale of any
revival/reinslalenenl of lhis policy, only surrender value, if any, will be payable.
SBI Life- Preferred Term Rider
Suicide ExcIusion
f lhe Life Assured, whelher sane or insane, connils suicide wilhin 12 nonlhs fron lhe dale of issue of lhis
policy or lhe dale of any revival/reinslalenenl of lhis policy, lhe policy will becone null and void. o benefil will
be paid under such circunslances excepl on an ex-gralia basis al lhe discrelion of lhe Conpany.
SBI Life- AccidentaI Death Benefit (ADB) Rider and SBI Life- AccidentaI TotaI &
Permanent DisabiIity (ATPD) Benefit Rider
Dealh under ADB rider and Disabilily under ATPD rider arising fron or due lo lhe consequences of or occurring
during lhe evenls as specified below is nol covered:
nfeclion: Dealh or Disabilily caused or conlribuled lo by any infeclion, excepl infeclion caused by an exlernal
visible wound accidenlally suslained
Drug Abuse: Life assured under lhe influence of Alcohol or solvenl abuse or use of drugs excepl under lhe
direclion of a regislered nedical praclilioner
Self-inflicled njury: nlenlional self - nflicled injury
Crininal acls: Life assured involvenenl in Crininal and/or unlawful acls
var and Civil Connolion: var, invasion, hoslililies, (whelher war is declared or nol, civil war, rebellion,
revolulion or laking parl in a riol or civil connolion
uclear Conlaninalion: The radioaclive, explosive or hazardous nalure of nuclear fuel nalerials or properly
conlaninaled by nuclear fuel nalerials or accidenl arising fron such nalure
Avialion: Life assured parlicipalion in any flying aclivily, olher lhan as a passenger in a connercially licensed
Hazardous sporls and paslines: Taking parl or praclicing for any hazardous hobby, pursuil or any race nol
previously declared and accepled by lhe Conpany
Physical nfirnily: Body or nenlal infirnily or any disease
SBI Life- Criti Care 13 Non - Linked Rider
Diseases in lhe presence of an HV infeclion
Diseases lhal have previously occurred in lhe life insured (i.e. lhe benefil is payable only if lhe disease is a firsl
incidence, regardless of whelher lhe earlier incidence occurred before lhe individual was covered or whelher
lhe insured was covered by lhe Conpany or anolher insurer
Any disease occurring wilhin 90 days of lhe slarl of coverage (i.e. during lhe wailing period
A 30 days survival period will be applicable belween lhe diagnosis of a crilical illness and eligibilily for crilical
illness benefil paynenl
o paynenl will be nade by lhe Conpany for any clain direclly or indireclly caused by, based on, arising oul
of, or howsoever, lo any Crilical llness for which care, lrealnenl, or advice was reconnended by or received
fron a Physician, or which firsl nanifesled ilself or was conlracled before lhe slarl of lhe Policy Period, or for
which a clain has or could have been nade under any earlier policy
Any congenilal condilion
nlenlional self-inflicled injury, allenpled suicide, while sane or insane
Alcohol or Solvenl abuse or laking of Drugs, narcolics or psycholropic subslances unless laken in accordance
wilh lhe lawful direclions and prescriplion of a regislered nedical praclilioner
Failure lo seek or follow nedical advice
var, invasion, acl of foreign eneny, hoslililies (whelher war be declared or nol, arned or unarned lruce, civil
war, nuliny, rebellion, revolulion, insurreclion, nililary or usurped power, riol or civil connolion, slrikes.
Taking parl in any naval, nililary or air force operalion during peace line
Parlicipalion by lhe insured person in any flying aclivily, excepl as a bona fide, fare-paying passenger of a
recognized airline on regular roules and on a scheduled linelable
Parlicipalion by lhe insured person in a crininal or unlawful acl wilh crininal/unlawful inlenl
Engaging in or laking parl in professional sporl(s or any hazardous pursuils, including bul nol liniled lo, diving
or riding or any kind of race; underwaler aclivilies involving lhe use of brealhing apparalus or nol; narlial arls;
hunling; nounlaineering; parachuling; bungee-junping
uclear Conlaninalion; lhe radio aclive, explosive or hazardous nalure of nuclear fuel nalerials or properly
conlaninaled by nuclear fuel nalerials or accidenl arising fron such nalure
Prohibition of Rebates.
Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938 states.
1. o person shall allow or offer lo allow, eilher direclly or indireclly, as an inducenenl lo any person lo lake or
renew or conlinue an insurance in respecl of any kind of risk relaling lo lives or properly in ndia, any rebale of
lhe whole or parl of lhe connission payable or any rebale of lhe preniun shown on lhe policy, nor shall any
person laking oul or renewing or conlinuing a policy accepl any rebale, excepl such rebale as nay be allowed
in accordance wilh lhe published prospecluses or lables of lhe insurer:
Provided lhal acceplance by an insurance agenl of connission in conneclion wilh a policy of life insurance
laken oul by hinself on his own life shall nol be deened lo be acceplance of a rebale of preniun wilhin lhe
neaning of lhis sub-seclion if al lhe line of such acceplance lhe insurance agenl salisfies lhe prescribed
condilions eslablishing lhal he is a bona fide insurance agenl enployed by lhe insurer.
2. Any person naking defaull in conplying wilh lhe provisions of lhis seclion shall be punishable wilh fine which
nay exlend lo five hundred rupees.
Section 45 of Insurance Act, 1938 states.
o policy of life insurance effecled before lhe connencenenl of lhis Acl shall afler lhe expiry of lwo years fron
lhe dale of connencenenl of lhis Acl and no policy of life insurance effecled afler lhe coning inlo force of lhis
Acl shall, afler lhe expiry of lwo years fron lhe dale on which il was effecled, be called in queslion by an insurer
on lhe ground lhal a slalenenl nade in lhe proposal for insurance or in any reporl of a nedical officer, or referee,
or friend of lhe insured, or in any olher docunenl leading lo lhe issue of lhe policy, was inaccurale or false, unless
lhe insurer shows lhal such slalenenls was on a nalerial naller or suppressed facls which il was nalerial lo
disclose and lhal il was fraudulenlly nade by lhe policy-holder and lhal lhe policy holder knew al lhe line of
naking il lhal lhe slalenenl was false or lhal il suppressed facls which il was nalerial lo disclose.
Provided lhal nolhing in lhis seclion shall prevenl lhe insurer fron calling for proof of age al any line if he is
enlilled lo do so, and no policy shall be deened lo be called in queslion nerely because lhe lerns of lhe policy are
adjusled on subsequenl proof lhal lhe age of lhe life insured was incorreclly slaled in lhe proposal.
Note. This document does not purport to contain aII conditions governing this product. The contract wiII
be governed by the terms expressed in the poIicy document.
Contact us Today
Ca|| To|| Free 1S00 22 9090
SBl Life lnsuarance Co. Ltd. is a joint venture between State Bank of lndia and BNP Paribas Cardif.
www.sbilife.co.in SMS - 'CELEBRATE' to 56161 Email: info@sbilife.co.in l l
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Registered and Corporate Office:
"Natraj", M. v. Road & Western Express Highway Junction, Andheri (E}, Mumbai - 400 069
lRDA Regn. No. 111
lnsurance is the subject matter of solicitation.
1B.ver.01-10/12 BR ENG

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