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DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001 This is an Age of Eagles rules scenario for Borodino 1812 is a development of that !

Geoff Wootten for the "olle! # Ba!onet $ules% & have included lessons learnt from the Devi'es e(perience of running this game% An! feed ac) is al*a!s *elcome% Stephen +isher Devi'es # District Wargames Group% General Notes Game ,ength.am +rench start/ then 20 turns until night fall% E(ceptional 1ommandersWe as a clu generall! onl! give this rating to commanders *ho demonstrated this in the historical attle/ *hich ever set of rules *e are using% This is therefore left to the umpire2pla!ers to decide% 1st # 2nd Arm!/ Wing/ 1orps # Divisional 1ommanders&n normal circumstances these can onl! count to rall! an! unit under their command/ ho*ever/ E(ceptional rated leaders can also e used to rall! units at the ne(t level of command/ e%g% an E(ceptional Divisional 1ommander can count to*ards other units *ithin that 1orps/ etc% Artiller! 1ommanders+rench&t is assumed that each +rench 1orp has an Artiller! 1ommander capa le of creating of forming a Grand Batter! as per the rules/ if that 1orps has sufficient Assets to do so% 3nl! ,ari oisiere ma! create a Grand Batter! from various 1orp Assets% $ussianThere are onl! t*o Artiller! 1ommanders for the $ussians/ one for each Arm!% The! are initiall! to e positioned in the $ussian $eserve Artiller! 4ar)% The! are also a le to create a Grand Batter! from their particular Armies Assets% To do this their figure must leave the reserve par)% This par) should e set up so that the 5orse atteries from 1st Arm! $eserve are at the front/ and the +oot artiller! for each arm! reserve segregated ehind it in t*o *ings/ the 1st to the right and the 2nd to the left of the par)/ as from the $ussian side of the ta le% All artiller! must e released from the reserve par) to e used ! either arm!% +rom turn 2 on*ards/ therefore the $ussian pla!er ma! egin to release artiller!% 3n turn 2 the! automaticall! get a 5orse atter! plus a roll 2D6 in the movement phase to release one for each Arm! $eserve par)% +rom then for each turn a 2D6 roll ma! e ta)en/ this is reduced to 1D6 if either of the Artiller! 1ommanders leaves the $eserve 4ar)% A 789 releases one artiller! ase of !our choice from that par)% A 769 releases t*o artiller! ases% 3nce released/ the artiller! ma! e freel! designated to either an arm! or 1orps and normal rules appl!% &f a 7dou le9 is rolled to release artiller!/ then no further artiller! ma! e released from the reserve par)% An e(ception is if one Artiller! 1ommander has left the reserve par) and the other has rolled a D6 and achieves less than the num er of turns pla!ed the same occurs/ until the other Artiller! 1ommander returns% The :dou le; roll to halt all artiller! reserve release isTurn 2 3 4 5+ Double 1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4 1,2,3,4,5 Roll Dissolving Grand BatteriesAll Grand Batteries must fire for four consecutive fire su phases efore a dissolving dice roll ma! e attempted% This *ill use 2D6 and re<uires a result of :=oves >ormall!; using the Tactical =ovement modifiers and =anoeuver ta le% Each composite atter! *ill then in the ne(t turns movement phase/ egin to return to their original parent formations% The! have to have returned to their parent unit efore the! can e used again to form a Grand Batter!%

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001 Notes on Terrain Features Borodino and all other villages count as a ?1 in favour of the defender% Water featuresThe main river the @alatsha/ is a considera le o stacle et*een Borodino and =aloe/ therefore $ough applies for movement rates not using a ridge% +or all other rivers onl! +ording applies% Aou could allo* Eugene to attempt to uild ridges over the @alatsha/ using the Engineers% Also allo* 4latov to roll a 2D6 from the 12-00 turn to find a +ord on the $ussian right flan)/ 8? to cross% 5illsAll hills are flat top for the purposes of this game/ onl! lining the edge *ill give an uphill advantage of ?1 defending favoura le terrain in 1harge =odifiers% Great $edou tThis is on a second contour hill and has a ?2 frontall! and ?1 sides for defending favoura le terrain in 1harge =odifiers/ it has an open rear% &t must hold the 2 atteries allocated to it at the start of the attle% +leches and other *or)s- These count as ?1 defending favoura le terrain in 1harge =odifiers unless attac)ed from the open rear% Terrain and deployment ap!

The follo*ing grid references are ased upon AB& along the top edge/ 1B6 do*n the left side% >orth is the ottom left hand corner% A 209 ( 69 ta le *as used at Devi'es/ this is the map dra*n ! =artin Soilleu(B1ard*ell for the "#B game% There is a separate %Cpg file of this map% BD =aloe "illage DD Gor)i "illage *ith *or)s on hill in front of it% E0 Borodino "illage E0 Great $edou t on second contour hill% +D East of river is Semenovs)a!a $edou t% +D E GD 5ill *ith three fleches% 5D Fti'a "illage/ t*o contour hill ehind% E1B+1 4sarevo village% 1orps and Divisions are sho*n in their initial start positions%

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001 "rbat Notes +rench &nfantr!3nl! +rench EGS@H and all Guard units are treated at &mpulse &nfantr!% $ussian Grenadiers- 4lease note that the $ussian term 1om ined or 1onverged Grenadier Btn usuall! refers to the provisional attalions in *hich several depots contri uted to*ards a common provisional or marching attalion% The term Grenadier is Custified ! identif!ing these detachments *ith the grenadier compan! of the 2nd GDepotH Btn% The! *ere essentiall! the est men availa le at the time needed to fill the ran)s and not Grenadiers in the true sense of the *ord% The 3r at reflects this as rating these units as $egular% There is a separate E(cel file availa le to sho* ho* these figures are arrived at/ and the sources used%
Fren#$ Grande %rmee & 1 %u'ust, 1(12 1ommanderBinB1hief1hief of Staff5ead<uarter GuardReser,e Bases )in) Napoleon *onaparte a+or General *ert$ier &nfantr! 1avalr! G) Napoleon G) ortier GD /e0eb,re 1hasseur Grenadier 1 # 2 3G +A 1 # 2 AG +A GD Delaborde "oltiguer +usilier Drd 3G +A Drd AG +A 1st "istula $egiment GD 2alt$er Grenadier a 1heval 1hasseur a 1heval 1st 1hevauleger ,ancer 1 # D 3G 5A GD /ariboisiere 2 # 0 3G 5A 0/8/6 3G +A G) 3u'ene G) 3u'ene GD 5ino Guard 1avalr! Guard &nfantr! $egiment 1st # 2nd &talian +oot Artiller! 1st # 2nd &talian 5orse Artiller! GD Del6ons 8th ,egere $egiment I2nd ,ine $egiment I22nd +oot Artiller! 220th 5orse Artiller! GD *roussier Ith ,ine $egiment D8th ,ine $egiment .22nd +oot Artiller! D20th 5orse Artiller! GD orand 1Dth ,egere $egiment 1.th $egiment D0th ,ine $egiment 12.th +oot Artiller! .21st 5orse Artiller! GD Gerard .th ,egere $egiment 21st ,ine $egiment D2.th +oot Artiller! 02Drd 5orse Artiller! GD "rnano 1hasseur a 1heval 2 2 Fnit Data 22B2B 22B2B BE, $ GSSH $ G,1H

-mperial Guard
"ld Guard. 3rd Di, 1st Brigade 2nd Brigade Artiller! $eserve1oun' Guard. 1st Division 2nd DivisionArtiller!"istula ,egionGuard )a,alry. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeDrd BrigadeArtiller!%rtillery Reser,e.

8 I 2 2 . . 1 1 6 I 6 I 2 2 D

8282D I2620 5ev Art =ed Art .282D .282D 5ev Art =ed Art 62022 I2620 62022 I2620 5orse Art 5orse Art 5ev Art

E GS@H B1 E GS@H B1 E B1 E B1 E GS@H B1 E GS@H B1 E B1 E B1 E GS@H E G51H B1 E G,1H B1 E G,1H B1 ,ance E B1 E B1 E B1

/e0t 2in' -4 )orps -talian Royal Guard. BrigadeArtiller! 13t$ Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeArtiller!14t$ Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeArtiller!1st Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeDrd BrigadeArtiller!3rd Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeArtiller!)orps )a,alry. &" 1orps 1avalr!-

6 I 2 2 11 1D 1 1 12 12 1 1 6 . . 1 1 I 6 1 1 8

62022 I2620 =ed Art 5orse Art 112.28 1D2102. =ed Art 5orse Art 112I26 112I26 =ed Art 5orse Art 62022 .282D .282D =ed Art 5orse Art I2620 62022 =ed Art 5orse Art 82620

E G51H E GSSH $ $ E GS@H $ GS@H $ $ $ GS@H $ GS@H $ $ E GS@H E GS@H E GS@H $ $ E GS@H E GS@H $ $ $ G,1H

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001

"& 1orps 1avalr! )orps %rtillery. Bavarian 1hevau(leger 82/ 122Drd +oot Artiller! 2nd # .th &talian +oot Artiller! G) Grou#$y GD )$astel 6th 5ussar $egiment 1st Bavarian 1hevau(leger .th Dragoon $egiment 02/ 820th 5orse Artiller! G) Napoleon G) Ney GD /edru 20th ,ine $egiment 06th ,ine $egiment 1228th +oot Artiller! 826th 5orse Artiller! GD Ra6out 0th ,ine $egiment IDrd ,ine $egiment 1828th +oot Artiller! 628th 5orse Artiller! GD :#$eler 1st ,ine $egiment J4rin' 4aulJ 1st # 2nd Wurtt +oot Artiller! 1st # 2nd Wurtt 5orse Artiller! GD 2oll;rat$ 11th 5ussar $egiment 28th 1hasseur a 1heval 16 # 2121st +oot Artiller! 12pdr Wurt G) <unot GD T$arreau 2nd Westphalian ,ine $egiment Drd Westphalian ,ine $egiment 1st Westphalian +oot J+roedeJ GD "#$s Westphalian Grenadier Guards 2nd Westphalian +oot J,emaitreJ GD )$abert 1st Westphalian 5ussar West G 5A 1st Westphalian 5eav! +oot . 2 2 .2820 5ev Art 5ev Art $ G,1H $ $

--- Reser,e )a,alry )orps. 3rd /i'$t )a,alry Di,ision. 11th ,ight Brigade1.th ,ight Brigade7t$ 8ea,y Di,ision. 1st Brigade%rtillery. )entre --- )orps 19t$ Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeArtiller!11t$ Di,ision. 1st BrigadeDrd BrigadeArtiller!25t$ Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!)orps )a,alry. Ith ,ight Brigade11th ,ight Brigade)orps %rtillery

6 6 6 2

6282D 6282D 62022 5orse Art

$ G,1H $ G,1H E G51H $

8 8 1 1 8 8 1 1 8 2 2 8 8 2 1

8202D 8202D =ed Art 5orse Art 8202D 8202D 8202D 5orse Art 8202D =ed Art 5orse Art 8202D 8202D 5ev Art 5ev Art

$ GS@H $ GS@H $ $ $ GS@H $ GS@H $ $ $ GSSH $ $ $ G,1H $ G,1H $ $

4--- )orps 23rd Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeArtiller!24t$ Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!)orps )a,alry 20th Brigade)orps %rtillery

. 8 1 8 1 8 1 1

.2820 82620 =ed Art 82D22 =ed Art 82D22 5orse Art 5ev Art

$ GSSH $ GSSH $ E GS@H $ E G,1H $ $

-4 Reser,e )a,alry )orps. With Kunot 4t$ /i'$t )a,alry Di,ision. 2Ith ,ight Brigade=t$ )uirassier Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd Brigade)orps %rtillery.

G) /atour& aubour'
Drd 4olish Fhlan $egiment GD /or'e Lastro* 1uirassier $egiment 1st Westphalian 1uirassier 2nd Westphalian 5orse Batter! 2nd Sa(on 5orse :von 5iller; Drd # 0th 4olish 5orse Artiller! G) Da,out GD Friant 18th ,egere $egiment DDrd ,ine $egiment 08th ,ine $egiment 82Drd 5orse Artiller! GD Dessai> 88th ,ine $egiment 108th ,ine $egiment 6 . 6 1 1 1 62022 .282D 62022 5orse Art 5orse Art 5orse Art E G,1H ,ance E G51H Arm E G51H Arm $ $ $

1st )orps 2nd Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeDrd BrigadeArtiller!4t$ Di,ision. 2nd BrigadeDrd Brigade-

. . . 1 . .

.282D .282D .282D 5orse Art .282D .282D


DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001

Artiller!5t$ Di,ision. 1st Brigade2nd BrigadeDrd BrigadeArtiller!)orps )a,alry 1st ,t 1av Brigade)orps %rtillery I2.th +oot Artiller! GD )ompans 28th ,ine $egiment 8.th ,ine $egiment 61st ,ine $egiment 111th ,ine $egiment 226th +oot Artiller! 162.th 5orse Artiller! 1hasseur a 1heval D2/ 1.21st +oot Artiller! 112/ 102Ith +oot Artiller! )) urat G) Nansouty GD *ruyere .th 5ussar $egiment 6th 4olish Fhlan $egiment .26th 5orse Artiller! GD :t! Germaine 2nd 1uirassier $egiment 128th 5orse Artiller! D28th 5orse Artiller! GD 4alen#e 6th 1uirassier $egiment 028th 5orse Artiller! 628th 5orse Artiller! G) ontburn GD 5a+ol 8th 5ussar $egiment 11th 1hasseur a 1heval Drd Wurttem erg Kager 'u 4ferd 120th 5orse Artiller! GD 2at$ier 8th 1uirassier $egiment 122nd 5orse Artiller! 022nd 5orse Artiller! 1st 1ara ineer $egiment 1 . . . . 1 1 . 2 2 =ed Art .282D .282D .282D .282D =ed Art 5orse Art .2820 5ev Art =ed Art $ E GS@H E GS@H E GS@H E GS@H $ $ $ G,1H $ $

)a,alry Reser,e - Reser,e )a,alry )orps *ith Davout 1st /i'$t )a,alry Di,ision. Drd ,ight Brigade18th ,ight BrigadeArtiller!1st )uirassier Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!5t$ )uirassier Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!-

6 0 1 8 1 1 . 1 1

62022 02D22 5orse Art 82D22 5orse Art 5orse Art .282D 5orse Art 5orse Art

E G,1H E G,1H ,ance $ E G51H Arm $ $ E G51H Arm $ $

-- Reser,e )a,alry )orps. 2nd /i'$t )a,alry Di,ision. .th ,ight Brigade8th ,ight Brigade16th ,ight BrigadeArtiller!2nd )uirassier Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!4t$ )uirassier Di,ision1st BrigadeRi'$t 2in' 4 )orps 17t$ Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!1(t$ Di,ision. 1st BrigadeArtiller!)orps )a,alry 18th ,ight Brigade20th ,ight Brigade)orps %rtillery.

8 0 8 1 . 1 1 8

8202D 02D22 82D22 5orse Art .282D 5orse Art 5orse Art 82D22

$ G,1H $ G,1H E G,1H $ E G51H Arm $ $ E G51H Arm

G) 5oniato;s?i GD @ayon#$e? Drd 4olish ,ine $egiment Drd 4olish +oot Artiller! 12th 4olish +oot Artiller! 2nd 4olish ,ine $egiment 0th 4olish +oot Artiller! 8th 4olish +oot Artiller! GD Aamins?i 0th 4olish 1hasseur a 1heval 8th 4olish 1hasseur a 1heval 2nd 4olish 5orse Artiller! 10th 4olish +oot Artiller!

11 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 1 1

112.28 =ed Art =ed Art I2620 =ed Art =ed Art 02D22 02D22 5orse Art 5ev Art

E GSSH $ $ E GSSH $ $ E G,1H ,ance E G,1H $ $

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001

Russian %rmy *orodino =!B!1(12 )ommandin' "00i#er. 1hief of Staff8eadCuarters 3s#ort &nfantr! 1avalr! 1st %rmy o0 t$e 2est Ri'$t Flan? Guard Deta#$ment. 1ossac)s 2nd )orps. 4t$ Di,ision. Brigade- 4!shnits)oi Brigade- $ossi Brigade- 4illar Artiller!1=t$ Di,ision. Brigade- Tehou arov Brigade- Tuch)ov && Brigade- 4otem)in Artiller!Bases )in) Autu6o, Bennigsen Selenguins) &nfantr! $egiment @argopol Dragoon $egiment G) *ar#lay de Tolly G* 4laso, --&llo*ais)i M0 1ossac) $egiment G) *a''o,out GD 2urttember' @rementchug &nfantr! $egiment To ols) &nfantr! $egiment 0th Kager $egiment 4osition Batter! M0 ,ight Batteries M. # M8 GD "lsou0ie00 $ia'an &nfantr! $egiment Wilmanstrand &nfantr! $egiment Drd Kager $egiment 4osition Batter! M1. ,ight Batteries MD2 # MDD G) "sterman&Tolstoy GD *a?$metie00 -4olots) &nfantr! $egiment @e(holm &nfantr! $egiment 1st Kager $egiment 4osition Batter! M2 ,ight Batteries MD # M0 GD *a?$metie00 $ils) &nfantr! $egiment 18th Kager $egiment ,ight Batteries M00 G) "u,aro, Guard 5ussar $egiment Elisa ethgrad 5ussar $egiment 5orse Batter! M2 GD Aor00 4s)of Dragoon $egiment &soum 5ussar $egiment Smolens) 1ossac)s 5orse Batter! M6 G) Areut6 3ren urg Dragoon $egiment Si erian Dragoon $egiment Soum 5ussar $egiment 5orse Batter! M. )) Do#turo, GD Aapse,it#$ 4a)of &nfantr! $egiment Sofia &nfantr! $egiment 4osition Batter! M. ,ight Batteries M12 # M1D GD /i#$at#$e00 1hirvan &nfantr! $egiment Bourtis)i &nfantr! $egiment 1Ith Kager $egiment 4osition Batter! M20 8 0 1 8282D 02D22 5orse Art E G,1H ,ance E G,1H E D . D2B22 .2820 $ $ G51H Fnit Data BE,


1 G,1H &r

6 6 0 1 2 6 8 0 1 2

6282D 6282D 02D22 5ev Art =ed Art 6282D 8202D 02D22 5ev Art =ed Art

$ $ $ GSSH E E $ $ $ GSSH E E

4t$ )orps. 11t$ Di,ision. Brigade- 4hilissov Brigade- Tchoglo)uv Brigade- Bistrom Artiller!23rd Di,ision. Brigade- 3)oulov Brigade- Alc)sapol Artiller!)a,alry )orps. Guard )a,alry Di, 1st Brigade- Tchali)ov 0th Brigade- Tchernich Artiller!2nd )a,alry )orps. 6th Brigade- Dav!dov .th BrigadeAttached %rtillery. 3rd )a,alry )orps. Ith Brigade- @le ev 10th Brigade- S)alon 11th BrigadeArtiller!7t$ )orps. =t$ Di,ision. Brigade- ,iapounov Brigade- Balem Artiller!24t$ Di,ision Brigade- Tschouls)i Brigade- Denissief Brigade- "ouitch Artiller!-

8 8 0 1 2 8 8 1

8202D 82D22 02D22 5ev Art =ed Art 8202D 8202D =ed Art


. . 8 1

.2820 .2820 8202D 5orse Art

$ G51H $ G,1H ,ance 1 G,1H &r E

8 . 8 1

82620 .2820 8282D 5orse Art

$ G51H $G51H E G,1H E

8 6 1 2 8 8 8 1

8202D 6282D 5ev Art =ed Art 8202D 8202D 8202D 5ev Art

$ $ E E $ $ $ GSSH E

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001

,ight Batteries M08 # M06 5t$ )orps. Guard Di,ision. 1st Brigade- Baron $osen 2nd Brigade- Fdom Drd Brigade- Bistrom Artiller!)on,er'ed Grenadier Di,ision. Brigade)uirassier Di,ision. Brigade- Borosdin && Brigade- GeneralmaCor 1hevie' Artiller!1st %rmy o0 t$e 2est %rtillery Reser,e. All in reserve par) G) )onstantine GD /a,ro, 4reo ragens)i Guard &nfantr! &smailov Guard &nfantr! Guard Kager $egiment 1st # 2nd Guard 4osition Batt 1st # 2nd Guard ,ight Batteries GD Aanta?u6en 1onverged Grenadiers GD Deprerado,it#$ Emperor 1uirassier $egiment 1hevalier Guard $egiment Guard 5orse Batteries M1 # M2 GD Autaiso, 4osition Batter! M2I 4osition Batter! MD0 ,ight Batter! M1 ,ight Batter! M2 ,ight Batter! M8 5orse Batter! M0 5orse Batter! M8 5orse Batter! MI 5orse Batter! M10 5orse Batter! M22 GD 5lato, Erno 8 Don 1ossac)s Gre)ov M18 1ossac) $egiment Lhir)ov 1ossac) $egiment 1st Bash 5orse 1ossac)s 2 =ed Art E

11 11 10 2 2 . 12 6 2

112.28 112.28 102.20 5ev Art =ed Art 62022 122828 62022 5orse Art

E E E GSSH E E $ E G51H Arm E G51H Arm E

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5ev Art 5ev Art =ed Art =ed Art =ed Art 5orse Art 5orse Art 5orse Art 5orse Art 5orse Art


)osa#?s. 1st Brigade 2nd Brigade Drd Brigade 0th Brigade 2nd Don 5orse Batteries %tta#$ed os#o; ilitia 1st =osco* =ilitia Division 2nd =osco* =ilitia Division 2nd %rmy o0 t$e 2est =t$ )orps. 12t$ Di,ision. Brigade- $!leieff Brigade- 4ant'er ieter 27t$ Di,ision. Brigade- ,ie ert Brigade- Samoini Brigade- Gogel Artiller! (t$ )orps. 2=t$ Di,ision. Brigade- @niaCinn Brigade- Stavits)i Brigade- Woie)ov 2nd Grenadier Di,ision. Brigade- 1hatilov Brigade- Bu(ho*den Brigade- 5esse 2nd E=t$F )on,er'ed Grenadier Di,ision. 4t$ )a,alry )orps. 4t$ )a,alry Di,ision. 12th Brigade- 4antchaulidseff 1Dth Brigade- Emmanuel 10th BrigadeArtiller!-

0 8 8 8 1

02B2D 8202D 8202D 8202D 5orse Art

1 G,1H &r 1 G,1H &r 1 G,1H &r 1 G,1H &r 1


ar?o, 8 8 8202D 82.28 1 &r 1 &r

G) *a'ration G) Rae,s?y GD 4asilD#$i?o, Smolens) &nfantr! $egiment Ale(opol &nfantr! $egiment GD 5as?e,it#$ ,adoga &nfantr! $egiment 3rel &nfantr! $egiment 8th Kager $egiment ,ight Batteries M0. G) *oro6din GD Ne,ero,s?i "ilna &nfantr! $egiment Tarnopol &nfantr! $egiment 80th Kager $egiment GD e#?lenbur' =osco* Grenadier $egiment +angoria Grenadier $egiment Si eria Grenadier $egiment 2nd 1onverged Grenadiers G) :ie,ers GD :ie,ers @ar)ov Dragoon $egiment @iev Dragoon $egiment A)ht!rs) 5ussar $egiment 5orse Batter! M8

6 8 6 6 0 1

6282D 8202D 6282D 6282D 02D22 =ed Art

$ $ $ $ $ GSSH E

6 0 0 8 8 0 8

6282D 02D22 02D22 82D22 82D22 02D22 8202D

$ $ $ GSSH E E E $

. . . 1

.2820 .2820 .282D 5orse Art

$ GDismountedH $ G51H E G,1H ,ance E

DDWG Borodino Scenario 2001

2nd )uirassier Di,ision. 2nd Brigade- @retov Drd Brigade- Du)a 3rd )orps. 3rd Di,ision. Brigade- Tuch)ov &&& Brigade- 4rince 1ha)offs)i 1st Grenadier Di,ision. Brigade- Tsvilenev Brigade- Geltou)hin Brigade- 4oc) & %tta#$ed os#o; ilitia Drd =osco* =ilitia Division Attached Smolens) =ilitia /e0t Flan? Guard Deta#$ment. Brigade Brigade 1st Don 5orse Art 2nd %rmy o0 t$e 2est %rtillery Reser,e. &n Semenovs)a!a $edou t &n +leches &n +leches &n Great $edou t &n +leches &n Great $edou t &n Semenovs)a!a $edou t &n +leches &n $eserve &n $eserve &n $eserve &n $eserve &n $eserve &n $eserve GD Anorrin' =ilitar! 3rder 1uirassier >ovgorod 1uirassier $egiment G) Tu#$?o, GD Aono,nit6in Tchernigov &nfantr! $egiment 20th Kager $egiment GD :tro'ono00 4avlov Grenadier $egiment ,eid Grenadier $egiment Tauride Grenadier $egiment GD ar?o, -8 8 82D22 8282D E G51H Arm E G51H Arm

8 8 8 6 8 6 6

82620 8202D 82D22 62022 82D22 62820 62820 62820 8202D 5orse Art

$ $ GSSH E E E 1 &r 1 &r 1 G,1H &r 1 G,1H &r 1

G* Aarpo, -@arpov M2 1ossac) $egiment Bich 1 Don 1ossac) $egiment

6 8 1

GD /o;enstern 4osition Batter! M1 4osition Batter! MD 4osition Batter! M11 4osition Batter! M12 4osition Batter! M2D 4osition Batter! M26 4osition Batter! MD1 4osition Batter! MD2 ,ight Batter! M6 ,ight Batter! M20 ,ight Batter! M21 ,ight Batter! M22 ,ight Batter! M2D ,ight Batter! M08

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art 5ev Art =ed Art =ed Art =ed Art =ed Art =ed Art =ed Art


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