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ShaykhSarfaraz Khan Safdar

Saad Khan On the 5th of May 2009, the great researcher ( muhaqqiq) and hadith scholar of our age ShaykhSarfaraz Khan Safdar (may Allah sho er !"s "nf"n"te mercy u#on h"m) #assed a ay at the age of 9$% Ma lana Sarfaraz Khan "&n 'ur Ahmad Khan "&n (ul Ahmad Khan as &orn "n )9)* "n the c"ty of Mansehra, "n Khy&er +akhtunkh a (#re,"ously kno n as the 'orth -est .ront"er +ro,"nce) of hat "s no +ak"stan% !e as a reno ned researcher and scholar, a #rol"f"c r"ter, a lecturer "n hadith andtafsir, and a master of /asa uf%0)1 !e com#leted h"s early stud"es "n h"s hometo n under Ma lana (hulam (ha s !azar "021 and then tra,eled to S"alkot and Multan for further stud"es% /here, he stud"ed under Shaykh 2sha3 4ahman", a student of Muft" Muhammad K"fayatullah 5ahla ", and Ma lana (hulam Muhammad 6udh"an ", an early student of 2mam An ar Shah Kashm"r"% After com#let"ng elementary stud"es there he enrolled at 7am"8ah An ar al9:lum, (u;ran ala, here he stud"ed under Allamah A&d al9<ad"r Khan Kam&el#ur", also an early student of 2mam al9Asr Ma lana Sayy"d An ar Shah Kashm"r"% !e later tra,eled to 5eo&and "n )9=9 along "th h"s younger &rother, Ma lana Suf" A&d al9!am"d Khan Sa at", and enrolled at 5ar al9:lum Deoband here he stud"ed hadith under Shaykh al9 2slam Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan"% 2t as Shaykh al92slam ho ga,e h"m the t"tle > safdar>% !e h"mself ment"ons that once he as late to lesson for some reason% >2 as #"erc"ng the l"nes of students to get to the front 0of the class1 here 2 used to s"t% -hen my teacher Shaykh al98Ara& a ?l98A;am Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan" sa me com"ng l"ke that, he sa"d, ? Saf-dar "s com"ng%8 All of the students started to sm"le% !e then sa"d, ?!e "s that safdar ho, &y the "ll of Allah, "ll d"st"ngu"sh &et een truth and falsehood%@0=1 ?Allamah Sarfaraz Khan h"mself ment"oned that dur"ng h"s stay at 5eo&and, students of hadith ould hold s#eech com#et"t"ons% After del",er"ng a fe s#eeches, "t &ecame famous that he as a great lecturer% Once ?Allamah Muhammad An ar Sa&r", a famous #oet, heard h"m del",er"ng a s#eech and sa"dA >-here "n the 'orth -est .ront"er +ro,"nce as th"s A&u al9Kalam Azad &ornB@ Other scholars hom he stud"ed under at 5eo&and "ncluded Shaykh al9Ada& a ?l9."3h Ma lana 28zaz ?Al", the master of log"c and dogma (kalam) ?Allamah 2&rah"m Calya ", Muft" Muhammad Shaf"8 ?:sman", Ma lana ?A&d al9!a33 'af"8 (ul, Ma lana Muft" Da"n al95"n, Ma lana ?A&d al9 Shakur .arang" Mahall" and Ma lana A&u al9-afa Shah 7ahan#ur"% !"s gu"de "n tasawwuf as 4a8"s al9Mufass"r"n Ma lana !usayn Al" -an&acharan0*1, a khalifah of the 'a3sh&and" Mu;add"d" Suf" master Kha a;a Muhammad :thman 5aman" and a student of 2mam 4a&&an" Ma lana 4ash"d Ahmad (angoh"% Among h"s contem#orar"es at 5eo&and ere

Kha a;a9"9Kh a;gan Ma lana Khan Muhammad, Muft" 4ash"d Ahmad 6udh"an " and Ma lana Muhammad Eusuf +alandr"% Shaykh Sarfaraz mo,ed to (u;ran ala, a to n "n the +un;a& #ro,"nce of +ak"stan, at the re3uest of Fhaudhry .akhr al95"n and Master Karam 5"n, and started to teach there% 2n )955, he &ecame a lecturer and teacher at 7am"8ah 'usrat al98:lum, a madrasah founded &y h"s &rother% !e ent on to teach at 'usrat al98:lum for many years here he held the #os"t"on of shaykh al-hadith. /he mawlana as un;ustly "m#r"soned "n the early )950s for h"s su##ort of the Khatam al9 'u&u ah mo,ement051% /h"s "s hen h"s r"t"ng career started% !e as one of the most kno ledgea&le scholars of hadith "n the 2nd"an su&cont"nent and a s#ec"al"st "n #olem"cs% !"s mastery of hadith and h"s a&"l"ty to reference from memory as such that some ould cla"m he as a hafiz al-hadith%0G1 5ur"ng the he"ght of the Khatam al9'u&u ah mo,ement, Shaykh Sarfaraz as lead"ng a march hen a #ol"ce off"cer suddenly dre a red l"ne on the road and #rocla"med that anyone ho crossed the l"ne ould &e shot% /he shaykh sto##ed those #resent "n the march and sa"d, >Care "tness that 2 ha,e #assed the sunnah age of s"Hty9three, and 2 feel "t my honor to s#"ll my last dro# &lood for the f"nal"ty of the #ro#hethood% 2f 2 don8t cross th"s l"ne today, then hat "ll &e my ans er tomorro to my Shaykh Madan"B@ Shaykh Sarfaraz as then the f"rst to cross the l"ne% 0I1 Cecause of h"s ell9researched r"t"ngs he 3u"ckly &ecame kno n among scholars as muhaqqiq al-asr(researcher of the age) and imam Ahl al-Sunnah (the imam of the Ahl al9Sunnah)% /h"s t"tle as g",en to h"m &y the l"kes of Muft" Ahmad al94ahman, Muft" -al" !assan /onk", Shaykh Eusuf 6udh"an " Shah"d, Muft" '"zam al95"n Shamza8" Shah"d, Muft" Muhammad 7am"l Khan Shah"d, Muft" Dar -al" Khan, Muft" Muhammad 'aeem, Ma lana Muhammad Aslam Shaykhu#ur", etc% "th the consensus of scholars at imam Ahl al-Sunnah conference "n )992 "n Karach"% !e as correctly g",en the t"tle ofimam Ahl al-Sunnah &ut ould say out of hum&leness, >Ees, 2 am imam Ahl al-Sunnah "n the sense that 2 am an "mam of Jami masjid Ahl al-Sunnah "n (u;ran ala%@ A&out a month &efore h"s death on 2nd A#r"l, 2009, Muft" Muhammad 4af"8 ?:sman" attended a conference at Al9Shar"8ah Academy, (u;ran ala, at the "n,"tat"on of Shaykh Dah"d al94ash"d", Shaykh Sarfaraz8s eldest son% Muft" 4af"8 ?:sman" started h"s s#eech, after #ra"s"ng Allah, "th these ordsA >JMa lana Dah"d al94ash"d" "s our much res#ected and no&le elder% 2 ha,e great attachment to Ma lana Sarfaraz Khan Safdar from my student days% -hen e ere "n the f"nal year of hadithstud"es (dawrah al-hadith), our teachers ould tell us a&out the research (tahqiq) of Ma lana Sarfaraz Khan SafdarJ@0$1 !"s &ooks ere h"ghly #o#ular among scholars as ell as laymen% Allamah Muft" /a3" ?:sman", "n h"s #reface to Shaykh Sarfaraz8s Al-Kalam al- ufid fi !thbat al-"aqlid, roteA >Ma lana Sarfaraz Khan Safdar "s, "th res#ect to h"s kno ledge and no&"l"ty, and h"s s#"r"t of research, a nat"onal treasure% -e #ray that Allah Most !"gh #reser,es h"m for long "n th"s state of &enef"cence% /he ser,"ces to thedin he has rendered through h"s #en, h"s orks "n aff"rmat"on of the true #ath and

h"s kno ledge9&ased cr"t"c"sms of ,ar"ous modern schools of thought are a great asset to our educat"onal and rel"g"ous l"terature% >/he mawlanas style 0of r"t"ng1 "s such that hene,er he ment"ons someth"ng, there "s a huge collect"on of su##ort",e references &eh"nd "t, and e,ery #age of h"s &ook "s decorated "th those references% K,ery s"ngle #"ece of r"t"ng &y your honora&le self "s a great resource of kno ledge for students such as me% .or th"s reason, th"s most orthless one has, "th great "nterest, collected all of your orks and from t"me to t"me 2 make use of them dur"ng lecturesJ@ ( Al-Kalam al- ufid, #%=*G9=*I) !"s study (mutaliah) as only neHt to that of Allamah Muhammad Eusuf C"nnor", as he had more resources a,a"la&le% Ma lana Muft" .a3"r Allah, a khalifah of Shaykh al9!"nd Ma lana Mahmud al9!assan, sa"dA >J 2 am not sure that you #osses all of the &ooks that you ha,e 3uoted from J seems l"ke you are r"t"ng from the l"&rary of +"r 7handa or the l"&rary of 5ar al9 :lum 5eo&and% 5o you really ha,e all these &ooksB -hat more should 2 sayJ@ ( Ahsan al-Kalam, #%2292=) Shaykh Sarfaraz #enned the h"ghest amount of &ooks among 5eo&and" scholars after #akim al$mmah Ma lana Ashraf ?Al" /hana " and Muft" Muhammad Shaf"8% 091 At t"mes, the l"kes of Muft" Shaf"8, Allamah C"nnor" and Muft" Mahmud ould ask h"m to r"te a &ook on a certa"n to#"c% /he l"kes of Shaykh al92slam Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan", Shaykh ?A&d al9.attah A&u (huddah, Shaykh al9!ad"th Ma lana ?A&d al9!a33 !a33an"0)01, Ma lana <ar" Muhammad /ayya& <asm", Am"r9"9Shar"8ah Sayy"d ?Ata8ullah Shah Cukhar", !af"z al9!ad"th Ma lana ?A&dullah 5arkha ast", Shaykh al9/afs"r Ma lana Ahmad ?Al" 6ahor", Muhadd"th al97al"l Ma lana !a&"& al9 4ahman A8zam", ?Allamah Khayr Muhammad 7alandhar", ?Allamah Shams al9!a3 Afghan", Muft" Sayy"d Mahd" !assan, Shaykh al9!ad"th Ma lana Muhammad 'as"r al95"n (orgusht", Shaykh al9 !ad"th Ma lana Muhammad ?A&d al94ahman Kam&el#ur", etc% ha,e h"ghly #ra"sed h"s r"t"ngs% Accord"ng to one est"mate, the shaykhs tafsir students across the orld num&er o,er forty thousand%0))1 !"s &ooks "ncludeA Khazain al-Sunan L a t o9,olume commentary on Sunan al-"irmidhiM Ahsan al-Kalam asala %atiha Khalf al-!mam N a deta"led t o9,olume treat"se on rec"t"ngSurah al-%atihah &eh"nd the imam "n congregat"on% Shaykh Sarfaraz also d ells on hat 2mam al9Cukhar" and 2mam al9Cayha3" ha,e r"tten on th"s to#"c% Shaykh al92slam Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan" has, among many other, #enned a short #reface to th"s &ookM "askin al-Sudur fi "ahqiq Ahwal al- awtah fi &arzakh wa l-'ubur N a deta"led d"scuss"on on the l",es of the #ro#hets "n the"r gra,es, death, the soul, #un"shment "n the gra,e, the hear"ng of the dead, tawassul, istimdad, etc% /h"s &ook as r"tten at the re3uest of ?Allamah Eusuf C"nnor" and Ma lana Muft" Mahmud% 2t also cons"sts of "ntroduct"ons &y almost all sen"or 5eo&and" scholars ho ere al",e at the t"me of "ts #u&l"cat"on% Accord"ng to Muft" Dar -al" Khan,

th"s &ook "s the most thorough e,er r"tten on the to#"c, and more deta"led than hat ?Allamah al9 Suyut" and 2mam al9<urtu&" ha,e r"ttenM Al-Kalam al- ufid fi !thbat al-"aqlid L a deta"led &ook on taqlid, h"ch also ans ers o&;ect"ons aga"nst the !anaf" madhhabM !zalat al-(ayb an Aqidah !lm al-)hayb N a deta"led &ook on the kno ledge of the unseen (ilm al-*hayb) "n l"ght of the <ur8an, the Sunnah and the Salaf% /h"s &ook as r"tten or"g"nally "n )959 and cons"sts of 5=G #ages and "t "s a m"ne of 3uotes and eH#lanat"ons from class"cal &ooks of !ad"th and ?A3"daM and "t conta"ns eHtens",e re#l"es to the Ahl al-&idah on th"s "ssue% /h"s &ook although "n :rdu conta"ns all the documentary #roofs "n Ara&"c also L "t "s ,ery thorough and ad,"sa&le for all ho "sh to kno th"s "ssue "n full de#thM (ah-i-Sunnat N an "ncred"&le &ook on the def"n"t"on of bidah and ,ar"ous bidahsM "abrid al-+awadir N a deta"led study of the "ssue of hadhir nadhirM "t also conta"ns a refutat"on of the &el"ef that the #ro#hets and sa"nts ha,e the a&"l"ty to hear e,eryone from any hereM Ayina uhammadi N a small &ooklet on the character of the +ro#het Muhammad (may Allah &less h"m and grant h"m #eace)M Ahsan al-&ari N an eH#lanat"on of some d"ff"cult hadiths "n Sahih al-&ukhariM "aifah ansurah N a study of the character"st"cs of the sa,ed grou# accord"ng to <ur8an and SunnahM !rshad al-Shiah N an analys"s of the Sh"8ah sectM Durud Sharif ,arhanay ka Shari "ariqah N the correct ay to rec"te Salat wa Salam accord"ng to Shar"8ahM !barat-i-Akabir N ans ers to allegat"ons aga"nst the sen"or ?ulama of 5eo&and made &y Ahl al-&idahM "abli*h-i-!slam N a short d"scuss"on of the &as"c &el"efs of Musl"msM )uldastah-i-"awhid - an eHam"nat"on of tawhid and shirkM Dil ka Surur N a treat"se on the "ssue of mukhtar-i-kull, tasarruf. takwin and hether Allah has g",en the +ro#het (may Allah &less h"m and grant h"m #eace) the a&"l"ty to make halal andharamM #idayat al- urtab !la "ariq al-Sawab fi "ahqiq al- ujizat N a study on the ,"e of Ahl al9

Sunnah on m"racles, "ts def"n"t"on and hether humans ha,e any say "n the #erformance of m"raclesM &ani Dar al-$lum Deoband N a short &"ogra#hy of Ma lana Muhammad <as"m 'anaut "M /anabih L a &ook on /ara "h #rayersM Dhu l-Siraj fi "ahqiq al- iraj N ans ers to those ho deny 2sra a ?l9M8"ra;M asalah 'urbani N fiqh rul"ngs regard"ng sacr"f"c"ng an"malsM ?!saiyat ka ,as-i- anzar N a small &ooklet on Fhr"st"an"tyM aqalah Khatam-i-+ubuwwah N a treat"se on the f"nal"ty of the +ro#hethoodM aslak al- ansur fi (add al-Kitab al- astur L a d"scuss"on on the connect"on of the soul "th the &ody "n the gra,e, and the l",es of the #ro#hets "n gra,esM !tmam al-&urhan fi (add "awdih al-&ayan N a four ,olume &ook d"scuss"ng d"fferent "ssues relat"ng to aqidah and fiqhM

#ulyat al- uslimin N a d"scuss"on on the &eardM "awdih al- aram fil +uzul al- asih L a deta"led study of the second com"ng of Sayy"duna ?2sa (#eace &e u#on h"m)M Shawq-i-#adith N the status of hadiths "n 2slamM ulla Ali 'ari awr asalah !lm al-*hayb N a "nterest"ng treat"se d"scuss"ng a statement of Mulla ?Al" al9<ar" regard"ng kno ledge of the unseen and hether the soul of &elo,ed +ro#het "s #resent "n the homes of Musl"msM "anqid atin bar "afsir +aim al-Din L r"tten at the re3uest of Muft" Muhammad Shaf"8, th"s &ook d"scusses some of the d"stort"ons of Mol " 'a8"m al95"n Murada&ad", khalifah of Mol " Ahmad 4ada Khan Carel ", as ment"oned "n h"s tafsirM

&ab-i-Jannah N a d"scuss"on on bidah and other fiqh "ssuesM Al-Kalam al-#a0i fi "ahqiq !barah al-"ahawi N "ssue of g","ng Dakah to the descendants of the +ro#het (may Allah &less h"m and grant h"m #eace)M awdudi Sahib ka Aik )halat %atwa N cr"t"c"sm of a fatwa "ssued &y Ma lana A&u al98Ala Ma dud"M asalah +ur wa &ashar L a d"scuss"on on hether the #ro#hets are humans or l"ght, hether the +ro#het (Allah &less h"m and grant h"m #eace) had a shado , and hat the f"rst th"ng as that Allah createdM

"afrih al-Khawatir N a d"scuss"on on hether the +ro#het (may Allah &less h"m and grant h"m #eace) "s omn"#resentM 1hahl asalah #adrat &arelwiyyah N a collect"on of *0 8aqidah and fiqh "ssues relat"ng to the Carel "sM or"g"nally com#"led &y Al9!a;; Muhammad Kar"m Cakhsh and re#u&l"shed &y ?Allamah Sarfaraz "th &r"ef annotat"onsM $mdat al-Asas N a deta"led &ook on the "ssue of three d",orces ( talaq)% /h"s &ook as also ment"oned &y Muft" Muhammad Shaf"8 "n aarif al-'uranM Al-Shihab al- ubin N a d"scuss"on on hether the dead can hearM !zhar al-Ayb fi Kitab !thbat !lm al-)hayb N a treat"se on the kno ledge of the unseenM Sama-i- awta N a study on hether the dead can hear near the gra,eM 1halis Duain N a &ook of forty "n,ocat"onsM aqam-i-Abi #anifah - ans ers to allegat"ons aga"nst 2mam A&u !an"fah% Muft" Muhammad Shaf"8 once sa"d he dec"ded to r"te a &ook on 2mam A&u !an"fah and that he had &egun to gather mater"al for "t% >Cut hen 2 came across th"s &ook, 2 kne that th"s &ook "s

enough@M Sirf Aik !slam N th"s &ook as r"tten "n res#onse to the &ook Dow !slam (/ o 2slams) &y the famous re;ector of hadiths 5r% (hulam 7a"lan" Car3% Shaykh Sarfaraz #enned th"s &ook "n refutat"on h"le "n Multan 7a"l% 5r% Car3, ho later re#ented, sa"d o,er a dozen &ooks ere r"tten "n res#onse to h"s &ook, &ut only th"s one as orthy of &e"ng called a refutat"on% /h"s &ook as also h"ghly #ra"sed &y Ma lana <ar" Muhammad /ayya& <asm"M

#ukm 2ikr bi l-Jahr N a d"scuss"on on the "ssue of loud and soft dhikrM Shawq-i-Jihad N the ,"rtues of ;"hadM Atib al-Kalam N a short ,ers"on of Al-Kalam al- ufidM !nkar-i-#adith kay +ataij N a study deta"l"ng the conse3uences of deny"ng hadithsM irzai ka Janazah awr usalman N a fatwa on offer"ng the janazah of <ad"yan"sM

!khfa al-2ikr - the fiqh of loud and soft dhikr% !"s lectures ha,e recently &een #u&l"shed "n three ,olumes and ent"tled Khutbat !mam Ahl alSunnah% !"s t o eHegeses (tafsirs) of the <ur8an, com#r"s"ng $ and 20 ,olumes, are "n the #rocess of &e"ng #u&l"shed% May Allah sho er !"s "nf"n"te mercy u#on h"m and grant h"m the h"ghest stat"ons "n +arad"se% Amin% OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

1. 2. 3. 4.

/aken from the +earls of the Klders &log% 01 An early student of 2mam Sayy"d An ar Shah Kashm"r" and Shaykh al92slam ?Allamah Sha&&"r Ahmad ?:sman", he as ;a"led many t"mes &y the Cr"t"sh 4a; for h"s ant"9colon"al act","t"es% 01 See art"cle, Shaykh Sarfaraz Khan Ki Judai, &y Ma lana Shaf" Fhatral" from 5a"ly 2slam% 01 Ma lana !usayn ?Al" al9+un;an" (d% )=G=!) as also kno n for h"s mastery "n tafsir of the <ur8an% !e stud"ed had"th and fiqh under 2mam 4ash"d Ahmad (angoh", tafsir under Shaykh Ma lana Mazhar 'anaut ", and theology and log"c under Ma lana Ahmad !assan Kan#ur"% After the death of h"s shaykh, Kha a;a Muhammad ?:thman 5aman", he cont"nued h"s suluk under Kha a;a Muhammad S"ra; al95"n, son of Kha a;a Muhammad ?:thman 5aman"% !"s famous students "nclude the l"kes of !af"z al9 !ad"th Ma lana ?A&dullah 5arkha ast", ?Allamah Muhammad 'as"r al95"n (orgusht", ?Allamah Ahmad 4"da C";nor", Shaykh al9<ur8an Ma lana (hulamullah Khan, Shaykh al9<ur8an Ma lana /ah"r +an;#"r", Ma lana Muhammad ?A&dullah Cahla ", Ma lana Muhammad 'as"r al95"n (orgusht", Kha a;a Muhammad 2&rah"m 'a3sh&and", and +"r (hulam !a&"& 'a3sh&and", etc% 2mam Sayy"d An ar Shah al9Kashm"r" cons"dered h"m the greatest l","ng 'a3sh&and" shaykh of h"s age% ("uhfat al-!brahimiyyah, #%))) Ma lana ?:&aydullah An ar ment"ons that h"s father, Shaykh al-"afsir Ma lana Ahmad ?Al" 6ahor", ould ha,e annual conferences "n 6ahore "n h"ch he ould "n,"te scholars from all o,er the su&cont"nent% Ma lana Ahmad ?Al" 6ahor" ould sayA >2 "n,"te all other scholars for the &enef"t of the general #u&l"c &ut 2 "n,"te t o for the &enef"t of the ?ulama% /hese t o are 2mam Sayy"d An ar Shah Kashm"r" and Ma lana !usayn ?Al"%@ Ma lana Ahmad ?Al" 6ahor" also used to say that Ma lana !usayn ?Al" as "mmersed "n tawhid (fana fi l-tawhid) and that he #ro,ed the tawhid of Allah e,en &y the ,o els of the <ur8an% Shaykh A&u ?l9!assan ?Al" 'ad " r"tes regard"ng Shaykh !usayn ?Al", >!e em#loyed h"s &est efforts to call the #eo#le to ards tawhid 0and to1 #ure rel"g"on and s"ncer"ty of orsh"# for Allah Most !"gh, and to re;ect shirk "th all "ts forms and #henomena, and to renounce gra,e orsh"# and a##o"nt"ng of lords other than Allah and eHaggerat"on a&out the awliya8 and the #"ous and the la&el"ng of the attr"&utes and act"ons of Allah to 0the awliya81, and to refuteisti*hathah "th other than Allah and istianah from 0other than Allah1 and the &el"ef that the !oly +ro#het (Allah &less h"m and g",e h"m #eace) kne the *hayb (unseen)% Ma lana !usayn ?Al" as "nfl"cted se,ere #a"ns "n th"s cause and under ent d"ff"cult"es and trou&les% !e as strong hearted and unshaka&le% !e as not #art"al or a com#rom"ser% !e d"dn8t not #lay "th ords or use meta#hors% 4ather he s#oke out the o#en truth and the r"ght Shari matter h"le not fear"ng condemnat"on of a condemner "n the matter of Allah% !e follo ed "n the footste#s of Shaykh Shah 2sma8"l Shah"d al95ahla " and the com#an"ons of Sayy"d 2mam Ahmad &"n ?2rfan al9Shah"d, and ?Allamah 4ash"d Ahmad &"n !"dayat Ahmad al9(angoh"% !e had a s#ec"al ay of commentat"ng the <ur8an e,ol,"ng around the &el"ef of tawhid "n the <ur8an% !e used to annotate, eH#la"n and a##ly the ,erse and teHts of the <ur8an to the l"fe, customs and act"ons of Musl"ms% A

team of ?ulama stud"ed under h"m and "nnumera&le #eo#le &enef"ted from h"m% /here are stor"es of kashf and karamat attr"&uted to h"m% !e as ,ery a&st"nent and austere, l",ed l"ke farmers, ore clothes l"ke them and d"d all h"s ork h"mself% !e as of a h"t"sh color tend"ng to h"teness, sl"m &od"ed, strong structured and calm% Among h"s orks are&ul*hat al-#ayran fi (abt Ayat al-%urqan. "afsir be +azir. "ahrirat #adith. "alkhis al-"ahawi and "uhfat al-!brahimiyyah.@ (+uzhat al-Khawatir, #%)2)I) At the death of Ma lana !usayn ?Al", Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan" "n condolence #resented the follo "ng resolut"on dur"ng the conference of Jamiat $lama al-#ind, held "n Saharan#ur "n )9*5 "n the #resence of hundreds of sen"or scholars, >/h"s gather"ng of Jamiat $lama al-#ind eH#resses "ts heartfelt #a"n and sorro o,er the death of Shaykh Ma lana !usayn ?Al" M"an al" and cons"ders h"s death a great loss for the Musl"m :mmah% !e as a &are s ord of tawhid and a mounta"n aga"nst the #olythe"st"c customs and "nno,at"ons% !e d"d not fear any re#ercuss"ons and eH#ressed the truth fearlessly%@ (Summary of the Fonference, #%)=, 5elh") 01

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

-h"le "n ;a"l, ?Allamah Sarfaraz ould g",e lessons of #ujjat Allah al-&ali*ah, Sharh al-Aqaid, and +ukhbat al-%ikr% 01 6ast t o l"nes taken from the at9/al"& &log% 01 See art"cle (ahmat-i-Khudawandi "eri 3ahd 4ay Shabnam Afaye Karay &y Ma lana Muhammad Eusuf "n -eekly Al9<alam, Caha al#ur L 2ssue $9)* May, 2009 01 Monthly Al9Shar"8ah, (u;ran ala L May ed"t"on% 01 As re#orted &y Muft" Dar -al" Khan of Ahsan al98:lum. Kara5hi. 01 !e "s the student of Shaykh al92slam Ma lana !usayn Ahmad Madan" and founder of 5ar al9 ?:lum !a33an"yyah, Akorah Khatak% Ma lana <ar" /ayya& <asm" la&eled th"s "nst"tute to &e 5ar al98:lum 5eo&and of +ak"stan% 01


See Kd"tor"al -eekly Al9<alam, Caha al#ur L 2ssue $9)* May, 2009 01

ahl al9sunnah5eo&and5eo&and"d"l ka surur!anaf""&arat9e9aka&"r"mam ahle sunnah"mam ahle sunnat"zalat ra"&"zalat ray&ma3am a&" han"fanusrat al9uloomnusrat ulumrah sunnahrah9e9 sunnatsarfaraz khan safddarsarfaraz safdarsarfraz khansarfraz khan safdarsarfraz safdarshaykh sarfarazsunn"task"n sudur S!A4K O'A .AFKCOOK
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