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Al Jaami` Al Saheeh.

By Imam Al Bukhari
Volume 3 3.1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "( he per!orma"#e o!$ %&mra is a" e'piatio" !or the si"s #ommitted (bet(ee" it a"d the pre)ious o"e$. A"d the re(ard o! Ha** +abrur (the o"e a##epted by Allah$ is "othi", e'#ept -aradise." 3..: Narrated Ib" /urai*: %Ikrima bi" 0halid asked Ib" %&mar about per!ormi", %&mra be!ore Ha**. Ib" %&mar replied, " here is "o harm i" it." %Ikrima said, "Ib" %&mar also said, ' he -rophet had per!ormed %&mra be!ore per!ormi", Ha**.'" 3.3: Narrated %Ikrima bi" 0halid: "I asked Ib" %&mar the same (as abo)e$. 3.1: Narrated +u*ahid: &rsa bi" A234ubair a"d I e"tered the +os5ue (o! the -rophet$ a"d sa( %Abdullah bi" %&mar sitti", "ear the d(elli", pla#e o! Aisha a"d some people (ere o!!eri", the 6uha prayer. 7e asked him about their prayer a"d he replied that it (as a heresy. He (&rsa$ the" asked him ho( ma"y times the -rophet had per!ormed %&mra. He replied, '8our times9 o"e o! them (as i" the mo"th o! :a*ab." 7e disliked to #o"tradi#t him. he" (e heard %Aisha, the +other o! !aith!ul belie)ers #lea"i", her teeth (ith ;i(ak i" the d(elli", pla#e. '&rsa said, "< +other= < +other o! the belie)ers= 6o"'t you hear (hat Abu %Abdur :ahma" is sayi",>" ;he said, "7hat does he say>" '&rsa said, "He says that Allah's Apostle per!ormed !our %&mra a"d o"e o! them (as i" the mo"th o! :a*ab." %Aisha said, "+ay Allah be mer#i!ul to Abu %Abdur :ahma"= he -rophet did "ot per!orm a"y %&mra e'#ept that he (as (ith him, a"d he "e)er per!ormed a"y %&mra i" :a*ab." 3.?: Narrated '&rsa bi" A234ubair: I asked %Aisha ((hether the -rophet had per!ormed %&mra i" :a*ab$. ;he replied, "Allah's Apostle "e)er per!ormed a"y %&mra i" :a*ab." 3.@: Narrated Aatada: I asked A"as ho( ma"y times the -rophet had per!ormed %&mra. He replied, "8our times. 1. %&mra o! Hudaibiya i" 6hi3l3Aa'da (he" the pa,a"s hi"dered him9 .. %&mra i" the !ollo(i", year i" 6hi3l3 Aa'da a!ter the pea#e treaty (ith them (the pa,a"s$9 3. %&mra !rom Al3/a'ra"a (here he distributed the (ar booty." I thi"k he mea"t the booty (o! the battle$ o! Hu"ai". I asked, "Ho( ma"y times did he per!orm Ha**>" He (A"as$ replied, "<"#e. " 3.B: Narrated Aatada: I asked A"as (about the -rophet's %&mra$ a"d he replied, " he -rophet per!ormed %&mra (he" the pa,a"s made him retur", a"d &mra o! al3Hudaibiya (the "e't year$, a"d a"other %&mra i" 6hi3l3Aa'da, a"d a"other %&mra i" #ombi"atio" (ith his Ha**." 3.C: Narrated Hammam:

he -rophet per!ormed !our %&mra (three$ i" 6hi3l3Aa'da e'#ept the (o"e$ %&mra (hi#h he per!ormed (ith his Ha**: His %&mra !rom Al3hudaibiya, a"d the o"e o! the !ollo(i", year, a"d the o"e !rom Al3 /r'ra"a (here he distributed the booty (o! the battle$ o! Hu"ai", a"d a"other %&mra (ith his Ha**. 3.D: Narrated Abu 'Is3ha5: I asked +asru5, %Ata' a"d +u*ahid (about the %&mra o! Allah's Apostle$. hey said, "Allah's Apostle had per!ormed %&mra i" 6hi3l3Aa'da be!ore he per!ormed Ha**." I heard Al3Bara' bi" %A2ib sayi",, "Allah's Apostle had per!ormed %&mra i" 6hi3l3Aa'da t(i#e be!ore he per!ormed Ha**." 3.1E: Narrated Ata: I heard Ib" %Abbas sayi",, "Allah's Apostle asked a" A"sari (oma" (Ib" %Abbas "amed her but %Ata' !or,ot her "ame$, '7hat pre)e"ted you !rom per!ormi", Ha** (ith us>' ;he replied, '7e ha)e a #amel a"d the !ather o! so3a"d3so a"d his so" (i.e. her husba"d a"d her so"$ rode it a"d le!t o"e #amel !or us to use !or irri,atio".' He said (to her$, '-er!orm %&mra (he" :amada" #omes, !or %&mra i" :amada" is e5ual to Ha** (i" re(ard$,' or said somethi", similar." 3.11: Narrated Aisha: 7e set out alo", (ith Allah's Apostle shortly be!ore the appeara"#e o! the "e( moo" (#res#e"t$ o! the mo"th o! 6hi3l3Hi**a a"d he said to us, "7hoe)er (a"ts to assume Ihram !or Ha** may do so9 a"d (hoe)er (a"ts to assume Ihram !or %&mra may do so. Had"'t I brou,ht the Hadi (a"imal !or sa#ri!i#i",$ ((ith me$, I (ould ha)e assumed Ihram !or %&mra." (%Aisha added,$: ;o some o! us assumed Ihram !or %&mra (hile the others !or Ha**. I (as amo",st those (ho assumed Ihram !or %&mra. he day o! %Ara!at approa#hed a"d I (as still me"struati",. I #omplai"ed to the -rophet (about that$ a"d he said, "Aba"do" your %&mra, u"do a"d #omb your hair, a"d assume Ihram !or Ha**9." 7he" it (as the "i,ht o! Hasba, he se"t %Abdur :ahma" (ith me to at3 a"%im a"d I assumed Ihram !or %&mra (a"d per!ormed it$ i" lieu o! my missed %&mra. 3.1.: Narrated %Amr bi" Aus: %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Bakr told me that the -rophet had ordered him to let %Aisha ride behi"d him a"d to make he per!orm %&mra !rom at3 a"%im. 3.13: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: he -rophet a"d his #ompa"io"s assumed Ihram !or Ha** a"d "o"e e'#ept the -rophet a"d alha had the Hadi (ith them. %Ali had #ome !rom Feme" a"d he had the Hadi (ith him. He (%Ali$ said, "I ha)e assumed Ihram (ith a" i"te"tio" like that o! Allah's Apostle has assumed it." he -rophet ordered his #ompa"io"s to i"te"d the Ihram (ith (hi#h they had #ome !or %&mra, to per!orm the a(a! o! the 0a%ba (a"d bet(ee" ;a!a a"d +ar(a$, to ,et their hair #ut short a"d the" to !i"ish their Ihram (ith the e'#eptio" o! those (ho had the Hadi (ith them. hey asked, ";hall (e ,o to +i"a a"d the pri)ate or,a"s o! some o! us are dribbli", (i! (e !i"ish Ihram a"d ha)e se'ual relatio"s (ith our (i)es$>" he -rophet heard that a"d said, "Had I k"o(" (hat I k"o( "o(, I (ould "ot ha)e brou,ht the Hadi. I! I did "ot ha)e the Hadi (ith me I (ould ha)e !i"ished my Ihram." %Aisha ,ot her me"ses a"d per!ormed all the #eremo"ies (o! Ha**$ e'#ept the a(a! . ;o (he" she be#ame #lea" !rom her me"ses, a"d she had per!ormed the a(a! o! the 0a%ba, she said, "< Allah's Apostle= Fou (people$ are retur"i", (ith both Ha** a"d %&mra a"d I am retur"i", o"ly (ith Ha**=" ;o, he ordered %Abdur :ahma" bi" Abu Bakr to ,o (ith her to at3 a"%im. hus she per!ormed %&mra a!ter the Ha** i" the mo"th o! 6hi3l3Hi**a. ;ura5a bi" +alik bi" /u'sham met the -rophet at Al3%A5aba (/amrat3ul 'A5aba$ (hile the latter (as sto"i", it a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Is this permissible o"ly !or you>" he -rophet replied, "No, it is !or e)er (i.e. it is permissible !or all +uslims to per!orm %&mra be!ore Ha**." 3.11: Narrated %Aisha:

7e set out (ith Allah's Apostle shortly be!ore the appeara"#e o! the "e( moo" o! 6hi3l3Hi**a a"d he said, "7hoe)er (a"ts to assume Ihram !or %&mra may do so, a"d (hoe)er (a"ts to assume Ihram !or Ha** may do so. Had "ot I brou,ht the Hadi (ith me, I (ould ha)e assumed Ihram !or %&mra." ;ome o! the people assumed Ihram !or %&mra (hile others !or Ha**. I (as amo",st those (ho had assumed Ihram !or %&mra. I ,ot my me"ses be!ore e"teri", +e##a, a"d (as me"struati", till the day o! %Ara!at. I #omplai"ed to Allah's Apostle about it, he said, "Aba"do" your %&mra, u"do a"d #omb your hair, a"d assume Ihram !or Ha**." ;o, I did that a##ordi",ly. 7he" it (as the "i,ht o! Hasba (day o! departure !rom +i"a$, the -rophet se"t %Abdur :ahma" (ith me to at3 a"%im. he sub3"arrator adds: He (%Abdur3:ahma"$ let her ride behi"d him. A"d she assumed Ihram !or %&mra i" lieu o! the aba"do"ed o"e. Aisha #ompleted her Ha** a"d %&mra, a"d "o Hadi, ;ada5a (#harity$, or !asti", (as obli,atory !or her. 3.1?: Narrated Al3As(ad: hat %Aisha said, "< Allah's Apostle= he people are retur"i", a!ter per!ormi", the t(o Nusuks (i.e. Ha** a"d %&mra$ but I am retur"i", (ith o"e o"ly>" He said, "7ait till you be#ome #lea" !rom your me"ses a"d the" ,o to at3 a"%im, assume Ihram (a"d a!ter per!ormi", %&mra$ *oi" us at su#h3a"d3 su#h a pla#e. But it (i.e. the re(ard i! %&mra$ is a##ordi", to your e'pe"ses or the hardship ((hi#h you (ill u"der,o (hile per!ormi", it$. 3.1@: Narrated %Aisha: 7e set out assumi", the Ihram !or Ha** i" the mo"ths o! Ha** to(ards the sa#red pre#i"#ts o! Ha**. 7e dismou"ted at ;ari! a"d the -rophet said to his #ompa"io"s, "7hoe)er has "ot ,ot the Hadi (ith him a"d likes to make it as %&mra, he should do it, but he (ho has ,ot the Hadi (ith him should "ot do it." he -rophet a"d some o! his (ealthy #ompa"io"s had the Hadi (ith them, so they did "ot !i"ish Ihram a!ter per!ormi", the %&mra. he -rophet #ame to me (hile I (as (eepi",. He asked me the reaso" !or it. I replied, "I ha)e heard o! (hat you ha)e said to your #ompa"io"s a"d I #a""ot do the %&mra." He asked me, "7hat is the matter (ith you>" I replied, "I am "ot prayi",." He said, " here is "o harm i" it as you are o"e o! the dau,hters o! Adam a"d the same is (ritte" !or you as !or others. ;o, you should per!orm Ha** a"d I hope that Allah (ill e"able you to per!orm the %&mra as (ell." ;o, I #arried o" till (e departed !rom +i"a a"d halted at Al3+ahassab. he -rophet #alled %Abdur3 :ahma" a"d said, "Go out o! the sa"#tuary (ith your sister a"d let her assume Ihram !or %&mra, a"d a!ter both o! you ha)e !i"ished the a(a! I (ill be (aiti", !or you at this pla#e." 7e #ame ba#k at mid"i,ht a"d the -rophet asked us, "Ha)e you !i"ished>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He a""ou"#ed the departure a"d the people set out !or the *our"ey a"d some o! them had per!ormed the a(a! o! the 0a%ba be!ore the mor"i", prayer, a"d a!ter that the -rophet set out !or +edi"a. 3.1B: Narrated ;a!(a" bi" Fa%la bi" &maiya !rom his !ather (ho said: "A ma" #ame to the -rophet (hile he (as at /i'ra"a. he ma" (as (eari", a #loak (hi#h had tra#es o! 0halu5 or ;u!ra (a ki"d o! per!ume$. he ma" asked (the -rophet $, '7hat do you order me to per!orm i" my %&mra>' ;o, Allah i"spired the -rophet di)i"ely a"d he (as s#ree"ed by a pla#e o! #loth. I (ished to see the -rophet bei", di)i"ely i"spired. %&mar said to me, 'Home= 7ill you be pleased to look at the -rophet (hile Allah is i"spiri", him>' I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. %&mar li!ted o"e #or"er o! the #loth a"d I looked at the -rophet (ho (as s"ori",. ( he sub3"arrator thou,ht that he said: he s"ori", (as like that o! a #amel$. 7he" that state (as o)er, the -rophet asked, "7here is the 5uestio"er (ho asked about %&mra> -ut o!! your #loak a"d (ash a(ay the tra#es o! 0halu5 !rom your body a"d #lea" the ;u!ra (yello( #olor$ a"d per!orm i" your &mra (hat you per!orm i" your Ha** (i.e. the a(a! rou"d the 0a%ba a"d the ;a%i bet(ee" ;a!a a"d +ar(a$. " 3.1C: Narrated Hisham Ib" %&r(a !rom his !ather (ho said: 7hile I (as a you",ster, I asked %Aisha the (i!e o! the -rophet. "7hat about the mea"i", o! the ;tateme"t o! Allah9

"Verily= (the mou"tai"s$ As3;a!a a"d Al +ar(a, are amo", the symbols o! Allah. ;o, it is "ot harm!ul i! those (ho per!orm Ha** or %&mra o! the House (0a%ba at +e##a$ to per!orm the ,oi", ( a(a!$ bet(ee" them> (..1?C$ I u"dersta"d (!rom that$ that there is "o harm i! somebody does "ot per!orm the a(a! bet(ee" them." %Aisha replied, "No, !or i! it (ere as you are sayi",, the" the re#itatio" (ould ha)e bee" like this: 'It is "ot harm!ul "ot to per!orm a(a! bet(ee" them.' his )erse (as re)ealed i" #o""e#tio" (ith the A"sar (ho used to assume the Ihram !or the idol +a"at (hi#h (as put beside a pla#e #alled Audaid a"d those people thou,ht it "ot ri,ht to per!orm the a(a! o! As3 ;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a. 7he" Islam #ame, they asked Allah's Apostle about that, a"d Allah re)ealed:33 "Verily= (the mou"tai"s$ As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a Are amo", the symbols o! Allah. ;o, it is "ot harm!ul o! those (ho per!orm Ha** or %&mra o! the House (0a%ba at +e##a$ to per!orm the ,oi", ( a(a!$ bet(ee" them." (..1?C$ ;u!ya" a"d Abu +ua(iya added !rom Hisham (!rom %Aisha$: " he Ha** or %&mra o! the perso" (ho does "ot per!orm the ,oi", ( a(a!$ bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a is i"#omplete i" Allah's si,ht. 3.1D: Narrated Isma%il: %Abdullah bi" Abu %Au!a said: "Allah's Apostle per!ormed %&mra a"d (e too per!ormed %&mra alo", (ith him. 7he" he e"tered +e##a he per!ormed the a(a! (o! 0a%ba$ a"d (e too per!ormed it alo", (ith him, a"d the" he #ame to the As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a (i.e. per!ormed the ;ai$ a"d (e also #ame to them alo", (ith him. 7e (ere shieldi", him !rom the people o! +e##a lest they may hit him (ith a" arro(." A !rie"d o! his asked him (i.e. %Abdullah bi" %Au!a$, "6id the -rophet e"ter the 0a%ba (duri", that %&mra$>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he" he said, "7hat did he (the -rophet $ say about 0hadi*a>" He (Abdullah bi" %Au!a$ said, "(He said$ 'Gi)e 0hadi*a the ,ood tidi",s that she (ill ha)e a pala#e made o! Aasab i" -aradise a"d there (ill be "either "oise "or a"y trouble i" it." 3..E: Narrated %Amr bi" 6i"ar: 7e asked Ib" %&mar (hether a ma" (ho had per!ormed the a(a! o! the 0a%ba but had "ot per!ormed the a(a! bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a yet, (as permitted to ha)e se'ual relatio" (ith his (i!e. He replied, " he -rophet arri)ed (at +e##a$ a"d #ir#umambulated the 0a%ba se)e" times a"d the" o!!ered a t(o rak%at prayer behi"d +a5am3lbrahim a"d the" per!ormed the ,oi", ( a(a!$ bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a (se)e" times$ (a"d )erily, i" Allah's Apostle you ha)e a ,ood e'ample." A"d (e asked /abir bi" %Abdullah (the same 5uestio"$ a"d he replied, "He should "ot ,o "ear her till he has !i"ished the ,oi", ( a(a!$ bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a." 3..1: Narrated Abu +usa Al3Ash%ari: I #ame to the -rophet at Al3Batha' (hile his #amel (as k"eeli", do(" a"d he asked me, "Ha)e you i"te"ded to per!orm the Ha**>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He asked me, '7ith (hat i"te"tio" ha)e you assumed Ihram>" I replied, "I ha)e assumed Ihram (ith the same i"te"tio" as that o! the -rophet. He said, "Fou ha)e do"e (ell. -er!orm the a(a! o! the 0a%ba a"d (the ;ai$ bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3 +ar(a a"d the" !i"ish the Ihram." ;o, I per!ormed the a(a! arou"d the 0a%ba a"d the ;ai$ bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a a"d the" (e"t to a (oma" o! the tribe o! Aais (ho #lea"ed my head !rom li#e. Iater I assumed the Ihram !or Ha**. I used to ,i)e the )erdi#t o! doi", the same till the #aliphate o! %&mar (ho said, "I! you !ollo( the Holy Book the" it orders you to remai" i" the state o! Ihram till you !i"ish !rom Ha**, i! you !ollo( the -rophet the" he did "ot !i"ish his Ihram till the Hadi (sa#ri!i#e$ had rea#hed its pla#e o! slau,hteri", (Ha**3al3Aira"$. 3...: Narrated Al3As(ad: %Abdullah the sla)e o! Asma bi"t Abu Bakr, told me that he used to hear Asma', (he"e)er she passed by Al3Ha*u", sayi",, "+ay Allah bless His Apostle +uhammad. <"#e (e dismou"ted here (ith him, a"d at that time (e (ere tra)eli", (ith li,ht lu,,a,e9 (e had a !e( ridi", a"imals a"d a little !ood ratio". I, my sister, %Aisha, A234ubair a"d su#h a"d su#h perso"s per!ormed %&mra, a"d (he" (e had passed our ha"ds o)er the 0a%ba (i.e. per!ormed a(a! rou"d the 0a%ba a"d bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3 +ar(a$ (e !i"ished our lhram. Iater o" (e assumed Ihram !or Ha** the same e)e"i",." 1

3..3: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: 7he"e)er Allah's Apostle retur"ed !rom a Gha2(a, Ha** or %&mra, he used to say akbir thri#e at e)ery ele)atio" o! the ,rou"d a"d the" (ould say, "No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped but Allah9 He is <"e a"d has "o part"er. All the ki",doms is !or Him, a"d all the praises are !or Him, a"d He is <m"ipote"t. 7e are retur"i", (ith repe"ta"#e, (orshippi",, prostrati",, a"d praisi", our Iord. He has kept up His promise a"d made His sla)e )i#torious, a"d He Alo"e de!eated all the #la"s o! ("o"3 belie)ers$. 3..1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7he" the -rophet arri)ed at +e##a, some boys o! the tribe o! Ba"i %Abdul +uttalib (e"t to re#ei)e him, a"d the -rophet made o"e o! them ride i" !ro"t o! him a"d the other behi"d him. 3..?: Narrated Ib" %&mar: 7he"e)er Allah's Apostle le!t !or +e##a, he used to pray i" the mos5ue o! Ash3;ha*ra, a"d (he" he retur"ed (to +edi"a$, he used to pray i" the middle o! the )alley o! 6hul3Hulai!a a"d used to pass the "i,ht there till mor"i",. 3..@: Narrated A"as: he -rophet "e)er retur"ed to his !amily !rom a *our"ey at "i,ht. He used to retur" either i" the mor"i", or i" the a!ter"oo". 3..B: Narrated /abir: he -rophet !orbade ,oi", to o"e's !amily at "i,ht (o" arri)al !rom a *our"ey$. 3..C: Narrated Humaid: A"as said, "7he"e)er Allah's Apostle retur"ed !rom a *our"ey, he, o" seei", the hi,h pla#es o! +edi"a, (ould make his she3#amel pro#eed !aster9 a"d i! it (ere a"other a"imal, e)e" the" he used to make it pro#eed !aster." Narrated Humaid that the -rophet used to make it pro#eed !aster out o! his lo)e !or +edi"a. 3..D: Narrated A"as: As abo)e, but me"tio"ed "the (alls o! +edi"a" i"stead o! "the hi,h pla#es o! +edi"a. Al3Harith bi" %&mar a,rees (ith A"as. 3.3E: Narrated Abu 'Is3ha5: I heard Al3Bara' sayi",, " he abo)e Verse (as re)ealed re,ardi", us, !or the A"sar o" retur"i", !rom Ha** "e)er e"tered their houses throu,h the proper doors but !rom behi"d. <"e o! the A"sar #ame a"d e"tered throu,h the door a"d he (as tau"ted !or it. here!ore, the !ollo(i", (as re)ealed: 33 "It is "ot ri,hteous"ess hat you e"ter the houses !rom the ba#k, But the ri,hteous ma" is He (ho !ears Allah, <beys His order a"d keeps a(ay !rom 7hat He has !orbidde" ;o, e"ter houses throu,h the proper doors." (..1CD$ 3.31: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, " ra)eli", is a ki"d o! torture as it pre)e"ts o"e !rom eati",, dri"ki", a"d sleepi", properly. ;o, (he" o"e's "eeds are !ul!illed, o"e should retur" 5ui#kly to o"e's !amily." 3.3.: Narrated 4aid bi" Aslam !rom his !ather: I (as (ith Ib" %&mar o" the (ay to +e##a, a"d he ,ot the "e(s that ;a!iya bi"t Abu &baid (as seriously ill. ;o, he haste"ed his pa#e, a"d (he" the t(ili,ht disappeared, he dismou"ted a"d o!!ered the +a,hrib a"d %Isha' prayers to,ether. he" he said, "I sa( that (he"e)er the -rophet had to haste"

(he" tra)eli",, he (ould delay the +a,hrib prayer a"d *oi" them to,ether (i.e. o!!er the +a,hrib a"d the %Isha prayers to,ether$. 3.33: Narrated Na!i%: 7he" %Abdullah bi" %&mar set out !or +e##a i"te"di", to per!orm &mra, at the time o! a!!li#tio"s, he said, "I! I should be pre)e"ted !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba, the" I (ould do the same as Allah's Apostle did, so I assume the lhram !or &mra as Allah's Apostle assumed the Ihram !or &mra i" the year o! Hudaibiya." 3.31: Narrated Na!i%: hat &baidullah bi" %Abdullah a"d ;alim bi" %Abdullah i"!ormed him that they told Ib" %&mar (he" Ib" A234ubair (as atta#ked by the army, sayi", " here is "o harm !or you i! you did "ot per!orm Ha** this year. 7e are a!raid that you may be pre)e"ted !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba." Ib" %&mar said "7e set out (ith Allah's Apostle a"d the "o"3belie)ers o! Auraish pre)e"ted us !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba, a"d so the -rophet slau,htered his Hadi a"d ,ot his head sha)ed." Ib" %&mar added, "I make you (it"esses that I ha)e made %&mra obli,atory !or me. A"d, Allah (illi",, I (ill ,o a"d the" i! the (ay to 0a%ba is #lear, I (ill per!orm the a(a!, but i! I am pre)e"ted !rom ,oi", to the 0a%ba the" I (ill do the same as the -rophet did (hile I (as i" his #ompa"y." Ib" %&mar the" assumed Ihram !or &mra !rom 6hul3Hulai!a a"d pro#eeded !or a (hile a"d said, " he #o"ditio"s o! %&mra a"d Ha** are similar a"d I make you (it"esses that I ha)e made %&mra a"d Ha** obli,atory !or mysel!." ;o, he did "ot !i"ish the Ihram till the day o! Nahr (slau,hteri",$ #ame, a"d he slau,htered his Hadi. He used to say, "I (ill "ot !i"ish the Ihram till I per!orm the a(a!, o"e a(a! o" the day o! e"teri", +e##a (i.e. o! ;a!a a"d +ar(a !or both %&mra a"d Ha**$. 3.3?: Narrated Na!i%: ;ome o! the so"s o! %Abdullah told him (i.e. %Abdullah$ i! he had stayed (a"d "ot per!ormed Ha** that year$. 3.3@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle (as pre)e"ted !rom per!ormi", (%&mra$ here!ore, he sha)ed his head a"d had se'ual relatio"s (ith his (i)es a"d slau,htered his Hadi a"d per!ormed &mra i" the !ollo(i", year. 3.3B: Narrated ;alim: (Abdullah$ bi" %&mar used to say, "Is "ot (the !ollo(i", o!$ the traditio" o! Allah's Apostle su!!i#ie"t !or you> I! a"yo"e o! you is pre)e"ted !rom per!ormi", Ha**, he should per!orm the a(a! o! the 0a%ba a"d bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a a"d the" !i"ish the Ihram a"d e)erythi", (ill be#ome le,al !or him (hi#h (as ille,al !or him (duri", the state o! Ihram$ a"d he #a" per!orm Ha** i" a !ollo(i", year a"d he should slau,hter a Hadi or !ast i" #ase he #a""ot a!!ord the Hadi." 3.3C: Narrated Al3+is(ar: Allah's Apostle slau,htered (the Hadi$ be!ore he had his head sha)ed a"d the" he ordered his Hompa"io"s to do the same. 3.3D: Narrated Na!i%: hat %Abdullah a"d ;alim said to %Abdullah bi" %&mar, "(Fou should "ot ,o !or Ha** this year$." %Abdullah bi" %&mar replied, "7e set out (ith the -rophet (to +e##a !or per!ormi", %&mra$ a"d e i"!idels o! Auraish pre)e"ted us !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba. Allah's Apostle slau,htered his Bud" (#amels !or sa#ri!i#e$ a"d ,ot his head sha)ed." 3.1E: Narrated Na!i%: 7he" %Abdullah bi" %&mar set out !or +e##a (ith the i"te"tio"s per!ormi", %&mra i" the period o! a!!li#tio"s, he said, "I! I should be pre)e"ted !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba, the" I (ould do the same as (e @

did (hile i" the #ompa"y o! Allah's Apostle ." ;o, he assumed the Ihram !or %&mra si"#e the -rophet had assumed the Ihram !or %&mra i" the year o! Al3Hudaibiya. he" %Abdullah bi" %&mar thou,ht about it a"d said, " he #o"ditio"s !or both Ha** a"d %&mra are similar." He the" tur"ed to(ards his #ompa"io"s a"d said, " he #o"ditio"s o! both Ha** a"d %&mra are similar a"d I make you (it"esses that I ha)e made the per!orma"#e o! Ha** obli,atory !or mysel! alo", (ith %&mra." He the" per!ormed o"e a(a! (bet(ee" As3;a!a a"d Al3+ar(a$ !or both o! them (i.e. Ha** a"d (%&mra$ a"d #o"sidered that to be su!!i#ie"t !or him a"d o!!ered a Hadi. 3.11: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Iayla: 0a%b bi" '&*ra said that Allah's Apostle said to him (0a%b$, "-erhaps your li#e ha)e troubled you>" 0a%b replied, "Fes= < Allah's Apostle." Allah's Apostle said, "Ha)e your head sha)ed a"d the" either !ast three days or !eed si' poor perso"s or slau,hter o"e sheep as a sa#ri!i#e." 3.1.: Narrated 0a%b bi" %&mra: Allah's Apostle stood beside me at Al3Hudaibiya a"d the li#e (ere !alli", !rom my head i" ,reat "umber. He asked me, "Ha)e your li#e troubled you>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He ordered me to ,et my head sha)ed. 0a%b added, " his Holy Verse:33'A"d i! a"y o! you is ill, or has ailme"t i" his s#alp (..1D@$, et#. (as re)ealed re,ardi", me. " he -rophet the" ordered me either to !ast three days, or to !eed si' poor perso"s (ith o"e 8ara5 (three ;as$ (o! dates$, or to slau,hter a sheep, et#. (sa#ri!i#e$ (hate)er (as a)ailable. 3.13: Narrated %Abdullah bi" +a'5al: I sat (ith 0a%b bi" '&*ra a"d asked him about the 8idya. He replied, " his re)elatio" (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", my #ase espe#ially, but it is also !or you i" ,e"eral. I (as #arried to Allah's Apostle a"d the li#e (ere !alli", i" ,reat "umber o" my !a#e. he -rophet said, "I ha)e "e)er thou,ht that your ailme"t (or stru,,le$ has rea#hed to su#h a" e'te"t as I see. Ha" you a!!ord a sheep>" I replied i" the "e,ati)e. He the" said, "8ast !or three days, or !eed si' poor perso"s ea#h (ith hal! a ;a o! !ood." (1 ;a J 3 0ilo,rams appro'.$ 3.11: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Iayla: (:eporti", the spee#h o! 0a%b bi" &mra$ Allah's Apostle sa( him (i.e. 0a%b$ (hile the li#e (ere !alli", o" his !a#e. He asked (him$, "Ha)e your li#e troubled you>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. ;o, he ordered him to ,et his head sha)ed (hile he (as at Al3Hudaibiya. At that time they (ere "ot permitted to !i"ish their Ihram, a"d (ere still hopi", to e"ter +e##a. ;o, Allah re)ealed the )erses o! Al38idya. Allah's Apostle ordered him to !eed si' poor perso"s (ith o"e 8ara5 o! !ood or to slau,hter o"e sheep (as a sa#ri!i#e$ or to !ast !or three days. 3.1?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er per!orms Ha** to this House (0a%ba$ a"d does "ot approa#h his (i!e !or se'ual relatio"s "or #ommits si"s ((hile per!ormi", Ha**$, he (ill #ome out as si"less as a "e(ly3 bor" #hild. (/ust deli)ered by his mother$. 3.1@: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er per!orms Ha** to this 0a%ba a"d does "ot approa#h his (i!e !or se'ual relatio"s "or #ommit si"s ((hile per!ormi", Ha**$, he (ill #ome out as si"less as a "e(bor" #hild, (*ust deli)ered by his mother$. 3.1B: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu Aatada: +y !ather set out (!or +e##a$ i" the year o! Al3Hudaibiya, a"d his #ompa"io"s assumed Ihram, but he did "ot. At that time the -rophet (as i"!ormed that a" e"emy (a"ted to atta#k him, so the -rophet pro#eeded o"(ards. 7hile my !ather (as amo", his #ompa"io"s, some o! them lau,hed amo", themsel)es. (+y !ather said$, "I looked up a"d sa( a" o"a,er. I atta#ked, stabbed a"d #au,ht it. I the" B

sou,ht my #ompa"io"s' help but they re!used to help me. (Iater$ (e all ate its meat. 7e (ere a!raid that (e mi,ht be le!t behi"d (separated$ !rom the -rophet so I (e"t i" sear#h o! the -rophet a"d made my horse to ru" at a ,allopi", speed at times a"d let it ,o slo( at a" ordi"ary speed at other times till I met a ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Ghi!ar at mid"i,ht. I asked him, "7here did you lea)e the -rophet >" He replied, "I le!t him at a'hu" a"d he had the i"te"tio" o! ha)i", the midday rest at As3 ;u5ya. I !ollo(ed the tra#e a"d *oi"ed the -rophet a"d said, '< Allah's Apostle= Four people (#ompa"io"s$ se"d you their #omplime"ts, a"d (ask !or$ Allah's Blessi",s upo" you. hey are a!raid lest they may be le!t behi"d9 so please (ait !or them.' I added, '< Allah's Apostle= I hu"ted a" o"a,er a"d some o! its meat is (ith me. he -rophet told the people to eat it thou,h all o! them (ere i" the state o! Ihram." 3.1C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu Aatada: hat his !ather said "7e pro#eeded (ith the -rophet i" the year o! Al3Hudaibiya a"d his #ompa"io"s assumed Ihram but I did "ot. 7e (ere i"!ormed that some e"emies (ere at Ghai5a a"d so (e (e"t o" to(ards them. +y #ompa"io"s sa( a" o"a,er a"d some o! them started lau,hi", amo", themsel)es. I looked a"d sa( it. I #hased it (ith my horse a"d stabbed a"d #au,ht it. I (a"ted some help !rom my #ompa"io"s but they re!used. (I slau,htered it all alo"e$. 7e all ate !rom it (i.e. its meat$. he" I !ollo(ed Allah's Apostle lest (e should be le!t behi"d. At times I ur,ed my horse to ru" at a ,allopi", speed a"d at other times at a" ordi"ary slo( speed. <" the (ay I met a ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Ghi!ar at mid"i,ht. I asked him (here he had le!t Allah's Apostle . he ma" replied that he had le!t the -rophet at a pla#e #alled a'hu" a"d he had the i"te"tio" o! ha)i", the midday rest at As3;u5ya. ;o, I !ollo(ed Allah's Apostle till I rea#hed him a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e bee" se"t by my #ompa"io"s (ho se"d you their ,reeti",s a"d #omplime"ts a"d ask !or Allah's +er#y a"d Blessi",s upo" you. hey (ere a!raid lest the e"emy mi,ht i"ter)e"e bet(ee" you a"d them9 so please (ait !or them." ;o he did. he" I said, "< Allah's Apostle= 7e ha)e hu"ted a" o"a,er a"d ha)e some o! it (i.e. its meat$ le!t o)er." Allah's Apostle told his #ompa"io"s to eat the meat althou,h all o! them (ere i" a state o! Ihram." 3.1D: Narrated Abu Aatada: 7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet at a pla#e #alled Al3Aaha ((hi#h is at a dista"#e o! three sta,es o! *our"ey !rom +edi"a$. Abu Aatada "arrated throu,h a"other ,roup o! "arrators: 7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet at a pla#e #alled Al3Aaha a"d some o! us had assumed Ihram (hile the others had "ot. I "oti#ed that some o! my #ompa"io"s (ere (at#hi", somethi",, so I looked up a"d sa( a" o"a,er. (I rode my horse a"d took the spear a"d (hip$ but my (hip !ell do(" (a"d I asked them to pi#k it up !or me$ but they said, "7e (ill "ot help you by a"y mea"s as (e are i" a state o! Ihram." ;o, I pi#ked up the (hip mysel! a"d atta#ked the o"a,er !rom behi"d a hillo#k a"d slau,htered it a"d brou,ht it to my #ompa"io"s. ;ome o! them said, "Kat it." 7hile some others said, "6o "ot eat it." ;o, I (e"t to the -rophet (ho (as ahead o! us a"d asked him about it, He replied, "Kat it as it is Halal (i.e. it is le,al to eat it$. 3.?E: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu Aatada: hat his !ather had told him that Allah's Apostle set out !or Ha** a"d so did his #ompa"io"s. He se"t a bat#h o! his #ompa"io"s by a"other route a"d Abu Aatada (as o"e o! them. he -rophet said to them, "-ro#eed alo", the seashore till (e meet all to,ether." ;o, they took the route o! the seashore, a"d (he" they started all o! them assumed Ihram e'#ept Abu Aatada. 7hile they (ere pro#eedi", o", his #ompa"io"s sa( a ,roup o! o"a,ers. Abu Aatada #hased the o"a,ers a"d atta#ked a"d (ou"ded a she3 o"a,er. hey ,ot do(" a"d ate some o! its meat a"d said to ea#h other: "Ho( do (e eat the meat o! the ,ame (hile (e are i" a state o! Ihram>" ;o, (e (they$ #arried the rest o! the she3o"a,er's meat, a"d (he" they met Allah's Apostle they asked, sayi",, "< Allah's Apostle= 7e assumed Ihram (ith the e'#eptio" o! Abu Aatada a"d (e sa( (a ,roup$ o! o"a,ers. Abu Aatada atta#ked them a"d (ou"ded a she3o"a,er !rom them. he" (e ,ot do(" a"d ate !rom its meat. Iater, (e said, (to ea#h other$, 'Ho( do (e eat the meat o! the ,ame a"d (e are i" a state o! Ihram>' ;o, (e #arried the rest o! its meat. he C

-rophet asked, "6id a"yo"e o! you order Abu Aatada to atta#k it or poi"t at it>" hey replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said, " he" eat (hat is le!t o! its meat." 3.?1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: 8rom As3;a'b bi" /ath3thama Al3Iaithi that the latter prese"ted a" o"a,er to Allah's Apostle (hile he (as at Al3Ab(a' or at 7adda", a"d he re!used it. <" "oti#i", the si,"s o! some u"pleasa"t !eeli", o! disappoi"tme"t o" his (As3;ab's$ !a#e, the -rophet said to him, "I ha)e o"ly retur"ed it be#ause I am +uhrim." 3.?.: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "It is "ot si"!ul o! a +uhrim to kill !i)e ki"ds o! a"imals." 3.?3: <"e o! the (i)es o! the -rophet "arrated: he -rophet said, "A +uhrim #a" kill (!i)e ki"ds o! a"imals.$" 3.?1: Narrated Ha!sa: Allah's Apostle said, "It is "ot si"!ul (o! a +uhrim$ to kill !i)e ki"ds o! a"imals, "amely: the #ro(, the kite, the mouse, the s#orpio" a"d the rabid do,." 3.??: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "8i)e ki"ds o! a"imals are harm!ul a"d #ould be killed i" the Haram (;a"#tuary$. hese are: the #ro(, the kite, the s#orpio", the mouse a"d the rabid do,." 3.?@: Narrated %Abdullah: 7hile (e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet i" a #a)e at +i"a, (he" ;urat3(al3+ursalat (ere re)ealed a"d he re#ited it a"d I heard it (dire#tly$ !rom his mouth as soo" as he re#ited its re)elatio". ;udde"ly a s"ake spra", at us a"d the -rophet said (ordered us$: "0ill it." 7e ra" to kill it but it es#aped 5ui#kly. he -rophet said, "It has es#aped your e)il a"d you too ha)e es#aped its e)il." 3.?B: Narrated %Aisha the (i!e o! the -rophet: Allah's Apostle #alled the salama"der a bad a"imal, but I did "ot hear him orderi", it to be killed." 3.?C: Narrated ;a%id bi" Abu ;a%id Al3+a5buri: Abu ;huraih, Al3%Ada(i said that he had said to %Amr bi" ;a%id (he" he (as se"di", the troops to +e##a (to !i,ht %Abdullah bi" A234ubair$, "< Hhie!= Allo( me to tell you (hat Allah's Apostle said o" the day !ollo(i", the Ho"5uest o! +e##a. +y ears heard that a"d my heart u"derstood it thorou,hly a"d I sa( (ith my o(" eyes the -rophet (he" he, a!ter Glori!yi", a"d -raisi", Allah, started sayi",, 'Allah, "ot the people, made +e##a a sa"#tuary, so a"ybody (ho has belie! i" Allah a"d the Iast 6ay should "either shed blood i" it, "or should he #ut do(" its trees. I! a"ybody tells (ar,ues$ that !i,hti", i" it is permissible o" the basis that Allah's Apostle did !i,ht i" +e##a, say to him, 'Allah allo(ed His Apostle a"d did "ot allo( you.' "Allah allo(ed me o"ly !or a !e( hours o" that day (o! the #o"5uest$ a"d today its sa"#tity is )alid as it (as be!ore. ;o, those (ho are prese"t should i"!orm those (ho are abse"t (#o"#er"i", this !a#t." Abu ;huraih (as asked, "7hat did %Amr reply>" He said, (%Amr said$ '< Abu ;huraih= I k"o( better tha" you i" this respe#t +e##a does "ot ,i)e prote#tio" to a si""er, a murderer or a thie!." 3.?D: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: " he -rophet said, 'Allah has made +e##a, a sa"#tuary, so it (as a sa"#tuary be!ore me a"d (ill #o"ti"ue to be a sa"#tuary a!ter me. It (as made le,al !or me (i.e. I (as allo(ed to !i,ht i" it$ !or a !e( hours o! a day. It is "ot allo(ed to uproot its shrubs or to #ut its trees, or to #hase (or disturb$ its ,ame, or to pi#k up its lu5ata (!alle" thi",s$ e'#ept by a perso" (ho (ould a""ou"#e that ((hat he has !ou"d$ publi#ly.' Al3%Abbas said, '< Allah's Apostle= K'#ept Al3Idhkhir (a ki"d o! ,rass$ (!or it is D

used$ by our ,oldsmiths a"d !or our ,ra)es.' he -rophet the" said, 'K'#ept Al3Idhkhir.' " %Ikrima said, '6o you k"o( (hat "#hasi", or disturbi"," the ,ame mea"s> It mea"s dri)i", it out o! the shade to o##upy its pla#e." 3.@E: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: <" the day o! the #o"5uest o! +e##a, the -rophet said, " here is "o more emi,ratio" (!rom +e##a$ but /ihad a"d i"te"tio"s, a"d (he"e)er you are #alled !or /ihad, you should ,o immediately. No doubt, Allah has made this pla#e (+e##a$ a sa"#tuary si"#e the #reatio" o! the hea)e"s a"d the earth a"d (ill remai" a sa"#tuary till the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" as Allah has ordai"ed its sa"#tity. 8i,hti", (as "ot permissible i" it !or a"yo"e be!ore me, a"d e)e" !or me it (as allo(ed o"ly !or a portio" o! a day. ;o, it is a sa"#tuary (ith Allah's sa"#tity till the 6ay o! :esurre#tio". Its thor"s should "ot be uprooted a"d its ,ame should "ot be #hased9 a"d its lu5ata (!alle" thi",s$ should "ot be pi#ked up e'#ept by o"e (ho (ould a""ou"#e that publi#ly, a"d its )e,etatio" (,rass et#.$ should "ot be #ut." Al3%Abbas said, "< Allah's Apostle= K'#ept Al3Idhkhir, (!or it is used by their bla#ksmiths a"d !or their domesti# purposes$." ;o, the -rophet said, "K'#ept Al3Idhkhir." 3.@1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle (as #upped (hile he (as i" a state o! Ihram. 3.@.: Narrated Ib" Buhai"a: he -rophet, (hile i" the state o! Ihram, (as #upped at the middle o! his head at Iiha3/amal. 3.@3: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet married +aimu"a (hile he (as i" the state o! Ihram, (o"ly the #eremo"ies o! marria,e (ere held$. 3.@1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: A perso" stood up a"d asked, "< Allah's: Apostle= 7hat #lothes may be (or" i" the state o! Ihram>" he -rophet replied, "6o "ot (ear a shirt or trousers, or a"y head,ear (e.,. a turba"$, or a hooded #loak9 but i! somebody has "o shoes he #a" (ear leather sto#ki",s pro)ided they are #ut short o!! the a"kles, a"d also, do "ot (ear a"ythi", per!umed (ith 7ars or sa!!ro", a"d the +uhrima (a (oma" i" the state o! Ihram$ should "ot #o)er her !a#e, or (ear ,lo)es." 3.@?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: A ma" (as #rushed to death by his she3#amel a"d (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle (ho said, "Gi)e him a bath a"d shroud him, but do "ot #o)er his head, a"d do "ot bri", a"y per!ume "ear to him, as he (ill be resurre#ted re#iti", albiya." 3.@@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Hu"ai": %Abdullah bi" Al3Abbas a"d Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama di!!ered at Al3Ab(a'9 Ib" %Abbas said that a +uhrim #ould (ash his head9 (hile Al3+is(ar mai"tai"ed that he should "ot do so. %Abdullah bi" %Abbas se"t me to Abu Aiyub Al3A"sari a"d I !ou"d him bathi", bet(ee" the t(o (oode" posts (o! the (ell$ a"d (as s#ree"ed (ith a sheet o! #loth. I ,reeted him a"d he asked (ho I (as. I replied, "I am %Abdullah bi" Hu"ai" a"d I ha)e bee" se"t to you by Ib" %Abbas to ask you ho( Allah's Apostle used to (ash his head (hile i" the state o! lhram." Abu Aiyub Al3A"sari #au,ht hold o! the sheet o! #loth a"d lo(ered it till his head appeared be!ore me, a"d the" told somebody to pour (ater o" his head. He poured (ater o" his head, a"d he (Abu Aiyub$ rubbed his head (ith his ha"ds by bri",i", them !rom ba#k to !ro"t a"d !rom !ro"t to ba#k a"d said, "I sa( the -rophet doi", like this." 3.@B: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: I heard the -rophet deli)eri", a sermo" at %Ara!at sayi",, "I! a +uhrim does "ot !i"d slippers, he #ould (ear 0hu!!s (so#ks made !rom thi#k !abri# or leather, but he has to #ut short the 0hu!!s belo( 1E

the a"kles$, a"d i! he does "ot !i"d a" I2ar (a (aist sheet !or (rappi", the lo(er hal! o! the body$ he #ould (ear trousers." 3.@C: Narrated %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle (as asked (hat sort o! #lothes a +uhrim should (ear. He replied, "He should "ot (ear a shirt, turba"s, trousers, a hooded #loak, or a dress per!umed (ith sa!!ro" or 7ars9 a"d i! slippers are "ot a)ailable he #a" (ear 0hu!!s (so#ks made !rom thi#k !abri# or leather$ but he should #ut them so that they rea#h belo( the a"kles. 3.@D: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet deli)ered a sermo" at %Ara!at a"d said, "7hoe)er does "ot ,et a" I2ar #a" (ear trousers, a"d (hoe)er #a""ot ,et a pair o! shoes #a" (ear 0hu!!s (so#ks made !rom thi#k !abri# or leather$." 3.BE: Narrated Al3Bara: he -rophet assumed Ihram !or &mra i" the mo"th o! 6hul3Aa'da but the (pa,a"$ people o! +e##a re!used to admit him i"to +e##a till he a,reed o" the #o"ditio" that he (ould "ot bri", i"to +e##a a"y arms but sheathed. 3.B1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet !i'ed 6hul3Hulai!a as the +i5at (the pla#e !or assumi", Ihram$ !or the people o! +edi"a, a"d Aara"3al3+a"a2il !or the people o! Na*d, a"d Falamlam !or the people o! Feme". hese +a(a5it are !or those people a"d also !or those (ho #ome throu,h these +a(a5it (!rom pla#es other tha" the abo)e3me"tio"ed$ (ith the i"te"tio" o! (per!ormi",$ Ha** a"d &mra. A"d those li)i", i"side these +a(a5it #a" assume Ihram !rom the pla#e (here they start9 e)e" the people o! +e##a #a" assume Ihram !rom +e##a. 3.B.: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle e"tered +e##a i" the year o! its Ho"5uest (eari", a" Arabia" helmet o" his head a"d (he" the -rophet took it o!!, a perso" #ame a"d said, "Ib" 0hatal is holdi", the #o)eri", o! the 0a%ba (taki", re!u,e i" the 0a%ba$." he -rophet said, "0ill him." 3.B3: Narrated Fa'li: 7hile I (as (ith Allah's Apostle there #ame to him a ma" (eari", a #loak ha)i", a tra#e o! yello(ish per!ume or a similar thi", o" it. %&mar used to say to me, "7ould you like to see the -rophet at the time (he" he is i"spired di)i"ely>" ;o, it happe"ed that he (as i"spired (the"$ a"d (he" the i"spiratio" (as o)er the -rophet said (to that ma"$, "6o i" your %&mra the same as you do i" your Ha**." A ma" bit the ha"d o! a"other ma" but i" that pro#ess the latter broke o"e i"#isor tooth o! the !ormer, a"d the -rophet !or,a)e the latter. 3.B1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7hile a ma" (as sta"di", (ith the -rophet at %Ara!at, he !ell !rom his +ou"t a"d his "e#k (as #rushed by it. he -rophet said, "7ash the de#eased (ith (ater a"d ;idr a"d shroud him i" t(o pie#es o! #loth, a"d "either per!ume him "or #o)er his head, !or Allah (ill resurre#t him o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" a"d he (ill be re#iti", albiya." 3.B?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7hile a ma" (as sta"di", (ith the -rophet at %Ara!at, he !ell !rom his +ou"t a"d his "e#k (as #rushed by it. he -rophet said, "7ash the de#eased (ith (ater a"d ;idr a"d shroud him i" t(o pie#es o! #loth, a"d "either per!ume him "or #o)er his head, !or Allah (ill resurre#t him o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" a"d he (ill be re#iti", albiya." 3.B@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 11

A ma" (as i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet a"d his she3#amel #rushed his "e#k (hile he (as i" a state o! Ihram a"d he died Allah's Apostle said, "7ash him (ith (ater a"d ;idr a"d shroud him i" his t(o ,arme"ts9 "either per!ume him "or #o)er his head, !or he (ill be resurre#ted o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio", re#iti", albiya." 3.BB: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: A (oma" !rom the tribe o! /uhai"a #ame to the -rophet a"d said, "+y mother had )o(ed to per!orm Ha** but she died be!ore per!ormi", it. +ay I per!orm Ha** o" my mother's behal!>" he -rophet replied, "-er!orm Ha** o" her behal!. Had there bee" a debt o" your mother, (ould you ha)e paid it or "ot> ;o, pay Allah's debt as He has more ri,ht to be paid." 3.BC: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: A (oma" !rom the tribe o! 0hath'am #ame i" the year (o! ,Ha**at3al37ada% o! the -rophet $ a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= +y !ather has #ome u"der Allah's obli,atio" o! per!ormi", Ha** but he is a )ery old ma" a"d #a""ot sit properly o" his +ou"t. 7ill the obli,atio" be !ul!illed i! I per!orm Ha** o" his behal!>" he -rophet replied i" the a!!irmati)e. 3.BD: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: Al38adl (as ridi", behi"d the -rophet a"d a (oma" !rom the tribe o! 0hath'am #ame up. Al38adl started looki", at her a"d she looked at him. he -rophet tur"ed Al38adl's !a#e to the other side. ;he said, "+y !ather has #ome u"der Allah's obli,atio" o! per!ormi", Ha** but he is a )ery old ma" a"d #a""ot sit properly o" his +ou"t. ;hall I per!orm Ha** o" his behal!> he -rophet replied i" the a!!irmati)e. hat happe"ed duri", Ha**at3al37ada% o! the -rophet . 3.CE: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet se"t me (to +i"a$ (ith the lu,,a,e !rom /am' (i.e. Al3+u2dali!a$ at "i,ht. 3.C1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: I #ame ridi", o" my she3ass a"d had (*ust$ the" attai"ed the a,e o! puberty. Allah's Apostle (as prayi", at +i"a. I passed i" !ro"t o! a part o! the !irst ro( a"d the" dismou"ted !rom it, a"d the a"imal started ,ra2i",. I ali,"ed (ith the people behi"d Allah's Apostle ( he sub3"arrator added that happe"ed i" +i"a duri", the -rophet's Ha**at3al37ada%.$ 3.C.: Narrated As3;a'ib bi" Fa2id: (7hile i" the #ompa"y o! my pare"ts$ I (as made to per!orm Ha** (ith Allah's Apostle a"d I (as a se)e"3year3old boy the". (8ath3ul3Bari, p.113, Vol.1$ 3.C3: Narrated Al3/u'aid bi" %Abdur3:ahma": I heard %&mar bi" %Abdul %A2i2 telli", about As3;a'ib bi" Fa2id that he had per!ormed Ha** ((hile #arried$ (ith the belo",i",s o! the -rophet. 3.C1: Narrated Aisha (mother o! the !aith!ul belie)ers$: I said, "< Allah's Apostle= ;hould"'t (e parti#ipate i" Holy battles a"d /ihad alo", (ith you>" He replied, " he best a"d the most superior /ihad (!or (ome"$ is Ha** (hi#h is a##epted by Allah." %Aisha added: K)er si"#e I heard that !rom Allah's Apostle I ha)e determi"ed "ot to miss Ha**. 3.C?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, "A (oma" should "ot tra)el e'#ept (ith a 6hu3+ahram (her husba"d or a ma" (ith (hom that (oma" #a""ot marry at all a##ordi", to the Islami# /urisprude"#e$, a"d "o ma" may )isit her e'#ept i" the prese"#e o! a 6hu3+ahram." A ma" ,ot up a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= I i"te"d to ,o to su#h a"d su#h a" army a"d my (i!e (a"ts to per!orm Ha**." he -rophet said (to him$, "Go alo", (ith her (to Ha**$. 1.

3.C@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7he" the -rophet retur"ed a!ter per!ormi", his Ha**, he asked &m ;i"a" Al3A"sari, "7hat did !orbid you to per!orm Ha**>" ;he replied, "8ather o! so3a"d3so (i.e. her husba"d$ had t(o #amels a"d he per!ormed Ha** o" o"e o! them, a"d the se#o"d is used !or the irri,atio" o! our la"d." he -rophet said (to her$, "-er!orm %&mra i" the mo"th o! :amada", (as it is e5ui)ale"t to Ha** or Ha** (ith me (i" re(ard$. 3.CB: Narrated Aa2a'a, the sla)e o! 4iyad: Abu ;a%id (ho parti#ipated i" t(el)e Gha2a(at (ith the -rophet said, "I heard !our thi",s !rom Allah's Apostle (or I "arrate them !rom the -rophet $ (hi#h (o" my admiratio" a"d appre#iatio". hey are: 31. "No lady should tra)el (ithout her husba"d or (ithout a 6hu3+ahram !or a t(o3days' *our"ey. 3.. No !asti", is permissible o" t(o days o! %Id3ul38itr, a"d %Id3al3Adha. 33. No prayer (may be o!!ered$ a!ter t(o prayers: a!ter the %Asr prayer till the su" set a"d a!ter the mor"i", prayer till the su" rises. 31. Not to tra)el (!or )isiti",$ e'#ept !or three mos5ues: +as*id3al3Haram (i" +e##a$, my +os5ue (i" +edi"a$, a"d +as*id3al3A5sa (i" /erusalem$. 3.CC: Narrated A"as: he -rophet sa( a" old ma" (alki",, supported by his t(o so"s, a"d asked about him. he people i"!ormed him that he had )o(ed to ,o o" !oot (to the 0a%ba$. He said, "Allah is "ot i" "eed o! this old ma"'s torturi", himsel!," a"d ordered him to ride. 3.CD: Narrated %&5ba bi" 'Amir: +y sister )o(ed to ,o o" !oot to the 0a%ba, a"d she asked me to take the )erdi#t o! the -rophet about it. ;o, I did a"d the -rophet said, ";he should (alk a"d also should ride." 3.DE: Narrated Abul30hair !rom %&5ba as abo)e. 3.D1: Narrated A"as: he -rophet said, "+edi"a is a sa"#tuary !rom that pla#e to that. Its trees should "ot be #ut a"d "o heresy should be i""o)ated "or a"y si" should be #ommitted i" it, a"d (hoe)er i""o)ates i" it a" heresy or #ommits si"s (bad deeds$, the" he (ill i"#ur the #urse o! Allah, the a",els, a"d all the people." (;ee Hadith No. 1ED, Vol D$. 3.D.: Narrated A"as: he -rophet #ame to +edi"a a"d ordered a mos5ue to be built a"d said, "< Ba"i Na**ar= ;u,,est to me the pri#e (o! your la"d$." hey said, "7e do "ot (a"t its pri#e e'#ept !rom Allah" (i.e. they (ished !or a re(ard !rom Allah !or ,i)i", up their la"d !reely$. ;o, the -rophet ordered the ,ra)es o! the pa,a"s to be du, out a"d the la"d to be le)eled, a"d the date3palm trees to be #ut do(". he #ut date3 palms (ere !i'ed i" the dire#tio" o! the Aibla o! the mos5ue. 3.D3: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I ha)e made +edi"a a sa"#tuary bet(ee" its t(o (Harrat$ mou"tai"s." he -rophet (e"t to the tribe o! Ba"i Haritha a"d said (to them$, "I see that you ha)e ,o"e out o! the sa"#tuary," but looki", arou"d, he added, "No, you are i"side the sa"#tuary." 3.D1: Narrated %Ali: 7e ha)e "othi", e'#ept the Book o! Allah a"d this (ritte" paper !rom the -rophet ((herei" is (ritte":$ +edi"a is a sa"#tuary !rom the 'Air +ou"tai" to su#h a"d su#h a pla#e, a"d (hoe)er i""o)ates i" it a" heresy or #ommits a si", or ,i)es shelter to su#h a" i""o)ator i" it (ill i"#ur the 13

#urse o! Allah, the a",els, a"d all the people, "o"e o! his #ompulsory or optio"al ,ood deeds o! (orship (ill be a##epted. A"d the asylum (o! prote#tio"$ ,ra"ted by a"y +uslim is to be se#ured (respe#ted$ by all the other +uslims9 a"d (hoe)er betrays a +uslim i" this respe#t i"#urs the #urse o! Allah, the a",els, a"d all the people, a"d "o"e o! his #ompulsory or optio"al ,ood deeds o! (orship (ill be a##epted, a"d (hoe)er (!reed sla)e$ be!rie"ds (take as masters$ other tha" his ma"umitters (ithout their permissio" i"#urs the #urse o! Allah, the a",els, a"d all the people, a"d "o"e o! his #ompulsory or optio"al ,ood deeds o! (orship (ill be a##epted. 3.D?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I (as ordered to mi,rate to a to(" (hi#h (ill s(allo( (#o"5uer$ other to("s a"d is #alled Fathrib a"d that is +edi"a, a"d it tur"s out (bad$ perso"s as a !ur"a#e remo)es the impurities o! iro". 3.D@: Narrated Abu Humaid: 7e #ame (ith the -rophet !rom abuk, a"d (he" (e rea#hed "ear +edi"a, the -rophet said, " his is abah." 3.DB: Narrated Abu Huraira: I! I sa( deers ,ra2i", i" +edi"a, I (ould "ot #hase them, !or Allah's Apostle said, "(+edi"a$ is a sa"#tuary bet(ee" its t(o mou"tai"s." 3.DC: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, " he people (ill lea)e +edi"a i" spite o! the best state it (ill ha)e, a"d "o"e e'#ept the (ild birds a"d the beasts o! prey (ill li)e i" it, a"d the last perso"s (ho (ill die (ill be t(o shepherds !rom the tribe o! +u2ai"a, (ho (ill be dri)i", their sheep to(ards +edi"a, but (ill !i"d "obody i" it, a"d (he" they rea#h the )alley o! ha"iyat3al37ada%, they (ill !all do(" o" their !a#es dead." 3.DD: Narrated Abu 4uhair: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "Feme" (ill be #o"5uered a"d some people (ill mi,rate (!rom +edi"a$ a"d (ill ur,e their !amilies, a"d those (ho (ill obey them to mi,rate (to Feme"$ althou,h +edi"a (ill be better !or them9 i! they but k"e(. ;ham (ill also be #o"5uered a"d some people (ill mi,rate (!rom +edi"a$ a"d (ill ur,e their !amilies a"d those (ho (ill obey them, to mi,rate (to ;ham$ althou,h +edi"a (ill be better !or them9 i! they but k"e(. 'Ira5 (ill be #o"5uered a"d some people (ill mi,rate (!rom +edi"a$ a"d (ill ur,e their !amilies a"d those (ho (ill obey them to mi,rate (to 'Ira5$ althou,h +edi"a (ill be better !or them9 i! they but k"e(." 3.1EE: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Verily, Belie! retur"s a"d ,oes ba#k to +edi"a as a s"ake retur"s a"d ,oes ba#k to its hole ((he" i" da",er$. 3.1E1: Narrated ;a%d: I heard the -rophet sayi",, "No"e plots a,ai"st the people o! +edi"a but that he (ill be dissol)ed (destroyed$ like the salt is dissol)ed i" (ater." 3.1E.: Narrated &sama: <"#e the -rophet stood at the top o! a (looked out !rom upo" o"e$ #astle amo",st the #astles (or the hi,h buildi",s$ o! +edi"a a"d said, "6o you see (hat I see> (No doubt$ I see the spots (here a!!li#tio"s (ill take pla#e amo", your houses (a"d these a!!li#tio"s (ill be$ as "umerous as the spots (here rai"drops !all." 3.1E3: Narrated Abu Bakra: 11

he -rophet said, " he terror #aused by Al3+asih Ad36a**al (ill "ot e"ter +edi"a a"d at that time +edi"a (ill ha)e se)e" ,ates a"d there (ill be t(o a",els at ea#h ,ate ,uardi", them." 3.1E1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " here are a",els ,uardi", the e"tra"#es (or roads$ o! +edi"a, "either pla,ue "or Ad36a**al (ill be able to e"ter it." 3.1E?: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: he -rophet said, " here (ill be "o to(" (hi#h Ad36a**al (ill "ot e"ter e'#ept +e##a a"d +edi"a, a"d there (ill be "o e"tra"#e (road$ (o! both +e##a a"d +edi"a$ but the a",els (ill be sta"di", i" ro(s ,uardi", it a,ai"st him, a"d the" +edi"a (ill shake (ith its i"habita"ts thri#e (i.e. three earth5uakes (ill take pla#e$ a"d Allah (ill e'pel all the "o"3belie)ers a"d the hypo#rites !rom it." 3.1E@: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle told us a lo", "arrati)e about Ad36a**al, a"d amo", the ma"y thi",s he me"tio"ed, (as his sayi",, "Ad36a**al (ill #ome a"d it (ill be !orbidde" !or him to pass throu,h the e"tra"#es o! +edi"a. He (ill la"d i" some o! the salty barre" areas (outside$ +edi"a9 o" that day the best ma" or o"e o! the best me" (ill #ome up to him a"d say, 'I testi!y that you are the same 6a**al (hose des#riptio" (as ,i)e" to us by Allah's Apostle .' Ad36a**al (ill say to the people, 'I! I kill this ma" a"d bri", him ba#k to li!e a,ai", (ill you doubt my #laim>' hey (ill say, 'No.' he" Ad36a**al (ill kill that ma" a"d bri", him ba#k to li!e. hat ma" (ill say, 'No( I k"o( your reality better tha" be!ore.' Ad36a**al (ill say, 'I (a"t to kill him but I #a""ot.' " 3.1EB: Narrated /abir: A bedoui" #ame to the -rophet a"d ,a)e a pled,e o! alle,ia"#e !or embra#i", Islam. he "e't day he #ame (ith !e)er a"d said (to the -rophet $, "-lease #a"#el my pled,e (o! embra#i", Islam a"d o! emi,rati", to +edi"a$." he -rophet re!used (that re5uest$ three times a"d said, "+edi"a is like a !ur"a#e, it e'pels out the impurities (bad perso"s$ a"d sele#ts the ,ood o"es a"d makes them per!e#t." 3.1EC: Narrated 4aid bi" habit: 7he" the -rophet (e"t out !or (the battle o!$ &hud, some o! his #ompa"io"s (hypo#rites$ retur"ed (home$. A party o! the belie)ers remarked that they (ould kill those (hypo#rites$ (ho had retur"ed, but a"other party said that they (ould "ot kill them. ;o, this 6i)i"e I"spiratio" (as re)ealed: " he" (hat is the matter (ith you that you are di)ided i"to t(o parties #o"#er"i", the hypo#rites." (1.CC$ he -rophet said, "+edi"a e'pels the bad perso"s !rom it, as !ire e'pels the impurities o! iro"." 3.1ED: Narrated A"as: he -rophet said, "< Allah= Besto( o" +edi"a t(i#e the blessi",s Fou besto(ed o" +e##a." 3.11E: Narrated A"as: 7he"e)er the -rophet retur"ed !rom a *our"ey a"d obser)ed the (alls o! +edi"a, he (ould make his +ou"t ,o !ast, a"d i! he (as o" a" a"imal (i.e. a horse$, he (ould make it ,allop be#ause o! his lo)e !or +edi"a. 3.111: Narrated A"as: ( he people o!$ Ba"i ;alama i"te"ded to shi!t "ear the mos5ue (o! the -rophet$ but Allah's Apostle disliked to see +edi"a )a#ated a"d said, "< the people o! Ba"i ;alama= 6o"'t you thi"k that you (ill be re(arded !or your !ootsteps (hi#h you take to(ards the mos5ue>" ;o, they stayed at their old pla#es. 3.11.: Narrated Abu Huraira:


he -rophet said, " here is a ,arde" !rom the ,arde"s o! -aradise bet(ee" my house a"d my pulpit, a"d my pulpit is o" my Iake 8ou"t (Al30authar$. 3.113: Narrated %Aisha: 7he" Allah's Apostle rea#hed +edi"a, Abu Bakr a"d Bilal be#ame ill. 7he" Abu Bakr's !e)er ,ot (orse, he (ould re#ite (this poeti# )erse$: "K)erybody is stayi", ali)e (ith his -eople, yet 6eath is "earer to him tha" His shoe la#es." A"d Bilal, (he" his !e)er deserted him, (ould re#ite: "7ould that I #ould stay o)er"i,ht i" A )alley (herei" I (ould be ;urrou"ded by Idhkhir a"d /alil (ki"ds o! ,ood3 smelli", ,rass$. 7ould that o"e day I #ould 6ri"k the (ater o! the +a*a""a, a"d 7ould that ( he t(o mou"tai"s$ ;hama a"d a!il (ould appear to me=" he -rophet said, "< Allah= Hurse ;haiba bi" :abi%a a"d %&tba bi" :abi%a a"d &maiya bi" 0hala! as they tur"ed us out o! our la"d to the la"d o! epidemi#s." Allah's Apostle the" said, "< Allah= +ake us lo)e +edi"a as (e lo)e +e##a or e)e" more tha" that. < Allah= Gi)e blessi",s i" our ;a a"d our +udd (measures symboli2i", !ood$ a"d make the #limate o! +edi"a suitable !or us, a"d di)ert its !e)er to(ards Al*uh!a." Aisha added: 7he" (e rea#hed +edi"a, it (as the most u"healthy o! Allah's la"ds, a"d the )alley o! Batha" (the )alley o! +edi"a$ used to !lo( (ith impure #olored (ater. 3.111: Narrated 4aid bi" Aslam !rom his !ather: %&mar said, < Allah= Gra"t me martyrdom i" Four #ause, a"d let my death be i" the #ity o! Four Apostle." 3.11?: Narrated alha bi" '&baidullah: A bedoui" (ith u"kempt hair #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= I"!orm me (hat Allah has made #ompulsory !or me as re,ards the prayers." He replied: "Fou ha)e to o!!er per!e#tly the !i)e #ompulsory prayers i" a day a"d "i,ht (.1 hours$, u"less you (a"t to pray Na(a!il." he bedoui" !urther asked, "I"!orm me (hat Allah has made #ompulsory !or me as re,ards !asti",." He replied, "Fou ha)e to !ast duri", the (hole mo"th o! :amada", u"less you (a"t to !ast more as Na(a!il." he bedoui" !urther asked, " ell me ho( mu#h 4akat Allah has e"*oi"ed o" me." hus, Allah's Apostle i"!ormed him about all the rules (i.e. !u"dame"tals$ o! Islam. he bedoui" the" said, "By Him 7ho has ho"ored you, I (ill "either per!orm a"y Na(a!il "or (ill I de#rease (hat Allah has e"*oi"ed o" me. Allah's Apostle said, "I! he is sayi", the truth, he (ill su##eed (or he (ill be ,ra"ted -aradise$. 3.11@: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet obser)ed the !ast o" the 1Eth o! +uharram ('Ashura$, a"d ordered (+uslims$ to !ast o" that day, but (he" the !asti", o! the mo"th o! :amada" (as pres#ribed, the !asti", o! the 'Ashura' (as aba"do"ed. %Abdullah did "ot use to !ast o" that day u"less it #oi"#ided (ith his routi"e !asti", by #ha"#e. 3.11B: Narrated %Aisha: ( he tribe o!$ Auraish used to !ast o" the day o! Ashura' i" the -re3Islami# period, a"d the" Allah's Apostle ordered (+uslims$ to !ast o" it till the !asti", i" the mo"th o! :amada" (as pres#ribed9 (hereupo" the -rophet said, "He (ho (a"ts to !ast (o" 'Ashura'$ may !ast, a"d he (ho does "ot (a"t to !ast may "ot !ast." 3.11C: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "8asti", is a shield (or a s#ree" or a shelter$. ;o, the perso" obser)i", !asti", should a)oid se'ual relatio" (ith his (i!e a"d should "ot beha)e !oolishly a"d impude"tly, a"d i! somebody !i,hts (ith him or abuses him, he should tell him t(i#e, 'I am !asti",." he -rophet added, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is, the smell #omi", out !rom the mouth o! a !asti", perso" is better i" the si,ht o! Allah tha" the smell o! musk. (Allah says about the !asti", perso"$, 'He has le!t


his !ood, dri"k a"d desires !or +y sake. he !ast is !or +e. ;o I (ill re(ard (the !asti", perso"$ !or it a"d the re(ard o! ,ood deeds is multiplied te" times." 3.11D: Narrated Abu 7ail !rom Hudhai!a: %&mar asked the people, "7ho remembers the "arratio" o! the -rophet about the a!!li#tio">" Hudhai!a said, "I heard the -rophet sayi",, ' he a!!li#tio" o! a perso" i" his property, !amily a"d "ei,hbors is e'piated by his prayers, !asti",, a"d ,i)i", i" #harity." %&mar said, "I do "ot ask about that, but I ask about those a!!li#tio"s (hi#h (ill spread like the (a)es o! the sea." Hudhai!a replied, " here is a #losed ,ate i" !ro"t o! those a!!li#tio"s." %&mar asked, "7ill that ,ate be ope"ed or broke">" He replied, "It (ill be broke"." %&mar said, " he" the ,ate (ill "ot be #losed a,ai" till the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"." 7e said to +asru5, "7ould you ask Hudhai!a (hether %&mar k"e( (hat that ,ate symboli2ed>" He asked him a"d he replied "He (%&mar$ k"e( it as o"e k"o(s that there (ill be "i,ht be!ore tomorro(, mor"i",. 3.1.E: Narrated ;ahl: he -rophet said, " here is a ,ate i" -aradise #alled Ar3:aiya", a"d those (ho obser)e !asts (ill e"ter throu,h it o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" a"d "o"e e'#ept them (ill e"ter throu,h it. It (ill be said, '7here are those (ho used to obser)e !asts>' hey (ill ,et up, a"d "o"e e'#ept them (ill e"ter throu,h it. A!ter their e"try the ,ate (ill be #losed a"d "obody (ill e"ter throu,h it." 3.1.1: 'Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er ,i)es t(o ki"ds (o! thi",s or property$ i" #harity !or Allah's Hause, (ill be #alled !rom the ,ates o! -aradise a"d (ill be addressed, '< sla)es o! Allah= Here is prosperity.' ;o, (hoe)er (as amo",st the people (ho used to o!!er their prayers, (ill be #alled !rom the ,ate o! the prayer9 a"d (hoe)er (as amo",st the people (ho used to parti#ipate i" /ihad, (ill be #alled !rom the ,ate o! /ihad9 a"d (hoe)er (as amo",st those (ho used to obser)e !asts, (ill be #alled !rom the ,ate o! Ar3:aiya"9 (hoe)er (as amo",st those (ho used to ,i)e i" #harity, (ill be #alled !rom the ,ate o! #harity." Abu Bakr said, "Iet my pare"ts be sa#ri!i#ed !or you, < Allah's Apostle= No distress or "eed (ill be!all him (ho (ill be #alled !rom those ,ates. 7ill there be a"y o"e (ho (ill be #alled !rom all these ,ates>" he -rophet replied, "Fes, a"d I hope you (ill be o"e o! them." 3.1..: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7he" :amada" be,i"s, the ,ates o! -aradise are ope"ed." 3.1.3: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7he" the mo"th o! :amada" starts, the ,ates o! the hea)e" are ope"ed a"d the ,ates o! Hell are #losed a"d the de)ils are #hai"ed." 3.1.1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "7he" you see the #res#e"t (o! the mo"th o! :amada"$, start !asti",, a"d (he" you see the #res#e"t (o! the mo"th o! ;ha((al$, stop !asti",9 a"d i! the sky is o)er#ast (a"d you #a"'t see it$ the" re,ard the mo"th o! :amada" as o! 3E days." 3.1.?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er established prayers o" the "i,ht o! Aadr out o! si"#ere !aith a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e"9 a"d (hoe)er !asts i" the mo"th o! :amada" out o! si"#ere !aith, a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e"." 3.1.@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet (as the most ,e"erous amo",st the people, a"d he used to be more so i" the mo"th o! :amada" (he" Gabriel )isited him, a"d Gabriel used to meet him o" e)ery "i,ht o! :amada" till the 1B

e"d o! the mo"th. he -rophet used to re#ite the Holy Aur'a" to Gabriel, a"d (he" Gabriel met him, he used to be more ,e"erous tha" a !ast (i"d ((hi#h #auses rai" a"d (el!are$. 3.1.B: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er does "ot ,i)e up !or,ed spee#h a"d e)il a#tio"s, Allah is "ot i" "eed o! his lea)i", his !ood a"d dri"k (i.e. Allah (ill "ot a##ept his !asti",.$" 3.1.C: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'All the deeds o! Adam's so"s (people$ are !or them, e'#ept !asti", (hi#h is !or +e, a"d I (ill ,i)e the re(ard !or it.' 8asti", is a shield or prote#tio" !rom the !ire a"d !rom #ommitti", si"s. I! o"e o! you is !asti",, he should a)oid se'ual relatio" (ith his (i!e a"d 5uarreli",, a"d i! somebody should !i,ht or 5uarrel (ith him, he should say, 'I am !asti",.' By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is' he u"pleasa"t smell #omi", out !rom the mouth o! a !asti", perso" is better i" the si,ht o! Allah tha" the smell o! musk. here are t(o pleasures !or the !asti", perso", o"e at the time o! breaki", his !ast, a"d the other at the time (he" he (ill meet his Iord9 the" he (ill be pleased be#ause o! his !asti",." 3.1.D: Narrated 'Al5ama: 7hile I (as (alki", (ith %Abdullah he said, "7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet a"d he said, 'He (ho #a" a!!ord to marry should marry, be#ause it (ill help him re!rai" !rom looki", at other (ome", a"d sa)e his pri)ate parts !rom #ommitti", ille,al se'ual relatio"9 a"d he (ho #a""ot a!!ord to marry is ad)ised to !ast, as !asti", (ill dimi"ish his se'ual po(er." 3.13E: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle me"tio"ed :amada" a"d said, "6o "ot !ast u"less you see the #res#e"t (o! :amada"$, a"d do "ot ,i)e up !asti", till you see the #res#e"t (o! ;ha((al$, but i! the sky is o)er#ast (i! you #a""ot see it$, the" a#t o" estimatio" (i.e. #ou"t ;ha'ba" as 3E days$. 3.131: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, " he mo"th (#a" be$ .D "i,hts (i.e. days$, a"d do "ot !ast till you see the moo", a"d i! the sky is o)er#ast, the" #omplete ;ha'ba" as thirty days." 3.13.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, " he mo"th is like this a"d this," (at the same time he sho(ed the !i",ers o! both his ha"ds thri#e$ a"d le!t out o"e thumb o" the third time. 3.133: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet or Abul3Aasim said, ";tart !asti", o" seei", the #res#e"t (o! :amada"$, a"d ,i)e up !asti", o" seei", the #res#e"t (o! ;ha((al$, a"d i! the sky is o)er#ast (a"d you #a""ot see it$, #omplete thirty days o! ;ha'ba"." 3.131: Narrated &m ;alama: he -rophet )o(ed to keep aloo! !rom his (i)es !or a period o! o"e mo"th, a"d a!ter the #ompletio" o! .D days he (e"t either i" the mor"i", or i" the a!ter"oo" to his (i)es. ;omeo"e said to him "Fou )o(ed that you (ould "ot ,o to your (i)es !or o"e mo"th." He replied, " he mo"th is o! .D days." 3.13?: Narrated A"as: Allah's Apostle )o(ed to keep aloo! !rom his (i)es !or o"e mo"th, a"d he had dislo#atio" o! his le,. ;o, he stayed i" a +ashruba !or .D "i,hts a"d the" #ame do(". ;ome people said, "< Allah's Apostle= Fou )o(ed to stay aloo! !or o"e mo"th," He replied, " he mo"th is o! .D days." 3.13@: Narrated Abu Bakra: 1C

he -rophet said, " he t(o mo"ths o! %Id i.e. :amada" a"d 6hul3Hi**a, do "ot de#rease (i" superiority$. 3.13B: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7e are a" illiterate "atio"9 (e "either (rite, "or k"o( a##ou"ts. he mo"th is like this a"d this, i.e. sometimes o! .D days a"d sometimes o! thirty days." 3.13C: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "No"e o! you should !ast a day or t(o be!ore the mo"th o! :amada" u"less he has the habit o! !asti", (Na(a!il$ (a"d i! his !asti", #oi"#ides (ith that day$ the" he #a" !ast that day." 3.13D: Narrated Al3Bara: It (as the #ustom amo", the #ompa"io"s o! +uhammad that i! a"y o! them (as !asti", a"d the !ood (as prese"ted (!or breaki", his !ast$, but he slept be!ore eati",, he (ould "ot eat that "i,ht a"d the !ollo(i", day till su"set. Aais bi" ;irma3al3A"sari (as !asti", a"d #ame to his (i!e at the time o! I!tar (breaki", o"e's !ast$ a"d asked her (hether she had a"ythi", to eat. ;he replied, "No, but I (ould ,o a"d bri", some !or you." He used to do hard (ork duri", the day, so he (as o)er(helmed by sleep a"d slept. 7he" his (i!e #ame a"d sa( him, she said, "6isappoi"tme"t !or you." 7he" it (as midday o" the !ollo(i", day, he !ai"ted a"d the -rophet (as i"!ormed about the (hole matter a"d the !ollo(i", )erses (ere re)ealed: "Fou are permitted o ,o to your (i)es (!or se'ual relatio"$ At the "i,ht o! !asti",." ;o, they (ere o)er*oyed by it. A"d the" Allah also re)ealed: "A"d eat a"d dri"k &"til the (hite thread <! da(" appears to you 6isti"#t !rom the bla#k thread (o! the "i,ht$." (..1CB$ 3.11E: Narrated %Adi bi" Hatim: 7he" the abo)e )erses (ere re)ealed: '&"til the (hite thread appears to you, disti"#t !rom the bla#k thread,' I took t(o (hair$ stri",s, o"e bla#k a"d the other (hite, a"d kept them u"der my pillo( a"d (e"t o" looki", at them throu,hout the "i,ht but #ould "ot make a"ythi", out o! it. ;o, the "e't mor"i", I (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d told him the (hole story. He e'plai"ed to me, " hat )erse mea"s the dark"ess o! the "i,ht a"d the (hite"ess o! the da("." 3.111: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;aud: 7he" the !ollo(i", )erses (ere re)ealed: 'Kat a"d dri"k u"til the (hite thread appears to you, disti"#t !rom the bla#k thread' a"d o! da(" (as "ot re)ealed, some people (ho i"te"ded to !ast, tied bla#k a"d (hite threads to their le,s a"d (e"t o" eati", till they di!!ere"tiated bet(ee" the t(o. Allah the" re)ealed the (ords, 'o! da("', a"d it be#ame #lear that mea"t "i,ht a"d day. 3.11.: Narrated %Aisha: Bilal used to pro"ou"#e the Adha" at "i,ht, so Allah's Apostle> said, "Harry o" taki", your meals (eat a"d dri"k$ till Ib" &m +aktum pro"ou"#es the Adha", !or he does "ot pro"ou"#e it till it is da(". 3.113: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: I used to take my ;uhur meals (ith my !amily a"d the" hurry up !or prese"ti", mysel! !or the (8a*r$ prayer (ith Allah's Apostle. 3.111: Narrated A"as: 4aid bi" habit said, "7e took the ;uhur (ith the -rophet . he" he stood !or the prayer." I asked, "7hat (as the i"ter)al bet(ee" the ;uhur a"d the Adha">" He replied, " he i"ter)al (as su!!i#ie"t to re#ite !i!ty )erses o! the Aur'a"." 3.11?: Narrated %Abdullah:


he -rophet !asted !or days #o"ti"uously9 the people also did the same but it (as di!!i#ult !or them. ;o, the -rophet !orbade them (to !ast #o"ti"uously !or more tha" o"e day$. hey slid, "But you !ast (ithout break ("o !ood (as take" i" the e)e"i", or i" the mor"i",$." he -rophet replied, "I am "ot like you, !or I am pro)ided (ith !ood a"d dri"k (by Allah$. 3.11@: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: he -rophet said, " ake ;uhur as there is a blessi", i" it." 3.11B: Narrated ;alama bi" Al3Ak(a%: <"#e the -rophet ordered a perso" o" 'Ashura' (the te"th o! +uharram$ to a""ou"#e, "7hoe)er has eate", should "ot eat a"y more, but !ast, a"d (ho has "ot eate" should "ot eat, but #omplete his !ast (till the e"d o! the day$. 3.11C: Narrated %Aisha a"d &m ;alama: At times Allah's Apostle used to ,et up i" the mor"i", i" the state o! /a"aba a!ter ha)i", se'ual relatio"s (ith his (i)es. He (ould the" take a bath a"d !ast. 3.11D: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet used to kiss a"d embra#e (his (i)es$ (hile he (as !asti",, a"d he had more po(er to #o"trol his desires tha" a"y o! you. ;aid /abir, " he perso" (ho ,ets dis#har,e a!ter #asti", a look (o" his (i!e$ should #omplete his !ast." 3.1?E: Narrated Hisham's !ather: Aisha said, "Allah's Apostle used to kiss some o! his (i)es (hile he (as !asti",," a"d the" she smiled. 3.1?1: Narrated 4ai"ab: (dau,hter o! &m ;alama$ that her mother said, "7hile I (as (lyi",$ (ith Allah's Apostle u"der"eath a (oole" sheet, I ,ot the me"struatio", a"d the" slipped a(ay a"d put o" the #lothes ((hi#h I used to (ear$ i" me"ses. He asked, "7hat is the matter> 6id you ,et your me"ses>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d the" e"tered u"der"eath that (oole" sheet. I a"d Allah's Apostle used to take a bath !rom o"e (ater pot a"d he used to kiss me (hile he (as !asti",." 3.1?.: Narrated %Aisha: (At times$ i" :amada" the -rophet used to take a bath i" the mor"i", "ot be#ause o! a (et dream a"d (ould #o"ti"ue his !ast. 3.1?3: Narrated Abu Bakr bi" %Abdur3:ahma": +y !ather a"d I (e"t to %Aisha a"d she said, "I testi!y that Allah's Apostle at times used to ,et up i" the mor"i", i" a state o! /a"aba !rom se'ual i"ter#ourse, "ot !rom a (et dream a"d the" he (ould !ast that day." he" he (e"t to &m ;alama a"d she also "arrated a similar thi",. 3.1?1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I! somebody eats or dri"ks !or,et!ully the" he should #omplete his !ast, !or (hat he has eate" or dru"k, has bee" ,i)e" to him by Allah." Narrated 'Amir bi" :abi%a, "I sa( the -rophet #lea"i", his teeth (ith ;i(ak (hile he (as !asti", so ma"y times as I #a"'t #ou"t." A"d "arrated Abu Huraira, " he -rophet said, 'But !or my !ear that it (ould be hard !or my !ollo(ers, I (ould ha)e ordered them to #lea" their teeth (ith ;i(ak o" e)ery per!orma"#e o! ablutio"." he same is "arrated by /abir a"d 4aid bi" 0halid !rom the -rophet (ho did "ot di!!ere"tiate bet(ee" a !asti", a"d a "o"!asti", perso" i" this respe#t (usi", ;i(ak$. Aisha said, " he -rophet said, "It (i.e. ;i(ak$ is a puri!i#atio" !or the mouth a"d it is a (ay o! seeki", Allah's pleasures." Ata' a"d Aatada said, " here is "o harm i" s(allo(i", the resulta"t sali)a." .E

3.1??: Narrated Humra": I sa( %&thma" per!ormi", ablutio"9 he (ashed his ha"ds thri#e, ri"sed his mouth a"d the" (ashed his "ose, by putti", (ater i" it a"d the" blo(i", it out, a"d (ashed his !a#e thri#e, a"d the" (ashed his ri,ht !orearm up to the elbo( thri#e, a"d the" the le!t3!orearm up to the elbo( thri#e, the" smeared his head (ith (ater, (ashed his ri,ht !oot thri#e, a"d the" his le!t !oot thri#e a"d said, "I sa( Allah's Apostle per!ormi", ablutio" similar to my prese"t ablutio", a"d the" he said, '7hoe)er per!orms ablutio" like my prese"t ablutio" a"d the" o!!ers t(o rak%at i" (hi#h he does "ot thi"k o! (orldly thi",s, all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e"." 3.1?@: Narrated %Aisha: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d said that he had bee" bur"t (rui"ed$. he -rophet asked him (hat (as the matter. He replied, "I had se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith my (i!e i" :amada" ((hile I (as !asti",$." he" a basket !ull o! dates (as brou,ht to the -rophet a"d he asked, "7here is the bur"t (rui"ed$ ma">" He replied, "I am prese"t." he -rophet told him to ,i)e that basket i" #harity (as e'piatio"$. 3.1?B: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7hile (e (ere sitti", (ith the -rophet a ma" #ame a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e bee" rui"ed." Allah's Apostle asked (hat (as the matter (ith him. He replied "I had se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith my (i!e (hile I (as !asti",." Allah's Apostle asked him, "Ha" you a!!ord to ma"umit a sla)e>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. Allah's Apostle asked him, "Ha" you !ast !or t(o su##essi)e mo"ths>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he -rophet asked him, "Ha" you a!!ord to !eed si'ty poor perso"s>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he -rophet kept sile"t a"d (hile (e (ere i" that state, a bi, basket !ull o! dates (as brou,ht to the -rophet . He asked, "7here is the 5uestio"er>" He replied, "I (am here$." he -rophet said (to him$, " ake this (basket o! dates$ a"d ,i)e it i" #harity." he ma" said, ";hould I ,i)e it to a perso" poorer tha" I> By Allah9 there is "o !amily bet(ee" its (i.e. +edi"a's$ t(o mou"tai"s (ho are poorer tha" I." he -rophet smiled till his premolar teeth be#ame )isible a"d the" said, '8eed your !amily (ith it." 3.1?C: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d said, "I had se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith my (i!e o" :amada" ((hile !asti",$." he -rophet asked him, "Ha" you a!!ord to ma"umit a sla)e>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he -rophet asked him, "Ha" you !ast !or t(o su##essi)e mo"ths>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. He asked him, "Ha" you a!!ord to !eed si'ty poor perso"s>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. (Abu Huraira added$: he" a basket !ull o! dates (as brou,ht to the -rophet a"d he said (to that ma"$, "8eed (poor people$ (ith this by (ay o! ato"eme"t." He said, "(;hould I !eed it$ to poorer people tha" (e> here is "o poorer house tha" ours bet(ee" its (+edi"a's$ mou"tai"s." he -rophet said, " he" !eed your !amily (ith it." 3.1?D: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet (as #upped (hile he (as i" the state o! lhram, a"d also (hile he (as obser)i", a !ast. 3.1@E: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet (as #upped (hile he (as !asti",. 3.1@1: Narrated habit Al3Bu"a"i: A"as bi" +alik (as asked (hether they disliked the #uppi", !or a !asti", perso". He replied i" the "e,ati)e a"d said, "<"ly i! it #auses (eak"ess." 3.1@.: Narrated Ib" Abi %Au!a: 7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! Allah's Apostle o" a *our"ey. He said to a ma", "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (po(dered barley$ (ith (ater !or me." he ma" said, " he su" (has "ot set yet$, < Allah's Apostle." .1

he -rophet a,ai" said to him, "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or me." he ma" a,ai" said, "< Allah's Apostle= he su"=" he -rophet said to him (!or the third time$ "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or me." he ma" dismou"ted a"d mi'ed ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or him. he -rophet dra"k it a"d the" be#ko"ed (ith his ha"d (to(ards the Kast$ a"d said, "7he" you see the "i,ht !alli", !rom this side, the" a !asti", perso" should break his !ast." 3.1@3: Narrated %Aisha: Ham2a bi" %Amr Al3Aslami said, "< Allah's Apostle= I !ast #o"ti"uously." 3.1@1: Narrated %Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ Ham2a bi" %Amr Al3Aslami asked the -rophet, ";hould I !ast (hile tra)eli",>" he -rophet replied, "Fou may !ast i! you (ish, a"d you may "ot !ast i! you (ish." 3.1@?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle set out !or +e##a i" :amada" a"d he !asted, a"d (he" he rea#hed Al30adid, he broke his !ast a"d the people ((ith him$ broke their !ast too. (Abu %Abdullah said, "Al30adid is a la"d #o)ered (ith (ater bet(ee" &s!a" a"d Audaid."$ 3.1@@: Narrated Abu Ad36arda: 7e set out (ith Allah's Apostle o" o"e o! his *our"eys o" a )ery hot day, a"d it (as so hot that o"e had to put his ha"d o)er his head be#ause o! the se)erity o! heat. No"e o! us (as !asti", e'#ept the -rophet a"d Ib" :a(aha. 3.1@B: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle (as o" a *our"ey a"d sa( a #ro(d o! people, a"d a ma" (as bei", shaded (by them$. He asked, "7hat is the matter>" hey said, "He (the ma"$ is !asti",." he -rophet said, "It is "ot ri,hteous"ess that you !ast o" a *our"ey." 3.1@C: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: 7e used to tra)el (ith the -rophet a"d "either did the !asti", perso"s #riti#i2e those (ho (ere "ot !asti",, "or did those (ho (ere "ot !asti", #riti#i2e the !asti", o"es. 3.1@D: Narrated a(us: Ib" %Abbas said, "Allah's Apostle set out !rom +edi"a to +e##a a"d he !asted till he rea#hed '&s!a", (here he asked !or (ater a"d raised his ha"d to let the people see him, a"d the" broke the !ast, a"d did "ot !ast a!ter that till he rea#hed +e##a, a"d that happe"ed i" :amada"." Ib" %Abbas used to say, "Allah's Apostle (sometimes$ !asted a"d (sometimes$ did "ot !ast duri", the *our"eys so (hoe)er (ished to !ast #ould !ast, a"d (hoe)er (ished "ot to !ast, #ould do so." 3.1BE: Narrated Na!i%: Ib" %&mar re#ited the )erse: " hey had a #hoi#e either to !ast or to !eed a poor perso" !or e)ery day, a"d said that the order o! this Verse (as #a"#eled. 3.1B1: Narrated %Aisha: ;ometimes I missed some days o! :amada", but #ould "ot !ast i" lieu o! them e'#ept i" the mo"th o! ;ha'ba"." ;aid Fahya, a sub3"arrator, ";he used to be busy ser)i", the -rophet ." 3.1B.: Narrated Abu ;a%id: he -rophet said, "Is"'t it true that a (oma" does "ot pray a"d does "ot !ast o" me"struati",> A"d that is the de!e#t (a loss$ i" her reli,io"." 3.1B3: Narrated %Aisha: ..

Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er died a"d he ou,ht to ha)e !asted (the missed days o! :amada"$ the" his ,uardia"s must !ast o" his behal!." 3.1B1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= +y mother died a"d she ou,ht to ha)e !asted o"e mo"th (!or her missed :amada"$. ;hall I !ast o" her behal!>" he -rophet replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d said, "Allah's debts ha)e more ri,ht to be paid." I" a"other "arratio" a (oma" is reported to ha)e said, "+y sister died..." Narrated Ib" %Abbas: A (oma" said to the -rophet "+y mother died a"d she had )o(ed to !ast but she did"'t !ast." I" a"other "arratio" Ib" %Abbas is reported to ha)e said, "A (oma" said to the -rophet, "+y mother died (hile she ou,ht to ha)e !asted !or !i!tee" days." 3.1B?: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: Allah's Apostle said, "7he" "i,ht !alls !rom this side a"d the day )a"ishes !rom this side a"d the su" sets, the" the !asti", perso" should break his !ast." 3.1B@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abi %Au!a: 7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet o" a *our"ey a"d he (as !asti",, a"d (he" the su" set, he addressed somebody, "< so3a"d3so, ,et up a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (7ill you (ait$ till it is e)e"i",>" he -rophet said, "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (I! you (ait$ till it is e)e"i",." he -rophet said a,ai", "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He replied, "It is still daytime."(1$ he -rophet said a,ai", "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He ,ot do(" a"d mi'ed ;a(i5 !or them. he -rophet dra"k it a"d the" said, "7he" you see "i,ht !alli", !rom this side, the !asti", perso" should break his !ast." 3.1BB: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abi %Au!a: 7e (ere tra)eli", (ith Allah's Apostle a"d he (as !asti",, a"d (he" the su" set, he said to (someo"e$, "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (7ill you (ait$ till it is e)e"i",>" he -rophet a,ai" said, "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." He replied, "< Allah's Apostle= It is still daytime." he -rophet said a,ai", "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or us." ;o, he ,ot do(" a"d #arried out that order. he -rophet the" said, "7he" you see "i,ht !alli", !rom this side, the !asti", perso" should break his !ast," a"d he be#ko"ed (ith his !i",er to(ards the east. 3.1BC: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: Allah's Apostle said, " he people (ill remai" o" the ri,ht path as lo", as they haste" the breaki", o! the !ast." 3.1BD: Narrated Ib" Abi %Au!a: I (as (ith the -rophet o" a *our"ey, a"d he obser)ed the !ast till e)e"i",. he -rophet said to a ma", "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or me." He replied, "7ill you (ait till it is e)e"i",>" he -rophet said, "Get do(" a"d mi' ;a(i5 (ith (ater !or me9 (he" you see "i,ht !alli", !rom this side, the !asti", perso" should break his !ast." 3.1CE: Narrated Abu &sama !rom Hisham bi" '&rsa !rom 8atima: Asma bi"t Abi Bakr said, "7e broke our !ast duri", the li!etime o! the -rophet o" a #loudy day a"d the" the su" appeared." Hisham (as asked, "7ere they ordered to !ast i" lieu o! that day>" He replied, "It had to be made up !or." +a%mar said, "I heard Hisham sayi",, "I do"'t k"o( (hether they !asted i" lieu o! that day or "ot." 3.1C1: Narrated Ar3:ubi' bi"t +u'a(adh: .3

" he -rophet se"t a messe",er to the )illa,e o! the A"sar i" the mor"i", o! the day o! 'Ashura' (1Eth o! +uharram$ to a""ou"#e: '7hoe)er has eate" somethi", should "ot eat but #omplete the !ast, a"d (hoe)er is obser)i", the !ast should #omplete it.' ";he !urther said, ";i"#e the" (e used to !ast o" that day re,ularly a"d also make our boys !ast. 7e used to make toys o! (ool !or the boys a"d i! a"yo"e o! them #ried !or, he (as ,i)e" those toys till it (as the time o! the breaki", o! the !ast." 3.1C.: Narrated A"as: he -rophet said, "6o "ot pra#ti#e Al37isal (!asti", #o"ti"uously (ithout breaki", o"e's !ast i" the e)e"i", or eati", be!ore the !ollo(i", da("$." he people said to the -rophet, "But you pra#ti#e Al3 7isal>" he -rophet replied, "I am "ot like a"y o! you, !or I am ,i)e" !ood a"d dri"k (by Allah$ duri", the "i,ht." 3.1C3: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade Al37isal. he people said (to him$, "But you pra#ti#e it>" He said, "I am "ot like you, !or I am ,i)e" !ood a"d dri"k by Allah." 3.1C1: 'Narrated Abu ;a%id: hat he had heard the -rophet sayi",, "6o "ot !ast #o"ti"uously (pra#ti#e Al37isal$, a"d i! you i"te"d to le",the" your !ast, the" #arry it o" o"ly till the ;uhur (be!ore the !ollo(i", da("$." he people said to him, "But you pra#ti#e (Al37isal$, < Allah's Apostle=" He replied, "I am "ot similar to you, !or duri", my sleep I ha)e <"e 7ho makes me eat a"d dri"k." 3.1C?: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle !orbade Al37isal out o! mer#y to them. hey said to him, "But you pra#ti#e Al3 7isal>" He said, "I am "ot similar to you, !or my Iord ,i)es me !ood a"d dri"k. " 3.1C@: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle !orbade Al37isal i" !asti",. ;o, o"e o! the +uslims said to him, "But you pra#ti#e Al3 7isal. < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet replied, "7ho amo",st you is similar to me> I am ,i)e" !ood a"d dri"k duri", my sleep by my Iord." ;o, (he" the people re!used to stop Al37isal (!asti", #o"ti"uously$, the -rophet !asted day a"d "i,ht #o"ti"uously alo", (ith them !or a day a"d the" a"other day a"d the" they sa( the #res#e"t moo" (o! the mo"th o! ;ha((al$. he -rophet said to them (a",rily$, "I! It (the #res#e"t$ had "ot appeared, I (ould ha)e made you !ast !or a lo",er period." hat (as as a pu"ishme"t !or them (he" they re!used to stop (pra#ti#i", Al37isal$. 3.1CB: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said t(i#e, "(< you people$ Be #autious= 6o "ot pra#ti#e Al37isal." he people said to him, "But you pra#ti#e Al37isal>" he -rophet replied, "+y Iord ,i)es me !ood a"d dri"k duri", my sleep. 6o that mu#h o! deeds (hi#h is (ithi" your ability." 3.1CC: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot !ast #o"ti"uously day a"d "i,ht (pra#ti#e Al37isal$ a"d i! a"yo"e o! you i"te"ds to !ast #o"ti"uously day a"d "i,ht, he should #o"ti"ue till the ;uhur time." hey said, "But you pra#ti#e Al37isal, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet said, "I am "ot similar to you9. duri", my sleep I ha)e <"e 7ho makes me eat a"d dri"k." 3.1CD: Narrated Abu /uhai!a: he -rophet made a bo"d o! brotherhood bet(ee" ;alma" a"d Abu Ad36arda.' ;alma" paid a )isit to Abu Ad36arda' a"d !ou"d &m Ad36arda' dressed i" shabby #lothes a"d asked her (hy she (as i" that state. ;he replied, "Four brother Abu Ad36arda' is "ot i"terested i" (the lu'uries o!$ this (orld." I" the mea"time Abu Ad36arda' #ame a"d prepared a meal !or ;alma". ;alma" re5uested Abu Ad3 6arda' to eat ((ith him$, but Abu Ad36arda' said, "I am !asti",." ;alma" said, "I am "ot ,oi", to eat .1

u"less you eat." ;o, Abu Ad36arda' ate ((ith ;alma"$. 7he" it (as "i,ht a"d (a part o! the "i,ht passed$, Abu Ad36arda' ,ot up (to o!!er the "i,ht prayer$, but ;alma" told him to sleep a"d Abu Ad3 6arda' slept. A!ter sometime Abu Ad36arda' a,ai" ,ot up but ;alma" told him to sleep. 7he" it (as the last hours o! the "i,ht, ;alma" told him to ,et up the", a"d both o! them o!!ered the prayer. ;alma" told Abu Ad36arda', "Four Iord has a ri,ht o" you, your soul has a ri,ht o" you, a"d your !amily has a ri,ht o" you9 so you should ,i)e the ri,hts o! all those (ho has a ri,ht o" you." Abu Ad3 6arda' #ame to the -rophet a"d "arrated the (hole story. he -rophet said, ";alma" has spoke" the truth." 3.1DE: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to !ast till o"e (ould say that he (ould "e)er stop !asti",, a"d he (ould aba"do" !asti", till o"e (ould say that he (ould "e)er !ast. I "e)er sa( Allah's Apostle !asti", !or a (hole mo"th e'#ept the mo"th o! :amada", a"d did "ot see him !asti", i" a"y mo"th more tha" i" the mo"th o! ;ha'ba". 3.1D1: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet "e)er !asted i" a"y mo"th more tha" i" the mo"th o! ;ha'ba". He used to say, "6o those deeds (hi#h you #a" do easily, as Allah (ill "ot ,et tired (o! ,i)i", re(ards$ till you ,et bored a"d tired (o! per!ormi", reli,ious deeds$." he most belo)ed prayer to the -rophet (as the o"e that (as do"e re,ularly (throu,hout the li!e$ e)e" i! it (ere little. A"d (he"e)er the -rophet o!!ered a prayer he used to o!!er it re,ularly . 3.1D.: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet "e)er !asted a !ull mo"th e'#ept the mo"th o! :amada", a"d he used to !ast till o"e #ould say, "By Allah, he (ill "e)er stop !asti",," a"d he (ould aba"do" !asti", till o"e (ould say, "By Allah, he (ill "e)er !ast." 3.1D3: Narrated A"as: Allah's Apostle used to lea)e !asti", i" a #ertai" mo"th till (e thou,ht that he (ould "ot !ast i" that mo"th, a"d he used to !ast i" a"other mo"th till (e thou,ht he (ould "ot stop !asti", at all i" that mo"th. A"d i! o"e (a"ted to see him prayi", at "i,ht, o"e #ould see him (i" that #o"ditio"$, a"d i! o"e (a"ted to see him sleepi", at "i,ht, o"e #ould see him (i" that #o"ditio"$ too. 3.1D1: Narrated Humaid: I asked A"as about the !asti", o! the -rophet. He said "7he"e)er I liked to see the -rophet !asti", i" a"y mo"th, I #ould see that, a"d (he"e)er I liked to see him "ot !asti",, I #ould see that too, a"d i! I liked to see him prayi", i" a"y "i,ht, I #ould see that, a"d i! I liked to see him sleepi",, I #ould see that, too." A"as !urther said, "I "e)er tou#hed silk or )el)et so!ter tha" the ha"d o! Allah's Apostle a"d "e)er smelled musk or per!umed smoke more pleasa"t tha" the smell o! Allah's Apostle." 3.1D?: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Al3%As: "<"#e Allah's Apostle #ame to me," a"d the" he "arrated the (hole "arratio", i.e. your ,uest has a ri,ht o" you, a"d your (i!e has a ri,ht o" you. I the" asked about the !asti", o! 6a)id. he -rophet replied, "Hal! o! the year," (i.e. he used to !ast o" e)ery alter"ate day$. 3.1D@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Al3%As: Allah's Apostle said to me, "< %Abdullah= Ha)e I "ot bee" i"!ormed that you !ast duri", the day a"d o!!er prayers all the "i,ht." %Abdullah replied, "Fes, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet said, "6o"'t do that9 !ast !or !e( days a"d the" ,i)e it up !or !e( days, o!!er prayers a"d also sleep at "i,ht, as your body has a ri,ht o" you, a"d your (i!e has a ri,ht o" you, a"d your ,uest has a ri,ht o" you. A"d it is su!!i#ie"t !or you to !ast three days i" a mo"th, as the re(ard o! a ,ood deed is multiplied te" times, so it (ill be like !asti", throu,hout the year." I i"sisted (o" !asti",$ a"d so I (as ,i)e" a hard i"stru#tio". .?

I said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e po(er." he -rophet said, "8ast like the !asti", o! the -rophet 6a)id a"d do "ot !ast more tha" that." I said, "Ho( (as the !asti", o! the -rophet o! Allah, 6a)id>" He said, "Hal! o! the year," (i.e. he used to !ast o" e)ery alter"ate day$. A!ter(ards (he" %Abdullah be#ame old, he used to say, "It (ould ha)e bee" better !or me i! I had a##epted the permissio" o! the -rophet ((hi#h he ,a)e me i.e. to !ast o"ly three days a mo"th$. 3.1DB: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr: Allah's Apostle (as i"!ormed that I had take" a" oath to !ast daily a"d to pray (e)ery "i,ht$ all the "i,ht throu,hout my li!e (so Allah's Apostle #ame to me a"d asked (hether it (as #orre#t$: I replied, "Iet my pare"ts be sa#ri!i#ed !or you= I said so." he -rophet said, "Fou #a" "ot do that. ;o, !ast !or !e( days a"d ,i)e it up !or !e( days, r ray a"d sleep. 8ast three days a mo"th as the re(ard o! ,ood deeds is multiplied te" times a"d that (ill be e5ual to o"e year o! !asti",." I replied, "I #a" do better tha" that." he -rophet said to me, "8ast o"e day a"d ,i)e up !asti", !or a day a"d that is the !asti", o! -rophet 6a)id a"d that is the best !asti",." I said, "I ha)e the po(er to !ast better (more$ tha" that." he -rophet said, " here is "o better !asti", tha" that." 3.1DC: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr: he "e(s o! my daily !asti", a"d prayi", e)ery "i,ht throu,hout the "i,ht rea#hed the -rophet. ;o he se"t !or me or I met him, a"d he said, "I ha)e bee" i"!ormed that you !ast e)eryday a"d pray e)ery "i,ht (all the "i,ht$. 8ast (!or some days$ a"d ,i)e up !asti", (!or some days$9 pray a"d sleep, !or your eyes ha)e a ri,ht o" you, a"d your body a"d your !amily (i.e. (i!e$ ha)e a ri,ht o" you." I replied, "I ha)e more po(er tha" that (!asti",$." he -rophet said, " he" !ast like the !asts o! (the -rophet$ 6a)id". I said, "Ho(>" He replied, "He used to !ast o" alter"ate days, a"d he used "ot to !lee o" meeti", the e"emy." I said, "8rom (here #a" I ,et that #ha"#e>" (%Ata' said, "I do "ot k"o( ho( the e'pressio" o! !asti", daily throu,hout the li!e o##urred."$ ;o, the -rophet said, t(i#e, "7hoe)er !asts daily throu,hout his li!e is *ust as the o"e (ho does "ot !ast at all." 3.1DD: Narrated +u*ahid !rom %Abdullah bi" %Amr: he -rophet said (to %Abdullah$, "8ast three days a mo"th." %Abdullah said, (to the -rophet$ "I am able to !ast more tha" that." hey kept o" ar,ui", o" this matter till the -rophet said, "8ast o" alter"ate days, a"d re#ite the (hole Aur'a" o"#e a mo"th." %Abdullah said, "I #a" re#ite more (i" a mo"th$," a"d the ar,ume"t (e"t o" till the -rophet said, ":e#ite the Aur'a" o"#e ea#h three days." (i.e. you must "ot re#ite the (hole Aur'a" i" less tha" three days$. 3..EE: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Al3%As: he -rophet said to me, "Fou !ast daily all the year a"d pray e)ery "i,ht all the "i,ht>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. he -rophet said, "I! you keep o" doi", this, your eyes (ill be#ome (eak a"d your body (ill ,et tired. He (ho !asts all the year is as he (ho did "ot !ast at all. he !asti", o! three days (a mo"th$ (ill be e5ual to the tasti", o! the (hole year." I replied, "I ha)e the po(er !or more tha" this." he -rophet said, " he" !ast like the !asti", o! 6a)id (ho used to !ast o" alter"ate days a"d (ould "e)er !lee !rom the battle !ield, o" meeti", the e"emy. 3..E1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr: Allah's Apostle (as i"!ormed about my !asts, a"d he #ame to me a"d I spread !or him a leather #ushio" stu!!ed (ith palm !ires, but he sat o" the ,rou"d a"d the #ushio" remai"ed bet(ee" me a"d him, a"d the" he said, "Is"'t it su!!i#ie"t !or you to !ast three days a mo"th>" I replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (I #a" !ast more$." He said, "8i)e>" I replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (I #a" !ast more$." He said, ";e)e">" I replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (I #a" !ast more$." He said, "Ni"e (days per mo"th$>" I replied, "< Allah's Apostle= (I #a" !ast more$" He said, "Kle)e" (days per mo"th$>" A"d the" the -rophet said, " here is "o !ast superior to that o! the -rophet 6a)id it (as !or hal! o! the year. ;o, !ast o" alter"ate days." 3..E.: .@

Narrated Abu Huraira: +y !rie"d (the -rophet $ ad)ised me to obser)e three thi",s: (1$ to !ast three days a mo"th9 (.$ to pray t(o rak%at o! 6uha prayer (!ore"oo" prayer$9 a"d (3$ to pray (itr be!ore sleepi",. 3..E3: Narrated A"as: he -rophet paid a )isit to &m3;ulaim a"d she pla#ed be!ore him dates a"d ,hee. he -rophet said, ":epla#e the ,hee a"d dates i" their respe#ti)e #o"tai"ers !or I am !asti",." he" he stood some(here i" her house a"d o!!ered a" optio"al prayer a"d the" he i")oked ,ood o" &m3;ulaim a"d her !amily. he" &m3;ulaim said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e a spe#ial re5uest (today$." He said, "7hat is it>" ;he replied, "(-lease i")oke !or$ your ser)a"t A"as." ;o Allah's Apostle did "ot lea)e a"ythi", ,ood i" the (orld or the Herea!ter (hi#h he did "ot i")oke (Allah to besto($ o" me a"d said, "< Allah= Gi)e him (i.e. A"as$ property a"d #hildre" a"d bless him." hus I am o"e o! the ri#hest amo", the A"sar a"d my dau,hter &mai"a told me that (he" Al3Ha**a* #ame to Basra, more tha" 1.E o! my o!!spri", had bee" buried. 3..E1: Narrated +utarri! !rom %Imra" Ib" Husai": hat the -rophet asked him (Imra"$ or asked a ma" a"d %Imra" (as liste"i",, "< Abu so3a"d3so= Ha)e you !asted the last days o! this mo"th>" ( he "arrator thou,ht that he said, "the mo"th o! :amada""$. he ma" replied, "No, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet said to him, "7he" you !i"ish your !asti", (o! :amada"$ !ast t(o days (i" ;ha((al$." hrou,h a"other series o! "arrators %Imra" said, " he -rophet said, '(Ha)e you !asted$ the last days o! ;ha'ba">" 3..E?: Narrated +uhammad bi" %Abbas: I asked /abir "6id the -rophet !orbid !asti", o" 8ridays>" He replied, "Fes." (<ther "arrators added, "I! he i"te"ds to !ast o"ly that day."$ 3..E@: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard the -rophet sayi",, "No"e o! you should !ast o" 8riday u"less he !asts a day be!ore or a!ter it." 3..EB: Narrated Abu Aiyub !rom /u(airiya bi"t Al3Harith: he -rophet )isited her (/u(airiya$ o" a 8riday a"d she (as !asti",. He asked her, "6id you !ast yesterday>" ;he said, "No." He said, "6o you i"te"d to !ast tomorro(>" ;he said, "No." He said, " he" break your !ast." hrou,h a"other series o! "arrators, Abu Aiyub is reported to ha)e said, "He ordered her a"d she broke her !ast." 3..EC: Narrated Al5ama: I asked %Aisha "6id Allah s Apostle, use to #hoose some spe#ial days (!or !asti",$>" ;he replied, "No, but he used to be re,ular (#o"sta"t$ (i" his ser)i#e o! (orshippi",$. 7ho amo",st you #a" e"dure (hat Allah's Apostle used to e"dure>" 3..ED: Narrated &m Al38adl bi"t Al3Harith: "7hile the people (ere (ith me o" the day o! %Ara!at they di!!ered as to (hether the -rophet (as !asti", or "ot9 some said that he (as !asti", (hile others said that he (as "ot !asti",. ;o, I se"t to him a bo(l !ull o! milk (hile he (as ridi", o)er his #amel a"d he dra"k it." 3..1E: Narrated +aimu"a: he people doubted (hether the -rophet (as !asti", o" the day o! %Ara!at or "ot, so I se"t milk (hile he (as sta"di", at %Ara!at, he dra"k it a"d the people (ere looki", at him. 3..11: Narrated Abu %&baid: .B

(the sla)e o! Ib" A2har$ I (it"essed the %Id (ith %&mar bi" Al30hattab (ho said, Allah's Apostle has !orbidde" people to !ast o" the day o" (hi#h you break !asti", (the !asts o! :amada"$ a"d the day o" (hi#h you eat the meat o! your sa#ri!i#es (the !irst day o! %Id ul 8itr a"d %Id ul3Adha$. 3..1.: Narrated Abu ;a%id: he -rophet !orbade the !asti", o! %Id3ul38itr a"d %Id3ul3Adha (t(o !east days$ a"d also the (eari", o! As3;amma' (a si",le ,arme"t #o)eri", the (hole body$, a"d sitti", (ith o"e's le, dra(" up (hile bei", (rapped i" o"e ,arme"t. He also !orbade the prayers a!ter the 8a*r (mor"i",$ a"d the %Asr (a!ter"oo"$ prayers. 3..13: Narrated Abu Huraira: (o !asts a"d t(o ki"ds o! sale are !orbidde": !asti", o" the day o! %Id ul 8itr a"d %Id3ul3Adha a"d the ki"ds o! sale #alled +ulamasa a"d +u"abadha. ( hese t(o ki"ds o! sale used to be pra#ti#ed i" the days o! -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e9 +ulamasa mea"s (he" you tou#h somethi", displayed !or sale you ha)e to buy it9 +u"abadha mea"s (he" the seller thro(s somethi", to you, you ha)e to buy it.$ 3..11: Narrated 4iyad bi" /ubair: A ma" (e"t to Ib" %&mar I. a"d said, "A ma" )o(ed to !ast o"e day (the sub3"arrator thi"ks that he said that the day (as +o"day$, a"d that day happe"ed to be %Id day." Ib" %&mar said, "Allah orders )o(s to be !ul!illed a"d the -rophet !orbade the !asti", o" this day (i.e. Id$. 3..1?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: ((ho !ou,ht i" t(el)e Gha2a(at i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet$. I heard !our thi",s !rom the -rophet a"d they (o" my admiratio". He said9 31. "No lady should tra)el o" a *our"ey o! t(o days e'#ept (ith her husba"d or a 6hi3+ahram9 3.. "No !asti", is permissible o" the t(o days o! Id3ul38itr a"d %Id3ul3Adha9 33. "No prayer (may be o!!ered$ a!ter the mor"i", #ompulsory prayer u"til the su" rises9 a"d "o prayer a!ter the %Asr prayer till the su" sets9 31. "<"e should tra)el o"ly !or )isiti", three +as*id (+os5ues$: +as*id3al3Haram (+e##a$, +as*id3al3 A5sa (/erusalem$, a"d this (my$ +os5ue (at +edi"a$. 3..1@: Narrated %Aisha a"d Ib" %&mar: Nobody (as allo(ed to !ast o" the days o! ashri5 e'#ept those (ho #ould "ot a!!ord the Hadi (;a#ri!i#e$. 3..1B: Narrated Ib" %&mar: 8asti", !or those (ho per!orm ,Ha**3at3 amattu% (i" lieu o! the Hadi (hi#h they #a""ot a!!ord$ may be per!ormed up to the day o! %Ara!at. A"d i! o"e does "ot ,et a Hadi a"d has "ot !asted (be!ore the %Id$ the" o"e should !ast o! the days o! +i"a. (11, 1. a"d 13th o! 6hul Ha**a$. 3..1C: Narrated ;alim's !ather: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er (ishes may !ast o" the day o! 'Ashura'." 3..1D: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle ordered (the +uslims$ to !ast o" the day o! 'Ashura', a"d (he" !asti", i" the mo"th o! :amada" (as pres#ribed, it be#ame optio"al !or o"e to !ast o" that day ('Ashura'$ or "ot. 3...E: Narrated Aisha: Auraish used to !ast o" the day o! 'Ashura' i" the -re3Islami# period, a"d Allah's Apostle too, used to !ast o" that day. 7he" he #ame to +edi"a, he !asted o" that day a"d ordered others to !ast, too. Iater


(he" the !asti", o! the mo"th o! :amada" (as pres#ribed, he ,a)e up !asti", o" the day o! 'Ashura' a"d it be#ame optio"al !or o"e to !ast o" it or "ot. 3...1: Narrated Humaid bi" %Abdur :ahma": hat he heard +ua(iya bi" Abi ;u!ya" o" the day o! 'Ashura' duri", the year he per!ormed the Ha**, sayi", o" the pulpit, "< the people o! +edi"a= 7here are your :eli,ious ;#holars> I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, ' his is the day o! 'Ashura'. Allah has "ot e"*oi"ed its !asti", o" you but I am !asti", it. Fou ha)e the #hoi#e either to !ast or "ot to !ast (o" this day$.' " 3....: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet #ame to +edi"a a"d sa( the /e(s !asti", o" the day o! Ashura. He asked them about that. hey replied, " his is a ,ood day, the day o" (hi#h Allah res#ued Ba"i Israel !rom their e"emy. ;o, +oses !asted this day." he -rophet said, "7e ha)e more #laim o)er +oses tha" you." ;o, the -rophet !asted o" that day a"d ordered (the +uslims$ to !ast (o" that day$. 3...3: Narrated Abu +usa: he day o! 'Ashura' (as #o"sidered as %Id day by the /e(s. ;o the -rophet ordered, "I re#omme"d you (+uslims$ to !ast o" this day." 3...1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: I "e)er sa( the -rophet seeki", to !ast o" a day more (pre!erable to him$ tha" this day, the day o! 'Ashura', or this mo"th, i.e. the mo"th o! :amada". 3...?: Narrated ;alama bi" Al3Ak(a%: he -rophet ordered a ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Aslam to a""ou"#e amo",st the people that (hoe)er had eate" should !ast the rest o! the day, a"d (hoe)er had "ot eate" should #o"ti"ue his !ast, as that day (as the day o! 'Ashura' . 3...@: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi", re,ardi", :amada", "7hoe)er prayed at "i,ht i" it (the mo"th o! :amada"$ out o! si"#ere 8aith a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e"." 3...B: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er prayed at "i,ht the (hole mo"th o! :amada" out o! si"#ere 8aith a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e"." Ib" ;hihab (a sub3 "arrator$ said, "Allah's Apostle died a"d the people #o"ti"ued obser)i", that (i.e. Na(a!il o!!ered i"di)idually, "ot i" #o",re,atio"$, a"d it remai"ed as it (as duri", the Haliphate o! Abu Bakr a"d i" the early days o! %&mar's Haliphate." %Abdur :ahma" bi" %Abdul Aari said, "I (e"t out i" the #ompa"y o! %&mar bi" Al30hattab o"e "i,ht i" :amada" to the mos5ue a"d !ou"d the people prayi", i" di!!ere"t ,roups. A ma" prayi", alo"e or a ma" prayi", (ith a little ,roup behi"d him. ;o, %&mar said, 'I" my opi"io" I (ould better #olle#t these (people$ u"der the leadership o! o"e Aari (:e#iter$ (i.e. let them pray i" #o",re,atio"=$'. ;o, he made up his mi"d to #o",re,ate them behi"d &bai bi" 0a%b. he" o" a"other "i,ht I (e"t a,ai" i" his #ompa"y a"d the people (ere prayi", behi"d their re#iter. <" that, %&mar remarked, '7hat a" e'#elle"t Bid%a (i.e. i""o)atio" i" reli,io"$ this is9 but the prayer (hi#h they do "ot per!orm, but sleep at its time is better tha" the o"e they are o!!eri",.' He mea"t the prayer i" the last part o! the "i,ht. (I" those days$ people used to pray i" the early part o! the "i,ht." 3...C: Narrated %Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ Allah's Apostle used to pray (at "i,ht$ i" :amada". 3...D: .D

Narrated '&rsa: hat he (as i"!ormed by %Aisha, "Allah's Apostle (e"t out i" the middle o! the "i,ht a"d prayed i" the mos5ue a"d some me" prayed behi"d him. I" the mor"i",, the people spoke about it a"d the" a lar,e "umber o! them ,athered a"d prayed behi"d him (o" the se#o"d "i,ht$. I" the "e't mor"i", the people a,ai" talked about it a"d o" the third "i,ht the mos5ue (as !ull (ith a lar,e "umber o! people. Allah's Apostle #ame out a"d the people prayed behi"d him. <" the !ourth "i,ht the +os5ue (as o)er(helmed (ith people a"d #ould "ot a##ommodate them, but the -rophet #ame out (o"ly$ !or the mor"i", prayer. 7he" the mor"i", prayer (as !i"ished he re#ited ashah3hud a"d (addressi", the people$ said, "Amma ba'du, your prese"#e (as "ot hidde" !rom me but I (as a!raid lest the "i,ht prayer (Aiyam$ should be e"*oi"ed o" you a"d you mi,ht "ot be able to #arry it o"." ;o, Allah's Apostle died a"d the situatio" remai"ed like that (i.e. people prayed i"di)idually$. " 3..3E: Narrated Abu ;alama bi" %Abdur :ahma": that he asked %Aisha "Ho( (as the prayer o! Allah's Apostle i" :amada">" ;he replied, "He did "ot pray more tha" ele)e" rak%at i" :amada" or i" a"y other mo"th. He used to pray !our rak%at 3333 let alo"e their beauty a"d le",th3333a"d the" he (ould pray !our 3333let alo"e their beauty a"d le",th 3333a"d the" he (ould pray three rak%at ((itr$." ;he added, "I asked, '< Allah's Apostle= 6o you sleep be!ore prayi", the (itr>' He replied, '< %Aisha= +y eyes sleep but my heart does "ot sleep." 3..31: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er !asted the mo"th o! :amada" out o! si"#ere 8aith (i.e. belie!$ a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his past si"s (ill be !or,i)e", a"d (hoe)er stood !or the prayers i" the "i,ht o! Aadr out o! si"#ere 8aith a"d hopi", !or a re(ard !rom Allah, the" all his pre)ious si"s (ill be !or,i)e" ." 3..3.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: ;ome me" amo",st the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet (ere sho(" i" their dreams that the "i,ht o! Aadr (as i" the last se)e" "i,hts o! :amada". Allah's Apostle said, "It seems that all your dreams a,ree that (the Ni,ht o! Aadr$ is i" the last se)e" "i,hts, a"d (hoe)er (a"ts to sear#h !or it (i.e. the Ni,ht o! Aadr$ should sear#h i" the last se)e" ("i,hts o! :amada"$. 3..33: Narrated Abu ;alama: I asked Abu ;a%id, a"d he (as a !rie"d o! mi"e, (about the Ni,ht o! Aadr$ a"d he said, "7e pra#ti#ed I%tika! (se#lusio" i" the mos5ue$ i" the middle third o! the mo"th o! :amada" (ith the -rophet . I" the mor"i", o! the .Eth o! :amada", the -rophet #ame a"d addressed us a"d said, 'I (as i"!ormed o! (the date o! the Ni,ht o! Aadr$ but I (as #aused to !or,et it9 so sear#h !or it i" the odd "i,hts o! the last te" "i,hts o! the mo"th o! :amada". (I" the dream$ I sa( mysel! prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater (as a si,"$. ;o, (hoe)er (as i" I%tika! (ith me should retur" to it (ith me (!or a"other 1E3day's period$', a"d (e retur"ed. At that time there (as "o si," o! #louds i" the sky but sudde"ly a #loud #ame a"d it rai"ed till rai"(ater started leaki", throu,h the roo! o! the mos5ue (hi#h (as made o! date3palm lea! stalks. he" the prayer (as established a"d I sa( Allah's Apostle prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater a"d I sa( the tra#es o! mud o" his !orehead." 3..31: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, ";ear#h !or the Ni,ht o! Aadr i" the odd "i,hts o! the last te" days o! :amada"." 3..3?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e I%tika! (i" the mos5ue$ i" the middle third o! :amada" a"d a!ter passi", the t(e"ty "i,hts he used to ,o ba#k to his house o" the .1st, a"d the people (ho (ere i" I%tika! (ith him also used to ,o ba#k to their houses. <"#e i" :amada", i" (hi#h he pra#ti#ed I%tika!, he established the "i,ht prayers at the "i,ht i" (hi#h he used to retur" home, a"d the" he addressed the people a"d ordered them (hate)er Allah (ished him to order a"d said, "I used to pra#ti#e I%tika! 3E

!or these te" days (i.e. the middle third but "o( I i"te"d to stay i" I%tika! !or the last te" days (o! the mo"th$9 so (hoe)er (as i" I%tika! (ith me should stay at his pla#e o! se#lusio". I ha)e )erily bee" sho(" (the date o!$ this Ni,ht (o! Aadr$ but I ha)e !or,otte" it. ;o sear#h !or it i" the odd "i,hts o! the last te" days (o! this mo"th$. I also sa( mysel! (i" the dream$ prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater." <" the "i,ht o! the .1st, the sky (as #o)ered (ith #louds a"d it rai"ed, a"d the rai"(ater started leaki", throu,h the roo! o! the mos5ue at the prayi", pla#e o! the -rophet . I sa( (ith my o(" eyes the -rophet at the #ompletio" o! the mor"i", prayer lea)i", (ith his !a#e #o)ered (ith mud a"d (ater. 3..3@: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet said, "Iook !or (the Ni,ht o! Aadr$. 3..3B: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the last te" "i,hts o! :amada" a"d used to say, "Iook !or the Ni,ht o! Aadr i" the last te" "i,hts o! the mo"th o! :amada"." 3..3C: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, "Iook !or the Ni,ht o! Aadr i" the last te" "i,hts o! :amada" ,' o" the "i,ht (he" "i"e or se)e" or !i)e "i,hts remai" out o! the last te" "i,hts o! :amada" (i.e. .1, .3, .?, respe#ti)ely$. 3..3D: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, " he Ni,ht o! Aadr is i" the last te" "i,hts o! the mo"th (:amada"$, either o" the !irst "i"e or i" the last (remai"i",$ se)e" "i,hts (o! :amada"$." Ib" %Abbas added, ";ear#h !or it o" the t(e"ty3!ourth (o! :amada"$. 3..1E: Narrated '&bada bi" As3;amit: he -rophet #ame out to i"!orm us about the Ni,ht o! Aadr but t(o +uslims (ere 5uarreli", (ith ea#h other. ;o, the -rophet said, "I #ame out to i"!orm you about the Ni,ht o! Aadr but su#h3a"d3su#h perso"s (ere 5uarreli",, so the "e(s about it had bee" take" a(ay9 yet that mi,ht be !or your o(" ,ood, so sear#h !or it o" the .Dth, .Bth a"d .?th (o! :amada"$. 3..11: Narrated Aisha: 7ith the start o! the last te" days o! :amada", the -rophet used to ti,hte" his (aist belt (i.e. (ork hard$ a"d used to pray all the "i,ht, a"d used to keep his !amily a(ake !or the prayers. 3..1.: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the last te" days o! the mo"th o! :amada". 3..13: Narrated %Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ he -rophet used to pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the last te" days o! :amada" till he died a"d the" his (i)es used to pra#ti#e I%tika! a!ter him. 3..11: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the middle te" days o! :amada" a"d o"#e he stayed i" I%tika! till the "i,ht o! the t(e"ty3!irst a"d it (as the "i,ht i" the mor"i", o! (hi#h he used to #ome out o! his I%tika!. he -rophet said, "7hoe)er (as i" I%tika! (ith me should stay i" I%tika! !or the last te" days, !or I (as i"!ormed (o! the date$ o! the Ni,ht (o! Aadr$ but I ha)e bee" #aused to !or,et it. (I" the dream$ I sa( mysel! prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater i" the mor"i", o! that "i,ht. ;o, look !or it i" the last te" "i,hts a"d i" the odd o"es o! them." It rai"ed that "i,ht a"d the roo! o! the mos5ue dribbled as it (as made o! lea! stalks o! date3palms. I sa( (ith my o(" eyes the mark o! mud a"d (ater o" the !orehead o! the -rophet (i.e. i" the mor"i", o! the t(e"ty3!irst$. 3..1?: Narrated %Aisha: 31

he -rophet used to (put$ be"d his head (out$ to me (hile he (as i" I%tika! i" the mos5ue duri", my mo"thly periods a"d I (ould #omb a"d oil his hair. 3..1@: Narrated %Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ Allah's Apostle used to let his head i" (the house$ (hile he (as i" the mos5ue a"d I (ould #omb a"d oil his hair. 7he" i" I%tika! he used "ot to e"ter the house e'#ept !or a "eed. 3..1B: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet used to embra#e me duri", my me"ses. He also used to put his head out o! the mos5ue (hile he (as i" I%tika!, a"d I (ould (ash it duri", my me"ses. 3..1C: Narrated Ib" %&mar: %&mar asked the -rophet "I )o(ed i" the -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e to stay i" I%tika! !or o"e "i,ht i" Al3+as*id al3Haram." he -rophet said to him, "8ul!ill your )o(." 3..1D: Narrated %Amra: Aisha said, "the -rophet used to pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the last te" days o! :amada" a"d I used to pit#h a te"t !or him, a"d a!ter o!!eri", the mor"i", prayer, he used to e"ter the te"t." Ha!sa asked the permissio" o! %Aisha to pit#h a te"t !or her a"d she allo(ed her a"d she pit#hed her te"t. 7he" 4ai"ab bi"t /ahsh sa( it, she pit#hed a"other te"t. I" the mor"i", the -rophet "oti#ed the te"ts. He said, '7hat is this>" He (as told o! the (hole situatio". he" the -rophet said, "6o you thi"k that they i"te"ded to do ri,hteous"ess by doi", this>" He there!ore aba"do"ed the I%tika! i" that mo"th a"d pra#ti#ed I%tika! !or te" days i" the mo"th o! ;ha((al." 3..?E: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet i"te"ded to pra#ti#e I%tika! a"d (he" he rea#hed the pla#e (here he i"te"ded to per!orm I%tika!, he sa( some te"ts, the te"ts o! %Aisha, Ha!sa a"d 4ai"ab. ;o, he said, "6o you #o"sider that they i"te"ded to do ri,hteous"ess by doi", this>" A"d the" he (e"t a(ay a"d did "ot per!orm I%tika! (i" :amada"$ but per!ormed it i" the mo"th o! ;ha((al !or te" days. 3..?1: Narrated %Ali bi" Al3Husai": ;a!iya, the (i!e o! the -rophet told me that she (e"t to Allah's Apostle to )isit him i" the mos5ue (hile he (as i" I%tika! i" the last te" days o! :amada". ;he had a talk (ith him !or a (hile, the" she ,ot up i" order to retur" home. he -rophet a##ompa"ied her. 7he" they rea#hed the ,ate o! the mos5ue, opposite the door o! &m3;alama, t(o A"sari me" (ere passi", by a"d they ,reeted Allah's Apostle . He told them: 6o "ot ru" a(ay= A"d said, ";he is (my (i!e$ ;a!iya bi"t Huyai." Both o! them said, ";ubha" Allah, (Ho( dare (e thi"k o! a"y e)il$ < Allah's Apostle=" A"d they !elt it. he -rophet said (to them$, ";ata" rea#hes e)ery(here i" the huma" body as blood rea#hes i" it, (e)ery(here i" o"e's body$. I (as a!raid lest ;ata" mi,ht i"sert a" e)il thou,ht i" your mi"ds." 3..?.: Narrated Abu ;alama bi" %Abdur3:ahma": I asked Abu ;a%id Al30hudri, "6id you hear Allah's Apostle talki", about the Ni,ht o! Aadr>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d said, "<"#e (e (ere i" I%tika! (ith Allah's Apostle i" the middle te" days o! (:amada"$ a"d (e #ame out o! it i" the mor"i", o! the t(e"tieth, a"d Allah's Apostle3 deli)ered a sermo" o" the .Eth (o! :amada"$ a"d said, 'I (as i"!ormed (o! the date$ o! the Ni,ht o! Aadr (i" my dream$ but had !or,otte" it. ;o, look !or it i" the odd "i,hts o! the last te" "i,hts o! the mo"th o! :amada". I sa( mysel! prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater o" that "i,ht (as a si," o! the Ni,ht o! Aadr$. ;o, (hoe)er had bee" i" I%tika! (ith Allah's Apostle should retur" !or it.' he people retur"ed to the mos5ue (!or I%tika!$. here (as "o tra#e o! #louds i" the sky. But all o! a sudde" a #loud #ame a"d it rai"ed. he" the prayer (as established (they stood !or the prayer$ a"d Allah's Apostle prostrated i" mud a"d (ater a"d I sa( mud o)er the !orehead a"d the "ose o! the -rophet. 3.

3..?3: Narrated %Aisha: <"e o! the (i)es o! Allah's Apostle pra#ti#ed I%tika! (ith him (hile she ad bleedi", i" bet(ee" her periods a"d she (ould see red (blood$ or yello(ish tra#es, a"d sometimes (e put a tray be"eath her (he" she o!!ered the prayer. 3..?1: Narrated %Ali bi" Al3Husai" (!rom ;a!iya, the -rophet's (i!e$: he (i)es o! the -rophet (ere (ith him i" the mos5ue ((hile he (as i" I%tika!$ a"d the" they departed a"d the -rophet said to ;a!iya bi"t Huyai, "6o"'t hurry up, !or I shall a##ompa"y you," (a"d her d(elli", (as i" the house o! &sama$. he -rophet (e"t out a"d i" the mea"time t(o A"sari me" met him a"d they looked at the -rophet a"d passed by. he -rophet said to them, "Home here. ;he is (my (i!e$ ;a!iya bi"t Huyai." hey replied, ";ubha" Allah, (Ho( dare (e thi"k o! e)il$ < Allah's Apostle= ((e "e)er e'pe#t a"ythi", bad !rom you$." he -rophet replied, ";ata" #ir#ulates i" the huma" bei", as blood #ir#ulates i" the body, a"d I (as a!raid lest ;ata" mi,ht i"sert a" e)il thou,ht i" your mi"ds." 3..??: Narrated %Ali bi" Al3Husai" !rom ;a!iya: ;a!iya (e"t to the -rophet (hile he (as i" I%tika!. 7he" she retur"ed, the -rophet a##ompa"ied her (alki",. A" A"sari ma" sa( him. 7he" the -rophet "oti#ed him, he #alled him a"d said, "Home here. ;he is ;a!iya. (;u!ya" a sub3"arrator perhaps said that the -rophet had said, " his is ;a!iya"$. A"d ;ata" #ir#ulates i" the body o! Adam's o!!spri", as his blood #ir#ulates i" it." (A sub3"arrator asked ;u!ya", "6id ;a!iya )isit him at "i,ht>" He said, "<! #ourse, at "i,ht."$ 3..?@: Narrated Abu ;a%id: 7e pra#ti#ed I%tika! (ith Allah's Apostle i" the middle te" days (o! :amada"$. I" the mor"i", o! the t(e"tieth (o! :amada"$ (e shi!ted our ba,,a,e, but Allah's Apostle #ame to us a"d said, "7hoe)er (as m I%tika! should retur" to his pla#e o! I%tika!, !or I sa( (i.e. (as i"!ormed about the date o!$ this Ni,ht (o! Aadr$ a"d sa( mysel! prostrati", i" mud a"d (ater." 7he" I retur"ed to my pla#e the sky (as o)er#ast (ith #louds a"d it rai"ed. By Him 7ho se"t +uhammad (ith the ruth, the sky (as #o)ered (ith #louds !rom the e"d o! that day, a"d the mos5ue (hi#h (as roo!ed (ith lea!stalks o! date palm trees (leaked (ith rai"$ a"d I sa( the tra#e o! mud a"d (ater o)er the "ose o! the -rophet a"d its tip. 3..?B: Narrated %Amra bi"t %Abdur3:ahma" !rom %Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e I%tika! e)ery year i" the mo"th o! :amada". A"d a!ter o!!eri", the mor"i", prayer, he used to e"ter the pla#e o! his I%tika!. %Aisha asked his permissio" to let her pra#ti#e I%tika! a"d he allo(ed her, a"d so she pit#hed a te"t i" the mos5ue. 7he" Ha!sa heard o! that, she also pit#hed a te"t (!or hersel!$, a"d (he" 4ai"ab heard o! that, she too pit#hed a"other te"t. 7he", i" the mor"i",, Allah's Apostle had !i"ished the mor"i", prayer, he sa( !our te"ts a"d asked, "7hat is this>" He (as i"!ormed about it. He the" said, "7hat made them do this> Is it ri,hteous"ess> :emo)e the te"ts, !or I do "ot (a"t to see them." ;o, the te"ts (ere remo)ed. he -rophet did "ot per!orm I%tika! that year i" the mo"th o! :amada", but did it i" the last te" days o! ;ha((al. 3..?C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: %&mar bi" Al30hattab said, "< Allah's Apostle= I )o(ed i" the -re3Islami# period to per!orm I%tika! i" Al3+as*id3al3Haram !or o"e "i,ht." he -rophet said, "8ul!ill your )o(." ;o, he per!ormed I%tika! !or o"e "i,ht. 3..?D: Narrated Ib" %&mar: that %&mar had )o(ed i" the -re3Islami# period to per!orm I%tika! i" Al3+as*id3al3Haram. (A sub3 "arrator thi"ks that %&mar )o(ed to per!orm I%tika! !or o"e "i,ht.$ Allah's Apostle said to %&mar, "8ul!ill your )o(." 33

3..@E: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet used to per!orm I%tika! e)ery year i" the mo"th o! :amada" !or te" days, a"d (he" it (as the year o! his death, he stayed i" I%tika! !or t(e"ty days. 3..@1: Narrated %Amra bi"t %Abdur3:ahma" !rom %Aisha: Allah's Apostle me"tio"ed that he (ould pra#ti#e I%tika! i" the last te" days o! :amada". %Aisha asked his permissio" to per!orm I%tika! a"d he permitted her. Ha!sa asked %Aisha to take his permissio" !or her, a"d she did so. 7he" 4ai"ab bi"t /ahsh sa( that, she ordered a te"t to be pit#hed !or her a"d it (as pit#hed !or her. Allah's Apostle used to pro#eed to his te"t a!ter the prayer. ;o, he sa( the te"ts a"s asked, "7hat is this>" He (as told that those (ere the te"ts o! Aisha, Ha!sa, a"d 4ai"ab. Allah's Apostle said, "Is it ri,hteous"ess (hi#h they i"te"ded by doi", so> I am "ot ,oi", to per!orm I%tika!." ;o he retur"ed home. 7he" the !asti", mo"th (as o)er, he per!ormed Itikar !or te" days i" the mo"th o! ;ha((al. 3..@.: Narrated %&r(a: Aisha duri", her me"ses used to #omb a"d oil the hair o! the -rophet (hile he used to be i" I%tika! i" the mos5ue. He (ould stret#h out his head to(ards her (hile she (as i" her #hamber. 3..@3: Narrated Abu Huraira: Fou people say that Abu Huraira tells ma"y "arratio"s !rom Allah's Apostle a"d you also (o"der (hy the emi,ra"ts a"d A"sar do "ot "arrate !rom Allah's Apostle as Abu Huraira does. +y emi,ra"t brothers (ere busy i" the market (hile I used to sti#k to Allah's Apostle #o"te"t (ith (hat !ills my stoma#h9 so I used to be prese"t (he" they (ere abse"t a"d I used to remember (he" they used to !or,et, a"d my A"sari brothers used to be busy (ith their properties a"d I (as o"e o! the poor me" o! ;u!!a. I used to remember the "arratio"s (he" they used to !or,et. No doubt, Allah's Apostle o"#e said, "7hoe)er spreads his ,arme"t till I ha)e !i"ished my prese"t spee#h a"d the" ,athers it to himsel!, (ill remember (hate)er I (ill say." ;o, I spread my #olored ,arme"t (hi#h I (as (eari", till Allah's Apostle had !i"ished his sayi",, a"d the" I ,athered it to my #hest. ;o, I did "ot !or,et a"y o! that "arratio"s. 3..@1: Narrated Ibrahim bi" ;a%d !rom his !ather !rom his ,ra"d!ather: %Abdur :ahma" bi" %Au! said, "7he" (e #ame to +edi"a as emi,ra"ts, Allah's Apostle established a bo"d o! brotherhood bet(ee" me a"d ;a%d bi" Ar3:abi%. ;a%d bi" Ar3:abi% said (to me$, 'I am the ri#hest amo", the A"sar, so I (ill ,i)e you hal! o! my (ealth a"d you may look at my t(o (i)es a"d (hi#he)er o! the t(o you may #hoose I (ill di)or#e her, a"d (he" she has #ompleted the pres#ribed period (be!ore marria,e$ you may marry her.' %Abdur3:ahma" replied, "I am "ot i" "eed o! all that. Is there a"y marketpla#e (here trade is pra#ti#ed>' He replied, " he market o! Aai"u5a." %Abdur3 :ahma" (e"t to that market the !ollo(i", day a"d brou,ht some dried buttermilk (yo,urt$ a"d butter, a"d the" he #o"ti"ued ,oi", there re,ularly. 8e( days later, %Abdur3:ahma" #ame ha)i", tra#es o! yello( (s#e"t$ o" his body. Allah's Apostle asked him (hether he had ,ot married. He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. he -rophet said, '7hom ha)e you married>' He replied, 'A (oma" !rom the A"sar.' he" the -rophet asked, 'Ho( mu#h did you pay her>' He replied, '(I ,a)e her$ a ,old pie#e e5ual i" (ei,h to a date sto"e (or a date sto"e o! ,old$= he -rophet said, 'Gi)e a 7alima ((eddi", ba"5uet$ e)e" i! (ith o"e sheep .' " 3..@?: Narrated A"as: 7he" %Abdur3:ahma" bi" %Au! #ame to +edi"a, the -rophet established a bo"d o! brotherhood bet(ee" him a"d ;a%d bi" Ar3:abi al3A"sari. ;a%d (as a ri#h ma", so he said to %Abdur3:ahma", "I (ill ,i)e you hal! o! my property a"d (ill help you marry." %Abdur3:ahma" said (to him$, "+ay Allah bless you i" your !amily a"d property. ;ho( me the market." ;o %Abdur3:ahma" did "ot retur" !rom the market$ till he ,ai"ed some dried buttermilk (yo,urt$ a"d butter (throu,h tradi",$. He 31

brou,ht that to his house3hold. 7e stayed !or sometime (or as lo", as Allah (ished$, a"d the" %Abdur3:ahma" #ame, s#e"ted (ith yello(ish per!ume. he -rophet said (to him$ "7hat is this>" He replied, "I ,ot married to a" A"sari (oma"." he -rophet asked, "7hat did you pay her>" He replied, "A ,old sto"e or ,old e5ual to the (ei,ht o! a date sto"e." he -rophet said (to him$, "Gi)e a (eddi", ba"5uet e)e" i! (ith o"e sheep." 3..@@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: %&ka2, +a*a""a a"d 6hul3+a*a2 (ere marketpla#es i" the -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e. 7he" Islam #ame, +uslims !elt that marketi", there mi,ht be a si". ;o, the 6i)i"e I"spiratio" #ame: " here is "o harm !or you to seek the bou"ty o! your Iord (i" the seaso"s o! Ha**$." (..1DC$ Ib" %Abbas re#ited the Verse i" this (ay. 3..@B: Narrated A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir: he -rophet said "Both le,al a"d ille,al thi",s are ob)ious, a"d i" bet(ee" them are (suspi#ious$ doubt!ul matters. ;o (hoe)er !orsakes those doubt!ul thi",s lest he may #ommit a si", (ill de!i"itely a)oid (hat is #learly ille,al9 a"d (hoe)er i"dul,es i" these (suspi#ious$ doubt!ul thi",s bra)ely, is likely to #ommit (hat is #learly ille,al. ;i"s are Allah's Hima (i.e. pri)ate pasture$ a"d (hoe)er pastures (his sheep$ "ear it, is likely to ,et i" it at a"y mome"t." 3..@C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu +ulaika: %&5ba bi" Al3Harith said that a bla#k (oma" #ame a"d #laimed that she had su#kled both o! them (i.e. %&5ba a"d his (i!e$. ;o, he me"tio"ed that to the -rophet (ho tur"ed his !a#e !rom him a"d smiled a"d said, "Ho( (#a" you keep your (i!e$, a"d it (as said (that both o! you (ere su#kled by the same (oma"$>" His (i!e (as the dau,hter o! Abu Ihab3al3 amimi. 3..@D: Narrated Aisha: %&tba bi" Abu 7a55as took a !irm promise !rom his brother ;a%d bi" Abu 7a55as to take the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a i"to his #ustody as he (as his (i.e. %&tba's$ so". I" the year o! the Ho"5uest (o! +e##a$ ;a%d bi" Abu 7a55as took him, a"d said that he (as his brother's so", a"d his brother took a promise !rom him to that e!!e#t. 'Abu bi" 4am%a ,ot up a"d said, "He is my brother a"d the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! my !ather a"d (as bor" o" my !ather's bed." he" they both (e"t to the -rophet ;a%d said, "< Allah's Apostle= He is the so" o! my brother a"d he has take" a promise !rom me that I (ill take him." 'Abu bi" 4am%a said, "(He is$ my brother a"d the so" o! my !ather's sla)e3,irl a"d (as bor" o" my !ather's bed." Allah's Apostle said, " he boy is !or you. < 'Abu bi" 4am%a." he" the -rophet said, " he so" is !or the bed (i.e. the ma" o" (hose bed he (as bor"$ a"d sto"es (disappoi"tme"t a"d depri)atio"$ !or the o"e (ho has do"e ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse." he -rophet told his (i!e ;auda bi"t 4am%a to s#ree" hersel! !rom that boy as he "oti#ed a similarity bet(ee" the boy a"d %&tba. ;o, the boy did "ot see her till he died. 3..BE: Narrated %Adi bi" Hatim: I asked Allah's Apostle about Al +irad (i.e. a sharp3ed,ed pie#e o! (ood or a pie#e o! (ood pro)ided (ith a pie#e o! iro" used !or hu"ti",$. He replied, "I! the ,ame is hit by its sharp ed,e, eat it, a"d i! it is hit by its broad side, do "ot eat it, !or it has bee" beate" to death." I asked, "< Allah's Apostle= I release my do, by the "ame o! Allah a"d !i"d (ith it at the ,ame, a"other do, o" (hi#h I ha)e "ot me"tio"ed the "ame o! Allah, a"d I do "ot k"o( (hi#h o"e o! them #au,ht the ,ame." Allah's Apostle said (to him$, '6o"'t eat it as you ha)e me"tio"ed the "ame o! Allah o" your do, a"d "ot o" the other do,." 3..B1: Narrated A"as: he -rophet passed by a !alle" date a"d said, "7ere it "ot !or my doubt that this mi,ht ha)e bee" ,i)e" i" #harity, I (ould ha)e eate" it." A"d "arrated Abu Huraira the -rophet said, "I !ou"d a date3 !ruit !alle" o" my bed." 3?

3..B.: Narrated %Abbas bi" amim: that his u"#le said: " he -rophet (as asked: I! a perso" !eels somethi", duri", his prayer9 should o"e i"terrupt his prayer>" he -rophet said: No= Fou should "ot ,i)e it up u"less you hear a sou"d or smell somethi",." Narrated Ib" Abi Ha!sa: A234uhri said, " here is "o "eed o! repeati", ablutio" u"less you dete#t a smell or hear a sou"d." 3..B3: Narrated %Aisha: ;ome people said, "< Allah's Apostle= +eat is brou,ht to us by some people a"d (e are "ot sure (hether the "ame o! Allah has bee" me"tio"ed o" it or "ot (at the time o! slau,hteri", the a"imals$." Allah's Apostle said (to them$, "+e"tio" the "ame o! Allah a"d eat it." 3..B1: Narrated /abir: 7hile (e (ere o!!eri", the prayer (ith the -rophet a #ara)a" #arryi", !ood #ame !rom ;ham. he people looked to(ards the #ara)a" (a"d (e"t to it$ a"d o"ly t(el)e perso"s remai"ed (ith the -rophet. ;o, the 6i)i"e I"spiratio" #ame9 "But (he" they see some bar,ai" or some amuseme"t, they disperse headlo", to it." (@..11$ 3..B?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "A time (ill #ome (he" o"e (ill "ot #are ho( o"e ,ai"s o"e's mo"ey, le,ally or ille,ally." 3..B@: Narrated Abu Al3+i"hal: I used to pra#ti#e mo"ey e'#ha",e, a"d I asked 4aid bi" 'Ar5am about it, a"d he "arrated (hat the -rophet said i" the !ollo(i",: Abu Al3+i"hal said, "I asked Al3Bara' bi" %A2ib a"d 4aid bi" Ar5am about pra#ti#i", mo"ey e'#ha",e. hey replied, '7e (ere traders i" the time o! Allah's Apostle a"d I asked Allah's Apostle about mo"ey e'#ha",e. He replied, 'I! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d, there is "o harm i" it9 other(ise it is "ot permissible." 3..BB: Narrated '&bai bi" %&mar: Abu +usa asked %&mar to admit him but he (as "ot admitted as %&mar (as busy, so Abu +usa (e"t ba#k. 7he" %&mar !i"ished his *ob he said, "6id"'t I hear the )oi#e o! %Abdullah bi" Aais> Iet him #ome i"." %&mar (as told that he had le!t. ;o, he se"t !or him a"d o" his arri)al, he (Abu +usa$ said, "7e (ere ordered to do so (i.e. to lea)e i! "ot admitted a!ter aski", permissio" thri#e$. %&mar told him, "Bri", (it"ess i" proo! o! your stateme"t." Abu +usa (e"t to the A"sar's meeti", pla#es a"d asked them. hey said, "No"e amo",st us (ill ,i)e this (it"ess e'#ept the you",est o! us, Abu ;a%id Al30hudri. Abu +usa the" took Abu ;a%id Al30hudri (to %&mar$ a"d %&mar said, surprisi",ly, "Has this order o! Allah's Apostle bee" hidde" !rom me>" ( he" he added$, "I used to be busy tradi", i" markets." 3..BC: Narrated /abir: A #ara)a" arri)ed (at +edi"a$ (hile (e (ere o!!eri", the /umua prayer (ith the -rophet. he people le!t out !or the #ara)a", (ith the e'#eptio" o! t(el)e perso"s. he" this Verse (as re)ealed: 'But (he" they see some bar,ai" or some amuseme"t, they disperse headlo", to it a"d lea)e you sta"di",." (@..11$ 3..BD: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet said, "I! a (oma" ,i)es i" #harity !rom her house meals (ithout (asti", (i.e. bei", e'tra)a,a"t$, she (ill ,et the re(ard !or her ,i)i",, a"d her husba"d (ill also ,et the re(ard !or his ear"i", a"d the storekeeper (ill also ,et a similar re(ard. he a#5uisitio" o! the re(ard o! "o"e o! them (ill redu#e the re(ard o! the others." 3..CE: 3@

Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I! a (oma" ,i)es somethi", (i.e. i" #harity$ !rom her husba"d's ear"i",s (ithout his permissio", she (ill ,et hal! his re(ard." 3..C1: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "(hoe)er desires a" e'pa"sio" i" his suste"a"#e a"d a,e, should keep ,ood relatio"s (ith his 0ith a"d ki"." 3..C.: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet pur#hased !ood ,rai"s !rom a /e( o" #redit a"d mort,a,ed his iro" armor to him. 3..C3: Narrated Aatada: A"as (e"t to the -rophet (ith barley bread ha)i", some dissol)ed !at o" it. he -rophet had mort,a,ed his armor to a /e( i" +edi"a a"d took !rom him some barley !or his !amily. A"as heard him sayi",, " he household o! +uhammad did "ot possess e)e" a si",le ;a o! (heat or !ood ,rai"s !or the e)e"i", meal, althou,h he has "i"e (i)es to look a!ter." (;ee Hadith No. @C?$ 3..C1: Narrated %Aisha: 7he" Abu Bakr As3;iddi5 (as #hose" Haliph, he said, "+y people k"o( that my pro!essio" (as "ot i"#apable o! pro)idi", substa"#e to my !amily. A"d as I (ill be busy ser)i", the +uslim "atio", my !amily (ill eat !rom the Natio"al reasury o! +uslims, a"d I (ill pra#ti#e the pro!essio" o! ser)i", the +uslims." 3..C?: Narrated Aisha: he #ompa"io"s o! Allah's Apostle used to pra#ti#e ma"ual labor, so their s(eat used to smell, a"d they (ere ad)ised to take a bath. 3..C@: Narrated Al3+i5dam: he -rophet said, "Nobody has e)er eate" a better meal tha" that (hi#h o"e has ear"ed by (orki", (ith o"e's o(" ha"ds. he -rophet o! Allah, 6a)id used to eat !rom the ear"i",s o! his ma"ual labor." 3..CB: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he -rophet 6a)id used "ot to eat e'#ept !rom the ear"i",s o! his ma"ual labor." 3..CC: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "<"e (ould rather #ut a"d #arry a bu"dle o! (ood o" his ba#k tha" ask somebody (ho may or may "ot li)e him." 3..CD: Narrated A234ubair bi" Al3A((am: he -rophet said, "<"e (ould rather take a rope a"d #ut (ood a"d #arry it tha" ask others$. 3..DE: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "+ay Allah's mer#y be o" him (ho is le"ie"t i" his buyi",, selli",, a"d i" dema"di", ba#k his mo"ey." 3..D1: Narrated Hudhai!a: he -rophet said, "Be!ore your time the a",els re#ei)ed the soul o! a ma" a"d asked him, '6id you do a"y ,ood deeds (i" your li!e$>' He replied, 'I used to order my employees to ,ra"t time to the ri#h perso" to pay his debts at his #o")e"ie"#e.' ;o Allah said to the a",els9 "K'#use him." :abi said that (the dead ma" said$, 'I used to be easy to the ri#h a"d ,ra"t time to the poor.' <r, i" a"other "arratio", ',ra"t time to the (ell3o!! a"d !or,i)e the "eedy,' or, 'a##ept !rom the (ell3o!! a"d !or,i)e the "eedy.' 3B

3..D.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, " here (as a mer#ha"t (ho used to le"d the people, a"d (he"e)er his debtor (as i" straite"ed #ir#umsta"#es, he (ould say to his employees, '8or,i)e him so that Allah may !or,i)e us.' ;o, Allah !or,a)e him." 3..D3: Narrated Hakim bi" Hi2am: Allah's Apostle said, " he seller a"d the buyer ha)e the ri,ht to keep or retur" ,oods as lo", as they ha)e "ot parted or till they part9 a"d i! both the parties spoke the truth a"d des#ribed the de!e#ts a"d 5ualities (o! the ,oods$, the" they (ould be blessed i" their tra"sa#tio", a"d i! they told lies or hid somethi",, the" the blessi",s o! their tra"sa#tio" (ould be lost." 3..D1: Narrated Abu ;a%id: 7e used to be ,i)e" mi'ed dates (!rom the booty$ a"d used to sell (barter$ t(o ;as o! those dates$ !or o"e ;a (o! ,ood dates$. he -rophet said (to us$, "No (barteri", o!$ t(o ;as !or o"e ;a "or t(o 6irhams !or o"e 6irham is permissible", (as that is a ki"d o! usury$. (;ee Hadith No. 1E?$. 3..D?: Narrated Abu +as%ud: A" A"sari ma", #alled Abu ;hu'aib, #ame a"d told his but#her sla)e, "-repare meals su!!i#ie"t !or !i)e perso"s, !or I (a"t to i")ite the -rophet alo", (ith !our other perso"s as I sa( si,"s o! hu",er o" his !a#e." Abu ;hu'aib i")ited them a"d a"other perso" #ame alo", (ith them. he -rophet said (to Abu ;hu'aib$, his ma" !ollo(ed us, so i! you allo( him, he (ill *oi" us, a"d i! you (a"t him to retur", he (ill ,o ba#k." Abu ;hu'aib said, "No, I ha)e allo(ed him (i.e. he, too, is (el#omed to the meal$. 3..D@: Narrated Hakim bi" Hi2am: he -rophet aid, " he buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" to #a"#el or to #o"!irm the deal, as lo", as they ha)e "ot parted or till they part, a"d i! they spoke the truth a"d told ea#h other the de!e#ts o! the thi",s, the" blessi",s (ould be i" their deal, a"d i! they hid somethi", a"d told lies, the blessi", o! the deal (ould be lost." 3..DB: Narrated Aisha: 7he" the last Verses o! ;urat al3 Ba5ara (ere re)ealed, the -rophet re#ited them i" the mos5ue a"d pro#laimed the trade o! al#ohol as ille,al. 3..DC: Narrated ;amura bi" /u"dab: he -rophet said, " his "i,ht I dreamt that t(o me" #ame a"d took me to a Holy la"d (he"#e (e pro#eeded o" till (e rea#hed a ri)er o! blood, (here a ma" (as sta"di",, a"d o" its ba"k (as sta"di", a"other ma" (ith sto"es i" his ha"ds. he ma" i" the middle o! the ri)er tried to #ome out, but the other thre( a sto"e i" his mouth a"d !or#ed him to ,o ba#k to his ori,i"al pla#e. ;o, (he"e)er he tried to #ome out, the other ma" (ould thro( a sto"e i" his mouth a"d !or#e him to ,o ba#k to his !ormer pla#e. I asked, '7ho is this>' I (as told, ' he perso" i" the ri)er (as a :iba3eater." 3..DD: Narrated %Au" bi" Abu /uhai!a: +y !ather bou,ht a sla)e (ho pra#ti#ed the pro!essio" o! #uppi",. (+y !ather broke the sla)e's i"strume"ts o! #uppi",$. I asked my !ather (hy he had do"e so. He replied, " he -rophet !orbade the a##epta"#e o! the pri#e o! a do, or blood, a"d also !orbade the pro!essio" o! tattooi",, ,etti", tattooed a"d re#ei)i", or ,i)i", :iba, (usury$, a"d #ursed the pi#ture3makers." 3.3EE: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, " he s(eari", (by the seller$ may persuade the buyer to pur#hase the ,oods but that (ill be depri)ed o! Allah's blessi",." 3.3E1: 3C

Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu %Au!a: A ma" displayed some ,oods i" the market a"d s(ore by Allah that he had bee" o!!ered so mu#h !or that, that (hi#h (as "ot o!!ered, a"d he said so, so as to #heat a +uslim. <" that o##asio" the !ollo(i", Verse (as re)ealed: "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a small ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t a"d their oaths ( hey shall ha)e "o portio" i" the Herea!ter ..et#.$' (3.BB$ 3.3E.: Narrated %Ali: I ,ot a" old she3#amel as my share !rom the booty, a"d the -rophet had ,i)e" me a"other !rom Al3 0humus. A"d (he" I i"te"ded to marry 8atima (dau,hter o! the -rophet$, I arra",ed that a ,oldsmith !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Aai"u5a' (ould a##ompa"y me i" order to bri", Idhkhir a"d the" sell it to the ,oldsmiths a"d use its pri#e !or my marria,e ba"5uet. 3.3E3: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah made +e##a a sa"#tuary a"d it (as "either permitted !or a"yo"e be!ore, "or (ill it be permitted !or a"yo"e a!ter me (to !i,ht i" it$. A"d !i,hti", i" it (as made le,al !or me !or a !e( hours o! a day o"ly. No"e is allo(ed to uproot its thor"y shrubs or to #ut do(" its trees or to #hase its ,ame or to pi#k up its Iu5ata (!alle" thi",s$ e'#ept by a perso" (ho (ould a""ou"#e it publi#ly." %Abbas bi" %Abdul3+uttalib re5uested the -rophet, "K'#ept Al3Idhkhir, !or our ,oldsmiths a"d !or the roo!s o! our houses." he -rophet said, "K'#ept Al3Idhkhir." %Ikrima said, "6o you k"o( (hat is mea"t by #hasi", its ,ame> It is to dri)e it out o! the shade a"d sit i" its pla#e." 0halid said, "(%Abbas said: Al3Idhkhir$ !or our ,oldsmiths a"d our ,ra)es." 3.3E1: Narrated 0habbab: I (as a bla#ksmith i" the -re3Islami# period, a"d 'Asi bi" 7ail o(ed me some mo"ey, so I (e"t to him to dema"d it. He said (to me$, "I (ill "ot pay you u"less you disbelie)e +uhammad." I said, "I (ill "ot disbelie)e till Allah kills you a"d the" you ,et resurre#ted." He said, "Iea)e me till I die a"d ,et resurre#ted, the" I (ill be ,i)e" (ealth a"d #hildre" a"d I (ill pay you your debt." <" that o##asio" it (as re)ealed to the -rophet: 'Ha)e you see" him (ho disbelie)ed i" <ur si,"s a"d says: ;urely I (ill be ,i)e" (ealth a"d #hildre"> Has he k"o(" the u"see", or has he take" a #o)e"a"t !rom the Be"e!i#e"t (Allah$> (1D.BB3 BC$ 3.3E?: Narrated 'Is3ha5 bi" %Abdullah bi" Abu alha: I heard A"as bi" +alik sayi",, "A tailor i")ited Allah's Apostle to a meal (hi#h he had prepared. " A"as bi" +alik said, "I a##ompa"ied Allah's Apostle to that meal. He ser)ed the -rophet (ith bread a"d soup made (ith ,ourd a"d dried meat. I sa( the -rophet taki", the pie#es o! ,ourd !rom the dish." A"as added, ";i"#e that day I ha)e #o"ti"ued to like ,ourd." 3.3E@: Narrated Abu Ha2im: I heard ;ahl bi" ;a%d sayi",, "A (oma" brou,ht a Burda (i.e. a s5uare pie#e o! #loth ha)i", ed,i",$. I asked, '6o you k"o( (hat a Burda is>' hey replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d said, "It is a #loth sheet (ith (o)e" mar,i"s." ;ahl (e"t o", ";he addressed the -rophet a"d said, 'I ha)e (o)e" it (ith my ha"ds !or you to (ear.' he -rophet took it as he (as i" "eed o! it, a"d #ame to us (eari", it as a (aist sheet. <"e o! us said, '< Allah's Apostle= Gi)e it to me to (ear.' he -rophet a,reed to ,i)e it to him. he -rophet sat (ith the people !or a (hile a"d the" retur"ed (home$, (rapped that (aist sheet a"d se"t it to him. he people said to that ma", 'Fou ha)e"'t do"e (ell by aski", him !or it (he" you k"o( that he "e)er tur"s do(" a"ybody's re5uest.' he ma" replied, 'By Allah, I ha)e "ot asked him !or it e'#ept to use it as my shroud (he" I die." ;ahl added9 "Iater it (i.e. that sheet$ (as his shroud." 3.3EB: Narrated Abu Ha2im: ;ome me" #ame to ;ahl bi" ;a%d to ask him about the pulpit. He replied, "Allah's Apostle se"t !or a (oma" (;ahl "amed her$ (this messa,e$: '<rder your sla)e #arpe"ter to make pie#es o! (ood (i.e. a 3D

pulpit$ !or me so that I may sit o" it (hile addressi", the people.' ;o, she ordered him to make it !rom the tamarisk o! the !orest. He brou,ht it to her a"d she se"t it to Allah's Apostle . Allah's Apostle ordered it to be pla#ed i" the mos5ue: so, it (as put a"d he sat o" it. 3.3EC: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: A" A"sari (oma" said to Allah's Apostle, "< Allah's Apostle= ;hall I make somethi", !or you to sit o", as I ha)e a sla)e (ho is a #arpe"ter>" He replied, "I! you (ish." ;o, she ,ot a pulpit made !or him. 7he" it (as 8riday the -rophet sat o" that pulpit. he date3palm stem "ear (hi#h the -rophet used to deli)er his sermo"s #ried so mu#h so that it (as about to burst. he -rophet #ame do(" !rom the pulpit to the stem a"d embra#ed it a"d it started ,roa"i", like a #hild bei", persuaded to stop #ryi", a"d the" it stopped #ryi",. he -rophet said,"It has #ried be#ause o! (missi",$ (hat it use to hear o! the reli,io"s k"o(led,e." 3.3ED: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle bou,ht !ood ,rai"s !rom a /e( o" #redit a"d mort,a,ed his armor to him. 3.31E: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I (as (ith the -rophet i" a Gha2(a (+ilitary K'peditio"$ a"d my #amel (as slo( a"d e'hausted. he -rophet #ame up to me a"d said, "< /abir." I replied, "Fes>" He said, "7hat is the matter (ith you>" I replied, "+y #amel is slo( a"d tired, so I am le!t behi"d." ;o, he ,ot do(" a"d poked the #amel (ith his sti#k a"d the" ordered me to ride. I rode the #amel a"d it be#ame so !ast that I had to hold it !rom ,oi", ahead o! Allah's Apostle . He the" asked me, ha)e you ,ot married>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He asked, "A )ir,i" or a matro">" I replied, "I married a matro"." he -rophet said, "7hy ha)e you "ot married a )ir,i", so that you may play (ith her a"d she may play (ith you>" /abir replied, "I ha)e sisters (you", i" a,e$ so I liked to marry a matro" (ho #ould #olle#t them all a"d #omb their hair a"d look a!ter them." he -rophet said, "Fou (ill rea#h, so (he" you ha)e arri)ed (at home$, I ad)ise you to asso#iate (ith your (i!e (that you may ha)e a" i"telli,e"t so"$." he" he asked me, "7ould you like to sell your #amel>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d the -rophet pur#hased it !or o"e &5iya o! ,old. Allah's Apostle rea#hed be!ore me a"d I rea#hed i" the mor"i",, a"d (he" I (e"t to the mos5ue, I !ou"d him at the door o! the mos5ue. He asked me, "Ha)e you arri)ed *ust "o(>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He said, "Iea)e your #amel a"d #ome i"to (the mos5ue$ a"d pray t(o rak%at." I e"tered a"d o!!ered the prayer. He told Bilal to (ei,h a"d ,i)e me o"e &5iya o! ,old. ;o Bilal (ei,hed !or me !airly a"d I (e"t a(ay. he -rophet se"t !or me a"d I thou,ht that he (ould retur" to me my #amel (hi#h I hated more tha" a"ythi", else. But the -rophet said to me, " ake your #amel as (ell as its pri#e." 3.311: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: %&ka2, +a*a""a a"d 6hul3+a*a2 (ere markets i" the -re3Islami# period. 7he" the people embra#ed Islam they #o"sidered it a si" to trade there. ;o, the !ollo(i", Holy Verse #ame:33 ' here is "o harm !or you i! you seek o! the bou"ty o! your Iord (Allah$ i" the Ha** seaso"." (..1DC$ Ib" %Abbas re#ited it like this. 3.31.: Narrated %Amr: Here (i.e. i" +e##a$ there (as a ma" #alled Na((as a"d he had #amels su!!eri", !rom the disease o! e'#essi)e a"d u"5ue"#hable thirst. Ib" %&mar (e"t to the part"er o! Na((as a"d bou,ht those #amels. he ma" retur"ed to Na((as a"d told him that he had sold those #amels. Na((as asked him, " o (hom ha)e you sold them>" He replied, " o su#h a"d su#h ;heikh." Na((as said, "7oe to you9 By Allah, that ;heikh (as Ib" %&mar." Na((as the" (e"t to Ib" %&mar a"d said to him, "+y part"er sold you #amels su!!eri", !rom the disease o! e'#essi)e thirst a"d he had "ot k"o(" you." Ib" %&mar told him to take them ba#k. 7he" Na((as (e"t to take them, Ib" %&mar said to him, "Iea)e them there as I am happy (ith the de#isio" o! Allah's Apostle that there is "o oppressio" . " 3.313: 1E

Narrated Abu Aatada: 7e set out (ith Allah's Apostle i" the year o! Hu"ai", (the -rophet ,a)e me a" armor$. I sold that armor a"d bou,ht a ,arde" i" the re,io" o! the tribe o! Ba"i ;alama a"d that (as the !irst property I ,ot a!ter embra#i", Islam. 3.311: Narrated Abu +usa: Allah's Apostle said, " he e'ample o! a ,ood #ompa"io" ((ho sits (ith you$ i" #ompariso" (ith a bad o"e, is I like that o! the musk seller a"d the bla#ksmith's bello(s (or !ur"a#e$9 !rom the !irst you (ould either buy musk or e"*oy its ,ood smell (hile the bello(s (ould either bur" your #lothes or your house, or you ,et a bad "asty smell thereo!." 3.31?: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Abu aiba #upped Allah's Apostle so he ordered that he be paid o"e ;a o! dates a"d ordered his masters to redu#e his ta' (as he (as a sla)e a"d had to pay a ta' to them$. 3.31@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: <"#e the -rophet ,ot his blood out (medi#ally$ a"d paid that perso" (ho had do"e it. I! it had bee" ille,al, the -rophet (ould "ot ha)e paid him. 3.31B: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: <"#e the -rophet se"t to %&mar a silke" t(o3pie#e ,arme"t, a"d (he" he sa( %&mar (eari", it, he said to him, "I ha)e "ot se"t it to you to (ear. It is (or" by him (ho has "o share i" the Herea!ter, a"d I ha)e se"t it to you so that you #ould be"e!it by it (i.e. sell it$. 3.31C: Narrated Aisha: (mother o! the !aith!ul belie)ers$ I bou,ht a #ushio" (ith pi#tures o" it. 7he" Allah's Apostle sa( it, he kept sta"di", at the door a"d did "ot e"ter the house. I "oti#ed the si," o! dis,ust o" his !a#e, so I said, "< Allah's Apostle= I repe"t to Allah a"d H is Apostle . (-lease let me k"o($ (hat si" I ha)e do"e." Allah's Apostle said, "7hat about this #ushio">" I replied, "I bou,ht it !or you to sit a"d re#li"e o"." Allah's Apostle said, " he pai"ters (i.e. o("ers$ o! these pi#tures (ill be pu"ished o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio". It (ill be said to them, '-ut li!e i" (hat you ha)e #reated (i.e. pai"ted$.' " he -rophet added, " he a",els do "ot e"ter a house (here there are pi#tures." 3.31D: Narrated A"as: he -rophet said, "< Ba"i Na**ar= ;u,,est a pri#e !or your ,arde"." -art o! it (as a rui" a"d it #o"tai"ed some date palms. 3.3.E: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, " he buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" to #a"#el or #o"!irm the bar,ai" be!ore they separate !rom ea#h other or i! the sale is optio"al." Na!i% said, "Ib" %&mar used to separate 5ui#kly !rom the seller i! he had bou,ht a thi", (hi#h he liked." 3.3.1: Narrated Hakim bi" Hi2am" he -rophet said, " he buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", the deal u"less they separate." 3.3..: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, " he seller a"d the buyer ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", the deal u"less they separate, or o"e o! them says to the other, 'Hhoose (i.e. de#ide to #a"#el or #o"!irm the bar,ai" "o($." -erhaps he said, '<r i! it is a" optio"al sale.' " Ib" %&mar, ;huraih, Ash3;hu%bi, a(us, Ata, a"d Ib" Abu +ulaika a,ree upo" this *ud,me"t. 3.3.3: 11

Narrated Hakim bi" Hi2am: he -rophet said, " he buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", the bar,ai" u"less they separate, a"d i! they spoke the truth a"d made #lear the de!e#ts o! the ,oods, them they (ould be blessed i" their bar,ai", a"d i! they told lies a"d hid some !a#ts, their bar,ai" (ould be depri)ed o! Allah's blessi",s." 3.3.1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "Both the buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", a bar,ai" u"less they separate, or the sale is optio"al." (;ee Hadith No.3.E$. 3.3.?: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "Both the buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", the bar,ai", as lo", as they are still to,ether, a"d u"less they separate or o"e o! them ,i)es the other the optio" o! keepi", or re 3.3.@: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "No deal is settled a"d !i"ali2ed u"less the buyer a"d the seller separate, e'#ept i! the deal is optio"al ((hereby the )alidity o! the bar,ai" depe"ds o" the stipulatio"s a,reed upo"$. 3.3.B: Narrated Hakim bi" Hi2am: he -rophet said, "Both the buyer a"d the seller ha)e the optio" o! #a"#eli", or #o"!irmi", the bar,ai" u"less they separate." he sub3"arrator, Hammam said, "I !ou"d this i" my book: 'Both the buyer a"d the seller ,i)e the optio" o! either #o"!irmi", or #a"#eli", the bar,ai" three times, a"d i! they speak the truth a"d me"tio" the de!e#ts, the" their bar,ai" (ill be blessed, a"d i! they tell lies a"d #o"#eal the de!e#ts, they mi,ht ,ai" some !i"a"#ial ,ai" but they (ill depri)e their sale o! (Allah's$ blessi",s." 3.3.C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: A perso" #ame to the -rophet a"d told him that he (as al(ays betrayed i" pur#hasi",. he -rophet told him to say at the time o! buyi",, "No #heati",." 3.3.D: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "A" army (ill i")ade the 0a%ba a"d (he" the i")aders rea#h Al3Baida', all the ,rou"d (ill si"k a"d s(allo( the (hole army." I said, "< Allah's Apostle= Ho( (ill they si"k i"to the ,rou"d (hile amo",st them (ill be their markets (the people (ho (orked i" busi"ess a"d "ot i")aders$ a"d the people "ot belo",i", to them>" he -rophet replied, "all o! those people (ill si"k but they (ill be resurre#ted a"d *ud,ed a##ordi", to their i"te"tio"s." 3.33E: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he #o",re,atio"al prayer o! a"yo"e amo",st you is more tha" t(e"ty (!i)e or t(e"ty se)e"$ times i" re(ard tha" his prayer i" the market or i" his house, !or i! he per!orms ablutio" #ompletely a"d the" ,oes to the mos5ue (ith the sole i"te"tio" o! per!ormi", the prayer, a"d "othi", ur,es him to pro#eed to the mos5ue e'#ept the prayer, the", o" e)ery step (hi#h he takes to(ards the mos5ue, he (ill be raised o"e de,ree or o"e o! his si"s (ill be !or,i)e". he a",els (ill keep o" aski", Allah's !or,i)e"ess a"d blessi",s !or e)eryo"e o! you so lo", as he keeps sitti", at his prayi", pla#e. he a",els (ill say, '< Allah, bless him= < Allah, be mer#i!ul to him=' as lo", as he does "ot do Hadath or a thi", (hi#h ,i)es trouble to the other." he -rophet !urther said, "<"e is re,arded i" prayer so lo", as o"e is (aiti", !or the prayer." 3.331: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: 7hile the -rophet (as i" the market, somebody, #alled, "< Abul3Aasim." he -rophet tur"ed to him. he ma" said, "I ha)e #alled to this (i.e. a"other ma"$." he -rophet said, "Name yoursel)es by my 1.

"ame but "ot by my 0u"ya ("ame$." (I" Arabi# (orld it is the #ustom to #all the ma" as the !ather o! his eldest so", e.,. Abul3Aasim.$ (;ee Hadith No. B3B, Vol. 1$ 3.33.: Narrated A"as: A ma" at Al3Ba5i' #alled, "< Abul3Aasim=" he -rophet tur"ed to him a"d the ma" said (to the -rophet $, "I did "ot i"te"d to #all you." he prophet said, "Name yoursel)es by my "ame but "ot by my 0u"ya ("ame$. 3.333: Narrated Abu Huraira Ad36ausi: <"#e the -rophet (e"t out duri", the day. Neither did he talk to me "or I to him till he rea#hed the market o! Ba"i Aai"u5a a"d the" he sat i" the #ompou"d o! 8atima's house a"d asked about the small boy (his ,ra"dso" Al3Hasa"$ but 8atima kept the boy i" !or a (hile. I thou,ht she (as either #ha",i", his #lothes or ,i)i", the boy a bath. A!ter a (hile the boy #ame out ru""i", a"d the -rophet embra#ed a"d kissed him a"d the" said, '< Allah= Io)e him, a"d lo)e (hoe)er lo)es him.' 3.331: Narrated Na!i%: Ib" %&mar told us that the people used to buy !ood !rom the #ara)a"s i" the li!etime o! the -rophet. he -rophet used to !orbid them to sell it at the )ery pla#e (here they had pur#hased it (but they (ere to (ait$ till they #arried it to the market (here !oodstu!! (as sold. Ib" %&mar said, ' he -rophet also !orbade the reselli", o! !oodstu!! by somebody (ho had bou,ht it u"less he had re#ei)ed it (ith e'a#t !ull measure.' 3.33?: Narrated Ata bi" Fasar: I met %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Al3%As a"d asked him, " ell me about the des#riptio" o! Allah's Apostle (hi#h is me"tio"ed i" orah (i.e. <ld estame"t."$ He replied, 'Fes. By Allah, he is des#ribed i" orah (ith some o! the 5ualities attributed to him i" the Aur'a" as !ollo(s: "< -rophet = 7e ha)e se"t you as a (it"ess (!or Allah's rue reli,io"$ A"d a ,i)er o! ,lad tidi",s (to the !aith!ul belie)ers$, A"d a (ar"er (to the u"belie)ers$ A"d ,uardia" o! the illiterates. Fou are +y sla)e a"d +y messe",er (i.e. Apostle$. I ha)e "amed you "Al3+uta(akkil" ((ho depe"ds upo" Allah$. Fou are "either dis#ourteous, harsh Nor a "oisemaker i" the markets A"d you do "ot do e)il to those 7ho do e)il to you, but you deal 7ith them (ith !or,i)e"ess a"d ki"d"ess. Allah (ill "ot let him (the -rophet$ 6ie till he makes strai,ht the #rooked people by maki", them say: "No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped but Allah," 7ith (hi#h (ill be ope"ed bli"d eyes A"d dea! ears a"d e")eloped hearts." 3.33@: Narrated %Abdullah ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "He (ho buys !oodstu!! should "ot sell it till he is satis!ied (ith the measure (ith (hi#h he has bou,ht it. 3.33B: Narrated /abir: %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Haram died a"d (as i" debt to others. I asked the -rophet to i"ter#ede (ith his #reditors !or some redu#tio" i" the debts. he -rophet re5uested them (to redu#e the debts$ but they re!used. he -rophet said to me, "Go a"d put your dates (I" heaps$ a##ordi", to their di!!ere"t ki"ds. he A*(a o" o"e side, the #luster o! Ib" 4aid o" a"other side, et#.. he" #all me." I did that a"d #alled the -rophet He #ame a"d sat at the head or i" the middle o! the heaps a"d ordered me. +easure (the dates$ !or the people (#reditors$." I measured !or them till I paid all the debts. +y dates remai"ed as it "othi", had bee" take" !rom them. I" other "arratio"s, /abir said9 he -rophet said, "He (i.e. %Abdullah$ #o"ti"ued measuri", !or them till he paid all the debts." he -rophet said (to %Abdullah$, "Hut (#lusters$ !or him (i.e. o"e o! the #reditors$ a"d measure !or him !ully." 3.33C: Narrated Al3+i5dam bi" +a'diyakrib: 13

he -rophet said, "+easure your !oodstu!! a"d you (ill be blessed." 3.33D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" 4aid: he -rophet said, " he -rophet Abraham made +e##a a sa"#tuary, a"d asked !or Allah's blessi", i" it. I made +edi"a a sa"#tuary as Abraham made +e##a a sa"#tuary a"d I asked !or Allah's Blessi", i" its measures the +udd a"d the ;a as Abraham did !or +e##a. 3.31E: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle said, "< Allah besto( your blessi",s o" their measures, bless their +udd a"d ;a." he -rophet mea"t the people o! +edi"a. 3.311: Narrated ;alim: that his !ather said. "I sa( those, (ho used to buy !oodstu!! (ithout measuri", or (ei,hi", i" the li!e time o! the -rophet bei", pu"ished i! they sold it be!ore #arryi", it to their o(" houses." 3.31.: Narrated a(us: Ib" %Abbas said, "Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", o! !oodstu!! be!ore its measuri", a"d tra"s!erri", i"to o"e's possessio"." I asked Ib" %Abbas, "Ho( is that>" Ib" %Abbas replied, "It (ill be *ust like selli", mo"ey !or mo"ey, as the !oodstu!! has "ot bee" ha"ded o)er to the !irst pur#haser (ho is the prese"t seller." 3.313: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "He (ho buys !oodstu!! should "ot sell it till he has re#ei)ed it." 3.311: Narrated A234uhri !rom +alik bi" Aus: that the latter said, "7ho has #ha",e>" alha said, "I ((ill ha)e #ha",e$ (he" our storekeeper #omes !rom the !orest." Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: Allah's Apostle said, " he barteri", o! ,old !or sil)er is :iba, (usury$, e'#ept i! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d (heat ,rai" !or (heat ,rai" is usury e'#ept i! it is !orm ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d dates !or dates is usury e'#ept i! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d barley !or barley is usury e'#ept i! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t." (;ee :iba38adl i" the ,lossary$. 3.31?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet !orbade the selli", o! !oodstu!! be!ore re#ei)i", it. I #o"sider that all types o! selli",s should be do"e similarly. 3.31@: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, " he buyer o! !oodstu!! should "ot sell it be!ore it has bee" measured !or him." Isma%il "arrated i"stead, "He should "ot sell it be!ore re#ei)i", it." 3.31B: Narrated Ib" %&mar: I sa( the people buy !oodstu!! ra"domly (i.e. bli"dly (ithout measuri", it$ i" the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle a"d they (ere pu"ished (by beati",$, i! they tried to sell it be!ore #arryi", it to their o(" houses. 3.31C: Narrated Aisha: :arely did the -rophet !ail to )isit Abu Bakr's house e)eryday, either i" the mor"i", or i" the e)e"i",. 7he" the permissio" !or mi,ratio" to +edi"a (as ,ra"ted, all o! a sudde" the -rophet #ame to us at "oo" a"d Abu Bakr (as i"!ormed, (ho said, "Hertai"ly the -rophet has #ome !or some ur,e"t matter." he -rophet said to Abu Bark, (he" the latter e"tered "Iet "obody stay i" your home." Abu 11

Bakr said, "< Allah's Apostle= here are o"ly my t(o dau,hters ("amely %Aisha a"d Asma'$ prese"t." he -rophet said, "I !eel (am i"!ormed$ that I ha)e bee" ,ra"ted the permissio" !or mi,ratio"." Abu Bakr said, "I (ill a##ompa"y you, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet said, "Fou (ill a##ompa"y me." Abu Bakr the" said "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e t(o she3#amels I ha)e prepared spe#ially !or mi,ratio", so I o!!er you o"e o! them. he -rophet said, "I ha)e a##epted it o" the #o"ditio" that I (ill pay its pri#e." 3.31D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot ur,e somebody to retur" (hat he has already bou,ht (i.e. i" optio"al sale$ !rom a"other seller so as to sell him your o(" ,oods." 3.3?E: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", o! thi",s by a to(" d(eller o" behal! o! a desert d(eller9 a"d similarly Na*sh (as !orbidde". A"d o"e should "ot ur,e somebody to retur" the ,oods to the seller so as to sell him his o(" ,oods9 "or should o"e dema"d the ha"d o! a ,irl (ho has already bee" e",a,ed to someo"e else9 a"d a (oma" should "ot try to #ause some other (oma" to be di)or#ed i" order to take her pla#e. 3.3?1: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: A ma" de#ided that a sla)e o! his (ould be ma"umitted a!ter his death a"d later o" he (as i" "eed o! mo"ey, so the -rophet took the sla)e a"d said, "7ho (ill buy this sla)e !rom me>" Nu'aim bi" %Abdullah bou,ht him !or su#h a"d su#h pri#e a"d the -rophet ,a)e him the sla)e. 3.3?.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade Na*sh. 3.3?3: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade the sale #alled 'Habal3al3Habala (hi#h (as a ki"d o! sale pra#ti#ed i" the -re3 Islami# -eriod o! i,"ora"#e. <"e (ould pay the pri#e o! a she3#amel (hi#h (as "ot bor" yet (ould be bor" by the immediate o!!spri", o! a" e'ta"t she3#amel. 3.3?1: Narrated Abu ;a%id: Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", by +u"abadha, i.e. to sell o"e's ,arme"t by #asti", it to the buyer "ot allo(i", him to e'ami"e or see it. ;imilarly he !orbade the selli", by +ulamasa. +ulamasa is to buy a ,arme"t, !or e'ample, by merely tou#hi", it, "ot looki", at it. 3.3??: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet !orbade t(o ki"ds o! dressi",9 (o"e o! them$ is to sit (ith o"e's le,s dra(" up (hile (rapped i" o"e ,arme"t. ( he other$ is to li!t that ,arme"t o" o"e's shoulders. A"d also !orbade t(o ki"ds o! sale: Al3Iimais a"d A"3Nibadh. 3.3?@: Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle !orbade selli", by +ulamasa a"d +u"abadha. 3.3?B: Narrated Abu ;a%id: he -rophet !orbade t(o ki"ds o! dresses a"d t(o ki"ds o! sale, i.e., +ulamasa a"d +u"abadha. 3.3?C: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "6o"'t keep #amels a"d sheep u"milked !or a lo", time, !or (hoe)er buys su#h a" a"imal has the optio" to milk it a"d the" either to keep it or retur" it to the o("er alo", (ith o"e ;a o! dates." ;ome "arrated !rom Ib" ;eeree" (that the -rophet had said$, "<"e ;a o! (heat, a"d he has the


optio" !or three days." A"d some "arrated !rom Ib" ;eeree", " ... a ;a o! dates," "ot me"tio"i", the optio" !or three days. But a ;a o! dates is me"tio"ed i" most "arratio"s. 3.3?D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" +as%ud: 7hoe)er buys a sheep (hi#h has "ot bee" milked !or a lo", time, has the optio" o! retur"i", it alo", (ith o"e ;a o! dates9 a"d the -rophet !orbade ,oi", to meet the seller o" the (ay (as he has "o k"o(led,e o! the market pri#e a"d he may sell his ,oods at a lo( pri#e$. 3.3@E: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot ,o !or(ard to meet the #ara)a" (to buy !rom it o" the (ay be!ore it rea#hes the to("$. A"d do "ot ur,e buyers to #a"#el their pur#hases to sell them (your o(" ,oods$ yoursel)es, a"d do "ot pra#ti#e Na*sh. A to(" d(eller should "ot sell the ,oods !or the desert d(eller. 6o "ot lea)e sheep u"milked !or a lo", time, (he" they are o" sale, a"d (hoe)er buys su#h a" a"imal has the optio" o! retur"i", it, a!ter milki", it, alo", (ith a ;a o! dates or keepi", it. it has bee" kept u"milked !or a lo", period by the seller (to de#ei)e others$. 3.3@1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er buys a sheep (hi#h has bee" kept u"milked !or a lo", period, a"d milks it, #a" keep it i! he is satis!ied, a"d i! he is "ot satis!ied, he #a" retur" it, but he should pay o"e ;a o! dates !or the milk." 3.3@.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I! a sla)e3,irl #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse a"d it is pro)ed beyo"d doubt, the" her o("er should lash her a"d should "ot blame her a!ter the le,al pu"ishme"t. A"d the" i! she repeats the ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse he should lash her a,ai" a"d should "ot blame her a!ter the le,al pu"ishme"t, a"d i! she #ommits it a third time, the" he should sell her e)e" !or a hair rope." 3.3@3: Narrated Abu Huraira a"d 4aid bi" 0halid: Allah's Apostle (as asked about the sla)e3,irl, i! she (as a )ir,i" a"d #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse. he -rophet said, "I! she #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse, lash her, a"d i! she did it a se#o"d time, the" lash her a,ai", a"d i! she repeated the third time, the" sell her e)e" !or a hair rope." Ib" ;hihab said, "I do"'t k"o( (hether to sell her a!ter the third or !ourth o!!e"se." 3.3@1: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle #ame to me a"d I told him about the sla)e3,irl (Buraira$ Allah's Apostle said, "Buy a"d ma"umit her, !or the 7ala is !or the o"e (ho ma"umits." I" the e)e"i", the -rophet ,ot up a"d ,lori!ied Allah as He deser)ed a"d the" said, "7hy do some people impose #o"ditio"s (hi#h are "ot prese"t i" Allah's Book (Ia(s$> 7hoe)er imposes su#h a #o"ditio" as is "ot i" Allah's Ia(s, the" that #o"ditio" is i")alid e)e" i! he imposes o"e hu"dred #o"ditio"s, !or Allah's #o"ditio"s are more bi"di", a"d reliable." 3.3@?: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Aisha (a"ted to buy Buraira a"d he (the -rophet $ (e"t out !or the prayer. 7he" he retur"ed, she told him that they (her masters$ re!used to sell her e'#ept o" the #o"ditio" that her 7ala' (ould ,o to them. he -rophet replied, ' he 7ala' (ould ,o to him (ho ma"umits.' " Hammam asked Na!i% (hether her (Buraira's$ husba"d (as a !ree ma" or a sla)e. He replied that he did "ot k"o(. 3.3@@: Narrated /arir: I ha)e ,i)e" a pled,e o! alle,ia"#e to Allah's Apostle !or to testi!y that No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped but Allah, a"d +uhammad is His Apostle, to o!!er prayers per!e#tly, to pay 4akat, to liste" to a"d obey (Allah's a"d His -rophet's orders$, a"d to ,i)e ,ood ad)i#e to e)ery +uslim. 3.3@B: 1@

Narrated a(us: Ib" %Abbas said, "Allah's Apostle said, '6o "ot ,o to meet the #ara)a"s o" the (ay (!or buyi", their ,oods (ithout letti", them k"o( the market pri#e$9 a to(" d(eller should "ot sell the ,oods o! a desert d(eller o" behal! o! the latter.' I asked Ib" %Abbas, '7hat does he mea" by "ot selli", the ,oods o! a desert d(eller by a to(" d(eller>' He said, 'He should "ot be#ome his broker.' " 3.3@C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", o! the ,oods o! a desert d(eller by a to(" perso". 3.3@D: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "A buyer should "ot ur,e a seller to restore a pur#hase so as to buy it himsel!, a"d do "ot pra#ti#e Na*sh9 a"d a to(" d(eller should "ot sell ,oods o! a desert d(eller." 3.3BE: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: 7e (ere !orbidde" that a to(" d(eller should sell ,oods o! a desert d(eller. 3.3B1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet !orbade the meeti", (o! #ara)a"s$ o" the (ay a"d the selli", o! ,oods by a" i"habita"t o! the to(" o" behal! o! a desert d(eller. 3.3B.: Narrated a(us: I asked Ib" %Abbas, "7hat is the mea"i", o!, 'No to(" d(eller should sell (or buy$ !or a desert d(eller'>" Ib" %Abbas said, "It mea"s he should "ot be#ome his broker." 3.3B3: Narrated %Abdullah: 7hoe)er buys a" a"imal (hi#h has bee" kept u"milked !or a lo", time, #ould retur" it, but has to pay a ;a o! dates alo", (ith it. A"d the -rophet !orbade meeti", the o("ers o! ,oods o" the (ay a(ay !rom the market. 3.3B1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "Fou should "ot try to #a"#el the pur#hases o! o"e a"other (to ,et a be"e!it thereo!$, a"d do "ot ,o ahead to meet the #ara)a" (!or buyi", the ,oods$ (but (ait$ till it rea#hes the market." 3.3B?: Narrated %Abdullah: 7e used to ,o ahead to meet the #ara)a" a"d used to buy !oodstu!! !rom them. he -rophet !orbade us to sell it till it (as #arried to the market. 3.3B@: Narrated %Abdullah: ;ome people used to buy !oodstu!! at the head o! the market a"d used to sell it o" the spot. Allah's Apostle !orbade them to sell it till they brou,ht it to (their$ pla#es. 3.3BB: Narrated %&r(a: Aisha said, "Buraira #ame to me a"d said, 'I ha)e a,reed (ith my masters to pay them "i"e &5iyas (o! ,old$ (i" i"stallme"ts$ o"e &5iya per year9 please help me.' I said, 'I am ready to pay the (hole amou"t "o( pro)ided your masters a,ree that your 7ala (ill be !or me.' ;o, Buraira (e"t to her masters a"d told them about that o!!er but they re!used to a##ept it. ;he retur"ed, a"d at that time, Allah's Apostle (as sitti", (prese"t$. Buraira said, 'I told them o! the o!!er but they did "ot a##ept it a"d i"sisted o" ha)i", the 7ala.'.' he -rophet heard that." %Aisha "arrated the (hole story to the -rophet . He said to her, "Buy her a"d stipulate that her 7ala' (ould be yours as the 7ala' is !or the ma"umitted." %Aisha did so. he" Allah's Apostle stood up i" !ro"t o! the people, a"d a!ter ,lori!yi", Allah he said, "Amma Badu (i.e. the" a!ter$= 7hat about the people (ho impose #o"ditio"s (hi#h are 1B

"ot i" Allah's Book (Ia(s$> A"y #o"ditio" that is "ot i" Allah's Book (Ia(s$ is i")alid e)e" i! they (ere o"e hu"dred #o"ditio"s, !or Allah's de#isio"s are the ri,ht o"es a"d His #o"ditio"s are the stro", o"es (!irmer$ a"d the 7ala' (ill be !or the ma"umitted." 3.3BC: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Aisha, (mother o! the !aith!ul belie)ers$ (a"ted to buy a sla)e ,irl a"d ma"umit her, but her masters said that they (ould sell her o"ly o" the #o"ditio" that her 7ala' (ould be !or them. %Aisha told Allah's Apostle o! that. He said, "7hat they stipulate should "ot hi"der you !rom buyi", her, as the 7ala' is !or the ma"umitted." 3.3BD: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, " he selli", o! (heat !or (heat is :iba (usury$ e'#ept i! it is ha"ded !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t. ;imilarly the selli", o! barley !or barley, is :iba e'#ept i! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d dates !or dates is usury e'#ept i! it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t. (;ee :iba38adl i" the ,lossary$. 3.3CE: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade +u2aba"a9 a"d +u2aba"a is the selli", o! !resh dates !or dried old dates by measure, a"d the selli", o! !resh ,rapes !or dried ,rapes by measure. 3.3C1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet !orbade +u2aba"a9 a"d +u2aba"a is the selli", o! !resh !ruit ((ithout measuri", it$ !or somethi", by measure o" the basis that i! that thi", tur"s to be more tha" the !ruit, the i"#rease (ould be !or the seller o! the !ruit, a"d i! it tur"s to be less, that (ould be o! his lot. Narrated Ib" %&mar !rom 4aid bi" habit that the -rophet allo(ed the selli", o! the !ruits o" the trees a!ter estimatio" ((he" they are ripe$. 3.3C.: Narrated Ib" ;hihab: that +alik bi" Aus said, "I (as i" "eed o! #ha",e !or o"e3hu"dred 6i"ars. alha bi" '&baidullah #alled me a"d (e dis#ussed the matter, a"d he a,reed to #ha",e (my 6i"ars$. He took the ,old pie#es i" his ha"ds a"d !id,eted (ith them, a"d the" said, "7ait till my storekeeper #omes !rom the !orest." %&mar (as liste"i", to that a"d said, "By Allah= Fou should "ot separate !rom alha till you ,et the mo"ey !rom him, !or Allah's Apostle said, ' he selli", o! ,old !or ,old is :iba (usury$ e'#ept i! the e'#ha",e is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d similarly, the selli", o! (heat !or (heat is :iba (usury$ u"less it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d the selli", o! barley !or barley is usury u"less it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t, a"d dates !or dates, is usury u"less it is !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d e5ual i" amou"t" 3.3C3: Narrated Abu Bakra: Allah's Apostle said, "6o"'t sell ,old !or ,old u"less e5ual i" (ei,ht, "or sil)er !or sil)er u"less e5ual i" (ei,ht, but you #ould sell ,old !or sil)er or sil)er !or ,old as you like." 3.3C1: Narrated Abu ;a%id: (Ho"#er"i", e'#ha",e$ that he heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "6o "ot sell ,old !or ,old u"less e5ual i" (ei,ht, a"d do "ot sell sil)er u"less e5ual i" (ei,ht." 3.3C?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot sell ,old !or ,old u"less e5ui)ale"t i" (ei,ht, a"d do "ot sell less amou"t !or ,reater amou"t or )i#e )ersa9 a"d do "ot sell sil)er !or sil)er u"less e5ui)ale"t i" (ei,ht, a"d do "ot sell less amou"t !or ,reater amou"t or )i#e )ersa a"d do "ot sell ,old or sil)er that is "ot prese"t at the mome"t o! e'#ha",e !or ,old or sil)er that is prese"t. 3.3C@: 1C

Narrated Abu ;alih A234aiyat: I heard Abu ;a%id Al30hudri sayi",, " he selli", o! a 6i"ar !or a 6i"ar, a"d a 6irham !or a 6irham (is permissible$." I said to him, "Ib" %Abbas does "ot say the same." Abu ;a%id replied, "I asked Ib" %Abbas (hether he had heard it !rom the -rophet s or see" it i" the Holy Book. Ib" %Abbas replied, "I do "ot #laim that, a"d you k"o( Allah's Apostle better tha" I, but &sama i"!ormed me that the -rophet had said, ' here is "o :iba (i" mo"ey e'#ha",e$ e'#ept (he" it is "ot do"e !rom ha"d to ha"d (i.e. (he" there is delay i" payme"t$.' " 3.3CB: Narrated Abu Al3+i"hal: I asked Al3Bara' bi" %A2ib a"d 4aid bi" Ar5am about mo"ey e'#ha",es. Ka#h o! them said, " his is better tha" I," a"d both o! them said, "Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", o! sil)er !or ,old o" #redit. " 3.3CC: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Bakra: that his !ather said, " he -rophet !orbade the selli", o! ,old !or ,old a"d sil)er !or sil)er e'#ept i! they are e5ui)ale"t i" (ei,ht, a"d allo(ed us to sell ,old !or sil)er a"d )i#e )ersa as (e (ished." 3.3CD: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot sell !ruits o! dates u"til they be#ome !ree !rom all the da",ers o! bei", spoilt or bli,hted9 a"d do "ot sell !resh dates !or dry dates." Narrated ;alim a"d %Abdullah !rom 4aid bi" Habit' "Iater o" Allah's Apostle permitted the selli", o! ripe !ruits o" trees !or !resh dates or dried dates i" Bai'3al3'Araya, a"d did "ot allo( it !or a"y other ki"d o! sale." 3.3DE: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade +u2aba"a9 a"d +u2aba"a mea"s the selli", o! !resh dates (o" the trees$ !or dried dates by measure a"d also the selli", o! !resh ,rapes !or dried ,rapes by measure. 3.3D1: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle !orbade +u2aba"a a"d +uha5ala9 a"d +u2aba"a mea"s the selli", o! ripe dates !or dates still o" the trees. 3.3D.: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet !orbade +u2aba"a a"d +uha5ala. 3.3D3: Narrated 4aid bi" habit: Allah's Apostle al lo(ed the o("er o! 'Araya to sell the !ruits o" the trees by mea"s o! estimatio". 3.3D1: Narrated /abir: he -rophet !orbade the selli", o! !ruits u"less they ,et ripe, a"d "o"e o! them should be sold e'#ept !or 6i"ar or 6irham (i.e. mo"ey$, e'#ept the 'Araya trees (the dates o! (hi#h #ould be sold !or dates$. 3.3D?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet allo(ed the sale o! the dates o! 'Araya pro)ided they (ere about !i)e A(su5 (si",ular: 7asa5 (hi#h mea"s si'ty ;a's$ or less (i" amou"t$. 3.3D@: Narrated ;ahl bi" Abu Hathma: Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", o! !ruits (!resh dates$ !or dried dates but allo(ed the sale o! !ruits o" the 'Araya by estimatio" a"d their "e( o("ers mi,ht eat their dates !resh. ;u!ya" (i" a"other "arratio"$ said, "I told Fahya (a sub3"arrator$ (he" I (as a mere boy, '+e##a"s say that the -rophet allo(ed them the sale o! the !ruits o" 'Araya by estimatio".' Fahya asked, 'Ho( do the +e##a"s k"o( about it>' I replied, ' hey "arrated it (!rom the -rophet $ throu,h /abir.' <" that, Fahya kept 5uiet." ;u!ya" said, "I mea"t that /abir belo",ed to +edi"a." ;u!ya" (as asked (hether i" /abir's "arratio" 1D

there (as a"y prohibitio" o! selli", !ruits be!ore their be"e!it is e)ide"t (i.e. "o da",ers o! bei", spoilt or bli,hted$. He replied that there (as "o"e. 3.3DB: Narrated Ib" %&mar !rom 4aid bi" habit: Allah's Apostle allo(ed the sale o! 'Araya by estimati", the dates o" them !or measured amou"ts o! dried dates. +usa bi" %&5ba said, "Al3 'Araya (ere disti",uished date palms9 o"e #ould #ome a"d buy them (i.e. their !ruits$. 3.3DC: Narrated 4aid: ;ame as abo)e (Hadith 3DB$. 3.3DD: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade the sale o! !ruits till their be"e!it is e)ide"t. He !orbade both the seller a"d the buyer (su#h sale$. 3.1EE: Narrated A"as: Allah's Apostle !orbade the sale o! date !ruits till they (ere ripe. Abu %Abdullah (Al3Bukhari$ said, " hat mea"s till they (ere red (#a" be eate"$. 3.1E1: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: he -rophet !orbade the s o! (date$ !ruits till they (ere red or yello( a"d !it !or eati",. 3.1E.: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: he -rophet !orbade the sale o! !ruits till their be"e!it is e)ide"t9 a"d the sale o! date palms till the dates are almost ripe. He (as asked (hat 'are almost ripe' mea"t. He replied, "Got red a"d yello(." 3.1E3: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle !orbade the sale o! !ruits till they are almost ripe. He (as asked (hat is mea"t by 'are almost ripe.' He replied, " ill they be#ome red." Allah's Apostle !urther said, "I! Allah spoiled the !ruits, (hat ri,ht (ould o"e ha)e to take the mo"ey o! o"e's brother (i.e. other people$>" Narrated Ib" ;hihab: I! somebody bou,ht !ruits be!ore their be"e!it is e)ide"t a"d the" the !ruits (ere spoiled (ith bli,hts, the loss (ould be su!!ered by the o("er ("ot the buyer$. Narrated ;alim bi" %Abdullah !rom Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot sell or buy !ruits be!ore their be"e!it (as e)ide"t a"d do "ot sell !resh !ruits (dates$ !or dried dates." 3.1E1: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet bou,ht some !oodstu!! !rom a /e( o" #redit a"d mort,a,ed his armor to him. 3.1E?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri a"d Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle appoi"ted somebody as a ,o)er"or o! 0haibar. hat ,o)er"or brou,ht to him a" e'#elle"t ki"d o! dates (!rom 0haibar$. he -rophet asked, "Are all the dates o! 0haibar like this>" He replied, "By Allah, "o, < Allah's Apostle= But (e barter o"e ;a o! this (type o! dates$ !or t(o ;as o! dates o! ours a"d t(o ;as o! it !or three o! ours." Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot do so (as that is a ki"d o! usury$ but sell the mi'ed dates (o! i"!erior 5uality$ !or mo"ey, a"d the" buy ,ood dates (ith that mo"ey." 3.1E@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "I! somebody sells polli"ated date palms, the !ruits (ill be !or the seller u"less the buyer stipulates that they (ill be !or himsel! (a"d the seller a,rees$. 3.1EB: Narrated Ib" %&mar:


Allah's Apostle !orbade Al3+u2aba"a, i.e. to sell u",athered dates o! o"e's ,arde" !or measured dried dates or !resh u",athered ,rapes !or measured dried ,rapes9 or sta"di", #rops !or measured 5ua"tity o! !oodstu!!. He !orbade all su#h bar,ai"s. 3.1EC: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er polli"ates date palms a"d the" sells them, the !ruits (ill belo", to him u"less the buyer stipulates that the !ruits should belo", to him (a"d the seller a,rees$. 3.1ED: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle !orbade +uha5ala, +ukhadara, +ulamasa, +u"abadha a"d +u2aba"a. (;ee ,lossary a"d pre)ious Hadiths !or the mea"i",s o! these terms.$ 3.11E: Narrated Humaid: A"as said, " he -rophet !orbade the selli", o! dates till they (ere almost ripe." 7e asked A"as, "7hat does 'almost ripe' mea">" He replied, " hey ,et red a"d yello(. he -rophet added, 'I! Allah destroyed the !ruits prese"t o" the trees, (hat ri,ht (ould the seller ha)e to take the mo"ey o! his brother (somebody else$>' " 3.111: Narrated Ib" %&mar: I (as (ith the -rophet (hile he (as eati", !resh dates. He said, "8rom the trees there is a tree (hi#h resembles a !aith!ul belie)er." I (a"ted to say that it (as the date palm, but I (as the you",est amo", them (so I kept 5uiet$. He added, "It is the date palm." ;huraih told the (ea)ers, "Fou are permitted to !ollo( your o(" #o")e"tio"s to sol)e your problems (it is le,al !or you to sti#k to your traditio"s i" bar,ai"$ . " Narrated %Abdul 7ahab: Aiyub said: +uhammad said, " here is "o harm i" selli", !or ele)e" (hat you buy !or te", a"d you are allo(ed to take a pro!it !or e'pe"ses . " he -rophet told Hi"d, " ake (hat is reaso"able a"d su!!i#ie"t !or you a"d your so"s." Allah says: 7hoe)er is poor, #a" eat (!rom the orpha"'s property$ reaso"ably (a##ordi", to his labors$. Al3Hasa" hired a do"key !rom %Abdullah bi" +irdas a"d asked him about the hire. he latter replied that it (as !or t(o 6a"i5s (a 6a"i5 e5uals 11@th 6irham$. ;o Al3Hasa" rode a(ay. A"other time, Al3 Hasa" #ame to %Abdullah bi" +irdas a"d asked him to hire the do"key to him a"d rode a(ay (ithout aski", him about the hire, but he se"t him hal! a 6irham. 3.11.: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Abu aiba #upped Allah's Apostle a"d so Allah's Apostle ordered that a ;a o! dates be paid to him a"d ordered his masters (!or he (as a sla)e$ to redu#e his ta'. 3.113: Narrated %Aisha: Hi"d, the mother o! +u'a(iya said to Allah's Apostle, "Abu ;u!ya" (her husba"d$ is a miser. Am I allo(ed to take !rom his mo"ey se#retly>" he -rophet said to her, "Fou a"d your so"s may take (hat is su!!i#ie"t reaso"ably a"d !airly." 3.111: Narrated Hisham bi" %&r(a !rom his !ather: (ho heard Aisha sayi",, " he Holy Verse9 '7hoe)er amo",st the ,uardia"s is ri#h, he should take "o (a,es (!rom the property o! the orpha"s$ but I! he is poor, let him ha)e !or himsel! (hat is *ust a"d reaso"able (a##ordi", to his labors$' (1.@$ (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", the ,uardia" o! the orpha"s (ho looks a!ter them a"d ma"a,es !a)orably their !i"a"#ial a!!airs9 I! the ,uardia" Is poor, he #ould ha)e !rom It (hat Is *ust a"d reaso"able, (a##ordi", to his labors$. 3.11?: Narrated /abir: Allah's Apostle ,a)e preemptio" (to the part"er$ i" e)ery *oi"t property, but i! the bou"daries o! the property (ere demar#ated or the (ays a"d streets (ere !i'ed, the" there (as "o pre3emptio". ?1

3.11@: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle de#ided the )alidity o! preemptio" i" e)ery *oi"t u"di)ided property, but i! the bou"daries (ere (ell marked or the (ays a"d streets (ere !i'ed, the" there (as "o pre3emptio". 3.11B: Narrated +ussaddad !rom %Abdul 7ahid: the same as abo)e but said, "... i" e)ery *oi"t u"di)ided thi",..." Narrated Hisham !rom +a%mar the same as abo)e but said, " ... i" e)ery property... " 3.11C: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7hile three perso"s (ere (alki",, rai" be,a" to !all a"d they had to e"ter a #a)e i" a mou"tai". A bi, ro#k rolled o)er a"d blo#ked the mouth o! the #a)e. hey said to ea#h other, 'I")oke Allah (ith the best deed you ha)e per!ormed (so Allah mi,ht remo)e the ro#k$'. <"e o! them said, '< Allah= +y pare"ts (ere old a"d I used to ,o out !or ,ra2i", (my a"imals$. <" my retur" I (ould milk (the a"imals$ a"d take the milk i" a )essel to my pare"ts to dri"k. A!ter they had dru"k !rom it, I (ould ,i)e it to my #hildre", !amily a"d (i!e. <"e day I (as delayed a"d o" my retur" I !ou"d my pare"ts sleepi",, a"d I disliked to (ake them up. he #hildre" (ere #ryi", at my !eet (be#ause o! hu",er$. hat state o! a!!airs #o"ti"ued till it (as da(". < Allah= I! Fou re,ard that I did it !or Four sake, the" please remo)e this ro#k so that (e may see the sky.' ;o, the ro#k (as mo)ed a bit. he se#o"d said, '< Allah= Fou k"o( that I (as i" lo)e (ith a #ousi" o! mi"e, like the deepest lo)e a ma" may ha)e !or a (oma", a"d she told me that I (ould "ot ,et my desire !ul!illed u"less I paid her o"e3hu"dred 6i"ars (,old pie#es$. ;o, I stru,,led !or it till I ,athered the desired amou"t, a"d (he" I sat i" bet(ee" her le,s, she told me to be a!raid o! Allah, a"d asked me "ot to de!lo(er her e'#ept ri,ht!ully (by marria,e$. ;o, I ,ot up a"d le!t her. < Allah= I! Fou re,ard that I did i! !or Four sake, ki"dly remo)e this ro#k.' ;o, t(o3thirds o! the ro#k (as remo)ed. he" the third ma" said, '< Allah= No doubt Fou k"o( that o"#e I employed a (orker !or o"e 8ara5 (three ;a's$ o! millet, a"d (he" I (a"ted to pay him, he re!used to take it, so I so(ed it a"d !rom its yield I bou,ht #o(s a"d a shepherd. A!ter a time that ma" #ame a"d dema"ded his mo"ey. I said to him: Go to those #o(s a"d the shepherd a"d take them !or they are !or you. He asked me (hether I (as *oki", (ith him. I told him that I (as "ot *oki", (ith him, a"d all that belo",ed to him. < Allah= I! Fou re,ard that I did it si"#erely !or Four sake, the" please remo)e the ro#k.' ;o, the ro#k (as remo)ed #ompletely !rom the mouth o! the #a)e." 3.11D: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Bakr: 7e (ere (ith the -rophet (he" a tall pa,a" (ith lo", matted u"kempt hair #ame dri)i", his sheep. he -rophet asked him, "Are those sheep !or sale or !or ,i!ts>" he pa,a" replied, " hey are !or sale." he -rophet bou,ht o"e sheep !rom him. 3.1.E: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, " he -rophet Abraham emi,rated (ith ;arah a"d e"tered a )illa,e (here there (as a ki", or a tyra"t. ( he ki",$ (as told that Abraham had e"tered (the )illa,e$ a##ompa"ied by a (oma" (ho (as o"e o! the most #harmi", (ome". ;o, the ki", se"t !or Abraham a"d asked, '< Abraham= 7ho is this lady a##ompa"yi", you>' Abraham replied, ';he is my sister (i.e. i" reli,io"$.' he" Abraham retur"ed to her a"d said, '6o "ot #o"tradi#t my stateme"t, !or I ha)e i"!ormed them that you are my sister. By Allah, there are "o true belie)ers o" this la"d e'#ept you a"d 1.' he" Abraham se"t her to the ki",. 7he" the ki", ,ot to her, she ,ot up a"d per!ormed ablutio", prayed a"d said, '< Allah= I! I ha)e belie)ed i" Fou a"d Four Apostle, a"d ha)e sa)ed my pri)ate parts !rom e)erybody e'#ept my husba"d, the" please do "ot let this pa,a" o)erpo(er me.' <" that the ki", !ell i" a mood o! a,itatio" a"d started mo)i", his le,s. ;eei", the #o"ditio" o! the ki",, ;arah said, '< Allah= I! he should die, the people (ill say that I ha)e killed him.' he ki", re,ai"ed his po(er, a"d pro#eeded to(ards her but she ,ot up a,ai" a"d per!ormed ablutio", prayed a"d said, '< Allah= I! I ?.

ha)e belie)ed i" Fou a"d Four Apostle a"d ha)e kept my pri)ate parts sa!e !rom all e'#ept my husba"d, the" please do "ot let this pa,a" o)erpo(er me.' he ki", a,ai" !ell i" a mood o! a,itatio" a"d started mo)i", his le,s. <" seei", that state o! the ki",, ;arah said, '< Allah= I! he should die, the people (ill say that I ha)e killed him.' he ki", ,ot either t(o or three atta#ks, a"d a!ter re#o)eri", !rom the last atta#k he said, 'By Allah= Fou ha)e se"t a sata" to me. ake her to Abraham a"d ,i)e her A*ar.' ;o she #ame ba#k to Abraham a"d said, 'Allah humiliated the pa,a" a"d ,a)e us a sla)e3,irl !or ser)i#e." 3.1.1: Narrated %Aisha: ;a%d bi" Abi 7a55as a"d 'Abu bi" 4am%a 5uarreled o)er a boy. ;a%d said, "< Allah's Apostle= his boy is the so" o! my brother (%&tba bi" Abi 7a55as$ (ho took a promise !rom me that I (ould take him as he (as his (ille,al$ so". Iook at him a"d see (hom he resembles." 'Abu bi" 4am%a said, "< Allah's Apostle= his is my brother a"d (as bor" o" my !ather's bed !rom his sla)e3,irl." Allah's Apostle #ast a look at the boy a"d !ou"d de!i"ite resembla"#e to %&tba a"d the" said, " he boy is !or you, < 'Abu bi" 4am%a. he #hild ,oes to the o("er o! the bed a"d the adulterer ,ets "othi", but the sto"es (despair, i.e. to be sto"ed to death$. he" the -rophet said, "< ;auda bi"t 4ama= ;#ree" yoursel! !rom this boy." ;o, ;auda "e)er sa( him a,ai". 3.1..: Narrated ;a%d that his !ather said: %Abdur3:ahma" bi" %Au! said to ;uhaib, '8ear Allah a"d do "ot as#ribe yoursel! to somebody other tha" your !ather.' ;uhaib replied, 'I (ould "ot like to say it e)e" i! I (ere ,i)e" lar,e amou"ts o! mo"ey, but I say I (as kid"apped i" my #hildhood.' " 3.1.3: Narrated %&r(a bi" A234ubair: Hakim bi" Hi2am said, "< Allah's Apostle= I used to do ,ood deeds i" the -re3Islami# period o! I,"ora"#e, e.,., keepi", ,ood relatio"s (ith my 0ith a"d ki", ma"umitti", sla)es a"d ,i)i", alms. ;hall I re#ei)e a re(ard !or all that>" Allah's Apostle replied, "Fou embra#ed Islam (ith all the ,ood deeds (hi#h you did i" the past." 3.1.1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: <"#e Allah's Apostle passed by a dead sheep a"d said to the people, "7ould"'t you be"e!it by its ski">" he people replied that it (as dead. he -rophet said, "But its eati", o"ly is ille,al." 3.1.?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is, so" o! +ary (/esus$ (ill shortly des#e"d amo",st you people (+uslims$ as a *ust ruler a"d (ill break the Hross a"d kill the pi, a"d abolish the /i2ya (a ta' take" !rom the "o"3+uslims, (ho are i" the prote#tio", o! the +uslim ,o)er"me"t$. he" there (ill be abu"da"#e o! mo"ey a"d "obody (ill a##ept #haritable ,i!ts. 3.1.@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: <"#e %&mar (as i"!ormed that a #ertai" ma" sold al#ohol. %&mar said, "+ay Allah #urse him= 6oes"'t he k"o( that Allah's Apostle said, '+ay Allah #urse the /e(s, !or Allah had !orbidde" them to eat the !at o! a"imals but they melted it a"d sold it." 3.1.B: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "+ay Allah #urse the /e(s, be#ause Allah made !at ille,al !or them but they sold it a"d ate its pri#e. " 3.1.C: Narrated ;a%id bi" Abu Al3Hasa": 7hile I (as (ith Ib" %Abbas a ma" #ame a"d said, "< !ather o! %Abbas= +y suste"a"#e is !rom my ma"ual pro!essio" a"d I make these pi#tures." Ib" %Abbas said, "I (ill tell you o"ly (hat I heard !rom Allah's Apostle . I heard him sayi",, '7hoe)er makes a pi#ture (ill be pu"ished by Allah till he puts ?3

li!e i" it, a"d he (ill "e)er be able to put li!e i" it.' " Heari", this, that ma" hea)ed a si,h a"d his !a#e tur"ed pale. Ib" %Abbas said to him, "7hat a pity= I! you i"sist o" maki", pi#tures I ad)ise you to make pi#tures o! trees a"d a"y other u"a"imated ob*e#ts." 3.1.D: Narrated %Aisha: 7he" the last )erses o! ;urat3al3Ba5ara (ere re)ealed, the -rophet (e"t out (o! his house to the +os5ue$ a"d said, " he trade o! al#ohol has be#ome ille,al." 3.13E: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Allah says, 'I (ill be a,ai"st three perso"s o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio": 31. <"e (ho makes a #o)e"a"t i" +y Name, but he pro)es trea#herous. 3.. <"e (ho sells a !ree perso" (as a sla)e$ a"d eats the pri#e, 33. A"d o"e (ho employs a laborer a"d ,ets the !ull (ork do"e by him but does "ot pay him his (a,es.' " 3.131: Narrated A"as: Amo",st the #apti)es (as ;a!iya. 8irst she (as ,i)e" to 6ihya Al30albi a"d the" to the -rophet. 3.13.: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: that (hile he (as sitti", (ith Allah's Apostle he said, "< Allah's Apostle= 7e ,et !emale #apti)es as our share o! booty, a"d (e are i"terested i" their pri#es, (hat is your opi"io" about #oitus i"terrupt us>" he -rophet said, "6o you really do that> It is better !or you "ot to do it. No soul that (hi#h Allah has desti"ed to e'ist, but (ill surely #ome i"to e'iste"#e. 3.133: Narrated /abir: he -rophet sold a +udabbar (o" behal! o! his master (ho (as still li)i", a"d i" "eed o! mo"ey$. 3.131: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle sold a +udabbar. 3.13?: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid a"d Abu Huraira: that Allah's Apostle (as asked about a" u"married sla)e3,irl (ho #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse. hey heard him sayi",, "8lo, her, a"d i! she #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse a!ter that, !lo, her a,ai", a"d o" the third (or the !ourth$ o!!e"se, sell her." 3.13@: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard the -rophet sayi",, "I! a sla)e3,irl o! yours #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse a"d her ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse is pro)ed, she should be lashed, a"d a!ter that "obody should blame her, a"d i! she #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse the se#o"d time, she should be lashed a"d "obody should blame her a!ter that, a"d i! she does the o!!e"se !or the third time a"d her ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse is pro)ed, she should be sold e)e" !or a hair rope." 3.13B: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: he -rophet #ame to 0haibar a"d (he" Allah made him )i#torious a"d he #o"5uered the to(" by breaki", the e"emy's de!e"se, the beauty o! ;a!iya bi"t Huyai bi" Akhtab (as me"tio"ed to him a"d her husba"d had bee" killed (hile she (as a bride. Allah's Apostle sele#ted her !or himsel! a"d he set out i" her #ompa"y till he rea#hed ;add3ar3:a(ha' (here her me"ses (ere o)er a"d he married her. he" Hais (a ki"d o! meal$ (as prepared a"d ser)ed o" a small leather sheet (used !or ser)i", meals$. Allah's Apostle the" said to me, "I"!orm those (ho are arou"d you (about the (eddi", ba"5uet$." ;o that (as the marria,e ba"5uet ,i)e" by Allah's Apostle !or (his marria,e (ith$ ;a!iya. A!ter that (e pro#eeded to +edi"a a"d I sa( that Allah's Apostle (as #o)eri", her (ith a #loak (hile she (as


behi"d him. he" he (ould sit beside his #amel a"d let ;a!iya put her !eet o" his k"ees to ride (the #amel$. 3.13C: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I heard Allah's Apostle, i" the year o! the Ho"5uest o! +e##a, sayi",, "Allah a"d His Apostle made ille,al the trade o! al#ohol, dead a"imals, pi,s a"d idols." he people asked, "< Allah's Apostle= 7hat about the !at o! dead a"imals, !or it (as used !or ,reasi", the boats a"d the hides9 a"d people use it !or li,hts>" He said, "No, it is ille,al." Allah's Apostle !urther said, "+ay Allah #urse the /e(s, !or Allah made the !at (o! a"imals$ ille,al !or them, yet they melted the !at a"d sold it a"d ate its pri#e." 3.13D: Narrated Abu +as%ud Al3A"sari: Allah's Apostle !orbade taki", the pri#e o! a do,, mo"ey ear"ed by prostitutio" a"d the ear"i",s o! a soothsayer. 3.11E: Narrated %Au" bi" Abu /uhai!a: I sa( my !ather buyi", a sla)e (hose pro!essio" (as #uppi",, a"d ordered that his i"strume"ts (o! #uppi",$ be broke". I asked him the reaso" !or doi", so. He replied, "Allah's Apostle prohibited taki", mo"ey !or blood, the pri#e o! a do,, a"d the ear"i",s o! a sla)e3,irl by prostitutio"9 he #ursed her (ho tattoos a"d her (ho ,ets tattooed, the eater o! :iba (usury$, a"d the maker o! pi#tures." 3.111: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Allah's Apostle #ame to +edi"a a"d the people used to pay i" ad)a"#e the pri#e o! !ruits to be deli)ered (ithi" o"e or t(o years. ( he sub3"arrator is i" doubt (hether it (as o"e to t(o years or t(o to three years.$ he -rophet said, "7hoe)er pays mo"ey i" ad)a"#e !or dates (to be deli)ered later$ should pay it !or k"o(" spe#i!ied (ei,ht a"d measure (o! the dates$. 3.11.: Narrated Ib" Abi Na*ih: as abo)e, me"tio"i", o"ly spe#i!i# measure. 3.113: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet #ame to +edi"a a"d the people used to pay i" ad)a"#e the pri#e o! dates to be deli)ered (ithi" t(o or three years. He said (to them$, "7hoe)er pays i" ad)a"#e the pri#e o! a thi", to be deli)ered later should pay it !or a spe#i!ied measure at spe#i!ied (ei,ht !or a spe#i!ied period." 3.111: Narrated Ib" Abi Na*ih: as abo)e, sayi",, "He should pay the pri#e i" ad)a"#e !or a spe#i!ied measure a"d !or a spe#i!ied period." 3.11?: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet #ame (to +edi"a$ a"d he told the people (re,ardi", the payme"t o! mo"ey i" ad)a"#e that they should pay it$ !or a k"o(" spe#i!ied measure a"d a k"o(" spe#i!ied (ei,ht a"d a k"o(" spe#i!ied period. 3.11@: Narrated ;hu%ba: +uhammad or %Abdullah bi" Abu Al3+u*alid said, "Abdullah bi" ;haddad a"d Abu Burda di!!ered re,ardi", As3;alam, so they se"t me to Ib" Abi %Au!a a"d I asked him about it. He replied, 'I" the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle, Abu Bakr a"d %&mar, (e used to pay i" ad)a"#e the pri#es o! (heat, barley, dried ,rapes a"d dates to be deli)ered later. I also asked Ib" Ab2a a"d he, too, replied as abo)e.' " 3.11B: Narrated +uhammad bi" Al3+u*alid:


%Abdullah bi" ;haddad a"d Abu Burda se"t me to %Abdullah bi" Abi %Au!a a"d told me to ask %Abdullah (hether the people i" the li!etime o! the -rophet used to pay i" ad)a"#e !or (heat (to be deli)ered later$. %Abdullah replied, "7e used to pay i" ad)a"#e to the peasa"ts o! ;ham !or (heat, barley a"d oli)e oil o! a k"o(" spe#i!ied measure to be deli)ered i" a spe#i!ied period." I asked (him$, "7as the pri#e paid (i" ad)a"#e$ to those (ho had the thi",s to be deli)ered later>" %Abdullah bi" %Au!a replied, "7e did "ot use to ask them about that." he" they se"t me to %Abdur :ahma" bi" Ab2a a"d I asked him. He replied, " he #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet used to pra#ti#e ;alam i" the li!etime o! the -rophet9 a"d (e did "ot use to ask them (hether they had sta"di", #rops or "ot." 3.11C: Narrated +uhammad bi" Abi Al3+u*alid: as abo)e (11@$ a"d said, "7e used to pay them i" ad)a"#e !or (heat a"d barley (to be deli)ered later$. Narrated Ash3;haiba"i33"A"d also !or oil." 3.11D: Narrated Ash3;haiba"i: (ho said "7e used to pay i" ad)a"#e !or (heat barley a"d dried ,rapes." 3.1?E: Narrated Abu Bakhtari at3 ai: I asked Ib" %Abbas about ;alam !or (the !ruits o!$ date3palms. He replied " he -rophet !orbade the sale a dates o" the trees till they be#ame !it !or eati", a"d #ould be (ei,hed." A ma" asked (hat to be (ei,hed (as the dates (ere still o" the trees$. A"other ma" sitti", beside Ib" %Abbas replied, " ill they are #ut a"d stored." Narrated Abu Al3Bakhtari: I heard Ib" %Abbas (sayi",$ that the -rophet !orbade ... et#. as abo)e. 3.1?1: Narrated Abu Al3Bakhtari: I asked Ib" %&mar about ;alam (the !ruits o!$ date3palms. He replied, " he -rophet !orbade the sale o! dates till their be"e!it be#omes e)ide"t a"d !it !or eati", a"d also the sale o! sil)er (!or ,old$ o" #redit." I asked Ib" %Abbas about ;alam !or dates a"d he replied, " he -rophet !orbade the sale o! dates till they (ere !it !or eati", a"d #ould be estimated." 3.1?.: Narrated Abu Al3Bakhtari: I asked Ib" %&mar about ;alam !or dates. Ib" %&mar replied, " he -rophet !orbade the sale (the !ruits$ o! date3palms u"til they (ere !it !or eati", a"d also !orbade the sale o! sil)er !or ,old o" #redit." I also asked Ib" %Abbas about it. Ib" %Abbas replied, " he -rophet !orbade the sale o! dates till they (ere !it !or eati",, a"d #ould be (ei,hed." I asked him, "7hat is to be (ei,hed (as the dates are o" the trees$>" A ma" sitti", by Ib" %Abbas said, "It mea"s till they are #ut a"d stored." 3.1?3: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle bou,ht some !oodstu!! (barley$ !rom a /e( o" #redit a"d mort,a,ed his iro" armor to him (the armor sta"ds !or a ,uara"tor$. 3.1?1: Narrated Al3A%mash: 7e ar,ued at Ibrahim's d(elli", pla#e about mort,a,i", i" ;alam. He said, "Aisha said, ' he -rophet bou,ht some !oodstu!! !rom a /e( o" #redit a"d the payme"t (as to be made by a de!i"ite period, a"d he mort,a,ed his iro" armor to him." 3.1??: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet #ame to +edi"a a"d the people used to pay i" ad)a"#e the pri#es o! !ruits to be deli)ered (ithi" t(o to three years. he -rophet said (to them$, "Buy !ruits by payi", their pri#es i" ad)a"#e o" #o"ditio" that the !ruits are to be deli)ered to you a##ordi", to a !i'ed spe#i!ied measure (ithi" a !i'ed spe#i!ied period." Ib" Na*ih said, " ... by spe#i!ied measure a"d spe#i!ied (ei,ht." 3.1?@: Narrated +uhammad bi" Abi Al3+u*alid: ?@

Abu Burda a"d %Abdullah bi" ;haddad se"t me to %Abdur :ahma" bi" Ab2a a"d %Abdullah bi" Abi %Au!a to ask them about the ;ala! (;alam$. hey said, "7e used to ,et (ar booty (hile (e (ere (ith Allah's Apostle a"d (he" the peasa"ts o! ;ham #ame to us (e used to pay them i" ad)a"#e !or (heat, barley, a"d oil to be deli)ered (ithi" a !i'ed period." I asked them, "6id the peasa"ts o(" sta"di", #rops or "ot>" hey replied, "7e "e)er asked them about it." 3.1?B: Narrated %Abdullah: he people used to sell #amels o" the basis o! Habal3al3Habala. he -rophet !orbade su#h sale. Na!i% e'plai"ed Habal3al3Habala by sayi",. " he #amel is to be deli)ered to the buyer a!ter the she3#amel ,i)es birth." 3.1?C: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle ,a)e a )erdi#t re,ardi", ;hu!'a i" e)ery u"di)ided *oi"t thi", (property$. But i! the limits are de!i"ed (or demar#ated$ or the (ays a"d streets are !i'ed, the" there is "o pre3emptio". 3.1?D: Narrated %Amr bi" Ash3;harid: 7hile I (as sta"di", (ith ;a%d bi" Abi 7a55as, Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama #ame a"d put his ha"d o" my shoulder. +ea"(hile Abu :a!i%, the !reed sla)e o! the -rophet #ame a"d asked ;a%d to buy !rom him the (t(o$ d(elli",s (hi#h (ere i" his house. ;a%d said, "By Allah I (ill "ot buy them." Al3 +is(ar said, "By Allah, you shall buy them." ;a%d replied, "By Allah, I (ill "ot pay more tha" !our thousa"d (6irhams$ by i"stallme"ts." Abu :a!i% said, "I ha)e bee" o!!ered !i)e hu"dred 6i"ars (!or it$ a"d had I "ot heard the -rophet sayi",, ' he "ei,hbor has more ri,ht tha" a"yo"e else be#ause o! his "ear"ess, I (ould "ot ,i)e them to you !or !our3thousa"d (6irhams$ (hile I am o!!ered !i)e3hu"dred 6i"ars (o"e 6i"ar e5uals te" 6irhams$ !or them." ;o, he sold it to ;a%d. 3.1@E: Narrated Aisha: I said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e t(o "ei,hbors a"d (ould like to k"o( to (hi#h o! them I should ,i)e prese"ts." He replied, " o the o"e (hose door is "earer to you." 3.1@1: Narrated Abu +usa Al3Ash%ari: he -rophet said, " he ho"est treasurer (ho ,i)es (illi",ly (hat he is ordered to ,i)e, is o"e o! the t(o #haritable perso"s, (the se#o"d bei", the o("er$. 3.1@.: Narrated Abu +usa: I (e"t to the -rophet (ith t(o me" !rom Ash%ari tribe. I said (to the -rophet$, "I do "ot k"o( that they (a"t employme"t." he -rophet said, "No, (e do "ot appoi"t !or our *obs a"ybody (ho dema"ds it ear"estly." 3.1@3: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Allah did "ot se"d a"y prophet but shepherded sheep." His #ompa"io"s asked him, "6id you do the same>" he -rophet replied, "Fes, I used to shepherd the sheep o! the people o! +e##a !or some Airats." 3.1@1: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet a"d Abu Bakr employed a (pa,a"$ ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Ad36ail a"d the tribe o! Ba"i 'Abu bi" %Adi as a ,uide. He (as a" e'pert ,uide a"d he broke the oath #o"tra#t (hi#h he had to abide by (ith the tribe o! Al3%Asi bi" 7ail a"d he (as o" the reli,io" o! Auraish pa,a"s. he -rophet a"d Abu Bakr had #o"!ide"#e i" him a"d ,a)e him their ridi", #amels a"d told him to bri", them to the Ha)e o! haur a!ter three days. ;o, he brou,ht them their t(o ridi", #amels a!ter three days a"d both o! them ( he -rophet a"d Abu Bakr$ set out a##ompa"ied by 'Amir bi" 8uhaira a"d the 6ili ,uide (ho ,uided them belo( +e##a alo", the road leadi", to the sea3shore. 3.1@?: ?B

Narrated Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ Allah's Apostle a"d Abu Bakr hired a ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i3Ad36il as a" e'pert ,uide (ho (as a pa,a" (!ollo(er o! the reli,io" o! the pa,a"s o! Auraish$. he -rophet a"d Abu Bakr ,a)e him their t(o ridi", #amels a"d took a promise !rom him to bri", their ridi", #amels i" the mor"i", o! the third day to the Ha)e o! haur. 3.1@@: Narrated Fa%la bi" &maiya: I !ou,ht i" /aish3al3&sra (Gha2(a o! abuk$ alo", (ith the -rophet a"d i" my opi"io" that (as the best o! my deeds. he" I had a" employee, (ho 5uarrel led (ith someo"e a"d o"e o! the them bit a"d #ut the other's !i",er a"d #aused his o(" tooth to !all out. He the" (e"t to the -rophet ((ith a #omplai"t$ but the -rophet #a"#eled the suit a"d said to the #omplai"a"t, "6id you e'pe#t him to let his !i",er i" your mouth so that you mi,ht s"ap a"d #ut it (as does a stallio" #amel$>" Narrated Ib" /urai* !rom %Abdullah bi" Abu +ulaika !rom his ,ra"d!ather a similar story: A ma" bit the ha"d o! a"other ma" a"d #aused his o(" tooth to !all out, but Abu Bakr *ud,ed that he had "o ri,ht !or #ompe"satio" (!or the broke" tooth$. 3.1@B: Narrated &bai bi" 0a%b: Allah's Apostle said, "Both o! them (+oses a"d Al30hadir$ pro#eeded o" till they rea#hed a (all (hi#h (as about to !all." ;a%d said L>> or ;a%idM, "(Al30hadir poi"ted$ (ith his ha"ds (to(ards the (all$ a"d the" raised his ha"ds a"d the (all be#ame strai,hte"ed up." Fa%la said, "I thi"k ;a%id L>> or ;a%dM said, 'He (0hadir$ passed his ha"d o)er it a"d it (as strai,hte"ed up." (+oses said to him$, "i! you had (a"ted, you #ould ha)e take" (a,es !or it." ;a%id L>> or ;a%dM said, "7a,es (ith (hi#h to buy !ood . " 3.1@C: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "Four e'ample a"d the e'ample o! the people o! the t(o ;#riptures (i.e. /e(s a"d Hhristia"s$ is like the e'ample o! a ma" (ho employed some laborers a"d asked them, '7ho (ill (ork !or me !rom mor"i", till midday !or o"e Airat>' he /e(s a##epted a"d #arried out the (ork. He the" asked, 7ho (ill (ork !or me !rom midday up to the %Asr prayer !or o"e Airat>' he Hhristia"s a##epted a"d !ul!illed the (ork. He the" said, '7ho (ill (ork !or me !rom the %Asr till su"set !or t(o Airats>' Fou, +uslims ha)e a##epted the o!!er. he /e(s a"d the Hhristia"s ,ot a",ry a"d said, '7hy should (e (ork more a"d ,et lesser (a,es>' (Allah$ said, 'Ha)e I (ithheld part o! your ri,ht>' hey replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said, 'It is +y Blessi",, I besto( upo" (home)er I (ish .' 3.1@D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar bi" Al30hattab: Allah's Apostle said, "Four e'ample a"d the e'ample o! /e(s a"d Hhristia"s is like the e'ample o! a ma" (ho employed some laborers to (hom he said, '7ho (ill (ork !or me up to midday !or o"e Airat ea#h>' he /e(s #arried out the (ork !or o"e Airat ea#h9 a"d the" the Hhristia"s #arried out the (ork up to the %Asr prayer !or o"e Airat ea#h9 a"d "o( you +uslims are (orki", !rom the %Asr prayer up to su"set !or t(o Airats ea#h. he /e(s a"d Hhristia"s ,ot a",ry a"d said, '7e (ork more a"d are paid less.' he employer (Allah$ asked them, 'Ha)e I usurped some o! your ri,ht>' hey replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said, ' hat is +y Blessi",, I besto( upo" (home)er I (ish.' " 3.1BE: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Allah said, 'I (ill be a" oppo"e"t to three types o! people o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio": 31. <"e (ho makes a #o)e"a"t i" +y Name, but pro)es trea#herous9 3.. <"e (ho sells a !ree perso" a"d eats his pri#e9 a"d 33. <"e (ho employs a laborer a"d takes !ull (ork !rom him but does "ot pay him !or his lab our.' " 3.1B1: Narrated Abu +usa:


he -rophet said, " he e'ample o! +uslims, /e(s a"d Hhristia"s is like the e'ample o! a ma" (ho employed laborers to (ork !or him !rom mor"i", till "i,ht !or spe#i!i# (a,es. hey (orked till midday a"d the" said, '7e do "ot "eed your mo"ey (hi#h you ha)e !i'ed !or us a"d let (hate)er (e ha)e do"e be a""ulled.' he ma" said to them, '6o"'t 5uit the (ork, but #omplete the rest o! it a"d take your !ull (a,es.' But they re!used a"d (e"t a(ay. he ma" employed a"other bat#h a!ter them a"d said to them, 'Homplete the rest o! the day a"d yours (ill be the (a,es I had !i'ed !or the !irst bat#h.' ;o, they (orked till the time o! %Asr prayer. he" they said, "Iet (hat (e ha)e do"e be a""ulled a"d keep the (a,es you ha)e promised us !or yoursel!.' he ma" said to them, 'Homplete the rest o! the (ork, as o"ly a little o! the day remai"s,' but they re!used. herea!ter he employed a"other bat#h to (ork !or the rest o! the day a"d they (orked !or the rest o! the day till the su"set, a"d they re#ei)ed the (a,es o! the t(o !ormer bat#hes. ;o, that (as the e'ample o! those people (+uslims$ a"d the e'ample o! this li,ht (,uida"#e$ (hi#h they ha)e a##epted (illi",ly. 3.1B.: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, " hree me" !rom amo", those (ho (ere be!ore you, set out to,ether till they rea#hed a #a)e at "i,ht a"d e"tered it. A bi, ro#k rolled do(" the mou"tai" a"d #losed the mouth o! the #a)e. hey said (to ea#h other$, Nothi", #ould sa)e you om this ro#k but to i")oke Allah by ,i)i", re!ere"da to the ri,hteous deed (hi#h you ha)e do"e (!or Allah's sake o"ly$.' ;o, o"e o! them said, '< Allah= I had old pare"ts a"d I "e)er pro)ided my !amily ((i!e, #hildre" et#.$ (ith milk be!ore them. <"e day, by #ha"#e I (as delayed, a"d I #ame late (at "i,ht$ (hile they had slept. I milked the sheep !or them a"d took the milk to them, but I !ou"d them sleepi",. I disliked to pro)ide my !amily (ith the milk be!ore them. I (aited !or them a"d the bo(l o! milk (as i" my ha"d a"d I kept o" (aiti", !or them to ,et up till the day da("ed. he" they ,ot up a"d dra"k the milk. < Allah= I! I did that !or Four ;ake o"ly, please relie)e us !rom our #riti#al situatio" #aused by this ro#k.' ;o, the ro#k shi!ted a little but they #ould "ot ,et out." he -rophet added, " he se#o"d ma" said, '< Allah= I had a #ousi" (ho (as the dearest o! all people to me a"d I (a"ted to ha)e se'ual relatio"s (ith her but she re!used. Iater she had a hard time i" a !ami"e year a"d she #ame to me a"d I ,a)e her o"e3hu"dred3a"d3t(e"ty 6i"ars o" the #o"ditio" that she (ould "ot resist my desire, a"d she a,reed. 7he" I (as about to !ul!ill my desire, she said: It is ille,al !or you to outra,e my #hastity e'#ept by le,itimate marria,e. ;o, I thou,ht it a si" to ha)e se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith her a"d le!t her thou,h she (as the dearest o! all the people to me, a"d also I le!t the ,old I had ,i)e" her. < Allah= I! I did that !or Four ;ake o"ly, please relie)e us !rom the prese"t #alamity.' ;o, the ro#k shi!ted a little more but still they #ould "ot ,et out !rom there." he -rophet added, " he" the third ma" said, '< Allah= I employed !e( laborers a"d I paid them their (a,es (ith the e'#eptio" o! o"e ma" (ho did "ot take his (a,es a"d (e"t a(ay. I i")ested his (a,es a"d I ,ot mu#h property thereby. ( he" a!ter some time$ he #ame a"d said to me: < Allah's sla)e= -ay me my (a,es. I said to him: All the #amels, #o(s, sheep a"d sla)es you see, are yours. He said: < Allah's sla)e= 6o"'t mo#k at me. I said: I am "ot mo#ki", at you. ;o, he took all the herd a"d dro)e them a(ay a"d le!t "othi",. < Allah= I! I did that !or Four ;ake o"ly, please relie)e us !rom the prese"t su!!eri",.' ;o, that ro#k shi!ted #ompletely a"d they ,ot out (alki",. 3.1B3: Narrated Abu +ay' id Al3A"sari: 7he"e)er Allah's Apostle ordered us to ,i)e i" #harity (e (ould ,o to the market a"d (ork as porters to ear" a +udd (t(o ha"d!uls$ (o! !oodstu!!$ but "o( some o! us ha)e o"e3hu"dred thousa"d 6irhams or 6i"ers. ( he sub3"arrator$ ;ha5i5 said, "I thi"k Abu +as%ud mea"t himsel! by sayi", (some o! us$ . 3.1B1: Narrated a(us: Ib" %Abbas said, " he -rophet !orbade the meeti", o! #ara)a"s (o" the (ay$ a"d ordai"ed that "o to("sma" is permitted to sell thi",s o" behal! o! a bedoui"." I asked Ib" %Abbas, "7hat is the mea"i", o! his sayi",, 'No to("sma" is permitted to sell thi",s o" behal! o! a bedoui".' " He replied, "He should "ot (ork as a broker !or him." ?D

3.1B?: Narrated 0habbab: I (as a bla#ksmith a"d did some (ork !or Al3%As bi" 7ail. 7he" he o(ed me some mo"ey !or my (ork, I (e"t to him to ask !or that amou"t. He said, "I (ill "ot pay you u"less you disbelie)e i" +uhammad." I said, "By Allah= I (ill "e)er do that till you die a"d be resurre#ted." He said, "7ill I be dead a"d the" resurre#ted a!ter my death>" I said, "Fes." He said, " here I (ill ha)e property a"d o!!spri", a"d the" I (ill pay you your due." he" Allah re)ealed. 'Ha)e you see" him (ho disbelie)ed i" <ur si,"s, a"d yet says: I (ill be ,i)e" property a"d o!!spri",>' (1D.BB$ 3.1B@: Narrated Abu ;a%id: ;ome o! the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet (e"t o" a *our"ey till they rea#hed some o! the 'Arab tribes (at "i,ht$. hey asked the latter to treat them as their ,uests but they re!used. he #hie! o! that tribe (as the" bitte" by a s"ake (or stu", by a s#orpio"$ a"d they tried their best to #ure him but i" )ai". ;ome o! them said (to the others$, "Nothi", has be"e!ited him, (ill you ,o to the people (ho resided here at "i,ht, it may be that some o! them mi,ht possess somethi", (as treatme"t$," hey (e"t to the ,roup o! the #ompa"io"s (o! the -rophet $ a"d said, "<ur #hie! has bee" bitte" by a s"ake (or stu", by a s#orpio"$ a"d (e ha)e tried e)erythi", but he has "ot be"e!ited. Ha)e you ,ot a"ythi", (use!ul$>" <"e o! them replied, "Fes, by Allah= I #a" re#ite a :u5ya, but as you ha)e re!used to a##ept us as your ,uests, I (ill "ot re#ite the :u5ya !or you u"less you !i' !or us some (a,es !or it." hey a,rees to pay them a !lo#k o! sheep. <"e o! them the" (e"t a"d re#ited (;urat3ul38atiha$: 'All the praises are !or the Iord o! the 7orlds' a"d pu!!ed o)er the #hie! (ho be#ame all ri,ht as i! he (as released !rom a #hai", a"d ,ot up a"d started (alki",, sho(i", "o si,"s o! si#k"ess. hey paid them (hat they a,reed to pay. ;ome o! them (i.e. the #ompa"io"s$ the" su,,ested to di)ide their ear"i",s amo", themsel)es, but the o"e (ho per!ormed the re#itatio" said, "6o "ot di)ide them till (e ,o to the -rophet a"d "arrate the (hole story to him, a"d (ait !or his order." ;o, they (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d "arrated the story. Allah's Apostle asked, "Ho( did you #ome to k"o( that ;urat3 ul38atiha (as re#ited as :u5ya>" he" he added, "Fou ha)e do"e the ri,ht thi",. 6i)ide ((hat you ha)e ear"ed$ a"d assi," a share !or me as (ell." he -rophet smiled thereupo". 3.1BB: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: 7he" Abu aiba #upped the -rophet a"d the -rophet ordered that he be paid o"e or t(o ;as o! !oodstu!! a"d he i"ter#eded (ith his masters to redu#e his ta'es. 3.1BC: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7he" the -rophet (as #upped, he paid the ma" (ho #upped him his (a,es. 3.1BD: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: 7he" the -rophet (as #upped, he paid the ma" (ho #upped him his (a,es. I! it had bee" u"desirable he (ould "ot ha)e paid him. 3.1CE: Narrated A"as: he -rophet used to ,et #upped a"d (ould "e)er (ithhold the (a,es o! a"y perso" . 3.1C1: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: he -rophet se"t !or a sla)e (ho had the pro!essio" o! #uppi",, a"d he #upped him. he -rophet ordered that he be paid o"e or t(o ;as, or o"e or t(o +udds o! !oodstu!!, a"d appealed to his masters to redu#e his ta'es: 3.1C.: Narrated Abu +as%ud Al3A"sari: Allah's Apostle re,arded ille,al the pri#e o! a do,, the ear"i",s o! a prostitute, a"d the #har,es take" by a soothsayer. 3.1C3: @E

Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet prohibited the ear"i",s o! sla)e ,irls (throu,h prostitutio"$. 3.1C1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet !orbade taki", a pri#e !or a"imal #opulatio". 3.1C?: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: "Allah's Apostle ,a)e the la"d o! 0haibar to the /e(s to (ork o" a"d #ulti)ate a"d take hal! o! its yield. Ib" %&mar added, " he la"d used to be re"ted !or a #ertai" portio" (o! its yield$." Na!i% me"tio"ed the amou"t o! the portio" but I !or,ot it. :a!i% bi" 0hadi* said, " he -rophet !orbade re"ti", !arms." Narrated '&baidullah Na!i% said: Ib" %&mar said: ( he #o"tra#t o! 0haibar #o"ti"ued$ till %&mar e)a#uated the /e(s (!rom 0haibar$. 3.1C@: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "-ro#rasti"atio" (delay$ i" payi", debts by a (ealthy ma" is i"*usti#e. ;o, i! your debt is tra"s!erred !rom your debtor to a ri#h debtor, you should a,ree." 3.1CB: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "-ro#rasti"atio" (delay$ i" payi", debts by a (ealthy perso" is i"*usti#e. ;o, i! your debt is tra"s!erred !rom your debtor to a ri#h debtor, you should a,ree." 3.1CC.1: Narrated ;alama bi" Al3Ak(a%: <"#e, (hile (e (ere sitti", i" the #ompa"y o! -rophet, a dead ma" (as brou,ht. he -rophet (as re5uested to lead the !u"eral prayer !or the de#eased. He said, "Is he i" debt>" he people replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said, "Has he le!t a"y (ealth>" hey said, "No." ;o, he led his !u"eral prayer. A"other dead ma" (as brou,ht a"d the people said, "< Allah's Apostle= Iead his !u"eral prayer." he -rophet said, "Is he i" debt>" hey said, "Fes." He said, "Has he le!t a"y (ealth>" hey said, '' hree 6i"ars." ;o, he led the prayer. he" a third dead ma" (as brou,ht a"d the people said (to the -rophet $, -lease lead his !u"eral prayer." He said, "Has he le!t a"y (ealth>" hey said, "No." He asked, "Is he i" debt>" hey said, ("Fes= He has to pay$ three 6i"ers.', He (re!used to pray a"d$ said, " he" pray !or your (dead$ #ompa"io"." Abu Aatada said, "< Allah's Apostle= Iead his !u"eral prayer, a"d I (ill pay his debt." ;o, he led the prayer. 3.1CC..: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "A" Israeli ma" asked a"other Israeli to le"d him o"e thousa"d 6i"ars. he se#o"d ma" re5uired (it"esses. he !ormer replied, 'Allah is su!!i#ie"t as a (it"ess.' he se#o"d said, 'I (a"t a surety.' he !ormer replied, 'Allah is su!!i#ie"t as a surety.' he se#o"d said, 'Fou are ri,ht,' a"d le"t him the mo"ey !or a #ertai" period. he debtor (e"t a#ross the sea. 7he" he !i"ished his *ob, he sear#hed !or a #o")eya"#e so that he mi,ht rea#h i" time !or the repayme"t o! the debt, but he #ould "ot !i"d a"y. ;o, he took a pie#e o! (ood a"d made a hole i" it, i"serted i" it o"e thousa"d 6i"ars a"d a letter to the le"der a"d the" #losed (i.e. sealed$ the hole ti,htly. He took the pie#e o! (ood to the sea a"d said. '< Allah= Fou k"o( (ell that I took a loa" o! o"e thousa"d 6i"ars !rom so3a"d3so. He dema"ded a surety !rom me but I told him that Allah's Guara"tee (as su!!i#ie"t a"d he a##epted Four ,uara"tee. He the" asked !or a (it"ess a"d I told him that Allah (as su!!i#ie"t as a 7it"ess, a"d he a##epted Fou as a 7it"ess. No doubt, I tried hard to !i"d a #o")eya"#e so that I #ould pay his mo"ey but #ould "ot !i"d, so I ha"d o)er this mo"ey to Fou.' ;ayi", that, he thre( the pie#e o! (ood i"to the sea till it (e"t out !ar i"to it, a"d the" he (e"t a(ay. +ea"(hile he started sear#hi", !or a #o")eya"#e i" order to rea#h the #reditor's #ou"try. <"e day the le"der #ame out o! his house to see (hether a ship had arri)ed bri",i", his mo"ey, a"d all o! a sudde" he sa( the pie#e o! (ood i" (hi#h his mo"ey had bee" deposited. He took it home to use !or !ire. 7he" he sa(ed it, he !ou"d his mo"ey a"d the letter i"side it. ;hortly a!ter that, the debtor #ame bri",i", o"e thousa"d 6i"ars to him a"d said, 'By Allah, I had bee" tryi", hard to ,et a @1

boat so that I #ould bri", you your mo"ey, but !ailed to ,et o"e be!ore the o"e I ha)e #ome by.' he le"der asked, 'Ha)e you se"t somethi", to me>' he debtor replied, 'I ha)e told you I #ould "ot ,et a boat other tha" the o"e I ha)e #ome by.' he le"der said, 'Allah has deli)ered o" your behal! the mo"ey you se"t i" the pie#e o! (ood. ;o, you may keep your o"e thousa"d 6i"ars a"d depart ,uided o" the ri,ht path.' " 3.1CD: Narrated ;a%id bi" /ubair: Ib" %Abbas said, "I" the )erse: o e)ery o"e 7e ha)e appoi"ted ' (+u(aliya +u(aliya mea"s o"e's$ heirs (1.33$.' (A"d re,ardi", the )erse$ 'A"d those (ith (hom your ri,ht ha"ds ha)e made a pled,e.' Ib" %Abbas said, "7he" the emi,ra"ts #ame to the -rophet i" +edi"a, the emi,ra"t (ould i"herit the A"sari (hile the latter's relati)es (ould "ot i"herit him be#ause o! the bo"d o! brotherhood (hi#h the -rophet established bet(ee" them (i.e. the emi,ra"ts a"d the A"sar$. 7he" the )erse: 'A"d to e)eryo"e 7e ha)e appoi"ted heirs' (1.33$ (as re)ealed, it #a"#eled (the bo"d (the pled,e$ o! brotherhood re,ardi", i"herita"#e$." he" he said, " he )erse: o those also to (hom your ri,ht ha"ds ha)e pled,ed, remai"ed )alid re,ardi", #ooperatio" a"d mutual ad)i#e, (hile the matter o! i"herita"#e (as e'#luded a"d it be#ame permissible to assi," somethi", i" o"e's testame"t to the perso" (ho had the ri,ht o! i"heriti", be!ore. 3.1DE: Narrated A"as: %Abdur3:ahma" bi" %Au! #ame to us a"d Allah's Apostle established a bo"d o! brotherhood bet(ee" him a"d ;a%d bi" :abi%a. 3.1D1: Narrated %Asim: I heard A"as bi" +alik, "Ha)e you e)er heard that the -rophet said, ' here is "o allia"#e i" Islam>' " He replied, " he -rophet made allia"#e bet(ee" Auraish a"d the A"sar i" my house." 3.1D.: Narrated ;alama bi" Al3Ak(a%: A dead perso" (as brou,ht to the -rophet so that he mi,ht lead the !u"eral prayer !or him. He asked, "Is he i" debt>" 7he" the people replied i" the "e,ati)e, he led the !u"eral prayer. A"other dead perso" (as brou,ht a"d he asked, "Is he i" debt>" hey said, "Fes." He (re!used to lead the prayer a"d$ said, "Iead the prayer o! your !rie"d." Abu Aatada said, "< Allah's Apostle= I u"dertake to pay his debt." Allah's Apostle the" led his !u"eral prayer. 3.1D3: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: <"#e the -rophet said (to me$, "I! the mo"ey o! Bahrai" #omes, I (ill ,i)e you a #ertai" amou"t o! it." he -rophet had breathed his last be!ore the mo"ey o! Bahrai" arri)ed. 7he" the mo"ey o! Bahrai" rea#hed, Abu Bakr a""ou"#ed, "7hoe)er (as promised by the -rophet should #ome to us." I (e"t to Abu Bakr a"d said, " he -rophet promised me so a"d so." Abu Bakr ,a)e me a ha"d!ul o! #oi"s a"d (he" I #ou"ted them, they (ere !i)e3hu"dred i" "umber. Abu Bakr the" said, " ake t(i#e the amou"t you ha)e take" (besides$. 3.1D1: Narrated Aisha: ((i!e o! the -rophet$ ;i"#e I rea#hed the a,e (he" I #ould remember thi",s, I ha)e see" my pare"ts (orshippi", a##ordi", to the ri,ht !aith o! Islam. Not a si",le day passed but Allah's Apostle )isited us both i" the mor"i", a"d i" the e)e"i",. 7he" the +uslims (ere perse#uted, Abu Bakr set out !or Kthiopia as a" emi,ra"t. 7he" he rea#hed a pla#e #alled Bark3al3Ghimad, he met Ib" Ad36a,h"a, the #hie! o! the Aara tribe, (ho asked Abu Bakr, "7here are you ,oi",>" Abu Bakr said, "+y people ha)e tur"ed me out o! the #ou"try a"d I (ould like to tour the (orld a"d (orship my Iord." Ib" Ad3 6a,h"a said, "A ma" like you (ill "ot ,o out, "or (ill he be tur"ed out as you help the poor ear" their li)i",, keep ,ood relatio" (ith your 0ith a"d ki", help the disabled (or the depe"de"ts$, pro)ide ,uests (ith !ood a"d shelter, a"d help people duri", their troubles. I am your prote#tor. ;o, ,o ba#k a"d (orship your Iord at your home." Ib" Ad36a,h"a (e"t alo", (ith Abu Bakr a"d took him to the @.

#hie!s o! Auraish sayi", to them, "A ma" like Abu Bakr (ill "ot ,o out, "or (ill he be tur"ed out. 6o you tur" out a ma" (ho helps the poor ear" their li)i",, keeps ,ood relatio"s (ith 0ith a"d ki", helps the disabled, pro)ides ,uests (ith !ood a"d shelter, a"d helps the people duri", their troubles>" ;o, Auraish allo(ed Ib" Ad36a,h"a's ,uara"tee o! prote#tio" a"d told Abu3 Bakr that he (as se#ure, a"d said to Ib" Ad36a,h"a, "Ad)ise Abu Bakr to (orship his Iord i" his house a"d to pray a"d read (hat he liked a"d "ot to hurt us a"d "ot to do these thi",s publi#ly, !or (e !ear that our so"s a"d (ome" may !ollo( him." Ib" Ad36a,h"a told Abu Bakr o! all that, so Abu3 Bakr #o"ti"ued (orshippi", his Iord i" his house a"d did "ot pray or re#ite Aur'a" aloud e'#ept i" his house. Iater o" Abu Bakr had a" idea o! buildi", a mos5ue i" the #ourt yard o! his house. He !ul!illed that idea a"d started prayi", a"d re#iti", Aur'a" there publi#ly. he (ome" a"d the o!!spri", o! the pa,a"s started ,atheri", arou"d him a"d looki", at him asto"ishi",ly. Abu Bakr (as a so!thearted perso" a"d #ould "ot help (eepi", (hile re#iti", Aur'a". his horri!ied the pa,a" #hie!s o! Auraish. hey se"t !or Ib" Ad36a,h"a a"d (he" he #ame, they said, "7e ha)e ,i)e" Abu Bakr prote#tio" o" #o"ditio" that he (ill (orship his Iord i" his house, but he has tra"s,ressed that #o"ditio" a"d has built a mos5ue i" the #ourt yard o! his house a"d o!!ered his prayer a"d re#ited Aur'a" i" publi#. 7e are a!raid lest he mislead our (ome" a"d o!!spri",. ;o, ,o to him a"d tell him that i! he (ishes he #a" (orship his Iord i" his house o"ly, a"d i! "ot, the" tell him to retur" your pled,e o! prote#tio" as (e do "ot like to betray you by re)oki", your pled,e, "or #a" (e tolerate Abu Bakr's publi# de#laratio" o! Islam (his (orshippi",$. %Aisha added: Ib" Ad36a,h"a #ame to Abu Bakr a"d said, "Fou k"o( the #o"ditio"s o" (hi#h I ,a)e you prote#tio", so you should either abide by those #o"ditio"s or re)oke my prote#tio", as I do "ot like to hear the 'Arabs sayi", that Ib" Ad36a,h"a ,a)e the pled,e o! prote#tio" to a perso" a"d his people did "ot respe#t it." Abu Bakr said, "I re)oke your pled,e o! prote#tio" a"d am satis!ied (ith Allah's prote#tio"." At that time Allah's Apostle (as still i" +e##a a"d he said to his #ompa"io"s, "Four pla#e o! emi,ratio" has bee" sho(" to me. I ha)e see" salty la"d, pla"ted (ith date3palms a"d situated bet(ee" t(o mou"tai"s (hi#h are the t(o ,Harras." ;o, (he" the -rophet told it, some o! the #ompa"io"s mi,rated to +edi"a, a"d some o! those (ho had mi,rated to Kthiopia retur"ed to +edi"a. 7he" Abu Bakr prepared !or emi,ratio", Allah's Apostle said to him, "7ait, !or I e'pe#t to be permitted to emi,rate." Abu Bakr asked, "+ay my !ather be sa#ri!i#ed !or your sake, do you really e'pe#t that>" Allah's Apostle replied i" the a!!irmati)e. ;o, Abu Bakr postpo"ed his departure i" order to a##ompa"y Allah's Apostle a"d !ed t(o #amels (hi#h he had, (ith the lea)es o! ;amor trees !or !our mo"ths. 3.1D?: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he"e)er a dead ma" i" debt (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle he (ould ask, "Has he le!t a"ythi", to repay his debt>" I! he (as i"!ormed that he had le!t somethi", to repay his debts, he (ould o!!er his !u"eral prayer, other(ise he (ould tell the +uslims to o!!er their !rie"d's !u"eral prayer. 7he" Allah made the -rophet (ealthy throu,h #o"5uests, he said, "I am more ri,ht!ul tha" other belie)ers to be the ,uardia" o! the belie)ers, so i! a +uslim dies (hile i" debt, I am respo"sible !or the repayme"t o! his debt, a"d (hoe)er lea)es (ealth (a!ter his death$ it (ill belo", to his heirs. " 3.1D@: Narrated %Ali: Allah's Apostle ordered me to distribute the saddles a"d ski"s o! the Bud" (hi#h I had slau,htered. 3.1DB: Narrated %&5ba bi" Amir: that the -rophet had ,i)e" him sheep to distribute amo", his #ompa"io"s a"d a male kid (as le!t (a!ter the distributio"$. 7he" he i"!ormed the -rophet o! it, he said (to him$, "<!!er it as a sa#ri!i#e o" your behal!." 3.1DC: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" %Au!: I ,ot a" a,reeme"t (ritte" bet(ee" me a"d &maiya bi" 0hala! that &maiya (ould look a!ter my property (or !amily$ i" +e##a a"d I (ould look a!ter his i" +edi"a. 7he" I me"tio"ed the (ord 'Ar3 @3

:ahma"' i" the do#ume"ts, &maiya said, "I do "ot k"o( 'Ar3:ahma".' 7rite do(" to me your "ame, ((ith (hi#h you #alled yoursel!$ i" the -re3Islami# -eriod o! I,"ora"#e." ;o, I (rote my "ame ' %Abdu %Amr'. <" the day (o! the battle$ o! Badr, (he" all the people (e"t to sleep, I (e"t up the hill to prote#t him. Bilal(1$ sa( him (i.e. &maiya$ a"d (e"t to a ,atheri", o! A"sar a"d said, "(Here is$ &maiya bi" 0hala!= 7oe to me i! he es#apes=" ;o, a ,roup o! A"sar (e"t out (ith Bilal to !ollo( us (%Abdur3:ahma" a"d &maiya$. Bei", a!raid that they (ould #at#h us, I le!t &maiya's so" !or them to keep them busy but the A"sar killed the so" a"d i"sisted o" !ollo(i", us. &maiya (as a !at ma", a"d (he" they approa#hed us, I told him to k"eel do(", a"d he k"elt, a"d I laid mysel! o" him to prote#t him, but the A"sar killed him by passi", their s(ords u"der"eath me, a"d o"e o! them i"*ured my !oot (ith his s(ord. ( he sub "arrator said, " %Abdur3:ahma" used to sho( us the tra#e o! the (ou"d o" the ba#k o! his !oot."$ 3.1DD: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri a"d Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle employed someo"e as a ,o)er"or at 0haibar. 7he" the ma" #ame to +edi"a, he brou,ht (ith him dates #alled /a"ib. he -rophet asked him, "Are all the dates o! 0haibar o! this ki"d>" he ma" replied, "(No$, (e e'#ha",e t(o ;a's o! bad dates !or o"e ;a o! this ki"d o! dates (i.e. /a"ib$, or e'#ha",e three ;a's !or t(o." <" that, the -rophet said, "6o"'t do so, as it is a ki"d o! usury (:iba$ but sell the dates o! i"!erior 5uality !or mo"ey, a"d the" buy /a"ib (ith the mo"ey". he -rophet said the same thi", about dates sold by (ei,ht. (;ee Hadith No. ?E@$. 3.?EE: Narrated Ib" 0a%b bi" +alik !rom his !ather: 7e had some sheep (hi#h used to ,ra2e at ;ala'. <"e o! our sla)e,irls sa( a sheep dyi", a"d she broke a sto"e a"d slau,htered the sheep (ith it. +y !ather said to the people, "6o"'t eat it till I ask the -rophet about it (or till I se"d somebody to ask the -rophet$." ;o, he asked or se"t somebody to ask the -rophet, a"d the -rophet permitted him to eat it. '&baidullah (a sub3"arrator$ said, "I admire that ,irl, !or thou,h she (as a sla)e3,irl, she dared to slau,hter the sheep . " 3.?E1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet o(ed somebody a #amel o! a #ertai" a,e. 7he" he #ame to dema"d it ba#k, the -rophet said (to some people$, "Gi)e him (his due$." 7he" the people sear#hed !or a #amel o! that a,e, they !ou"d "o"e, but !ou"d a #amel o"e year older. he -rophet said, "Gi)e (it to$ him." <" that, the ma" remarked, "Fou ha)e ,i)e" me my ri,ht i" !ull. +ay Allah ,i)e you i" !ull." he -rophet said, " he best amo",st you is the o"e (ho pays the ri,hts o! others ,e"erously." 3.?E.: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" #ame to the -rophet dema"di", his debts a"d beha)ed rudely. he #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet i"te"ded to harm him, but Allah's Apostle said (to them$, "Iea)e him, !or the #reditor (i.e. o("er o! a ri,ht$ has the ri,ht to speak." Allah's Apostle the" said, "Gi)e him a #amel o! the same a,e as that o! his." he people said, "< Allah's Apostle= here is o"ly a #amel that is older tha" his." Allah's Apostle said, "Gi)e (it to$ him, !or the best amo",st you is he (ho pays the ri,hts o! others ha"dsomely." 3.?E3: Narrated +ar(a" bi" Al3Hakam a"d Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: 7he" the dele,ates o! the tribe o! Ha(a2i" a!ter embra#i", Islam, #ame to Allah's Apostle, he ,ot up. hey appealed to him to retur" their properties a"d their #apti)es. Allah's Apostle said to them, " he most belo)ed stateme"t to me is the true o"e. ;o, you ha)e the optio" o! restori", your properties or your #apti)es, !or I ha)e delayed distributi", them." he "arrator added, Allah's Apostle # had bee" (aiti", !or them !or more tha" te" days o" his retur" !rom ai!. 7he" they reali2ed that Allah's Apostle (ould retur" to them o"ly o"e o! t(o thi",s, they said, "7e #hoose our #apti)es." ;o, Allah's Apostle ,ot up i" the ,atheri", o! the +uslims, praised Allah as He deser)ed, a"d said, " he" a!ter= hese brethre" o! yours ha)e #ome to you (ith repe"ta"#e a"d I see it proper to retur" their #apti)es to them. ;o, (hoe)er amo",st you likes to do that as a !a)or, the" he #a" do it, a"d (hoe)er o! you (a"ts to sti#k to his share till (e pay him !rom the )ery !irst booty (hi#h Allah (ill ,i)e us the" he @1

#a" do so." he people replied, "7e a,ree to ,i)e up our shares (illi",ly as a !a)or !or Allah's Apostle." he" Allah's Apostle said, "7e do"'t k"o( (ho amo",st you has a,reed a"d (ho has"'t. Go ba#k a"d your #hie!s may tell us your opi"io"." ;o, all o! them retur"ed a"d their #hie!s dis#ussed the matter (ith them a"d the" they (i.e. their #hie!s$ #ame to Allah's Apostle to tell him that they (i.e. the people$ had ,i)e" up their shares ,ladly a"d (illi",ly. 3.?E1: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I (as a##ompa"yi", the -rophet o" a *our"ey a"d (as ridi", a slo( #amel that (as la,,i", behi"d the others. he -rophet passed by me a"d asked, "7ho is this>" I replied, "/abir bi" %Abdullah." He asked, "7hat is the matter, ((hy are you late$>" I replied, "I am ridi", a slo( #amel." He asked, "6o you ha)e a sti#k>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He said, "Gi)e it to me." 7he" I ,a)e it to him, he beat the #amel a"d rebuked it. he" that #amel surpassed the others the"#e!orth. he -rophet said, ";ell it to me." I replied, "It is (a ,i!t$ !or you, < Allah's Apostle." He said, ";ell it to me. I ha)e bou,ht it !or !our 6i"ars (,old pie#es$ a"d you #a" keep o" ridi", it till +edi"a." 7he" (e approa#hed +edi"a, I started ,oi", (to(ards my house$. he -rophet said, "7here are you ,oi",>" I ;a%d, "I ha)e married a (ido(." He said, "7hy ha)e you "ot married a )ir,i" to !o"dle (ith ea#h other>" I said, "+y !ather died a"d le!t dau,hters, so I de#ided to marry a (ido( (a" e'perie"#ed (oma"$ (to look a!ter them$." He said, "7ell do"e." 7he" (e rea#hed +edi"a, Allah's Apostle said, "< Bilal, pay him (the pri#e o! the #amel$ a"d ,i)e him e'tra mo"ey." Bilal ,a)e me !our 6i"ars a"d o"e Airat e'tra. (A sub3"arrator said$: /abir added, " he e'tra Airat o! Allah's Apostle "e)er parted !rom me." he Airat (as al(ays i" /abir bi" %Abdullah's purse. 3.?E?.1: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: A (oma" #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= I (a"t to ,i)e up mysel! to you." A ma" said, "+arry her to me." he -rophet said, "7e a,ree to marry her to you (ith (hat you k"o( o! the Aur'a" by heart." 3.?E?.1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle deputi2ed me to keep ;ada5a (al38itr$ o! :amada". A #omer #ame a"d started taki", ha"d!uls o! the !oodstu!! (o! the ;ada5a$ (stealthily$. I took hold o! him a"d said, "By Allah, I (ill take you to Allah's Apostle ." He said, "I am "eedy a"d ha)e ma"y depe"de"ts, a"d I am i" ,reat "eed." I released him, a"d i" the mor"i", Allah's Apostle asked me, "7hat did your priso"er do yesterday>" I said, "< Allah's Apostle= he perso" #omplai"ed o! bei", "eedy a"d o! ha)i", ma"y depe"de"ts, so, I pitied him a"d let him ,o." Allah's Apostle said, "I"deed, he told you a lie a"d he (ill be #omi", a,ai"." I belie)ed that he (ould sho( up a,ai" as Allah's Apostle had told me that he (ould retur". ;o, I (aited !or him (at#h!ully. 7he" he (sho(ed up a"d$ started steali", ha"d!uls o! !oodstu!!, I #au,ht hold o! him a,ai" a"d said, "I (ill de!i"itely take you to Allah's Apostle. He said, "Iea)e me, !or I am )ery "eedy a"d ha)e ma"y depe"de"ts. I promise I (ill "ot #ome ba#k a,ai"." I pitied him a"d let him ,o. I" the mor"i", Allah's Apostle asked me, "7hat did your priso"er do." I replied, "< Allah's Apostle= He #omplai"ed o! his ,reat "eed a"d o! too ma"y depe"de"ts, so I took pity o" him a"d set him !ree." Allah's Apostle said, "Verily, he told you a lie a"d he (ill retur"." I (aited !or him atte"ti)ely !or the third time, a"d (he" he (#ame a"d$ started steali", ha"d!uls o! the !oodstu!!, I #au,ht hold o! him a"d said, "I (ill surely take you to Allah's Apostle as it is the third time you promise "ot to retur", yet you break your promise a"d #ome." He said, "(8or,i)e me a"d$ I (ill tea#h you some (ords (ith (hi#h Allah (ill be"e!it you." I asked, "7hat are they>" He replied, "7he"e)er you ,o to bed, re#ite "Ayat3 al30ursi"33 'Allahu la ilaha illa hu(a3l3Haiy3ul Aaiyum' till you !i"ish the (hole )erse. (I! you do so$, Allah (ill appoi"t a ,uard !or you (ho (ill stay (ith you a"d "o sata" (ill #ome "ear you till mor"i",. " ;o, I released him. I" the mor"i",, Allah's Apostle asked, "7hat did your priso"er do yesterday>" I replied, "He #laimed that he (ould tea#h me some (ords by (hi#h Allah (ill be"e!it me, so I let him ,o." Allah's Apostle asked, "7hat are they>" I replied, "He said to me, '7he"e)er you ,o to bed, re#ite Ayat3al30ursi !rom the be,i""i", to the e"d 3333 Allahu la ilaha illa hu(a3lHaiy3ul3 @?

Aaiyum3333.' He !urther said to me, '(I! you do so$, Allah (ill appoi"t a ,uard !or you (ho (ill stay (ith you, a"d "o sata" (ill #ome "ear you till mor"i",.' (Abu Huraira or a"other sub3"arrator$ added that they (the #ompa"io"s$ (ere )ery kee" to do ,ood deeds. he -rophet said, "He really spoke the truth, althou,h he is a" absolute liar. 6o you k"o( (hom you (ere talki", to, these three "i,hts, < Abu Huraira>" Abu Huraira said, "No." He said, "It (as ;ata"." 3.?E@: Narrated Abu ;a%id al30hudri: <"#e Bilal brou,ht Bar"i (i.e. a ki"d o! dates$ to the -rophet a"d the -rophet asked him, "8rom (here ha)e you brou,ht these>" Bilal replied, "I had some i"!erior type o! dates a"d e'#ha",ed t(o ;as o! it !or o"e ;a o! Bar"i dates i" order to ,i)e it to the -rophet9 to eat." hereupo" the -rophet said, "Be(are= Be(are= his is de!i"itely :iba (usury$= his is de!i"itely :iba (&sury$= 6o"'t do so, but i! you (a"t to buy (a superior ki"d o! dates$ sell the i"!erior dates !or mo"ey a"d the" buy the superior ki"d o! dates (ith that mo"ey." 3.?EB: Narrated %Amr: Ho"#er"i", the 7a5! o! %&mar: It (as "ot si"!ul o! the trustee (o! the 7a5!$ to eat or pro)ide his !rie"ds !rom it, pro)ided the trustee had "o i"te"tio" o! #olle#ti", !ortu"e (!or himsel!$. Ib" %&mar (as the ma"a,er o! the trust o! %&mar a"d he used to ,i)e prese"ts !rom it to those (ith (hom he used to stay at +e##a. 3.?EC: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid a"d Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "< &"ais= Go to the (i!e o! this (ma"$ a"d i! she #o"!esses (that she has #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse$, the" sto"e her to death." 3.?ED: Narrated %&5ba bi" Al3Harith: 7he" A"3Nuama" or his so" (as brou,ht i" a state o! dru"ke""ess, Allah's Apostle ordered all those (ho (ere prese"t i" the house to beat him. I (as o"e o! those (ho beat him. 7e beat him (ith shoes a"d palm3lea! stalks. 3.?1E: Narrated %Aisha: I t(isted the ,arla"ds o! the Hadis (i.e. a"imals !or sa#ri!i#e$ o! Allah's Apostle (ith my o(" ha"ds. he" Allah's Apostle put them arou"d their "e#ks (ith his o(" ha"ds, a"d se"t them (ith my !ather (to +e##a$. Nothi", le,al (as re,arded ille,al !or Allah's Apostle till the a"imals (ere slau,htered. 3.?11: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Abu alha (as the ri#hest ma" i" +edi"a amo",st the A"sar a"d Beeruha' (,arde"$ (as the most belo)ed o! his property, a"d it (as situated opposite the mos5ue (o! the -rophet.$. Allah's Apostle used to e"ter it a"d dri"k !rom its s(eet (ater. 7he" the !ollo(i", 6i)i"e Verse (ere re)ealed: 'you (ill "ot attai" ri,hteous"ess till you spe"d i" #harity o! the thi",s you lo)e' (3.D3$, Abu alha ,ot up i" !ro"t o! Allah's Apostle a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Allah says i" His Book, 'Fou (ill "ot attai" ri,hteous"ess u"less you spe"d (i" #harity$ that (hi#h you lo)e,' a"d )erily, the most belo)ed to me o! my property is Beeruha (,arde"$, so I ,i)e it i" #harity a"d hope !or its re(ard !rom Allah. < Allah's Apostle= ;pe"d it (here)er you like." Allah's Apostle appre#iated that a"d said, " hat is perishable (ealth, that is perishable (ealth. I ha)e heard (hat you ha)e said9 I su,,est you to distribute it amo", your relati)es." Abu alha said, "I (ill do so, < Allah's Apostle." ;o, Abu alha distributed it amo", his relati)es a"d #ousi"s. he sub3"arrator (+alik$ said: he -rophet said: " hat is a pro!itable (ealth," i"stead o! "perishable (ealth". 3.?1.: Narrated Abu +usa: he -rophet said, "A" ho"est treasurer (ho ,i)es (hat he is ordered to ,i)e !ully, per!e#tly a"d (illi",ly to the perso" to (hom he is ordered to ,i)e, is re,arded as o"e o! the t(o #haritable perso"s." @@

3.?13: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle said, " here is "o"e amo",st the +uslims (ho pla"ts a tree or so(s seeds, a"d the" a bird, or a perso" or a" a"imal eats !rom it, but is re,arded as a #haritable ,i!t !or him." 3.?11: Narrated Abu &mama al3Bahili: I sa( some a,ri#ultural e5uipme"t a"d said: "I heard the -rophet sayi",: " here is "o house i" (hi#h these e5uipme"t e"ters e'#ept that Allah (ill #ause humiliatio" to e"ter it." 3.?1?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er keeps a do,, o"e Airat o! the re(ard o! his ,ood deeds is dedu#ted daily, u"less the do, is used !or ,uardi", a !arm or #attle." Abu Huraira (i" a"other "arratio"$ said !rom the -rophet, "u"less it is used !or ,uardi", sheep or !arms, or !or hu"ti",." Narrated Abu Ha2im !rom Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "A do, !or ,uardi", #attle or !or hu"ti",." 3.?1@: Narrated As3;a'ib bi" Fa2id: Abu ;u!ya" bi" Abu 4uhair, a ma" !rom A2d ;ha"u'a a"d o"e o! the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet said, "I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, 'I! o"e keeps a do, (hi#h is mea"t !or ,uardi", "either a !arm "or #attle, o"e Airat o! the re(ard o! his ,ood deeds is dedu#ted daily." I said, "6id you hear this !rom Allah's Apostle>" He said, "Fes, by the Iord o! this +os5ue." 3.?1B: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hile a ma" (as ridi", a #o(, it tur"ed to(ards him a"d said, 'I ha)e "ot bee" #reated !or this purpose (i.e. #arryi",$, I ha)e bee" #reated !or slou,hi",." he -rophet added, "I, Abu Bakr a"d %&mar belie)e i" the story." he -rophet (e"t o", "A (ol! #au,ht a sheep, a"d (he" the shepherd #hased it, the (ol! said, '7ho (ill be its ,uard o" the day o! (ild beasts, (he" there (ill be "o shepherd !or it e'#ept me>' "A!ter "arrati", it, the -rophet said, "I, Abu Bakr a"d %&mar too belie)e it." Abu ;alama (a sub3"arrator$ said, "Abu Bakr a"d %&mar (ere "ot prese"t the"." (It has bee" (ritte" that a (ol! also spoke to o"e o! the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet "ear +edi"a as "arrated i" 8ath3ul3Bari: Narrated &"ais bi" %Amr: Ahba" bi" Aus said, "I (as amo",st my sheep. ;udde"ly a (ol! #au,ht a sheep a"d I shouted at it. he (ol! sat o" its tail a"d addressed me, sayi",, '7ho (ill look a!ter it (i.e. the sheep$ (he" you (ill be busy a"d "ot able to look a!ter it> 6o you !orbid me the pro)isio" (hi#h Allah has pro)ided me>' " Ahba" added, "I #lapped my ha"ds a"d said, 'By Allah, I ha)e "e)er see" a"ythi", more #urious a"d (o"der!ul tha" this=' <" that the (ol! said, ' here is somethi", (more #urious$ a"d (o"der!ul tha" this9 that is, Allah's Apostle i" those palm trees, i")iti", people to Allah (i.e. Islam$.' "&"ais bi" %Amr !urther said, " he" Ahba" (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d i"!ormed him (hat happe"ed a"d embra#ed Islam.$" palm trees or other trees a"d share the !ruits (ith me." 3.?1C: Narrated Abu Huraira: he A"sar said to the -rophet "6istribute the date palm trees bet(ee" us a"d our emi,ra"t brothers." He replied, "No." he A"sar said (to the emi,ra"ts$, "Iook a!ter the trees ((ater a"d (at#h them$ a"d share the !ruits (ith us." he emi,ra"ts said, "7e liste" a"d obey." 3.?1D: Narrated %Abdullah: he -rophet ,ot the date palm trees o! the tribe o! Ba"i3A"3Nadir bur"t a"d the trees #ut do(" at a pla#e #alled Al3Bu(aira . Hassa" bi" habit said i" a poeti# )erse: " he #hie!s o! Ba"i Iu'ai !ou"d it easy to (at#h !ire spreadi", at Al3Bu(aira." 3.?.E: Narrated :a!i% bi" 0hadi*: 7e (orked o" !arms more tha" a"ybody else i" +edi"a. 7e used to re"t the la"d at the yield o! spe#i!i# delimited portio" o! it to be ,i)e" to the la"dlord. ;ometimes the )e,etatio" o! that portio" @B

(as a!!e#ted by bli,hts et#., (hile the rest remai"ed sa!e a"d )i#e )ersa, so the -rophet !orbade this pra#ti#e. At that time ,old or sil)er (ere "ot used (!or re"ti", the la"d$. I! they pro)ided the seeds, they (ould ,et so3a"d3so mu#h. Al3Hasa" said, " here is "o harm i! the la"d belo",s to o"e but both spe"d o" it a"d the yield is di)ided bet(ee" them." A234uhri had the same opi"io". Al3Hasa" said, " here is "o harm i! #otto" is pi#ked o" the #o"ditio" o! ha)i", hal! the yield." Ibrahim, Ib" ;iai", %Ata', Al3Hakam, A234uhri a"d Aatada said, " here is "o harm i" ,i)i", the yar" to the (ea)er to (ea)e i"to #loth o" the basis that o"e3third or o"e3!ourth (or a"y other portio"$ o! the #loth is ,i)e" to the (ea)er !or his labor." +a'am said, " here is "o harm i" hiri", a"imals !or a de!i"ite (!i'ed$ period o" the basis that o"e3third or o"e3!ourth o! the produ#ts #arried by the a"imals is ,i)e" to the o("er o! the a"imals." 3.?.1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: he -rophet #o"#luded a #o"tra#t (ith the people o! 0haibar to utili2e the la"d o" the #o"ditio" that hal! the produ#ts o! !ruits or )e,etatio" (ould be their share. he -rophet used to ,i)e his (i)es o"e hu"dred 7as5s ea#h, ei,hty 7as5s o! dates a"d t(e"ty 7as5s o! barley. (7he" %&mar be#ame the Haliph$ he ,a)e the (i)es o! the -rophet the optio" o! either ha)i", the la"d a"d (ater as their shares, or #arryi", o" the pre)ious pra#ti#e. ;ome o! them #hose the la"d a"d some #hose the 7as5s, a"d %Aisha #hose the la"d. 3.?..: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet made a deal (ith the people o! 0haibar that they (ould ha)e hal! the !ruits a"d )e,etatio" o! the la"d they #ulti)ated. 3.?.3: Narrated %Amr: I said to a(us, "I (ish you (ould ,i)e up +ukhabara (;hare#roppi",$, !or the people say that the -rophet !orbade it." <" that a(us replied, "< %Amr= I ,i)e the la"d to share#roppers a"d help them. No doubt9 the most lear"ed ma", "amely Ib" %Abbas told me that the -rophet had "ot !orbidde" it but said, 'It is more be"e!i#ial !or o"e to ,i)e his la"d !ree to o"e's brother tha" to #har,e him a !i'ed re"tal." 3.?.1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle ,a)e the la"d o! 0haibar to the /e('s o" the #o"ditio" that they (ork o" it a"d #ulti)ate it, a"d be ,i)e" hal! o! its yield. 3.?.?: Narrated :a!i%: 7e (orked o" !arms more tha" a"ybody else i" +edi"a. 7e used to re"t the la"d a"d say to the o("er, " he yield o! this portio" is !or us a"d the yield o! that portio" is !or you (as the re"t$." <"e o! those portio"s mi,ht yield somethi", a"d the other mi,ht "ot. ;o, the -rophet !orbade us to do so. 3.?.@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7hile three me" (ere (alki",, It started rai"i", a"d they took shelter (re!u,e$ i" a #a)e i" a mou"tai". A bi, ro#k rolled do(" !rom the mou"tai" a"d #losed the mouth o! the #a)e. hey said to ea#h other, " hi"k o! ,ood deeds (hi#h you did !or Allah's sake o"ly, a"d i")oke Allah by ,i)i", re!ere"#e to those deeds so that He may remo)e this ro#k !rom you." <"e o! them said, '< Allah= I had old pare"ts a"d small #hildre" a"d I used to ,ra2e the sheep !or them. <" my retur" to them i" the e)e"i",, I used to milk (the sheep$ a"d start pro)idi", my pare"ts !irst o! all be!ore my #hildre". <"e day I (as delayed a"d #ame late at "i,ht a"d !ou"d my pare"ts sleepi",. I milked (the sheep$ as usual a"d stood by their heads. I hated to (ake them up a"d disliked to ,i)e milk to my #hildre" be!ore them, althou,h my #hildre" (ere (eepi", (be#ause o! hu",er$ at my !eet till the day da("ed. < Allah= I! I did this !or Four sake o"ly, ki"dly remo)e the ro#k so that (e #ould see the sky throu,h it.' ;o, Allah remo)ed the ro#k a little a"d they sa( the sky.


he se#o"d ma" said, '< Allah= I (as i" lo)e (ith a #ousi" o! mi"e like the deepest lo)e a ma" may ha)e !or a (oma". I (a"ted to outra,e her #hastity but she re!used u"less I ,a)e her o"e hu"dred 6i"ars. ;o, I stru,,led to #olle#t that amou"t. A"d (he" I sat bet(ee" her le,s, she said, '< Allah's sla)e= Be a!raid o! Allah a"d do "ot de!lo(er me e'#ept ri,ht!ully (by marria,e$.' ;o, I ,ot up. < Allah= I! I did it !or Four sake o"ly, please remo)e the ro#k.' he ro#k shi!ted a little more. he" the third ma" said, '< Allah= I employed a laborer !or a 8ara5 o! ri#e a"d (he" he !i"ished his *ob a"d dema"ded his ri,ht, I prese"ted it to him, but he re!used to take it. ;o, I so(ed the ri#e ma"y time till I ,athered #o(s a"d their shepherd (!rom the yield$. ( he" a!ter some time$ He #ame a"d said to me, '8ear Allah (a"d ,i)e me my ri,ht$." I said, 'Go a"d take those #o(s a"d the shepherd.' He said, 'Be a!raid o! Allah= 6o"'t mo#k at me.' I said, 'I am "ot mo#ki", at you. ake (all that$.' ;o, he took all that. < Allah= I! I did that !or Four sake o"ly, please remo)e the rest o! the ro#k.' ;o, Allah remo)ed the ro#k." 3.?.B: Narrated 4aid bi" Aslam !rom his !ather: %&mar said, "But !or the !uture +uslim ,e"eratio"s, I (ould ha)e distributed the la"d o! the )illa,es I #o"5uer amo", the soldiers as the -rophet distributed the la"d o! 0haibar." 3.?.C: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet said, "He (ho #ulti)ates la"d that does "ot belo", to a"ybody is more ri,ht!ul (to o(" it$." %&r(a said, "%&mar ,a)e the same )erdi#t i" his Haliphate." 3.?.D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: 7hile the -rophet (as passi", the "i,ht at his pla#e o! rest i" 6hul3Hulai!a i" the bottom o! the )alley (o! A5i5$, he sa( a dream a"d it (as said to him, "Fou are i" a blessed )alley." +usa said, ";alim let our #amels k"eel at the pla#e (here %Abdullah used to make his #amel k"eel, seeki", the pla#e (here Allah's Apostle used to take a rest, (hi#h is situated belo( the mos5ue (hi#h is i" the bottom o! the )alley9 it is mid(ay bet(ee" the mos5ue a"d the road." 3.?3E: Narrated %&mar: 7hile the -rophet (as i" Al3%A5i5 he said, ";omeo"e (mea"i", Gabriel$ #ame to me !rom my Iord to"i,ht (i" my dream$ a"d said, '<!!er the prayer i" this blessed )alley a"d say (I i"te"d to per!orm$ %&mra alo", (ith Ha** (to,ether$.' " 3.?31: Narrated Ib" %&mar: %&mar e'pelled the /e(s a"d the Hhristia"s !rom Hi*a2. 7he" Allah's Apostle had #o"5uered 0haibar, he (a"ted to e'pel the /e(s !rom it as its la"d be#ame the property o! Allah, His Apostle, a"d the +uslims. Allah's Apostle i"te"ded to e'pel the /e(s but they re5uested him to let them stay there o" the #o"ditio" that they (ould do the labor a"d ,et hal! o! the !ruits. Allah's Apostle told them, "7e (ill let you stay o" thus #o"ditio", as lo", as (e (ish." ;o, they (i.e. /e(s$ kept o" li)i", there u"til %&mar !or#ed them to ,o to(ards aima' a"d Ariha'. 3.?3.: Narrated :a!i% bi" 0hadi*: +y u"#le 4uhair said, "Allah's Apostle !orbade us to do a thi", (hi#h (as a sour#e o! help to us." I said, "7hate)er Allah's Apostle said (as ri,ht." He said, "Allah's Apostle se"t !or me a"d asked, '7hat are you doi", (ith your !arms>' I replied, '7e ,i)e our !arms o" re"t o" the basis that (e ,et the yield produ#ed at the ba"ks o! the (ater streams (ri)ers$ !or the re"t, or re"t it !or some 7as5s o! barley a"d dates.' Allah's Apostle said, '6o "ot do so, but #ulti)ate (the la"d$ yoursel)es or let it be #ulti)ated by others ,ratis, or keep it u"#ulti)ated.' I said, '7e hear a"d obey.' 3.?33: Narrated /abir:


he people used to re"t their la"d !or #ulti)atio" !or o"e3third, o"e3!ourth or hal! its yield. he -rophet said, "7hoe)er has la"d should #ulti)ate it himsel! or ,i)e it to his (+uslim$ brother ,ratis9 other(ise keep it u"#ulti)ated." Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er has la"d should #ulti)ate it himsel! or ,i)e it to his (+uslim$ brother ,ratis9 other(ise he should keep it u"#ulti)ated." 3.?31: Narrated %Amr: 7he" I me"tio"ed it (i.e. the "arratio" o! :a!i% 'bi" 0hadi*: "o. ?3.$ to a(us, he said, "It is permissible to re"t the la"d !or #ulti)atio", !or Ib" %Abbas said, ' he -rophet did "ot !orbid that, but said: <"e had better ,i)e the la"d to o"e's brother ,ratis rather tha" #har,e a #ertai" amou"t !or it.' " 3.?3?: Narrated Na!i%: Ib" %&mar used to re"t his !arms i" the time o! Abu Bakr, %&mar, %&thma", a"d i" the early days o! +ua(iya. he" he (as told the "arratio" o! :a!i% 'bi" 0hadi* that the -rophet had !orbidde" the re"ti", o! !arms. Ib" %&mar (e"t to :a!i% a"d I a##ompa"ied him. He asked :a!i% (ho replied that the -rophet had !orbidde" the re"ti", o! !arms. Ib" %&mar said, "Fou k"o( that (e used to re"t our !arms i" the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle !or the yield o! the ba"ks o! the (ater streams (ri)ers$ a"d !or #ertai" amou"t o! !i,s. 3.?3@: Narrated ;alim: %Abdullah bi" %&mar said, "I k"e( that the la"d (as re"ted !or #ulti)atio" i" the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle ." Iater o" Ib" %&mar (as a!raid that the -rophet had !orbidde" it, a"d he had "o k"o(led,e o! it, so he ,a)e up re"ti", his la"d. 3.?3B: Narrated Ha"2la bi" Aais: :a!i% bi" 0hadi* said, "+y t(o u"#les told me that they (i.e. the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet$ used to re"t the la"d i" the li!etime o! the -rophet !or the yield o" the ba"ks o! (ater streams (ri)ers$ or !or a portio" o! the yield stipulated by the o("er o! the la"d. he -rophet !orbade it." I said to :a!i%, "7hat about re"ti", the la"d !or 6i"ars a"d 6irhams>" He replied, " here is "o harm i" re"ti", !or 6i"ars3 6irhams. Al3Iaith said, "I! those (ho ha)e dis#er"me"t !or disti",uishi", (hat is le,al !rom (hat is ille,al looked i"to (hat has bee" !orbidde" #o"#er"i", this matter they (ould "ot permit it, !or it is surrou"ded (ith da",ers." 3.?3C: Narrated Abu Huraira: <"#e the -rophet (as "arrati", (a story$, (hile a bedoui" (as sitti", (ith him. "<"e o! the i"habita"ts o! -aradise (ill ask Allah to allo( him to #ulti)ate the la"d. Allah (ill ask him, 'Are you "ot li)i", i" the pleasures you like>' He (ill say, 'Fes, but I like to #ulti)ate the la"d.' " he -rophet added, "7he" the ma" ((ill be permitted he$ (ill so( the seeds a"d the pla"ts (ill ,ro( up a"d ,et ripe, ready !or reapi", a"d so o" till it (ill be as hu,e as mou"tai"s (ithi" a (i"k. Allah (ill the" say to him, '< so" o! Adam= ake here you are, ,ather (the yield$9 "othi", satis!ies you.' " <" that, the bedoui" said, " he ma" must be either !rom Auraish (i.e. a" emi,ra"t$ or a" A"sari, !or they are !armers, (hereas (e are "ot !armers." he -rophet smiled (at this$. 3.?3D: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: 7e used to be )ery happy o" 8riday as a" old lady used to #ut some roots o! the ;il5, (hi#h (e used to pla"t o" the ba"ks o! our small (ater streams, a"d #ook them i" a pot o! her's, addi", to them, some ,rai"s o! barley. (Fa'5ub, the sub3"arrator said, "I thi"k the "arrator me"tio"ed that the !ood did "ot #o"tai" !at or melted !at (take" !rom meat$."$ 7he" (e o!!ered the 8riday prayer (e (ould ,o to her a"d she (ould ser)e us (ith the dish. ;o, (e used to be happy o" 8ridays be#ause o! that. 7e used "ot to take our meals or the midday "ap e'#ept a!ter the /umua prayer (i.e. 8riday prayer$. 3.?1E: Narrated Abu Huraira: BE

he people say that Abu Huraira "arrates too ma"y "arratio"s. I" !a#t Allah k"o(s (hether I say the truth or "ot. hey also ask, "7hy do the emi,ra"ts a"d the A"sar "ot "arrate as he does>" I" !a#t, my emi,ra"t brethre" (ere busy tradi", i" the markets, a"d my A"sar brethre" (ere busy (ith their properties. I (as a poor ma" keepi", the #ompa"y o! Allah's Apostle a"d (as satis!ied (ith (hat !illed my stoma#h. ;o, I used to be prese"t (hile they (i.e. the emi,ra"ts a"d the A"sar$ (ere abse"t, a"d I used to remember (hile they !or,ot (the Hadith$. <"e day the -rophet said, "7hoe)er spreads his sheet till I !i"ish this stateme"t o! mi"e a"d the" ,athers it o" his #hest, (ill "e)er !or,et a"ythi", o! my stateme"t." ;o, I spread my #o)eri", sheet (hi#h (as the o"ly ,arme"t I had, till the -rophet !i"ished his stateme"t a"d the" I ,athered it o)er my #hest. By Him 7ho had se"t him (i.e. Allah's Apostle$ (ith the truth, si"#e the" I did "ot !or,et e)e" a si",le (ord o! that stateme"t o! his, u"til this day o! mi"e. By Allah, but !or t(o )erses i" Allah's Book, I (ould "e)er ha)e related a"y "arratio" (!rom the -rophet$. ( hese t(o )erses are$: "Verily= hose (ho #o"#eal the #lear si,"s a"d the ,uida"#e (hi#h (e ha)e se"t do(" .....(up to$ the +er#i!ul.' (..1?D31@E$ 3.?11: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: A tumbler (!ull o! milk or (ater$ (as brou,ht to the -rophet (ho dra"k !rom it, (hile o" his ri,ht side there (as sitti", a boy (ho (as the you",est o! those (ho (ere prese"t a"d o" his le!t side there (ere old me". he -rophet asked, "< boy, (ill you allo( me to ,i)e it (i.e. the rest o! the dri"k$ to the old me">" he boy said, "< Allah's Apostle= I (ill "ot ,i)e pre!ere"#e to a"yo"e o)er me to dri"k the rest o! it !rom (hi#h you ha)e dru"k." ;o, the -rophet ,a)e it to him. 3.?1.: Narrated A234uhri: A"as bi" +alik said, that o"#e a domesti# sheep (as milked !or Allah's Apostle (hile he (as i" the house o! A"as bi" +alik. he milk (as mi'ed (ith (ater dra(" !rom the (ell i" A"as's house. A tumbler o! it (as prese"ted to Allah's Apostle (ho dra"k !rom it. he" Abu Bakr (as sitti", o" his le!t side a"d a bedoui" o" his ri,ht side. 7he" the -rophet remo)ed the tumbler !rom his mouth, %&mar (as a!raid that the -rophet mi,ht ,i)e it to the bedoui", so he said. "< Allah's Apostle= Gi)e it to Abu Bakr (ho is sitti", by your side." But the -rophet ,a)e it to the bedoui", (ho (as to his ri,ht a"d said, "Fou should start (ith the o"e o" your ri,ht side." 3.?13: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot (ithhold the super!luous (ater, !or that (ill pre)e"t people !rom ,ra2i", their #attle." 3.?11: Narrated Abu Huraira: that Allah's Apostle said, "6o "ot (ithhold the super!luous (ater i" order to (ithhold the super!luous ,rass." 3.?1?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No bloodmo"ey (ill be #har,ed i! somebody dies i" a mi"e or i" a (ell or is killed by a" a"imal9 a"d i! somebody !i"ds a treasure i" his la"d he has to ,i)e o"e3!i!th o! it to the Go)er"me"t." 3.?1@: Narrated %Abdullah (bi" +as%ud$: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er takes a !alse oath to depri)e somebody o! his property (ill meet Allah (hile He (ill be a",ry (ith him." Allah re)ealed: 'Verily those (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t, a"d their oaths.' ........(3.BB$ Al3Ashath #ame (to the pla#e (here %Abdullah (as "arrati",$ a"d said, "7hat has Abu %Abdur3 :ahma" (i.e. %Abdullah$ bee" telli", you> his )erse (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", me. I had a (ell i" the la"d o! a #ousi" o! mi"e. he -rophet asked me to bri", (it"esses (to #o"!irm my #laim$. I said, 'I do"'t ha)e (it"esses.' He said, 'Iet the de!e"da"t take a" oath the".' I said, '< Allah's Apostle= He (ill


take a (!alse$ oath immediately.' he" the -rophet me"tio"ed the abo)e "arratio" a"d Allah re)ealed the )erse to #o"!irm (hat he had said." (;ee Hadith No. @D.$ 3.?1B: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " here are three perso"s (hom Allah (ill "ot look at o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio", "or (ill he puri!y them a"d theirs shall be a se)ere pu"ishme"t. hey are: 31. A ma" possessed super!luous (ater, o" a (ay a"d he (ithheld it !rom tra)elers. 3.. A ma" (ho ,a)e a pled,e o! alle,ia"#e to a ruler a"d he ,a)e it o"ly !or (orldly be"e!its. I! the ruler ,i)es him somethi", he ,ets satis!ied, a"d i! the ruler (ithholds somethi", !rom him, he ,ets dissatis!ied. 33. A"d ma" displayed his ,oods !or sale a!ter the %Asr prayer a"d he said, 'By Allah, e'#ept 7hom No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped, I ha)e bee" ,i)e" so mu#h !or my ,oods,' a"d somebody belie)es him (a"d buys them$. he -rophet the" re#ited: "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's Ho)e"a"t a"d their oaths." (3.BB$ 3.?1C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" A234ubair: A" A"sari ma" 5uarreled (ith A234ubair i" the prese"#e o! the -rophet about the Harra Ha"als (hi#h (ere used !or irri,ati", the date3palms. he A"sari ma" said to A234ubair, "Iet the (ater pass' but A234ubair re!used to do so. ;o, the #ase (as brou,ht be!ore the -rophet (ho said to A234ubair, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your la"d$ a"d the" let the (ater pass to your "ei,hbor." <" that the A"sari ,ot a",ry a"d said to the -rophet, "Is it be#ause he (i.e. 4ubair$ is your au"t's so">" <" that the #olor o! the !a#e o! Allah's Apostle #ha",ed (be#ause o! a",er$ a"d he said, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your la"d$ a"d the" (ithhold the (ater till it rea#hes the (alls bet(ee" the pits rou"d the trees." 4ubair said, "By Allah, I thi"k that the !ollo(i", )erse (as re)ealed o" this o##asio"": "But "o, by your Iord hey #a" ha)e No !aith &"til they make you *ud,e I" all disputes bet(ee" them." (1.@?$ 3.?1D: Narrated %&r(a: 7he" a ma" !rom the A"sar 5uarreled (ith A234ubair, the -rophet said, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your la"d$ !irst a"d the" let the (ater !lo( (to the la"d o! the others$." "<" that the A"sari said, (to the -rophet$, "It is be#ause he is your au"t's so"." <" that the -rophet said, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate till the (ater rea#hes the (alls bet(ee" the pits arou"d the trees a"d the" stop (i.e. let the (ater ,o to the other's la"d$." I thi"k the !ollo(i", )erse (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", this e)e"t: "But "o, by your Iord hey #a" ha)e No !aith &"til they make you *ud,e I" all disputes bet(ee" them." (1.@?$ 3.??E: Narrated %&r(a bi" A234ubair: A" A"sari ma" 5uarreled (ith A234ubair about a #a"al i" the Harra (hi#h (as used !or irri,ati", date3palms. Allah's Apostle, orderi", 4ubair to be moderate, said, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your la"d$ !irst a"d the" lea)e the (ater !or your "ei,hbor." he A"sari said, "Is it be#ause he is your au"t's so">" <" that the #olor o! the !a#e o! Allah's Apostle #ha",ed a"d he said, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your la"d$ a"d (ithhold the (ater till it rea#hes the (alls that are bet(ee" the pits arou"d the trees." ;o, Allah's Apostle ,a)e 4ubair his !ull ri,ht. 4ubair said, "By Allah, the !ollo(i", )erse (as re)ealed i" that #o""e#tio"": "But "o, by your Iord hey #a" ha)e No !aith &"til they make you *ud,e I" all disputes bet(ee" them." (1.@?$ ( he sub3"arrator,$ Ib" ;hihab said to /urai* (a"other sub3"arrator$, " he A"sar a"d the other people i"terpreted the sayi", o! the -rophet, 'Irri,ate (your la"d$ a"d (ithhold the (ater till it rea#hes the (alls bet(ee" the pits arou"d the trees,' as mea"i", up to the a"kles." 3.??1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hile a ma" (as (alki", he !elt thirsty a"d (e"t do(" a (ell a"d dra"k (ater !rom it. <" #omi", out o! it, he sa( a do, pa"ti", a"d eati", mud be#ause o! e'#essi)e thirst. he ma" said, ' his (do,$ is su!!eri", !rom the same problem as that o! mi"e. ;o he ((e"t do(" the (ell$, B.

!illed his shoe (ith (ater, #au,ht hold o! it (ith his teeth a"d #limbed up a"d (atered the do,. Allah tha"ked him !or his (,ood$ deed a"d !or,a)e him." he people asked, "< Allah's Apostle= Is there a re(ard !or us i" ser)i", (the$ a"imals>" He replied, "Fes, there is a re(ard !or ser)i", a"y a"imate." 3.??.: Narrated Asma' bi"t Abi Bakr: he -rophet prayed the e#lipse prayer, a"d the" said, "Hell (as displayed so #lose that I said, '< my Iord = Am I ,oi", to be o"e o! its i"habita"ts>"' ;udde"ly he sa( a (oma". I thi"k he said, (ho (as bei", s#rat#hed by a #at. He said, "7hat is (ro", (ith her>" He (as told, ";he had impriso"ed it (i.e. the #at$ till it died o! hu",er." 3.??3: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "A (oma" (as tortured a"d (as put i" Hell be#ause o! a #at (hi#h she had kept lo#ked till it died o! hu",er." Allah's Apostle !urther said, (Allah k"o(s better$ Allah said (to the (oma"$, 'Fou "either !ed it "or (atered (he" you lo#ked it up, "or did you set it !ree to eat the i"se#ts o! the earth." 3.??1: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: <"#e a tumbler (!ull o! milk or (ater$ (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle (ho dra"k !rom it, (hile o" his ri,ht side there (as sitti", a boy (ho (as the you",est o! those (ho (ere prese"t, a"d o" his le!t side there (ere old me". he -rophet asked, "< boy = 6o you allo( me to ,i)e (the dri"k$ to the elder people (!irst$>" he boy said, "I (ill "ot pre!er a"ybody to ha)e my share !rom you, < Allah's Apostle=" ;o, he ,a)e it to the boy. 3.???: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is, I (ill dri)e some people out !rom my (sa#red$ 8ou"t o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" as stra",e #amels are e'pelled !rom a pri)ate trou,h." 3.??@: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, "+ay Allah be mer#i!ul to the mother o! Ishmael= I! she had le!t the (ater o! 4am2am (!ou"tai"$ as it (as, ((ithout #o"stru#ti", a basi" !or keepi", the (ater$, (or said, "I! she had "ot take" ha"d!uls o! its (ater"$, it (ould ha)e bee" a !lo(i", stream. /urhum (a" Arab tribe$ #ame a"d asked her, '+ay (e settle at your d(elli",>' ;he said, 'Fes, but you ha)e "o ri,ht to possess the (ater.' hey a,reed." 3.??B: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, " here are three types o! people (hom Allah (ill "either talk to, "or look at, o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio". ( hey are$: 31. A ma" (ho takes a" oath !alsely that he has bee" o!!ered !or his ,oods so mu#h more tha" (hat he is ,i)e", 3.. a ma" (ho takes a !alse oath a!ter the %Asr prayer i" order to ,rab a +uslim's property, a"d 33. a ma" (ho (ithholds his super!luous (ater. Allah (ill say to him, " oday I (ill (ithhold +y Gra#e !rom you as you (ithheld the super!luity o! (hat you had "ot #reated." 3.??C: Narrated As3;ab bi" /ath3thama: Allah's Apostle said, No Hima e'#ept !or Allah a"d His Apostle. 7e ha)e bee" told that Allah's Apostle made a pla#e #alled A"3Na5i' as Hima, a"d %&mar made Ash3;hara! a"d Ar3:abadha Hima (!or ,ra2i", the a"imals o! 4akat$. 3.??D: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "0eepi", horses may be a sour#e o! re(ard to some (ma"$, a shelter to a"other (i.e. mea"s o! ear"i", o"e's li)i",$, or a burde" to a third. He to (hom the horse (ill be a sour#e o! re(ard is the o"e (ho keeps it i" Allah's Hause (prepare it !or holy battles$ a"d ties it by a lo", rope B3

i" a pasture (or a ,arde"$. He (ill ,et a re(ard e5ual to (hat its lo", rope allo(s it to eat i" the pasture or the ,arde", a"d i! that horse breaks its rope a"d #rosses o"e or t(o hills, the" all its !ootsteps a"d its du", (ill be #ou"ted as ,ood deeds !or its o("er9 a"d i! it passes by a ri)er a"d dri"ks !rom it, the" that (ill also be re,arded as a ,ood deed !or its o("er e)e" i! he has had "o i"te"tio" o! (ateri", it the". Horses are a shelter !rom po)erty to the se#o"d perso" (ho keeps horses !or ear"i", his li)i", so as "ot to ask others, a"d at the same time he ,i)es Allah's ri,ht (i.e. rak%at$ (!rom the (ealth he ear"s throu,h usi", them i" tradi", et#.,$ a"d does "ot o)erburde" them. He (ho keeps horses *ust out o! pride a"d !or sho(i", o!! a"d as a mea"s o! harmi", the +uslims, his horses (ill be a sour#e o! si"s to him." 7he" Allah's Apostle (as asked about do"keys, he replied, "Nothi", parti#ular (as re)ealed to me re,ardi", them e'#ept the ,e"eral u"i5ue )erse (hi#h is appli#able to e)erythi",: "7hoe)er does ,ood"ess e5ual to the (ei,ht o! a" atom (or small a"t$ shall see it (its re(ard$ o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"." 3.?@E: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid: A ma" #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d asked about Al3Iu5ata (a !alle" thi",$. he -rophet said, ":e#o,"i2e its #o"tai"er a"d its tyi", material a"d the" make a publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year a"d i! its o("er sho(s up, ,i)e it to him9 other(ise use it as you like." he ma" said, "7hat about a lost sheep>" he -rophet said, "It is !or you, your brother or the (ol!." he ma" said "7hat about a lost #amel>" he -rophet said, "7hy should you take it as it has ,ot its (ater3#o"tai"er (its stoma#h$ a"d its hoo)es a"d it #a" rea#h the pla#es o! (ater a"d #a" eat the trees till its o("er !i"ds it>" 3.?@1: Narrated A234ubair bi" Al 'A((am: he -rophet said, "No doubt, o"e had better take a rope (a"d #ut$ a"d tie a bu"dle o! (ood a"d sell it (hereby Allah (ill keep his !a#e a(ay (!rom Hell3!ire$ rather tha" ask others (ho may ,i)e him or "ot." 3.?@.: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No doubt, you had better ,ather a bu"dle o! (ood a"d #arry it o" your ba#k (a"d ear" your li)i", thereby$ rather tha" ask somebody (ho may ,i)e you or "ot." 3.?@3: Narrated Husai" bi" %Ali: %Ali bi" Abi alib said: "I ,ot a she3#amel as my share o! the (ar booty o" the day (o! the battle$ o! Badr, a"d Allah's Apostle ,a)e me a"other she3#amel. I let both o! them k"eel at the door o! o"e o! the A"sar, i"te"di", to #arry Idhkhir o" them to sell it a"d use its pri#e !or my (eddi", ba"5uet o" marryi", 8atima. A ,oldsmith !rom Ba"i Aai"5a' (as (ith me. Ham2a bi" %Abdul3+uttalib (as i" that house dri"ki", (i"e a"d a lady si",er (as re#iti",: "< Ham2a= (0ill$ the (t(o$ !at old she #amels (a"d ser)e them to your ,uests$. ;o Ham2a took his s(ord a"d (e"t to(ards the t(o she3#amels a"d #ut o!! their humps a"d ope"ed their !la"ks a"d took a part o! their li)ers." (I said to Ib" ;hihab, "6id he take part o! the humps>" He replied, "He #ut o!! their humps a"d #arried them a(ay."$ %Ali !urther said, "7he" I sa( that dread!ul si,ht, I (e"t to the -rophet a"d told him the "e(s. he -rophet #ame out i" the #ompa"y o! 4aid bi" Haritha (ho (as (ith him the", a"d I too (e"t (ith them. He (e"t to Ham2a a"d spoke harshly to him. Ham2a looked up a"d said, 'Are"'t you o"ly the sla)es o! my !ore!athers>' he -rophet retreated a"d (e"t out. his i"#ide"t happe"ed be!ore the prohibitio" o! dri"ki",." 3.?@1: Narrated A"as: he -rophet de#ided to ,ra"t a portio" o! (the u"#ulti)ated la"d o!$ Bahrai" to the A"sar. he A"sar said, "(7e (ill "ot a##ept it$ till you ,i)e a similar portio" to our emi,ra"t brothers (!rom Auraish$." He said, "(< A"sar=$ Fou (ill soo" see people ,i)i", pre!ere"#e to others, so remai" patie"t till you meet me (o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"$. 3.?@?: B1

Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "<"e o! the ri,hts o! a she #amel is that it should be milked at a pla#e o! (ater." 3.?@@: Narrated 4aid bi" habit: he -rophet permitted selli", the dates o! the 'Araya !or ready dates by estimati", the amou"t o! the !ormer (as they are still o" the trees$. 3.?@B: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: he -rophet !orbade the sales #alled Al3+ukhabara, Al3+uha5ala a"d Al3+u2aba"a a"d the selli", o! !ruits till they are !ree !rom bli,hts. He !orbade the selli", o! the !ruits e'#ept !or mo"ey, e'#ept the 'Araya. 3.?@C: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet allo(ed the sale o! the dates o! the 'Araya !or ready dates by estimati", the !ormer (hi#h should be estimated as less tha" !i)e A(su5 or !i)e A(su5. (6a(ud, the sub3"arrator is "ot sure as to the ri,ht amou"t.$ 3.?@D: Narrated :a!i% 'bi" 0hadi* a"d ;ahl bi" Al Hathma: Allah's Apostle !orbade the sale o! +u2aba"a, i.e. selli", o! !ruits !or !ruits, e'#ept i" the #ase o! 'Araya9 he allo(ed the o("ers o! 'Araya su#h ki"d o! sale. 3.?BE: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: 7hile I (as i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet i" o"e o! his Gha2a(at, he asked, "7hat is (ro", (ith your #amel> 7ill you sell it>" I replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d sold it to him. 7he" he rea#hed +edi"a, I took the #amel to him i" the mor"i", a"d he paid me its pri#e. 3.?B1: Narrated Al3A%mash: 7he" (e (ere (ith Ibrahim, (e talked about mort,a,i", i" deals o! ;alam. Ibrahim "arrated !rom As(ad that %Aisha had said, " he -rophet bou,ht some !oodstu!! o" #redit !rom a /e( a"d mort,a,ed a" iro" armor to him." 3.?B.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er takes the mo"ey o! the people (ith the i"te"tio" o! repayi", it, Allah (ill repay it o" his behal!, a"d (hoe)er takes it i" order to spoil it, the" Allah (ill spoil him." 3.?B3: Narrated Abu 6har: <"#e, (hile I (as i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet, he sa( the mou"tai" o! &hud a"d said, "I (ould "ot like to ha)e this mou"tai" tur"ed i"to ,old !or me u"less "othi", o! it, "ot e)e" a si",le 6i"ar remai"s o! it (ith me !or more tha" three days (i.e. I (ill spe"d all o! it i" Allah's Hause$, e'#ept that 6i"ar (hi#h I (ill keep !or repayi", debts." he" he said, " hose (ho are ri#h i" this (orld (ould ha)e little re(ard i" the Herea!ter e'#ept those (ho spe"d their mo"ey here a"d there (i" Allah's Hause$, a"d they are !e( i" "umber." he" he ordered me to stay at my pla#e a"d (e"t "ot !ar a(ay. I heard a )oi#e a"d i"te"ded to ,o to him but I remembered his order, ";tay at your pla#e till I retur"." <" his retur" I said, "< Allah's Apostle= (7hat (as$ that "oise (hi#h I heard>" He said, "6id you hear a"ythi",>" I said, "Fes." He said, "Gabriel #ame a"d said to me, '7hoe)er amo",st your !ollo(ers dies, (orshippi", "o"e alo", (ith Allah, (ill e"ter -aradise.' " I said, "K)e" i! he did su#h3a"d3su#h thi",s (i.e. e)e" i! he stole or #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse$" He said, "Fes." 3.?B1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I! I had ,old e5ual to the mou"tai" o! &hud, it (ould "ot please me that it should remai" (ith me !or more tha" three days, e'#ept a" amou"t (hi#h I (ould keep !or repayi", debts." B?

3.?B?: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" dema"ded his debts !rom Allah's Apostle i" su#h a rude ma""er that the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet i"te"ded to harm him, but the -rophet said, "Iea)e him, "o doubt, !or he (the #reditor$ has the ri,ht to dema"d it (harshly$. Buy a #amel a"d ,i)e it to him." hey said, " he #amel that is a)ailable is older tha" the #amel he dema"ds. " he -rophet said, "Buy it a"d ,i)e it to him, !or the best amo", you are those (ho repay their debts ha"dsomely. " 3.?B@: Narrated Hudhai!a: I heard the -rophet sayi",, "<"#e a ma" died a"d (as asked, '7hat did you use to say (or do$ (i" your li!e time$>' He replied, 'I (as a busi"essma" a"d used to ,i)e time to the ri#h to repay his debt a"d (used to$ dedu#t part o! the debt o! the poor.' ;o he (as !or,i)e" (his si"s.$" Abu +as%ud said, "I heard the same (Hadith$ !rom the -rophet." 3.?BB: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d dema"ded a #amel (the -rophet o(ed him$. Allah's Apostle told his #ompa"io"s to ,i)e him (a #amel$. hey said, "7e do "ot !i"d e'#ept a" older #amel (tha" (hat he dema"ds$. ( he -rophet ordered them to ,i)e him that #amel$. he ma" said, "Fou ha)e paid me i" !ull a"d may Allah also pay you i" !ull." Allah's Apostle said, "Gi)e him, !or the best amo",st the people is he (ho repays his debts i" the most ha"dsome ma""er." 3.?BC: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet o(ed a #amel o! a #ertai" a,e to a ma" (ho #ame to dema"d it ba#k. he -rophet ordered his #ompa"io"s to ,i)e him. hey looked !or a #amel o! the same a,e but !ou"d "othi", but a #amel o"e year older. he -rophet told them to ,i)e it to him. he ma" said, "Fou ha)e paid me i" !ull, a"d may Allah pay you i" !ull." he -rophet said, " he best amo",st you is he (ho pays his debts i" the most ha"dsome ma""er." 3.?BD: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I (e"t to the -rophet (hile he (as i" the +os5ue. (+as%ar thi"ks, that /abir (e"t i" the !ore"oo".$ A!ter the -rophet told me to pray t(o rak%at, he repaid me the debt he o(ed me a"d ,a)e me a" e'tra amou"t. 3.?CE: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: +y !ather (as martyred o" the day (o! the battle$ o! &hud, a"d he (as i" debt. His #reditors dema"ded their ri,hts persiste"tly. I (e"t to the -rophet (a"d i"!ormed him about it$. He told them to take the !ruits o! my ,arde" a"d e'empt my !ather !rom the debts but they re!used to do so. ;o, the -rophet did "ot ,i)e them my ,arde" a"d told me that he (ould #ome to me the "e't mor"i",. He #ame to us early i" the mor"i", a"d (a"dered amo", the date3palms a"d i")oked Allah to bless their !ruits. I the" plu#ked the dates a"d paid the #reditors, a"d there remai"ed some o! the dates !or us. 3.?C1: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: 7he" my !ather died he o(ed a /e( thirty A(su5 (o! dates$. I re5uested him to ,i)e me respite !or repayi", but he re!used. I re5uested Allah's Apostle to i"ter#ede (ith the /e(. Allah's Apostle (e"t to the /e( a"d asked him to a##ept the !ruits o! my trees i" pla#e o! the debt but the /e( re!used. Allah's Apostle e"tered the ,arde" o! the date3palms, (a"deri", amo", the trees a"d ordered me (sayi",$, "-lu#k (the !ruits$ a"d ,i)e him his due." ;o, I plu#ked the !ruits !or him a!ter the departure o! Allah's Apostle a"d ,a)e his thirty A(su5, a"d still had se)e"tee" A(su5 e'tra !or mysel!. /abir said: I (e"t to Allah's Apostle to i"!orm o! (hat had happe"ed, but !ou"d him prayi", the %Asr prayer. A!ter the prayer I told him about the e'tra !ruits (hi#h remai"ed. Allah's Apostle told me to i"!orm (%&mar$ Ib" Al30hattab about it. 7he" I (e"t to %&mar a"d told him about it, %&mar said, "7he" Allah's Apostle (alked i" your ,arde", I (as sure that Allah (ould de!i"itely bless it." B@

3.?C.: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to i")oke Allah i" the prayer sayi",, "< Allah, I seek re!u,e (ith you !rom all si"s, a"d !rom bei", i" debt." ;omeo"e said, < Allah's Apostle= (I see you$ )ery o!te" you seek re!u,e (ith Allah !rom bei", i" debt. He replied, "I! a perso" is i" debt, he tells lies (he" he speaks, a"d breaks his promises (he" he promises." 3.?C3: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I! someo"e lea)es some property, it (ill be !or the i"heritors, a"d i! he lea)es some (eak o!!spri",, it (ill be !or us to support them." 3.?C1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I am #loser to the belie)ers tha" their sel)es i" this (orld a"d i" the Herea!ter, a"d i! you like, you #a" read Allah's ;tateme"t: " he -rophet is #loser to the belie)ers tha" their o(" sel)es." (33.@$ ;o, i! a true belie)er dies a"d lea)es behi"d some property, it (ill be !or his i"heritors (!rom the !ather's side$, a"d i! he lea)es behi"d some debt to be paid or "eedy o!!spri",, the" they should #ome to me as I am the ,uardia" o! the de#eased." 3.?C?: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "-ro#rasti"atio" (delay$ i" repayi", debts by a (ealthy perso" is i"*usti#e." 3.?C@: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d dema"ded his debts a"d used harsh (ords. he #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet (a"ted to harm him, but the -rophet said, "Iea)e him, as the #reditor (o("er o! the ri,ht$ has the ri,ht to speak." 3.?CB: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I! a ma" !i"ds his )ery thi",s (ith a ba"krupt, he has more ri,ht to take them ba#k tha" a"yo"e else." 3.?CC: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: A ma" pled,ed that his sla)e (ould be ma"umitted a!ter his death. he -rophet asked, "7ho (ill buy the sla)e !rom me>" Nu'aim bi" %Abdullah bou,ht the sla)e a"d the -rophet took its pri#e a"d ,a)e it to the o("er. 3.?CD: Narrated /abir: 7he" %Abdullah (my !ather$ died, he le!t behi"d #hildre" a"d debts. I asked the le"ders to put do(" some o! his debt, but they re!used, so I (e"t to the -rophet to i"ter#ede (ith them, yet they re!used. he -rophet said (to me$, "Hlassi!y your dates i"to their di!!ere"t ki"ds: 'Adha bi" 4aid, Iea" a"d 'A*(a, ea#h ki"d alo"e a"d #all all the #reditors a"d (ait till I #ome to you." I did so a"d the -rophet #ame a"d sat beside the dates a"d started measuri", to ea#h his due till he paid them !ully, a"d the amou"t o! dates remai"ed as it (as be!ore, as i! he had "ot tou#hed them. (<" a"other o##asio"$ I took part i" o"e o! Gha2a(at amo", (ith the -rophet a"d I (as ridi", o"e o! our #amels. he #amel ,ot tired a"d (as la,,i", behi"d the others. he -rophet hit it o" its ba#k. He said, ";ell it to me, a"d you ha)e the ri,ht to ride it till +edi"a.'' 7he" (e approa#hed +edi"a, I took the permissio" !rom the -rophet to ,o to my house, sayi",, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e "e(ly married." he -rophet asked, "Ha)e you married a )ir,i" or a matro" (a (ido( or di)or#ee$>" I said, "I ha)e married a matro", as %Abdullah (my !ather$ died a"d le!t behi"d dau,hters small i" their a,es, so I married a matro" (ho may tea#h them a"d bri", them up (ith ,ood ma""ers." he -rophet the" said (to me$, "Go to your !amily." 7he" I (e"t there a"d told my mater"al u"#le about the selli", o! the #amel, he admo"ished me !or it. <" that I told him about its slo("ess a"d e'haustio" a"d about (hat the -rophet had do"e to the #amel a"d his hitti", it. 7he" the -rophet arri)ed, I (e"t to him BB

(ith the #amel i" the mor"i", a"d he ,a)e me its pri#e, the #amel itsel!, a"d my share !rom the (ar booty as he ,a)e the other people. 3.?DE: Narrated Ib" %&mar: A ma" #ame to the -rophet a"d said, "I am o!te" betrayed i" bar,ai"i",." he -rophet ad)ised him, "7he" you buy somethi",, say (to the seller$, 'No de#eptio"." he ma" used to say so a!ter(ards. 3.?D1: Narrated Al3+u,hira bi" ;hu%ba: he -rophet said, "Allah has !orbidde" !or you, (1$ to be u"duti!ul to your mothers, (.$ to bury your dau,hters ali)e, (3$ to "ot to pay the ri,hts o! the others (e.,. #harity, et#.$ a"d (1$ to be, o! me" (be,,i",$. A"d Allah has hated !or you (1$ )ai", useless talk, or that you talk too mu#h about others, (.$ to ask too ma"y 5uestio"s, (i" disputed reli,ious matters$ a"d (3$ to (aste the (ealth (by e'tra)a,a"#e$. 3.?D.: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "K)eryo"e o! you is a ,uardia", a"d respo"sible !or (hat is i" his #ustody. he ruler is a ,uardia" o! his sub*e#ts a"d respo"sible !or them9 a husba"d is a ,uardia" o! his !amily a"d is respo"sible !or it9 a lady is a ,uardia" o! her husba"d's house a"d is respo"sible !or it, a"d a ser)a"t is a ,uardia" o! his master's property a"d is respo"sible !or it." I heard that !rom Allah's Apostle a"d I thi"k that the -rophet also said, "A ma" is a ,uardia" o! is !ather's property a"d is respo"sible !or it, so all o! you are ,uardia"s a"d respo"sible !or your (ards a"d thi",s u"der your #are." 3.?D3: Narrated %Abdullah: I heard a ma" re#iti", a )erse (o! the Holy Aur'a"$ but I had heard the -rophet re#iti", it di!!ere"tly. ;o, I #au,ht hold o! the ma" by the ha"d a"d took him to Allah's Apostle (ho said, "Both o! you are ri,ht." ;hu%ba, the sub3"arrator said, "I thi"k he said to them, "6o"'t di!!er, !or the "atio"s be!ore you di!!ered a"d perished (be#ause o! their di!!ere"#es$. " 3.?D1: Narrated Abu Huraira: (o perso"s, a +uslim a"d a /e(, 5uarreled. he +uslim said, "By Him 7ho ,a)e +uhammad superiority o)er all the people= he /e( said, "By Him 7ho ,a)e +oses superiority o)er all the people=" At that the +uslim raised his ha"d a"d slapped the /e( o" the !a#e. he /e( (e"t to the -rophet a"d i"!ormed him o! (hat had happe"ed bet(ee" him a"d the +uslim. he -rophet se"t !or the +uslim a"d asked him about it. he +uslim i"!ormed him o! the e)e"t. he -rophet said, "6o "ot ,i)e me superiority o)er +oses, !or o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" all the people (ill !all u"#o"s#ious a"d I (ill be o"e o! them, but I (ill. be the !irst to ,ai" #o"s#ious"ess, a"d (ill see +oses sta"di", a"d holdi", the side o! the hro"e (o! Allah$. I (ill "ot k"o( (hether (+oses$ has also !alle" u"#o"s#ious a"d ,ot up be!ore me, or Allah has e'empted him !rom that stroke." 3.?D?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: 7hile Allah's Apostle (as sitti",, a /e( #ame a"d said, "< Abul Aasim= <"e o! your #ompa"io"s has slapped me o" my !a#e." he -rophet asked (ho that (as. He replied that he (as o"e o! the A"sar. he -rophet se"t !or him, a"d o" his arri)al, he asked him (hether he had beate" the /e(. He (replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d$ said, "I heard him taki", a" oath i" the market sayi",, 'By Him 7ho ,a)e +oses superiority o)er all the huma" bei",s.' I said, '< (i#ked ma"= (Has Allah ,i)e" +oses superiority$ e)e" o)er +uhammad I be#ame !urious a"d slapped him o)er his !a#e." he -rophet said, "6o "ot ,i)e a prophet superiority o)er a"other, !or o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" all the people (ill !all u"#o"s#ious a"d I (ill be the !irst to emer,e !rom the earth, a"d (ill see +oses sta"di", a"d holdi", o"e o! the le,s o! the hro"e. I (ill "ot k"o( (hether +oses has !alle" u"#o"s#ious or the !irst u"#o"s#ious"ess (as su!!i#ie"t !or him." 3.?D@: BC

Narrated A"as: A /e( #rushed the head o! a ,irl bet(ee" t(o sto"es. he ,irl (as asked (ho had #rushed her head, a"d some "ames (ere me"tio"ed be!ore her, a"d (he" the "ame o! the /e( (as me"tio"ed, she "odded a,reei",. he /e( (as #aptured a"d (he" he #o"!essed, the -rophet ordered that his head be #rushed bet(ee" t(o sto"es. 3.?DB: Narrated Ib" %&mar: A ma" (as o!te" #heated i" buyi",. he -rophet said to him, "7he" you buy somethi",, say (to the seller$, No #heati",." he ma" used to say so the"#e!or(ard . 3.?DC: Narrated /abir: A ma" ma"umitted a sla)e a"d he had "o other property tha" that, so the -rophet #a"#eled the ma"umissio" (a"d sold the sla)e !or him$. Nu'aim bi" Al3Nahham bou,ht the sla)e !rom him. 3.?DD: Narrated %Abdullah bi" +as%ud: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er takes a !alse oath so as to take the property o! a +uslim (ille,ally$ (ill meet Allah (hile He (ill be a",ry (ith him." Al3Ash'ath said: By Allah, that sayi", #o"#er"ed me. I had #ommo" la"d (ith a /e(, a"d the /e( later o" de"ied my o("ership, so I took him to the -rophet (ho asked me (hether I had a proo! o! my o("ership. 7he" I replied i" the "e,ati)e, the -rophet asked the /e( to take a" oath. I said, "< Allah's Apostle= He (ill take a" oath a"d depri)e me o! my property." ;o, Allah re)ealed the !ollo(i", )erse: "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t a"d their oaths." (3.BB$ 3.@EE: Narrated %Abdullah bi" 0a%b bi" +alik: 0a%b dema"ded his debt ba#k !rom Ib" Abi Hadrad i" the +os5ue a"d their )oi#es ,re( louder till Allah's Apostle heard them (hile he (as i" his house. He #ame out to them raisi", the #urtai" o! his room a"d addressed 0a%b, "< 0a%b=" 0a%b replied, "Iabaik, < Allah's Apostle." (He said to him$, ":edu#e your debt to o"e hal!," ,esturi", (ith his ha"d. 0a%b said, "I ha)e do"e so, < Allah's Apostle=" <" that the -rophet said to Ib" Abi Hadrad, "Get up a"d repay the debt, to him." 3.@E1: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: I heard Hisham bi" Hakim bi" Hi2am re#iti", ;urat3al38ur5a" i" a (ay di!!ere"t to that o! mi"e. Allah's Apostle had tau,ht it to me (i" a di!!ere"t (ay$. ;o, I (as about to 5uarrel (ith him (duri", the prayer$ but I (aited till he !i"ished, the" I tied his ,arme"t rou"d his "e#k a"d sei2ed him by it a"d brou,ht him to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "I ha)e heard him re#iti", ;urat3al38ur5a" i" a (ay di!!ere"t to the (ay you tau,ht it to me." he -rophet ordered me to release him a"d asked Hisham to re#ite it. 7he" he re#ited it, Allah s Apostle said, "It (as re)ealed i" this (ay." He the" asked me to re#ite it. 7he" I re#ited it, he said, "It (as re)ealed i" this (ay. he Aur'a" has bee" re)ealed i" se)e" di!!ere"t (ays, so re#ite it i" the (ay that is easier !or you." 3.@E.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "No doubt, I i"te"ded to order somebody to pro"ou"#e the I5ama o! the (#ompulsory #o",re,atio"al$ prayer a"d the" I (ould ,o to the houses o! those (ho do "ot atte"d the prayer a"d bur" their houses o)er them." 3.@E3: Narrated Aisha: Abu bi" 4am%a a"d ;a%d bi" Abi 7a55as #arried the #ase o! their #laim o! the (o("ership$ o! the so" o! a sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a be!ore the -rophet. ;a%d said, "< Allah's Apostle= +y brother, be!ore his death, told me that (he" I (ould retur" (to +e##a$, I should sear#h !or the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a a"d take him i"to my #ustody as he (as his so"." 'Abu bi" 4am%a said, 'the is my brother a"d the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! my !ather, a"d (as bor" or my !ather's bed." he -rophet "oti#ed a


resembla"#e bet(ee" %&tba a"d the boy but he said, "< 'Abu bi" 4am%a= Fou (ill ,et this boy, as the so" ,oes to the o("er o! the bed. Fou, ;auda, s#ree" yoursel! !rom the boy." 3.@E1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle se"t horseme" to Na*d a"d they arrested a"d brou,ht a ma" #alled humama bi" &thal, the #hie! o! Famama, a"d they !aste"ed him to o"e o! the pillars o! the +os5ue. 7he" Allah's Apostle #ame up to him9 he asked, "7hat ha)e you to say, < humama>" He replied, "I ha)e ,ood "e(s, < +uhammad=" Abu Huraira "arrated the (hole "arratio" (hi#h e"ded (ith the order o! the -rophet ":elease him=" 3.@E?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet se"t some horseme" to Na*d a"d they arrested a"d brou,ht a ma" #alled humama bi" &thal !rom the tribe o! Ba"i Ha"i!a, a"d they !aste"ed him to o"e o! the pillars o! the +os5ue. 3.@E@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" 0a%b bi" +alik Al3A"sari !rom 0a%b bi" +alik: hat %Abdullah bi" Abi Hadrad Al3Aslami o(ed him some debt. 0a%b met him a"d #au,ht hold o! him a"d they started talki", a"d their )oi#es ,re( loudest. he -rophet passed by them a"d addressed 0a%b, poi"ti", out to him to redu#e the debt to o"e hal!. ;o, 0a%b ,ot o"e hal! o! the debt a"d e'empted the debtor !rom the other hal!. 3.@EB: Narrated 0habbab: I (as a bla#ksmith I" the -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e, a"d 'Asi bi" 7ail o(ed me some mo"ey. I (e"t to him to dema"d it, but he said to me, "I (ill "ot pay you u"less you re*e#t !aith i" +uhammad." I replied, "By Allah, I (ill "e)er disbelie)e +uhammad till Allah let you die a"d the" resurre#t you." He said, " he" (ait till I die a"d #ome to li!e a,ai", !or the" I (ill be ,i)e" property a"d o!!spri", a"d (ill pay your ri,ht." ;o, thus re)elatio" #ame: "Ha)e you see" him (ho disbelie)ed i" <ur si,"s a"d yet says, 'I (ill be ,i)e" property a"d o!!spri",>' " (1D.BB$ 3.@EC: Narrated &bai bi" 0a%b: I !ou"d a purse #o"tai"i", o"e hu"dred 6i"ers. ;o I (e"t to the -rophet (a"d i"!ormed him about it$, he said, "+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year" I did so, but "obody tur"ed up to #laim it, so I a,ai" (e"t to the -rophet (ho said, "+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t !or a"other year." I did, but "o"e tur"ed up to #laim it. I (e"t to him !or the third time a"d he said, "0eep the #o"tai"er a"d the stri", (hi#h is used !or its tyi", a"d #ou"t the mo"ey it #o"tai"s a"d i! its o("er #omes, ,i)e it to him9 other(ise, utili2e it." he sub3"arrator ;alama said, "I met him (;u(aid, a"other sub3"arrator$ i" +e##a a"d he said, 'I do"'t k"o( (hether &bai made the a""ou"#eme"t !or three years or *ust o"e year.' " 3.@ED: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid Al3/uha"i: A bedoui" (e"t to the -rophet a"d asked him about pi#ki", up a lost thi",. he -rophet said, "+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year. :emember the des#riptio" o! its #o"tai"er a"d the stri", (ith (hi#h it is tied9 a"d i! somebody #omes a"d #laims it a"d des#ribes it #orre#tly, (,i)e it to him$9 other(ise, utili2e it." He said, "< Allah's Apostle= 7hat about a lost sheep>" he -rophet said, "It is !or you, !or your brother (i.e. its o("er$, or !or the (ol!." He !urther asked, "7hat about a lost #amel>" <" that the !a#e o! the -rophet be#ame red ((ith a",er$ a"d said, "Fou ha)e "othi", to do (ith it, as it has its !eet, its (ater reser)e a"d #a" rea#h pla#es o! (ater a"d dri"k, a"d eat trees." 3.@1E: Narrated ;ulaima" bi" Bilal !rom Fahya: Fa2id +aula Al3+u"ba'ith heard 4aid bi" 0halid al3/uham sayi",, " he -rophet (as asked about Iu5ata. He said, ':emember the des#riptio" o! its #o"tai"er a"d the stri", it is tied (ith, a"d a""ou"#e it publi#ly !or o"e year.' " Fa2id added, "I! "obody #laims the" the perso" (ho has !ou"d it #a" spe"d it, a"d it is re,arded as a trust e"trusted to him." Fahya said, "I do "ot k"o( (hether the last se"te"#es CE

(ere said by the -rophet or by Fa2id." 4aid !urther said, " he -rophet (as asked, '7hat about a lost sheep>' he -rophet said, ' ake it, !or it is !or you or !or your brother (i.e. its o("er$ or !or the (ol!." Fa2id added that it should also be a""ou"#ed publi#ly. he ma" the" asked the -rophet about a lost #amel. he -rophet said, "Iea)e it, as it has its !eet, (ater #o"tai"er (reser)oir$, a"d it (ill rea#h a pla#e o! (ater a"d eat trees till its o("er !i"ds it." 3.@11: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid: A ma" #ame a"d asked Allah's Apostle about pi#ki", a lost thi",. he -rophet said, ":emember the des#riptio" o! its #o"tai"er a"d the stri", it is tied (ith, a"d make publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year. I! the o("er sho(s up, ,i)e it to him9 other(ise, do (hate)er you like (ith it." He the" asked, "7hat about a lost sheep>" he -rophet said, "It is !or you, !or your brother (i.e. its o("er$, or !or the (ol!." He !urther asked, "7hat about a lost #amel>" he -rophet said, "It is "o"e o! your #o"#er". It has its (ater3#o"tai"er (reser)oir$ a"d its !eet, a"d it (ill rea#h (ater a"d dri"k it a"d eat the trees till its o("er !i"ds it." 3.@1.: Narrated A"as: he -rophet passed a date !alle" o" the (ay a"d said, "7ere I "ot a!raid that it may be !rom a ;ada5a (#haritable ,i!ts$, I (ould ha)e eate" it." Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, ";ometimes (he" I retur" home a"d !i"d a date !alle" o" my bed, I pi#k it up i" order to eat it, but I !ear that it mi,ht be !rom a ;ada5a, so I thro( it." 3.@13: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he" Allah ,a)e )i#tory to His Apostle o)er the people o! +e##a, Allah's Apostle stood up amo", the people a"d a!ter ,lori!yi", Allah, said, "Allah has prohibited !i,hti", i" +e##a a"d has ,i)e" authority to His Apostle a"d the belie)ers o)er it, so !i,hti", (as ille,al !or a"yo"e be!ore me, a"d (as made le,al !or me !or a part o! a day, a"d it (ill "ot be le,al !or a"yo"e a!ter me. Its ,ame should "ot be #hased, its thor"y bushes should "ot be uprooted, a"d pi#ki", up its !alle" thi",s is "ot allo(ed e'#ept !or o"e (ho makes publi# a""ou"#eme"t !or it, a"d he (hose relati)e is murdered has the optio" either to a##ept a #ompe"satio" !or it or to retaliate." Al3%Abbas said, "K'#ept Al3Idhkhir, !or (e use it i" our ,ra)es a"d houses." Allah's Apostle said, "K'#ept Al3Idhkhir." Abu ;hah, a Feme"ite, stood up a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Get it (ritte" !or me." Allah's Apostle said, "7rite it !or Abu ;hah." ( he sub3"arrator asked Al3Au2a'i$: 7hat did he mea" by sayi",, "Get it (ritte", < Allah's Apostle>" He replied, " he spee#h (hi#h he had heard !rom Allah's Apostle ." 3.@11: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "A" a"imal should "ot be milked (ithout the permissio" o! its o("er. 6oes a"y o! you like that somebody #omes to his store a"d breaks his #o"tai"er a"d takes a(ay his !ood> he udders o! the a"imals are the stores o! their o("ers (here their pro)isio" is kept, so "obody should milk the a"imals o! somebody else, (ithout the permissio" o! its o("er." 3.@1?: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid Al3/uha"i: A ma" asked Allah's Apostle about the Iu5ata. He said, "+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t o! it !or o"e year, the" remember the des#riptio" o! its #o"tai"er a"d the stri", it is tied (ith, utili2e the mo"ey, a"d i! its o("er #omes ba#k a!ter that, ,i)e it to him." he people asked, "< Allah's Apostle= 7hat about a lost sheep>" Allah's Apostle said, " ake it, !or it is !or you, !or your brother, or !or the (ol!." he ma" asked, "< Allah's Apostle= 7hat about a lost #amel>" Allah's Apostle ,ot a",ry a"d his #heeks or !a#e be#ame red, a"d said, "Fou ha)e "o #o"#er" (ith it as it has its !eet, a"d its (ater3 #o"tai"er, till its o("er !i"ds it." 3.@1@: Narrated ;u(aid bi" Gha!ala: 7hile I as i" the #ompa"y o! ;alma" bi" :abi%a a"d ;uha", i" o"e o! the holy battles, I !ou"d a (hip. <"e o! them told me to drop it but I re!used to do so a"d said that I (ould ,i)e it to its o("er i! I C1

!ou"d him, other(ise I (ould utili2e it. <" our retur" (e per!ormed Ha** a"d o" passi", by +edi"a, I asked &bai bi" 0a%b about it. He said, "I !ou"d a ba, #o"tai"i", a hu"dred 6i"ars i" the li!etime o! the -rophet a"d took it to the -rophet (ho said to me, '+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year.' ;o, I a""ou"#ed it !or o"e year a"d (e"t to the -rophet (ho said, 'A""ou"#e it publi#ly !or a"other year.' ;o, I a""ou"#ed it !or a"other year. I (e"t to him a,ai" a"d he said, "A""ou"#e !or a" other year." ;o I a""ou"#ed !or still a"other year. I (e"t to the -rophet !or the !ourth time, a"d he said, ':emember the amou"t o! mo"ey, the des#riptio" o! its #o"tai"er a"d the stri", it is tied (ith, a"d i! the o("er #omes, ,i)e it to him9 other(ise, utili2e it.' " 3.@1B: Narrated ;alama: the abo)e "arratio" (Hadith @1@$ !rom &bai bi" 0a%b: addi",, "I met the sub3"arrator at +e##a later o", but he did "ot remember (hether 0a%b had a""ou"#ed (hat he had !ou"d o"e year or three years." 3.@1C: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid: A bedoui" asked the -rophet about the Iu5ata. he -rophet said, "+ake publi# a""ou"#eme"t about it !or o"e year a"d i! the" somebody #omes a"d des#ribes the #o"tai"er o! the Iu5ata a"d the stri", it (as tied (ith, (,i)e it to him$9 other(ise, spe"d it." He the" asked the -rophet about a lost #amel. he !a#e o! the -rophet be#ome red a"d he said, "Fou ha)e o #o"#er" (ith it as it has its (ater reser)oir a"d !eet a"d it (ill rea#h (ater a"d dri"k a"d eat trees. Iea)e it till its o("er !i"ds it." He the" asked the -rophet about a lost sheep. he -rophet said, "It is !or you, !or your brother, or !or the (ol!." 3.@1D: Narrated Abu Bakr: 7hile I (as o" my (ay, all o! a sudde" I sa( a shepherd dri)i", his sheep, I asked him (hose ser)a"t he (as. He replied that he (as the ser)a"t o! a ma" !rom Auraish, a"d the" he me"tio"ed his "ame a"d I re#o,"i2ed him. I asked, "6o your sheep ha)e some milk>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. I said, "Are you ,oi", to milk !or me>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. I ordered him a"d he tied the le,s o! o"e o! the sheep. he" I told him to #lea" the udder (teats$ o! dust a"d to remo)e dust o!! his ha"ds. He remo)ed the dust o!! his ha"ds by #lappi", his ha"ds. He the" milked a little milk. I put the milk !or Allah's Apostle i" a pot a"d #losed its mouth (ith a pie#e o! #loth a"d poured (ater o)er it till it be#ame #old. I took it to the -rophet a"d said, "6ri"k, < Allah's Apostle=" He dra"k it till I (as pleased. 3.@.E: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: Allah's Apostle said, "7he" the belie)ers pass sa!ely o)er (the brid,e a#ross$ Hell, they (ill be stopped at a brid,e i" bet(ee" Hell a"d -aradise (here they (ill retaliate upo" ea#h other !or the i"*usti#es do"e amo", them i" the (orld, a"d (he" they ,et puri!ied o! all their si"s, they (ill be admitted i"to -aradise. By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds the li!e o! +uhammad is e)erybody (ill re#o,"i2e his d(elli", i" -aradise better tha" he re#o,"i2es his d(elli", i" this (orld." 3.@.1: Narrated ;a!(a" bi" +uhri2 Al3+a2i"i: 7hile I (as (alki", (ith Ib" %&mar holdi", his ha"d, a ma" #ame i" !ro"t o! us a"d asked, "7hat ha)e you heard !rom Allah's Apostle about A"3Na*(a>" Ib" %&mar said, "I heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, 'Allah (ill bri", a belie)er "ear Him a"d shelter him (ith His ;#ree" a"d ask him: 6id you #ommit su#h3a"d3su#h si"s> He (ill say: Fes, my Iord. Allah (ill keep o" aski", him till he (ill #o"!ess all his si"s a"d (ill thi"k that he is rui"ed. Allah (ill say: 'I did s#ree" your si"s i" the (orld a"d I !or,i)e them !or you today', a"d the" he (ill be ,i)e" the book o! his ,ood deeds. :e,ardi", i"!idels a"d hypo#rites (their e)il a#ts (ill be e'posed publi#ly$ a"d the (it"esses (ill say: hese are the people (ho lied a,ai"st their Iord. Behold= he Hurse o! Allah is upo" the (ro",doers." (11.1C$ 3.@..: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "A +uslim is a brother o! a"other +uslim, so he should "ot oppress him, "or should he ha"d him o)er to a" oppressor. 7hoe)er !ul!illed the "eeds o! his brother, Allah (ill !ul!ill C.

his "eeds9 (hoe)er brou,ht his (+uslim$ brother out o! a dis#om!ort, Allah (ill bri", him out o! the dis#om!orts o! the 6ay o! :esurre#tio", a"d (hoe)er s#ree"ed a +uslim, Allah (ill s#ree" him o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" . " 3.@.3: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: Allah's Apostle said, "Help your brother, (hether he is a" oppressor or he is a" oppressed o"e." 3.@.1: Narrated A"as: Allah's Apostle said, "Help your brother, (hether he is a" oppressor or he is a" oppressed o"e. -eople asked, "< Allah's Apostle= It is all ri,ht to help him i! he is oppressed, but ho( should (e help him i! he is a" oppressor>" he -rophet said, "By pre)e"ti", him !rom oppressi", others." 3.@.?: Narrated +ua(iya bi" ;u(aid: I heard Al3Bara' bi" %A2ib sayi",, " he -rophet orders us to do se)e" thi",s a"d prohibited us !rom doi", se)e" other thi",s." he" Al3Bara' me"tio"ed the !ollo(i",:33 (1$ o pay a )isit to the si#k (i"5uiri", about his health$, (.$ to !ollo( !u"eral pro#essio"s, (3$ to say to a s"ee2er, "+ay Allah be mer#i!ul to you" (i! he says, "-raise be to Allah="$, (1$ to retur" ,reeti",s, (?$ to help the oppressed, (@$ to a##ept i")itatio"s, (B$ to help others to !ul!ill their oaths. (;ee Hadith No. B?3, Vol. B$ 3.@.@: Narrated Abu +usa: he -rophet said, "A belie)er to a"other belie)er is like a buildi", (hose di!!ere"t parts e"!or#e ea#h other." he -rophet the" #lasped his ha"ds (ith the !i",ers i"terla#ed ((hile sayi", that$. 3.@.B: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "<ppressio" (ill be a dark"ess o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"." 3.@.C: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet se"t +u%adh to Feme" a"d said, "Be a!raid, !rom the #urse o! the oppressed as there is "o s#ree" bet(ee" his i")o#atio" a"d Allah." 3.@.D: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er has oppressed a"other perso" #o"#er"i", his reputatio" or a"ythi", else, he should be, him to !or,i)e him be!ore the 6ay o! :esurre#tio" (he" there (ill be "o mo"ey (to #ompe"sate !or (ro", deeds$, but i! he has ,ood deeds, those ,ood deeds (ill be take" !rom him a##ordi", to his oppressio" (hi#h he has do"e, a"d i! he has "o ,ood deeds, the si"s o! the oppressed perso" (ill be loaded o" him." 3.@3E: Narrated Aisha: :e,ardi", the e'pla"atio" o! the !ollo(i", )erse:33 "I! a (i!e !ears Hruelty or desertio" <" her husba"d's part." (1.1.C$ A ma" may dislike his (i!e a"d i"te"d to di)or#e her, so she says to him, "I ,i)e up my ri,hts, so do "ot di)or#e me." he abo)e )erse (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", su#h a #ase. 3.@31: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d As3;a%idi: A dri"k (milk mi'ed (ith (ater$ (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle (ho dra"k some o! it. A boy (as sitti", to his ri,ht, a"d some old me" to his le!t. Allah's Apostle said to the boy, "6o you allo( me to ,i)e the rest o! the dri"k to these people>" he boy said, "< Allah's Apostle= I (ill "ot ,i)e pre!ere"#e to a"yo"e o)er me to dri"k the rest o! it !rom (hi#h you ha)e dru"k." Allah's Apostle the" ha"ded the bo(l (o! dri"k$ to the boy. (;ee Hadith No. ?11$. C3

3.@3.: Narrated ;a%id bi" 4aid: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er usurps the la"d o! somebody u"*ustly, his "e#k (ill be e"#ir#led (ith it do(" the se)e" earths (o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"$. " 3.@33: Narrated Abu ;alama: hat there (as a dispute bet(ee" him a"d some people (about a pie#e o! la"d$. 7he" he told %Aisha about it, she said, "< Abu ;alama= A)oid taki", the la"d u"*ustly, !or the -rophet said, '7hoe)er usurps e)e" o"e spa" o! the la"d o! somebody, his "e#k (ill be e"#ir#led (ith it do(" the se)e" earths." 3.@31: Narrated ;alim's !ather (i.e. %Abdullah$: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er takes a pie#e o! the la"d o! others u"*ustly, he (ill si"k do(" the se)e" earths o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"." 3.@3?: Narrated /abala: "7e (ere i" +edi"a (ith some o! the Ira5i people, a"d (e (ere stru#k (ith !ami"e a"d Ib" A23 4ubair used to ,i)e us dates. Ib" %&mar used to pass by a"d say, " he -rophet !orbade us to eat t(o dates at a time, u"less o"e takes the permissio" o! o"e's #ompa"io"s." 3.@3@: Narrated Abu +as%ud: here (as a" A"sari ma" #alled Abu ;hu'aib (ho had a sla)e but#her. Abu ;hu'aib said to him, "-repare a meal su!!i#ie"t !or !i)e perso"s so that I mi,ht i")ite the -rophet besides other !our perso"s." Abu ;hu'aib had see" the si,"s o! hu",er o" the !a#e o! the -rophet a"d so he i")ited him. A"other ma" (ho (as "ot i")ited, !ollo(ed the -rophet. he -rophet said to Abu ;hu'aib, " his ma" has !ollo(ed us. 6o you allo( him to share the meal>" Abu ;hu'aib said, "Fes." 3.@3B: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet said, " he most hated perso" i" the si,ht o! Allah is the most 5uarrelsome perso"." 3.@3C: Narrated &m ;alama: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ Allah's Apostle heard some people 5uarreli", at the door o! his d(elli",. He #ame out a"d said, "I am o"ly a huma" bei",, a"d oppo"e"ts #ome to me (to settle their problems$9 maybe someo"e amo",st you #a" prese"t his #ase more elo5ue"tly tha" the other, (hereby I may #o"sider him true a"d ,i)e a )erdi#t i" his !a)or. ;o, I! I ,i)e the ri,ht o! a +uslim to a"other by mistake, the" it is really a portio" o! (Hell$ 8ire, he has the optio" to take or ,i)e up (be!ore the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"$. 3.@3D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er has (the !ollo(i",$ !our #hara#ters (ill be a hypo#rite, a"d (hoe)er has o"e o! the !ollo(i", !our #hara#teristi#s (ill ha)e o"e #hara#teristi# o! hypo#risy u"til he ,i)es it up. hese are: (1 $ 7he"e)er he talks, he tells a lie9 (.$ (he"e)er he makes a promise, he breaks it9 (3$ (he"e)er he makes a #o)e"a"t he pro)es trea#herous9 (1$ a"d (he"e)er he 5uarrels, he beha)es impude"tly i" a" e)il i"sulti", ma""er." (;ee Hadith No. 33 Vol. 1$ 3.@1E: Narrated Aisha: Hi"d bi"t %&tba (Abu ;u!ya"'s (i!e$ #ame a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Abu ;u!ya" is a miser. Is there a"y harm i! I spe"d somethi", !rom his property !or our #hildre">" He said, there is "o harm !or you i! you !eed them !rom it *ustly a"d reaso"ably ((ith "o e'tra)a,a"#e$. 3.@11: Narrated %&5ba bi" 'Amir:


7e staid to the -rophet, "Fou se"d us out a"d it happe"s that (e ha)e to stay (ith su#h people as do "ot e"tertai" us. 7hat do you thi"k about it> He said to us, "I! you stay (ith some people a"d they e"tertai" you as they should !or a ,uest, a##ept their hospitality, but I! they do"'t do, take the ri,ht o! the ,uest !rom them." 3.@1.: Narrated %&mar: 7he" Allah took a(ay the soul o! His -rophet at his death, the A"sar assembled I" the shed o! Ba"i ;a%ida. I said to Abu Bakr, "Iet us ,o." ;o, (e #ome to them (i.e. to A"sar$ at the shed o! Ba"i ;a%ida. (;ee Hadith No. 1D, Vol. ? !or details$ 3.@13: Narrated Al3Ara*: Abu Huraira said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'No o"e should pre)e"t his "ei,hbor !rom !i'i", a (oode" pe, i" his (all." Abu Huraira said (to his #ompa"io"s$, "7hy do I !i"d you a)erse to it> By Allah, I #ertai"ly (ill "arrate it to you." 3.@11: Narrated A"as: I (as the butler o! the people i" the house o! Abu alha, a"d i" those days dri"ks (ere prepared !rom dates. Allah's Apostle ordered somebody to a""ou"#e that al#oholi# dri"ks had bee" prohibited. Abu alha ordered me to ,o out a"d spill the (i"e. I (e"t out a"d spilled it, a"d it !lo(ed i" the streets o! +edi"a. ;ome people said, ";ome people (ere killed a"d (i"e (as still i" their stoma#hs." <" that the 6i)i"e re)elatio" #ame:33 "<" those (ho belie)e A"d do ,ood deeds here is "o blame 8or (hat they ate (i" the past$." (?.D3$ 3.@1?: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: he -rophet said, "Be(are= A)oid sitti", o" he roads ((ays$." he people said, " here is "o (ay out o! it as these are our sitti", pla#es (here (e ha)e talks." he -rophet said, "I! you must sit there, the" obser)e the ri,hts o! the (ay." hey asked, "7hat are the ri,hts o! the (ay>" He said, " hey are the lo(eri", o! your ,a2es (o" seei", (hat is ille,al to look at$, re!rai"i", !rom harmi", people, retur"i", ,reeti",s, ad)o#ati", ,ood a"d !orbiddi", e)il." 3.@1@: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "A ma" !elt )ery thirsty (hile he (as o" the (ay, there he #ame a#ross a (ell. He (e"t do(" the (ell, 5ue"#hed his thirst a"d #ame out. +ea"(hile he sa( a do, pa"ti", a"d li#ki", mud be#ause o! e'#essi)e thirst. He said to himsel!, " his do, is su!!eri", !rom thirst as I did." ;o, he (e"t do(" the (ell a,ai" a"d !illed his shoe (ith (ater a"d (atered it. Allah tha"ked him !or that deed a"d !or,a)e him. he people said, "< Allah's Apostle= Is there a re(ard !or us i" ser)i", the a"imals>" He replied: "Fes, there is a re(ard !or ser)i", a"y a"imate (li)i", bei",$." (;ee Hadith No. ??1$ 3.@1B: Narrated &sama bi" 4aid: <"#e the -rophet stood at the top o! o"e o! the #astles (or hi,her buildi",s$ o! +edi"a a"d said, "6o you see (hat I see> No doubt I am seei", the spots o! a!!li#tio"s amo",st your houses as "umerous as the spots (here rai"drops !all (duri", a hea)y rai"$. (;ee Hadith No. 1E.$ 3.@1C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: I had bee" ea,er to ask %&mar about the t(o ladies !rom amo", the (i)es o! the -rophet re,ardi", (hom Allah said (i" the Aur'a" sayi",$: I! you t(o ((i)es o! the -rophet "amely Aisha a"d Ha!sa$ tur" i" repe"ta"#e to Allah your hearts are i"deed so i"#li"ed (to oppose (hat the -rophet likes$ (@@.1$, till per!ormed the Ha** alo", (ith %&mar (a"d o" our (ay ba#k !rom Ha**$ he (e"t aside (to a"s(er the #all o! "ature$ a"d I also (e"t aside alo", (ith him #arryi", a tumbler o! (ater. 7he" he had a"s(ered the #all o! "ature a"d retur"ed. I poured (ater o" his ha"ds !rom the tumbler a"d he


per!ormed ablutio". I said, "< Hhie! o! the belie)ers= ' 7ho (ere the t(o ladies !rom amo", the (i)es o! the -rophet to (hom Allah said: 'I! you t(o retur" i" repe"ta"#e (@@.1$> He said, "I am asto"ished at your 5uestio", < Ib" %Abbas. hey (ere Aisha a"d Ha!sa." he" %&mar (e"t o" relati", the "arratio" a"d said. "I a"d a" A"sari "ei,hbor o! mi"e !rom Ba"i &maiya bi" 4aid (ho used to li)e i" %A(ali Al3+edi"a, used to )isit the -rophet i" tur"s. He used to ,o o"e day, a"d I a"other day. 7he" I (e"t I (ould bri", him the "e(s o! (hat had happe"ed that day re,ardi", the i"stru#tio"s a"d orders a"d (he" he (e"t, he used to do the same !or me. 7e, the people o! Auraish, used to ha)e authority o)er (ome", but (he" (e #ame to li)e (ith the A"sar, (e "oti#ed that the A"sari (ome" had the upper ha"d o)er their me", so our (ome" started a#5uiri", the habits o! the A"sari (ome". <"#e I shouted at my (i!e a"d she paid me ba#k i" my #oi" a"d I disliked that she should a"s(er me ba#k. ;he said, '7hy do you take it ill that I retort upo" you> By Allah, the (i)es o! the -rophet retort upo" him, a"d some o! them may "ot speak (ith him !or the (hole day till "i,ht.' 7hat she said s#ared me a"d I said to her, '7hoe)er amo",st them does so, (ill be a ,reat loser.' he" I dressed mysel! a"d (e"t to Ha!sa a"d asked her, '6oes a"y o! you keep Allah's Apostle a",ry all the day lo", till "i,ht>' ;he replied i" the a!!irmati)e. I said, ';he is a rui"ed losi", perso" (a"d (ill "e)er ha)e su##ess$= 6oes"'t she !ear that Allah may ,et a",ry !or the a",er o! Allah's Apostle a"d thus she (ill be rui"ed> 6o"'t ask Allah's Apostle too ma"y thi",s, a"d do"'t retort upo" him i" a"y #ase, a"d do"'t desert him. 6ema"d !rom me (hate)er you like, a"d do"'t be tempted to imitate your "ei,hbor (i.e. %Aisha$ i" her beha)ior to(ards the -rophet$, !or she (i.e. Aisha$ is more beauti!ul tha" you, a"d more belo)ed to Allah's Apostle. I" those days it (as rumored that Ghassa", (a tribe li)i", i" ;ham$ (as ,etti", prepared their horses to i")ade us. +y #ompa"io" (e"t (to the -rophet o" the day o! his tur", (e"t a"d retur"ed to us at "i,ht a"d k"o#ked at my door )iole"tly, aski", (hether I (as sleepi",. I (as s#ared (by the hard k"o#ki",$ a"d #ame out to him. He said that a ,reat thi", had happe"ed. I asked him: 7hat is it> Ha)e Ghassa" #ome> He replied that it (as (orse a"d more serious tha" that, a"d added that Allah's Apostle had di)or#ed all his (i)es. I said, Ha!sa is a rui"ed loser= I e'pe#ted that (ould happe" some day.' ;o I dressed mysel! a"d o!!ered the 8a*r prayer (ith the -rophet. he" the -rophet e"tered a" upper room a"d stayed there alo"e. I (e"t to Ha!sa a"d !ou"d her (eepi",. I asked her, '7hy are you (eepi",> 6id"'t I (ar" you> Ha)e Allah's Apostle di)or#ed you all>' ;he replied, 'I do"'t k"o(. He is there i" the upper room.' I the" (e"t out a"d #ame to the pulpit a"d !ou"d a ,roup o! people arou"d it a"d some o! them (ere (eepi",. he" I sat (ith them !or some time, but #ould "ot e"dure the situatio". ;o I (e"t to the upper room (here the -rophet (as a"d re5uested to a bla#k sla)e o! his: "7ill you ,et the permissio" o! (Allah's Apostle$ !or %&mar (to e"ter$> he sla)e (e"t i", talked to the -rophet about it a"d #ame out sayi",, 'I me"tio"ed you to him but he did "ot reply.' ;o, I (e"t a"d sat (ith the people (ho (ere sitti", by the pulpit, but I #ould "ot bear the situatio", so I (e"t to the sla)e a,ai" a"d said: "7ill you ,et he permissio" !or %&mar> He (e"t i" a"d brou,ht the same reply as be!ore. 7he" I (as lea)i",, behold, the sla)e #alled me sayi",, "Allah's Apostle has ,ra"ted you permissio"." ;o, I e"tered upo" the -rophet a"d sa( him lyi", o" a mat (ithout (eddi", o" it, a"d the mat had le!t its mark o" the body o! the -rophet, a"d he (as lea"i", o" a leather pillo( stu!!ed (ith palm !ires. I ,reeted him a"d (hile still sta"di",, I said: "Ha)e you di)or#ed your (i)es>' He raised his eyes to me a"d replied i" the "e,ati)e. A"d the" (hile still sta"di",, I said #hatti",: "7ill you heed (hat I say, '< Allah's Apostle= 7e, the people o! Auraish used to ha)e the upper ha"d o)er our (ome" ((i)es$, a"d (he" (e #ame to the people (hose (ome" had the upper ha"d o)er them..." %&mar told the (hole story (about his (i!e$. "<" that the -rophet smiled." %&mar !urther said, "I the" said, 'I (e"t to Ha!sa a"d said to her: 6o "ot be tempted to imitate your #ompa"io" (%Aisha$ !or she is more beauti!ul tha" you a"d more belo)ed to the -rophet.' he -rophet smiled a,ai". 7he" I sa( him smili",, I sat do(" a"d #ast a ,la"#e at the room, a"d by Allah, I #ould"'t see a"ythi", o! importa"#e but three hides. I said (to Allah's Apostle$ "I")oke Allah to make your !ollo(ers prosperous !or the -ersia"s a"d the By2a"ti"es ha)e bee" made prosperous a"d ,i)e" (orldly lu'uries, thou,h they do C@

"ot (orship Allah>' he -rophet (as lea"i", the" (a"d o" heari", my spee#h he sat strai,ht$ a"d said, '< Ib" Al30hattab= 6o you ha)e a"y doubt (that the Herea!ter is better tha" this (orld$> hese people ha)e bee" ,i)e" re(ards o! their ,ood deeds i" this (orld o"ly.' I asked the -rophet . '-lease ask Allah's !or,i)e"ess !or me. he -rophet did "ot ,o to his (i)es be#ause o! the se#ret (hi#h Ha!sa had dis#losed to %Aisha, a"d he said that he (ould "ot ,o to his (i)es !or o"e mo"th as he (as a",ry (ith them (he" Allah admo"ished him (!or his oath that he (ould "ot approa#h +aria$. 7he" t(e"ty3"i"e days had passed, the -rophet (e"t to Aisha !irst o! all. ;he said to him, 'Fou took a" oath that you (ould "ot #ome to us !or o"e mo"th, a"d today o"ly t(e"ty3"i"e days ha)e passed, as I ha)e bee" #ou"ti", them day by day.' he -rophet said, ' he mo"th is also o! t(e"ty3"i"e days.' hat mo"th #o"sisted o! t(e"ty3"i"e days. %Aisha said, '7he" the 6i)i"e re)elatio" o! Hhoi#e (as re)ealed, the -rophet started (ith me, sayi", to me, 'I am telli", you somethi",, but you "eed "ot hurry to ,i)e the reply till you #a" #o"sult your pare"ts." %Aisha k"e( that her pare"ts (ould "ot ad)ise her to part (ith the -rophet . he -rophet said that Allah had said: '< -rophet= ;ay o your (i)es9 I! you desire he li!e o! this (orld A"d its ,litter, ... the" #ome= I (ill make a pro)isio" !or you a"d set you !ree I" a ha"dsome ma""er. But i! you seek Allah A"d His Apostle, a"d he Home o! the Herea!ter, the" Verily, Allah has prepared 8or the ,ood3doers amo",st you A ,reat re(ard.' (33..C$ %Aisha said, 'Am I to #o"sult my pare"ts about this> I i"deed pre!er Allah, His Apostle, a"d the Home o! the Herea!ter.' A!ter that the -rophet ,a)e the #hoi#e to his other (i)es a"d they also ,a)e the same reply as %Aisha did." 3.@1D: Narrated A"as: Allah's Apostle took a" oath that he (ould "ot ,o to his (i)es !or o"e mo"th as his !oot had bee" sprai"ed. He stayed i" a" upper room (he" %&mar (e"t to him a"d said, "Ha)e you di)or#ed your (i)es>" He said, "No, but I ha)e take" a" oath that I (ould "ot ,o to them !or o"e mo"th." he -rophet stayed there !or t(e"ty3"i"e days, a"d the" #ame do(" a"d (e"t to his (i)es. 3.@?E: Narrated /abir: he -rophet e"tered the +os5ue, a"d I too (e"t there a!ter tyi", the #amel at the pa)eme"t o! the +os5ue. I said (to the -rophet $, " his is your #amel." He #ame out a"d started e'ami"i", the #amel a"d said, "Both the #amel a"d its pri#e are !or you." 3.@?1: Narrated Hudhai!a: I sa( Allah's Apostle #omi", (or the -rophet #ame$ to the dumps o! some people a"d uri"ated there (hile sta"di", . 3.@?.: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hile a ma" (as o" the (ay, he !ou"d a thor"y bra"#h o! a tree there o" the (ay a"d remo)ed it. Allah tha"ked him !or that deed a"d !or,a)e him." 3.@?3: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet *ud,ed that se)e" #ubits should be le!t as a publi# (ay (he" there (as a dispute about the la"d. 3.@?1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Fa2id Al3A"sari: he -rophet !orbade robbery (taki", a(ay (hat belo",s to others (ithout their permissio"$, a"d also !orbade mutilatio" (or maimi",$ o! bodies. 3.@??: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7he" a" adulterer #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse, the" he is "ot a belie)er at the time, he is doi", it, a"d (he" a dri"ker o! a" al#oholi# li5uor dri"ks it, the" he is "ot a belie)er at the time o! dri"ki", it, a"d (he" a thie! steals, the" he is "ot a belie)er at the time o! steali",, a"d (he" a robber robs, a"d the people look at him, the" he is "ot a belie)er at the time o! doi", robbery. CB

3.@?@: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he Hour (ill "ot be established u"til the so" o! +ary (i.e. /esus$ des#e"ds amo",st you as a *ust ruler, he (ill break the #ross, kill the pi,s, a"d abolish the /i2ya ta'. +o"ey (ill be i" abu"da"#e so that "obody (ill a##ept it (as #haritable ,i!ts$. 3.@?B: Narrated ;alama bi" Al3Ak(a%: <" the day o! 0haibar the -rophet sa( !ires bei", li,hted. He asked, "7hy are these !ires bei", li,hted>" he people replied that they (ere #ooki", the meat o! do"keys. He said, "Break the pots a"d thro( a(ay their #o"te"ts." he people said, ";hall (e thro( a(ay their #o"te"ts a"d (ash the pots (rather tha" break them$>" He said, "7ash them." 3.@?C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" +as%ud: he -rophet e"tered +e##a a"d (at that time$ there (ere three hu"dred3a"d3si'ty idols arou"d the 0a%ba. He started stabbi", the idols (ith a sti#k he had i" his ha"d a"d re#iti",: " ruth (Islam$ has #ome a"d 8alsehood (disbelie!$ has )a"ished." 3.@?D: Narrated Al3Aasim: Aisha said that she hu", a #urtai" de#orated (ith pi#tures (o! a"imals$ o" a #upboard. he -rophet tore that #urtai" a"d she tur"ed it i"to t(o #ushio"s (hi#h remai"ed i" the house !or the -rophet to sit o". 3.@@E: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr bi" Al3%As: I heard the -rophet sayi",, "7hoe)er is killed (hile prote#ti", his property the" he is a martyr." 3.@@1: Narrated A"as: 7hile the -rophet (as (ith o"e o! his (i)es, o"e o! the mothers o! the belie)ers (i.e. o"e o! his (i)es$ se"t a (oode" bo(l #o"tai"i", !ood (ith a ser)a"t. he (i!e (i" (hose house he (as sitti",$ stroke the bo(l (ith her ha"d a"d broke it. he -rophet #olle#ted the shattered pie#es a"d put the !ood ba#k i" it a"d said, "Kat." He kept the ser)a"t a"d the bo(l till he had eate" the !ood. he" the -rophet ,a)e a"other u"broke". bo(l to the ser)a"t a"d kept the broke" o"e. 3.@@.: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " here (as a" Israeli ma" #alled /urai*, (hile he (as prayi",, his mother #ame a"d #alled him, but he did "ot respo"d to her #all. He said (to himsel!$ (hether he should #o"ti"ue the prayer or reply to his mother. ;he #ame to him the se#o"d time a"d #alled him a"d said, "< Allah= 6o "ot let him die u"til he sees the !a#es o! prostitutes." /urai* used to li)e i" a hermita,e. A (oma" said that she (ould e"ti#e /urai*, so she (e"t to him a"d prese"ted hersel! (!or a" e)il a#t$ but he re!used. ;he the" (e"t to a shepherd a"d allo(ed him to #ommit a" ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith her a"d later she ,a)e birth to a boy. ;he alle,ed that the baby (as !rom /urai*. he people (e"t to /urai* a"d broke do(" his hermita,e, pulled him out o! it a"d abused him. He per!ormed ablutio" a"d o!!ered the prayer, the" he (e"t to the male (baby$ a"d asked him9 "< boy= 7ho is your !ather>" he baby replied that his !ather (as the shepherd. he people said that they (ould build !or him a hermita,e o! ,old but /urai* asked them to make it o! mud o"ly." 3.@@3: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: "Allah's Apostle se"t a" army to(ards the east #oast a"d appoi"ted Abu '&baida bi" Al3/arrah as their #hie!, a"d the army #o"sisted o! three3hu"dred me" i"#ludi", mysel!. 7e mar#hed o" till (e rea#hed a pla#e (here our !ood (as about to !i"ish. Abu3 '&baida ordered us to #olle#t all the *our"ey !ood a"d it (as #olle#ted. +y (our$ *our"ey !ood (as dates. Abu '&baida kept o" ,i)i", us our daily ratio" i" small amou"ts !rom it, till it (as e'hausted. he share o! e)eryo"e o! us used to be o"e date o"ly." I said, "Ho( #ould o"e date be"e!it you>" /abir replied, "7e #ame to k"o( its )alue (he" e)e" that too CC

!i"ished." /abir added, "7he" (e rea#hed the sea3shore, (e sa( a hu,e !ish (hi#h (as like a small mou"tai". he army ate !rom it !or ei,htee" days. he" Abu '&baida ordered that t(o o! its ribs be !i'ed a"d they (ere !i'ed i" the ,rou"d. he" he ordered that a she3#amel be ridde" a"d it passed u"der the t(o ribs (!ormi", a" ar#h$ (ithout tou#hi", them." 3.@@1: Narrated ;alama: <"#e the *our"ey !ood dimi"ished a"d the people (ere redu#ed to po)erty. hey (e"t to the -rophet a"d asked his permissio" to slau,hter their #amels, a"d he a,reed. %&mar met them a"d they told him about it, a"d he said, "Ho( (ould you sur)i)e a!ter slau,hteri", your #amels>" he" he (e"t to the -rophet a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Ho( (ould they sur)i)e a!ter slau,hteri", their #amels>" Allah's Apostle ordered %&mar, "Hall upo" the people to bri", (hat has remai"ed o! their !ood." A leather sheet (as spread a"d al I the *our"ey !ood (as #olle#ted a"d heaped o)er it. Allah's Apostle stood up a"d i")oked Allah to bless it, a"d the" dire#ted all the people to #ome (ith their ute"sils, a"d they started taki", !rom it till all o! them ,ot (hat (as su!!i#ie"t !or them. Allah's Apostle the" said, "I testi!y that No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped but Allah, a"d I am His Apostle. " 3.@@?: Narrated :a!i% bi" 0hadi*: 7e used to o!!er the %Asr prayer (ith the -rophet a"d slau,hter a #amel, the meat o! (hi#h (ould be di)ided i" te" parts. 7e (ould eat the #ooked meat be!ore su"set. 3.@@@: Narrated Abu +usa: he -rophet said, "7he" the people o! Ash%ari tribe ra" short o! !ood duri", the holy battles, or the !ood o! their !amilies i" +edi"a ra" short, they (ould #olle#t all their remai"i", !ood i" o"e sheet a"d the" distribute it amo", themsel)es e5ually by measuri", it (ith a bo(l. ;o, these people are !rom me, a"d I am !rom them." 3.@@B: Narrated A"as: that Abu Bakr As3;iddi5 (rote to him the la( o! 4akat (hi#h (as made obli,atory by Allah's Apostle. He (rote: '-art"ers possessi", *oi"t property (sheep$ ha)e to pay its 4akat e5ually. 3.@@C: Narrated 'Abaya bi" :a!a'a bi" :a!t' bi" 0hadi*: +y ,ra"d!ather said, "7e (ere i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet at 6hul3Hulai!a. he people !elt hu",ry a"d #aptured some #amels a"d sheep (as booty$. he -rophet (as behi"d the people. hey hurried a"d slau,htered the a"imals a"d put their meat i" pots a"d started #ooki", it. (7he" the -rophet #ame$ he ordered the pots to be upset a"d the" he distributed the a"imals (o! the booty$, re,ardi", te" sheep as e5ual to o"e #amel. <"e o! the #amels !led a"d the people ra" a!ter it till they (ere e'hausted. At that time there (ere !e( horses. A ma" thre( a" arro( at the #amel, a"d Allah stopped the #amel (ith it. he -rophet said, ";ome o! these a"imals are like (ild a"imals, so i! you lose #o"trol o)er o"e o! these a"imals, treat it i" this (ay (i.e. shoot it (ith a" arro($." Be!ore distributi", them amo", the soldiers my ,ra"d!ather said, "7e may meet the e"emies i" the !uture a"d ha)e "o k"i)es9 #a" (e slau,hter the a"imals (ith reeds>" he -rophet said, "&se (hate)er #auses blood to !lo(, a"d eat the a"imals i! the "ame o! Allah has bee" me"tio"ed o" slau,hteri", them. 6o "ot slau,hter (ith teeth or !i",er"ails a"d I (ill tell you (hy: It is be#ause teeth are bo"es (i.e. #a""ot #ut properly$ a"d !i",er"ails are the tools used by the Kthiopia"s ((hom (e should "ot imitate !or they are i"!idels$. 3.@@D: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet de#reed that o"e should "ot eat t(o dates to,ether at a time u"less he ,ets the permissio" !rom his #ompa"io"s (shari", the meal (ith him$. 3.@BE: Narrated /abala:


"7hile at +edi"a (e (ere stru#k (ith !ami"e. Ib" A234ubair used to pro)ide us (ith dates as our !ood. Ib" %&mar used to pass by us a"d say, "6o"'t eat t(o dates to,ether at a time as the -rophet has !orbidde" eati", t(o dates to,ether at a time (i" a ,atheri",$ u"less o"e takes the permissio" o! o"e's #ompa"io" brother." 3.@B1: Narrated Na!i%: Ib" %&mar said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'I! o"e ma"umits his share o! a *oi"tly possessed sla)e, a"d #a" a!!ord the pri#e o! the other shares a##ordi", to the ade5uate pri#e o! the sla)e, the sla)e (ill be #ompletely ma"umitted9 other(ise he (ill be partially ma"umitted.' " (Aiyub, a sub3"arrator is "ot sure (hether the sayi", " ... other(ise he (ill be partially ma"umitted" (as said by Na!i% or the -rophet.$ 3.@B.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er ma"umits his share o! a *oi"tly possessed sla)e, it is imperati)e !or him to ,et that sla)e ma"umitted #ompletely by payi", the remai"i", pri#e, a"d i! he does "ot ha)e su!!i#ie"t mo"ey to ma"umit him, the" the pri#e o! the sla)e should be estimated *ustly, a"d he is to be allo(ed to (ork a"d ear" the amou"t that (ill ma"umit him ((ithout o)erburde"i", him$". 3.@B3: Narrated A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir: he -rophet said, " he e'ample o! the perso" abidi", by Allah's order a"d restri#tio"s i" #ompariso" to those (ho )iolate them is like the e'ample o! those perso"s (ho dre( lots !or their seats i" a boat. ;ome o! them ,ot seats i" the upper part, a"d the others i" the lo(er. 7he" the latter "eeded (ater, they had to ,o up to bri", (ater (a"d that troubled the others$, so they said, 'Iet us make a hole i" our share o! the ship (a"d ,et (ater$ sa)i", those (ho are abo)e us !rom troubli", them. ;o, i! the people i" the upper part le!t the others do (hat they had su,,ested, all the people o! the ship (ould be destroyed, but i! they pre)e"ted them, both parties (ould be sa!e." 3.@B1: Narrated %&r(a bi" A234ubair: hat he had asked %Aisha about the mea"i", o! the ;tateme"t o! Allah: "I! you !ear that you shall "ot Be able to deal *ustly 7ith the orpha" ,irls, the" +arry (<ther$ (ome" o! your #hoi#e (o or three or !our." (1.3$ ;he said, "< my "ephe(= his is about the orpha" ,irl (ho li)es (ith her ,uardia" a"d shares his property. Her (ealth a"d beauty may tempt him to marry her (ithout ,i)i", her a" ade5uate +ahr (bridal3mo"ey$ (hi#h mi,ht ha)e bee" ,i)e" by a"other suitor. ;o, su#h ,uardia"s (ere !orbidde" to marry su#h orpha" ,irls u"less they treated them *ustly a"d ,a)e them the most suitable +ahr9 other(ise they (ere ordered to marry a"y other (oma"." %Aisha !urther said, "A!ter that )erse the people a,ai" asked the -rophet (about the marria,e (ith orpha" ',irls$, so Allah re)ealed the !ollo(i", )erses:33 ' hey ask your i"stru#tio" Ho"#er"i", the (ome". ;ay: Allah I"stru#ts you about them A"d about (hat is :e#ited u"to you I" the Book, #o"#er"i", he orpha" ,irls to (hom Fou ,i)e "ot the pres#ribed portio"s a"d yet (hom you 6esire to marry..." (1.1.B$ 7hat is mea"t by Allah's ;ayi",:33 'A"d about (hat is :e#ited u"to you is the !ormer )erse (hi#h ,oes:33 'I! you !ear that you shall "ot Be able to deal *ustly 7ith the orpha" ,irls, the" +arry (other$ (ome" o! your #hoi#e.' (1.3$ %Aisha said, "Allah's sayi", i" the other )erse:33'Fet (hom you desire to marry' (1.1.B$ mea"s the desire o! the ,uardia" to marry a" orpha" ,irl u"der his super)isio" (he" she has "ot mu#h property or beauty (i" (hi#h #ase he should treat her *ustly$. he ,uardia"s (ere !orbidde" to marry their orpha" ,irls possessi", property a"d beauty (ithout bei", *ust to them, as they ,e"erally re!rai" !rom marryi", them ((he" they are "either beauti!ul "or (ealthy$. 3.@B?: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: he -rophet established the ri,ht o! ;hu'!a (i.e. -reemptio"$ i" *oi"t properties9 but (he" the la"d is di)ided a"d the (ays are demar#ated, the" there is "o pre3emptio". 3.@B@: DE

Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: he -rophet said, " he ri,ht o! preemptio" is )alid i" e)ery *oi"t property, but (he" the la"d is di)ided a"d the (ay is demar#ated, the" there is "o ri,ht o! pre3emptio"." 3.@BB: Narrated ;ulaima" bi" Abu +uslim: I asked Abu +i"hal about mo"ey e'#ha",e !rom ha"d to ha"d. He said, "I a"d a part"er o! mi"e bou,ht somethi", partly i" #ash a"d partly o" #redit." Al3Bara' bi" %A2ib passed by us a"d (e asked about it. He replied, "I a"d my part"er 4aid bi" Al3Ar5am did the same a"d the" (e"t to the -rophet a"d asked him about it. He said, ' ake (hat (as !rom ha"d to ha"d a"d lea)e (hat (as o" #redit.' " 3.@BC: Narrated %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle re"ted the la"d o! 0haibar to the /e(s o" the #o"ditio" that they (ould (ork o" it a"d #ulti)ate it a"d take hal! o! its yield. 3.@BD: Narrated %&5ba bi" 'Amir: that Allah's Apostle ,a)e him some sheep to distribute amo", his #ompa"io"s i" order to sa#ri!i#e them a"d a kid (as le!t. He told the -rophet about it a"d the -rophet said to him, ";a#ri!i#e it o" your behal!." 3.@CE: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Hisham: that his mother 4ai"ab bi"t Humaid took him to the -rophet a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= ake the pled,e o! alle,ia"#e !rom him." But he said, "He is still too you", !or the pled,e," a"d passed his ha"d o" his (i.e. %Abdullah's$ head a"d i")oked !or Allah's blessi", !or him. 4uhra bi" +a%bad stated that he used to ,o (ith his ,ra"d!ather, %Abdullah bi" Hisham, to the market to buy !oodstu!!. Ib" %&mar a"d Ib" A234ubair (ould meet him a"d say to him, "Be our part"er, as the -rophet i")oked Allah to bless you." ;o, he (ould be their part"er, a"d )ery o!te" he (ould (i" a #amel's load a"d se"d it home. 3.@C1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er ma"umits his share o a *oi"tly possessed sla)e, it is imperati)e o" him to ma"umit the sla)e #ompletely i! he has su!!i#ie"t mo"ey to pay the rest o! its pri#e (hi#h is to be estimated *ustly. He should pay his part"ers their shares a"d release him (the !reed o"e$. 3.@C.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er ma"umits his share o! a *oi"tly possessed sla)e, it is esse"tial !or him to ma"umit the sla)e #ompletely i! he has su!!i#ie"t mo"ey. <ther(ise he should look !or some (ork !or the sla)e (to ear" (hat (ould e"able him to ema"#ipate himsel!$, (ithout o)erburde"i", him (ith (ork." 3.@C3: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet (alo", (ith his #ompa"io"s$ rea#hed +e##a i" the mor"i", o! the !ourth o! 6hul3Hi**a assumi", Ihram !or Ha** o"ly. ;o (he" (e arri)ed at +e##a, the -rophet ordered us to #ha",e our i"te"tio"s o! the Ihram !or %&mra a"d that (e #ould !i"ish our Ihram a!ter per!ormi", the %&mra a"d #ould ,o to our (i)es (!or se'ual i"ter#ourse$. he people be,a" talki", about that. /abir said surprisi",ly, ";hall (e ,o to +i"a (hile seme" is dribbli", !rom our male or,a"s>" /abir mo)ed his ha"d (hile sayi", so. 7he" this "e(s rea#hed the -rophet he deli)ered a sermo" a"d said, "I ha)e bee" i"!ormed that some peoples (ere sayi", so a"d so9 By Allah I !ear Allah more tha" you do, a"d am more obedie"t to Him tha" you. I! I had k"o(" (hat I k"o( "o(, I (ould "ot ha)e brou,ht the Hadi (sa#ri!i#e$ (ith me a"d had the Hadi "ot bee" (ith me, I (ould ha)e !i"ished the Ihram." At that ;ura5a bi" +alik stood up a"d asked "< Allah's Apostle= Is this permissio" !or us o"ly or is it !ore)er>" he -rophet replied, "It is !ore)er." I" the mea"time %Ali bi" Abu alib #ame !rom Feme" a"d (as sayi", Iabbaik !or (hat the -rophet has i"te"ded. (A##ordi", to a"other ma", %Ali (as D1

sayi", Iabbaik !or Ha** similar to Allah's Apostle's$. he -rophet told him to keep o" the Ihram a"d let him share the Hadi (ith him. 3.@C1: Narrated Abaya bi" :i!aa: +y ,ra"d!ather, :a!i% bi" 0hadi* said, "7e (ere i" the )alley o! 6hul3Hulai!a o! uhama i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet a"d had some #amels a"d sheep (o! the booty$. he people hurried (i" slau,hteri", the a"imals$ a"d put their meat i" the pots a"d started #ooki",. Allah's Apostle #ame a"d ordered them to upset the pots, a"d distributed the booty #o"sideri", o"e #amel as e5ual to te" sheep. <"e o! the #amels !led a"d the people had o"ly a !e( horses, so they ,ot (orried. ( he #amel (as #hased a"d$ a ma" slopped the #amel by thro(i", a" arro( at it. Allah's Apostle said, ';ome o! these a"imals are u"tamed like (ild a"imals, so i! a"yo"e o! them (e"t out o! your #o"trol, the" you should treat it as you ha)e do"e "o(.' " +y ,ra"d!ather said, "< Allah's Apostle= 7e !ear that (e may meet our e"emy tomorro( a"d (e ha)e "o k"i)es, #ould (e slau,hter the a"imals (ith reeds>" he -rophet said, "Fes, or you #a" use (hat (ould make blood !lo( (slau,hter$ a"d you #a" eat (hat is slau,htered a"d the Name o! Allah is me"tio"ed at the time o! slau,hteri",. But do"'t use teeth or !i",er"ails (i" slau,hteri",$. I (ill tell you (hy, as !or teeth, they are bo"es, a"d !i",er"ails are used by Kthiopia"s !or slau,hteri",. (;ee Hadith @@C$ 3.@C?: Narrated A"as: No doubt, the -rophet mort,a,ed his armor !or barley ,rams. <"#e I took barley bread (ith some dissol)ed !at o" it to the -rophet a"d I heard him sayi",, " he household o! +uhammad did "ot possess e'#ept a ;a (o! !ood ,rai", barley, et#.$ !or both the mor"i", a"d the e)e"i", meals althou,h they (ere "i"e houses." 3.@C@: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet bou,ht some !oodstu!! o" #redit !or a limited period a"d mort,a,ed his armor !or it. 3.@CB: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "7ho (ould kill 0a%b bi" Al3Ashra! as he has harmed Allah a"d His Apostle >" +uhammad bi" +aslama (,ot up a"d$ said, "I (ill kill him." ;o, +uhammad bi" +aslama (e"t to 0a%b a"d said, "I (a"t a loa" o! o"e or t(o 7as5s o! !ood ,rai"s." 0a%b said, "+ort,a,e your (ome" to me." +uhammad bi" +aslama said, "Ho( #a" (e mort,a,e our (ome", a"d you are the most ha"dsome amo", the Arabs>" He said, " he" mort,a,e your so"s to me." +uhammad said, "Ho( #a" (e mort,a,e our so"s, as the people (ill abuse them !or bei", mort,a,ed !or o"e or t(o 7as5s o! !ood ,rai"s> It is shame!ul !or us. But (e (ill mort,a,e our arms to you." ;o, +uhammad bi" +aslama promised him that he (ould #ome to him "e't time. hey (+uhammad bi" +aslama a"d his #ompa"io"s #ame to him as promised a"d murdered him. he" they (e"t to the -rophet a"d told him about it. 3.@CC: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "<"e #a" ride the mort,a,ed a"imal be#ause o! (hat o"e spe"ds o" it, a"d o"e #a" dri"k the milk o! a mil#h a"imal as lo", as it is mort,a,ed. " 3.@CD: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he mort,a,ed a"imal #a" be used !or ridi", as lo", as it is !ed a"d the milk o! the mil#h a"imal #a" be dru"k a##ordi", to (hat o"e spe"d o" it. he o"e (ho rides the a"imal or dri"ks its milk should pro)ide the e'pe"ditures." 3.@DE: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle bou,ht some !oodstu!! !rom a /e( a"d mort,a,ed his armor to him. 3.@D1: Narrated Ib" Abu +ulaika: D.

I (rote a letter to Ib" %Abbas a"d he (rote to me that the -rophet had ,i)e" the )erdi#t that the de!e"da"t had to take a" oath. 3.@D.: Narrated Abu 7ail: %Abdullah (bi" +as%ud$ said, "7hoe)er took a !alse oath i" order to ,rab somebody's property (ill meet Allah (hile Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him." Allah re)ealed the !ollo(i", )erse to #o"!irm that:33"Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a small ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t A"d their oaths...a pai"!ul torme"t." (3.BB$ Al3Ash'ath bi" Aais #ame to us a"d asked as to (hat Abu %Abdur3:ahma" (i.e. Ib" +as%ud$ (as telli", you." 7e related the story to him. <" that he said, "He has told the truth. his )erse (as re)ealed about me. I had some dispute (ith a"other ma" re,ardi", a (ell a"d (e took the #ase be!ore Allah's Apostle. Allah's Apostle said (to me$, "-rodu#e t(o (it"esses (to support your #laim$9 other(ise the de!e"da"t has the ri,ht to take a" oath (to re!ute your #laim$.' I said, ' he de!e"da"t (ould "ot mi"d to take a !alse oath." Allah's Apostle the" said, '7hoe)er took a !alse oath i" order to ,rab someo"e else's property (ill meet Allah, Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him.' Allah the" re)ealed (hat Ho"!irmed it." Al3Ash'ath the" re#ited the !ollo(i", Verse:33"Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a small ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t, A"d their oaths . . . (to$ . . . they shall ha)e a pai"!ul torme"t=' (3.BB$ (;ee Hadith No. ?1@$ 3.@D3: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er !rees a +uslim sla)e, Allah (ill sa)e all the parts o! his body !rom the (Hell$ 8ire as he has !reed the body3parts o! the sla)e." ;a%id bi" +ar*a"a said that he "arrated that Hadith to %Ali bi" Al3Husai" a"d he !reed his sla)e !or (hom %Abdullah bi" /a%!ar had o!!ered him te" thousa"d 6irhams or o"e3thousa"d 6i"ars. 3.@D1: Narrated Abu 6har: I asked the -rophet, "7hat is the best deed>" He replied, " o belie)e i" Allah a"d to !i,ht !or His Hause." I the" asked, "7hat is the best ki"d o! ma"umissio" (o! sla)es$>" He replied, " he ma"umissio" o! the most e'pe"si)e sla)e a"d the most belo)ed by his master." I said, "I! I #a""ot a!!ord to do that>" He said, "Help the (eak or do ,ood !or a perso" (ho #a""ot (ork !or himsel!." I said, "I! I #a""ot do that>" He said, ":e!rai" !rom harmi", others !or this (ill be re,arded as a #haritable deed !or your o(" ,ood." 3.@D?: Narrated Asma' bi"t Abu Bakr: he -rophet ordered us to !ree sla)es at the time o! solar e#lipses. 3.@D@: Narrated Asma' bi"t Abu Bakr: 7e (ere ordered to !ree sla)es at the time o! lu"ar e#lipses. 3.@DB: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er ma"umits a sla)e o("ed by t(o masters, should ma"umit him #ompletely ("ot partially$ i! he is ri#h a!ter ha)i", its pri#e e)aluated." 3.@DC: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er !rees his share o! a #ommo" sla)e a"d he has su!!i#ie"t mo"ey to !ree him #ompletely, should let its pri#e be estimated by a *ust ma" a"d ,i)e his part"ers the pri#e o! their shares a"d ma"umit the sla)e9 other(ise (i.e. i! he has "ot su!!i#ie"t mo"ey$ he ma"umits the sla)e partially." 3.@DD: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "7hoe)er ma"umits his share o! a sla)e, the" it is esse"tial !or him to ,et that sla)e ma"umitted' #ompletely as lo", as he has the mo"ey to do so. I! he has "ot su!!i#ie"t mo"ey to D3

pay the pri#e o! the other shares (a!ter the pri#e o! the sla)e is e)aluated *ustly$, the ma"umitted ma"umits the sla)e partially i" proportio" to his share. 3.BEE: Narrated '&baidullah: as abo)e B:IK8IF. 3.BE1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "He (ho ma"umits his share o! a sla)e a"d has mo"ey su!!i#ie"t to !ree the remai"i", portio" o! that sla)e's pri#e (*ustly estimated$ the" he should ma"umit him (by ,i)i", the rest o! his pri#e to the other #o3o("ers$." Na!i% added, "<ther(ise the sla)e is partially !ree." Aiyub is "ot sure (hether the last stateme"t (as said by Na!i% or it (as a part o! the Hadith. 3.BE.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: hat he used to ,i)e his )erdi#t re,ardi", the male or !emale sla)es o("ed by more tha" o"e master, o"e o! (hom may ma"umit his share o! the sla)e. Ib" %&mar used to say i" su#h a #ase, " he ma"umitted should ma"umit the sla)e #ompletely i! he has su!!i#ie"t mo"ey to pay the rest o! the pri#e o! that sla)e ((hi#h is to be *ustly estimated$ a"d the other shareholders are to take the pri#e o! their shares a"d the sla)e is !reed (released !rom sla)ery$." Ib" %&mar "arrated this )erdi#t !rom the -rophet. 3.BE3: Narrated Abu Huraira: hat the -rophet said, "7hoe)er !rees his portio" o! a (#ommo"$ sla)e." 3.BE1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er !rees his portio" o! a #ommo" sla)e should !ree the sla)e #ompletely by payi", the rest o! his pri#e !rom his mo"ey i! he has e"ou,h mo"ey9 other(ise the pri#e o! the sla)e is to be estimated a"d the sla)e is to be helped to (ork (ithout hardship till he pays the rest o! his pri#e." 3.BE?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Allah has a##epted my i")o#atio" to !or,i)e (hat (hispers i" the hearts o! my !ollo(ers, u"less they put it to a#tio" or utter it." (;ee Hadith No. @?B Vol. C$ 3.BE@: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: he -rophet said, " he (re(ard o!$ deeds depe"d o" i"te"tio"s, a"d e)ery perso" (ill ,et the re(ard a##ordi", to (hat he i"te"ds. ;o, (hoe)er mi,rated !or Allah a"d His Apostle, the" his mi,ratio" (ill be !or Allah a"d His Apostle, a"d (hoe)er mi,rated !or (orldly be"e!its or !or marryi", a (oma", the" his mi,ratio" (ill be !or (hat he mi,rated !or." (;ee Hadith No. 1, Vol. 1$ 3.BEB: Narrated Aais: 7he" Abu Huraira a##ompa"ied by his sla)e set out i"te"di", to embra#e Islam they lost ea#h other o" the (ay. he sla)e the" #ame (hile Abu Huraira (as sitti", (ith the -rophet. he -rophet said, "< Abu Huraira= Four sla)e has #ome ba#k." Abu Huraira said, "I"deed, I (ould like you to (it"ess that I ha)e ma"umitted him." hat happe"ed at the time (he" Abu Huraira re#ited (the !ollo(i", poeti# )erse$:33 '7hat a lo", tedious tiresome "i,ht= Ne)ertheless, it has deli)ered us 8rom the la"d o! 0u!r (disbelie!$. 3.BEC: Narrated Abu Huraira: <" my (ay to the -rophet I (as re#iti",:33 '7hat a lo", tedious tiresome "i,ht= Ne)ertheless, it has sa)ed us 8rom the la"d o! 0u!r (disbelie!$.' I had a sla)e (ho ra" a(ay !rom me o" the (ay. 7he" I (e"t to the -rophet a"d ,a)e the pled,e o! alle,ia"#e !or embra#i", Islam, the sla)e sho(ed up (hile D1

I (as still (ith the -rophet (ho remarked, "< Abu Huraira= Here is your sla)e=" I said, "I ma"umit him !or Allah's ;ake," a"d so I !reed him. 3.BED: Narrated Aais: 7he" Abu Huraira a##ompa"ied by his sla)e #ame i"te"di", to embra#e Islam, they lost ea#h other o" the (ay. (7he" the sla)e sho(ed up$ Abu Huraira said (to the -rophet$, "I make you (it"ess that the sla)e is !ree !or Allah's Hause." 3.B1E: Narrated %Aisha: %&tba bi" Abi 7a55as authori2ed his brother ;a%d bi" Abi 7a55as to take the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a i"to his #ustody, telli", him that the boy (as his o(" (ille,al$ so". 7he" Allah's Apostle (e"t (to +e##a$ at the time o! the Ho"5uest, ;a%d took the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a to Allah's Apostle a"d also brou,ht 'Abu bi" 4am%a (ith him a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= his is the so" o! my brother %&tba (ho authori2ed me to take him i"to my #ustody." 'Abu bi" 4am%a said, "< Allah's Apostle= He is my brother, the so" o! 4am%a's sla)e3,irl a"d he (as bor" o" his bed." Allah's Apostle looked at the so" o! the sla)e3,irl o! 4am%a a"d "oti#ed mu#h resembla"#e (to %&tba$. Allah's Apostle said, "It is !or you, < 'Abu bi" 4am%a as he (as bor" o" the bed o! your !ather." Allah's Apostle the" told ;auda bi"t 4am%a to obser)e )eil i" the prese"#e o! the boy as he "oti#ed the boy's resembla"#e to %&tba a"d ;auda (as the (i!e o! the -rophet . 3.B11: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: A ma" amo",st us de#lared that his sla)e (ould be !reed a!ter his death. he -rophet #alled !or that sla)e a"d sold him. he sla)e died the same year. 3.B1.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle !orbade the selli", or do"ati", the 7ala' o! a !reed sla)e. 3.B13: Narrated %Aisha: I bou,ht Buraira but her masters put the #o"ditio" that her 7ala' (ould be !or them. I told the -rophet about it. He said (to me$, "+a"umit her as her 7ala' (ill be !or the o"e (ho pays the pri#e." ;o, I ma"umitted her. he -rophet #alled Buraira a"d ,a)e her the optio" o! either stayi", (ith her husba"d or lea)i", him. ;he said, "K)e" i! he ,a)e me so mu#h mo"ey, I (ould "ot stay (ith him," a"d so she pre!erred her !reedom to her husba"d. 3.B11: Narrated A"as: ;ome me" o! the A"sar asked !or the permissio" o! Allah's Apostle a"d said, "Allo( us to ,i)e up the ra"som !rom our "ephe( Al3%Abbas. he -rophet said (to them$, "6o "ot lea)e (e)e"$ a 6irham (o! his ra"som$. 3.B1?: Narrated Hisham: +y !ather told me that Hakim bi" Hi2am ma"umitted o"e3hu"dred sla)es i" the -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e a"d slau,htered o"e3hu"dred #amels (a"d distributed them i" #harity$. 7he" he embra#ed Islam he a,ai" slau,htered o"e3hu"dred #amels a"d ma"umitted o"e3hu"dred sla)es. Hakim said, "I asked Allah's Apostle, '< Allah's Apostle= 7hat do you thi"k about some ,ood deeds I used to pra#ti#e i" the -re3Islami# period o! i,"ora"#e re,ardi", them as deeds o! ri,hteous"ess>' Allah's Apostle said, "Fou ha)e embra#ed Islam alo", (ith all those ,ood deeds you did." 3.B1@: Narrated +ar(a" a"d Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: 7he" the dele,ates o! the tribe o! Ha(a2i" #ame to the -rophet a"d they re5uested him to retur" their properties a"d #apti)es. he -rophet stood up a"d said to them, "I ha)e other people (ith me i" this matter (as you see$ a"d the most belo)ed stateme"t to me is the true o"e9 you may #hoose either the properties or the priso"ers as I ha)e delayed their distributio"." he -rophet had (aited !or them !or D?

more tha" te" days si"#e his arri)al !rom a'i!. ;o, (he" it be#ame e)ide"t to them that the -rophet (as "ot ,oi", to retur" them e'#ept o"e o! the t(o, they said, "7e #hoose our priso"ers." he -rophet ,ot up amo",st the people a"d ,lori!ied a"d praised Allah as He deser)ed a"d said, " he" a!ter, these brethre" o! yours ha)e #ome to us (ith repe"ta"#e, a"d I see it lo,i#al to retur" them the #apti)es. ;o, (hoe)er amo",st you likes to do that as a !a)or, the" he #a" do it, a"d (hoe)er o! you likes to sti#k to his share till (e re#ompe"se him !rom the )ery !irst (ar booty (hi#h Allah (ill ,i)e us, the" he #a" do so (i.e. ,i)e up the prese"t #apti)es$." he people u"a"imously said, "7e do that (retur" the #apti)es$ (illi",ly." he -rophet said, "7e do "ot k"o( (hi#h o! you has a,reed to it a"d (hi#h ha)e "ot, so ,o ba#k a"d let your leaders !or(ard us your de#isio"." ;o, all the people the" (e"t ba#k a"d dis#ussed the matter (ith their leaders (ho retur"ed a"d i"!ormed the -rophet that all the people had (illi",ly ,i)e" their #o"se"t to retur" the #apti)es. his is (hat has rea#hed us about the #apti)es o! Ha(a2i". Narrated A"as that %Abbas said to the -rophet, "I paid !or my ra"som a"d %A5il's ra"som." 3.B1B: Narrated Ib" %Au": I (rote a letter to Na!i% a"d Na!i% (rote i" reply to my letter that the -rophet had sudde"ly atta#ked Ba"i +ustali5 (ithout (ar"i", (hile they (ere heedless a"d their #attle (ere bei", (atered at the pla#es o! (ater. heir !i,hti", me" (ere killed a"d their (ome" a"d #hildre" (ere take" as #apti)es9 the -rophet ,ot /u(airiya o" that day. Na!i% said that Ib" %&mar had told him the abo)e "arratio" a"d that Ib" %&mar (as i" that army. 3.B1C: Narrated Ib" +uhairi2: I sa( Abu ;a%id a"d asked him about #oitus i"terruptus. Abu ;a%id said, "7e (e"t (ith Allah's Apostle, i" the Gha2(a o! Ba"i Al3+ustali5 a"d (e #aptured some o! the 'Arabs as #apti)es, a"d the lo", separatio" !rom our (i)es (as pressi", us hard a"d (e (a"ted to pra#ti#e #oitus i"terruptus. 7e asked Allah's Apostle ((hether it (as permissible$. He said, "It is better !or you "ot to do so. No soul, (that (hi#h Allah has$ desti"ed to e'ist, up to the 6ay o! :esurre#tio", but (ill de!i"itely #ome, i"to e'iste"#e." 3.B1D: Narrated Abu Huraira: I ha)e lo)ed the people o! the tribe o! Ba"i amim e)er si"#e I heard, three thi",s, Allah's Apostle said about them. I heard him sayi",, hese people (o! the tribe o! Ba"i amim$ (ould sta"d !irm a,ai"st Ad36a**al." 7he" the ;ada5at (,i!ts o! #harity$ !rom that tribe #ame, Allah's Apostle said, " hese are the ;ada5at (i.e. #haritable ,i!ts$ o! our !olk." %Aisha had a sla)e3,irl !rom that tribe, a"d the -rophet said to %Aisha, "+a"umit her as she is a des#e"da"t o! Ishmael (the -rophet$. 3.B.E: Narrated Abu +usa: Allah's Apostle said, "He (ho has a sla)e3,irl a"d edu#ates a"d treats her "i#ely a"d the" ma"umits a"d marries her, (ill ,et a double re(ard." 3.B.1: Narrated Al3+a'rur bi" ;u(aid: I sa( Abu 6har Al3Ghi!ari (eari", a #loak, a"d his sla)e, too, (as (eari", a #loak. 7e asked him about that (i.e. ho( both (ere (eari", similar #loaks$. He replied, "<"#e I abused a ma" a"d he #omplai"ed o! me to the -rophet . he -rophet asked me, '6id you abuse him by sli,hti", his mother>' He added, 'Four sla)es are your brethre" upo" (hom Allah has ,i)e" you authority. ;o, i! o"e has o"e's brethre" u"der o"e's #o"trol, o"e should !eed them (ith the like o! (hat o"e eats a"d #lothe them (ith the like o! (hat o"e (ears. Fou should "ot o)erburde" them (ith (hat they #a""ot bear, a"d i! you do so, help them (i" their hard *ob$. 3.B..: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "I! a sla)e is ho"est a"d !aith!ul to his master a"d (orships his Iord (Allah$ i" a per!e#t ma""er, he (ill ,et a double re(ard." D@

3.B.3: Narrated Abu +usa Al3Ash%ari: he -rophet said, "He (ho has a sla)e3,irl a"d tea#hes her ,ood ma""ers a"d impro)es her edu#atio" a"d the" ma"umits a"d marries her, (ill ,et a double re(ard9 a"d a"y sla)e (ho obser)es Allah's ri,ht a"d his master's ri,ht (ill ,et a double re(ard." 3.B.1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "A pious sla)e ,ets a double re(ard." Abu Huraira added: By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is but !or /ihad (i.e. holy battles$, Ha**, a"d my duty to ser)e my mother, I (ould ha)e lo)ed to die as a sla)e. 3.B.?: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Good"ess a"d #om!ort are !or him (ho (orships his Iord i" a per!e#t ma""er a"d ser)es his master si"#erely." 3.B.@: Narrated %Abdullah: he -rophet said, "I! a sla)e ser)es his ;aiyid (i.e. master$ si"#erely a"d (orships his Iord (Allah$ per!e#tly, he (ill ,et a double re(ard." 3.B.B: Narrated Abu +usa: he -rophet said, " he +amluk (sla)e$ (ho (orships his Iord i" a per!e#t ma""er, a"d is duti!ul, si"#ere a"d obedie"t to his ;aiyid (master$, (ill ,et a double re(ard." 3.B.C: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "Fou should "ot say, '8eed your lord (:abbaka$, help your lord i" per!ormi", ablutio", or ,i)e (ater to your lord, but should say, 'my master (e.,. 8eed your master i"stead o! lord et#.$ (;aiyidi$, or my ,uardia" (+aulai$, a"d o"e should "ot say, my sla)e (Abdi$, or my ,irl3sla)e (Amati$, but should say, my lad (8atai$, my lass (8atati$, a"d 'my boy (Ghulami$. 3.B.D: Narrated Ib" %&mar: he -rophet said, "I! o"e ma"umits his share o! a #ommo" sla)e (Abd$, a"d he has mo"ey su!!i#ie"t to !ree the remai"i", portio" o! the pri#e o! the sla)e (*ustly estimated$, the" he should !ree the sla)e #ompletely by payi", the rest o! his pri#e9 other(ise the sla)e is !reed partly. " 3.B3E: Narrated %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "K)eryo"e o! you is a ,uardia" a"d is respo"sible !or his #har,es. he ruler (ho has authority o)er people, is a ,uardia" a"d is respo"sible !or them, a ma" is a ,uardia" o! his !amily a"d is respo"sible !or them9 a (oma" is a ,uardia" o! her husba"d's house a"d #hildre" a"d is respo"sible !or them9 a sla)e ('Abu$ is a ,uardia" o! his master's property a"d is respo"sible !or it9 so all o! you are ,uardia"s a"d are respo"sible !or your #har,es." 3.B31: Narrated Abu Huraira a"d 4aid bi" 0halid: he -rophet said, "I! a sla)e3,irl (Ama$ #ommits ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse, s#our,e her9 i! she does it a,ai", s#our,e her a,ai"9 i! she repeats it, s#our,e her a,ai"." he "arrator added that o" the third or the !ourth o!!e"se, the -rophet said, ";ell her e)e" !or a hair rope." 3.B3.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "7he" your ser)a"t bri",s your meals to you the" i! he does "ot let him sit a"d share the meals, the" he should at least ,i)e him a mouth!ul or t(o mouth!uls o! that meal or a meal or t(o meals, as he has prepared it." 3.B33: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: DB

hat he heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "K)eryo"e o! you is a ,uardia" a"d is respo"sible !or his #har,e9 the ruler is a ,uardia" a"d is respo"sible !or his sub*e#ts9 the ma" is a ,uardia" i" his !amily a"d respo"sible !or his #har,es9 a (oma" is a ,uardia" o! her husba"d's house a"d respo"sible !or her #har,es9 a"d the ser)a"t is a ,uardia" o! his master's property a"d is respo"sible !or his #har,e." I de!i"itely heard the abo)e !rom the -rophet a"d thi"k that the -rophet also said, "A ma" is a ,uardia" o! his !ather's property a"d respo"sible !or his #har,es9 so e)eryo"e o! you is a ,uardia" a"d respo"sible !or his #har,es." 3.B31: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I! somebody !i,hts (or beats somebody$ the" he should a)oid the !a#e." 3.B3?: Narrated %&r(a: hat %Aisha told him that Buraira #ame to seek her help i" her (riti", o! ema"#ipatio" (!or a #ertai" sum$ a"d that time she had "ot paid a"ythi", o! it. %Aisha said to her, "Go ba#k to your masters, a"d i! they a,ree that I (ill pay the amou"t o! your (riti", o! ema"#ipatio" a"d ,et your 7ala', I (ill do so." Buraira i"!ormed her masters o! that but they re!used a"d said, "I! she (i.e. %Aisha$ is seeki", Allah's re(ard, the" she #a" do so, but your 7ala' (ill be !or us." %Aisha me"tio"ed that to Allah's Apostle (ho said to her, "Buy a"d ma"umit her, as the 7ala' is !or the liberator." Allah's Apostle the" ,ot up a"d said, "7hat about the people (ho stipulate #o"ditio"s (hi#h are "ot prese"t i" Allah's Ia(s> 7hoe)er imposes #o"ditio"s (hi#h are "ot prese"t i" Allah's Ia(s, the" those #o"ditio"s (ill be i")alid, e)e" i! he imposed these #o"ditio"s a hu"dred times. Allah's #o"ditio"s (Ia(s$ are the truth a"d are more solid." 3.B3@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Aisha (a"ted to buy a sla)e3,irl i" order to ma"umit her. he ,irl's masters stipulated that her 7ala' (ould be !or them. Allah's Apostle said (to %Aisha$, "7hat they stipulate should "ot stop you, !or the 7ala' is !or the liberator." 3.B3B: Narrated Aisha: Buraira #ame (to %Aisha$ a"d said, "I ha)e made a #o"tra#t o! ema"#ipatio" (ith my masters !or "i"e &5iyas (o! ,old$ to be paid i" yearly i"stallme"ts. here!ore, I seek your help." %Aisha said, "I! your masters a,ree, I (ill pay them the sum at o"#e a"d !ree you o" #o"ditio" that your 7ala' (ill be !or me." Buraira (e"t to her masters but they re!used that o!!er. ;he (#ame ba#k$ a"d said, "I prese"ted to them the o!!er but they re!used, u"less the 7ala' (as !or them." Allah's Apostle heard o! that a"d asked me about it, a"d I told him about it. <" that he said, "Buy a"d ma"umit her a"d stipulate that the 7ala' should be !or you, as 7ala' is !or the liberator." %Aisha added, "Allah's Apostle the" ,ot up amo",st the people, Glori!ied a"d -raised Allah, a"d said, ' he" a!ter: 7hat about some people (ho impose #o"ditio"s (hi#h are "ot prese"t i" Allah's Ia(s> ;o, a"y #o"ditio" (hi#h is "ot prese"t i" Allah's Ia(s is i")alid e)e" i! they (ere o"e3hu"dred #o"ditio"s. Allah's ordi"a"#e is the truth, a"d Allah's #o"ditio" is stro",er a"d more solid. 7hy do some me" !rom you say, < so3a"d3so= ma"umit the sla)e but the 7ala (ill be !or me> Verily, the 7ala is !or the liberator." 3.B3C: Narrated %Amra bi"t %Abdur3:ahma": Buraira (e"t to Aisha, the mother o! the !aith!ul belie)ers to seek her help i" her ema"#ipatio" Aisha said to her, "I! your masters a,ree, I (ill pay them your pri#e i" a lump sum a"d ma"umit you." Buraira me"tio"ed that o!!er to her masters but they re!used to sell her u"less the 7ala' (as !or them. %Aisha told Allah's Apostle about it. He said, "Buy a"d ma"umit her as the 7ala' is !or the liberator." 3.B3D: Narrated %Abdul 7ahid bi" Aima": I (e"t to %Aisha a"d said, "I (as the sla)e o! %&tba bi" Abu Iahab. "&tba died a"d his so"s be#ame my masters (ho sold me to Ib" Abu %Amr (ho ma"umitted me. he so"s o! %&tba stipulated that my 7ala' should be !or them." %Aisha said, "Buraira #ame to me a"d she (as ,i)e" the (riti", o! DC

ema"#ipatio" by her masters a"d she asked me to buy a"d ma"umit her. I a,reed to it, but Buraira told me that her masters (ould "ot sell her u"less her 7ala' (as !or them." %Aisha said, "I am "ot i" "eed o! that." 7he" the -rophet heard that, or he (as told about it, he asked %Aisha about it. %Aisha me"tio"ed (hat Buraira had told her. he -rophet said, "Buy a"d ma"umit her a"d let them stipulate (hate)er they like." ;o, %Aisha bou,ht a"d ma"umitted her a"d her masters stipulated that her 7ala' should be !or them." he -rophet9, said, " he 7ala' (ill be !or the liberator e)e" i! they stipulated a hu"dred #o"ditio"s." 3.B1E: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "< +uslim (ome"= No"e o! you should look do(" upo" the ,i!t se"t by her she3 "ei,hbor e)e" i! it (ere the trotters o! the sheep (!leshless part o! le,s$. 3.B11: Narrated %&r(a: Aisha said to me, "< my "ephe(= 7e used to see the #res#e"t, a"d the" the #res#e"t a"d the" the #res#e"t i" this (ay (e sa( three #res#e"ts i" t(o mo"ths a"d "o !ire (!or #ooki",$ used to be made i" the houses o! Allah's Apostle. I said, "< my au"t= he" (hat use to sustai" you>" %Aisha said, " he t(o bla#k thi",s: dates a"d (ater, our "ei,hbors !rom A"sar had some +a"arh a"d they used to prese"t Allah's Apostle some o! their milk a"d he used to make us dri"k." 3.B1.: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "I shall a##ept the i")itatio" e)e" i! I (ere i")ited to a meal o! a sheep's trotter, a"d I shall a##ept the ,i!t e)e" i! it (ere a" arm or a trotter o! a sheep." 3.B13: Narrated ;ahl: he -rophet se"t !or a (oma" !rom the emi,ra"ts a"d she had a sla)e (ho (as a #arpe"ter. he -rophet said to her "<rder your sla)e to prepare the (ood (pie#es$ !or the pulpit." ;o, she ordered her sla)e (ho (e"t a"d #ut the (ood !rom the tamarisk a"d prepared the pulpit, !or the -rophet. 7he" he !i"ished the pulpit, the (oma" i"!ormed the -rophet that it had bee" !i"ished. he -rophet asked her to se"d that pulpit to him, so they brou,ht it. he -rophet li!ted it a"d pla#ed it at the pla#e i" (hi#h you see "o(." 3.B11: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu Aatada Al3Aslami: hat his !ather said, "<"e day I (as sitti", (ith some o! the -rophet's #ompa"io"s o" the (ay to +e##a. Allah's Apostle (as ahead o! us. All o! my #ompa"io"s (ere i" the state o! Ihram (hile I (as a "o"3+uhrim. hey sa( a" o"a,er (hile I (as busy repairi", my shoes, so they did "ot tell me about it but they (ished I had see" it. By #ha"#e I looked up a"d sa( it. ;o, I tur"ed to the horse, saddled it a"d rode o" it, !or,etti", to take the spear a"d the (hip. I asked them i! they #ould ha"d o)er to me the (hip a"d the spear but they said, 'No, by Allah, (e shall "ot help you i" that i" a"y (ay.' I be#ame a",ry a"d ,ot do(" !rom the horse, pi#ked up both the thi",s a"d rode the horse a,ai". I atta#ked the o"a,er a"d slau,htered it, a"d brou,ht it (a!ter it had bee" dead$. hey took it (#ooked some o! it$ a"d started eati", it, but they doubted (hether it (as allo(ed !or them to eat it or "ot, as they (ere i" the state o! Ihram. ;o, (e pro#eeded a"d I hid (ith me o"e o! its !ore3le,s. 7he" (e met Allah's Apostle a"d asked him about the #ase, he asked, '6o you ha)e a portio" o! it (ith you>' I replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d ,a)e him that !leshy !orele, (hi#h he ate #ompletely (hile he (as i" the state o! Ihram . 3.B1?: Narrated A"as: <"#e Allah's Apostle )isited us i" this house o! ours a"d asked !or somethi", to dri"k. 7e milked o"e o! our sheep a"d mi'ed it (ith (ater !rom this (ell o! ours a"d ,a)e it to him. Abu Bakr (as sitti", o" his le!t side a"d %&mar i" !ro"t o! him a"d a bedoui" o" his ri,ht side. 7he" Allah's Apostle !i"ished, %&mar said to Allah's Apostle "Here is Abu Bakr." But Allah's Apostle ,a)e the remai"i",


milk to the bedoui" a"d said t(i#e, " he (perso"s o" the$ ri,ht side= ;o, start !rom the ri,ht side." A"as added, "It is a ;u""a (the -rophet's traditio"s$" a"d repeated it thri#e. 3.B1@: Narrated A"as: 7e #hased a rabbit at +ar3al34ahra" a"d the people ra" a!ter it but (ere e'hausted. I o)erpo(ered a"d #au,ht it, a"d ,a)e it to Abu alha (ho slau,htered it a"d se"t its hip or t(o thi,hs to Allah's Apostle. ( he "arrator #o"!irms that he se"t t(o thi,hs$. he -rophet a##epted that. ( he sub3"arrator asked A"as, "6id the -rophet9 eat !rom it>" A"as replied, "He ate !rom it."$ 3.B1B: Narrated As3;a'b bi" /ath3thama: A" o"a,er (as prese"ted to Allah's Apostle at the pla#e #alled Al3Ab(a' or 7adda", but Allah's Apostle re*e#ted it. 7he" the -rophet "oti#ed the si,"s o! sorro( o" the ,i)er's !a#e he said, "7e ha)e "ot re*e#ted your ,i!t, but (e are i" the state o! Ihram." (i.e. i! (e (ere "ot i" a state o! Ihram (e (ould ha)e a##epted your ,i!t, 8ath3ul3Bari pa,e 13E, Vol. @$ 3.B1C: Narrated Aisha: he people used to look !or(ard !or the days o! my (%Aisha's$ tur" to se"d ,i!ts to Allah's Apostle i" order to please him. 3.B1D: Narrated ;a%id bi" /ubair: Ib" %Abbas said: &m Hu!aid, Ib" %Abbas's au"t se"t some dried yo,urt (butter !ree$, ,hee (butter$ a"d a masti,ar to the -rophet as a ,i!t. he -rophet ate the dried yo,urt a"d butter but le!t the masti,ar be#ause he disliked it. Ib" %Abbas said, " he masti,ar (as eate" at the table o! Allah's Apostle a"d i! it had bee" ille,al to eat, it #ould "ot ha)e bee" eate" at the table o! Allah's Apostle." 3.B?E: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he"e)er a meal (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle, he (ould ask (hether it (as a ,i!t or ;ada5a (somethi", ,i)e" i" #harity$. I! he (as told that it (as ;ada5a, he (ould tell his #ompa"io"s to eat it, but i! it (as a ,i!t, he (ould hurry to share it (ith them. 3.B?1: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: ;ome meat (as brou,ht to the -rophet a"d it (as said that the meat had bee" ,i)e" i" #harity to Buraira. He said, "It (as ;ada5a !or Buraira but a ,i!t !or us." 3.B?.: Narrated %Aisha: I i"te"ded to buy Buraira but her masters stipulated that her 7ala should be !or them. 7he" the -rophet (as told about it, he said to me, "Buy a"d ma"umit her, as the 7ala' is !or the liberator." <"#e Buraira (as ,i)e" some meat, a"d the -rophet asked, "7hat is this>" I said, "It has bee" ,i)e" to Buraira i" #harity." He said, "It is sada5a !or her but a ,i!t !or us." Buraira (as ,i)e" the optio" (to stay (ith her husba"d or to part (ith him$. %Abdur3:ahma" (a sub3"arrator$ (o"dered, "7as her husba"d a sla)e or a !ree ma">" ;hu%ba (a"other sub3"arrator$ said, "I asked %Abdur3:ahma" (hether her husba"d (as a sla)e or a !ree ma". He replied that he did "ot k"o( (hether he (as a sla)e or a !ree ma"." 3.B?3: Narrated &m 'Atiyya: <"#e the -rophet (e"t to %Aisha a"d asked her (hether she had somethi", (to eat$. ;he said that she had "othi", e'#ept the mutto" (hi#h &m 'Atiyya had se"t to (Buraira$ i" #harity. he -rophet said that it had rea#hed its desti"atio" (i.e. it is "o lo",er a" ob*e#t o! #harity.$ 3.B?1: Narrated %Aisha:


he people used to se"d ,i!ts to the -rophet o" the day o! my tur". &m ;alama said: "+y #ompa"io"s (the (i)es o! the -rophet <ther tha" Aisha$ ,athered a"d they #omplai"ed about it. ;o I i"!ormed the -rophet about it o" their behal!, but he remai"ed sile"t. 3.B??: Narrated %&r(a !rom %Aisha: he (i)es o! Allah's Apostle (ere i" t(o ,roups. <"e ,roup #o"sisted o! %Aisha, Ha!sa, ;a!iyya a"d ;auda9 a"d the other ,roup #o"sisted o! &m ;alama a"d the other (i)es o! Allah's Apostle. he +uslims k"e( that Allah's Apostle lo)ed %Aisha, so i! a"y o! them had a ,i!t a"d (ished to ,i)e to Allah's Apostle, he (ould delay it, till Allah's Apostle had #ome to %Aisha's home a"d the" he (ould se"d his ,i!t to Allah's Apostle i" her home. he ,roup o! &m ;alama dis#ussed the matter to,ether a"d de#ided that &m ;alama should re5uest Allah's Apostle to tell the people to se"d their ,i!ts to him i" (hate)er (i!e's house he (as. &m ;alama told Allah's Apostle o! (hat they had said, but he did "ot reply. he" they (those (i)es$ asked &m ;alama about it. ;he said, "He did "ot say a"ythi", to me." hey asked her to talk to him a,ai". ;he talked to him a,ai" (he" she met him o" her day, but he ,a)e "o reply. 7he" they asked her, she replied that he had ,i)e" "o reply. hey said to her, " alk to him till he ,i)es you a reply." 7he" it (as her tur", she talked to him a,ai". He the" said to her, "6o "ot hurt me re,ardi", Aisha, as the 6i)i"e I"spiratio"s do "ot #ome to me o" a"y o! the beds e'#ept that o! Aisha." <" that &m ;alama said, "I repe"t to Allah !or hurti", you." he" the ,roup o! &m ;alama #alled 8atima, the dau,hter o! Allah's Apostle a"d se"t her to Allah's Apostle to say to him, "Four (i)es re5uest to treat them a"d the dau,hter o! Abu Bakr o" e5ual terms." he" 8atima #o")eyed the messa,e to him. he -rophet said, "< my dau,hter= 6o"'t you lo)e (hom I lo)e>" ;he replied i" the a!!irmati)e a"d retur"ed a"d told them o! the situatio". hey re5uested her to ,o to him a,ai" but she re!used. hey the" se"t 4ai"ab bi"t /ahsh (ho (e"t to him a"d used harsh (ords sayi",, "Four (i)es re5uest you to treat them a"d the dau,hter o! Ib" Abu Auha!a o" e5ual terms." <" that she raised her )oi#e a"d abused %Aisha to her !a#e so mu#h so that Allah's Apostle looked at %Aisha to see (hether she (ould retort. %Aisha started replyi", to 4ai"ab till she sile"#ed her. he -rophet the" looked at %Aisha a"d said, ";he is really the dau,hter o! Abu Bakr." 3.B?@: Narrated 'A2ra bi" habit Al3A"sari: 7he" I (e"t to humama bi" %Abdullah, he ,a)e me some per!ume a"d said that A"as (ould "ot re*e#t the ,i!ts o! per!ume. A"as said: he -rophet used "ot to re*e#t the ,i!ts o! per!ume. 3.B?B: Narrated Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama a"d +ar(a": 7he" the dele,ates o! the tribe o! Ha(a2i" #ame to the -rophet he stood up amo",st the people, Glori!ied a"d -raised Allah as He deser)ed, a"d said, " he" a!ter: Four brethre" ha)e #ome to you (ith repe"ta"#e a"d I see it lo,i#al to retur" to them their #apti)es9 so (hoe)er amo",st you likes to do that as a !a)or, the" he #a" do it, a"d (hoe)er o! you like to sti#k to his share till (e ,i)e him his ri,ht !rom the )ery !irst 8ai ((ar booty$ (1$ (hi#h Allah (ill besto( o" us, the" (he #a" do so$." he people replied, "7e do that (to retur" the #apti)es$ (illi",ly as a !a)or !or your sake." 3.B?C: Narrated %Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to a##ept ,i!ts a"d used to ,i)e somethi", i" retur". 3.B?D: Narrated A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir: that his !ather took him to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "I ha)e ,i)e" this so" o! mi"e a sla)e." he -rophet asked, "Ha)e you ,i)e" all your so"s the like>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he -rophet said, " ake ba#k your ,i!t the"." 3.B@E: Narrated 'Amir: I heard A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir o" the pulpit sayi",, "+y !ather ,a)e me a ,i!t but %Amra bi"t :a(aha (my mother$ said that she (ould "ot a,ree to it u"less he made Allah's Apostle as a (it"ess to it. ;o, 1E1

my !ather (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d said, 'I ha)e ,i)e" a ,i!t to my so" !rom %Amra bi"t :a(aha, but she ordered me to make you as a (it"ess to it, < Allah's Apostle=' Allah's Apostle asked, 'Ha)e you ,i)e" (the like o! it$ to e)eryo"e o! your so"s>' He replied i" the "e,ati)e. Allah's Apostle said, 'Be a!raid o! Allah, a"d be *ust to your #hildre".' +y !ather the" retur"ed a"d took ba#k his ,i!t." 3.B@1: Narrated A234uhari: &baidullah bi" %Abdullah told me that %Aisha had said, "7he" the -rophet be#ame si#k a"d his #o"ditio" be#ame serious, he re5uested his (i)es to allo( him to be treated i" my house, a"d they allo(ed him. He #ame out lea"i", o" t(o me" (hile his !eet (ere dra,,i", o" the ,rou"d. He (as (alki", bet(ee" Al3%Abbas a"d a"other ma"." '&baidullah said, "7he" I i"!ormed Ib" %Abbas o! (hat %Aisha had said, he asked me (hether I k"e( (ho (as the se#o"d ma" (hom %Aisha had "ot "amed. I replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said, 'He (as %Ali bi" Abi alib." 3.B@.: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, "<"e (ho takes ba#k his ,i!t ((hi#h he has already ,i)e"$ is like a do, that s(allo(s its )omit." 3.B@3: Narrated Asma: <"#e I said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e "o property e'#ept (hat has bee" ,i)e" to me by A234ubair (i.e. her husba"d$. +ay I ,i)e i" #harity>" he -rophet said, "Gi)e i" #harity a"d do "ot (ithhold it9 other(ise Allah (ill (ithhold it ba#k !rom you . " 3.B@1: Narrated Asma: Allah's Apostle said, "Gi)e (i" #harity$ a"d do "ot ,i)e relu#ta"tly lest Allah should ,i)e you i" a limited amou"t9 a"d do "ot (ithhold your mo"ey lest Allah should (ithhold it !rom you." 3.B@?: Narrated 0uraib: the !reed sla)e o! Ib" %Abbas, that +aimu"a bi"t Al3Harith told him that she ma"umitted a sla)e3,irl (ithout taki", the permissio" o! the -rophet. <" the day (he" it (as her tur" to be (ith the -rophet, she said, "6o you k"o(, < Allah's Apostle, that I ha)e ma"umitted my sla)e3,irl>" He said, "Ha)e you really>" ;he replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He said, "Fou (ould ha)e ,ot more re(ard i! you had ,i)e" her (i.e. the sla)e3,irl$ to o"e o! your mater"al u"#les." 3.B@@: Narrated Aisha: 7he"e)er Allah's Apostle (a"ted to ,o o" a *our"ey, he (ould dra( lots as to (hi#h o! his (i)es (ould a##ompa"y him. He (ould take her (hose "ame #ame out. He used to !i' !or ea#h o! them a day a"d a "i,ht. But ;auda bi"t 4am%a ,a)e up her (tur"$ day a"d "i,ht to %Aisha, the (i!e o! the -rophet i" order to seek the pleasure o! Allah's Apostle (by that a#tio"$. 3.B@B: Narrated Aisha: I said, "< Allah's Apostle= I ha)e t(o "ei,hbors9 (hi#h o! them should I ,i)e a ,i!t to>" he -rophet said, "(Gi)e$ to the o"e (hose door is "earer to you." 3.B@C: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: hat he heard As3;a'b bi" /ath3thama Al3Iaithi, (ho (as o"e o! the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet, sayi", that he ,a)e the meat o! a" o"a,er to Allah's Apostle (hile he (as at a pla#e #alled Al3Ab(a' or 7adda", a"d (as i" a state o! Ihram. he -rophet did "ot a##ept it. 7he" the -rophet sa( the si,"s o! sorro( o" As3;a'b's !a#e be#ause o! "ot a##epti", his prese"t, he said (to him$, "7e are "ot retur"i", your prese"t, but (e are i" the state o! Ihram." (;ee Hadith No. B1B$ 3.B@D: Narrated Abu Humaid Al3;a%idi:


he -rophet appoi"ted a ma" !rom the tribe o! Al3A2d, #alled Ib" '&tbiyya !or #olle#ti", the 4akat. 7he" he retur"ed he said, " his (i.e. the 4akat$ is !or you a"d this has bee" ,i)e" to my as a prese"t." he -rophet said, "7hy had"'t he stayed i" his !ather's or mother's house to see (hether he (ould be ,i)e" prese"ts or "ot> By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my li!e is, (hoe)er takes somethi", !rom the resour#es o! the 4akat (u"la(!ully$ (ill be #arryi", it o" his "e#k o" the 6ay o! :esurre#tio"9 i! it be a #amel, it (ill be ,ru"ti",9 i! a #o(, it (ill be mooi",9 a"d i! a sheep, it (ill be bleati",." he -rophet the" raised his ha"ds till (e sa( the (hite"ess o! his armpits, a"d he said thri#e, "< Allah= Ha)e"'t I #o")eyed Four +essa,e (to them$>" 3.BBE: Narrated /abir: he -rophet said to me, "I (ill ,i)e you so mu#h (the -rophet poi"ted thri#e (ith his ha"ds$ (he" !u"ds o! Bahrai" (ill #ome to me." But the -rophet died be!ore the mo"ey rea#hed him. (7he" it #ame$ Abu Bakr ordered a" a""ou"#er to a""ou"#e that (hoe)er had a mo"ey #laim o" the -rophet or (as promised to be ,i)e" somethi",, should #ome to Abu Bakr. I (e"t to Abu Bakr a"d told him that the -rophet had promised to ,i)e me so mu#h. <" that Abu Bakr ,a)e me three ha"d!uls (o! mo"ey$. 3.BB1: Narrated Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: Allah's Apostle distributed some #loaks but did "ot ,i)e a"ythi", thereo! to +akhrama. +akhrama said (to me$, "< so"= a##ompa"y me to Allah's Apostle." 7he" I (e"t (ith him, he said, "Hall him to me." I #alled him (i.e. the -rophet $ !or my !ather. He #ame out (eari", o"e o! those #loaks a"d said, "7e kept this (#loak$ !or you, (+akhrama$." +akhrama looked at the #loak a"d said, "+akhrama is pleased," (or the -rophet said$, "Is +akhrama pleased>" 3.BB.: Narrated Abu Huraira: A ma" #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "I am rui"ed." he -rophet asked, "7hat do you mea">" He said, "I had a se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith my (i!e duri", :amada" ((hile !asti",$." he -rophet asked him, "Ha" you ma"umit a sla)e>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. He the" asked him, "Ha" you !ast !or t(o su##essi)e mo"ths #o"ti"uously" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. he -rophet the" asked him, "Ha" you !eed si'ty poor perso"s>" He replied i" the "e,ati)e. I" the mea"time a" A"sari #ame (ith a basket !ull o! dates. he -rophet said to the ma", " ake it a"d ,i)e it i" #harity (as a" e'piatio" o! your si"$." he ma" said ";hould I ,i)e it to some people (ho are poorer tha" (e < Allah's Apostle> By Him 7ho has se"t you (ith the ruth, there is "o !amily bet(ee" +edi"a's t(o mou"tai"s poorer tha" (e." Allah's Apostle told him to take it a"d pro)ide his !amily (ith it." 3.BB3: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: +y !ather (as martyred o" the day (o! the battle$ o! &hud a"d his #reditors dema"ded the debt ba#k i" a harsh ma""er. ;o I (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d i"!ormed him o! that, he asked them to a##ept the !ruits o! my ,arde" a"d e'#use my !ather, but they re!used. ;o, Allah's Apostle did "ot ,i)e them the !ruits, "or did he #ut them a"d distribute them amo", them, but said, "I (ill #ome to you tomorro( mor"i",." ;o, he #ame to us the "e't mor"i", a"d (alked about i" bet(ee" the date3palms a"d i")oked Allah to bless their !ruits. I plu#ked the !ruits a"d ,a)e ba#k all the ri,hts o! the #reditors i" !ull, a"d a lot o! !ruits (ere le!t !or us. he" I (e"t to Allah's Apostle, (ho (as sitti",, a"d i"!ormed him about (hat happe"ed. Allah's Apostle told %&mar, (ho (as sitti", there, to liste" to the story. %&mar said, "6o"'t (e k"o( that you are Allah's Apostle> By Allah= you are Allah's Apostle=" 3.BB1: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: A dri"k (milk mi'ed (ith (ater$ (as brou,ht to the -rophet (ho dra"k some o! it (hile a boy (as sitti", o" his ri,ht a"d old me" o" his le!t. he -rophet said to the boy, "I! you permit me, I'll ,i)e (the rest o! the dri"k to$ these old me" !irst." he boy said, "I (ill "ot ,i)e pre!ere"#e to a"y o"e o)er me as re,ards my share !rom you, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet the" put that #o"tai"er i" the boy's ha"d. (;ee Hadith No. ?11$. 3.BB?: 1E3

Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I sold a #amel to the -rophet o" o"e o! the *our"eys. 7he" (e rea#hed +edi"a, he ordered me to ,o to the +os5ue a"d o!!er t(o rak%at. he" he (ei,hed !or me (the pri#e o! the #amel i" ,old$ a"d ,a)e a" e'tra amou"t o)er it. A part o! it remai"ed (ith me till it (as take" by the army o! ;ham o" the day o! Harra." 3.BB@: Narrated ;hal bi" ;a%d: A dri"k (o! milk a"d (ater$ (as brou,ht to Allah's Apostle (hile a boy (as sitti", o" his ri,ht side a"d old me" (ere sitti", o" his le!t side. He asked the boy, "7ill you allo( me to ,i)e it to these (people$>" he boy said, "No, by Allah, I (ill "ot allo( a"yo"e to take my ri,ht !rom you." he" the -rophet put the bo(l i" the boy's ha"d. 3.BBB: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle o(ed a ma" some debt (a"d that ma" dema"ded it )ery harshly$. he #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet (a"ted to harm him, but the -rophet said to them, "Iea)e him, as the #reditor has the ri,ht to speak harshly." He the" added, "Buy (a #amel$ o! the same a,e a"d ,i)e it to him." hey said, "7e #a""ot ,et e'#ept a #amel o! a" older a,e tha" that o! his." He said, "Buy it a"d ,i)e it to him, as the best amo",st you is he (ho pays ba#k his debt i" the most ha"dsome (ay.' 3.BBC: Narrated +ar(a" bi" Al3Hakam a"d Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: 7he" the dele,ates o! the tribe o! Ha(a2i" #ame to the -rophet they re5uested him to retur" their property a"d their #apti)es. He said to them, " his #o"#er"s also other people alo", (ith me as you see, a"d the best stateme"t to me is the true o"e, so you may #hoose o"e o! t(o alter"ati)es9 either the #apti)es or the property a"d (I ha)e "ot distributed the booty !or$ I ha)e bee" (aiti", !or you." 7he" the -rophet had retur"ed !rom a'i!, he (aited !or them !or more tha" te" "i,hts. 7he" they #ame to k"o( that the -rophet (ould "ot retur" e'#ept o"e o! the t(o, they #hose their #apti)es. he -rophet the" stood up amo",st the +uslims, Glori!ied a"d -raised Allah as He deser)ed, a"d the" said, " he" a!ter: hese brothers o! yours ha)e #ome to you (ith repe"ta"#e a"d I see it proper to retur" their #apti)es, so (hoe)er amo",st you likes to do that as a !a)or, the" he #a" do it, a"d (hoe)er o! you (a"ts to sti#k to his share till (e pay him !rom the )ery !irst 8ai (i.e. (ar booty$ (hi#h Allah (ill ,i)e us, the" he #a" do so." he people said, "7e retur" (the #apti)es$ to them (illi",ly as a !a)or, < Allah's Apostle=" he -rophet said, "I do "ot k"o( (ho o! you has ,i)e" his #o"se"t a"d (ho has "ot9 so ,o ba#k a"d your leaders may prese"t your de#isio" to me." he people (e"t a(ay, a"d their leaders dis#ussed the matter (ith them, a"d the" #ame to the -rophet to tell him that all o! them had ,i)e" their #o"se"t (to retur" the #apti)es$ (illi",ly. (A234uh", the sub3"arrator said, " his is (hat (e k"o( about the #apti)es, o! Ha(a2i"."$ 3.BBD: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: hat the people sitti", (ith that perso" (ill be his #o3o("ers. But this report is "ot #o"!irmed by a" authe"ti# "arratio". (:e!er to Hadith BBC$ 3.BCE: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet took a #amel o! spe#ial a,e !rom somebody o" #redit. Its o("er #ame a"d dema"ded it ba#k (harshly$. he -rophet said, "No doubt, he (ho has a ri,ht, #a" dema"d it." he" the -rophet ,a)e him a" older #amel tha" his #amel a"d said, " he best amo",st you is he (ho repays his debts i" the most ha"dsome (ay." 3.BC1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: hat he (as i" the #ompa"y o! the -rophet o" a *our"ey, ridi", a troublesome #amel belo",i", to %&mar. he #amel used to ,o ahead o! the -rophet, so Ib" %&mar's !ather (ould say, "< %Abdullah= No o"e should ,o ahead o! the -rophet." he -rophet said to him, ";ell it to me." %&mar said to the


-rophet "It is !or you." ;o, he bou,ht it a"d said, "< %Abdullah= It is !or you, a"d you #a" do (ith it (hat you like." 3.BC.: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: %&mar bi" Al30hattab sa( a silke" dress (#loak$ bei", sold at the ,ate o! the +os5ue a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= 7ould that you buy it a"d (ear it o" 8ridays a"d (he" the dele,ates #ome to you=" Allah's Apostle said, " his is (or" by the o"e (ho (ill ha)e "o share i" the Herea!ter." Iater o" some silk dresses (ere brou,ht a"d Allah's Apostle se"t o"e o! them to %&mar. %&mar said, "Ho( do you ,i)e me this to (ear (hile you said (hat you said about the dress o! '&tarid>" Allah's Apostle said, "I ha)e "ot ,i)e" it to you to (ear." ;o, %&mar ,a)e it to a pa,a" brother o! his i" +e##a. 3.BC3: Narrated Ib" %&mar: <"#e the -rophet (e"t to the house o! 8atima but did "ot e"ter it. %Ali #ame a"d she told him about that. 7he" 'All asked the -rophet about it, he said, "I sa( a (multi#olored$ de#orated #urtai" o" her door. I am "ot i"terested i" (orldly thi",s." %Ali (e"t to 8atima a"d told her about it. 8atima said, "I am ready to dispe"se (ith it i" the (ay he su,,ests." he -rophet ordered her to se"d it to su#h3a"d3 su#h "eedy people. " 3.BC1: Narrated %Ali: he -rophet ,a)e me a silke" dress as a ,i!t a"d I (ore it. 7he" I sa( the si,"s o! a",er o" his !a#e, I #ut it i"to pie#es a"d distributed it amo", my (i)es." 3.BC?: Narrated A"as: A /ubba (i.e. #loak$ made o! thi#k silke" #loth (as prese"ted to the -rophet. he -rophet used to !orbid people to (ear silk. ;o, the people (ere pleased to see it. he -rophet said, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds +uhammad's soul is, the ha"dker#hie!s o! ;a%d bi" +u%adh i" -aradise are better tha" this." A"as added, " he prese"t (as se"t to the -rophet by &kaidir (a Hhristia"$ !rom 6auma." 3.BC@: Narrated A"as bi" +alik: A /e(ess brou,ht a poiso"ed (#ooked$ sheep !or the -rophet (ho ate !rom it. ;he (as brou,ht to the -rophet a"d he (as asked, ";hall (e kill her>" He said, "No." I #o"ti"ued to see the e!!e#t o! the poiso" o" the palate o! the mouth o! Allah's Apostle . 3.BCB: Narrated %Abdur3:ahma" bi" Abu Bakr: 7e (ere o"e3hu"dred a"d thirty perso"s a##ompa"yi", the -rophet (ho asked us (hether a"yo"e o! us had !ood. here (as a ma" (ho had about a ;a o! (heat (hi#h (as mi'ed (ith (ater the". A )ery tall pa,a" #ame dri)i", sheep. he -rophet asked him, "7ill you sell us (a sheep$ or ,i)e it as a prese"t>" He said, "I (ill sell you (a sheep$." he -rophet bou,ht a sheep a"d it (as slau,htered. he -rophet ordered that its li)er a"d other Abdomi"al or,a"s be roasted. By Allah, the -rophet ,a)e e)ery perso" o! the o"e3hu"dred3a"d3thirty a pie#e o! that9 he ,a)e all those o! them (ho (ere prese"t9 a"d kept the shares o! those (ho (ere abse"t. he -rophet the" put its meat i" t(o hu,e basi"s a"d all o! them ate to their !ill, a"d e)e" the" more !ood (as le!t i" the t(o basi"s (hi#h (ere #arried o" the #amel (or said somethi", like it$. 3.BCC: Narrated Ib" %&mar: %&mar sa( a silke" #loak o)er a ma" !or sale a"d re5uested the -rophet to buy it i" order to (ear it o" 8ridays a"d (hile meeti", dele,ates. he -rophet said, " his is (or" by the o"e (ho (ill ha)e "o share i" the Herea!ter." Iater o" Allah's Apostle ,ot some silke" #loaks similar to that o"e, a"d he se"t o"e to %&mar. %&mar said to the -rophet "Ho( #a" I (ear it, (hile you said about it (hat you said>" he -rophet said, "I ha)e "ot ,i)e" it to you to (ear, but to sell or to ,i)e to someo"e else." ;o, %&mar se"t it to his brother at +e##a be!ore he embra#ed Islam. 3.BCD: 1E?

Narrated Asma' bi"t Abu Bakr: +y mother #ame to me duri", the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle a"d she (as a pa,a". I said to Allah's Apostle (seeki", his )erdi#t$, "+y mother has #ome to me a"d she desires to re#ei)e a re(ard !rom me, shall I keep ,ood relatio"s (ith her>" he -rophet said, "Fes, keep ,ood relatio" (ith her. " 3.BDE: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, "He (ho takes ba#k his prese"t is like him (ho s(allo(s his )omit." 3.BD1: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said, " he bad e'ample is "ot !or us. He (ho takes ba#k his prese"t is like a do, that s(allo(s ba#k its )omit." 3.BD.: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: I ,a)e a horse i" Allah's Hause. he perso" to (hom it (as ,i)e", did "ot look a!ter it. I i"te"ded to buy it !rom him, thi"ki", that he (ould sell it #heap. 7he" I asked the -rophet he said, "6o"'t buy it, e)e" i! he ,i)es it to you !or o"e 6irham, as the perso" (ho takes ba#k (hat he has ,i)e" i" #harity, is like a do, that s(allo(s ba#k its )omit." 3.BD3: Narrated /abir: he -rophet ,a)e the )erdi#t that %&mra is !or the o"e to (hom it is prese"ted. 3.BD1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "&mra is permissible." Ata said, "/abir "arrated the same to me !rom the -rophet." 3.BD?: Narrated A"as: <"#e the people o! +edi"a (ere !ri,hte"ed, so the -rophet borro(ed a horse !rom Abu alha #alled Al3+a"dub, a"d rode it. 7he" he #ame ba#k he said, "7e ha)e "ot see" a"ythi", (to be a!raid o!$, but the horse (as )ery !ast (ha)i", a" e"er,y as i"e'haustible as the (ater o! the sea$. 3.BD@: Narrated Aima": I (e"t to %Aisha a"d she (as (eari", a #oarse dress #osti", !i)e 6irhams. %Aisha said, "Iook up a"d see my sla)e3,irl (ho re!uses to (ear it i" the house thou,h duri", the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle I had a similar dress (hi#h "o (oma" desiri", to appear ele,a"t (be!ore her husba"d$ !ailed to borro( !rom me." 3.BDB: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "7hat a ,ood +a"iha (the she3#amel (hi#h has re#e"tly ,i)e" birth a"d (hi#h ,i)es pro!use milk$ is, a"d ((hat a ,ood +a"iha$ (the sheep (hi#h ,i)es pro!use milk, a bo(l i" the mor"i", a"d a"other i" the e)e"i",$ is=" 3.BDC: Narrated +alik: +a"iha is a ,ood deed o! #harity. 3.BDD: Narrated Ib" ;hihab A234uhri: A"as bi" +alik said, "7he" the emi,ra"ts #ame +edi"a, they had "othi", (hereas the A"sar had la"d a"d property. he A"sar ,a)e them their la"d o" #o"ditio" that the emi,ra"ts (ould ,i)e them hal! the yearly yield a"d (ork o" the la"d a"d pro)ide the "e#essaries !or #ulti)atio"." His (i.e. A"as's mother (ho (as also the mother o! %Abdullah bi" Abu alha, ,a)e some date3palms to Allah' Apostle (ho ,a)e them to his !reed sla)e3,irl (&m Aima"$ (ho (as also the mother o! &sama bi" 4aid. 7he" the -rophet !i"ished !rom the !i,hti", a,ai"st the people o! 0haibar a"d retur"ed to +edi"a, the emi,ra"ts retur"ed to the A"sar the !ruit ,i!ts (hi#h the A"sar had ,i)e" them. he -rophet also


retur"ed to A"as's mother the date3palms. Allah's Apostle ,a)e &m Aima" other trees !rom his ,arde" i" lieu o! the old ,i!t. 3.CEE: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Amr: hat Allah's Apostle said, " here are !orty )irtuous deeds a"d the best o! them is the +a"iha o! a she3 ,oat, a"d a"yo"e (ho does o"e o! these )irtuous deeds hopi", !or Allah's re(ard (ith !irm #o"!ide"#e that he (ill ,et it, the" Allah (ill make him e"ter -aradise be#ause o! Hassa" (a sub3 "arrator$ said, "7e tried to #ou"t those ,ood deeds belo( the +a"iha9 (e me"tio"ed replyi", to the s"ee2er, remo)i", harm!ul thi",s !rom the road, et#., but (e !ailed to #ou"t e)e" !i!tee"." 3.CE1: Narrated /abir: ;ome me" had super!luous la"d a"d they said that they (ould ,i)e it to others to #ulti)ate o" the #o"ditio" that they (ould ,et o"e3third or o"e3!ourth or o"e hal! o! its yield. he -rophet said, "7hoe)er has la"d should #ulti)ate it himsel! or ,i)e it to his brother or keep it u"#ulti)ated." Narrated Abu ;a%id: A bedoui" #ame to the -rophet a"d asked him about emi,ratio". he -rophet said to him, "+ay Allah be mer#i!ul to you. he matter o! emi,ratio" is di!!i#ult. Ha)e you ,ot some #amels>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. he -rophet asked him, "6o you pay their 4akat>" He replied i" the a!!irmati)e. He asked, "6o you le"d them so that their milk may be utili2ed by others>" he bedoui" said, "Fes." he -rophet asked, "6o you milk them o" the day o!! (ateri", them>" He replied, "Fes." he -rophet said, "6o ,ood deeds beyo"d the mer#ha"ts (or the sea$ a"d Allah (ill "e)er disre,ard a"y o! your deeds." (;ee Hadith No. .@E, Vol. ?$ 3.CE.: Narrated a(us: hat he (as told by the most lear"ed o"e amo",st them (i.e. Ib" %Abbas$ that the -rophet (e"t to(ards some la"d (hi#h (as !lourishi", (ith )e,etatio" a"d asked to (hom it belo",ed. He (as told that su#h a"d su#h a perso" took it o" re"t. he -rophet said, "It (ould ha)e bee" better (!or the o("er$ i! he had ,i)e" it to him ,ratis rather tha" #har,i", him a !i'ed re"t. 3.CE3: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he -rophet Abraham mi,rated (ith ;arah. he people (o! the to(" (here they mi,rated$ ,a)e her A*ar (i.e. Ha*ar$. ;arah retur"ed a"d said to Abraham, "6o you k"o( that Allah has humiliated that pa,a" a"d he has ,i)e" a sla)e3,irl !or my ser)i#e>" 3.CE1: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: <"#e I ,a)e a horse (!or ridi",$ i" Allah's Hause. Iater I sa( it bei", sold. I asked Allah's Apostle ((hether I #ould buy it$. He said, "6o"'t buy it, !or you should "ot ,et ba#k (hat you ha)e ,i)e" i" #harity." 3.CE?: Narrated %&r(a bi" Al3+usaiyab, Al5ama bi" 7a55as a"d &baidullah bi" %Abdullah: About the story o! %Aisha a"d their "arratio"s (ere similar attesti", ea#h other, (he" the liars said (hat they i")e"ted about %Aisha, a"d the 6i)i"e I"spiratio" (as delayed, Allah's Apostle se"t !or %Ali a"d &sama to #o"sult them i" di)or#i", his (i!e (i.e. %Aisha$. &sama said, "0eep your (i!e, as (e k"o( "othi", about her e'#ept ,ood." Buraira said, "I #a""ot a##use her o! a"y de!e#t e'#ept that she is still a you", ,irl (ho sleeps, "e,le#ti", her !amily's dou,h (hi#h the domesti# ,oats #ome to eat (i.e. she (as too simplemi"ded to de#ei)e her husba"d$." Allah's Apostle said, "7ho #a" help me to take re)e",e o)er the ma" (ho has harmed me by de!ami", the reputatio" o! my !amily> By Allah, I ha)e "ot k"o(" about my !amily3a"ythi", e'#ept ,ood, a"d they me"tio"ed (i.e. a##used$ a ma" about (hom I did "ot k"o( a"ythi", e'#ept ,ood." 3.CE@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle a"d &bai bi" 0a%b Al3A"sari (e"t to the ,arde" (here Ib" ;aiyad used to li)e. 7he" Allah's Apostle e"tered (the ,arde"$, he (i.e. Allah's Apostle $ started hidi", himsel! behi"d the date3 1EB

palms as he (a"ted to hear se#retly the talk o! Ib" ;aiyad be!ore the latter sa( him. Ib" ;aiyad (rapped (ith a so!t de#orated sheet (as lyi", o" his bed murmuri",. Ib" ;aiyad's mother sa( the -rophet hidi", behi"d the stems o! the date3palms. ;he addressed Ib" ;aiyad sayi",, "< ;a!, this is +uhammad." Heari", that Ib" ;aiyad stopped murmuri", (or ,ot #autious$, the -rophet said, "I! she had le!t him u"disturbed, he (ould ha)e re)ealed his reality." (;ee Hadith No. .DE, Vol 1 !or details$ 3.CEB: Narrated Aisha: he (i!e o! :i!a%a Al3Aura2i #ame to the -rophet a"d said, "I (as :i!a%a's (i!e, but he di)or#ed me a"d it (as a !i"al irre)o#able di)or#e. he" I married %Abdur3:ahma" bi" A234ubair but he is impote"t." he -rophet asked her '6o you (a"t to remarry :i!a%a> Fou #a""ot u"less you had a #omplete se'ual relatio" (ith your prese"t husba"d." Abu Bakr (as sitti", (ith Allah's Apostle a"d 0halid bi" ;a%id bi" Al3%As (as at the door (aiti", to be admitted. He said, "< Abu Bakr= 6o you hear (hat this ((oma"$ is re)eali", !ra"kly be!ore the -rophet >" 3.CEC: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu +ulaika !rom %&5ba bi" Al3Harith: %&5ba married the dau,hter o! Abu Ihab bi" %A2i2, a"d the" a (oma" #ame a"d said, "I su#kled %&5ba a"d his (i!e." %&5ba said to her, "I do "ot k"o( that you ha)e su#kled me, a"d you did "ot i"!orm me." He the" se"t someo"e to the house o! Abu Ihab to i"5uire about that but they did "ot k"o( that she had su#kled their dau,hter. he" %&5ba (e"t to the -rophet i" +edi"a a"d asked him about it. he -rophet said to him, "Ho( (#a" you keep your (i!e$ a!ter it has bee" said (that both o! you (ere su#kled by the same (oma"$>" ;o, he di)or#ed her a"d she (as married to a"other (husba"d$. 3.CED: Narrated %&mar bi" Al30hattab: -eople (ere (sometimes$ *ud,ed by the re)eali", o! a 6i)i"e I"spiratio" duri", the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle but "o( there is "o lo",er a"y more ("e( re)elatio"$. No( (e *ud,e you by the deeds you pra#ti#e publi#ly, so (e (ill trust a"d !a)or the o"e (ho does ,ood deeds i" !ro"t o! us, a"d (e (ill "ot #all him to a##ou"t about (hat he is really doi", i" se#ret, !or Allah (ill *ud,e him !or that9 but (e (ill "ot trust or belie)e the o"e (ho prese"ts to us (ith a" e)il deed e)e" i! he #laims that his i"te"tio"s (ere ,ood. 3.C1E: Narrated A"as: A !u"eral pro#essio" passed i" !ro"t o! the -rophet a"d the people praised the de#eased. he -rophet said, "It has bee" a!!irmed (-aradise$." he" a"other !u"eral pro#essio" passed by a"d the people talked badly o! the de#eased. he -rophet said, "It has bee" a!!irmed (Hell$." Allah's Apostle (as asked, "< Allah's Apostle= Fou said it has bee" a!!irmed !or both>" he -rophet said, " he testimo"y o! the people (is a##epted$, (!or$ the belie)er are Allah's (it"esses o" the earth." 3.C11: Narrated Abu Al3As(ad: <"#e I (e"t to +edi"a (here there (as a" outbreak o! disease a"d the people (ere dyi", rapidly. I (as sitti", (ith %&mar a"d a !u"eral pro#essio" passed by. he people praised the de#eased. %&mar said, "It has bee" a!!irmed" (-aradise$. he" a"other !u"eral pro#essio" passed by. he people praised the de#eased. %&mar said, "It has bee" a!!irmed." (-aradise$. he" a"other !u"eral pro#essio" passed by. he people praised the de#eased. %&mar said, "It has bee" a!!irmed (-aradise$." he" a third !u"eral pro#essio" passed by a"d the people talked badly o! the de#eased. %&mar said, "It has bee" a!!irmed (Hell$." I asked %&mar, "< #hie! o! the belie)ers= 7hat has bee" a!!irmed>" He said, "I ha)e said (hat the -rophet said. He said, 'Allah (ill admit i"to paradise a"y +uslim (hose ,ood #hara#ter is attested by !our perso"s.' 7e asked the -rophet, 'I! there (ere three (it"esses o"ly>' He said, 'K)e" three.' 7e asked, 'I! there (ere t(o o"ly>' He said, 'K)e" t(o.' But (e did "ot ask him about o"e (it"ess." 3.C1.: Narrated Aisha: 1EC

A!lah asked the permissio" to )isit me but I did "ot allo( him. He said, "6o you )eil yoursel! be!ore me althou,h I am your u"#le>" %Aisha said, "Ho( is that>" A!lah replied, "Fou (ere su#kled by my brother's (i!e (ith my brother's milk." I asked Allah's Apostle about it, a"d he said, "Allah is ri,ht, so permit him to )isit you." 3.C13: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: he -rophet said about Ham2a's dau,hter, "I am "ot le,ally permitted to marry her, as !oster relatio"s are treated like blood relatio"s (i" marital a!!airs$. ;he is the dau,hter o! my !oster brother." 3.C11: Narrated %Amra bi"t %Abdur3:ahma": hat %Aisha the (i!e o! the -rophet told her u"#le that o"#e, (hile the -rophet (as i" her house, she heard a ma" aski", Ha!sa's permissio" to e"ter her house. %Aisha said, "I said, '< Allah's Apostle= I thi"k the ma" is Ha!sa's !oster u"#le.' " %Aisha added, "< Allah's Apostle= here is a ma" aski", the permissio" to e"ter your house." Allah's Apostle replied, "I thi"k the ma" is Ha!sa's !oster u"#le." %Aisha said, "I! so3a"d3so (ere li)i", (i.e. her !oster u"#le$ (ould he be allo(ed to )isit me>" Allah's Apostle said, "Fes, he (ould, as the !oster relatio"s are treated like blood relatio"s (i" marital a!!airs$. 3.C1?: Narrated Aisha: <"#e the -rophet #ame to me (hile a ma" (as i" my house. He said, "< %Aisha= 7ho is this (ma"$>" I replied, "+y !oster brothers" He said, "< %Aisha= Be sure about your !oster brothers, as !ostership is o"ly )alid i! it takes pla#e i" the su#kli", period (be!ore t(o years o! a,e$. 3.C1@: Narrated %&r(a bi" A234ubair: A (oma" #ommitted the!t i" the Gha2(a o! the Ho"5uest (o! +e##a$ a"d she (as take" to the -rophet (ho ordered her ha"d to be #ut o!!. %Aisha said, "Her repe"ta"#e (as per!e#t a"d she (as married (later$ a"d used to #ome to me (a!ter that$ a"d I (ould prese"t her "eeds to Allah's Apostle." 3.C1B: Narrated 4aid bi" 0halid: Allah's Apostle ordered that a" u"married ma" (ho #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse be s#our,ed o"e hu"dred lashes a"d se"t i"to e'ile !or o"e year. 3.C1C: Narrated A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir: +y mother asked my !ather to prese"t me a ,i!t !rom his property9 a"d he ,a)e it to me a!ter some hesitatio". +y mother said that she (ould "ot be satis!ied u"less the -rophet (as made a (it"ess to it. I bei", a you", boy, my !ather held me by the ha"d a"d took me to the -rophet . He said to the -rophet, "His mother, bi"t :a(aha, re5uested me to ,i)e this boy a ,i!t." he -rophet said, "6o you ha)e other so"s besides him>" He said, "Fes." he -rophet said, "6o "ot make me a (it"ess !or i"*usti#e." Narrated Ash3;hu%bi that the -rophet said, "I (ill "ot be#ome a (it"ess !or i"*usti#e." 3.C1D: Narrated 4ahdam bi" +udrab: I heard %Imra" bi" Husai" sayi",, " he -rophet said, ' he best people are those li)i", i" my ,e"eratio", the" those #omi", a!ter them, a"d the" those #omi", a!ter (the se#o"d ,e"eratio"$." %Imra" said "I do "ot k"o( (hether the -rophet me"tio"ed t(o or three ,e"eratio"s a!ter your prese"t ,e"eratio". he -rophet added, ' here (ill be some people a!ter you, (ho (ill be disho"est a"d (ill "ot be trust(orthy a"d (ill ,i)e (it"ess (e)ide"#es$ (ithout bei", asked to ,i)e (it"ess, a"d (ill )o( but (ill "ot !ul!ill their )o(s, a"d !at"ess (ill appear amo", them." 3.C.E: Narrated %Abdullah: he -rophet said, " he people o! my ,e"eratio" are the best, the" those (ho !ollo( them, a"d the" (hose (ho !ollo( the latter. A!ter that there (ill #ome some people (hose (it"ess (ill ,o ahead o! their oaths, a"d their oaths (ill ,o ahead o! their (it"ess." Ibrahim (a sub3"arrator$ said, "7e used to


be beate" !or taki", oaths by sayi",, 'I bear (it"ess by the Name o! Allah or by the Ho)e"a"t o! Allah." 3.C.1: Narrated A"as: he -rophet (as asked about the ,reat si"s He said, " hey are:33 (1 $ o *oi" others i" (orship (ith Allah, (.$ o be u"duti!ul to o"e's pare"ts. (3$ o kill a perso" ((hi#h Allah has !orbidde" to kill$ (i.e. to #ommit the #rime o! murderi",$. (1$ A"d to ,i)e a !alse (it"ess." 3.C..: Narrated Abu Bakra: he -rophet said thri#e, ";hould I i"!orm you out the ,reatest o! the ,reat si"s>" hey said, "Fes, < Allah's Apostle=" He said, " o *oi" others i" (orship (ith Allah a"d to be u"duti!ul to o"e's pare"ts." he -rophet the" sat up a!ter he had bee" re#li"i", (o" a pillo($ a"d said, "A"d I (ar" you a,ai"st ,i)i", a !alse (it"ess, a"d he kept o" sayi", that (ar"i", till (e thou,ht he (ould "ot stop. (;ee Hadith No. B, Vol. C$ 3.C.3: Narrated %Aisha: he -rophet heard a ma" (re#iti", Aur'a"$ i" the +os5ue, a"d he said, "+ay Allah besto( His +er#y upo" him. No doubt, he made me remember su#h3a"d su#h Verses o! su#h3a"d3su#h ;ura (hi#h I dropped (!rom my memory$. Narrated Aisha: he -rophet per!ormed the aha**ud prayer i" my house, a"d the" he heard the )oi#e o! %Abbas (ho (as prayi", i" the +os5ue, a"d said, "< %Aisha= Is this %Abbad's )oi#e>" I said, "Fes." He said, "< Allah= Be mer#i!ul to %Abbas=" 3.C.1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: he -rophet said, "Bilal pro"ou"#es the Adha" (he" it is still "i,ht (be!ore da("$, so eat a"d dri"k till the "e't Adha" is pro"ou"#ed (or till you hear Ib" &m +aktum's Adha"$." Ib" &m +aktum (as a bli"d ma" (ho (ould "ot pro"ou"#e the Adha" till he (as told that it (as da(". 3.C.?: Narrated Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: ;ome outer ,arme"ts (ere re#ei)ed the -rophet a"d my !ather (+akhrama$ said to me, "Iet us ,o to the -rophet so that he may ,i)e us somethi", !rom the ,arme"ts." ;o, my !ather stood at the door a"d spoke. he -rophet re#o,"i2ed his )oi#e a"d #ame out #arryi", a ,arme"t a"d telli", +akhrama the ,ood 5ualities o! that ,arme"t, addi",, "I ha)e kept this !or you, I ha)e se"t this !or you." 3.C.@: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: he -rophet said, "Is"'t the (it"ess o! a (oma" e5ual to hal! o! that o! a ma">" he (ome" said, "Fes." He said, " his is be#ause o! the de!i#ie"#y o! a (oma"'s mi"d." 3.C.B: Narrated %&5ba bi" Al3Harith: hat he had married &m Fahya bi"t Abu Ihab. He said. "A bla#k sla)e3lady #ame a"d said, 'I su#kled you both.' I the" me"tio"ed that to the -rophet (ho tur"ed his !a#e aside." %&5ba !urther said, "I (e"t to the other side a"d told the -rophet about it. He said, 'Ho( #a" you (keep her as your (i!e$ (he" the lady has said that she su#kled both o! you (i.e. you a"d your (i!e>$" ;o, the -rophet ordered him to di)or#e her. 3.C.C: Narrated %&5ba bi" Al3Harith: I married a (oma" a"d later o" a (oma" #ame a"d said, "I su#kled you both." ;o, I (e"t to the -rophet (to ask him about it$. He said, "Ho( #a" you (keep her as a (i!e$ (he" it has bee" said (that you (ere !oster brother a"d sister$> Iea)e (di)or#e$ her. 3.C.D: 11E

Narrated Aisha: (the (i!e o! the -rophet$ "7he"e)er Allah's Apostle i"te"ded to ,o o" a *our"ey, he (ould dra( lots amo",st his (i)es a"d (ould take (ith him the o"e upo" (hom the lot !ell. 6uri", a Gha2(a o! his, he dre( lots amo",st us a"d the lot !ell upo" me, a"d I pro#eeded (ith him a!ter Allah had de#reed the use o! the )eil by (ome". I (as #arried i" a Ho(dah (o" the #amel$ a"d dismou"ted (hile still i" it. 7he" Allah's Apostle (as throu,h (ith his Gha2(a a"d retur"ed home, a"d (e approa#hed the #ity o! +edi"a, Allah's Apostle ordered us to pro#eed at "i,ht. 7he" the order o! setti", o!! (as ,i)e", I (alked till I (as past the army to a"s(er the #all o! "ature. A!ter !i"ishi", I retur"ed (to the #amp$ to depart ((ith the others$ a"d sudde"ly reali2ed that my "e#kla#e o)er my #hest (as missi",. ;o, I retur"ed to look !or it a"d (as delayed be#ause o! that. he people (ho used to #arry me o" the #amel, #ame to my Ho(dah a"d put it o" the ba#k o! the #amel, thi"ki", that I (as i" it, as, at that time, (ome" (ere li,ht i" (ei,ht, a"d thi" a"d lea", a"d did "ot use to eat mu#h. ;o, those people did "ot !eel the di!!ere"#e i" the hea)i"ess o! the Ho(dah (hile li!ti", it, a"d they put it o)er the #amel. At that time I (as a you", lady. hey set the #amel mo)i", a"d pro#eeded o". I !ou"d my "e#kla#e a!ter the army had ,o"e, a"d #ame to their #amp to !i"d "obody. ;o, I (e"t to the pla#e (here I used to stay, thi"ki", that they (ould dis#o)er my abse"#e a"d #ome ba#k i" my sear#h. 7hile i" that state, I !elt sleepy a"d slept. ;a!(a" bi" +u'attal As3;ulami Adh36hak(a"i (as behi"d the army a"d rea#hed my abode i" the mor"i",. 7he" he sa( a sleepi", perso", he #ame to me, a"d he used to see me be!ore )eili",. ;o, I ,ot up (he" I heard him sayi",, "I""a lil3lah3(a i"" a ilaihi ra*iu" (7e are !or Allah, a"d (e (ill retur" to Him$." He made his #amel k"ell do(". He ,ot do(" !rom his #amel, a"d put his le, o" the !ro"t le,s o! the #amel a"d the" I rode a"d sat o)er it. ;a!(a" set out (alki",, leadi", the #amel by the rope till (e rea#hed the army (ho had halted to take rest at midday. he" (hoe)er (as mea"t !or destru#tio", !ell i"to destru#tio", (some people a##used me !alsely$ a"d the leader o! the !alse a##users (as %Abdullah bi" &bai bi" ;alul. A!ter that (e retur"ed to +edi"a, a"d I be#ame ill !or o"e mo"th (hile the people (ere spreadi", the !or,ed stateme"ts o! the !alse a##users. I (as !eeli", duri", my ailme"t as i! I (ere "ot re#ei)i", the usual ki"d"ess !rom the -rophet (hi#h I used to re#ei)e !rom him (he" I ,ot si#k. But he (ould #ome, ,reet a"d say, 'Ho( is that (,irl$>' I did "ot k"o( a"ythi", o! (hat (as ,oi", o" till I re#o)ered !rom my ailme"t a"d (e"t out (ith &m +istah to the +a"asi (here (e used to a"s(er the #all o! "ature, a"d (e used "ot to ,o to a"s(er the #all o! "ature e'#ept !rom "i,ht to "i,ht a"d that (as be!ore (e had la)atories "ear to our houses. A"d this habit o! ours (as similar to the habit o! the old 'Arabs i" the ope" #ou"try (or a(ay !rom houses$. ;o. I a"d &m +istah bi"t :uhm (e"t out (alki",. &m +istah stumbled be#ause o! her lo", dress a"d o" that she said, 'Iet +istah be rui"ed.' I said, 'Fou are sayi", a bad (ord. 7hy are you abusi", a ma" (ho took part i" (the battle o!$ Badr>' ;he said, '< Ha"ata (you there$ did"'t you hear (hat they said>' he" she told me the rumors o! the !alse a##users. +y si#k"ess (as a,,ra)ated, a"d (he" I retur"ed home, Allah's Apostle #ame to me, a"d a!ter ,reeti", he said, 'Ho( is that (,irl$>' I re5uested him to allo( me to ,o to my pare"ts. I (a"ted the" to be sure o! the "e(s throu,h them I Allah's Apostle allo(ed me, a"d I (e"t to my pare"ts a"d asked my mother, '7hat are the people talki", about>' ;he said, '< my dau,hter= 6o"'t (orry mu#h about this matter. By Allah, "e)er is there a #harmi", (oma" lo)ed by her husba"d (ho has other (i)es, but the (ome" (ould !or,e !alse "e(s about her.' I said, 'Glori!ied be Allah= Are the people really taki", o! this matter>' hat "i,ht I kept o" (eepi", a"d #ould "ot sleep till mor"i",. I" the mor"i", Allah's Apostle #alled %Ali bi" Abu alib a"d &sama bi" 4aid (he" he sa( the 6i)i"e I"spiratio" delayed, to #o"sul them about di)or#i", his (i!e (i.e. %Aisha$. &sama bi" 4aid said (hat he k"e( o! the ,ood reputatio" o! his (i)es a"d added, '< Allah's Apostle= 0eep you (i!e, !or, by Allah, (e k"o( "othi", about her but ,ood.' %Ali bi" Abu alib said, '< Allah's Apostle= Allah has "o imposed restri#tio"s o" you, a"d there are ma"y (ome" other tha" she, yet you may ask the (oma"3ser)a"t (ho (ill tell you the truth.' <" that Allah's Apostle #alled Buraira a"d said, '< Burair. 6id you e)er see a"ythi", (hi#h roused your suspi#io"s about her>' Buraira said, 'No, by Allah 7ho has se"t you (ith the ruth, I ha)e "e)er see" i" her a"ythi", !aulty e'#ept that she is a ,irl o! immature a,e, (ho sometimes sleeps a"d lea)es the dou,h !or the ,oats to eat.' <" that day Allah's Apostle as#e"ded the 111

pulpit a"d re5uested that somebody support him i" pu"ishi", %Abdullah bi" &bai bi" ;alul. Allah's Apostle said, '7ho (ill support me to pu"ish that perso" (%Abdullah bi" &bai bi" ;alul$ (ho has hurt me by sla"deri", the reputatio" o! my !amily> By Allah, I k"o( "othi", about my !amily but ,ood, a"d they ha)e a##used a perso" about (hom I k"o( "othi", e'#ept ,ood, a"d he "e)er e"tered my house e'#ept i" my #ompa"y.' ;a%d bi" +u%adh ,ot up a"d said, '< Allah's Apostle= by Allah, I (ill relie)e you !rom him. I! that ma" is !rom the tribe o! the Aus, the" (e (ill #hop his head o!!, a"d i! he is !rom our brothers, the 0ha2ra*, the" order us, a"d (e (ill !ul!ill your order.' <" that ;a%d bi" '&bada, the #hie! o! the 0ha2ra* a"d be!ore this i"#ide"t, he had bee" a pious ma", ,ot up, moti)ated by his 2eal !or his tribe a"d said, 'By Allah, you ha)e told a lie9 you #a""ot kill him, a"d you (ill "e)er be able to kill him.' <" that &said bi" Al3Hadir ,ot up a"d said (to ;a%d bi" '&bada$, 'By Allah= you are a liar. By Allah, (e (ill kill him9 a"d you are a hypo#rite, de!e"di", the hypo#rites.' <" this the t(o tribes o! Aus a"d 0ha2ra* ,ot e'#ited a"d (ere about to !i,ht ea#h other, (hile Allah's Apostle (as sta"di", o" the pulpit. He ,ot do(" a"d 5uieted them till they be#ame sile"t a"d he kept 5uiet. <" that day I kept o" (eepi", so mu#h so that "either did my tears stop, "or #ould I sleep. I" the mor"i", my pare"ts (ere (ith me a"d I had (ept !or t(o "i,hts a"d a day, till I thou,ht my li)er (ould burst !rom (eepi",. 7hile they (ere sitti", (ith me a"d I (as (eepi",, a" A"sari (oma" asked my permissio" to e"ter, a"d I allo(ed her to #ome i". ;he sat do(" a"d started (eepi", (ith me. 7hile (e (ere i" this state, Allah's Apostle #ame a"d sat do(" a"d he had "e)er sat (ith me si"#e the day they !or,ed the a##usatio". No re)elatio" re,ardi", my #ase #ame to him !or a mo"th. He re#ited ashah3hud (i.e. No"e has the ri,ht to be (orshipped but Allah a"d +uhammad is His Apostle$ a"d the" said, '< %Aisha= I ha)e bee" i"!ormed su#h3a"d3su#h about you9 i! you are i""o#e"t, the" Allah (ill soo" re)eal your i""o#e"#e, a"d i! you ha)e #ommitted a si", the" repe"t to Allah a"d ask Him to !or,i)e you, !or (he" a perso" #o"!esses his si" a"d asks Allah !or !or,i)e"ess, Allah a##epts his repe"ta"#e.' 7he" Allah's Apostle !i"ished his spee#h my tears #eased #ompletely a"d there remai"ed "ot e)e" a si",le drop o! it. I re5uested my !ather to reply to Allah's Apostle o" my behal!. +y !ather said, By Allah, I do "ot k"o( (hat to say to Allah's Apostle.' I said to my mother, ' alk to Allah's Apostle o" my behal!.' ;he said, 'By Allah, I do "ot k"o( (hat to say to Allah's Apostle. I (as a you", ,irl a"d did "ot ha)e mu#h k"o(led,e o! the Aur'a". I said. 'I k"o(, by Allah, that you ha)e liste"ed to (hat people are sayi", a"d that has bee" pla"ted i" your mi"ds a"d you ha)e take" it as a truth. No(, i! I told you that I am i""o#e"t a"d Allah k"o(s that I am i""o#e"t, you (ould "ot belie)e me a"d i! I #o"!essed to you !alsely that I am ,uilty, a"d Allah k"o(s that I am i""o#e"t you (ould belie)e me. By Allah, I do"'t #ompare my situatio" (ith you e'#ept to the situatio" o! /oseph's !ather (i.e. /a#ob$ (ho said, ';o (!or me$ patie"#e is most !itti", a,ai"st that (hi#h you assert a"d it is Allah (Alo"e$ (hose help #a" be sou,ht.' he" I tur"ed to the other side o! my bed hopi", that Allah (ould pro)e my i""o#e"#e. By Allah I "e)er thou,ht that Allah (ould re)eal 6i)i"e I"spiratio" i" my #ase, as I #o"sidered mysel! too i"!erior to be talked o! i" the Holy Aur'a". I had hoped that Allah's Apostle mi,ht ha)e a dream i" (hi#h Allah (ould pro)e my i""o#e"#e. By Allah, Allah's Apostle had "ot ,ot up a"d "obody had le!t the house be!ore the 6i)i"e I"spiratio" #ame to Allah's Apostle. ;o, there o)ertook him the same state (hi#h used to o)ertake him, ((he" he used to ha)e, o" bei", i"spired di)i"ely$. He (as s(eati", so mu#h so that the drops o! the s(eat (ere droppi", like pearls thou,h it (as a (#old$ (i"try day. 7he" that state o! Allah's Apostle (as o)er, he (as smili", a"d the !irst (ord he said, %Aisha= ha"k Allah, !or Allah has de#lared your i""o#e"#e.' +y mother told me to ,o to Allah's Apostle . I replied, 'By Allah I (ill "ot ,o to him a"d (ill "ot tha"k but Allah.' ;o Allah re)ealed: "Verily= hey (ho spread the sla"der are a ,a", amo", you . . ." (.1.11$ 7he" Allah ,a)e the de#laratio" o! my I""o#e"#e, Abu Bakr, (ho used to pro)ide !or +istah bi" &thatha !or he (as his relati)e, said, 'By Allah, I (ill "e)er pro)ide +istah (ith a"ythi", be#ause o! (hat he said about Aisha.' But Allah later re)ealed: 33 "A"d let "ot those (ho are ,ood a"d (ealthy amo", you s(ear "ot to help their ki"sme", those i" "eed a"d those (ho le!t their homes i" Allah's Hause. Iet them !or,i)e a"d o)erlook. 6o you "ot (ish that Allah should !or,i)e you> Verily= Allah is <!t3!or,i)i",, +ost +er#i!ul." (.1...$ A!ter that Abu 11.

Bakr said, 'Fes = By Allah= I like that Allah should !or,i)e me,' a"d resumed helpi", +istah (hom he used to help be!ore. Allah's Apostle also asked 4ai"ab bi"t /ahsh (i.e. the -rophet's (i!e about me sayi",, '7hat do you k"o( a"d (hat did you see>' ;he replied, '< Allah's Apostle= I re!rai" to #laim heari", or seei", (hat I ha)e "ot heard or see". By Allah, I k"o( "othi", e'#ept ,ood"ess about Aisha." Aisha !urther added "4ai"ab (as #ompeti", (ith me (i" her beauty a"d the -rophet's lo)e$, yet Allah prote#ted her (!rom bei", mali#ious$, !or she had piety." 3.C3E: Narrated Abu Bakra: A ma" praised a"other ma" i" !ro"t o! the -rophet . he -rophet said to him, "7oe to you, you ha)e #ut o!! your #ompa"io"'s "e#k, you ha)e #ut o!! your #ompa"io"'s "e#k," repeati", it se)eral times a"d the" added, "7hoe)er amo",st you has to praise his brother should say, 'I thi"k that he is so a"d so, a"d Allah k"o(s e'a#tly the truth, a"d I do "ot #o"!irm a"ybody's ,ood #o"du#t be!ore Allah, but I thi"k him so a"d so,' i! he really k"o(s (hat he says about him." 3.C31: Narrated Abu +usa Al3Ash%ari: he -rophet heard someo"e praisi", a"other a"d e'a,,erati", i" his praise. he -rophet said, "Fou ha)e rui"ed or #ut the ma"'s ba#k (by praisi", him so mu#h$. 3.C3.: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle #alled me to prese"t mysel! i" !ro"t o! him or the e)e o! the battle o! &hud, (hile I (as !ourtee" years o! a,e at that time, a"d he did "ot allo( me to take part i" that battle, but he #alled me i" !ro"t o! him o" the e)e o! the battle o! the re"#h (he" I (as !i!tee" years old, a"d he allo(ed me (to *oi" the battle$." Na!i% said, "I (e"t to %&mar bi" %Abdul %A2i2 (ho (as Haliph at that time a"d related the abo)e "arratio" to him, He said, " his a,e (!i!tee"$ is the limit bet(ee" #hildhood a"d ma"hood," a"d (rote to his ,o)er"ors to ,i)e salaries to those (ho rea#hed the a,e o! !i!tee". 3.C33: Narrated Abu ;a%id Al30hudri: he -rophet said, "Bath o" 8riday is #ompulsory !or those (ho ha)e attai"ed the a,e o! puberty." 3.C31: Narrated %Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "I! somebody takes a !alse oath i" order to ,et the property o! a +uslim (u"*ustly$ by that oath, the" Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him (he" he (ill meet Him." Al3Ash'ath i"!ormed me, "By Allah= his (as said re,ardi", me. here (as a dispute about a pie#e o! la"d bet(ee" me a"d a ma" !rom the /e(s (ho de"ied my ri,ht. I took him to the -rophet. Allah's Apostle asked me, '6o you ha)e a" e)ide"#e>' I replied i" the "e,ati)e. He said to the /e(, ' ake a" oath.' I said, '< Allah's Apostle= He (ill surely take a" oath a"d take my property u"*ustly." ;o, Allah re)ealed: "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t a"d their oaths . . . " (3.BB$ 3.C3?: Narrated Ib" Abu +ulaika: Ib" %Abbas (rote that the -rophet ,a)e his )erdi#t o" the basis o! the de!e"da"t's oath. 3.C3@: Narrated Abu 7ail: %Abdullah (bi" +as%ud$ said, "7hoe)er takes a (!alse$ oath i" order to ,rab some property (u"*ustly$, Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him (he" he (ill meet Him. Allah #o"!irmed that throu,h His 6i)i"e :e)elatio": "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t a"d their oaths . . . they (ill ha)e a pai"!ul pu"ishme"t." (3.BB$ Al3Ash'ath bi" Aais #ame to us a"d asked, '7hat is Abu %Abdur3:ahma" (i.e. %Abdullah$ telli", you> '7e told him (hat he (as "arrati", to us. He said, 'He (as telli", the truth9 this 6i)i"e Verse (as re)ealed i" #o""e#tio" (ith me. here (as a dispute bet(ee" me a"d a"other ma" about somethi", a"d the #ase (as !iled be!ore Allah's Apostle (ho said, '-rodu#e your t(o (it"esses or else the 113

de!e"da"t is to take a" oath.' I said, he de!e"da"t (ill surely take a (!alse$ oath #ari", !or "othi",.' he -rophet said, '7hoe)er takes a !alse oath i" order to ,rab (other's$ property, the" Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him (he" he (ill meet Him.' he" Allah re)ealed its #o"!irmatio". Al3Ashath the" re#ited the abo)e 6i)i"e Verse." (3.BB$ 3.C3B: Narrated Ib" %Abbas: Hilal bi" &maiya a##used his (i!e be!ore the -rophet o! #ommitti", ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith ;harik bi" ;ahma.' he -rophet said, "-rodu#e a proo!, or else you (ould ,et the le,al pu"ishme"t (by bei", lashed$ o" your ba#k." Hilal said, "< Allah's Apostle= I! a"yo"e o! us sa( a"other ma" o)er his (i!e, (ould he ,o to sear#h !or a proo!." he -rophet (e"t o" sayi",, "-rodu#e a proo! or else you (ould ,et the le,al pu"ishme"t (by bei", lashed$ o" your ba#k." he -rophet the" me"tio"ed the "arratio" o! Iia" (as i" the Holy Book$. (;urat3al3Nur: .1$ 3.C3C: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " here are three perso"s (hom Allah (ill "either talk to "or look at, "or puri!y !rom (the si"s$, a"d they (ill ha)e a pai"!ul pu"ishme"t. ( hey are$: (1$ A ma" possessed super!luous (ater o" a (ay a"d he (ithheld it !rom the tra)elers. (.$ a ma" (ho ,i)es a pled,e o! alle,ia"#e to a +uslim ruler a"d ,i)es it o"ly !or (orldly ,ai"s. I! the ruler ,i)es him (hat he (a"ts, he remai"s obedie"t to It, other(ise he does "ot abide by it, a"d (3$ a ma" bar,ai"s (ith a"other ma" a!ter the %Asr prayer a"d the latter takes a !alse oath i" the Name o! Allah$ #laimi", that he has bee" o!!ered so mu#h !or the thi", a"d the !ormer (belie)es him a"d$ buys it." 3.C3D: Narrated Ib" +as%ud: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er takes a (!alse$ oath i" order to ,rab (others$ property, the" Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him (he" he (ill meet Him." 3.C1E: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet asked some people to take a" oath, a"d they hurried !or it. he -rophet ordered that lots should be dra(" amo",st them as to (ho (ould take a" oath !irst. 3.C11: Narrated %Abdullah bi" Abu %Au!a: A ma" displayed some ,oods i" the market a"d took a !alse oath that he had bee" o!!ered so mu#h !or them thou,h he (as "ot o!!ered that amou"t he" the !ollo(i", 6i)i"e Verse (as re)ealed:33 "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's #o)e"a"t a"d their oaths . . . 7ill ,et pai"!ul pu"ishme"t." (3.BB$ Ib" Abu %Au!a added, ";u#h perso" as des#ribed abo)e is a trea#herous :iba3 eater (i.e. eater o! usury$. 3.C1.: Narrated Abu 7ail !rom %Abdullah: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er takes a !alse oath i" order to ,rab a"other ma"'s (or his brother's$ property, the" Allah (ill be a",ry (ith him (he" he (ill meet him." he" Allah #o"!irmed this by re)eali", the 6i)i"e Verse: "Verily= hose (ho pur#hase a little ,ai" at the #ost o! Allah's Ho)e"a"t a"d their oaths . . . 7ill ,et pai"!ul pu"ishme"t." (3.BB$ Al3Ash'ath met me a"d asked, "7hat did %Abdullah tell you today>" I said, ";o a"d so." He said, " he Verse (as re)ealed re,ardi", my #ase." 3.C13: Narrated alha bi" '&baidullah: A ma" #ame to Allah's Apostle aski", him about Islam, Allah's Apostle said, "Fou ha)e to o!!er !i)e #ompulsory prayers i" a day a"d a "i,ht (.1 hours$." he ma" asked, "Is there a"y more #ompulsory prayers !or me>" Allah's Apostle said, "No, u"less you like to o!!er Na(a!il (i.e. optio"al prayers$." Allah's Apostle the" added, "Fou ha)e to obser)e !asts duri", the mo"th o! :amada"." he ma" said, "Am I to !ast a"y other days>' Allah's Apostle said, "No, u"less you (ish to obser)e the optio"al !ast )olu"tarily." he" Allah's Apostle told him about the #ompulsory 4akat. he ma" asked, "6o I ha)e 111

to ,i)e a"ythi", besides>" Allah's Apostle said, "No, u"less you (ish to ,i)e i" #harity )olu"tarily." ;o, the ma" departed sayi",, "By Allah I (ill "either do more "or less tha" that." Allah's Apostle said, "I! he has said the truth he (ill be su##ess!ul." 3.C11: Narrated %Abdullah: he -rophet said, "7hoe)er has to take a" oath should s(ear by Allah or remai" sile"t." (i.e. He should "ot s(ear by other tha" Allah.$ 3.C1?: Narrated &m ;alama: <"#e Allah's Apostle said, "Fou people prese"t your #ases to me a"d some o! you may be more elo5ue"t a"d persuasi)e i" prese"ti", their ar,ume"t. ;o, i! I ,i)e some o"e's ri,ht to a"other ((ro",ly$ be#ause o! the latter's (tri#ky$ prese"tatio" o! the #ase, I am really ,i)i", him a pie#e o! !ire9 so he should "ot take it." 3.C1@: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %Abbas: Abu ;u!ya" told me that Hera#lius said to him, "7he" I i"5uired you (hat he (i.e. +uhammad$ ordered you, you replied that he ordered you to establish the prayer, to speak the truth, to be #haste, to keep promises a"d to pay ba#k trusts." he" Hera#lius added, " hese are really the 5ualities o! a prophet." 3.C1B: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " he si,"s o! a hypo#rite are three: (1$ (he"e)er he speaks, he tells a lie, (.$ (he"e)er he is e"trusted, he pro)es to be disho"est, (3$ (he"e)er he promises, he breaks his promise. 3.C1C: Narrated +uhammad bi" %Ali: /abir bi" %Abdullah said, "7he" the -rophet died, Abu Bakr re#ei)ed some property !rom Al3%Ala bi" Al3Hadrami. Abu Bakr said to the people, "7hoe)er has a mo"ey #laim o" the -rophet, or (as promised somethi", by him, should #ome to us (so that (e may pay him his ri,ht$." /abir added, "I said (to Abu Bakr$, Allah's Apostle promised me that he (ould ,i)e me this mu#h, a"d this mu#h, a"d this mu#h (spreadi", his ha"ds three times$." /abir added, "Abu Bakr #ou"ted !or me a"d ha"ded me !i)e3hu"dred (,old pie#es$, a"d the" !i)e3hu"dred, a"d the" !i)e3hu"dred." 3.C1D: Narrated ;a%id bi" /ubair: A /e( !rom Hira asked me (hi#h o"e o! the t(o periods +usa (i.e. -rophet +oses$ #ompleted. I said, "I do"'t k"o(, (but (ait$ till I see the most lear"ed 'Arab a"d i"5uire him about it." ;o, I (e"t to Ib" %Abbas a"d asked him. He replied, "+oses #ompleted the lo",er a"d better period." Ib" %Abbas added, "No doubt, a" apostle o! Allah al(ays does (hat he says." 3.C?E: Narrated &baidullah bi" %Abdullah bi" %&tba: Ib" %Abbas said, "< +uslims> Ho( do you ask the people o! the ;#riptures, thou,h your Book (i.e. the Aur'a"$ (hi#h (as re)ealed to His -rophet is the most re#e"t i"!ormatio" !rom Allah a"d you re#ite it, the Book that has "ot bee" distorted> Allah has re)ealed to you that the people o! the s#riptures ha)e #ha",ed (ith their o(" ha"ds (hat (as re)ealed to them a"d they ha)e said (as re,ards their #ha",ed ;#riptures$: his is !rom Allah, i" order to ,et some (orldly be"e!it thereby." Ib" %Abbas added: "Is"'t the k"o(led,e re)ealed to you su!!i#ie"t to pre)e"t you !rom aski", them> By Allah I ha)e "e)er see" a"y o"e o! them aski", (+uslims$ about (hat has bee" re)ealed to you." 3.C?1: Narrated A"3Nu%ma" bi" Bashir: he -rophet said, " he e'ample o! the perso" abidi", by Allah's orders a"d limits (or the o"e (ho abides by the limits a"d re,ulatio"s pres#ribed by Allah$ i" #ompariso" to the o"e (ho do (ro", a"d 11?

)iolate Allah's limits a"d orders is like the e'ample o! people dra(i", lots !or seats i" a boat. ;ome o! them ,ot seats i" the upper part (hile the others i" the lo(er part 9 those i" the, lo(er part ha)e to pass by those i" the upper o"e to ,et (ater, a"d that troubled the latter. <"e o! them (i.e. the people i" the lo(er part$ took a" a' a"d started maki", a hole i" the bottom o! the boat. he people o! the upper part #ame a"d asked him, (sayi",$, '7hat is (ro", (ith you>' He replied, "Fou ha)e bee" troubled mu#h by my (#omi", up to you$, a"d I ha)e to ,et (ater.' No( i! they pre)e"t him !rom doi", that they (ill sa)e him a"d themsel)es, but i! they lea)e him (to do (hat he (a"ts$, they (ill destroy him a"d themsel)es." 3.C?.: Narrated &m Al3Ala: hat (he" the A"sar dre( lots as to (hi#h o! the emi,ra"ts should d(ell (ith (hi#h o! the A"sar, the "ame o! %&thma" bi" +a2u" #ame out (to be i" their lot$. &m Al3Ala !urther said, "&thma" stayed (ith us, a"d (e "ursed him (he" he ,ot si#k, but he died. 7e shrouded him i" his #lothes, a"d Allah's Apostle #ame to our house a"d I said, (addressi", the dead %&thma"$, '< Abu As3;a'ib= +ay Allah be mer#i!ul to you. I testi!y that Allah has blessed you.' he -rophet said to me, "Ho( do you k"o( that Allah has blessed him>" I replied, 'I do "ot k"o( < Allah's Apostle= +ay my pare"ts be sa#ri!i#ed !or you.' Allah's Apostle said, 'As re,ards %&thma", by Allah he has died a"d I really (ish him e)ery ,ood, yet, by Allah, althou,h I am Allah's Apostle, I do "ot k"o( (hat (ill be do"e to him.' &m Al3 Ala added, 'By Allah I shall "e)er attest the piety o! a"ybody a!ter him. A"d (hat Allah's Apostles said made me sad." &m Al3Ala !urther said, "<"#e I slept a"d sa( i" a dream, a !lo(i", stream !or %&thma". ;o I (e"t to Allah's Apostle a"d told him about it, he said, ' hat is (the symbol o!$ his deeds." 3.C?3: Narrated Aisha: 7he"e)er Allah's Apostle i"te"ded to ,o o" a *our"ey, he used to dra( lots amo", his (i)es a"d (ould take (ith him the o"e o" (hom the lot !ell. He also used to !i' !or e)eryo"e o! his (i)es a day a"d a "i,ht, but ;auda bi"t 4am%a ,a)e her day a"d "i,ht to %Aisha, the (i!e o! the -rophet i"te"di", thereby to please Allah's Apostle. 3.C?1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I! the people k"e( (hat is the re(ard o! maki", the #all (!or the prayer$ a"d (o! bei", i"$ the !irst ro( (i" the prayer$, a"d i! they !ou"d "o other (ay to ,et this pri)ile,e e'#ept by #asti", lots, they (ould #ertai"ly #ast lots !or it. I! they k"e( the re(ard o! the "oo" prayer, they (ould ra#e !or it, a"d i! they k"e( the re(ard o! the mor"i", (i.e. 8a*r$ a"d %Isha prayers, they (ould prese"t themsel)es !or the prayer e)e" i! they had to #ra(l to rea#h there. 3.C??: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: here (as a dispute amo",st the people o! the tribe o! Ba"i %Amr bi" %Au!. he -rophet (e"t to them alo", (ith some o! his #ompa"io"s i" order to make pea#e bet(ee" them. he time !or the prayer be#ame due but the -rophet did "ot tur" up9 Bilal pro"ou"#ed the Adha" (i.e. #all$ !or the prayer but the -rophet did "ot tur" up, so Bilal (e"t to Abu Bakr a"d said, " he time !or the prayer is due a"d the -rophet i detai"ed, (ould you lead the people i" the prayer>" Abu Bakr replied, "Fes, you (ish." ;o, Bilal pro"ou"#ed the I5ama o! the prayer a"d Abu Bakr (e"t ahead (to lead the prayer$, but the -rophet #ame (alki", amo", the ro(s till he *oi"ed the !irst ro(. he people started #lappi", a"d they #lapped too mu#h, a"d Abu Bakr used "ot to look hither a"d thither i" the prayer, but he tur"ed rou"d a"d sa( the -rophet sta"di", behi"d him. he -rophet be#ko"ed him (ith his ha"d to keep o" prayi", (here he (as. Abu Bakr raised his ha"d a"d praised Allah a"d the" retreated till he #ame i" the (!irst$ ro(, a"d the -rophet (e"t ahead a"d lead the people i" the prayer. 7he" the -rophet !i"ished the prayer, he tur"ed to(ards the people a"d said, "< people= 7he" somethi", happe"s to you duri", the prayer, you start #lappi",. :eally #lappi", is (permissible$ !or (ome" o"ly. I! somethi", happe"s to o"e o! you i" his prayer, he should say: ';ubha" Allah', (Glori!ied be Allah$, !or (hoe)er hears him (sayi", so$ (ill dire#t his atte"tio" to(ards him. < Abu Bakr= 7hat pre)e"ted you 11@

!rom leadi", the people i" the prayer (he" I be#ko"ed to you (to #o"ti"ue$>" Abu Bakr replied, "It did "ot be!it the so" o! Abu Auha!a to lead the prayer i" !ro"t o! the -rophet. 3.C?@: Narrated A"as: It (as said to the -rophet "7ould that you see %Abdullah bi" &bai." ;o, the -rophet (e"t to him, ridi", a do"key, a"d the +uslims a##ompa"ied him, (alki", o" salty barre" la"d. 7he" the -rophet rea#hed %Abdullah bi" &bai, the latter said, "0eep a(ay !rom me= By Allah, the bad smell o! your do"key has harmed me." <" that a" A"sari ma" said (to %Abdullah$, "By Allah= he smell o! the do"key o! Allah's Apostle is better tha" your smell." <" that a ma" !rom %Abdullah's tribe ,ot a",ry !or %Abdullah's sake, a"d the t(o me" abused ea#h other (hi#h #aused the !rie"ds o! the t(o me" to ,et a",ry, a"d the t(o ,roups started !i,hti", (ith sti#ks, shoes a"d ha"ds. 7e (ere i"!ormed that the !ollo(i", 6i)i"e Verse (as re)ealed (i" this #o"#er"$:33 "A"d i! t(o ,roups o! Belie)ers !all to !i,hti", the", make pea#e bet(ee" them." (1D.D$ 3.C?B: Narrated &m 0ulthum bi"t %&5ba: hat she heard Allah's Apostle sayi",, "He (ho makes pea#e bet(ee" the people by i")e"ti", ,ood i"!ormatio" or sayi", ,ood thi",s, is "ot a liar." 3.C?C: Narrated ;ahl bi" ;a%d: <"#e the people o! Auba !ou,ht (ith ea#h other till they thre( sto"es o" ea#h other. 7he" Allah's Apostle (as i"!ormed about it, he said, "Iet us ,o to bri", about a re#o"#iliatio" bet(ee" them." 3.C?D: Narrated Aisha: he !ollo(i", Verse: I! a (oma" !ears #ruelty or desertio" o" her husba"d's part (i.e. the husba"d "oti#es somethi", u"pleasa"t about his (i!e, su#h as old a,e or the like, a"d (a"ts to di)or#e her, but she asks him to keep her a"d pro)ide !or her as he (ishes$. (1.1.C$ " here is "o blame o" them i! they re#o"#ile o" su#h basis." 3.C@E: Narrated Abu Huraira a"d 4aid bi" 0halid Al3/uha"i: A bedoui" #ame a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= /ud,e bet(ee" us a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s." His oppo"e"t ,ot up a"d said, "He is ri,ht. /ud,e bet(ee" us a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s." he bedoui" said, "+y so" (as a laborer (orki", !or this ma", a"d he #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith his (i!e. he people told me that my so" should be sto"ed to death9 so, i" lieu o! that, I paid a ra"som o! o"e hu"dred sheep a"d a sla)e ,irl to sa)e my so". he" I asked the lear"ed s#holars (ho said, "Four so" has to be lashed o"e3hu"dred lashes a"d has to be e'iled !or o"e year." he -rophet said, "No doubt I (ill *ud,e bet(ee" you a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s. he sla)e3,irl a"d the sheep are to ,o ba#k to you, a"d your so" (ill ,et a hu"dred lashes a"d o"e year e'ile." He the" addressed somebody, "< &"ais= ,o to the (i!e o! this (ma"$ a"d sto"e her to death" ;o, &"ais (e"t a"d sto"ed her to death. 3.C@1: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "I! somebody i""o)ates somethi", (hi#h is "ot i" harmo"y (ith the pri"#iples o! our reli,io", that thi", is re*e#ted." 3.C@.: Narrated Al3Bara bi" %A2ib: 7he" Allah's Apostle #o"#luded a pea#e treaty (ith the people o! Hudaibiya, %Ali bi" Abu alib (rote the do#ume"t a"d he me"tio"ed i" it, "+uhammad, Allah's Apostle ." he pa,a"s said, "6o"'t (rite: '+uhammad, Allah's Apostle', !or i! you (ere a" apostle (e (ould "ot !i,ht (ith you." Allah's Apostle asked %Ali to rub it out, but %Ali said, "I (ill "ot be the perso" to rub it out." Allah's Apostle rubbed it out a"d made pea#e (ith them o" the #o"ditio" that the -rophet a"d his #ompa"io"s (ould e"ter +e##a a"d stay there !or three days, a"d that they (ould e"ter (ith their (eapo"s i" #ases. 3.C@3: Narrated Al3Bara: 11B

7he" the -rophet i"te"ded to per!orm %&mra i" the mo"th o! 6hul3Aada, the people o! +e##a did "ot let him e"ter +e##a till he settled the matter (ith them by promisi", to stay i" it !or three days o"ly. 7he" the do#ume"t o! treaty (as (ritte", the !ollo(i", (as me"tio"ed: ' hese are the terms o" (hi#h +uhammad, Allah's Apostle a,reed (to make pea#e$.' hey said, "7e (ill "ot a,ree to this, !or i! (e belie)ed that you are Allah's Apostle (e (ould "ot pre)e"t you, but you are +uhammad bi" %Abdullah." he -rophet said, "I am Allah's Apostle a"d also +uhammad bi" %Abdullah." he" he said to %Ali, ":ub o!! (the (ords$ 'Allah's Apostle' ", but %Ali said, "No, by Allah, I (ill "e)er rub o!! your "ame." ;o, Allah's Apostle took the do#ume"t a"d (rote, ' his is (hat +uhammad bi" %Abdullah has a,reed upo": No arms (ill be brou,ht i"to +e##a e'#ept i" their #ases, a"d "obody !rom the people o! +e##a (ill be allo(ed to ,o (ith him (i.e. the -rophet $ e)e" i! he (ished to !ollo( him a"d he (the -rophet $ (ill "ot pre)e"t a"y o! his #ompa"io"s !rom stayi", i" +e##a i! the latter (a"ts to stay.' 7he" the -rophet e"tered +e##a a"d the time limit passed, the +e##a"s (e"t to %Ali a"d said, " ell your 8rie"d (i.e. the -rophet $ to ,o out, as the period (a,reed to$ has passed." ;o, the -rophet (e"t out o! +e##a. he dau,hter o! Ham2a ra" a!ter them (i.e. the -rophet a"d his #ompa"io"s$, #alli",, "< &"#le= < &"#le=" %Ali re#ei)ed her a"d led her by the ha"d a"d said to 8atima, " ake your u"#le's dau,hter." 4aid a"d /a%!ar 5uarreled about her. %Ali said, "I ha)e more ri,ht to her as she is my u"#le's dau,hter." /a%!ar said, ";he is my u"#le's dau,hter, a"d her au"t is my (i!e." 4aid said, ";he is my brother's dau,hter." he -rophet *ud,ed that she should be ,i)e" to her au"t, a"d said that the au"t (as like the mother. He the" said to 'All, "Fou are !rom me a"d I am !rom you", a"d said to /a%!ar, "Fou resemble me both i" #hara#ter a"d appeara"#e", a"d said to 4aid, "Fou are our brother (i" !aith$ a"d our !reed sla)e." 3.C@1: Narrated Ib" %&mar: Allah's Apostle set out !or the %&mra but the pa,a"s o! Auraish pre)e"ted him !rom rea#hi", the 0a%ba. ;o, he slau,htered his sa#ri!i#e a"d ,ot his head sha)ed at Al3Hudaibiya, a"d a,reed (ith them that he (ould per!orm %&mra the !ollo(i", year a"d (ould "ot #arry (eapo"s e'#ept s(ords a"d (ould "ot stay i" +e##a e'#ept !or the period they al lo(ed. ;o, the -rophet per!ormed the %&mra i" the !ollo(i", year a"d e"tered +e##a a##ordi", to the treaty, a"d (he" he stayed !or three days, the pa,a"s ordered him to depart, a"d he departed. 3.C@?: Narrated ;ahl bi" Abu Hathma: %Abdullah bi" ;ahl a"d +uhaiyisa bi" +as%ud bi" 4aid (e"t to 0haibar (he" it had a pea#e treaty ((ith the +uslims$. 3.C@@: Narrated A"as: Ar3:abi, the dau,hter o! A"3Nadr broke the tooth o! a ,irl, a"d the relati)es o! Ar3:abi% re5uested the ,irl's relati)es to a##ept the Irsh (#ompe"satio" !or (ou"ds et#.$ a"d !or,i)e (the o!!e"der$, but they re!used. ;o, they (e"t to the -rophet (ho ordered them to bri", about retaliatio". A"as bi" A"3Nadr asked, "< Allah"9 Apostle= 7ill the tooth o! Ar3:abi% be broke"> No, by Him 7ho has se"t you (ith the ruth, her tooth (ill "ot be broke"." he -rophet said, "< A"as= Allah"9 la( ordai"s retaliatio"." Iater the relati)es o! the ,irl a,reed a"d !or,a)e her. he -rophet said, " here are some o! Allah's sla)es (ho, i! they take a" oath by Allah, are respo"ded to by Allah i.e. their oath is !ul!illed$. A"as added, " he people a,reed a"d a##epted the Irsh." 3.C@B: Narrated Al3Hasa" Al3Basri: By Allah, Al3Hasa" bi" %Ali led lar,e battalio"s like mou"tai"s a,ai"st +ua(iya. %Amr bi" Al3As said (to +ua(iya$, "I surely see battalio"s (hi#h (ill "ot tur" ba#k be!ore killi", their oppo"e"ts." +ua(iya (ho (as really the best o! the t(o me" said to him, "< %Amr= I! these killed those a"d those killed these, (ho (ould be le!t (ith me !or the *obs o! the publi#, (ho (ould be le!t (ith me !or their (ome", (ho (ould be le!t (ith me !or their #hildre">" he" +ua(iya se"t t(o Auraishi me" !rom the tribe o! %Abd3i3;hams #alled %Abdur :ahma" bi" ;umura a"d %Abdullah bi" 'Amir bi" 0urai2 to Al3Hasa" sayi", to them, "Go to this ma" (i.e. Al3Hasa"$ a"d "e,otiate pea#e (ith him a"d talk a"d 11C

appeal to him." ;o, they (e"t to Al3Hasa" a"d talked a"d appealed to him to a##ept pea#e. Al3Hasa" said, "7e, the o!!spri", o! %Abdul +uttalib, ha)e ,ot (ealth a"d people ha)e i"dul,ed i" killi", a"d #orruptio" (a"d mo"ey o"ly (ill appease them$." hey said to Al3Hasa", "+ua(iya o!!ers you so a"d so, a"d appeals to you a"d e"treats you to a##ept pea#e." Al3Hasa" said to them, "But (ho (ill be respo"sible !or (hat you ha)e said>" hey said, "7e (ill be respo"sible !or it." ;o, (hate)er Al3 Hasa" asked they said, "7e (ill be respo"sible !or it !or you." ;o, Al3Hasa" #o"#luded a pea#e treaty (ith +ua(iya. Al3Hasa" (Al3Basri$ said: I heard Abu Bakr sayi",, "I sa( Allah's Apostle o" the pulpit a"d Al3Hasa" bi" %Ali (as by his side. he -rophet (as looki", o"#e at the people a"d o"#e at Al3Hasa" bi" %Ali sayi",, ' his so" o! mi"e is a ;aiyid (i.e. a "oble$ a"d may Allah make pea#e bet(ee" t(o bi, ,roups o! +uslims throu,h him." 3.C@C: Narrated Aisha: <"#e Allah's Apostle heard the loud )oi#es o! some oppo"e"ts 5uarreli", at the door. <"e o! them (as appeali", to the other to dedu#t his debt a"d aski", him to be le"ie"t but the other (as sayi",, "By Allah I (ill "ot do so." Allah's Apostle (e"t out to them a"d said, "7ho is the o"e (ho (as s(eari", by Allah that he (ould "ot do a !a)or>" hat ma" said, "I am that perso", < Allah's Apostle= I (ill ,i)e my oppo"e"t (hate)er he (ishes." 3.C@D: Narrated %Abdullah bi" 0a%b bi" +alik !rom 0a%b bi" +alik: %Abdullah bi" Abu Hadrad Al3Aslami o(ed 0a%b bi" +alik some mo"ey. <"e day the latter met the !ormer a"d dema"ded his ri,ht, a"d their )oi#es ,re( )ery loud. he -rophet passed by them a"d said, "< 0a%b," be#ko"i", (ith his ha"d as i! i"te"di", to say, "6edu#t hal! the debts." ;o, 0a%b took hal! (hat the other o(ed him a"d remitted the other hal!. 3.CBE: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, " here is a ;ada5a to be ,i)e" !or e)ery *oi"t o! the huma" body9 a"d !or e)ery day o" (hi#h the su" rises there is a re(ard o! a ;ada5a (i.e. #haritable ,i!t$ !or the o"e (ho establishes *usti#e amo", people." 3.CB1: Narrated %&r(a bi" A234ubair: A234ubair told me that he 5uarreled (ith a" A"sari ma" (ho had parti#ipated i" (the battle o!$ Badr i" !ro"t o! Allah's Apostle about a (ater stream (hi#h both o! them used !or irri,atio". Allah's Apostle said to A234ubair, "< 4ubair= Irri,ate (your ,arde"$ !irst, a"d the" let the (ater !lo( to your "ei,hbor." he A"sari be#ame a",ry a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle= Is it be#ause he is your #ousi">" <" that the #omple'io" o! Allah's Apostle #ha",ed (be#ause o! a",er$ a"d said (to A234ubair$, "I irri,ate (your ,arde"$ a"d the" (ithhold the (ater till it rea#hes the (alls (surrou"di", the palms$." ;o, Allah's Apostle ,a)e A234ubair his !ull ri,ht. Be!ore that Allah's Apostle had ,i)e" a ,e"erous *ud,me"t be"e!i#ial !or A234ubair a"d the A"sari, but (he" the A"sa" irritated Allah's Apostle he ,a)e A234ubair his !ull ri,ht a##ordi", to the e)ide"t la(. A234ubair said, "By Allah = I thi"k the !ollo(i", Verse (as re)ealed #o"#er"i", that #ase: "But "o by your Iord hey #a" ha)e No !aith &"til they make you *ud,e I" all disputes bet(ee" them." (1.@?$ 3.CB.: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: +y !ather died a"d (as i" debt. I su,,ested that his #reditors take the !ruits (i.e. dates$ o! my ,arde" i" lieu o! the debt o! my !ather, but they re!used the o!!er, as they thou,ht that it (ould "ot #o)er the !ull debt. ;o, I (e"t to the -rophet a"d told him about it. He said (to me$, "7he" you plu#k the dates a"d #olle#t them i" the +irbad (i.e. a pla#e (here dates are dried$, #all me (Allah's Apostle$." 8i"ally he #ame a##ompa"ied by Abu Bakr a"d %&mar a"d sat o" the dates a"d i")oked Allah to bless them. he" he said, "Hall your #reditors a"d ,i)e them their !ull ri,hts." ;o, I paid all my !ather's #reditors i" !ull a"d yet thirtee" e'tra 7as5s o! dates remai"ed, se)e" o! (hi#h (ere 'A*(a a"d si' (ere Iau" or si' o! (hi#h (ere A*(a a"d se)e" (ere Iau". I met Allah's Apostle at su"set a"d i"!ormed him


about it. <" that he smiled a"d said, "Go to Abu Bakr a"d %&mar a"d tell them about it." hey said, "7e per#ei)ed that (as ,oi", to happe", as Allah's Apostle did (hat he did." 3.CB3: Narrated %Abdullah bi" 0a%b: hat 0a%b bi" +alik told him that i" the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle he dema"ded his debt !rom Ib" Abu Hadrad i" the +os5ue. heir )oi#es ,re( louder till Allah's Apostle heard them (hile he (as i" his house. ;o he li!ted the #urtai" o! his room a"d #alled 0a%b bi" +alik sayi",, "< 0a%b=" He replied, "Iabbaik= < Allah's Apostle=" He be#ko"ed to him (ith his ha"d su,,esti", that he dedu#t hal! the debt. 0a%b said, "I a,ree, < Allah's Apostle=" Allah's Apostle the" said (to Ib" Abu Hadrad$, "Get up a"d pay him the rest." 3.CB1: Narrated +ar(a" a"d al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama: (!rom the #ompa"io"s o! Allah's Apostle$ 7he" ;uhail bi" %Amr a,reed to the reaty (o! Hudaibiya$, o"e o! the thi",s he stipulated the", (as that the -rophet should retur" to them (i.e. the pa,a"s$ a"yo"e #omi", to him !rom their side, e)e" i! he (as a +uslim9 a"d (ould "ot i"ter!ere bet(ee" them a"d that perso". he +uslims did "ot like this #o"ditio" a"d ,ot dis,usted (ith it. ;uhail did "ot a,ree e'#ept (ith that #o"ditio". ;o, the -rophet a,reed to that #o"ditio" a"d retur"ed Abu /a"dal to his !ather ;uhail bi" %Amr. he"#e!or(ard the -rophet retur"ed e)eryo"e i" that period (o! tru#e$ e)e" i! he (as a +uslim. 6uri", that period some belie)i", (ome" emi,ra"ts i"#ludi", &m 0ulthum bi"t %&5ba bi" Abu +uait (ho #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d she (as a you", lady the". Her relati)e #ame to the -rophet a"d asked him to retur" her, but the -rophet did "ot retur" her to them !or Allah had re)ealed the !ollo(i", Verse re,ardi", (ome": "< you (ho belie)e= 7he" the belie)i", (ome" #ome to you as emi,ra"ts. K'ami"e them, Allah k"o(s best as to their belie!, the" i! you k"o( them !or true belie)ers, ;e"d them "ot ba#k to the u"belie)ers, (!or$ they are "ot la(!ul ((i)es$ !or the disbelie)ers, Nor are the u"belie)ers la(!ul (husba"ds$ !or them (@E.1E$ Narrated %&r(a: Aisha told me, "Allah's Apostle used to e'ami"e them a##ordi", to this Verse: "< you (ho belie)e= 7he" the belie)i", (ome" #ome to you, as emi,ra"ts test them . . . !or Allah is <!t3 8or,i)i",, +ost +er#i!ul." (@E.1E31.$ Aisha said, "7he" a"y o! them a,reed to that #o"ditio" Allah's Apostle (ould say to her, 'I ha)e a##epted your pled,e o! alle,ia"#e.' He (ould o"ly say that, but, by Allah he "e)er tou#hed the ha"d o! a"y (ome" (i.e. "e)er shook ha"ds (ith them$ (hile taki", the pled,e o! alle,ia"#e a"d he "e)er took their pled,e o! alle,ia"#e e'#ept by his (ords (o"ly$. 3.CB?: Narrated /arir: 7he" I ,a)e the pled,e o! alle,ia"#e to Allah's Apostle a"d he stipulated that I should ,i)e ,ood ad)i#e to e)ery +uslim. 3.CB@: Narrated /abir bi" %Abdullah: I ,a)e the pled,e o! alle,ia"#e to Allah's Apostle !or o!!eri", the prayers per!e#tly payi", the 4akat a"d ,i)i", ,ood ad)i#e to e)ery +uslim. 3.CBB: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle said, "I! someo"e sells polli"ated date3palms, their !ruits (ill be !or the seller, u"less the buyer stipulates the #o"trary." 3.CBC: Narrated %&r(a: Aisha told me that Buraira #ame to seek her help i" (riti", !or ema"#ipatio" a"d at that time she had "ot paid a"y part o! her pri#e. %Aisha said to her, "Go to your masters a"d i! they a,ree that I (ill pay your pri#e (a"d !ree you$ o" #o"ditio" that your 7ala' (ill be !or me, I (ill pay the mo"ey." Buraira told her masters about that, but they re!used, a"d said, "I! %Aisha (a"ts to do a !a)or she #ould, but your 7ala (ill be !or us." Aisha i"!ormed Allah's Apostle o! that a"d he said to her, "Buy a"d ma"umit Buraira as the 7ala' (ill ,o to the ma"umitted." 1.E

3.CBD: Narrated /abir: 7hile I (as ridi", a (slo($ a"d tired #amel, the -rophet passed by a"d beat it a"d prayed !or Allah's Blessi",s !or it. he #amel be#ame so !ast as it had "e)er bee" be!ore. he -rophet the" said, ";ell it to me !or o"e &5iyya (o! ,old$." I said, "No." He a,ai" said, ";ell it to me !or o"e &5iyya (o! ,old$." I sold it a"d stipulated that I should ride it to my house. 7he" (e rea#hed (+edi"a$ I took that #amel to the -rophet a"d he ,a)e me its pri#e. I retur"ed home but he se"t !or me (a"d (he" I (e"t to him$ he said, "I (ill "ot take your #amel. ake your #amel as a ,i!t !or you." (Various "arratio"s are me"tio"ed here (ith sli,ht )ariatio"s i" e'pressio"s relati", the #o"ditio" that /abir had the ri,ht to ride the sold #amel up to +edi"a$. 3.CCE: Narrated Abu Huraira: he A"sar said to the -rophet, "6i)ide our date3palms bet(ee" us a"d our emi,ra"t brothers." he -rophet said, "No." he A"sar said to the emi,ra"ts, "Fou may do the labor (i" our ,arde"s$ a"d (e (ill share the !ruits (ith you." he emi,ra"ts said, "7e hear a"d obey." 3.CC1: Narrated %Abdullah bi" %&mar: Allah's Apostle ,a)e the la"d o! 0haibar to the /e(s o" the #o"ditio" that they (ould (ork o" it a"d #ulti)ate it a"d they (ould ,et hal! o! its yield. 3.CC.: Narrated %&5ba bi" Amir: Allah's Apostle said, "8rom amo", all the #o"ditio"s (hi#h you ha)e to !ul!ill, the #o"ditio"s (hi#h make it le,al !or you to ha)e se'ual relatio"s (i.e. the marria,e #o"tra#t$ ha)e the ,reatest ri,ht to be !ul!illed." 3.CC3: Narrated :a!i% bi" 0hadi*: 7e used to (ork o" the !ields more tha" the other A"sar, a"d (e used to re"t the la"d (!or the yield o! a spe#i!i# portio" o! it$. But sometimes that portio" or the rest o! the la"d did "ot ,i)e a"y yield, so (e (ere !orbidde" (by the -rophet $ to !ollo( su#h a system, but (e (ere allo(ed to re"t the la"d !or mo"ey. 3.CC1: Narrated Abu Huraira: he -rophet said, "No to("3d(eller should sell !or a bedoui". 6o "ot pra#ti#e Na*sh (i.e. 6o "ot o!!er a hi,h pri#e !or a thi", (hi#h you do "ot (a"t to buy, i" order to de#ei)e the people$. No +uslim should o!!er more !or a thi", already bou,ht by his +uslim brother, "or should he dema"d the ha"d o! a ,irl already e",a,ed to a"other +uslim. A +uslim (oma" shall "ot try to bri", about he di)or#e o! her sister (i.e. a"other +uslim (oma"$ i" order to take her pla#e hersel!." 3.CC?: Narrated Abu Huraira a"d 4aid bi" 0halid Al3/uha"i: A bedoui" #ame to Allah's Apostle a"d said, "< Allah's apostle= I ask you by Allah to *ud,e +y #ase a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s." His oppo"e"t, (ho (as more lear"ed tha" he, said, "Fes, *ud,e bet(ee" us a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s, a"d allo( me to speak." Allah's Apostle said, ";peak." He (i .e. the bedoui" or the other ma"$ said, "+y so" (as (orki", as a laborer !or this (ma"$ a"d he #ommitted ille,al se'ual i"ter#ourse (ith his (i!e. he people told me that it (as obli,atory that my so" should be sto"ed to death, so i" lieu o! that I ra"somed my so" by payi", o"e hu"dred sheep a"d a sla)e ,irl. he" I asked the reli,ious s#holars about it, a"d they i"!ormed me that my so" must be lashed o"e hu"dred lashes, a"d be e'iled !or o"e year, a"d the (i!e o! this (ma"$ must be sto"ed to death." Allah's Apostle said, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is, I (ill *ud,e bet(ee" you a##ordi", to Allah's Ia(s. he sla)e3,irl a"d the sheep are to be retur"ed to you, your so" is to re#ei)e a hu"dred lashes a"d be e'iled !or o"e year. Fou, &"ais, ,o to the (i!e o! this (ma"$ a"d i! she #o"!esses her ,uilt, sto"e her to death." &"ais (e"t to that (oma" "e't mor"i", a"d she #o"!essed. Allah's Apostle ordered that she be sto"ed to death. 1.1

3.CC@: Narrated Aima" Al3+akki: 7he" I )isited Aisha she said, "Buraira (ho had a (ritte" #o"tra#t !or her ema"#ipatio" !or a #ertai" amou"t #ame to me a"d said, "< mother o! the belie)ers= Buy me a"d ma"umit me, as my masters (ill sell me." Aisha a,reed to it. Buraira said, '+y masters (ill sell me o" the #o"ditio" that my 7ala (ill ,o to them." Aisha said to her, ' he" I am "ot i" "eed o! you.' he -rophet heard o! that or (as told about it a"d so he asked Aisha, '7hat is the problem o! Buraira>' He said, 'Buy her a"d ma"umit her, "o matter (hat they stipulate.' Aisha added, 'I bou,ht a"d ma"umitted her, thou,h her masters had stipulated that her 7ala (ould be !or them.' he -rophet said, he 7ala is !or the liberator, e)e" i! the other stipulated a hu"dred #o"ditio"s." 3.CCB: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle !orbade (1$ the meeti", o! the #ara)a" (o! ,oods$ o" the (ay, (.$ a"d that a residi", perso" buys !or a bedoui", (3$ a"d that a (oma" stipulates the di)or#e o! the (i!e o! the (ould3be husba"d, (1$ a"d that a ma" tries to #ause the #a"#ellatio" o! a bar,ai" #o"#luded by a"other. He also !orbade A"3Na*sh (see Hadith C.1$ a"d that o"e (ithholds the milk i" the udder o! the a"imal so that he may de#ei)e people o" selli", it. 3.CCC: Narrated &bai bi" 0a%b: Allah's Apostle said, "+oses the Apostle o! Allah," a"d the" he "arrated the (hole story about him. Al30hadir said to +oses, "6id "ot I tell you that you #a" ha)e "o patie"#e (ith me." (1C.B.$. +oses the" )iolated the a,reeme"t !or the !irst time be#ause o! !or,et!ul"ess, the" +oses promised that i! he asked Al30hadir about a"ythi",, the latter (ould ha)e the ri,ht to desert him. +oses abided by that #o"ditio" a"d o" the third o##asio" he i"te"tio"ally asked Al30hadir a"d #aused that #o"ditio" to be applied. he three o##asio"s re!erred to abo)e are re!erred to by the !ollo(i", Verses: "Hall me "ot to a##ou"t !or !or,etti", A"d be "ot hard upo" me." (1C.B3$ " he" they met a boy a"d 0hadir killed him." (1C.B1$ " he" they pro#eeded a"d !ou"d a (all (hi#h (as o" the )er,e o! !alli", a"d 0hadir set it up strai,ht." (1C.BB$ 3.CCD: Narrated %&r(a: Aisha said, "Buraira #ame to me a"d said, '+y people (masters$ ha)e (ritte" the #o"tra#t !or my ema"#ipatio" !or "i"e A(a5 $ o! ,old$ to be paid i" yearly i"stallme"ts, o"e &5iyya per year9 so help me." Aisha said (to her$, "I! your masters a,ree, I (ill pay them the (hole sum pro)ided the 7ala (ill be !or me." Buraira (e"t to her masters a"d told them about it, but they re!used the o!!er a"d she retur"ed !rom them (hile Allah's Apostles (as sitti",. ;he said, "I prese"ted the o!!er to them, but they re!used u"less the 7ala' (ould be !or them." 7he" the -rophet heard that a"d %Aisha told him about It, he said to her, "Buy Buraira a"d let them stipulate that her 7ala' (ill be !or them, as the 7ala' is !or the ma"umitted." %Aisha did so. A!ter that Allah's Apostle ,ot up amidst the people, Glori!ied a"d -raised Allah a"d said, "7hat is (ro", (ith some people (ho stipulate thi",s (hi#h are "ot i" Allah's Ia(s> A"y #o"ditio" (hi#h is "ot i" Allah's Ia(s is i")alid e)e" i! there (ere a hu"dred su#h #o"ditio"s. Allah's :ules are the most )alid a"d Allah's Ho"ditio"s are the most solid. he 7ala is !or the ma"umitted." 3.CDE: Narrated Ib" %&mar: 7he" the people o! 0haibar dislo#ated %Abdullah bi" %&mar's ha"ds a"d !eet, %&mar ,ot up deli)eri", a sermo" sayi",, "No doubt, Allah's Apostle made a #o"tra#t (ith the /e(s #o"#er"i", their properties, a"d said to them, '7e allo( you (to sta"d i" your la"d$ as lo", as Allah allo(s you.' No( %Abdullah bi" %&mar (e"t to his la"d a"d (as atta#ked at "i,ht, a"d his ha"ds a"d !eet (ere dislo#ated, a"d as (e ha)e "o e"emies there e'#ept those /e(s, they are our e"emies a"d the o"ly people (hom (e suspe#t, I ha)e made up my mi"d to e'ile them." 7he" %&mar de#ided to #arry out his de#isio", a so" o! Abu Al3Ha5i5's #ame a"d addressed %&mar, "< #hie! o! the belie)ers, (ill you 1..

e'ile us althou,h +uhammad allo(ed us to stay at our pla#es, a"d made a #o"tra#t (ith us about our properties, a"d a##epted the #o"ditio" o! our reside"#e i" our la"d>" %&mar said, "6o you thi"k that I ha)e !or,otte" the stateme"t o! Allah's Apostle, i.e.: 7hat (ill your #o"ditio" be (he" you are e'pelled !rom 0haibar a"d your #amel (ill be #arryi", you "i,ht a!ter "i,ht>" he /e( replied, " hat (as *oke !rom Abul3Aasim." %&mar said, "< the e"emy o! Allah= Fou are telli", a lie." %&mar the" dro)e them out a"d paid them the pri#e o! their properties i" the !orm o! !ruits, mo"ey, #amel saddles a"d ropes, et#." 3.CD1: Narrated Al3+is(ar bi" +akhrama a"d +ar(a": ((hose "arratio"s attest ea#h other$ Allah's Apostle set out at the time o! Al3Hudaibiya (treaty$, a"d (he" they pro#eeded !or a dista"#e, he said, "0halid bi" Al37alid leadi", the #a)alry o! Auraish #o"stituti", the !ro"t o! the army, is at a pla#e #alled Al3Ghamim, so take the (ay o" the ri,ht." By Allah, 0halid did "ot per#ei)e the arri)al o! the +uslims till the dust arisi", !rom the mar#h o! the +uslim army rea#hed him, a"d the" he tur"ed ba#k hurriedly to i"!orm Auraish. he -rophet (e"t o" ad)a"#i", till he rea#hed the ha"iya (i.e. a mou"tai"ous (ay$ throu,h (hi#h o"e (ould ,o to them (i.e. people o! Auraish$. he she3#amel o! the -rophet sat do(". he people tried their best to #ause the she3#amel to ,et up but i" )ai", so they said, "Al3Aas(a' (i.e. the she3#amel's "ame$ has be#ome stubbor"= Al3Aas(a' has be#ome stubbor"=" he -rophet said, "Al3Aas(a' has "ot be#ome stubbor", !or stubbor""ess is "ot her habit, but she (as stopped by Him 7ho stopped the elepha"t." he" he said, "By the Name o! Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my soul is, i! they (i.e. the Auraish i"!idels$ ask me a"ythi", (hi#h (ill respe#t the ordi"a"#es o! Allah, I (ill ,ra"t it to them." he -rophet the" rebuked the she3#amel a"d she ,ot up. he -rophet #ha",ed his (ay till he dismou"ted at the !arthest e"d o! Al3Hudaibiya at a pit (i.e. (ell$ #o"tai"i", a little (ater (hi#h the people used i" small amou"ts, a"d i" a short (hile the people used up all its (ater a"d #omplai"ed to Allah's Apostle9 o! thirst. he -rophet took a" arro( out o! his arro(3#ase a"d ordered them to put the arro( i" that pit. By Allah, the (ater started a"d #o"ti"ued sprouti", out till all the people 5ue"#hed their thirst a"d retur"ed (ith satis!a#tio". 7hile they (ere still i" that state, Budail bi" 7ar5a3al3 0hu2a%i #ame (ith some perso"s !rom his tribe 0hu2a%a a"d they (ere the ad)isers o! Allah's Apostle (ho (ould keep "o se#ret !rom him a"d (ere !rom the people o! ihama. Budail said, "I le!t 0a%b bi" Iuai a"d 'Amir bi" Iuai residi", at the pro!use (ater o! Al3Hudaibiya a"d they had mil#h #amels (or their (ome" a"d #hildre"$ (ith them, a"d (ill (a,e (ar a,ai"st you, a"d (ill pre)e"t you !rom )isiti", the 0a%ba." Allah's Apostle said, "7e ha)e "ot #ome to !i,ht a"yo"e, but to per!orm the %&mra. No doubt, the (ar has (eake"ed Auraish a"d they ha)e su!!ered ,reat losses, so i! they (ish, I (ill #o"#lude a tru#e (ith them, duri", (hi#h they should re!rai" !rom i"ter!eri", bet(ee" me a"d the people (i.e. the 'Arab i"!idels other tha" Auraish$, a"d i! I ha)e )i#tory o)er those i"!idels, Auraish (ill ha)e the optio" to embra#e Islam as the other people do, i! they (ish9 they (ill at least ,et stro", e"ou,h to !i,ht. But i! they do "ot a##ept the tru#e, by Allah i" 7hose Ha"ds my li!e is, I (ill !i,ht (ith them de!e"di", my Hause till I ,et killed, but (I am sure$ Allah (ill de!i"itely make His Hause )i#torious." Budail said, "I (ill i"!orm them o! (hat you ha)e said." ;o, he set o!! till he rea#hed Auraish a"d said, "7e ha)e #ome !rom that ma" (i.e. +uhammad$ (hom (e heard sayi", somethi", (hi#h (e (ill dis#lose to you i! you should like." ;ome o! the !ools amo", Auraish shouted that they (ere "ot i" "eed o! this i"!ormatio", but the (iser amo", them said, ":elate (hat you heard him sayi",." Budail said, "I heard him sayi", so3a"d3so," relati", (hat the -rophet had told him. %&r(a bi" +as%ud ,ot up a"d said, "< people= Are"'t you the so"s> hey said, "Fes." He added, "Am I "ot the !ather>" hey said, "Fes." He said, "6o you mistrust me>" hey said, "No." He said, "6o"'t you k"o( that I i")ited the people o! %&ka2 !or your help, a"d (he" they re!used I brou,ht my relati)es a"d #hildre" a"d those (ho obeyed me (to help you$>" hey said, "Fes." He said, "7ell, this ma" (i.e. the -rophet$ has o!!ered you a reaso"able proposal, you'd better a##ept it a"d allo( me to meet him." hey said, "Fou may meet him." ;o, he (e"t to the -rophet a"d started talki", to him. he -rophet told him almost the same as he had told Budail. he" %&r(a said, "< +uhammad= 7o"'t you !eel a"y s#ruple i" e'tirpati", your relatio"s> Ha)e you e)er heard o! a"yo"e amo",st the Arabs 1.3

e'tirpati", his relati)es be!ore you> <" the other ha"d, i! the re)erse should happe", ("obody (ill aid you, !or$ by Allah, I do "ot see ((ith you$ di,"i!ied people, but people !rom )arious tribes (ho (ould ru" a(ay lea)i", you alo"e." Heari", that, Abu Bakr abused him a"d said, "6o you say (e (ould ru" a"d lea)e the -rophet alo"e>" %&r(a said, "7ho is that ma">" hey said, "He is Abu Bakr." %&r(a said to Abu Bakr, "By Him i" 7hose Ha"ds my li!e is, (ere it "ot !or the !a)or (hi#h you did to me a"d (hi#h I did "ot #ompe"sate, I (ould retort o" you." %&r(a kept o" talki", to the -rophet a"d sei2i", the -rophet's beard as he (as talki", (hile Al3+u,hira bi" ;hu%ba (as sta"di", "ear the head o! the -rophet, holdi", a s(ord a"d (eari", a helmet. 7he"e)er %&r(a stret#hed his ha"d to(ards the beard o! the -rophet, Al3+u,hira (ould hit his ha"d (ith the ha"dle o! the s(ord a"d say (to %&r(a$, ":emo)e your ha"d !rom the beard o! Allah's Apostle." %&r(a raised his head a"d asked, "7ho is that>" he people said, "He is Al3+u,hira bi" ;hu%ba." %&r(a said, "< trea#herous= Am I "ot doi", my best to pre)e"t e)il #o"se5ue"#es o! your trea#hery>" Be!ore embra#i", Islam Al3+u,hira (as i" the #ompa"y o! some people. He killed them a"d took their property a"d #ame (to +edi"a$ to embra#e Islam. he -rophet said (to him, "As re,ards your Islam, I a##ept it, but as !or the property I do "ot take a"ythi", o! it. (As it (as take" throu,h treaso"$. %&r(a the" started looki", at the Hompa"io"s o! the -rophet. By Allah, (he"e)er Allah's Apostle spat, the spittle (ould !all i" the ha"d o! o"e o! them (i.e. the -rophet's #ompa"io"s$ (ho (ould rub it o" his !a#e a"d ski"9 i! he ordered them they (ould #arry his orders immediately9 i! he per!ormed ablutio", they (ould stru,,le to take the remai"i", (ater9 a"d (he" they spoke to him, they (ould lo(er their )oi#es a"d (ould "ot look at his !a#e #o"sta"tly out o! respe#t. %&r(a retur"ed to his people a"d said, "< people= By Allah, I ha)e bee" to the ki",s a"d to Haesar, 0hosrau a"d A"3 Na*ashi, yet I ha)e "e)er see" a"y o! them respe#ted by his #ourtiers as mu#h as +uhammad is respe#ted by his #ompa"io"s. By Allah, i! he spat, the spittle (ould !all i" the ha"d o! o"e o! them (i.e. the -rophet's #ompa"io"s$ (ho (ould rub it o" his !a#e a"d ski"9 i! he ordered them, they (ould #arry out his order immediately9 i! he per!ormed ablutio", they (ould stru,,le to take the remai"i", (ater9 a"d (he" they spoke, they (ould lo(er their )oi#es a"d (ould "ot look at his !a#e #o"sta"tly out o! respe#t." %&r(a added, "No doubt, he has prese"ted to you a ,ood reaso"able o!!er, so please a##ept it." A ma" !rom the tribe o! Ba"i 0i"a"a said, "Allo( me to ,o to him," a"d they allo(ed him, a"d (he" he approa#hed the -rophet a"d his #ompa"io"s, Allah's Apostle said, "He is so3a"d3so (ho belo",s to the tribe that respe#ts the Bud" (i.e. #amels o! the sa#ri!i#e$. ;o, bri", the Bud" i" !ro"t o! him." ;o, the Bud" (ere brou,ht be!ore him a"d the people re#ei)ed him (hile they (ere re#iti", albiya. 7he" he sa( that s#e"e, he said, "Glori!ied be Allah= It is "ot !air to pre)e"t these people !rom )isiti", the 0a%ba." 7he" he retur"ed to his people, he said, 'I sa( the Bud" ,arla"ded ((ith #olored k"otted ropes$ a"d marked ((ith stabs o" their ba#ks$. I do "ot thi"k it is ad)isable to pre)e"t them !rom )isiti", the 0a%ba." A"other perso" #alled +ikra2 bi" Ha!s ,ot up a"d sou,ht their permissio" to ,o to +uhammad, a"d they allo(ed him, too. 7he" he approa#hed the +uslims, the -rophet said, "Here is +ikra2 a"d he is a )i#ious ma"." +ikra2 started talki", to the -rophet a"d as he (as talki",, ;uhail bi" %Amr #ame. 7he" ;uhail bi" %Amr #ame, the -rophet said, "No( the matter has be#ome easy." ;uhail said to the -rophet "-lease #o"#lude a pea#e treaty (ith us." ;o, the -rophet #alled the #lerk a"d said to him, "7rite: By the Name o! Allah, the most Be"e!i#e"t, the most +er#i!ul." ;uhail said, "As !or 'Be"e!i#e"t,' by Allah, I do "ot k"o( (hat it mea"s. ;o (rite: By Four Name < Allah, as you used to (rite pre)iously." he +uslims said, "By Allah, (e (ill "ot (rite e'#ept: By the Name o! Allah, the most Be"e!i#e"t, the most +er#i!ul." he -rophet said, "7rite: By Four Name < Allah." he" he di#tated, " his is the pea#e treaty (hi#h +uhammad, Allah's Apostle has #o"#luded." ;uhail said, "By Allah, i! (e k"e( that you are Allah's Apostle (e (ould "ot pre)e"t you !rom )isiti", the 0a%ba, a"d (ould "ot !i,ht (ith you. ;o, (rite: "+uhammad bi" %Abdullah." he -rophet said, "By Allah= I am Apostle o! Allah e)e" i! you people do "ot belie)e me. 7rite: +uhammad bi" %Abdullah." (A234uhri said, " he -rophet a##epted all those thi",s, as he had already said that he (ould a##ept e)erythi", they (ould dema"d i! it respe#ts the ordi"a"#e o! Allah, (i.e. by letti", him a"d his #ompa"io"s per!orm %&mra.$" he -rophet said to ;uhail, "<" the #o"ditio" that you allo( us to )isit 1.1

the House (i.e. 0a%ba$ so that (e may per!orm a(a! arou"d it." ;uhail said, "By Allah, (e (ill "ot (allo( you this year$ so as "ot to ,i)e #ha"#e to the 'Arabs to say that (e ha)e yielded to you, but (e (ill allo( you "e't year." ;o, the -rophet ,ot that (ritte". he" ;uhail said, "7e also stipulate that you should retur" to us (hoe)er #omes to you !rom us, e)e" i! he embra#ed your reli,io"." he +uslims said, "Glori!ied be Allah= Ho( (ill su#h a perso" be retur"ed to the pa,a"s a!ter he has be#ome a +uslim> 7hile they (ere i" this state Abu3 /a"dal bi" ;uhail bi" %Amr #ame !rom the )alley o! +e##a sta,,eri", (ith his !etters a"d !ell do(" amo",st the +uslims. ;uhail said, "< +uhammad= his is the )ery !irst term (ith (hi#h (e make pea#e (ith you, i.e. you shall retur" Abu /a"dal to me." he -rophet said, " he pea#e treaty has "ot bee" (ritte" yet." ;uhail said, "I (ill "e)er allo( you to keep him." he -rophet said, "Fes, do." He said, "I (o"'t do.: +ikra2 said, "7e allo( you (to keep him$." Abu /a"dal said, "< +uslims= 7ill I be retur"ed to the pa,a"s thou,h I ha)e #ome as a +uslim> 6o"'t you see ho( mu#h I ha)e su!!ered>" (#o"ti"ued...$ (#o"ti"ui",... 1$: 33.CD1:... ... Abu /a"dal had bee" tortured se)erely !or the Hause o! Allah. %&mar bi" Al30hattab said, "I (e"t to the -rophet a"d said, 'Are"'t you truly the Apostle o! Allah>' he -rophet said, 'Fes, i"deed.' I said, 'Is"'t our Hause *ust a"d the #ause o! the e"emy u"*ust>' He said, 'Fes.' I said, ' he" (hy should (e be humble i" our reli,io">' He said, 'I am Allah's Apostle a"d I do "ot disobey Him, a"d He (ill make me )i#torious.' I said, '6id"'t you tell us that (e (ould ,o to the 0a%ba a"d per!orm a(a! arou"d it>' He said, 'Fes, but did I tell you that (e (ould )isit the 0a%ba this year>' I said, 'No.' He said, ';o you (ill )isit it a"d per!orm a(a! arou"d it>' " %&mar !urther said, "I (e"t to Abu Bakr a"d said, '< Abu Bakr= Is"'t he truly Allah's -rophet>' He replied, 'Fes.' I said, ' he" (hy should (e be humble i" our reli,io">' He said, 'I"deed, he is Allah's Apostle a"d he does "ot disobey his Iord, a"d He (ill make him )i#torious. Adhere to him as, by Allah, he is o" the ri,ht.' I said, '7as he "ot telli", us that (e (ould ,o to the 0a%ba a"d per!orm a(a! arou"d it>' He said, 'Fes, but did he tell you that you (ould ,o to the 0a%ba this year>' I said, 'No.' He said, "Fou (ill ,o to 0a%ba a"d per!orm a(a! arou"d it." (A234uhri said, " %&mar said, 'I per!ormed ma"y ,ood deeds as e'piatio" !or the improper 5uestio"s I asked them.' "$ 7he" the (riti", o! the pea#e treaty (as #o"#luded, Allah's Apostle said to his #ompa"io"s, "Get up a"d' slau,hter your sa#ri!i#es a"d ,et your head sha)ed." By Allah "o"e o! them ,ot up, a"d the -rophet repeated his order thri#e. 7he" "o"e o! them ,ot up, he le!t them a"d (e"t to &m ;alama a"d told her o! the people's attitudes to(ards him. &m ;alama said, "< the -rophet o! Allah= 6o you (a"t your order to be #arried out> Go out a"d do"'t say a (ord to a"ybody till you ha)e slau,htered your sa#ri!i#e a"d #all your barber to sha)e your head." ;o, the -rophet (e"t out a"d did "ot talk to a"yo"e o! them till he did that, i.e. slau,htered the sa#ri!i#e a"d #alled his barber (ho sha)ed his head. ;eei", that, the #ompa"io"s o! the -rophet ,ot up, slau,htered their sa#ri!i#es, a"d started sha)i", the heads o! o"e a"other, a"d there (as so mu#h rush that there (as a da",er o! killi", ea#h other. he" some belie)i", (ome" #ame (to the -rophet $9 a"d Allah re)ealed the !ollo(i", 6i)i"e Verses:33 "< you (ho belie)e, (he" the belie)i", (ome" #ome to you as emi,ra"ts e'ami"e them . . ." (@E.1E$ %&mar the" di)or#ed t(o (i)es o! his (ho (ere i"!idels. Iater o" +ua(iya bi" Abu ;u!ya" married o"e o! them, a"d ;a!(a" bi" &maiya married the other. 7he" the -rophet retur"ed to +edi"a, Abu Basir, a "e( +uslim #o")ert !rom Auraish #ame to him. he I"!idels se"t i" his pursuit t(o me" (ho said (to the -rophet $, "Abide by the promise you ,a)e us." ;o, the -rophet ha"ded him o)er to them. hey took him out (o! the Hity$ till they rea#hed 6hul3Hulai!a (here they dismou"ted to eat some dates they had (ith them. Abu Basir said to o"e o! them, "By Allah, < so3a"d3so, I see you ha)e a !i"e s(ord." he other dre( it out (o! the s#abbard$ a"d said, "By Allah, it is )ery !i"e a"d I ha)e tried it ma"y times." Abu Basir said, "Iet me ha)e a look at it." 7he" the other ,a)e it to him, he hit him (ith it till he died, a"d his #ompa"io" ra" a(ay till he #ame to +edi"a a"d e"tered the +os5ue ru""i",. 7he" Allah's Apostle sa( him he said, " his ma" appears to ha)e bee" !ri,hte"ed." 7he" he rea#hed the -rophet he said, "+y #ompa"io" has bee" murdered a"d I (ould ha)e bee" murdered too." Abu Basir #ame a"d said, "< Allah's Apostle, by Allah, Allah has made you !ul!ill your obli,atio"s by your retur"i", me to them (i.e. the I"!idels$, but 1.?

Allah has sa)ed me !rom them." he -rophet said, "7oe to his mother= (hat e'#elle"t (ar ki"dler he (ould be, should he o"ly ha)e supporters." 7he" Abu Basir heard that he u"derstood that the -rophet (ould retur" him to them a,ai", so he set o!! till he rea#hed the seashore. Abu /a"dal bi" ;uhail ,ot himsel! released !rom them (i.e. i"!idels$ a"d *oi"ed Abu Basir. ;o, (he"e)er a ma" !rom Auraish embra#ed Islam he (ould !ollo( Abu Basir till they !ormed a stro", ,roup. By Allah, (he"e)er they heard about a #ara)a" o! Auraish headi", to(ards ;ham, they stopped it a"d atta#ked a"d killed them (i.e. i"!idels$ a"d took their properties. he people o! Auraish se"t a messa,e to the -rophet re5uesti", him !or the ;ake o! Allah a"d 0ith a"d ki" to se"d !or (i.e. Abu Basir a"d his #ompa"io"s$ promisi", that (hoe)er (amo",st them$ #ame to the -rophet (ould be se#ure. ;o the -rophet se"t !or them (i.e. Abu Basir's #ompa"io"s$ a"d Allah I re)ealed the !ollo(i", 6i)i"e Verses: "A"d it is He 7ho Has (ithheld their ha"ds !rom you a"d your ha"ds 8rom them i" the midst o! +e##a, A!ter He made you the )i#torious o)er them. . . . the u"belie)ers had pride a"d hau,hti"ess, i" their hearts . . . the pride a"d hau,hti"ess o! the time o! i,"ora"#e." (1C..13.@$ A"d their pride a"d hau,hti"ess (as that they did "ot #o"!ess ((rite i" the treaty$ that he (i.e. +uhammad$ (as the -rophet o! Allah a"d re!used to (rite: "I" the Name o! Allah, the most Be"e!i#e"t, the +ost +er#i!ul," a"d pre)e"ted the +ushriks !rom )isiti", the 0a%ba. Narrated A234uhri: %&r(a said, "Aisha told me that Allah's Apostle used to e'ami"e the (ome" emi,ra"ts. 7e ha)e bee" told also that (he" Allah re)ealed the order that the +uslims should retur" to the pa,a"s (hat they had spe"t o" their (i)es (ho emi,rated (a!ter embra#i", Islam$ a"d that the +ushriks should "ot. keep u"belie)i", (ome" as their (i)es, %&mar di)or#ed t(o o! his (i)es, Aariba, the dau,hter o! Abu &rhaiya a"d the dau,hter o! /ar(al Al30hu2a%i. Iater o" +u'a(iya married Aariba a"d Abu /ahm married the other." 7he" the pa,a"s re!used to pay (hat the +uslims had spe"t o" their (i)es, Allah re)ealed: "A"d i! a"y o! your (i)es ha)e ,o"e !rom you to the u"belie)ers a"d you ha)e a" a##essio" (By the #omi", o)er o! a (oma" !rom the other side$ ( he" pay to those (hose (i)es ha)e ,o"e$ he e5ui)ale"t o! (hat they had spe"t (<" their +ahr$." (@E.11$ ;o, Allah ordered that the +uslim (hose (i!e, has ,o"e, should be ,i)e", as a #ompe"satio" o! the +ahr he had ,i)e" to his (i!e, !rom the +ahr o! the (i)es o! the pa,a"s (ho had emi,rated deserti", their husba"ds. 7e do "ot k"o( a"y o! the (ome" emi,ra"ts (ho deserted Islam a!ter embra#i", it. 7e ha)e also bee" told that Abu Basir bi" Asid Ath3 ha5a!i #ame to the -rophet as a +uslim emi,ra"t duri", the tru#e. Al3Akh"as bi" ;hari5 (rote to the -rophet re5uesti", him to retur" Abu Basir. 3.CD.: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle me"tio"ed a perso" (ho asked a" Israeli ma" to le"d him o"e3thousa"d 6i"ars, a"d the Israeli le"t him the sum !or a #ertai" !i'ed period. 3.CD3: Narrated %Amra: Aisha said that Buraira #ame to seek her help i" the (riti", o! her ema"#ipatio". %Aisha said to her, "I! you (ish, I (ill pay your masters (your pri#e$ a"d the (ala' (ill be !or me." 7he" Allah's Apostle #ame, she told him about it. he -rophet said to her, "Buy her (i.e. Buraira$ a"d ma"umit her, !or the 7ala is !or the o"e (ho ma"umits." he" Allah's Apostle as#e"ded the pulpit a"d said, "7hat about those people (ho stipulate #o"ditio"s (hi#h are "ot i" Allah's Ia(s> 7hoe)er stipulates su#h #o"ditio"s as are "ot i" Allah's Ia(s, the" those #o"ditio"s are i")alid e)e" i! he stipulated a hu"dred su#h #o"ditio"s." 3.CD1: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has "i"ety3"i"e "ames, i.e. o"e3hu"dred mi"us o"e, a"d (hoe)er k"o(s them (ill ,o to -aradise." (-lease see Hadith No. 11D Vol. C$ 3.CD?: Narrated Ib" %&mar:


%&mar bi" 0hattab ,ot some la"d i" 0haibar a"d he (e"t to the -rophet to #o"sult him about it sayi",, "< Allah's Apostle I ,ot some la"d i" 0haibar better tha" (hi#h I ha)e "e)er had, (hat do you su,,est that I do (ith it>" he -rophet said, "I! you like you #a" ,i)e the la"d as e"do(me"t a"d ,i)e its !ruits i" #harity." ;o %&mar ,a)e it i" #harity as a" e"do(me"t o" the #o"ditio" that (ould "ot be sold "or ,i)e" to a"ybody as a prese"t a"d "ot to be i"herited, but its yield (ould be ,i)e" i" #harity to the poor people, to the 0ith a"d ki", !or !reei", sla)es, !or Allah's Hause, to the tra)elers a"d ,uests9 a"d that there (ould be "o harm i! the ,uardia" o! the e"do(me"t ate !rom it a##ordi", to his "eed (ith ,ood i"te"tio", a"d !ed others (ithout stori", it !or the !uture."


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