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Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: DNA and RNA Content Area: Biology

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s): California Content Standards: Biology Standard set 4: Genetics (Molecular Biology) 4. a. Students know the general pathway by which ribosomes synthesize proteins, using tRNAs to translate genetic information in mRNA. 4. b. Students know how to apply genetic coding rules to predict the sequence of codon in RNA. 4. c. Students know how mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene may or may not affect the expression of the gene or the sequence of amino acids in the coded protein. 4. d. Students know specialization of cells in multicellular organisms is usually due to different patterns of gene expression rather than to differences of the genes themselves. Big Ideas: Big ideas: Students know the relation between DNA (double helix strand of nucleotides), proteins (chain of nucleotides), and traits.

Name: Azita Kaboly-zadeh Grade Level: High School

Unit Goals and Objectives: Students will: 1- Summarize the relationship between genes and DNA. 2- Describe the overall structure of the DNA molecule. 3- Summarize the events of DNA replication. 4- Relate the DNA molecule to the chromosome structure. 5- Tell how RNA differs from DNA. 6- Describe transcription and the editing of RNA. 5Identify the genetic code. 7- Summarize translation. 8- Explain the relationships between genes and proteins. 8- Contrast gene mutation and chromosomal mutations.

Unit Summary: Avery and other scientists discovered that DNA is the nucleic acid that stores and transmits the genetic information from one generation of an organism to the next. Hershey and Chase concluded that the genetic material of the bacteriophage they infected with bacteria was DNA, not protein. Watson and Cricks model of DNA was a double helix, in which the strands were wound around each other. During DNA replication, the DNA molecule separates in to two strands, and then produces two new complementary strands following the rules of base pairing. Each strand of the double helix of DNA serves as a template, or model, for the new strand. There are three main types of RNA: messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA.

During transcription, RNA polymerase binds to DNA and separates the DNA strands. RNA polymerase then uses one strand of DNA as a template from which nucleotides are assembled in to a strand of RNA. During translation, the cell uses information from messenger RNA to produce proteins. Gene mutation results from changes in a single gene. Chromosomal mutations involve changes in the whole chromosomes. Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Questions before and after lectures. Day 1: Before lecture: What is the relationship between Genes and DNA? (EL) After lecture: List the conclusions Griffith, Avery, Hershey, and Chase drew from their experiments? (PM) Day 2: Before lecture: Where is DNA located? (EL) What is DNA replication? Where does it occur? (EL) After lecture: Explain how DNA is replicated? (PM) Day 3: Before lecture: What does it mean to transcribe something? (EL) What does it mean to translate something? (EL) After lecture: What is Transcription? (PM) What is Translation? (PM) Day 6: Before lecture: What is a mutation? (EL) After lecture: What are gene mutations and Chromosomal mutations? (PM) Day 8: Before lecture: How are genes controlled? (EL) After lecture: How genes controlled in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells? (PM) Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: Students will: Summarize the relationship between genes and DNA. Describe the overall structure of the DNA molecule. Acceptable Evidence: Students are able to draw a timeline showing the evidences that led to Watson and Crick developing the double helix model of the structure of Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization
Lesson Activities: Unit DNA and RNA section-1: DNA lecture. Teacher will lecture and show the videos. Students will fill in their outlines and take video notes. DNA Review work sheet. Students will do this work sheet in class. Bill Nye video: Genes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzt-WJ4-XR0

Formative: DNA and RNA Teacher will assess students progress and understanding by a DNA/ RNA concept mapping, a lab activity (Snork Lab, which assess the students learning of protein synthesis), DNA Review Activity Sheet (which assesses students' learning of section 1-3 and they do in pairs), and a video activity sheet including questions that follows watching Bill Nye video on GENES. Teacher will also ask questions in regards with units and students answer in Thumbs up and Thumbs down format.

Summative: Teacher will assess students learning with a 4 page DNA and RNA vocabulary Review sheet. Students answer the questions first individually and then in pairs. Teacher will collect the sheets to grade and return to students to study before the unit test. Students will take the DNA and RNA unit test.

DNA Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective: Students will: Summarize the events of DNA replication. Relate the DNA molecule to the chromosome structure. Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective: Students will: Tell how RNA differs from DNA. Describe transcription and the editing of RNA. Identify the genetic code. Summarize translation. Explain the relationships between genes and proteins. Unit Resources:
Miller, & Levine; Prentice Hall Biology 2002 Mc Graw Hill, Glencoe, Biology, California Edition 2007


Acceptable Evidence: Students are able to make a model of DNA double helix in lab. They are aware of the base pairing rule.

Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction

Lesson Activities: Teacher lectures section-2: DNA Replication and students fill in their outlines. DNA Structure activity/lab: Using pop beads students will create and complete a DNA strand with a left hand gene sequence: G T G A G. This is a group activity and students will collaborate in groups of 2-3.

Acceptable Evidence: Students are able to find the specific amino acid that is coded by a specific codon by using the genetic code/graph.

Lesson Activities: Teacher lectures section-3: RNA and Protein Synthesis. Students fill in their outlines. Lab activity Snork lab: www. iologycorner.com worksheets DNA snorks.html Students analyze the genes of a fictitious organisms (the Snork) DNA and using the genetic code they determine what traits the organism has and then sketch the organism. (The students can be very creative) DNA- RNA Concept map: Using the terms and phrases provided, the students complete the concept map showing the discovery of DNA structure and the principles of protein synthesis.

Bill Nye video: Genes- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzt-WJ4-XR0 www. iologycorner.com worksheets DNA snorks.html ca.biologygmh.com

Useful Websites:
1www.lessonplanet.com The Lesson Planet solution helps teachers find lesson resources, correlate them to standards, and organize curriculum. Our tools provide a time-efficient way to inspire teaching with fresh ideas.


This video is made for middle school and high school students. It explains what DNA, RNA are. It also explains the transcription and translation processes.
www.dnatube.com/video/2320/All-about-gene www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNsJOluEirs What is it like to teach genetics? A high school biology teacher, Joe Ruhl, and a college professor, Amy Lossie, talk about what a day in their lives is like. Joe and Amy are one of the 70 geneticist-teacher pairs trained from the NSF-funded Geneticist-Educator Network of Alliances

(GENA) project. 4www.phoenix.eonlineuniversity.com This college-level course gives students a thorough understanding of gene function, and enables them to apply this understanding to real-world issues, both personal and societal. This is Part 1 of a two-part course; Part 2 focuses on the study of of how genes and traits are inherited. https://www.coursera.org/course/usefulgenetics This college-level course gives students a thorough understanding of gene function, and enables them to apply this understanding to real-world issues, both personal and societal. This is Part 1 of a two-part course; Part 2 focuses on the study of of how genes and traits are inherited. concord.org projects geniverse Revolutionary digital learning for biology, math and engineering. Education-portal.com/academy Introduction to Natural Sciences is designed to prepare you to earn real college credit by passing the Natural Sciences CLEP exam. This course covers the topics in both the physical and biological sciences and is equivalent to a natural sciences course taught during the first two years of college. vimeo.com/48206588 This is a 3 minute HD dramatic video choreographed to powerful music, which introduces the viewer to the science of Genetics and Inheritance. It is designed as a motivational "trailer" to be shown in classrooms by Biology teachers in middle school, high school and college as a visual Introduction to the history and science of Genetics, Heredity and Biotechnology.




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