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Cond Nast Traveler Magazine The Most Trusted Name in Travel Cond Nast Traveler is one of the most

t trusted names in travel, founded in 1987 by Sir Harold Evans. The urrent Editor in Chief is !ilar "u#man. $n $ndia, Cond Nast Traveller %as laun hed in & tober '(1(, )ublished by Conde Nast* a 1((+ o%ned subsidiary of Conde Nast $nternational. The $ndian edition is the ,th edition %orld%ide and is edited by -ivia Thani -as%ani. The other versions of the ma.a#ine in lude /0, S)ain and 1ussia. The ma.a#ine has its )resen e in over '2 ountries. Cond Nast hurns ontent that is %orld lass, for the %orld3s most influential audien es. $t attra ts over 1,4 million onsumers %ith an array of industry5leadin. )rint and di.ital media brands. The travel ma.a#ine has %on '2 National 6a.a#ine 7%ards. Editor in Chief, Sir Harold Evans oined the motto 8Truth in Travel.9 This sim)le yet revolutionary )rin i)le sha)ed the ma.a#ine3s foundation. 7ll of the ma.a#ine3s %riters are e:)e ted to be realisti %ith their revie%s of travel destinations as the .oal is to e:)erien e the %orld e:a tly as readers do. Therefore, orres)ondents of the ma.a#ine need to travel anonymously and )ay their o%n fares, ontrary to other )ubli ations %hose orres)ondents a e)t free fares and a ommodations. The reason the .uidin. )rin i)les %or; best is, it allo%s for honest, fair re)ortin. on all as)e ts of the travel industry. These are the reasons %hy there is mu h res)e t and trust for Cond Nast Traveler. Cond Nast Traveler 6a.a#ine Subs ri)tion .ives you a .lobally5re.arded, most5authoritative and inde)endent sour e on lu:ury travel and lifestyle. $t brin.s you the oolest destinations and the most unfor.ettable e:)erien es. The ma.a#ine is internationally distin.uished %ith a olades and numerous industry a%ards. The very first edition of the ma.a#ine re eived , National 6a.a#ine 7%ards. The /0 edition %on numerous a olades. $t is ;no%n to be the most dis ernin. and trusted monthly travel ma.a#ine %ith the %orld3s best travel %riters sharin. their insider se rets %hile offerin. you ne%er and authenti e:)erien es in every issue. 6any readers of the ma.a#ine believe that it is the most trusted sour e of travel information. 7 ordin. to a survey, 9<+ of readers are staun h loyalists, and 8<+ of the readers )lan their holiday boo;in.s =ust by readin. the ma.a#ine. The ma.a#ine laims to have a ore readershi) of more than <,(((,((( only in the /S, all of %hom are dis ernin., intelli.ent and hi.h5s)endin. men and %omen. 7 re ent survey says about 91+ of the %orlds3 )o)ulation has mobile devi es and about 2(+ of them o%n a smart )hone. Ne% mobile a))s have ta;en the %orld by storm and di.ital )ublishin. a))s are the latest )henomena. Every mobile user %ants their )ersonal library on their mobile devi es to ;ee) handy. >ith the .ro%in. volume of readershi), the Cond Nast Traveler di.ital subs ri)tion is a boon to many readers. The Cond Nast Traveler di.ital ma.a#ine has everythin. that you see in the )a)er ma.a#ine and more. 7s a bonus you .et intera tive ma)s, slidesho%s and e:)anded .uides in ludin. a ess to all of their )ast issues. $f you are )assionate about travelin. and %ant the best sour e there is on travelin. around the %orld, do not miss your o))ortunity to be im)ressed, .o ahead and start your di.ital library no%?

About the Author: Cond Nast Traveler ma.a#ine is a .lobally5re.arded, most5authoritative and inde)endent sour e on lu:ury travel and lifestyle. -o%nload the Cond Nast Traveler di.ital subs ri)tion at htt)@AA%%%.ma.#ter. om, and if you are fond of travel then read the Cond Nast Traveler di.ital ma.a#ine today? Summary: Cond Nast Traveler ma.a#ine B most authoritative and inde)endent sour e on travel B 8<+ of readers )lan their holiday boo;in.s usin. this ma.a#ine. Resources: Cond Nast,Cond Nast 6a.a#ine,Cond Nast 6a.a#ine Subs ri)tion,Cond Nast -i.ital 6a.a#ine Cond Nast -i.ital Subs ri)tion.

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