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Cutting off or withholding essential supply or service

Submitted to: Dr. Gurpreet Singh Randhawa Submitted by: SRIS TJIT SING !"#$$ %.&.''.%.( on).* SECTION B(6TH SEM)

Section 19. Cutting off or withholding e enti!l u""l# or er$ice

($* No +and+ord or tenant either by him)e+, or through any per)on purporting to a-t on hi) beha+, )ha++. without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e out o,, or withho+d any e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e enin0ed by the tenant or +and+ord. a) the -a)e may be. in re)pe-t o, the premi)e) +et to him. or. under hi) own o--upation. (1* I, a +and+ord or a tenant -ontra0ene) the pro0i)ion) o, )ub2)e-tion ($*. the tenant or the +and+ord. a) the -a)e may be. may ma3e an app+i-ation to Rent &uthority -omp+aining o, )u-h -ontra0ention. (4* I, the Rent &uthority i) )ati),ied that the e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e wa) wi++,u++y -ut o,, or withhe+d. it may pa)) an order dire-ting the re)toration o, the amenitie) immediate+y pending the in5uiry re,erred to in )ub2)e-tion(6*. Pro0ided that interim order may6 be pa))ed under thi) )ub2)e-tion without gi0ing noti-e to the +and+ord or the tenant. a) the -a)e may be. (6* I, the rent &uthority on in5uiry ,ind) that the e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e en/oyed by the tenant or +and+ord wa) -ut o,, or withhe+d by the +and+ord or the tenant. a) the -a)e may be. wi++,u++y and without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e. he )ha++ ma3e an order dire-ting the re)toration o, )u-h )upp+y or )er0i-e. (7* The Rent &uthority )ha++ -omp+ete an en5uiry ender )oh2)e-tion (6* within a period o, thirty day) o, ,i+ing o, an app+i-ation ,or en5uiry un+e)) the Rent &uthority. ,or rea)on) to be re-orded in writing. de-ide) that it i) not po))ib+e to -omp+ete the en5uiry within )u-h period.

(8* The Rent &uthority may. in hi) di)-retion. dire-t that -ompen)ation not e9-eeding one thou)and rupee) be paid to: (a* the +and+ord or the tenant. a) the -a)e may be. by the -omp+ainant i, the app+i-ation under )ub2)e-tion (1* wa) made ,ri0o+ou)+y or 0e9atiou)+y: (b* the -omp+ainant i, the +and+ord or the tenant a) the -a)e may be. had -ut o,, or withhe+d the )upp+y or )er0i-e without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e. E9p+anation.2In thi) )e-tion the e9pre))ion :e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e: )ha++ in-+ude )upp+y o, water. e+e-tri-ity. +ight) in pa))age) and on )tair-a)e). -on)er0an-y and )anitary )er0i-e). E9p+anation.2;or the purpo)e) o, thi) )e-tion. withho+ding any e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e )ha++ in-+ude a-t) or -ommi))ion) attributab+e to the +and+ord or the tenant. a) the -a)e may be. on a--ount o, whi-h the e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e i) -ut o,, by a +o-a+ authority or any other agen-y.

Se-tion $<($* any e))entia+ )upp+y )ha++ not without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e be -ut o,, or withhe+d by the +and+ord Se-tion $< (1* i, the )upp+y i) -ut o,, or withho+d. the tenant may ma3e an app+i-ation to the Rent &uthority Se-tion $<(4* interim order ,or re)toration o, the )upp+y -an be ordered pending the en5uiry a,ter gi0ing noti-e to the +and+ord Se-tion $<(6* ,ina+ order ,or re)toration may be pa))ed by Rent &uthority Se-tion $<(7* the en5uiry in the matter )ha++ be -omp+eted within 4= day) e9-ept in -a)e o, inabi+ity to -omp+ete the )ame Se-tion $< (8* an amount not e9-eeding 4===#2 may be ordered to be paid a) -ompen)ation to the +and+ord or the tenant. i, the -omp+aint i) ,ri0o+ou).

E enti!l u""lie
&--ording to e9p+anation to thi) )e-tion. e))entia+ )upp+ie) o, )e0i-e in-+ude) )upp+y o, water. e+e-tri-ity. +ight) in pa))age) and on )tair-a)e). -on)er0an-y and )anitary )er0i-e). & +and+ord i) not entit+ed to -ut o,, or withho+d without )u,,i-ient -au)e any o, the amenitie) en/oyed by the tenant. I, any amenity i) -ut o,, or withhe+d by the +and+ord. the tenant -an app+y to the Rent Contro++er ,or re)toration o, the )ame 0ide )e-tion $= o, the &-t.

Thi) )e-tion i) 0erbatim reprodu-tion o, )e-tion $= o, the o+d &-t with pro0i)o ,or pro0iding interim re+ie,. Thi) )e-tion gi0e) prote-tion to a tenant again)t the i++ega+ withdrawa+ o, the amenitie) pro0ided to a tenant without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e. The main ob/e-t o, thi) )e-tion i) to -he-3 the +and+ord ,rom re)orting to e9tra +ega+ way) in order to ma3e the tenant pay higher rent or ,or-e him to 0a-ate the premi)e) by withho+ding the amenitie). Thi) )e-tion i) meant to re)tri-t and -ontro+ any i++ega+ inter,eren-e by the +and+ord in pea-e,u+ en/oyment o, bui+ding and rented +and) with a++ amenitie) atta-hed to it. The +egi)+ature ha) made )u-h inter,eren-e an a-tionab+e -+aim under the &-t a) we++ a) an o,,en-e under genera+ and )pe-ia+ +aw. >anhaya 'a+ ?). Indu @a+i &IR $<7" SC 666. 'and+ord -utting o,, the amenitie) en/oyed by the pre0iou) tenant. No tenant o--upying the premi)e) when the amenitie) -ut o,,. The +and+ord i) not +iab+e to pro)e-ution. @ohd. Saddudin Sadmani ?). State $<!= RCR !18 A $<!= RCJ "=" E))entia+ )upp+y o, )er0i-e -oming to an end not on a--ount o, an a-t o, +and+ord. but on a--ount o, an a-t o, a third party. 'and+ord gui+ty o, withho+ding the )upp+y i, he omit) to get it re)tored i, it wa) within the power o, +and+ord to do )o. State o, Gu/arat ?). Sunder 'a+ >a)han/i @in $<!" (1* RCR 486 Gu/. D%. Petition under )e-tion $= ,or re)toration o, amenitie) i) not maintainab+e by a +i-en)ee. Rati Ram Gupta ?). %ri/ @ohan Goya+ $<<$ RR $8= PB . Joginder Singh ?). State $<<$(1* S'J 666 PB Dire-tion to re)tore amenitie) en/oyed by the tenant -an be gi0en on+y i, the +and+ord -ut) o,, or withho+d) any o, the amenitie) without /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e.

>G. Gopa+ >ri)han ?). The Teh)i+dar &IR $<"" >era+a $7=. @u+ti2)toreyed -ommer-ia+ bui+ding. Se-ond ,+oor partia++y bui+t and +et out to tenant. &rea o, +ea)e )pe-i,i-a++y de)-ribed in +ea)e deed. Cnbui+t terra-e on )e-ond ,+oor wou+d not -ome within tenan-y. Nor -ou+d be -on)idered amenity to tenant. Nationa+ In)uran-e Co. ?). R. PB Tenant app+ying ,or re)toration o, amenity. 'and+ord denying re+ation)hip o, +and+ord and tenant. Court ha) to )ati),y that prima ,a-ie re+ation)hip o, +and+ord and tenant e9i)ted be,ore pa))ing the order on app+i-ation. Sh. %a)a0anappa >otrappa Co. $<!4 RCR $6$ A $<!4 RCJ 88$. Premi)e) gi0en by owner to hi) dome)ti- )er0ant a) +i-en)ee. No re+ation)hip o, +and+ord and tenant between the partie). Petition by )er0ant ,or re)toration o, water and e+e-tri-ity. not maintainab+e. Shee+a 'a++ ?). Rent Contro+ Tribuna+ $<<7(1* RCR $14 De+hi 'and+ord di)-onne-ting power )upp+y. The matter ha) to be de-ided by Rent Contro++er. Di)pute -annot be re,erred to arbitration though agreement pro0ided that in -a)e o, di)pute. matter wou+d be re,erred to arbitrator. @#) Re9 Opti-a+ Co. ?). @#) >anwa++ndu)trie) Corporation $<<!(+* RCR 77= De+hi. Cutting or withho+ding o, e))entia+ )upp+y. Se-tion 67 o, the De+hi Rent Contro+ &-t. $<7" wou+d app+y to -a)e) where the +and+ord ha) depri0ed the tenant o, the e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e en/oyed by the tenant in re)pe-t o, tenanted a--ommodation. &3e)h >umar Jain ?). armee+ Singh %a3)hi $<<<($* RCR 647 De+hi. The app+i-ation i) maintainab+e on+y when Rent &-t i) app+i-ab+e. to the bui+ding. P. Gopinathan ?). Rama Srini0a)a Rao 1===(1* R'R $<4 @ad. ub+i ?). >ri)han Trading ar-haran Singh $<<$ RR 7$6

Tenant not paying water and e+e-tri-ity -harge) 2 'and+ord remo0ing water tan3 and di)-onne-ting e+e-tri- -onne-tion ,or-ib+y 2 The)e -harge) and interim rent paid by tenant 'and+ord dire-ted to re)tore the amenitie). %hag Chand Goe+ ?). Narinder Pa+ and another 1=$=(1* RCR 711 A 1=$=(4* 'aw era+d 177=A 1=$$($* RCR (-i0i+* $$! (PB *

The word amenitie) ha) not been de,ined in the &-t. It ha) been u)ed in it) ordinary )en)e. Dhat are the amenitie) and what are not. i) a 5ue)tion to be de-ided on the ,a-t) and -ir-um)tan-e) o, ea-h -a)e. &--ording to %+a-3E) 'aw Di-tionary :amenity: in the rea+ property +aw mean) )u-h -ir-um)tan-e) in regard to )ituation. out+oo3. a--e)) or the +i3e a) enhan-e the p+ea)antne)) or de)irabi+ity o, an e)tate ,or purpo)e o, re)iden-e or -ontribute) to the p+ea)ure and emp+oyment o, the o--upant) rather than their indi)pen)ab+e need. &nant Ram B Son) ?). Raghbar Daya+ %harga0a $<!$ RCR 4= ou)e gi0en on rent. Tenant get) no imp+ied right to u)e dri0e way ,or -ar par3ing. Tenant wou+d be entit+ed to 2)u-h right) that wou+d be rea)onab+y ne-e))ary ,or en/oyment o, the tenan-y. Tenant doe) not get ea)ementary right to u)e the dri0e way. &3e)h >umar Jain ?). armeet Singh %a3)hi 1==1($* R'R 74"A 1==$(1* RCR 47< De+hi '(!). %&enitie ()oof Roo, o0er a )hop i) ne-e))ary ,or the en/oyment o, the premi)e) and )hou+d 0ery we++ be de)-ribed a) amenity. I, the +and+ord demo+i)he) it. it -an be got re)tored. &nant Ram B Son) ?). Raghbar Daya+ %harga0a $<!$ RCR 4=.

I, the tenant u)ed the roo, o, the hou)e ,or )to-3ing materia+ and a) urina+. the +and+ord -annot pre0ent him ,rom u)ing the )tair -a)e ,rom going to the roo,. Ram Pnr3n-h tF- Dn.Eir Chane+ $=!$ RCR !< A $<!$ RCI d!n Premi)e) o--upied by tenant. 'and+ord rai)ing -ertain -on)tru-tion on roo,. Tenant ,ai+ed to e)tab+i)h that roo, ,ormed part o, tenan-y. There wa) no -urtai+ment o, amenity o, tenanted premi)e). Pu)hpa Datt ?). @#) Daya Chand 'ai Chand Jain 1=== ($* RCR 18 PB . A 1===($* R'R 4$7. . De+iberate a-tion p, the +and+ord in remo0ing ti+e) ,rom the roo, o, the bui+ding wou+d amount to -utting o,, and withho+ding amenitie) en/oyed by the tenant. Rent Contro++er -an order re)toration under Se-tion $4 o, >era+a Rent Contro+ &-t. The remedy a0ai+ab+e to tenant i) under )e-tion $4 and not under )e-tion $! o, the &-t. @uhammed &+i ?). Di)tri-t Co++e-tor 1==1(1* RCR 6=8 >era+a '(*). %&enitie (+r!in & drain -on)tru-ted to drain away re,u)e water and garbage ,rom a we++ in the bui+ding +et out ,or running hote+ wa) he+d to be an amenity and inter,eren-e in the )ame wa) he+d to be puni)hab+e. @ariya3utty Cmma ?). Pa+oonta3ath $<8< RCJ "!$. '(c). %&enitie (+r!in to""ed Drain ,or +etting out rainy water -on)titute) amenity. tenant entit+ed to it) re)toration when it i) -ut o,,. ;ran-i) ?). @oo)a3atty $<"8(1* RCR 8$<. '(d). %&enitie (Electricit#

I, the amenity o, e+e-tri-ity en/oyed by tenant ,or 4= year) without e9tra payment o, rent. there i) pre)umption that amenity wa) a part and par-e+ o, -ontra-t. 'and+ord -annot -ut o,, the e+e-tri-ity. Gobind Ra/a Iyenagar ?). Ramanna %.R. $<!8 RCR "$< A $<!!(I* RCJ 17!. E+e-tri-ity i) an amenity and +and+ord -annot -ut or redu-e the amenity en/oyed by the tenant. Raghunath Singh ?). Pre)-ribed &uthority $<!!(1* RCR 174 A $<!!(1* RCJ $!8. Ja)want Singh ?). Sarwan Singh $<"< (1* 'JR 6"! A $<"<(1* RCR 6"$ A $<"<(1* R'R 467 Pun/ab. Dhere the e+e-tri-ity bi++ i) not paid by the +and+ord be-au)e the tenant -on)umed more e+e-tri-ity than what wa) agreed upon. the +and+ord i) not +iab+e under thi) )e-tion i, the e+e-tri-ity )upp+y i) -ut o,,. %a+e)war O/ah ?). State o, De)t %enga+ $<!$ RCR <84. 'and+ord di)-onne-ting e+e-tri-ity -onne-tion. &pp+i-ation by tenant under Se-tion $=. It wa) he+d that the Rent Contro++er wi++ dire-t tenant to )ubmit it) own te)t report to the e+e-tri-ity %oard to ha0e the e+e-tri-ity -onne-tion )ub/e-t to de-i)ion o, petition under Se-tion $= 2 &.-hwani >umar ?). @#) De+ite Engineer and ;abri-ator) $<"!($* RCR 4$ PB 1" 'and+ord -utting o,, )upp+y o, water and e+e-tri-ity. P+ea o, +and+ord that tenant did ne0er en/oyed the)e amenitie). not be+ie0ed. Tenant him)e+, got e+e-tri-ity -onne-tion re)tored. Tenant i) entit+ed to ad/u)tment o, -o)t ,rom the rent. 'and+ord i) a+)o dire-ted to re)tore water )upp+y. ,ai+ing whi-h tenant wi++ ta3e out hi) own water -onne-tion at the -o)t o, +and+ord. ?). Pre)-ribed &uthority $<"" ($* RCR 47! &++. Tenant not ta3ing e+e-tri- -onne-tion in hi) name and getting e+e-tri-ity )upp+y ,rom +and+ordE) e+e-tri- -onne-tion. 'and+ord -utting o,, e+e-tri- )upp+y to tenant. Tenant )ee3ing eera De0i A $<"! RR

pro)e-ution under Se-tion 6= o, the E+e-tri-ity &-t. Pro)e-ution pro-eeding) +aun-hed by the tenant -annot be a++owed. P. Damodaran ?). @. ?i)hwanathan $<"7(1* RCJ 8<6 @ad. Di)-onne-tion o, e+e-tri-ity meter. Petitioner2+and+ady dire-ted to en)ure uninterrupted )upp+y ,rom her meter ,ai+ing whi-h re)pondent may ha0e no option but to )ee3 a )eparate -onne-tion on hi) own guarantee and without ma3ing premi)e) +iab+e ,or any de,au+t. &+3a &ggarwa+ ?). Ram Gopa+ @ang+a 1==$($* R'R 4"1 De+hiA 1==$($* R'R 4"1 Dithho+ding o, e+e-tri-ity -on)titute) the withho+ding or )topping o, e))entia+ )er0i-e. @ani3ant ?). %abu Ram &IR $<!" &++ahahad $66. Gha-iram ?- Dargo De0i &IR $<!8 Ca+. 187 E0en i, the )upp+y o, e+e-tri-ity to the tenant. i) grati). but i, the tenant i) en/oying it. a) an e))entia+ part o, -ontra-t o, tenan-y. the +and+ord -annot di)-ontinue the )ame. T. ?. Go0ind Ra/a Iyenger ?). %.R. Ramama $<!!($* RCJ 17! >arnata3aA&IR $<!! >ar. !! '(e). ,!ter u""l# - Electricit# I, the water )upp+y i) di)-onne-ted by the @uni-ipa+ity on the app+i-ation o, the +and+ord. the +and+ord i) +iab+e under thi) )e-tion. Gu+ab Chand %hagiratha ?). R. E. &IR $<6" Nag. 6$6. Dhere the water )upp+y and the )upp+y o, e+e-tri-ity are -ut o,, by the @uni-ipa+ity due to non payment o, bi++) by the +and+ord. the +and+ord i) +iab+e under thi) )e-tion. I, the tenant i) u)ing water in e9-e)) o, norma+ +imit and i) not paying e9-e)) water -harge) and water -onne-tion i) -ut o,,. the +and+ord) not +iab+e to pay e9-e)) water -harge) and thu). not +iab+e under thi) )e-tion. Ni)ar &hmed ?). Rent Contro++er $<!8 RCR 818. I, the water )upp+y i) -ut o,, due to tenantE) own neg+igen-e. +and+ord i) not bound to pro0ide )upp+y ,rom hi) own -onne-tion. Narender Singh ?). N.N. Engineer $<!<(1* RCR 847 A $<!<(1* R'R 8!=.

'and+ord di)-onne-ting water and e+e-tri-ity -onne-tion. Tenant depo)iting )e-urity to rein)tate -onne-tion). Tenant i) not entit+ed to dedu-t the )e-urity amount ,rom the arrear) o, rent a) it -ontinue) depo)itorE) money. Rame)hwar Daya3 ?). %arahm Edu-ation %oard $<!! $!$ DCEr$ 77 Di)ruption o, water )upp+y. 'and+ord i) bound to re)tore the )upp+y. P+ea o, +and+ord that )upp+y wa) di)rupted by another tenant i) not tenab+e. E0ery +and+ord i) duty bound under )e-tion 66 to 3eep the premi)e) in good and tenantab+e repair). @artin %urn 'td. ?). Smt. >ri)hna &bbi $<<=(1* RCR 616. ?i/ay %handhu ?). Sam De0 @a+i3 $<<1($* RI2 876 P." '(f). .ift 'i,t going out o, )er0i-e ,or want o, proper repair) by the +and+ord. Repair) e)timated to -o)t R). 1=.===#2. 'and+ord bound to re)tore the )er0i-e. E9orbitant -o)t on repair i) not a +u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e ,or withho+ding the )er0i-e. J Sot0a0arta ?). @ohamedbhai &bdu+ u))ain

Sadu5 %ehreinwa+a $<"=(1* RCR 6$4 %om. %ut i, the +i,t be-ome de,e-ti0e due to it) wear and tear. omi))ion to repair and rep+a-e the de,e-ti0e +i,t doe) not amount to withho+ding o, )er0i-e o, +i,t and +and+ord i) not gui+ty o, o,,en-e under thi) )e-tion. Dhere the +and+ord ,ai+) to repair the +i,t and thu) -au)e in-on0enien-e to the tenant. he i) +iab+e under thi) )e-tion. >anhaya 'a+ ?). Indumati &IR $<7" SC 666. '(g). B!th )oo& !nd /! !ge - 0itchen - .!trine 'and+ord depri0ing the tenant o, the u)e o, bathroom and -ommon pa))age. It -on)titute) -utting o, e))entia+ )er0i-e and amenity. Nare)h Rani ?). ari Dutt Sharma $<!1 RCR 6=! A

$<!1 RCJ 6$$. Depri0ing o, 3it-hen. bath and -+o)ing o, water ,a++ within the term -utting o,,

e))entia+ )upp+y and )er0i-e). Tenant entit+ed to it) re)toration. ?eera %ai ?). S.P. Sa-hde0a $<"7(1* R'R 14 De+hi. 'atrine and bathroom. though do not ,orm part o, the +ea)ed premi)e). i) an e))entia+ )er0i-e and -annot be withhe+d by +and+ord. Nau/amma ?). Subbanna $<"8 ($* R'R 7!8 >t3. 'and+ord ta3ing ,or-ib+e po))e))ion o, 3it-hen. bath and +atrine. Tenant ha) no remedy to )ee3 re)toration under thi) )e-tion. Sa0itha Rauma ?). Ram Da)) $<!4 RCR "4< A $<!4 RCJ !4<. 'and+ord ma3ing )ome unauthori)ed -on)tru-tion whi-h wa) demo+i)hed by -orporation. It re)u+ted in damage to +atrine and bathroom o, tenanted a--ommodation. 'and+ord i) bound to re)tore the e))entia+ )er0i-e. 'and+ord -annot p+ead that a-t o, demo+ition wa) not the a-t o, +and+ord. &-t o, -orporation wa) +in3ed with a-t o, +and+ord in the ,a-e o, demo+ition o, other unauthoriGed -on)tru-tion. Su)hma ?). De0ra/ Pyareram ?erma $<<6($* RCR !$! @P. '(h). /! !ge &ny )er0i-e in-+uding the pa))age en/oyed by the tenant in re)pe-t o, a--ommodation +et out to him -ome) within the meaning o, e))entia+ )upp+y o, )er0i-e). Ganga Da)) ?). Ram Chandra $<""(1* RCJ 17" @P Redu-ing the pa))age o, the approa-h to the premi)e) and main gate i) -utting o,, the e))entia+ )upp+y. 'and+ord re)trained nom narrowing the pa))age. Sur/an Singh ?). ;oundry B Dor3)hop $<"" RR 7$1 A $<""(1* RCR 71<. Tenant u)ing two pa))age ,or $7 year). It i) an amenity. 'and+ord -annot b+o-3 the gate o, )e-ond pa))age. ?aidhya %a+ >ri)han ?). Di)tri-t @agi)trate. Jodhpur $<<" (1* RCR 461 Ra/. amdard

4 (i*. C+o)ing o, door 'and+ord -+o)ing a door way. between the re)identia+ -o+ony and the )hopping -entre to approa-h the )hop o, the tenant by +o-3ing it without /u)t and )u,,i-ient rea)on). The main a--e)) to the )hopping -entre i) through two gate). The +and+ordE) p+ea that the -ame wa) +o-3ed ,or )e-urity rea)one e+d that the door way +o-3ed ,or )e-urity rea)on) i) not an indi)pen)ab+e

amenity ,or the tenant. Se-tion $= i) not app+i-ab+e. Pun/ab State E+e-tri-ity %oard ?). &mar Nath $<"" RR <! A $<""($* RCR 84 A $<""(1* RCJ 44 PB C+o)ing o, door window pro0ided ,or 0enti+ation or ,or ingre)) and egre)). It -on)titute) o, withho+ding o, e))entia+ )upp+y. Sint. Sude)h @ehra ?). %hae Chand $<"< ($* RCR $$8 @P 'o-3ing up a door way whi-h i) genera++y u)ed a) pa))age. Stoppage o, +ight and air and in the -a)e o, ,urni)hed hou)e. the remo0a+ o, a ,an. ,urniture or other arti-+e) o, dai+y u)e wou+d amount to inter,eren-e with the proper en/oyment o, the demi)ed premi)e) and wou+d be -o0ered by thi) )e-tion. Narpan ?). &p0u3utt0 $<77(1* @'J 4$ SN. Tenant -on)tru-ting water tan3 on the terra-e o, ,ourth ,+oor with permi))ion o, +and+ord. 'and+ord )ub)e5uent+y wanted to -on)tru-t two more ,+oor) and water tan3 on terra-e o, )i9th ,+oor. Tenant -annot ob/e-t to it i, the tenant wa) getting e))entia+ and u)ua+ water )upp+y. Jaye)h Tri3am Da)) Chandan ?). Shantaben G. Tana $<<6 (1* RCR 114 %om. ' (1). Tele"hone 'and+ord -annot re,u)e the tenant to in)ta++ te+ephone in the rented premi)e) ,or pro,e))iona+ u)e. Re,u)a+ wou+d amount to interruption o, ho+ding o, property by +e))ee. ;a-i+ity o, te+ephone i) not a +u9ury the)e day). Chain Ra/ @ehta ?). Shanta Shu3+a $<"=($* RCR 47<.

' (2). %ntenn! Tenant in po))e))ion o, ground ,+oor. e i) entit+ed to put antenna ,or T.?. and radio on

roo,. 'and+ordE) permi))ion i) not re5uired i, roo, i) not in po))e))ion o, +and+ord. D.S. Prayog ?). Smt. @ai +e+e $<!<($* RCR !!4 (%om.* ' (I). O"en "!ce Tenant o, ,ir)t ,+oor wa) not a++owed by +and+ord to par3 hi) -ar in open )pa-e on the ground ,+oor. It i) not an e))entia+ )er0i-e. Open )pa-e on the ground ,+oor o, bui+ding -annot be -on)idered appurtenant to the demi)e) premi)e). Shanti+ai Cde-hand %ohra ?). Suman %hai+aF Pate+ $<<6(+* RCR 417 Gu/.

3u t !nd Sufficient c!u e

Thi) wi++ be a 5ue)tion to be de-ided 3eeping in 0iew the -ir-um)tan-e) o, ea-h -a)e. i, a tenant ha) in,ringed any )tatuory ru+e) regarding )upp+y o, e+e-tri-ity water tap or )ewerage -onne-tion. whi-h ma3e the +and+ord +iab+e to the authoritie). the +and+ord wi++ be /u)ti,ied in -utting o,, the amenitie) a++owed to the tenant. %ut non payment o, rent i) not a )u,,i-ient -au)e ,or +and+ord to withho+d the amenitie). e -an on+y app+y ,or e/e-tment. It i) ,or the +and+ord to

pro0e the /u)t and )u,,i-ient -au)e. Satya0arta ?). @ohemedbai $<"=(1* RCR 6$4 %om A &IR $<"1 %om. 7=.

Interi& order "ending deci ion of the !""lic!tion

I, the Contro++er i) )ati),ied ,rom a,,ida0it or otherwi)e that immediate en/oyment o, the amenitie) i) e))entia+. he may by order in writing a++ow the tenant to get )u-h amenitie) re)tored on )u-h term) and -ondition) ti++ the ,ina+ de-i)ion) o, the app+i-ation. Dhere an order ,or

re)toration i) made e9 parte. -ourt i) not pre-+uded ,rom -an-e++ing the )ame i, the +and+ord p+a-e) materia+ /u)ti,ying modi,i-ation o, the opinion origina++y ,ormed. ?agde0iamma ?). >e)ha0amurthy $<8< RCJ $=67 (@ad.* &n interim order ,or re)toring e))entia+ )upp+y o, e+e-tri-ity and water in ,a0our o, app+i-ant. -an be pa))ed. Jawahar 'a+ ?). %ho+a Par)had $<""(1* RCR 1!8 @P. &pp+i-ation by tenant ,or dire-ting the +and+ord to re)tore the )upp+y o, water -ut o,, by the +and+ord. ;or purpo)e o, interim order to re)tore the )upp+y. a++egation) in the app+i-ation are to be a--epted prima ,a-ie. @artin %urn 'id. ?). Snit. >ri)hna &bbi $<<=(1* RCR 616.

3uri diction of ci$il court whether *!rred( Sco"e

Tenant obtained mandatory in/un-tion ,rom the -i0i+ -ourt re)training the +and+ord ,rom -utting the amenitie) en/oyed by the tenant. E9e-ution o, )u-h de-ree i) not barred. There i) no )u-h imp+ied prohibition in )e-tion $= to ou)t the /uri)di-tion o, -i0i+ -ourt. %oth remedie) e9i)t )ide by )ide ,or the aggrie0ed party. Se-tion) $= and $4 o, the &-t -an be di)tingui)hed. In )e-tion $4. e0i-tion o, tenant -an be )ought on+y under that pro0i)ion and none e+)e. %ut in )e-tion $= there i) no imp+ied prohibition to ou)t the /uri)di-tion o, -i0i+ -ourt. &--ording to thi) )e-tion. two remedie) pro0ided ,or the )ame -our)e o, a-tion are not antagoni)ti- o, ea-h other and aggrie0ed party -an a0ai+ either o, the two remedie). NaGir >han ?). Sri Chand $<"7 PB P+ainti,, )ee3ing in/un-tion ,rom -i0i+ -ourt again)t the de,endant ,or re)toration o, amenitie) en/oyed by him under )e-tion $= o, the &-t. Re+ation)hip o, +and+ord and tenant not RR 7=4 A $<"8($* RCR 8!<

pro0ed. There i) no bar ,or maintaining the )uit. Ci0i+ -ourt i) -ompetent to re)train the de,endant ,rom inter,ering in en/oyment o, )u-h amenitie). &mar Singh ?). &mrit 'a+ $<"" RR 7<<. 'and+ord debarred ,rom re)training the tenant ,rom en/oying the amenitie). ?i/ay >umar ?). Ra/ >umar $<"" RR 8<=. Ci0i+ )uit by tenant re)training the +and+ord ,rom -utting RR 444 A $<"" S'J 67= A $<""(1* RCR 14 A $<""

amenitie) i) not barred. Smt. Prabha Dati De0i ?). 7th &DJ $<<$($* RCR 4< Re)toration o, amenitie) on the app+i-ation o, +i-en)ee not permi))ib+e. Rati Ram Gupta ?). %ri/ @ohan Goya+ $<<$($* S'J 666 Pun/ab. 'and+ord di)-onne-ting )upp+y o, e+e-tri-ity to tenant. Tenant ha) remedy under Rent &-t and not under the -i0i+ +aw. Juri)di-tion o, -i0i+ -ourt i) barred. Param 'a+ %urman ?). Ra0i >umar Sharma 1===(1* RCR 68! @ad.

I, the +and+ord or tenant -ut o,, or withhe+d any e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e and -ontra0ene) )ub)e-tion (I* o, Se-tion $<. he )ha++ be puni)hab+e with e5ui0a+ent in amount o, rent ,or three month) or with impri)onment o, one month or with both and )ha++ a+)o be +iab+e to ,ine o, one thou)and rupee) ,or ea-h day -ommen-ing on the date o, -utting o,, or withho+ding o, e))entia+ )upp+y or )er0i-e ti++ the re)toration o, the )upp+y.

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