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CENTERPOINTE Research Institute

The Incredible Power of Focus

by Bill Harris, Director, Centerpointe Research Institute One of the more important points I have ma e in my !ritin"s over the years has been the i ea that you really o create your o!n life an your o!n reality# $any people, after continuin" to e%perience the same ol ups an o!ns an personal ramas over many years, "et to the point !here they ismiss this i ea as charmin" but useless && or 'ust plain !ron"# (If I)m creatin" this, then I)m certainly not oin" it on purpose,( they say# (It sure seems li*e this is H+PPENIN, to me, rather than that I)m creatin" it#( They 'ust assume that it)s all B- because (this an this an this an this are "oin" on for me, an I have no control over it, an anyone !ho thin*s I)m creatin" this oesn)t un erstan !hat I)m "oin" throu"h#( Essentially, they are resi"nin" themselves to be a victim of their circumstances# .e live in a universe of infinite comple%ity, an many forces && !ay too many to *eep trac* of && operate on us# /es, it is true that !e are NOT in control of everythin" that happens, because !e are not in control of most of those infinite other parts of the universe# In fact, the only thin" you have total an complete control over is### ###/O0R O.N $IND# That is, if you learn ho! to e%ercise it# 1uc*ily, this one thin" && your min && that you o have control over "ives you tremen ous po!er# By e%ercisin" control over your min , you can "et the rest of those infinite other parts of the universe to be"in to march in formation# The person !ho says, (If I)m creatin" this, it certainly isn)t on purpose,( is ri"ht# They are not creatin" !hat is happenin" to them (on purpose#( .ho !oul purposely create failure, or ba relationships, or any other sufferin"2 /ou can only o somethin" that is not "oo for you, that is harmful to you, if you o it unconsciously# This means if you are creatin" somethin" you on)t !ant, you must be oin" so unconsciously#

/our min is runnin" on automatic pilot, base on (soft!are( 3unconscious pro"rammin"4 installe !hen you !ere too youn" to *no! any better, by parents, teachers, frien s, the me ia, an other e%periences an influences# The *ey is to become more conscious, more a!are###to "et yourself off automatic pilot# Once you o this, you stop creatin" all the ramas an other "arba"e you on)t !ant in your life# Ho! o you o this2 One !ay, of course, is to use Holosync, because listenin" to Holosync increases your ability to be consciously a!are# +s you continue !ith the pro"ram, oin" this becomes easier an more automatic# That (!atcher( part of you becomes stron"er an stron"er, until it is !atchin" over everythin", an !ith that e"ree of conscious a!areness, it is pretty ifficult to create anythin" that is not beneficial for you# /ou can help thin"s alon", ho!ever, by rememberin" an usin" a very important piece of !is om# .hat is this important piece of !is om2 I)m "la you as*e # It)s the fact that !hatever you focus on manifests as reality in your life# /ou are al!ays focusin" on somethin", !hether you are a!are of it or not# If I spent some time !ith you, an hear your history, I coul tell you !hat you are focusin" on# Ho!2 By loo*in" at the results you are "ettin" in your life# The results you "et are al!ays the result of your focus# The problem is, this focus is usually not conscious focus, it)s automatic focus# .e unconsciously focus on somethin" !e on)t !ant, an then !hen !e "et it !e feel li*e a victim an on)t even stop to thin* that !e create it in the first place# +n !hat is more, !e on)t reali5e !e coul choose to create somethin" completely ifferent if !e coul only "et out of the cycle of unconsciously focusin" on somethin" other than !hat !e !ant# If you have a si"nificant ne"ative emotional e%perience 3say, for instance, a relationship in !hich you are abuse or mistreate in some !ay4, a part of you is "oin" to say6 (O*ay, I "et it# There are people out there !ho can an !ill hurt me# Relationships can be an"erous an painful# I have to !atch out for these people 7or sometimes, relationships in "eneral8 an avoi them#( 0nfortunately, to !atch out for them an avoi them, you have to focus your min on (people !ho coul hurt me,( or (ba relationships,( an that focus ra!s more of !hat you on)t !ant to you###+ND###actually ma*es these thin"s you on)t !ant 3at least initially4 attractive to you, so !hen they appear in your life you are ra!n to them# This is !hy many people *eep havin" one relationship after another !ith the same person, but in ifferent bo ies# This principle, of course, applies to everythin", not 'ust relationships#

9ocusin" on !hat you o not !ant, ironically, ma*es it happen# 9ocusin" on not bein" poor ma*es you poor# 9ocusin" on not ma*in" mista*es causes you to ma*e mista*es# 9ocusin" on not havin" a ba relationship creates ba relationships# 9ocusin" on not bein" epresse ma*es you epresse # 9ocusin" on not smo*in" ma*es you !ant to smo*e# +n so on# I thin* you "et the i ea# The truth is, your min cannot tell the ifference bet!een somethin" you thin* about or focus on that you DO !ant, an somethin" you thin* about or focus on but o NOT !ant# The min is a "oal&see*in" mechanism, an an e%tremely effective one at that# +lrea y, all the time, it is ele"antly an precisely creatin" e%actly !hat you focus on# /ou are alrea y a .orl Champion E%pert at creatin" !hatever you focus on# /ou coul n)t "et any better at it, an you on)t nee to "et any better at it# .hen you focus on anythin", your min says6 (O*ay, !e can o that,( an starts fi"urin" out ho! to o it# It oesn)t as* !hether you)re focusin" on it because you !ant it or because you o not !ant it# It +1.+/- assumes you !ant !hat you focus on an then it "oes an ma*es it happen# The more fre:uent an the more intense the focus, the faster an more completely you !ill create !hat you have focuse on, !hich is !hy intense ne"ative e%periences create intense focus on !hat you o not !ant, an ten to ma*e you re&create !hat you on)t !ant, over an over# $ost of the time, for most people, all the focusin" an thin*in" is "oin" by at !arp spee , on automatic, !ithout much, if any, conscious intention# /our 'ob is to learn ho! to irect this po!er by consciously irectin" your focus to the outcomes you !ant# Once you o, everythin" chan"es# This oes, ho!ever, ta*e some !or*, because at first you have to s!im upstream a"ainst the current of your ol , unconscious habits, an the current can be s!ift an stron"# 9irst, you have to iscover all the thin"s you focus on that you o not !ant, an I)m !illin" to bet there are :uite a fe! && !ay more than you thin*# To the e"ree you)re "ettin" !hat you on)t !ant, you are focusin", albeit unconsciously, on !hat you on)t !ant# -pen some time over the ne%t fe! !ee*s, then, ma*in" a list of all the thin"s you o NOT !ant as you notice yourself thin*in" about them#

-econ , you have to "et very clear about !hat you DO !ant# Then, you have to e%amine each of the thin"s you !ant an be sure they are not 'ust somethin" you o NOT !ant in is"uise# 9or instance, sayin" (I !ant a relationship !here I am treate !ell( !oul not even be an issue if you ha not ha relationships !here you !ere not treate !ell, an even in ma*in" this seemin"ly positive statement you are focusin" on not !antin" to be mistreate # -ayin" (I !ant a reliable car( !oul n)t even come up if you !eren)t focusin" on the fact that you on)t !ant a car that brea*s o!n an nee s a lot of repairs# +fter you)ve sorte out the thin"s you habitually focus on that you o not !ant, an *no! !hat you o !ant, you have to be"in to notice each time you thin* about an outcome you o not !ant, an consciously chan"e your thin*in", ri"ht in that moment, so you are instea focusin" on !hat you o !ant# Remember, you o NOT have to avoi thin"s to be happy an "et !hat you !ant# The ur"e to avoi somethin" is a result of havin" ha a ne"ative emotional e%perience re"ar in" that thin", an tryin" to avoi thin"s re:uires you to focus on them, !hich tells your brain to create them# Not "oo # /ou !ill be surprise ho! often you are thin*in" about !hat you o not !ant, ho! ifficult it is to catch yourself oin" it every time, an && most of all ; ho! ifficult it is to s!itch your thin*in" to !hat you DO !ant# There is a stron" momentum to *eep thin*in" about that thin" you !ant to avoi # +s I sai , the current is stron" an s!ift, especially at first# The solution2 Practice, practice, practice# Persistence, persistence, persistence# It)s a very "oo i ea to !rite o!n !hat you !ant, very specifically, so that your 9airy ,o mother, !ere she to rea it, !oul *no! e%actly !hat to "ive you !ithout any a itional e%planation# Then, rea !hat you have !ritten to yourself, preferably out lou , several times a ay, !hile seein" yourself, in your min , alrea y havin" !hat you !ant# The more emotion you can brin" to it, the better# Then, ta*e !hatever action is available to be"in movin" to!ar !hat you !ant# + "oo time to o this rea in" an visuali5in" is !hen you first !a*e up an ri"ht before you "o to be # I *no! this is !or*# Do it any!ay# There is a price for everythin", an this is the price you must pay to "et !hat you !ant# Be prepare to pay it# It !ill be !orth it, I promise# +n be prepare to pay for a !hile before you "et results# -tic* !ith it# +nother !ay to chan"e your focus is to as* :uestions# +s an e%ample, I)ll as* you one ri"ht no!# .hat i you have for brea*fast this mornin"2 To ans!er this :uestion 3even to 'ust internally process the :uestion4, you ha to shift your focus from !hatever your

min !as focuse on 3hopefully, this article4 to to ay)s brea*fast# This means that to chan"e your focus, all you have to o is###as* yourself a :uestion< It also means you better be careful !hat :uestions you as* yourself# ,oo :uestions inclu e (Ho! can I "et =2( (Ho! can I o =2( (Ho! can I be =2( By as*in" these *in s of :uestions, you "et your min to focus on !hat you !ant to have, o, or be# Then, your min ta*es over an ans!ers the :uestion###solves the problem###an creates !hat you !ant# /ou 'ust have to provi e the focus, ta*e !hatever action presents itself, an be persistent 3some thin"s ta*e time4# I !oul o a!ay !ith :uestions li*e (.hat)s !ron" !ith me2( or (.hy can)t I fin someone to love me2( an so on# /our min !ill fin an ans!er to any :uestion you "ive it, inclu in" these is&empo!erin" :uestions# 1earn to say (Ho! can I###2( !hen you on)t *no! !hat to o, instea of (I can)t,( an 3if you are persistent in as*in"4 the universe !ill sen you the ans!er, every time# 1earn to be conscious in !hat you focus on an your !hole life !ill chan"e# This all may seem very utopian to you, or overly simplistic, or li*e a lot of !or*# I assure you it is not utopian 3it)s the !ay all successful people thin*4, it I- simple, but not simplistic, an yes, it is !or*, at first# The "reat Napoleon Hill, !ho spent over >? years stu yin" the most effective an most successful people of the @?th century, conclu e that && !ithout e%ception, min you && (!hatever the min can conceive an believe, it can achieve#( He at first suspecte there ha to be e%ceptions, but to!ar the en of his life he sai he ha to a mit he ha not foun +N/# 1et)s "o over that a"ain6 (.hatever the min can conceive an believe, it can achieve#( It !ill ta*e some time to learn ho! to consciously focus your min # It !ill re:uire some effort# /ou !ill fail many times, an it !ill seem ifficult# But at a certain point you !ill ("et it( an at that point it !ill become as automatic as the unconscious focusin" you have been oin"# .hen that happens, a !hole ne! universe of po!er !ill open to you# A @??B Centerpointe Research Institute# +ll Ri"hts Reserve # Privacy Policy C Contact 0s

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