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GROUP : Ade Hanna Natalia (3415115800) Ahmad Jahid Sajid (3415115803) Qoni Sabila (3415116275) Risna Fauziah (3415115810) Talita Auliandina (3415115816) Wiana Indriati Puspitasari (3415115835) Yolanda Holinda Sari (3415115828)




A. INTRODUCTION I. RESEARCH PURPOSES Knowing where the blood pressure measurement. Knowing about characteristic of blood pressure. Knowing about factors affecting of pressure. Knowing about how to measure of blood pressure. Measure of heartbeat using 2 methode. Know the difference systolic and diastolic arterial pressure.









experienced by the blood in the arteries blood when heart pumped the blood to the entire the human body. Blood pressure is created by taking two sizes and are usually measured as follows - 120/80 mmHg. The number (120) indicates arteries upward pressure due to pulses of heart, and is called systolic pressure. Bottom number (80) shows the pressure when the heart relaxes in between pumping, and is called diastolic pressure. The best time to measure your blood pressure is currently in a state of rest and sit or lie down. Blood pressure can be measured by two methods: 1. Direct Method (Direct Method). This method uses a needle or cannula which inserted into the vein and connected to a manometer. This method is very precise way to measure blood pressure but it took a full set of tools and specialized skills. 2. Indirect method (Indirect Method). This method uses shpygmomanometer (blood pressure meter). Blood pressure is the driving force of blood in all directions on the entire surface covered, ie, on the inner walls of the heart and blood vessels. Pumping action of the heart provides the pressure which pushes blood through the vessels. Blood flows through a closed

vessel system because there are differences in pressure or pressure gradient between the left ventricle and the right atrium. o Change of left ventricular pressure as high as 120 mm Hg at systole to diastole as low as 0 mmHg. o Change of aortic pressure as high as 120 mm Hg systolic to as low as 80 mmHg diastolic. Diastolic pressure is maintained in the artery due to the turning ejection effect of the elastic aortic wall. Average aortic pressure was 100 mmHg. o Changes in systemic circulation pressure. Blood flows from the aorta (with a pressure of 100 mmHg) to the artery (the change in pressure from 100 to 40 mmHg) to arterioles (with a pressure of 25 mmHg at the end of the artery to 10 mmHg at the venous end) into the vein (the change in pressure from 10 mmHg to 5 mmHg) to the superior and inferior vena cava (with a pressure of 2 mm Hg), and to the right atrium (with pressure 0 mmHg). Factors that affect blood pressure: o Cardiac output. Blood pressure is directly proportional to the cardiac output (determined based on the content and frequency sekuncup heart). Peripheral resistance to blood flow. o Blood pressure is inversely proportional to the resistance in the vessels. Peripheral resistance has several determinants: Blood viscosity. Make some more protein content in plasma and blood cells, can make larger resistance to blood flow. Increased hematocrit causes an increase in viscosity; anemia, hematocrit content and viscosity decreases. Vessel length. The longer the vessel, the greater the resistance to blood flow. Radius vessels. Peripheral resistance is inversely proportional to vessel radius to the fourth power. If the radius is doubled vessels as occurs in vasodilation, the blood flow will be increased sixteen-fold. Blood pressure will go down. If the vessel radius divided by two, as happened in vasoconstriction, the resistance to flow increases sixteen-fold and blood pressure will rise. Since length of vessels and normal blood viscosity is constant, then the change in blood pressure obtained from changes in vessel radius. Measurement of arterial blood pressure systolic and diastolic conducted indirectly through auscultation method using stigmomanometer.

o The equipment consists of an arm cuff to stop blood flow of brachial artery, a mercury manometer to read pressure, a pump bulb cuff to stop brachial artery blood flow, and a valve to remove the air from the cuff. o A stethoscope is used to detect the beginning and end of the Korotkoff sound, the sound of blood bursts through the partially closed vessels. Sound and reading the numbers in the column of mercury at the same time is a way to determine the systolic and diastolic pressures. There is no blood pressure value 'normal' proper, but is calculated based on the range of values based on the patient's condition. Blood pressure is strongly influenced by the prevailing conditions, such as a runner who just do run a marathon, have a high pressure, but he is in a healthy value. In the patient's condition does not work weight, normal blood pressure ranges from 120/80 mmHg. High blood pressure or hypertension is measured as systolic 140-160 mmHg. Low blood pressure is called hypotension. Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children normally have a blood pressure which is much lower than adults. Blood pressure is also affected by physical activity, which will be higher during activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure in a single day is different; highest in the morning and lowest at night while sleeping. When blood pressure is known to be higher than normal in a sustainable manner, the person is said to have high blood pressure problems. People with high blood pressure should have at least three blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90 mm Hg at rest.Pressure created by the contraction of the ventricles is the driving force for blood flow through the vessels of the system. When the blood leaves the left ventricle, aorta and arteries expand to accommodate it. When the ventricle relaxes and closes semilunar valves, arterial wall elastic recoil, pushing blood forward into the smaller arteries and arterioles. By maintaining the pressure of blood flow during ventricular relaxation, continuous arterial blood flow produced by blood vessels. Circulation flow in the arteries pulsing, reflecting changes in arterial pressure throughout the cardiac cycle. When passing arterioles, wave disappeared. In the systemic circulation, blood pressure is highest at arteries and the lowest in the small blood vessels. Highest blood pressure in the arteries and falls continue as the blood flows through the circulatory system. Decrease in pressure occurs due to the

energy lost due to the resistance of blood vessels. Resistance to blood flow also comes from the friction between the blood cells. In the systemic circulation, the highest pressure in the aorta and reflects the pressure created by the left ventricle. Aortic pressure reaches an average height of 120 mm Hg during ventricular systole, and then continued to decline from 80 mm Hg during ventricular diastole. Note that although the pressure in the ventricle drops to nearly 0 mm Hg as ventricular relaxation, diastolic pressure in the large arteries are still relatively high. High diastolic pressure in the artery reflects the ability of the container to capture and store energy in the elastic wall. Rapid increase in pressure that occurs when the left ventricle pushes blood into the aorta can be left as the pulse, or pressure waves, transmitted through the fluid-filled arteries of the cardiovascular system. Pressure wave about 10 times faster than the blood itself. Hypertension of blood disorder initially caused by an increase in activity of the vasomotor center or increased levels of plasma epinephrine, thus providing an effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore there are any changes in the function of the blood pressure control system. The main failure of the blood pressure control system malfunction due to baroreceptor or chemoreceptor reflex, so the vasomotor center in the brainstem become hyperactive. And through the sympathetic nerves to the heart valves and the contents will affect heart rate or frequency and on the other hand causes a change in the diameter of blood vessels, thus increasing peripheral resistance. Increased blood pressure can be an increase in systolic and / or diastolic pressure accompanied by an increase. And many more things connected with the treatment of hypertension is a sport, because isotonic sports (such as cycling, jogging, aerobic) are regularlycan accelerate blood circulation so that it can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Exercise also causes a decrease in total peripheral retention due to vasodilation in the exercising muscles. As a result, systolic blood pressure also increased although only in a moderate increase, while diastolic usually tend not to change or down. During exercise blood pressure will go up quite a lot. However, immediately after the exercise is complete, the blood pressure will drop to below normal and lasted for 30-120 minutes. This decrease occurs because the blood vessels widening and relaxation. In patients with hypertension, it will markedly decrease. If the exercise is done repeatedly, over time the blood pressure reduction lasts longer before (Necel, 2009).



Stethoscope Stopwatch/ Watch

2. RESEARCH STAGES 1. Request the OP quietly lying in a resting state, put the cuffs on OP arm. 2. Setting up a stethoscope, determine the location of the brachial artery cubital fossa and put a stethoscope on it. 3. Palpate the radial artery while pumping the cuff until the radial artery is not palpable anymore, then pump back by 30 mmHg. 4. While holding a stethoscope, remove the pump with keepatan 2-3 mmHg per second. 5. Pay attention to which the sound heard through a stethoscope. Determine the sound pressure first and last sounds according to Korotkoff phase. 6. Record the measurement results, and repeat the exercise to obtain similar results. 7. Request the OP activity / exercise for 10 minutes. 8. Measuring blood pressure in the same way as above and record the measurement results.


BLOOD PRESSURE NO NAME AG E 20 20 19 20 20 19 GENDER SYSTOLIC RELAX 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wiana Lina Nabila Arin Debora Labibah Female Female Female Female Female Female 80 90 100 100 110 100 WITH ACTIVITY 110 100 130 110 140 120 DIATOLIC RELAX 60 70 70 70 70 70 WITH ACTIVITY 70 70 80 90 90 90 ARTERY RELAX WITH ACTIVITY -



Ganong, William F. 2003. Fisiologi Kedokteran. Jakarta : EGC Necel. 2009. Perubahan Frekuensi Denyut Jantung dan Tekanan Darah Sebelum dan Sesudah Olahraga. Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman. Seeley, R.R., T.D. Stephens, P. Tate. 2003. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology fourth edition. McGraw-Hill Companies Sherwood, Lauralee. 2001. Fisiologi Manusia. Jakarta : EGC Sloane, Ethel. 2004. Anatomi dan Fisiologi untuk Pemula. Jakarta : EGC.




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