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Of course, we do need the finished sigil, i.e., the graphic end result, for otherwise we could not charge or activate it. But it would be of no use to you at all if you had not constructed it alone, without any outside help. (We will discuss some exceptions to this
rule in our chapter on the pictorial method) The above-mentioned mnemonic is little more than a rephrasing of an exhortation which you will hear frequently from Zen mastersThe way is the goal....
Let us look at a new example. The sentence of desire THIS IS MY WISH TO EARN FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS TOMORROW leaves us with the following letters:
T, H, I, S, M, Y, W, O, E, A, R, N, F, V, D, P
This long list of letters can form the general sigil:
Figure 7
Since this is far too complicated, we will want to simplify it:

Eyebrows - thinking
Thickness - thinking quality
Uniformly thick - powerful thory - given to conflict Scattered - disconnected thinking Root hairs - early bloomer
Across - constant thinking, insomnia
Shape - orientation
Curved - people Straight - ideas Angular - conflict
"The day I became enlightened simply means the day I realized that there is nothing to achieve, there is nowhere to go, there is nothing to be done. We are already divine and we are already perfect-as we are.
No improvement is needed, no improvement at all. God never creates anybody imperfect. Even if you come across an imperfect man, you will see that his imperfection is perfect. God never creates any imperfect thing."
Of course, we do need the finished sigil, i.e., the graphic end result, for otherwise we could not charge or activate it. But it would be of no use to you at all if you had not constructed it alone, without any outside help. (We will discuss some exceptions to this
rule in our chapter on the pictorial method) The above-mentioned mnemonic is little more than a rephrasing of an exhortation which you will hear frequently from Zen mastersThe way is the goal....
!]Let us look at a new example. The sentence of desire THIS IS MY WISH TO EARN FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS TOMORROW leaves us with the following letters:
T, H, I, S, M, Y, W, O, E, A, R, N, F, V, D, P
Use this mantra to sharpen your skills as a spiritual counsellor and teacher, as well as moving your personal dharma forward. This mantra invokes Dattatreyas energy into your life and activities.
The ancient spiritual being Dattatreya, who transmitted spiritual knowledge and eliminated karma for some of his students, is the first known guru in the specific application of the word. There were sages (rishis) and beings of great knowledge and power (Maha Siddhas)
who often acted in the role of teacher or spiritual benefactor to students, but Dattatreya was the first recorded being whose primary job was the leading of souls back to their highest divinity. The syllables Gu and Ru refer to that which dispels the darkness of ignorance,
leading to the release of the actual spiritual light within. The nimbus or halo of the saints and sages is a well-known manifestation of this light.
Om: the seed sound activating the Ajna chakra at the brow centre.
Dram: the seed sound for the Guru Principle manifesting in a form, usually meaning a physical body.
Guru: the transcendental principle of enlightenment, spiritual instruction, and Grace of God that can manifest at any time, any place, through any thing or entity, physical or non-physical. The operation of this is a true spiritual mystery, and there are no limits placed
upon how this principle may manifest.
Dattaya: refers to and invokes the presence of that entity who exists, but without a physical body, who is the primal and first individual guru whose sole purpose was the redemption of souls.
Namaha: the energy of salutation that automatically invokes that which precedes it.
This long list of letters can form the general sigil:

Figure 7
Since this is far too complicated, we will want to simplify it:
=ory - given to conflict Scattered - disconnected thinking Root hairs - early bloomer
Across - constant thinking, insomnia
Shape - orientation
Curved - people Straight - ideas Angular - conflict
Height - patience
High above eyes - patient Low above eyes - impulsiv
that it is quite feasible to include the time factor in the sentence of desire. For example, THIS MY WISH TO BECOME HEALTHY AGAIN THIS MONTH, etc. But an overloaded psychic time schedule in manager fashion would definitely be too much for our magical faculty. In the
chapter But How Does It Work? we will take a closer look at time factors and control of success.
-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.viv$ 10080 90% 99999ulating unseen (occult) forces. Here, I will refer to such activities as magic and divination, respectively. People were so convinced of these magi- cians and diviners that they s 999999 overrideexpire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refres9 override-expire oveKeyboard, Mouse, Input 299 29-06-2013 15:15:11

By babono
Uniformly thick - powerful thinker Thick at beginning - great starter Thick at end - great finisher
Thin - fewer ideas
Hairs - ideas
Contradictory - given to conflict Scattered - disconnected thinking Root hairs - early bloomer
Across - constant thinking, insomnia
Shape - orientation
Curved - people Straight - ideas Angular - conflict
Height - patience
High above eyes - patient Low above eyes - impulsiv
lerEyebrows - thinking
Thickness - thinking quality
Uniformly thick - powerful thinker Thick at beginning - great starter Thick at end - great finisher
Thin - fewer ideas
Hairs - ideas
Contradictory - given to conflict Scattered - disconnected thinking Root hairs - early bloomer
Across - constant thinking, insomnia
Shape - orientation

Curved - people Straight - ideas Angular - conflict

Height - patience
High above eyes - patient Low above eyes - impulsiv
of the Word Method..........15
Chapter 3: The Magical ntical With Ancient Sorcery, New Testament Demonology,," to prepare an essay on the "History of Spiritualism." Two years subsequent to the appointment tone of the most guarded secrets of the ancieulating unseen (occult) forces. Here, I will
refer to such activities as magic sought out these men and women, prs such as al-Buni, Ibn Arabi, and others, Nineveh Shadrach presents a plethora of secret techniques that can I Introduction
Most people today think of magic as something unreal. They associate it with stage illusion- ists or perhaps the wise wizards and evil witches of folklore (and of blockbuster movies). However, magic and divination were very real to Muslims of the Middle East in the
Middle Ages. That is to say, different individuals claimed they had the power to influence the world or gain hidden knowledge by manipulating unseen (occult) forces. Here, I will refer to such activities as magic and divination, respectively. People were so
convinced of these magi- cians and diviners that they sought out these men and women, paid for their servic 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
Identical With Ancient Sorcery, New Testament Demonology, and Modern Witchcraft; With
by W. M'Donald
The author of this volume was appointed, by the "Providence District Ministers' Association," to prepare an essay on the "History of Spiritualism." Two years subsequent to the appointment t override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reloadKeyboard, Mouse,
Input 299 29-06-2013 15:15:11
Rp. 300,000

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By radrotten

Rp. 150,000

Jawa Barat

Rp. 888

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Rp. 123,456,789

DKI Jakarta

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AppleMighty Mouse 2nd Mulus.

By XpectroZ
Keyboard, Mouse, Input 145 21-06-2013 13:15:16


[2nd]AppleMighty Mouse - Wireless | Mulus dan Mantap

By babono
Keyboard, Mouse, Input 360 14-06-2013 23:04:16

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refrThe Calls of Islam esh_pattern -i \.xml$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# images
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refresh_pattern -i \.psd\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
I Introduction
Most people today think of magic as something unreal. They associate it with stage illusion- ists or perhaps the wise wizards and evil witches of folklore (and of blockbuster movies). However, magic and divination were very real to Muslims of the Middle East in the
Middle Ages. That is to say, different individuals claimed they had the power to influence the world or gain hidden knowledge by manipulating unseen (occult) forces. Here, I will refer to such activities as magic and divination, respectively. People were so
convinced of these magi- cians and diviners that they sought out these men and women, paid for their services, copied their books, and in some cases killed these magicians for practicing their arts.
This is not to say that these beliefs and practices were restricted to the Middle East, and it especially should not be taken to suggest that these practitioners and their clients were somehow different or less rational. The historical study of magic is expanding, and this

scholarship continues to emphasize that magical beliefs and practices have been a part of almost every human society.
Historians of the Middle East have been slow to pay attention to this scholarship deal- ing with magic in other regions and other eras. However, there are historians of magic in the Islamic Middle East who are embracing new easy of thinking about the topic, and some of
these sces, copied their books, and in some cases killed these magicians for practicing their arts.
This is not to say that these beliefs and practices were restricted to the Middle East, and it especially should not be taken to suggest that these practitioners and their clients were somehow different or less rational. The historical study of magic is expanding, and this
scholarship continues to emphasize that magical beliefs and practices have been a part of almost every human society.
Historians of the Middle East have been slow to pay attention to this scholarship deal- ing with magic in other regions and other eras. However, there are historians of magic in the Islamic Middle East who are embracing new easy of thinking about the topic, and some of
these scholars are explicitly critical of earlier authorities.
Prayer is used to soften the hearts and subduUntukt Supranatural ini tidak hanya thread ini n for having fun

Wealth, the art to get prosperity~

Diharapkan partisipasi agan sekalian untuk meramaikan pula thread - thread di atas, sehingga keberlangsungan thread tersebut juga dapat terjaga. Let us look at a new example. The sentence of desire THIS IS MY WISH TO EARN FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS TOMORROW leaves us with the
following letters:
T, H, I, S, M, Y, W, O, E, A, R, N, F, V, D, P
This long list of letters can form the general sigil:
Figure 787
Since this is far too complicated, we will want to simplify it:
ahulu. menurut kyai ahli hikmah tahap paling awal adalah mengkaji dan mengaji alquran sebab inti dari sumber-sumber ilmu hikmah berasal dari alquran. seseorang diharuskan memahami ayat-ayat alquran, mengkaji maknanya dan mengamalkan isinya.us methods of making such
graphic designs are available. Some use letters and combine them to a sigil. Others make use of symbols and designs and combine these to a magical sigil.
semuanya.Insyaallah jika kita menjalankannya dengan sungguh-sungguh akan datang pertolongan ALLAH SWT melalui semua makhluk ciptaanNYA. Sebelum dan sesudahnya saya mohon MAAF jika ada salah kata dan ucapan.Terima kasih. bersih. Kemudian haluskan, jauh lebih baik jika
Anda tumbuh ketimbang diblender. Proses penghalusan dengan jalan ditumbuk akan memaksimalkan sari kunyit yang keluar.
Setelah kunyit halus, saringlah dan simpan airnya di dalam wadah untuk kemudian dicampur dengan air dan direbus dengan api sedang.
Pikiran bawah sadar adalah potensi yang belum digunakan
Pikiran bawah sadar sangat cerdas
Pikiran bawah sadar bersifat sangat she circle of experts "Thilasmt and Taskhrt (of Sufi scholars) said that in the sentence-sentence prayer contains this thilasm and taskhir who have incredible influence. But we do not want to see from the side they say, we want to
see from the side of the authenticity of this prayer-based theorem proof Sunna and the tradition of scholars A'lam (very pious).
Maybe some of us to ask whether "Thilasmat" and "Taskhir" is?. Thilasmat is one part of knowledge about the secret-a secret letter. While Taskhir-series is a series of letters and sentences in a prayer that can conquer the hearts of men.
For more details, okay I quote informatiosudah tidak bisa melanjutkan untuk mengurusi thread .:||[reborn]BRAINWAVE ATTRACT LOVE||:. maka tercetuslah ide untuk membuat thread Brainwave Attract Love dengan isi yang lebih spesifik dan
Tipe File : exe / digibook
ink yang aktif. Diharapkan partisipasinya bagi seluruh kaskuser yang mengunjungi thread ini demi kelangsungan thread ini, terutama bagi yang menemukan link yang tidak aktif harap hubungi TS.

Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui bahwa thread yang bertemakan brainwave di Forum Supranatural ini tidak hanya thread ini saja, berikut ini merupakan thr
Penulis : BlacheartDipublikasikan oleh vannadis

Tipe File : exe / digibook
Dalam kondisi komunikasi 2 arah, kapan kondisi rapport terjadi? Yaitu pada saat 900 orang sudah memenuhi syarat, dan si satan critical factor, yaitu bagian dari diri kita yang menyeleksi sekian banyak informasi, dan ia hanya menerima informasi-informasi yang
benar-benar bisa dipercaya. Tujuan dari komunikasi rapport adalah menembus critical factor sehingga informasi apapun yang kita berikan dapat langsung diterima tanpa proses filter yang berarti. Bagaimana menembus critical factor ? Ada banyak cara, salah satunya adalah
dengan terus memberikan informasi yang memenuhi syarat bagi critical factor sehingga lama kelamaan ia menjadi lelah dan menjadi bosan, di saat inilah kondisi rapport terjadi.

EbooBawah sadar kita tidak mengenal istirahat. Bahkan ketika kita tidak memberi perintah, maka ia akan mDalam kondisi kahwa tamu selanjutnya PASTI memenuhi syarat pula. Pada kondisi inilah a
nice infonya gan,susah jg ni nyari muka aslinya personil slipknop,lumayan serem2 jg ya gan.
Penulis : BlacheartAn error occurred while displaying this deviation
Please visit the deviation page to try again.
Tipe File : exe / digibook
Ebook lebih dari The Secret Try Before You Die adalah suatu cara mewujudkan semua impian dengan kekuatan pikiran. Membahas mekanisme keajaiban kerja otak dan pikiran, dan melatih gelombang otak Anda sehingga dapat digunakan untuk merubah kehidupan Anda menuju
arahCerita di atas merupakan sebuah gambaran sederhana bagaimana sebuah rapport terjadi di alam bawah sadar. Satpam tadi sebenarnya merupakan critical factor, yaitu bagian dari diri kita yang mrmasi yang memenuhi syarat bagi critical factor sehingga lama kelamaan ia
menjadi lelah dan menjadi bosan, di saat inilah kondisi rapport terjadi.

1. Sejarah Brainwave Entrainment

2. Cara Kerja Brainwave Entrainment
3. Membuat Sendiri Brainwave Entrainment
4. Gelombang Beta
5. Gelombang Alpha
6. Gelombang Thetahttp_acoimnuturaib
JAWAB AJA SENDcess deny allen nice infonya gan,susah jg ni nyari muka aslinya personil slipknop,lumayan serem2 jg ya gan.
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Air matang sebanyak 1 liter.
Sedikit garam

It Works Book.pdf19 Januari pukul 3:11 Versi terbaru Marilyn Holzmannnice infonya gan,susah jg ni nyari muka aslinya personil slipknop,lumayan serem2 jg ya gan.

Gula jawa sebanyak 50 gram

Air matang sebanyak 1 liter.
Sedikit garam


TESTIMONIES on the 114 DAYS JOURNEY!!Milton Erickson, seorang maestro hypnotherapy, . . . MAU TANYA . . . .
enang berbagi
tanks to telkomsel

Gula jawa sebanyak 50 gram

Air matang sebanyak 1 liter.
Sedikit garam

Mf gw lg iseng sob
Suka 14 menit yang lalu mengutarakan hasil pengamatannya terhadap pikiran bawah sadar sebagai berikut.
1. Kemampuan pikiran bawah sadar terpisah dan pikiran sadar
2. Pikiran bawah sadar adalah gudang penyimpanan informasi
3. Pikiran bawah sadar adalah potensi yang belum digunakan
4. Pikiran bawah sadar sangat cerdas
5. Pikiran bawah sadar bersifat sangat sadar

6. Pikiran bawah sadar mengamati dan memberikan respons dengan jujur

7. Pikiran bawah sadar bersifat seperti anak kecil
8. Pikiran bawah sadar adalah sumber emosi
9. Pikiran bawah sadar bersifat universal
2. EBOOK Fenomena Parapsikologi
1. Memahami Parapsikologi
2. Indra Ke-Enam [ESP] extra sensory perception
4. Clairvoyance
5. Prekognisi
6. Psikokinesis
7. Pengalaman keluar dari tubuh
8. Reinkarnasi
9. Pengalaman kematian
10. Medium
CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!!! On the comment area tell us how amazing this whole journey was!! WOOHooo!!
We started Oct 1 and here we are!!! CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! WE DID IT!!!Lanjutkan MembacaBerechiah. Known only as Ajnas, its reputation grew, but few possessed it. It has rcsurlaied in recent years ami remains elKunyit sebanyak 250 gram.
Sekarang, adalah kesempatan Anda untuk memahami hipnotis (hypnosis, hipnosis, atau hipnotisme) dengan sudut pandang yang benar. Untuk download e-book hipnotis ini, langsung saja klik tombol download merah di bawah ini.
senang berbagi
tanks to telkomsel

Gula jawa sebanyak 50 gram

Air matang sebanyak 1 liter.
Sedikit garam
Setelah semua bahan-bahan yang diperlukan tersedia, saatnya Anda memulai pembuatan jamu kunyit asam. Berikut cara membuat jamu kunyit asam yang kami rangkum langkah demi langkah:
Pertama, cuci bersih kunyit dengan air mengalir. Selanjutnya kupas kulitnya dan kembali cuci bersih. Kemudian haluskan, jauh lebih baik jika Anda tumbuh ketimbang diblender. Proses penghalusan dengan jalan ditumbuk akan memaksimalkan sari kunyit yang keluar.
Setelah kunyit halus, saringlah dan simpan airnya di dalam wadah untuk kemudian dicampur dengan air dan direbus dengan api sedang.
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Setelah kunyit halus, saringlah dan simpan airnya di dalam wadah untuk kemudian dicampur dengan air dan direbus dengan api sedang.
Setelah air kunyit tersebut panas, masukkan gula jawa, asam jawa, dan juga garam. Aduk hingga mendidih. Angkat dan dinginkan.

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acl ym dstdomain .rareedge.com .ytunnelpro.com .chat.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .voice.yahoo.com
acl ymregex url_regex yupdater.yim ymsgr myspaceim
# Other protocols Yahoo!Messenger uses ??
acl ym dstdomain .skype.com .imvu.com
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refresh_pattern ^http://*.kompas.*/.* 180 80% 4320
refresh_pattern ^http://*.kapanlagi.*/.* 720 80% 4320
refresh_pattern ^http://*.google-analytics.*/.* 720 80% 4320
# compressed
refresh_pattern -i \.gz$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.cab$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.bzip2$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.bz2$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.gz2$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.tgz$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.tar.gz$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.zip$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.rar$ 1008000 90% 99999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.tar$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.ace$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.7z$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# documents
refresh_pattern -i \.xls$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.doc$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload

refresh_pattern -i \.xlsx$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload

refresh_pattern -i \.docx$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.pdf$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.ppt$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.pptx$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.rtf\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# multimedia
refresh_pattern -i \.mid$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.wav$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.viv$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mpg$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mov$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.avi$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.asf$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.qt$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.rm$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.rmvb$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mpeg$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.wmp$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.3gp$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mp3$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mp4$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# web content
refresh_pattern -i \.js$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.psf$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.html$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.htm$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.css$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.swf$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.js\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.css\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.xml$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# images
refresh_pattern -i \.gif$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.jpg$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.png$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.jpeg$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.bmp$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.psd$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.ad$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.gif\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.jpg\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.png\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.jpeg\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.psd\?$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# application
refresh_pattern -i \.deb$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.rpm$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.msi$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.exe$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.dmg$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload

# misc
refresh_pattern -i \.dat$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.qtm$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
# itunes
refresh_pattern -i \.m4p$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i \.mpa$ 10080 90% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload

################ END DELAYPOOLS ################

http_access allow manager localhost
http_access allow ym
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow localNet
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl blitz src
acl localhost src
acl padinet1 src
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow blitz
http_access allow padinet1
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain mt.google.com mt0.google.com mt1.google.com mt2.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain mt3.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain kh.google.com kh0.google.com kh1.google.com kh2.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain kh3.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain kh.google.com.au kh0.google.com.au kh1.google.com.au
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain kh2.google.com.au kh3.google.com.au
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain khm.google.com khm0.google.com khm1.google.com khm2.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain khm3.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain khm.google.com.au khm0.google.com.au khm1.google.com.au
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain khm2.google.com.au khm3.google.com.au
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain .googlehosted.com .books.google.com
acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain .youtube.com
acl store_rewrite_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/get_video\?
acl store_rewrite_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/videodownload\?
# YouTube options.
quick_abort_min -1 KB
# This will block other streaming media.Maybe we don't want this, but using
# it for now.
# hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
# acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
# cache deny QUERY
cache allow all
refresh_pattern -i (mt|kh|tb).*\.google.com\/.* 604800 0% 604800 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i keyhole.com 604800 0% 604800 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth

refresh_pattern -i ytimg.com 604800 0% 604800 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i googlehosted.com 604800 0% 604800 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i youtube.com 604800 0% 604800 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern \.ini$ 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern cgi-bin 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern \? 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
refresh_pattern -i \.dmg$ 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.bin$ 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims
#header_access From deny all
#header_access Referer deny all
#header_access Server deny all
#header_access User-Agent deny all
#header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
#header_access Link deny all
#header_access Rewrite-URL deny all
#header_access X-Rewrite-URL deny all
#header_access Pragma deny all
#header_access Keep-Alive deny all
cache_peer parent 8080 0 proxy-only no-query no-digest name=xl_proxy
header_access Host deny all
header_replace Host funbook.xl.co.id
never_direct allow all

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