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Teacher Candidate: _________Brian Coughlin_________________________ Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ _____KG_______ Group i!e: ______"0____________ #llotted Ti$e: _____4% $ins____________ ___"rd__________ u()ect or Topic: _____________*eather_________________________ Date: _______2/10/14_________ Coop. Initials: Grade &e'el: ection: ______G+&D__________

T#,D#-D: ./# Co$$on Core0:

S3.D.2.1.2: Describe how weather variables (i.e., temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation) are observed and measured.
I. /er1or$ance +()ecti'es .&earning +utco$es0 Student will be able to: 1) Explain the difference between weather and climate. 2) Use weather data to compare the climate of two different locations. II. Instructional 2aterials
Item Science notebooks Climate comparisons student copies !emperature and "recipitation #raphs o$erheads !emperature and "recipitation #raphs student copies &lobe not pro$ided) 30 in bin) 1 in binder) %0 in bin) in classroom) Amount

III. u()ect 2atter/ Content .prere3uisite s4ills5 4e6 'oca(ular65 (ig idea0
Earth and Space Science' (eather

1) 2)

Explain how air temperature) moisture) wind speed and direction) and precipitation make up the weather in a particular place and time. *ifferentiate between weather and climate.

Skills of +n,uir .eco#ni/e simple patterns in data and use data to create a reasonable explanation for the results of an in$esti#ation or experiment. .ecord data and communicate findin#s to others usin# #raphs) charts) maps) models) and oral and written reports.

I7. I$ple$entation ho8 'ideo: http://learning9in9action.8illia$s.edu/opportunities/ele$entar69outreach/science9lessons/"rd9 grade98eather9unit/

#. Introduction : +ntroduce the concept of climate to the class. Explain that climate is the a$era#e weather temperature) precipitation) and wind) of a place o$er a period of man- -ears. 0sk the students to #i$e ideas about the climate of (illiamstown or 1orth 0dams. Explain that thinkin# about the weather in different seasons is actuall- a #ood description of climate. B. De'elop$ent :
Activity: 1) "ass out the climate comparison sheets to the class temperature and precipitation) and place the climate comparison sheet for temperature on the o$erhead. *iscuss that -ou can use tables of data to make comparisons) and explain how tables are created. Explain that dail- weather measurements are taken for man- -ears and then a$era#ed. Climate data can help predict which months mi#ht be colder or warmed and which locations on the earth mi#ht be colder or warmer. 0sk students to think about wh- these different locations mi#ht be colder or warmer. Use a #lobe to discuss wh- locations nearer to the e,uator are warmer. *iscuss the precipitation data as well. 0sk the students to make bar #raphs with the temperature and precipitation data from each of the three locations. *emonstrate how to make a bar #raph) usin# the #raph o$erheads pro$ided) if necessar-. !he bar #raphs should pro$ide a #ood $isual for the differences in climate. 0ssist students as necessar- to complete the #raph. +f needed) do a re$iew of how to make a bar #raph with the class before #i$in# the students time to work indi$iduall-.


C. Closure : *iscuss the followin# ,uestions with the class. (hat is weather2 (hat is climate2 3ow is the climate of (illiamstown41orth 0dams different from the climate of 5lorida2 5rom 0laska2 (h- is the climate different2 D. #cco$$odations / Di11erentiation 9 The 8eather data 8ill (e printed in larger 1ont 1or easier reading. ;. #ssess$ent/;'aluation plan 1. <or$ati'e #ssess (ased on ho8 the students 8or4 on the acti'it6 and respond to the 3uestions. 2. u$$ati'e Science notebook responses) participation in class acti$ities and discussions) completion of the climate comparisons 7. -e1lecti'e -esponse #. -eport o1 tudents= /er1or$ance in Ter$s o1 tates +()ecti'es B. /ersonal -e1lection

7I. -esources >outu(e Bill ,6e 'ideo: http://888.6outu(e.co$/8atch?'@AuBohCgi0%g &esson /lan: http://learning9in9action.8illia$s.edu/opportunities/ele$entar69outreach/science9lessons/"rd9grade9 8eather9unit/

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