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We the people are here today to appeal the bill passed by Dick Cheney and George W.

Bush The National Energy Policy. To have the oil companies follow the Clean Water Act also to disclose the chemicals that are used in the mud for hydraulic fracturing. In all of the united states will have this law be effective by January 1st 2015 and it will be overseen by the (NEPA) National Environmental Protection Agency. The fine for not following this bill will be based on the damage that is caused, the cleaned up that is needed, and also monitoring of the company by the EPA for at least the next 20 years. If there is damage made that cant be fixed the CEO and the board of directors of the company will be criminally liable and will be charged in a suitable manor. Fracking is a process used to extract oil and natural gas. The process is used to extract the oil/ natural gas by using thousands of gallons of water, mixed with chemicals which some are undisclosed. This liquid then is forced into the welling casings under high pressure. The force causes a change in geologic structure, which allows gas molecules to escape therefore, allowing the industries to harvest natural gases. The problem that Fracking is causing is when the chemicals are placed into the ground they seep through the soil creating water problems, the chemicals go into the lakes/ rivers through out the

united states and go into the water that we are giving our children, using in the kitchen and drinking every day. This chemical leakage is causing sickness through the states and raising a concern. The Clean Water Act was passed in 1972, The objective of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act (CWA), is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters by preventing point and nonpoint pollution sources, providing assistance to publicly owned treatment works for the improvement of wastewater treatment, and maintaining the integrity of wetlands. This is something that should be enforced everywhere and in every company. The National Energy Policy has rules and powers to over rule this in a way that is hurting the environment and affect our people through toxic water. Permanent permit exemptions granted to all oil and gas construction activities for roads, drill pads, pipeline corridors, refineries and compressor stations required under the Clean Water Act. Exempted oil companies from paying royalties on oil produced from deepwater wells, created a special exception to the Safe Drinking Water Act for the "hydraulic fracturing process". As CAP notes, this process was invented by Halliburton, Limited states' voice with regard to projects affecting their

coastlines, and This also included limiting court action with respect to offshore oil development, Etc. We the people should appeal the National Energy Policy to save our planet and the citizens that are being severally effected by the poison being drilled into their water, lakes, and rivers through out the United States and introducing the Clean Water Acts to the oil industries.

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