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Democracy - The Antichrist's Religion

J.A. Clark – theHumanStain.net

Post Date: 2-20-08

'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall .'

One of the most moving and inspirational speeches from a United States President
contained these words. President Reagan spoke these words to a large Berlin
crowd, June 12, 1987. I recall hearing this speech on the news and felt relief that
there was progress for democracy.

Then, in 1989, the wall did fall and I knew then that democracy was in and
communism was out. However, what I didn't realize at the time was that
democracy, not communism, was Satan's true religion. Let me explain further.

There is no doubt that communism and the nations using a communist government
took millions of lives. It suppressed millions more. However, democracy will usher in
a dictator that will make communism look like a clown at a child's birthday party.

The United States of America was founded on the philosophy of 'United we stand,
divided we fall'. The real power of this philosophy comes directly from 'the people'.
Look at what Hitler did. He didn't just bully his way into Germany's leader. He was
democratically elected. When Hitler saw that the German people were behind him
100%, he abolished all other political parties.

When the Antichrist comes into power, he will learn from history and do likewise. As
a result, all people will be as one. The politically correct statement of 'unity in
diversity' will become common doctrine.

The Antichrist will also know how to form the entire world into one world
government. He has a perfect example of how it can work with our own U.S. of A.
Here is an interesting statistic. There were approximately 38 million newcomers to
the US from 1820 and 1940. Holy gucamole! 38 million? Yepper, 38 million. That
included 6 million Germans, 4.7 million Italians, 4.5 million Irish 4.2 million Brits,
3.5 million Russians, 2.5 million Austrians and 1.5 million Swedish. That is a lot of
stuff for the 'melting pot' of America.

But here's the thing. It worked. This great experiment of democracy worked. By the
late 1800's, the US was second to none. There was no other country even close to
having the complete political and economical power the U.S held at this time. And
that undisputed global champion status was held for 70 or 80 years. Then
something happened.

Europe became tired of all the wars. Grew tired of the multitude of monetary
exchange problems. In 1957, the Common Market (In 1994 the name was changed
to European Union) was formed. Belgium, German, Luxembourg, France,
Netherlands and of course the old Roman empire designate, Italy.

Europe had found the magic formula to match and ultimately exceed the United
States. Just look at the Euro compared to the U.S. Dollar. For the first time in
history, the U.S. Dollar is not the 'big man on campus'. It takes a back seat to the
Euro. Reports from New York City have been received stating many businesses are
now taking the Euro over the Dollar!

It has to happen. The U.S. must become second to the European Union both
politically and economically. The Bible prophesies in Revelation 13:7 that the
Antichrist will be given political power; 'he was given authority over every tribe,
people, language and nation.' The 'he' is of course referring to the Antichrist.

Revelation 13:16-18 also prophesies that the Antichrist will be given complete
control of the global economy: 'He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and
poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that
no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or
the number of his name.' The 'beast' mentioned is none other than the Antichrist.

So you can now see why, even though what President Reagan said to Gorbachev
was inspirational, it was also absolutely necessary to help form the 'Antichrist's
Religion' into what it has to be to enable Jesus Christ to return and fulfill Bible
prophecy. And Jesus will return with 'hurtin' on his mind. He will completely take
Satan, the Antichrist and his gumba schmuck, the False Prophet out of the picture
(Revelation 19:20; 20:1-3).

But don't hassle it - you don't have to go through any of that bad stuff. To get a
free ticket out, all you have to do is

• Admit you are a sinner.

• Believe, with everything in you, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world
and that he died for you (and everyone else) on a cross and then came back
to life.
• Through a prayer, invite Jesus into your life asking his direct assistance in
guiding your life.
• Make a daily effort in living like Jesus.
• Confess your sins daily to Jesus through prayer.

You can have this free gift of eternal life given to you by Jesus by saying this simple
Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness.
I believe that You died for my sins on a cross and lived again and then went to
heaven to prepare a place just for me.
I want to turn from my sins.
I now ask you to come into my life.
I will trust and follow You as the only true Lord and Savior.
In Your name. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, you are now safe from any of that hocus pocus the
Antichrist brews up. Mostly because you will not even be around to witness it. You
will be in Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17). It's guaranteed by Jesus Christ himself
(John 3:16).

But don't wait because no one knows when Christ will return for his Church
(Matthew 24:36).

Welcome to the family of God!

Check ya later!

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