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Ok, for a little fun with words, Im often Joe King, but not this time....

My profession has been up until this point teaching people to sell products mainly through persuasive demonstrations. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate only done by reading it in print! that all answers lie within the "uestions that the essay poses. Most people will find this obvious, but #ust in case, I thought I would give you a heads up. Ignore the strange punctuation, unless of course you are paying attention and reali$e the answers are obviously highlighted with this punctuation. It may seem a little funny to start with the "uestion I do, but in reality, most people never really ask themselves this "uestion, which should be the starting point of knowing how to have fun and be happy. In other words, "uestions are the answer. %hall we begin& 'ho are you, and what do you want& These are two of the most uncontemplated "uestions and important starting points to opening the door to what I believe is the most important thing in life, purpose(.). In his book The Myth of %isyphus, (lbert )amus says *There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental "uestion of philosophy.+ ,ou are the #udge, and purpose is on trial every moment of your life. 'e must look at what stands out boldly in our lives. What if & This is a "uestion that everyone should ask themselves at least once per day because it will help lead you to answers to the first two "uestions. *'hat if&- is the basis of a dream. .reams are the beginnings of vision. /ision makes purpose real. 0urpose is the foundation of happiness. 1veryone wants happiness. 'hat if what& 'hat if I could live anywhere I wanted& Or what if I could do anything(?) I wanted& 'hat if I could be an inventor& 'hat if I could be a writer& 'hat if I could be a scientist& 'hat if I could be a spiritual leader& 'hat if I could be a teacher that could teach the world, or #ust one other person to appreciate the earth& 'hat if I could remedy world hunger & 'hat if I could help the world through my vocation& 'hat if there e2ists a non3local mind& I want to answer all those "uestions. 4ow will it make me feel to understand or achieve these things& 'ho am I& 'hat do I want& I am a salesman. I never wanted that. I always wanted to have a noble

vocation(.), with a higher purpose. %omehow I was serendipitously guided to be what I am to get what I want. I believe that all the joy and happiness I have e2perienced and will e2perience in the future come from the power of purpose(.) and I have achieved that by asking the right "uestions. I recently read a book about selling. The book is free but to get it you must buy a multifunctional pen which should be personally demonstrated. It brings form and function together by creating a product the pen and free book! that need to be personally demonstrated(.) to have the full impact representing the process of selling the product that the book was about. The pen costs 567%. which is much more than it is worth, but coupled with what it can do take notes in a book that can teach the reader to increase their earnings tremendously! the value is much greater than 856. The purpose demonstrates that you must invest in things that you don9t really want sometimes to get the result you want. I didn9t wake up in the morning and say I want to write about the power of purpose. :ut I do want it. I know the power it has in my life(.) and can have in yours. This writing represents the product of what the writing is about. The form of writing this essay acts out one of the elements of my purpose driven life. Living is being, and it must be about purpose(.), otherwise, as Maude said in the movie 4arold and Maude! ;you have nothing to talk about in the locker room;. 'hat is purpose& 'ebster9s dictionary defines purpose as something set up as an ob#ect or end to be attained. 1very element that makes up our e2istence is formed out of purpose or with a purpose, and coming together(.) to form such a comple2 conscious life form as ourselves is evidence that purpose is flourishing all around us. <rom where does this purpose come from, and where is it going& Is he purpose of the elements to make it possible for life to e2ist& 'hich came first, purpose or life& Is life a manifestation of the power of purpose& Is the purpose of life to make it possible for consciousness to e2ist& 0urpose is around us in every part of our e2istence and especially in every life form(.). =ife9s purpose is to grow and get better at it. >et better at it by casting off what is bad and keeping what is good

evolution!, ultimately resulting in sentient beings. 'hat is the purpose of consciousness& I prefer the :uddhist9s analogy of the ultimate purpose being to move toward the consciousness of pure light. 'hat kind of purpose would make you happy& 'hat we are all seeking is a purpose higher than what we are born with. Most people don9t know this because they do not know how to ask the right "uestions. 'e are conditioned through nature and nurture to ask the wrong "uestions. ?ature has conditioned us to ask "uestions like @what are we going to eat ne2t, and when can I have se2A& ?urture has conditioned us to !s" #uestions like @how can I make more moneyA, and @what is it that I need to buy ne2tA& 'hen things don9t go right we ask, why me& .o you think "uestions like this will direct you toward a higher purpose(.)& 4appiness comes with the reali$ation of purpose. 'hat makes up happiness& One of the elements is pleasure for ourselves. :ut to be able to create for, or share pleasure with others is even a higher purpose. 'e are born to grow and learn. $haring the joy of achieving that with others brings even more pleasure. The first year of life is easy as our purpose(.) comes from our preprogrammed genes. Millions of years of evolution have created a purposeful being that maybe is a noble representation of the pure light of consciousness. (s we get older, our higher purpose is to learn more than enough to survive. (cting this out later in life can be difficult because we are not conditioned to learn more than we need to. %urvival is becoming easier and easier with the advance of technology. 7nfortunately, once we start to learn the basics of survival, la$iness creeps in and technology supports this la$iness. If purpose is light then la$iness is darkness.

'hy are "uestions so important& %uestions direct the mind. If the universal mind(.) e2ists, and there is more and more indisputable scientific evidence that it does, then the "uestions we ask ourselves direct our mind and thus the universal mind. The universal mind god,

or (llah or the consciousness of pure light! is the original purpose. The opposite is chaos or perhaps you could say the original sin. )haos is to disobey the *natural order- of things. :ut maybe chaos is the natural order of things. Maybe &haos is natural(.) and has been contaminated with organi$ation by the universal mind. Life is a battle against movement toward chaos'. ( battle against la(iness'. !nd battle against ignorance(.). Most of us know this e2perience on a personal scale. 'hen plans fall apart. 'hen nothing seems to go right. 'hen ignorance wins over e2perience. <ortunately for you and I, chaos seems to be more than counterbalanced by growth and progress, at least here on earth. The evidence is spiritual progress and technological progress. The universal mind is winning here on earth and maybe always has. I always wanted to be a scientist, muscian, or philosopher but I am a salesman(.). 0aying attention to purpose is my vocation. To be a good salesman, you must understand purpose so you can lead yourself and others to it. I have been humbled by listening to many people refer to sales as the lowliest of vocations. :ut I dont thin" people "now what salespeople are(.). 'hat is ! salesperson& The most noble achievements in my opinion have been made by salespeople. >handi was a salesperson. 4e sold solidarity through non3violent reaction. 1very ma#or advancement in our society is made by a salesperson in various vocations that they were passionate about. Beligious leaders, politicians, military leaders, philosophers, scientists, are all salesmen. 'hat makes something noble& It is defined as Aunusual and outstanding in a positive, uplifting way9. In your current vocation can you be ma"ing a positive' uplifting difference in someone)s life(.)& My #ob as a salesman is not to supply answers. 1ven though I think I have answers to CCD of the "uestions I ask in my work, my answers are not your answers. I9m not a wordsmith but rather a "uestionsmith. My *eality is not your personal reality and means nothing to you because you and I! have not heard your answer. If I say something, it is not from you. Only you can tell yourself a truth, and you can only do it as the result of answering #uestions(.). Many people think they

already have the answers, but they have not really asked the "uestions. They have unconsciously taken the answers of others to be true. :uddhists believe that you should not believe anything when you have not asked the "uestion and answered it yourself. I have to agree. %o what can you do to further your "uest to find a purpose driven life& $earch for the right #uestions(.). Euestions are the answer to creating and e2panding a purpose driven life. 1very "uestion you ask yourself will lead your mind to an answer. If there is not an obvious answer, your mind will make one up and you will start believing it and acting on it. Knowing how to use the right "uestions for your own mind will always lead you to a right answer and move you toward a right action. Euestions are the basis of my work. Euestions cut to the chase. They e2pose the elements that will make a sale finding a way to act out your purpose! the "uickest most ethical way possible. The elements of a sale, any sale, are as follows. .o people want what you are selling& )an they use what you are selling& Is it a better way of doing what they want to do and can they afford it& Most e2pensive products are good, or at least usually better than less e2pensive products. If given the choice, most people want the better product. (lmost always, with a good product which a purpose driven life is!, a sale comes down to affordability. 1veryone wants a motivating purpose, and most everyone thinks they can benefit from one, which with a few simple "uestions, agreement can be secured that a noble purpose is a better way. 4owever, the price you must pay to act out your purpose is self discipline, and it is usually a higher price than most people want to pay. 'isdom is uncommon and thus valuable because of the self discipline needed to accumulate it. I know that with the right "uestions, I can help sell myself and possibly you! on paying the high price of self discipline to achieve a purpose driven life and in the process, wisdom and happiness will be our reward(.). There is a beetle banging against the glass trying to get in the door. It is spring in the country in %wit$erland. The beetles purpose is to fly toward the light in my living room. <or what reason, I don9t know but I9m sure that there is a good one. Maybe he #ust has the urge to go toward the source of all life, pure light. The power of purpose directs

all life to he most important thing. My purpose has always been to help people get what they want. In most businesses we concentrate on financial success. :ut in the process of helping people achieve financial success, I have found that the real reward is not the reali$ation of this success, but the impact of teaching people that success is balancing learning' doing' thin"ing' sharing+giving' and searching(.). %earching for ways to act out your purpose. 'hat would help me reali$e my purpose and thus make me happy& )an you imagine a product that would help the individual and society to learn, progress and o shed ignorance& )ould you sell such a product& 'ould you be happy if people bought such a product from you& If you knew that if they used it in the least effective way, whatever they traded you money or time! would be worth much less than the benefit that they and the world received, would you be happy that you had helped them receive it& Is it something you would want other people to #oin you in the same "uest& (s a salesperson seeking a higher purpose(.), this is the product that I am seeking. This product e2ists, and it is very simple. It e2ists in this essay. It is called ideas. %elling people ideas that will help them is my purpose. 'hy is he idea of purpose so important& The power of purpose has been thought about for longer than humans had the ability to write. 'hat is written about purpose and in particular noble purpose is described in all ma#or religious te2ts and has a common theme. 4uman purpose or gods purpose for humans in )hristianity and Islam at least! is to move yourself toward morality, moderate with tolerance, encourage others through e,ample, practice getting better, and be thankful prayer(.)!. (ccordingly, if you act out this purpose you will go to heaven or somewhere else hell!. :ut why this belief& <or most people it is obvious that we should be thankful for what we have. %ometimes we need to be thankful for what we don9t have. 'e don9t have -ternal life. 0urpose can not e2ist without lack of purpose. =ight does not *e2ist- without darkness. It is a bit parado2ical. .arado,(.) are ideas that seem not to be able to e2ist together, but do,

and in most cases must. 0arado2 is an essential element to create consciousness as we know it. 0arado2 creates the need for consciousness to ask "uestions. Euestions create the *illuminating light- of consciousness. 0ure light is one of the most parado2ical phenomenon that we know of. It is a particle and a wave. 4ow can the same thing e2ist in two forms& It is a pure parado2 of reality. )ould /eaven and hell be the same thing& )ould it be that light is the fundamental element of e2istence& (toms are only real because they occupy space in a special organi$ed way. .oes this organi$ing force originate in light which e2ists because we perceive it(.)& Or is light #ust a reflection of the source& The higher power& If there is a higher power, then must there be a lower power& 'hat I would call evil certainly e2ists in our reality, whether perceived or *real-. Is evil simply darkness& The lack of light& The right "uestions will lead you toward the light. In the :uddhist wheel of Life, the driving force behind all e2istence is ignorance, and the purpose of life is to shed ignorance from our current consciousness and e2it the circle of suffering , or life as we know it, moving toward the consciousness of pure light(.). This is done through bettering yourself and teaching others to do the same. :uilt into our genes are the natural urges to self replicate. 'e call it the se2ual urge. :ut would we have this purpose if life did not end& Is it possible that the price we pay for purpose is death& 'hy cannot one life go on forever& The elements that make up our bodies don9t deteriorate. 'hat power gives these elements the power or necessity to form into compounds that begin life& Most religions say that this is the power of god, or (llah, or the universal mind. (nd what power causes them to deteriorate into a lower form of energy& =ife seems not to be able to e2ist without he inevitability of death. .oes life mean something without death& .oes death simply give life meaning or purpose(.)& 'ithout the deadline that we are all born with, we cannot find purpose biologically or spiritually. =iving things do not need o procreate if they do not die. :ut why should we even see" a higher purpose if we know that we are going to die& That is our purpose(.). To ask the "uestion. To seek the answer. To find create, live! the solution. Euestions can cause each of us to find our right purpose.

'hat is that& Most people would agree when asked the right "uestions that a noble purpose would be to keep on living through our .ositive deeds. Our deeds can be to keep the economy moving with a business, and thus help society e2ist by working our #obs with persistence, dignity, and responsibility. Or it can be performing the incredibly important function of being a good parent. Our purpose is to better ourselves and our society. %ome of this betterment can ta"e the form of children' relationships' and how we leave our legacy materially or ideologically(.). 'hat "uestions do I need to answer to stay on the path of *ightful purpose& It is a balancing act. 'hat are your passions(.)& 4ow can you make the transition to what you are passionate about from what you are doing& I9m going skiing now. (nd to work later. That is the right balance for me. :alance is a key element to continuing to act out the right purpose. I believe you act out a purpose driven life full of #oy and enthusiasm through having a balanced life. 0inding your passions and balancing them is the "ey to opening the door to purpose(.). 0urpose is a compound made up of many elements. =ike the elements of our universe rarely do they occur in a pure form. 4ope, dreams, wishes, plans, acts, reflections, searching, balance, gratitude, and self discipline are all elements of purpose, and each of these elements can in turn be broken down into component elements. (s we continue to break things down, eventually it leads us to something we cannot define. :uddhists say, If you loo" hard enough, you cannot find it F the I in I am F the ultimate element of consciousness. (n element is a combination of protons, neutrons and electrons. :ut these phenomenon are difficult to pin down. ( proton and a neutron evidently e2ist as matter, but what of an electron& It is pure energy. 1ou will find protons and neutrons are made up of even smaller more indefinite phenomenon. These organi$ed spaces of energy make up our physical world. The GG6 elements are energy organi$ed or converged to create our physical world. The periodic table of elements is our dictionary of our physical world. (nd our emotions are the periodic chart of purpose. -motions are the highest purpose(.)

of energy I believe. (nd the $elf discipline of these emotions is one of our higher purposes(.). 0urpose is directed emotional energy #ust like all the elements that our bodies are made of are directed physical energy. 1verything has !n interconnected purpose. :ecause we live creates purpose and in the process the elements of purpose are manifested in our acts! #ust as the big bang caused our reality to manifest. 'e create little bangs F acts of god(.) that will have the ripple effect on reality as we know it infinitely into the future. In non3living nature, the more simple the compound, the more stable it is. In living nature, it seems that the more complicated the organi$ation of compounds, the more advantage that the *being- has over others. Is purpose so simple& ,es. )omplication is only an advantage when found in living things. Thinking is complicated. &onsciously thin"ing about a noble purpose and how we can live it out is even more complicated. 'e need to do more of this kind of thinking. he right #uestions cause us to think in the right direction. 'e can think how to manifest chaos as the organi$ers of C3GG did, or how we will manifest organi$ation. he universal mind is the force behind organi$ation. Bight thinking moves us toward the universal mind. The universal mind is the god(.) of most religions. (nd what is our daily purpose& Our purpose is to search for "uestions that will keep us on a #ourney of learning, teaching, spreading #oy, and sharing happiness through he attitude of interconnectedness. If light is the foundation of reality and the elements are that which enable our consciousness to e2ist, then "uestions are the foundation that will save and help amplify the elements that make up purpose. <or each of us, at the end of our world(.) the "uestion will be Awhy was I here, what did I want& If your answers are I don9t know, and I want to stay, you will be sorry you did not ask those "uestions before.-who are you&- will help you find your personal W!1. ( famous atheist, :ertrand Bussell, said *7nless you assume a god, the "uestion of lifes purpose is meaningless.- ,ou are a being converging on the universal mind, and your daily life decisions will determine how fast that

happens for yourself and everyone else. Euestions are the answer. -(sk and you will receive, seek and you will findH knock and it will be opened to you+. 3 Matthew IJI

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