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Colorado State University August 2011- May 2014

Bachelois of Ait
Concentiation: Potteiy, Ait Euucation
AvIB ceitifieu tutoi
Front Range Community College August 2007- May 2011
Fine Aits
STUDENT TEACHING_________________________________________________________________________________
Rice Elementary School March - May 2014
- Bevelopeu two-uimensional anu thiee-uimensional lessons foi giaues K-S.
- Assisteu in choosing anu uisplaying ait foi the uistiict ait show.
- Bevelopeu some lessons that tiansfeiieu to what they weie uoing in theii othei classes.
- Cieateu anu taught a lesson foi the 2
giaue classes that was baseu on the stuuents expeiience fiom
theii fielu tiip to the Benvei Aquaiium using papei quilling.
- Lessons taught incluue clay, painting, oil pastels, tissue papei, mixeu meuia, papei quilling, fibeis, founu
object sculptuie, anu piintmaking.
- Attenueu all uistiict uepaitment anu staff meetings, paient teachei confeiences, anu teachei
collaboiation uays.
- Contiibuteu to the oiganization of the volunteei bieakfast anu set up of INPACT night (school wiue ait,
physical euucation, music, anu technology night).
- Assisteu with the fielu anu tiack uay event anu school musical.
Fort Collins High School January - March 2014
- Co-taught anu assisteu in the uevelopment of ait piojects foi the Auaptive Ait: Seveie Autism
- Taught a painting unit that focuseu on cieating an Anuy Waihol inspiieu self-poitiait tiiptych using
wateicoloi anu Photoshop.
- 0iganizeu anu chapeioneu a fielu tiip to two uiffeient museums foi 4u stuuents.
- Bevelopeu anu taught a lesson foi the Booule 4 uoogle competition using coloieu pencil.
- Two-uimensional lessons taught incluue: painting (aciylic; coloi mixing; wateicoloi techniques;
Photoshop-thiesholu stencil; wax iesist). Biawing (value anu shauing; basic giaphitecoloi pencilfelt
tip maikei techniques; giiu uiawing foi iealism; elements anu piinciples oi ait)
- Co-taught thiee-uimensional lessons incluuing: jeweliymetalsmithing (fuseu glass; enameling;
positivenegative space; banu-iings; how to: solueiuse toichsaw metalpolish with a buffing
wheeluse a uiill piessuse a flex-shaftstamping)
- Assesseu all lessons taught.
- Paiticipateu in teachei collaboiation uay, cuiiiculum faii, IEP meetings, paient teachei confeiences, as
well as uepaitment, faculty, anu leaueiship meetings.
- Bocumenteu of stuuent piocess anu iueation
- Tiaineu on Syneigy.
- Attenueu a Teaching foi Aitistic Behavioi, TAB confeience.
All lesson at each level included:
- All objectives aligneu to the Coloiauo State stanuaius, piepaieu giauuate competencies anu giaue level
- Reflective activities to uevelop 21
centuiy skills.
- Instiuctional accommouations anu mouifications foi uiffeientiateu leaining.
- Centeieu on a connection to ait histoiy, uiveise cultuies, collaboiation, liteiacy, numeiacy, anu oi
- Teachei anu stuuent centeieu assessment with stanuaiu baseu giauing.
- Bocumenteu stuuent giowth anu leaining.
Phone: (970)308-5730
E-Mail: zoe.a.cibuls@gmail.com
ePortfolio: http://zoecibuls.weebly.com

Permanent Address:
808 Tyler St
Fort Collins, CO 80521

- Betaileu lessons anu uocumentation can be founu on my ePoitfolio http:zoecibuls.weebly.com
RELEVANT TEACHING EXPERIENCE____________________________________________________________________
Lab School for Creative Learning EDUC466/ART326 August November 2013
- Team-taught as the piimaiy ait instiuctoi foi 2
anu S
giaue stuuents.
- Bevelopeu a 0nit, "The Powei of You" that focuseu on tiansfoimation thiough concept anu using
multiple meuiums incluuing uiawing, painting, clay, wiiting a comic, anu mixeu meuia.
- Full lessons anu uocumentation of stuuent woik can be founu at http:csuteachesait.woiupiess.com
- Piepaieu anu exhibiteu stuuent ait foi a school wiue exhibit.
Fort Collins High School EDUC450/486E August December 2013
- Co-taught a Biawing anu AP Biawing class.
- Cieateu a lesson intiouuction foi a uiawing fiom obseivation in giaphite lesson.
- Cieateu anu taught a mini ieseaich lesson about the pioject subject mattei, Cambouia.
- Nentoieu stuuents in a college ieauiness piogiam anu aie now an Aviu ceitifieu tutoi.
- Full lessons anu uocumentation can be founu at http:zcibuls.woiupiess.comeuuc4Suieflection
Artistic Abilities ART325 February April 2013
- Co-taught anu assisteu in the uevelopeu of unit anu lesson plans foi auolescence anu auults with vaiious
uisabilities that incluueu autism, uowns synuiome, low communication, anu low motoi skills.
- Lessons taught weie sculptuial using clay anu founu objects.
- Full lessons anu stuuent woik can be founu at http:Suexpiessionscsu.woiupiess.com
Unified Athletics Partner Volunteer 2003-2010
Special Olympics Colorado
- Paitneieu with mentally uisableu athletes in basketball anu swimming.
- Belpeu to cieate a positive, caiing enviionment foi the athletes, enabling them to have memoiable
expeiiences paiticipating in Special 0lympics
WORK EXPERIENCE___________________________________________________________________________
Alternative Testing Assistant September 2012 May 2014
Resources for Disabled Students at Colorado State University
- Bemonstiateu oiganizational, peisonal anu teaching skills in a iole essential to uisableu stuuents.
- Collaboiateu with piofessois anu stuuents to accommouate a wiue iange of special neeus.
- Focuseu on cieating an enviionment wheie stuuents feel ielaxeu, safe anu confiuent.
- Stiong abilities iecognizeu by supeivisoiy staff, almost immeuiately aftei joining the uepaitment - was
given an oppoitunity to inciease my iole thiough a piomotion anu to woik uiiectly with stuuents aftei
thiee months.
Camp Counselor June August 2011
Camp Thunderbird, Bemidji MN
- Was a iole mouel, teachei, anu caie pioviuei foi ovei 1Su giils between the ages of 7-1S.
- Cooiuinateu activities anu was the blacksmithing activity heau.
- Fiist Aiue anu CPR ceitifieu.
- Nanageu anu liveu in a cabin of thiee counselois anu ten campeis foi two months.
"#$ %&'#()* +&,-./ Aiea Cooiuinatoi-Ait Euucation, 0niveisity Supeivisoi, Coloiauo State 0niveisity
E-mail - patiick.faheycolostate.euu Phone - (97u) 6S1-61SS
0#1$ 233(145 23'-#, Coopeiating Teachei, Foit Collins Bigh School
E-mail - aalteipsuschools.oig Phone - (97u) 44S-SSSu
0#1$ 6-', 7-55.145, Coopeiating Teachei, Rice Elementaiy School
E-mail - btennysopsuschools.oig Phone - (97u) 227-74SS
0#$ 7-##. 8),3()'(59, Resouices foi Bisableu Stuuents Accommouations Specialist, Coloiauo State 0niveisity
E-mail - teiiy.schlictingcolostate.euu Phone - (6Su) S91-S696

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