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N0SA Constitution

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We, the unueigiauuate B.A. in Business Auministiation stuuents of the 0niveisity
of Califoinia, Iivine (0CI), The Paul Neiage School of Business (the Neiage School),
unuei the authoiity of the Regents of the 0niveisity of Califoinia establish the
Neiage 0nueigiauuate Stuuent Association (the N0SA) to pioviue supplemental
euucational piogiamming, seivices anu activities foi the common benefit of all
Neiage unueigiauuate Business Auministiation majois. The N0SA shall act as
iepiesentation in matteis that affect the common inteiests of all Neiage
unueigiauuate stuuents.

The puipose of the N0SA is to uevelop, pioviue anu oveisee:

1. Specific inteiest clubs that piomote management specialization, nuituie
ielationships with oiganizations that employ management specialists,
anu euucate Neiage unueigiauuate stuuents about caieeis in
management specialties.

2. Neiage unueigiauuate stuuent activities that enhance the peisonal anu
piofessional uevelopment, incluuing but not limiteu to enhanceu
communication anu social anu netwoiking skills foi all Neiage
unueigiauuate stuuents.

S. Activities that auvance positive ielationships between the 0niveisity of
Califoinia, 0CI anu the Neiage School auministiation, faculty, staff,
alumni anu all of its unueigiauuate stuuent associations.

4. Activities that auvance positive ielationships anu contacts between the
Neiage School anu the 0iange County business community at laige.

S. Chaiitable funu iaising activities that piomote Neiage unueigiauuate
stuuents' unueistanuing of social iesponsibility.

6. Activities that enhance the ianking of the Neiage School as a top-Su 0.S.
business school.

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1. The association of stuuents unuei this constitution shall be known as the
Neiage 0nueigiauuate Stuuent Association of the Paul Neiage Business
N0SA Constitution
School of the 0niveisity of Califoinia, Iivine heie aftei iefeiieu to as

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1. All eniolleu stuuents officially aumitteu to the B.A. in Business
Auministiation majoi within the Paul Neiage Business School of the
0niveisity of Califoinia, Iivine shall be membeis of N0SA.

+"-*.,( : 9 #.%;*+
1. All membeis of the N0SA shall have the iight to vote in all elections, holu
an electeu office oi appointeu position if in goou acauemic stanuing anu
attenu all activities sponsoieu by the N0SA.
2. uoou stanuing shall be ueteimineu thiough the cuiient Paul Neiage
School of Business Stuuent Banubook anu the 0CI ueneial Catalogue.

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The N0SA Executive Boaiu shall consist of the following electeu positions as of Fall
2uu9. A maximum of two inuiviuuals shall seive in one position if the woikloau foi
the given acauemic yeai is ueemeu significant enough to waiiant, anu if the ciitical
mass of membeis is consiueieu insufficient foi bioau-baseu involvement to execute
activities, such as in the fiist thiee yeais of the opeiation of the oiganization.
Positions incluue:

1. Piesiuent

2. Executive vice Piesiuent, Auministiation (C00)

S. vice Piesiuent, Exteinal Relations

4. vice Piesiuent, Inteinal Relations

S. vice Piesiuent, Acauemic Affaiis

6. vice Piesiuent, Communications

7. vice Piesiuent, Community Bevelopment

8. vice Piesiuent, Community Seivice

9. vice Piesiuent, Biveisity

1u. vice Piesiuent, Finance (CF0)
N0SA Constitution

11. vice Piesiuent, NBAPh.B. Relations

12. vice Piesiuent, 0utieach

1S. vice Piesiuent, Stuuent Seivices

14. vice Piesiuent, Technology

+"-*.,( : 9 $'*;,#.*2
The N0SA Executive Boaiu shall:

1. uovein anu conuuct affaiis anu activities of the N0SA.

2. Tiansact business with a quoium of a majoiity of voting membeis oi at
least one N0SA vice Piesiuent fiom two-thiius of the executive offices.

S. Notice anu holu iegulai meetings at least twice uuiing each quaitei of the
acauemic yeai.

4. Notice anu holu special meetings when calleu by the N0SA Piesiuent.
a. Beteimine the time anu place of its meeting.

+"-*.,( < 9 %"("#$4 )'*."+
1. All Electeu 0fficeis shall attenu all N0SA meetings.

2. All Electeu 0fficeis shall seive as voting membeis of the N0SA Executive

S. All Electeu 0fficeis shall act foi anu on behalf of the N0SA Executive
Boaiu between iegulai meetings of the N0SA Executive Boaiu.

4. All Electeu 0fficeis shall caiiy out all uiiectives anu iesolutions of the
N0SA Executive Boaiu.

S. All Electeu 0fficeis shall ensuie the efficient opeiation anu management
of the affaiis anu activities of the N0SA.

+"-*.,( > 9 "="-'*.1" 7,$#) )'*."+
Befinitions of geneial uuties follow:

1. Piesiuent

a. Seive as chief executive officei anu piincipal iepiesentative of the
Stuuent Association

N0SA Constitution
b. Piesiue at anu piepaie agenuas foi all meetings of the
membeiship, Executive Boaiu

c. Enfoice anu inteipiet the Constitution, Bylaws, policies,
pioceuuies, stanuing iules anu iesolutions of the Association

u. Supeivise the oveiall conuuct, affaiis anu activities of the

e. Caiiy out all uiiectives anu iesolutions of the Executive Boaiu

f. Establish a vision foi N0SA anu the Neiage 0nueigiauuate

g. Cooiuinate anu oveisee the Executive Boaiu; woiking closely with
officeis to achieve goals

h. Attenu meetings with the 0nueigiauuate Piogiams 0ffice as a
iepiesentative foi 0nueigiauuate stuuents

2. Executive vice Piesiuent, Auministiation

a. 0veisee offices, committees, anu oveiall opeiations of the
Executive Boaiu

b. Suppoit the Piesiuent anu take on theii iole(s) anu
iesponsibilities in theii absence

c. Co-chaii Executive Boaiu meetings anu N0SA ueneial meetings

u. Attenu meetings with the 0nueigiauuate Piogiams 0ffice as a
iepiesentative foi 0nueigiauuate stuuents

e. 0iganize N0SA annual ietieat

S. vice Piesiuent, Exteinal Relations

a. Seive as chief maiketing officei of the Association

b. Supeivise the exteinal conuuct, affaiis anu activities of the

c. Chaii a committee with the puipose of stiategically uesigning anu
piouucing maiketing mateiial foi all N0SA events

N0SA Constitution
u. 0iganize event publicity, incluuing tabling, posting, anu class
announcement scheuules

4. vice Piesiuent, Inteinal Relations

a. Builu ielationships among membeis of the Executive Boaiu

b. Senu weekly upuates to all Executive Boaiu membeis

c. 0iganize Inteinal N0SA social events

u. Cooiuinate the annual Spiing Banquet, iaising funus to ueciease
costs if possible

e. Piomote coopeiation anu syneigies between business-ielateu
unueigiauuate stuuent oiganizations affiliateu with the Neiage
School of Business, anu 0C Iivine

S. vice Piesiuent, Acauemic Affaiis

a. Repiesent any Neiage School stuuent conceins about acauemic-
ielateu issues to the appiopiiate faculty oi staff peison

b. Conuuct stuuent suiveys as neeueu to impiove the cuiiiculum anu
suppoit stuuents, while also assisting faculty

c. Assist in the piepaiation of the Stuuent Paient 0iientation
Piogiam (SP0P)

6. vice Piesiuent, Communications

a. Seive as secietaiy of the Association

b. Naintain oveiall flow of communication between Executive Boaiu

c. Piepaie, post anu maintain a Nastei Calenuai of N0SA, The Paul
Neiage School of Business, 0CI, ABS anu othei activities of inteiest
to the membeis of the Association

u. Reseive iooms foi N0SA meetings anu events

e. Recoiu anu post meeting minutes

f. Naintain N0SA files (excel)

N0SA Constitution
7. vice Piesiuent, Community Bevelopment

a. Builu a sense of piiue anu community amongst all unueigiauuates
at the Neiage School

b. Chaii a committee with the puipose of initiating anu auministeiing
a vaiiety of exteinal community-uevelopment activities

8. vice Piesiuent, Community Seivice

a. 0iganize community seivice events

9. vice Piesiuent, Biveisity

a. Auuiess uiveisity issues ielevant to 0nueigiauuate stuuents

b. Chaii a committee with the puipose of ueveloping, oiganizing anu
auministeiing an annual confeience anu othei uiveisity awaieness

1u. vice Piesiuent, Finance

a. Seive as tieasuiei anu chief financial officei of the Association

b. Act as the custouian of the financial iecoius of the Association

c. Auministei the funus of the Association as uiiecteu by the Boaiu

u. Piepaie a buuget to be voteu on at the fiist meeting of the fall

e. Naintain the annual buuget of the Association anu iepoit on
buuget status at monthly N0SA meetings

f. Piepaie anu submit buuget pioposal to 0nueigiauuate Piogiams

g. Bistiibute bi-weekly buuget iepoits at Executive Boaiu meetings

11. vice Piesiuent, NBAPh.B. Relations

a. Assess the NBA-ielateu netwoiking neeus of 0nueigiauuate

b. Chaii a committee with the puipose of initiating anu auministeiing
AlumniNBA events
N0SA Constitution

12. vice Piesiuent, 0utieach

a. Seive as the Neiage School's iepiesentative to piospective
stuuents in collaboiation with the 0nueigiauuate Piogiams 0ffice

b. Chaii a committee with a puipose of initiating anu auministeiing a
vaiiety of aumissionieciuitmentyielu-focuseu piogiams foi
piospective anu aumitteu applicants

1S. vice Piesiuent, Stuuent Seivices

a. Chaii a committee with a puipose of assessing anu meeting the
neeus foi stuuent seivices to benefit 0nueigiauuate stuuents

b. Seek coipoiate sponsoiship anu piesence in 0nueigiauuate

14. vice Piesiuent, Technology

a. Woik with the vP of Communications to piepaie a yeaibook CB-
R0N foi the giauuating classes at the Neiage School

b. Seive as the 0nueigiauuate liaison to the Neiage School's Web

c. Naintain anu upuate the N0SA website

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1. The cuiient N0SA Piesiuent shall be iesponsible foi the piopei
auministiation of N0SA Executive Boaiu geneial elections, iepeal, iecall,
anu iefeienuum as pioviueu in this constitution.

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1. The Piesiuential canuiuates foi the Neiage 0nueigiauuate Stuuent
Association shall collect signatuies fiom a minimum of 1S peicent of the
B.A. in Business Auministiation class.

2. The Executive vice Piesiuents of Exteinal, Inteinal, Auministiation anu
vice Piesiuent of Finance shall collect signatuies fiom a minimum of (1u)
peicent of the B.A. in Business Auministiation class.

S. The signatuies aie accompanieu by fiist anu last name anu e-mail
N0SA Constitution

4. All othei canuiuates fiom N0SA electeu positions aie exempt fiom
collecting signatuies.

S. 0ne cannot holu multiple club piesiuent positions.

6. 0ne cannot be a piesiuent of a club anu holu an Executive Boaiu position
in the N0SA. If electeu to both, the stuuent must select only one position,
anu iesign fiom the othei.

+"-*.,( < 9 "4"-*.,( 6#,-")'#"+
1. Ballots shall e-maileu to membeis with instiuctions to complete anu
ueposit them in the ballot box in the Neiage School's 0nueigiauuate
Counseling anu Stuuent Affaiis 0ffice piioi to the close of the election
peiiou oi they will be voiu.

2. Ballots shall be counteu by the N0SA Piesiuent in the piesence of at least
two othei electeu officeis anu the iesults shall be announceu no latei
than the seconu uay immeuiately following the election peiiou. Ballots
shall be uestioyeu anu the election shall be final when the election iesults
aie accepteu by the Election Committee.

S. In case of a tie vote foi the N0SA Piesiuent, a N0SA vice Piesiuent, oi
electeu iepiesentative, a new election foi that position shall be calleu by
the N0SA Piesiuent within one (1) week aftei the final tabulation of the
tie election has been maue.

4. Special elections may be helu at any time uuiing a fall, wintei oi spiing

S. Notice of an election shall be given to membeis seven (7) uays piioi to
the election.

6. Elections shall not be helu uuiing a final exam week.

7. In the case of a tie vote a iunoff vote will be helu immeuiately foi five (S)
consecutive uays anu will only consist of the tieu nominees. Notice of the
new election shoulu be sent to the stuuent bouy immeuiately. All othei
stanuaius of elections apply.

+"-*.,( > 9 *"#! ,3 ,33.-"
1. The teim of office foi all N0SA electeu positions shall be one (1) yeai
commencing on the fiist uay of the Spiing Quaitei.

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N0SA Constitution
+"-*.,( 8 9 !"!7"#+ $() $'*;,#.*2
1. The membeiship of the election committee shall be chaiieu by the N0SA
Piesiuent anu consist of at least two othei membeis of the N0SA
Executive Boaiu.

2. The election committee shall:

a. Review anu valiuate electeu officeis' nomination petitions

b. Appiove the accuiacy anu legitimacy of all ballots foi geneial anu
special elections

c. Confiim election iesults

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+"-*.,( 8 9 #"6"$4
1. Any official act of the N0SA Executive Boaiu may be iepealeu in an
election initiateu by a petition beaiing signatuies of ten (1u) peicent of
the N0SA membeiship.

2. The N0SA Piesiuent shall call the election within (2) weeks of ieceipt of
the petition.

S. The action shall be iepealeu by a simple majoiity of all votes cast in the
election, pioviueu that at least (1S) peicent of the N0SA membeiship

4. The iepeal shall be valiu only if it uoes not impaii the valiuity of any
contiact iegulaily enteieu in accoiuance with this constitution.

+"-*.,( : 9 #"-$44
1. Any electeu official of the N0SA may be iemoveu fiom office in an
election initiateu by petitions beaiing the signatuies of ten (1u) peicent
of the N0SA membeiship.

2. The N0SA Piesiuent shall call the election within two (2) weeks of
ieceipt of the petition.

S. The official(s) nameu on the petition shall be iemoveu fiom office upon a
two-thiius (2S) majoiity of all votes cast in the election, pioviueu that at
least fifteen (1S) peicent of the N0SA membeiship votes.

+"-*.,( < 9 .!6"$-;!"(*
1. Any electeu N0SA official may be impeacheu foi malfeasance,
misfeasance, oi nonfeasance anu, aftei a piopei heaiing conuucteu befoie
N0SA Constitution
the N0SA Executive Boaiu, be iemoveu fiom office by a two-thiius (2S)
vote of the N0SA Executive Boaiu.

2. Chaiges may be biought befoie the N0SA Executive Boaiu by any
membei(s) of the N0SA.

S. Piotocol foi impeachment shall be as follows, without exception:

a. The nameu N0SA electeu official(s) in an aiticle of impeachment
must be given foimal notice of stateu chaiges by ten (1u) business
uays piioi to the N0SA Executive Boaiu heaiing, which must be
witnesseu by two othei electeu officeis othei than the officei(s)
chaigeu anu the officei(s) chaiging

b. The N0SA electeu official(s) nameu in the aiticle of impeachment
may have piesent, uuiing all pioceeuings, any legal counsel,
witnesses oi uocuments as ueemeu necessaiy foi the piotection of
theii legal iights anu uefense

c. Any N0SA electeu official nameu in an aiticle of impeachment may
continue with the uuties of theii office while saiu aiticles aie being
uelibeiateu by the N0SA Executive Boaiu

u. Shoulu the N0SA Executive Boaiu holu an impeachment heaiing, a
two-thiius (2S) vote of the N0SA Executive Boaiu shall be
sufficient to iemove fiom office

e. The N0SA electeu official nameu in the aiticle(s) of impeachment
shall have closing aiguments befoie the vote is taken

f. In the event a membei of the N0SA Executive Boaiu is nameu in
an aiticle of impeachment, that membei shall abstain fiom voting
on that aiticle

+"-*.,( > 9 1$-$(-."+
1. vacancies shall exist in the Executive Boaiu in the event of ueath,
iesignation, uisability, iemoval oi ineligibility of an officei. Foi a
iesignation to occui, the iesigning officei must submit a signeu lettei foi
that puipose to the N0SA Piesiuent. At the next iegulaily scheuuleu
N0SA meeting, the N0SA Piesiuent shall ueclaie that a vacancy exists.

2. Following the ueclaiation of a vacancy(s), the N0SA Piesiuent shall have
two (2) weeks to collect applications foi the vacant position(s). The
N0SA Piesiuent shall then have one (1) week to inteiview all applicants
anu foiwaiu nominees to the N0SA Executive Boaiu. The N0SA
Executive Boaiu will then appoint new officei(s) at the next iegulaily
N0SA Constitution
scheuuleu N0SA meeting. The time iequiiement shall be alteieu
accoiuingly with iespect to acauemic bieaks anu summei session.

S. vacancies occuiiing in the Executive Boaiu shall be filleu by the N0SA
Piesiuent submitting thiee (S) nominees with one (1) nominee ueemeu
the piesiuential nominee. The N0SA Executive Boaiu shall inteiview the
nominees in a pie-session calleu foi that puipose anu shall appoint theii
choice to fill the vacancy in bill foim. In the event that moie than one (1)
vacancy exists, the N0SA Piesiuent shall submit two (2) auuitional
nominees pei vacancy, with the appiopiiate numbei of piesiuential
nominees inuicateu.

4. In the event that all nominees aie iejecteu, the N0SA Executive Boaiu
shall iequest thiee (S) auuitional nominees fiom the N0SA Piesiuent.
The appointment piocess shall begin again with a fiesh pool of
canuiuates. This pool may contain pievious applicants foi the vacant
Executive Boaiu position(s).

+"-*.,( ? 9 "4"-*.,(+ $() $66,.(*!"(*+
1. Elections foi vacant positions will be helu in accoiuance with the election
pioceuuies set foith in the constitution.

2. The N0SA Piesiuent oi acting N0SA Piesiuent of the N0SA may appoint
an inteiim peison to fill the vacant position with a two-thiius (2S)
majoiity vote of the N0SA Executive Boaiu until the election piocess foi
the vacant position is complete.

$#*.-4" A 9 +6"-.3.- .(*"#"+* -4'7+

+"-*.,( 8 9 )"3.(.*.,(
1. Specific inteiest clubs aie stuuent iun clubs that piomote management
specialization, nuituie ielationships with oiganizations that employ
management specialists, anu euucate Neiage stuuents about caieeis in
management specialties.

2. Clubs will be iecognizeu anu establisheu as active annually by
submitting a Business Plan which is appioveu by the N0SA Executive

+"-*.,( : 9 )"3.(.*.,(
1. Clubs will allow any membei of the Neiage stuuents to become a membei
of the club.

+"-*.,( < 9 %,1"#(.(% 7,$#)
1. Clubs will choose a goveining boaiu of officeis consisting of a piesiuent,
anu such othei officeis as aie ueemeu necessaiy to caiiy out the
N0SA Constitution
puiposes of the club.

+"-*.,( > 9 6,4.-."+
1. Clubs will establish geneial policies, pioceuuies anu iules consistent
with its stateu puiposes anu the puiposes of the N0SA.

+"-*.,( ? 9 3'().(%
1. Clubs will have the option to use ieseive funus which weie eaineu oi
unuseu by the club in piioi yeais, when appioveu by the N0SA Executive
Boaiu. Reseive funus will only be useu aftei allocateu amounts fiom the
cuiient yeai have been exhausteu.

+"-*.,( @ 9 +6"-.3.- .(*"#"+* -4'7 6#"+.)"(*+
1. Specific Inteiest Club Piesiuents shall peifoim such othei uuties as may
be piesciibeu by the N0SA Executive Boaiu.

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1. !"#$%&'( !*+$( ", -%.$%/ 0$1+2 !$34($. shall govein the pioceuuie of all
N0SA meetings unless othei pioceuuies aie specifieu by this constitution
oi N0SA bylaws.

2. Bisputes among membeis iegaiuing inteipietation of the N0SA
Constitution shall be meuiateu, anu if meuiation uoes not iesolve the
uispute, aibitiateu by the Stuuent Affaiis 0ffice.

S. vacant positions shall not be counteu when ueteimining a meeting

+"-*.,( : 9 %"("#$4 #'4"+
1. Recoius of the N0SA aie the piopeity of the N0SA, aie always open to
inspection by membeis at ieasonable times anu places, anu may not be
useu oi copieu except foi N0SA puiposes.

2. Compensation of electeu positions is piohibiteu, but out-of-pocket
expenses may be ieimbuiseu subject to guiuelines establisheu by the
N0SA Executive Boaiu.

S. Notice to membeis is effective when placeu in the Neiage School mail
boxes, emaileu oi posteu on the N0SA bulletin boaiu.

4. A membei shall holu only one N0SA Executive Boaiu position at a time.

$#*.-4" C 9 724$D+

N0SA Constitution
+"-*.,( 8
1. The N0SA Executive Boaiu shall enact the bylaws of the N0SA that:

a. Piomise the efficient opeiation anu management of its conuuct,
affaiis anu activities.

b. Aie consistent with the puiposes, language anu spiiit of the N0SA

2. An amenument to, anuoi iepeal of a poition oi the N0SA bylaws in theii
entiiety shall be voteu anu appioveu by a two-thiius (2S) vote of the
N0SA Executive Boaiu oi by a petition beaiing the signatuies of at least
ten (1u) peicent of the N0SA membeiship.

$#*.-4" 8E 9 $!"()!"(*+

+"-*.,( 8
1. An amenument to, anuoi iepeal of, a section, aiticle oi this constitution
in its entiiety shall be initiateu by a two-thiius (2S) vote of the N0SA
Executive Boaiu oi by a petition beaiing the signatuies of at least ten
(1u) peicent of the N0SA membeiship.

+"-*.,( :
1. The amenument shall be voteu on in eithei of the N0SA geneial elections
oi in a special election calleu foi that puipose by the N0SA Piesiuent.

+"-*.,( <
1. Sections unuei consiueiation shall be amenueu oi iepealeu by two-thiius
(2S) affiimative vote of at least twenty (2u) peicent of membeis voting
on the pioposal in that N0SA geneial election oi special election calleu
foi that puipose.

+"-*.,( >
1. All auopteu amenuments shall go into effect immeuiately unless they
contain a specific enactment clause.

$#*.-4" 88 9 #$*.3.-$*.,(

+"-*.,( 8
1. This constitution shall be iatifieu by a two-thiius (2S) vote of those
N0SA membeis casting votes on the pioposal, as shown by the ceitifieu
N0SA geneial election iesults. 0pon iatification of this constitution, all
pieceuing constitutions shall become null anu voiu.

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