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apple manzana

baked cocido al horno

big grande
biscuit galleta
boring aburrido
bread pan
burger hamburguesa
butter mantequilla
cake bizcocho / pastel
carrot zanahoria
centimetres centmetros
cents cntimos
cheese queso
chicken pollo
chips patatas fritas
chocolate chocolate
coffee caf
dessert postre
dish plato
dressing alio (ensaladas)
egg huevo
fish pez, pescado
fried frito / a
fruit fruta
garlic ajo
gram gramo
ham jamn
hot caliente
ice cream helado
juice zumo
kilo kilo
lovely precioso, delicioso (de comidas)
meat carne
menu carta men
miles millas
milk leche
mineral mineral
mushroom championes, setas
omelette tortilla
onion cebolla
orange naranja
pepper pimienta
phone telfono
pork cerdo (carne, no animal)
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A table for two, please!
Part 1, 2, 3
potato patata
prawn gamba
radio radio
rare poco hecho (comidas)
ready preparado, a
red pepper pimiento rojo
restaurant restaurante
salad dressing alio de ensalada
salad ensalada
salt sal
sandwich sndwich
sauce salsa
sir seor
small pequeo
soup sopa
spaghetti espaguetis
steak filete
sugar azcar
tea t
to be ready estar listo, preparado
to cost costar
to drink beber
to help ayudar
to leave dejar, abandonar
to listen (to) escuchar
to look after cuidar (de)
to love amar, encantar
to make hacer
to need necesitar
to order pedir (en un restaurante)
to take tomar
to understand entender, comprender
to use usar, utilizar
to want querer
tomato tomate
water agua
well done bien hecho
what qu
Here you are Aqu lo tienes, aqu est
Lovely muy buen (o,a,as,os), bonito (a,os,as)
Im afraid ... me temo que ...
Presente simple negativo
Para formar el presente simple en negativa de cualquier verbo en
ingls que no sea auxiliar, se utiliza la partcula do (o does en
tercera persona del singular) seguida de la partcula negativa not
ms el infinitivo del verbo sin to. La estructura fija a seguir sera:
Debemos prestar atencin al hecho de que vamos a jugar siempre
con las partculas do / does y not, permaneciendo el verbo
principal siempre igual.
Si en afirmativa le aadamos una s a la tercera persona del
singular, en negativa usamos does en lugar de do, de manera que
ya no se aade la s al verbo.
Tomemos el verbo to eat como ejemplo:
I do not eat yo no como
You do not eat t no comes, ud. no come, vosotros no
comis, uds. no comen
He does not eat l no come
She does not eat ella no come
It does not eat ello (animal o cosa) no come
We do not eat nosotros no comemos
They do not eat ellos / ellas no comen
Al igual que los verbos que hemos visto hasta ahora, esta forma
verbal tambin se puede contraer, de hecho es mucho ms usual
en lenguaje oral:
I dont eat yo no como
You dont eat t no comes, ud. no come, vosotros no
comis, uds. no comen
He doesnt eat l no come
She doesnt eat ella no come
It doesnt eat ello (animal o cosa) no come
We dont eat nosotros no comemos
They dont eat ellos / ellas no comen
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Presente simple interrogativo
Igual que para el verbo to be invertamos el orden de sujeto ms
verbo por verbo ms sujeto, con el presente simple ocurre lo
mismo, pero utilizando la partcula do / does. El verbo principal
queda, de este modo, inamovible. La estructura fija a seguir sera:
Vemoslo mejor con un ejemplo:
Do I eat? como yo?
Do you eat? comes t, come ud., comis vosotros,
comen uds.?
Does he eat? come l?
Does she eat? come ella?
Does it eat? come ello (animal o cosa)?
Do we eat? comemos nosotros?
Do they eat? comen ellos / ellas?
Con el presente simple, la forma corta (ms usual a la hora de
responder) se construye con el sujeto que corresponda ms el
auxiliar, bien en negativa o afirmativa, segn convenga. As pues,
si preguntamos:
Do you like cats?
Se podra contestar que s o que no:
Yes, I do. No, I dont.
Con la tercera persona del singular sera igual:
Does she speak English?
Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.
En ingls tambin podemos usar el auxiliar do, does en
frases afirmativas, pero en estos casos lo que se pretende es dar
ms nfasis a la accin.
Cuando utilizamos el auxiliar en afirmativa el orden no vara y
en el caso de las terceras personas del singular ya no hace falta
aadir la terminacin s, ya que viene dado por el uso de does
en lugar de do.
I do like football Me gusta (realmente) el ftbol
She does look like me Ella se parece (realmente) a m
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one / a hundred
Vocabulary. Classify this food under one of the columns
below. (Clasifica cada una de las comidas bajo la columna
prawn cocktail apple spaghetti cake
coffee orange ice cream cheeseburguer
meat mushrooms fish tea lasagne
chicken fruit salad pat water milk
pork omelette salad tomato soup
steak apple juice cola biscuits
Starters Main courses Dessert Drink
tomato soup chicken cake water
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
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a) Answer these questions as in the example. (Responde
las preguntas como en el ejemplo)
1. Do you wash up after dinner?
No, I dont wash up after dinner. I wash up after lunch.
2. Do you listen to the radio in the morning?
No, __________________________ in the morning. _______
____________ in the afternoon.
3. Does your dog live in the house?
No, ___________________________ in the house. ________
____________ in the garden.
4. Does your mother write letters?
No, ________________________________ letters. ________
____________ postcards.
b) Make questions for these answers. (Haz preguntas para
estas respuestas)
5. __________________________________________?
No, I dont live in a flat.
6. __________________________________________?
Yes, he speaks English.
7. __________________________________________?
Yes, you and Mary cook very well.
8. __________________________________________?
No, she doesnt go to the park.
9. __________________________________________?
Yes, they listen to the radio.
Fill in the gaps in the dialogue. (Rellena los huecos con la
palabra correcta)
Martin and Megan are eating in the restaurant.
Martin: What is your food like?
Megan: The omelette is lovely, but the salad _____________
have any dressing.
Is your _____________ alright?
Martin: No, its very rare. I dont like my steak ____________.
Excuse me, waitress ...
Waitress: Yes, sir.
Martin: Im afraid, she ____________ have any dressing on her
_____________ and my steak is a little rare.
Waitress: Oh, Im sorry. What salad dressing ___________ you
want? We have vinaigrette and garlic.
Megan: ____________ you have oil and vinegar?
Waitress: No, Im afraid we _______________.
Megan: Then garlic, please.
Waitress: Do you like your steak well done or ______________?
Martin: I ____________ my steak well done, please.
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Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or words.
(Rellena los huecos con la palabra correcta)
does orders afraid doesnt forty does
desserts lovely do you fish here prawns
1. The ______________ comes with potatoes.
2. The secretary ______________ the pens from a catalogue.
3. ______________ wake up at six oclock?
4. The restaurant ________________ have fruit salad, but it
serves oranges.
5. They like fish but they dont eat ______________.
6. _____________ she have a job? Yes, she works at the bank.
7. _____________ the family live in Dover? No, they live in Brighton.
8. Ice cream and biscuits are ______________.
9. The tomato soup is ______________. How do you make it?
10. Im ______________ I dont have any money. Do you accept
credit cards?
11. ______________ you are, sir. Your steak.
12. He buys the fish for eight euros ______________.
Crossnumbers. (Crucinmeros)
A: One hundred and
B: Twenty / Five
C: Sixty / Two
D: Seven / Nineteen
E: Two hundred and
A: Two hundred and sixty-seven
B: One hundred / Two
C: Two / Eight
D: Forty-five / Fifteen
E: Twenty-nine

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