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New York Times

+mage o) Los Angeles a)ter the atta$k on 8:00am

By: Matthew Lee Staff Writer April 7 2022

Los Angeles has #een atta$k #y ro#ots

Today in the morning at 8:00am, ! go"ernment #egan to atta$k $i"ilians in order to $ontrol these opposing powers% By doing this military a$tion, many inno$ent people were in&'red and dead% (o"ernment #egan their atta$ks on Los Angeles to $ontrol the metropolitan area% (o"ernments ha"e 'sed se"eral new te$hnologies in$l'ding drones, n'$lear #om#s, hydrogen #om#s, and ro#oti$ )or$es, whi$h were s'pposed to red'$e the h'man $a'salities and armed $om#at in a de$ades ago% 5 +mage o) armed ro#ot atta$king the Los N'$lear and hydrogen #om#s are dropped in the #'ildings and drones and ro#oti$ )or$es #lo$ked the )reeway% *eople are entering the Los Angeles )or Angeles )reeway their works and ro#ots #egan to shoot against the $ar% *eople were 'na#le to go against these weaponries, so they lost e"erything in a se$ond witho't re#ellion% All the people in the )reeway died and people in the $ity was dead or in&'red and

+mage o) Los Angeles a)ter n'$lear #om# atta$k

and they are ,00$ontaminated #y radiation )rom n'$lear #om# e"en tho'gh they s'r"i"ed )rom the atta$k% A)ter the atta$k, go"ernment proposed thro'gh p'#li$ tele"isions that they are going to atta$k metropolitan areas 'ntil p'#li$ s'rrenders to a$$ept go"ernment $ontrols% *eople in other areas are terri)ied espe$ially in New York, .hi$ago, /etroit, and other #ig $ities% (o"ernment also said that they wo'ld $ontin'e to atta$k s'#'r#an areas i) $iti0ens lo$ated in #ig $ities re)'sed to agree with other go"ernment de$isions% A)ter the atta$k on Los Angeles, s'r"i"ors lost their homes and wonder aro'nd the area )or )oods and shelters% 1ire departments and other national departments were 'na#le to go o't in the $ity to pa$i)y )rom the atta$k #e$a'se roads and other #'ildings are $ollapsed #y the atta$k in the morning% Los Angeles people re2'ested )or s'pport to )ire departments )rom other $o'nties, #'t ro#ots are $ontrolling the )reeway so Los Angeles people will not #e a#le to re$ei"e aids )or long time% Most o) LA $iti0ens are dead and )ew s'r"i"ors are looking )or )oods and shelters to spend a night% 3owe"er, these areas are $ontaminated with all radiations and "ir'ses )rom #iologi$al weapons, so s$ientists )rom

+mage o) person4s in)e$ted arm d'e to anthra5

lorem ipsum :: [Date]

(o"ernment $laimed that atta$ks on Los Angeles are )or re#ellion% Last week, )ew people gathered in )ront o) the go"ernment #'ildings and re#elled )or m'$h go"ernment de$isions% These people went against the go"ernment4s notorio's de$isions and mo"ements that tried to make so$iety 'nder their $ontrol% (o"ernment rea$ted to this re#ellion with military )or$es and inno$ent people got in&'red as well% Many people are in se"ere $onditions d'e to radiations and #iologi$al +mage o) reporter in Los Angeles d'ring the atta$k weaponries% A#o't hal) o) the

/ystopia #egins%

Los Angeles $iti0ens are dead immediately and rest o) people who s'r"i"ed are s'))ering to death #'t there are limited medi$ations a"aila#le% 1ew do$tors who work in hospital and se"eral "ol'nteers are parti$ipating to $'re these in)e$tions #'t only limited people are a#le to re$ei"e immediate $are% +n addition to these limitations, to5i$ "ir'ses )rom anthra5 are "ery $ontagio's and "ir'ses are tra"eling thro'gh the air% This sit'ation makes more people to get in)e$ted% More serio's pro#lems are applied to yo'ng $hildren% Many $hildren are showing mentally 'nsta#le $onditions and they do not ha"e strong imm'ne system to go against these diseases and radiation% 6adiations will in$rease the possi#ilities o) $an$er% 1'rthermore, radiations and other "ir'ses last )or long times in o'r #odies% These pro#lems, espe$ially the radiation, will make their sons and da'ghters to #e #orn with 'nsta#le #ody $onditions d'e to most $ommon e))e$ts o) radiation% !oon the nited !tates will ha"e many $hildren with physi$al disa#ilities% 7ther nations espe$ially .anada and Me5i$o are a)raid o) nited !tates de$ision on these atta$ks% 6adiations and "ir'ses will tra"el to .anada and Me5i$o and their $iti0ens will #e $ontaminated as well% +n addition, *a$i)i$ o$ean is getting $ontaminated a)ter the atta$k and these o$ean will deli"er radiations and "ir'ses to another nations% 7ne o) o'r ma&or )ood reso'r$es, sea )oods, will #e 'na#le )or 's to $ons'me #e$a'se )ishes and other sea li"ing animals are $ontaminated as well% 7ther nations /epartment o) 1ood and Agri$'lt're are $on$erning a#o't the limited )ood reso'r$es and $iti0ens health pro#lems% A)ter the h'ge in$idents in Los Angeles, nited Nations had gathered in London )or meeting% Main )o$'s o) this meeting was how to keep pea$e )rom the nited !tates atta$k and how to stop the nited !tates armed )or$e atta$ks on h'man people% 3owe"er, this does not seem easy #e$a'se nited !tates has the strongest military )or$es #ased on ro#oti$ te$hnologies and #iologi$al weaponries% nited !tates a$tions seem 'nstoppa#le%

Lastly other areas are preparing )or ne5t atta$k, #'t + do'#t that they $o'ld s'r"i"e )rom te$hnologi$al atta$ks% This preparation is 'seless and go"ernment will $ontin'e to sei0e $iti0en4s area 'ntil they dominate 's% ! are t'rning into dystopian so$iety% 8e ha"e already lost o'r #asi$ rights as Ameri$an $iti0ens and o'r only way to s'r"i"e )rom $'rrent sit'ations is to let nited !tates to t'rn into di$tating nation%

6eported By Matthew Lee

lorem ipsum :: [Date]

lorem ipsum :: [Date]

9tiam 't n'lla non li#ero $onse2'at tristi2'e%


Mae$enas ris's ne2'e, )a'$i#'s eget, $ommodo et, lo#ortis e', pede% /one$ ma'ris n'n$, rhon$'s sed, p'l"inar a, non'mmy ne$, li#ero% 1's$e solli$it'din le$t's in p'r's% !'spendisse 2'am massa, di$t'm temp's, )a$ilisis et, ia$'lis 2'is, erat% Mae$enas ar$' ante, $'rs's eget, "ari's a$, pla$erat at, odio% N'lla $onse$tet'er "ari's nisi% .'ra#it'r ali2'et r'tr'm pede% !ed p'l"inar le$t's 't ma'ris% +n eget met's% Mae$enas t'rpis d'i, l'$t's e', "ol'tpat non, pla$erat a$$'msan, elit% *ellentes2'e "itae or$i ne$ sapien $ondiment'm di$t'm% 1's$e $ondiment'm la$'s% *raesent a "elit in pede element'm la$inia% 1's$e 'ltri$es, la$'s non "ari's "ehi$'la, mi &'sto l'$t's &'sto, laoreet e'ismod "elit nisl non p'r's% Mor#i 2'is tell's% !'spendisse et ni#h% !'spendisse ar$'%

pla$erat lo#ortis% N'llam $onse$tet'er% .ras 'rna n'lla, semper e', $onse2'at non, element'm "itae, ips'm% 9tiam ne$ &'sto% :'is2'e id tortor% !'spendisse tin$id'nt, &'sto sit amet )a$ilisis elei)end, 2'am pede "'lp'tate odio, a$ imperdiet pede nisl a dolor%

+ps'm /olor
Ali2'am erat "ol'tpat% Ali2'am pla$erat, n'n$ e' $'rs's adipis$ing, elit est lo#ortis li#ero, a laoreet met's erat et ne2'e% t pellentes2'e tin$id'nt ar$'% /'is sed nisl% Aenean $'rs's "ehi$'la ni#h% t e' erat non sapien p'l"inar rhon$'s% /'is ne2'e% +nteger eget sapien at est 'llam$orper $onse$tet'er% *roin sit amet n'lla 't ips'm #i#end'm porttitor% !'spendisse leo ris's, semper "el, $onse$tet'er eget, sodales non, n'n$% :'is2'e pellentes2'e d'i "itae sapien )a$ilisis "ari's% Nam "itae 2'am% t semper "esti#'l'm eros% .lass aptent ta$iti so$ios2' ad litora tor2'ent per $on'#ia nostra, per in$eptos hymenaeos% !ed sed diam non ips'm egestas preti'm% .'ra#it'r leo% N'llam enim tell's, tin$id'nt e', "i"erra ne$, lo#ortis 't, eros%

Duis quis tellus.

Mor#i egestas )a'$i#'s ma'ris% Mae$enas sed leo% .ras temp's 'ltri$es p'r's% N'lla rhon$'s ar$' at )elis ornare "i"erra% Mor#i lorem% ;esti#'l'm ante ips'm primis in )a'$i#'s or$i l'$t's et 'ltri$es pos'ere $'#ilia .'rae< 1's$e egestas erat 2'is ni#h% !'spendisse ne$ elit elei)end nisi

Suspendisse vitae ligula.

N'llam pos'ere gra"ida or$i% .ras et massa a$ &'sto )erment'm adipis$ing% *roin solli$it'din% !ed pellentes2'e tin$id'nt )elis% Nam $onse2'at p'l"inar eros% 9tiam 2'is nisl 2'is pede egestas preti'm% Ma'ris )e'giat l'$t's ma'ris% !ed sem met's, #i#end'm ne$, tempor 2'is, $'rs's e', n'n$% +n sit amet d'i id nisl $ong'e males'ada% N'lla 'llam$orper% ;esti#'l'm in 2'am l'$t's erat l'$t's interd'm% :'is2'e males'ada, enim ne$ $onse2'at mattis, le$t's diam s's$ipit odio, non "esti#'l'm lig'la met's at p'r's% t ris's le$t's, ornare "itae, "ehi$'la 2'is, s's$ipit 't, n'n$% 9tiam ris's la$'s, $'rs's "itae, $ommodo 2'is, tempor a, tortor% N'n$ odio pede, elei)end a$, sagittis at, 'llam$orper "itae, n'lla%

.'ra#it'r di$t'm, tortor sed porttitor "ehi$'la, mi ni#h adipis$ing massa, at )a$ilisis nisl )elis interd'm le$t's%
lorem ipsum :: [Date]

*raesent lo#ortis a'$tor pede%

*ellentes2'e ha#itant mor#i tristi2'e sene$t's et net's et males'ada )ames a$ t'rpis egestas% +nteger e' &'sto "itae le$t's pharetra preti'm% ;esti#'l'm semper la$inia diam% /one$ at sem% !'spendisse 't n'lla sit amet ni#h e'ismod )a'$i#'s% Nam "ari's% :'is2'e egestas p'r's% t ali2'et nisi sit amet nisl% *raesent tristi2'e $ommodo lig'la% N'lla a elit sit amet eros $on"allis elei)end% Aenean )erment'm% Nam pellentes2'e tin$id'nt 2'am% N'n$ )e'giat tell's at

'ltri$es tristi2'e, "elit le$t's $onse2'at mi, et )e'giat li#ero diam hendrerit ips'm% !ed "ol'tpat erat 't est% ;i"am's li#ero% N'n$ ali2'am mollis n'n$% +nteger "el nisi ne$ a'g'e di$t'm element'm% N'llam ia$'lis ips'm at lorem% /one$ "i"erra, n'n$ a$ "ol'tpat $onse$tet'er, 2'am pede imperdiet ma'ris, a$ pla$erat enim 'rna sed ma'ris% *raesent 'ltri$es preti'm li#ero% Mor#i a nisi%

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada ames ac turpis egestas.

eros% N'lla eget dolor% ;esti#'l'm ne$ n'n$ tin$id'nt p'r's r'tr'm tin$id'nt% ;esti#'l'm )ringilla la$'s non pede% /one$ eget massa% *ellentes2'e preti'm erat at ma'ris% N'lla 'llam$orper, sem in

!orem "psum Dolor


%ddress !ine & %ddress !ine 2 %ddress !ine 3 %ddress !ine 4

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