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Join us for a prayer journey through 18 countries

from Morocco to Yemen

Starting April 21st

of Praying T hrough the
Arab World

1hank you for slgnlng up for our 18 day prayer [ourney Lhrough
Lhe 18 counLrles of Lhe Arab World. 1hls gulde has been deslgned Lo
walk you Lhrough each day of prayer wlLh speclc lnformauon and
prayer needs for each counLry. We pray LhaL Cod would work
Lhrough your prayers and work ln your llves as you pray!


of Praying T hrough the
Arab World
What is Live Dead
Arab World

lor more lnfo vlslL: llve-dead.org
Galatians 2:20- I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I
who live, but Christ lives in me.

Prayer Needs no Passport, Visa or work permit. There
is no such thing as a closed country as far as prayer is
concerned. - David Bryant
Day One: Morocco
99.8 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
kA for Moroccan Mus||ms:
lor growlng dlssausfacuon wlLh lslam and Lhe sLaLus quo.
lor breaklng of lslamlc, culLural, and oLher bondages.
lor dreams, vlslons, and revelauons of ChrlsL.
lor exposure Lo Lhe Cospel Lhrough Lhe !esus lllm and radlo
and Lelevlslon broadcasLs.
lor convlcuon of sln and recognluon of Lhelr hopeless sLaLe
and need for a Savlor.

kA for Moroccan Chr|snans:
lor proLecuon on all levels and for sLrengLh ln Lhe face of
opposluon and persecuuon.
lor dlscernmenL, boldness of wlLness, and a burden Lo reach
all Lhe peoples of Morocco.
lor unlLy ln Lhe church, frulL of Lhe SplrlL ln llves and favor ln
Lhe eyes of man.
lor growLh ln ChrlsL and Lhe ralslng up of maLure pasLors,
evangellsLs and Leachers.
lor ChrlsL-cenLered marrlages, famllles, and a sense of
belonglng Lo Lhe famlly of Cod.

kA for the Work of the Gospe| |n Morocco:
lor more workers, forelgn and Moroccan, Lo be ralsed up Lo reach
Arabs and 8erbers.
lor dlvlne appolnLmenLs, Lhe brlnglng LogeLher of bellevers and
seekers of LruLh.
lor producuon and dlsLrlbuuon of Chrlsuan maLerlals ln all Lhe
languages of Morocco.
lor proLecuon agalnsL dlscouragemenL and grace Lo persevere ln
Lhe face of obsLacles.

lor more ways Lo pray vlslL:
The greatest tragedy in life is the prayer that goes
unanswered because it goes unasked. Mark Batterson
Answer to rayer:
1he growLh of Lhe Algerlan Church over Lhe pasL decade ls an
answer Lo prayer. A long road of Learful sowlng by a Lenaclous
successlon of mlsslonarles and lnLercessors ls bearlng beauuful frulL -
whlle lmposslble Lo assess accuraLely, some belleve LhaL Lhe number of
bellevers far exceeds 100,000. 1he large ma[orlLy are kabyle 8erber ln
background, buL falLh ls growlng among Arabs and almosL every oLher
people as well. new fellowshlps are popplng up all over Lhe counLry. 1hls
ls ln parL due Lo Lhe commlLmenL of 8erber bellevers Lo move lnLo
unreached, Arab areas ln order Lo sow Lhe seeds of Lhe good news.

Cha||enge for rayer:
1he unreached comprlse vlrLually Lhe whole nauon.
1he growlng clues - Lhe educaLed ellLe, Lhe mlddle class and Lhe
Leemlng slums. Algerla rapldly urbanlzed as people ed lnLo Lhe clues
Lo escape Lhe vlolence of clvll war.
?oung people are frusLraLed and dlslllusloned. Many auempL Lo move
Lo Lurope (oen lllegally) ln search of more freedom and a beuer llfe.
1hose under age 30 make up 63-70 of Lhe populauon, and Lhls
generauon comprlses Lhe large ma[orlLy of Lhe Chrlsuans ln Algerla.
1he 8erber peoples of Lhe ALlas MounLalns. AparL from Lhe kabyles,
Lhe oLher 13 groups are among Afrlca's leasL evangellzed. 8uL Lhere ls
now a Chrlsuan wlLness ln Lhe mldsL of all Lhese, and posslbly groups
of bellevers as well.
1he 1uareg and 8edouln peoples. Cnly a handful of bellevers were
known [usL a few years ago. 1hey are
now rapldly respondlng Lo Lhe gospel.
Creauve sLraLegles wlll be requlred Lo
eecuvely reach Lhose who malnLaln
Lhe Lradluonal nomadlc llfesLyle.

Day Two: Algeria
9S.1 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
rayer o|nts
- 8oldness for ChrlsL followers
Lo share Lhelr falLh.
- Soened hearLs of Lhe people
by Lhe Poly SplrlL so LhaL Lhey
wlll embrace Lhe Cospel.
SLrong local churches Lo be
ralsed up among Lhe people.
More workers Lo go.
1he Mzab oasls Lowns ln Lhe Sahara. Lven Lhese ughL-knlL and
deeply rellglous communlues are belng reached by Algerlan
bellevers, a very small buL growlng number have come Lo ChrlsL.

The Church has not yet touched the fringe of the
possibilities of intercessory prayer. Her largest victories
will be witnessed when individual Christians everywhere
come to recognize their priesthood unto God and day by
day give themselves unto prayer. John R Mott
Day T hree: Tunisia
99.4 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
MokhLar has followed !esus slnce he was a chlld.
1unlslan chlldren learn abouL Lhe propheLs and lslamlc Leachlng
ln school. When he |earned about the Is|am|c teach|ng of
Iesus, he knew there was someth|ng d|erent about n|m. Pe
belleved LhaL !esus' body was Lhe body of a propheL, buL lnslde
Plm was Cod. As an adulL he recelved hls rsL 8lble. Pe reads lL
falLhfully and carrles lL wlLh hlm everywhere he goes. When he
read abouL bapusm, he wanLed Lo be obedlenL. Slnce he dldn'L
know any oLher bellevers, he bapuzed hlmself. Pe re[olced Lo
meeL anoLher 1unlslan bellever who ls Leachlng hlm abouL
followlng !esus. ray for Mokhtar as he grows more |nto the
|mage of Chr|st and as he shares h|s fa|th w|th others.
WaLch Lhls powerful vldeo & [oln Lhe
prayer movemenL for 1unlsla:

And vlslL www.pray4Lunlsla.com for
more lnformauon.
ne[la meL wlLh Chrlsuans a couple of
years ago and wanLed Lo puL her falLh ln !esus.
nowever, s|nce then, she has had no one teach
her what |t means to ||ve as a Chr|snan. |ease
pray for God to prov|de someone to d|sc|p|e
her and for her fa|th to grow. ray LhaL Lhe
Word of Cod would be her rm foundauon.
1rue tesnmon|es that br|ng hope & the cha||enge us to pray.
More Lhan Lwo years ago laouzl began a search for LruLh.
Pe became a sLrong pracuclng Musllm and sLarLed readlng many
books abouL phllosophy. Powever, Lhe more he read Lhe koran,
Lhe more confused he became. Pe declded Lo search for LruLh ln
oLher places. Pe nally found whaL he was looklng for ln !esus.
ne d|scovered that Chr|snan|ty was fu|| of |ove and forg|veness
and dec|ded that the on|y hmng response was tota| surrender
to Iesus. Slnce learnlng abouL !esus' promlse ln Mauhew 18:20,
laouzl deslres Lo be a parL of a small group of bellevers. |ease
pray that he wou|d be ab|e to hnd other be||evers to meet w|th
and that they wou|d be d|sc|p|e-mak|ng d|sc|p|es.
The Holy Spirit is speaking to his Church, reminding us
of the passion that he has never relinquished- the passion
to be glorified by every tribe, tongue, people and
Day Four: Libya
8ecenLly a Llve uead leader Look a Lrlp Lo Llbya. When Lhey rsL
arrlved Lhelr Laxl drlver spoke ln condence, We are 100 percenL
lslamlc! no one buL Musllms ln Llbya."
uurlng hls ume Lhere, some of
Lhe commenLs spoken by Chrlsuan
workers ln Lhe counLry sLood ouL Lo
hlm. Cne worker sald, WhaL l love
abouL llvlng here ls LhaL l have never
meL a Llbyan bellever, whlch means
everyone l share wlLh ls hearlng Lhe
Cospel for Lhe rsL ume.LhaL makes lL all worLh lL." AnoLher worker
remarked, l feel llke Lhere ls a wlndow of ume we have been glven."
And a Lhlrd worker sald, Lverywhere we go Lhere are evldence and
remnanLs of Lhe 8evoluuon. 1he euphorla of obLalnlng freedom from
an evll, Lyrannlcal ruler ls gone...and Lhey are le wlLh a loL of broken
pleces and more fear Lhan hope. 1hese are a
beauuful people and Lhey, and Lhls place has
already won our hearLs. We are exclLed abouL
movlng here!"

Cn uecember 3
2013, 8onnle SmlLh, a Leacher from
Amerlca who was llvlng and worklng ln Llbya, was gunned down
durlng a mornlng [og ln Lhe clLy. Pe le behlnd hls wlfe and young
rlor Lo movlng Lo Llbya 8onnle sald ln a vldeo, l wanL Lo
go where no one could nd a church lf Lhey wanLed Lo, where no
one has access Lo Lhe Cospel."
Aer hls deaLh, hls wlfe wroLe a leuer ln response Lo Lhe
Lragedy. 1o Lhe auackers, she wroLe: l love you and l forglve you."
1o Lhe Llbyan people she sald, We came Lo bless you, buL you
have blessed us much more. 1hank you."
8onnle Lruly le a legacy. May hls deaLh drlve us Lo our
knees and lnsplre us Lo conunue Lhe work LhaL he so passlonaLely
llved and dled for- sharlng Lhe hope of !esus wlLh Arab people!

97 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
rayer o|nts
1. Llve uead wlll be sLarung an Lngllsh CenLer.
ray for a good locauon, favor, paper work Lo
go Lhrough clearly and for eLernal resulLs!
2. Cf Lhe handful of Llve uead workers llvlng ln
Llbya, Lhelr klds are llule. lease pray for Lhese
chlldren Lo become well adapLed Lo Lhelr
culLure and form qulck frlendshlps.
3. 1he foundauon ls belng lald for a Llve uead
church planung Leam Lo begln work ln Llbya!!
We need people who wlll [oln Lhe Chrlsuan
workers ln Lhelr work Lhere. ray for workers!
Cr maybe Cod ls speaklng Lo ?Cu8 hearL!
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians
from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies,
prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our
toil, mocks at our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.
Samuel Chadwick
Day Five: Egypt
Land of Lhe pyramlds, Lhe haraohs, Lhe nlle, Lhe
unfaLhomable rescue of Lhe lsraellLes Lhrough an open sea. lL ls one
of Lhe mosL fasclnaung places ln all Lhe world. lL ls also one of Lhe
mosL sLraLeglc.
LgypL lles ln Lhe hearL of Lhe Musllm world - lf Lhere ls a
counLry LhaL we should be praylng for, LgypL ls lL. Many Chrlsuan
leaders belleve LgypL ls Lhe key Lo brlnglng Lhe love of ChrlsL Lo Lhe
unreached masses ln Lhe Arab world.
1he rsL Llve uead Lralnlng cenLer opened ln !anuary 2013.
now Lhere are more Lhan 40 people Lhere who have answered Lhe
call of Cod Lo go and [oln Lhls church-planung lnluauve. 1he
Lralnlng cenLer ln Calro, LgypL serves Lwo purposes. 1he rsL ls Lo
reach Lgypuans wlLh Lhe hope of !esus. 1he second ls Lo Lraln up
Leams Lo be senL ouL Lo 33 sLraLeglc clues LhroughouL Lhe Arab
LgypL has been ln pollucal Lurmoll for almosL Lwo years. 1he
sLrlfe ls hearLbreaklng. 1he people are looklng for answers. Many
are seeklng Cod llke never before and many are ndlng !esus ls Lhe
86 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
rayer o|nts
ray for peace ln Lhelr land.
ray for proLecuon for churches and Chrlsuans.
ray LhaL Lhls Lurnlng polnL ln Lgypuan hlsLory would be an open
door for sharlng Lhe Cospel.
ray LhaL Lgypuan's hearLs would be open and recepuve.
ray for unlLy among Lhe Llve uead Leam Lhere.
ray for Lhose who are belng Lralned Lhere Lo adapL well Lo Lhe
culLure, learn Lhe language qulckly, & make frlends wlLh
ray for clear vlslon for Lhe Llve uead lnluauve, wlsdom for Lhe
leaders and Cod's guldance for Lhelr llves.
Devote yourselves to prayer. Colossians 4:2
Day Six: Israel
CaplLal ClLy:
1here are dozens of ScrlpLures where Cod says LhaL we
should pray for Lhe peace of lsrael.

sa|m 122:6- "ray for
the peace of Ierusa|em:
"May those who |ove you
be secure."

noL only does Lhls say
LhaL we should pray for Lhe
peace of !erusalem, and by
exLenslon, lsrael, we read LhaL
Lhose who love you [wlll] be
secure." 1hls ls a clear slgnal
LhaL Cod would be pleased
LhaL we pray for lsrael's peace
and safeLy because Cod ls noL
glvlng up on lsrael (8om 10:1).

ln Lhe new 1esLamenL, aul prayed for lsrael's salvauon.

komans 10:1- "8rothers and s|sters, my heart's des|re
and prayer to God for the Israe||tes |s that they may be

lf aul ls Lelllng Lhe church LhaL hls hearL's deslre ls Lo pray
for lsrael and LhaL Lhey may be saved" LhaL should clearly be our
prayer for Lhem also.

ray for peace |n the |and.
ray for the peop|e to know God through Iesus,
the Mess|ah.
ray for be||evers to bo|d|y share the|r fa|th.
For so the Lord has commanded us saying, I have
made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring
salvation to the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47
Day Seven: Palestinian Territories
alesune ls comprlsed of Lwo separaLe parLs: Lhe WesL
8ank and Caza SLrlp. 1he alesunlan nauonal AuLhorlLy (nA)
conLrols Lhe maln Lowns and scauered enclaves. !ewlsh seuler
enclaves and lsraell mlllLary auLhorlues conLrol Lhe resL.
alesunlans have been dened by Lhe loss of mosL of Lhelr land ln
1948 and Lhe conquesL of Lhe remalnder by lsrael ln 1967.
lnLernauonal eorLs Lo achleve peace beLween lsraells and
alesunlans have been fuule.
1he nA was appolnLed as an admlnlsLrauve body ln boLh
Lhe WesL 8ank and Caza. Whlle Lhe nA has been allowed Lo
exLend lLs [urlsdlcuon Lo lncreaslngly more Lowns and rural areas,
lsrael's presence remalns. Aer wlnnlng a large ma[orlLy ln Lhe
alesunlan arllamenL ln 2007 and defeaung rlval alesunlan
parLy laLah ln a serles of vlolenL clashes, Pamas now governs Lhe
Caza poruon of Lhe alesunlan 1errlLorles.
lsraell occupauon and lslamlsL persecuuon are squeezlng
ouL Lhe dwlndllng Chrlsuan mlnorlLy. 1oday, 87.7 percenL of Lhe
populauon ls Musllm, 8.3 percenL ls !ewlsh, and 1.61 percenL ls
Chrlsuan. alesunlan Chrlsuans nd Lhemselves auacked or
beLrayed from all sldes. lsrael regards Lhem as Arab alesunlans,
whlle exLremlsL Musllms vlew Lhem as WesLern collaboraLors.
1helr numbers ln alesune lLself have decllned, largely due Lo
alesunlan exlles make up 61 percenL of all alesunlans.
Whlle lsrael's harshness Loward Lhem was noL admlrable,
nelghborlng Arab lands were grudglng and unhappy hosLs.
alesunlans ln exlle have mosLly llved for generauons ln refugee
camps (breedlng grounds for exLremlsm) and sull face Lhe specLra
of poverLy and uncerLalnLy. 1helr posslble reLurn Lo Lhe Poly Land
remalns a hugely dlvlslve lssue, slnce sheer numbers would
LhreaLen Lo swamp lsrael's populauon.

rayer o|nts
ray for peace ln Lhe land, buL also for
boLh !ewlsh lsraells and alesunlan
Arabs Lo meeL Lhe rlnce of eace, as
lL ls Lhrough Plm alone LhaL any
meanlngful reconclllauon wlll come.
ray alesunlan Chrlsuans who
remaln wlll sLay sLrong ln boLh Lhelr
Chrlsuan falLh and ln Lhelr
commlLmenL Lo llve ouL Lhe gospel ln
very dlmculL condluons.
ray for alesunlans who llve ln Lhe
surroundlng counLrles Lo nd hope ln
ChrlsL ln Lhe mldsL of uncerLalnLy.
4,409, 392
87.7 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
!erusalem (clalmed)
8amallah (admlnlsLrauve)
Dont pray when you feel like it. Have an
appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful
on his knees. Corrie Ten Boom
Day Eight: Lebanon
Lebanon has been lndependenL slnce 1943, and over 4
mllllon people llve Lhere. AbouL 60 of Lhe schools ln Lebanon use
lrench as Lhelr baslc language of educauon, abouL 20 use Lngllsh,
whlle 20 use boLh lrench and Lngllsh. Arablc language and
llLeraLure are LaughL ln all schools, and Lhe Arablc language ls used
ln some schools for phllosophy, hlsLory and soclology maLerlal.
Lebanon encompasses a greaL mlx of culLures and eLhnlc groups.
1here ls no sLaLe rellglon ln Lebanon. Powever, Lebanon
omclally recognlzes 18 rellglous groups of ChrlsuanlLy, lslam and
!udalsm. Around one-Lhlrd are Chrlsuan and Lwo-Lhlrds are Musllm.
1he largesL rellglous groups are: Shla, Sunnl, MaronlLe, Creek-
CrLhodox, Creek-CaLhollc, uruze, and Armenlan (CrLhodox as well
as CaLhollc).

1he group Pezbollah ls based ln Lebanon. Pezbollah means parLy
of Cod." lL ls a defacLo sLaLe-wlLhln-a- sLaLe. Pezbollah galns
supporL among many Lebanese ShllLes by provldlng soclal servlces
whlch operaLes schools, hosplLals, and agrlculLural servlces for
Lhousands of Lebanese ShllLes, and plays a slgnlcanL force ln
Lebanese pollucs.
rayer o|nts
ray LhaL ln Lhe mldsL of reglonal Lurmoll and Lhe lnLernal Lenslons
ln Lebanon LhaL Lhe Lebanese wlll be searchlng for Lrue freedom
and have a Lrue longlng for change LhaL can only be found ln !esus
1haL Lhe local church ln Lebanon would lncreaslng geL a greaLer
vlslon (some cerLalnly already have lL) for reachlng Lhe Musllm
communlues around Lhe wlLh Lhe gospel.
1here are a number of Musllms LhaL have come Lo falLh ln !esus ln
Lebanon. ray for many more, for fellowshlps Lo be esLabllshed
where Lhere are none, and for Lhese Lo spread across Lhe vlllages,
Lowns and clues ln Lebanon.
ray LhaL Lhe Lebanese church would have a greaLer vlslon and
drlve Lo reach ouL beyond Lebanon Lo surroundlng counLrles wlLh
Lhe gospel of !esus ChrlsL.
S8.9 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous
work among all the peoples! 1 Chronicles 16:24
Day Nine: Jordan
96.S Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
!ordan, Lhe land where !esus hlmself walked and was
bapuzed ln lL's waLers, ls Loday a ma[orlLy Musllm counLry. Most
ne|ghborhoods |n the cap|ta| c|ty of Amman do not have a s|ng|e
fo||ower of Iesus ||v|ng there and most peop|e ||v|ng |n the c|ty w|||
never meet someone who persona||y fo||ows Iesus. 1he !ordanlan
people are frlendly, lovlng people who are ln desperaLe need Lo
hear of Lhe llfe savlng hope of !esus.
Iordan |s the second tra|n|ng s|te for the L|ve Dead Arab
Wor|d church p|annng |n|nanve that [ust omc|a||y opened |n
Ianuary 2014. AL Lhls Lralnlng slLe, Lhose wlLh a burden Lo llve and
mlnlsLer ln Lhe Arab World wlll spend Lhree years belng Lralned up
Lo be senL ouL ln Leams LhroughouL Lhe Arab World Lo planL Lhe
church of !esus ChrlsL. 1hls ume of Lralnlng wlll lnclude learnlng
Arablc, learnlng Lhe culLure, and learnlng how Lo share falLh ln an
Arab conLexL all whlle paruclpaung ln Lhe church planung eorLs
Lhere ln !ordan.
|ease pray.
lor Lhe Amman, !ordan 1eam Leaders as Lhey llve and
mlnlsLer ln !ordan whlle Lralnlng oLhers under Lhem Lo do
Lhe same. ray for wlsdom, sLrengLh and conunuous [oy
ln dally llfe.
lor Lhose who are among Lhe rsL belng Lralned aL Lhls
Lralnlng cenLer and Lhose who wlll come Lo learn Lhe
language, adapL Lo Lhe culLure, bulld frlendshlps and
have opporLunlues Lo share Lhelr falLh.
lor unlLy among Lhe church planung Leam ln !ordan.
lor more Lo be called Lo be aparL of Lhls Llve uead
lnluauve and [oln Lhe Lralnlng cenLer ln Amman!
lor Cod Lo move mlraculously ln Lhe hearLs and llves of
Lhe !ordanlan people!
lnLeresLed ln [olnlng Lhe Llve uead Amman !ordan Church lanung 1eam?
vlslL: llve-dead.org
To get nations back on their feet, we must first get
down on our knees. Billy Graham
Day Ten: Syria
90 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
1he Syrlan people are suerlng from wldespread conlcL. More
Lhan 100,000 llves have been losL slnce Lhe conlcL began more Lhan
Lwo years ago, and many have been ln[ured. Pomes and buslnesses are
belng desLroyed ln Lhe vlolence.
lotJ, lsolm 46.9 Jeclotes tbot oo, Moke wots ceose to tbe
eoJs of tbe eottb. nelp tbose lo cooflct wltb ooe oootbet to come to o
peocefol solouoo, so tbot clvllloos moy tesome tbelt Jolly llves. lotJ, we
ttost lo oo.

Syrlan famllles are belng uprooLed from Lhelr homes by Lhe
ghung, dlsplaced ln Lhelr own counLry, or eelng Lo nelghborlng
counLrles for safeLy. More Lhan 2 mllllon have ed and over half are
lotJ, come to tbe olJ of fomllles wbo ote feeloq to sofety.
ltotect tbem ftom Jooqets oo tbelt ttovels ooJ qolJe tbem to ploces
wbete tbey coo foJ belp ooJ test. ltovlJe bost commoolues wltb tbe
tesootces to osslst fomllles ottlvloq oo tbelt Jootstep. lleose belp tbe
cbllJteo wbose scboolloq bos beeo JlstopteJ to be oble to tecelve
eJocouoo to ptovlJe fot tbelt fototes. lotJ, we ttost lo oo.

1here are many anclenL Chrlsuan communlues ln Lhls reglon
golng back Lo n1 umes. Saul was helped by Chrlsuans ln uamascus aer
hls encounLer wlLh Lhe ascended ChrlsL (AcLs 9). 1hese communlues
Loday have requesLed prayer LhaL Lhey may sLay sLrong ln
lotJ, we llf to oo oot btotbets ooJ slstets lo cbtlst llvloq lo tbls
teqloo. 5tteoqtbeo tbem wltb powet tbtooqb tbe 5pltlt (pbesloos J.16).
AoJ belp tbem to eoJote ooJ temolo foltbfol, koowloq tbot ootbloq coo
sepotote tbem ftom oot love. lotJ, we ttost lo oo.

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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
Son, that whoever believes in him should not persih but
have eternal life. John 3:16
Day Eleven: Iraq
9S.9 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
1here are many Lesumonles of lraql Musllms comlng Lo
falLh ln !esus ChrlsL even desplLe Lhe persecuuon LhaL Lhey rlsk
1here has been an emphasls Lo dlsLrlbuLe 8lbles lnLo Lhe
hands of lraql people. Cne reclplenL, !ohannes, comes from a
kurdlsh Musllm background. Pe sald, aer readlng Lhrough Lhe
new 1esLamenL, ChrlsL's words of love capLured my hearL. 1hey
kepL comlng Lo my mlnd. l declded Lo re[ecL Lhe 8lble and pray Lo
Allah, buL l could noL forgeL whaL !esus had sald. Pls words foughL
agalnsL Lhe words of Lhe koran, Lhey encouraged love, noL
murder. 1hen, l ran L Lhe mosque for sLudy and prayer Lhere.
llnally, l couldn'L handle Lhe conlcL, l surrendered Lo Lhe Lord
!esus ln Lhe mosque durlng Lhe prayer ume and was saved!

rayer o|nts
ray for Lhe Chrlsuans Lo rlse up ln
boldness Lo share Lhe Cospel wlLh
Musllms around Lhem.
ray for more 8lbles Lo be dlsLrlbuLed
LhroughouL Lhe land.
ray for Lhose who are seeklng LruLh Lo
nd LruLh ln Lhe 8lble.
ray for courage for Musllms who wanL Lo
accepL ChrlsL.
ray for Musllm background bellevers Lo
be lled wlLh [oy and be able Lo meeL
people who can dlsclple Lhem.
ray LhaL Lhey wlll share Lhelr new falLh
wlLh Lhelr frlends and famlly and LhaL Lhey
Loo would be lnLeresLed.
ray for Lhe people for nd hope and
peace ln !esus!
Saudi Arabia
There has never been a spiritual awakening in any
country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.
D.A.T. Pierson
Day Twelve: Saudi Arabia
92.4 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
Saudl Arabla ls Lhe blrLhplace and sLronghold of lslam. lrom
Mecca, lslam holds sway over bllllons and permeaLes many
culLures. ray LhaL Lhe Lord would shake Lhls cenLre of splrlLual
lnuence and make Pls Lordshlp known. lf a splrlLual breakLhrough
glorlfylng !esus ChrlsL would happen here, lL would Lransform lslam
and Lhose sub[ecL Lo lL.

|ease ray for.
Saud|s abroad. SLudenLs, buslnessmen and LourlsLs vlslL Lhe
WesL and oLher more open Arab sLaLes, where Lhey can be
reached. MosL prefer Lo Lravel durlng Lhe hoL season and Lhe
monLh of fasung!
Chr|snan rad|o. PC!8, l88A and oLhers broadcasL ln Arablc and ln
several languages of expaL communlues. Many llsLen secreLly,
yleldlng lsolaLed converLs ln some reglons.
Access to Scr|pture. Chrlsuan llLeraLure and vldeo maLerlals are
banned, lncludlng Lhe 8lble - and are Lherefore ln greaL demand.
ScrlpLures ln dlerenL formaLs and lms such as Lhe !LSuS lm
and 1he asslon of Lhe ChrlsL are sold on Lhe black markeL.
Sate|||te te|ev|s|on. AbouL 90 of homes have saLelllLe
Lelevlslon, an lndlcauon of Lhe hunger for whaL Lhe ouLslde world
oers. ln Lhls envlronmenL, Chrlsuan Lelevlslon such as SA1-7,
1he 8lble Channel, al-PayaL, and numerous oLher Chrlsuan
Arablc- and Lngllsh-language channels can be used Lremendously
Lo brlng Saudls Lo !esus.
1he Internet. lL ls accesslble Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe populauon,
buL Lhe governmenL blocks and monlLors Lramc. ray LhaL Lhose
ln Lhe counLry would be able Lo access Lhe many evangellsuc,
dlsclpllng and dlscusslon slLes on Lhe web.
lor Chrlsuan Workers. lor Cod Lo call more Lo go and llve among
Lhese people and brlng Lhe Cospel face Lo face.
After this I looked, and there before me was a great
multitude that no one could count, from every nation,
tribe, people and language, standing before the throne
and before the Lamb. -Revelation 7:9
Day T hirteen: Kuwait
81.6 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
kuwalL ClLy

1he whole world heard abouL
kuwalL aer Lhe lraql lnvaslon of
Lhe counLry ln 1990. kuwalL's oll
wealLh has auracLed people from
many parLs of Lhe globe and now
half of lLs 2.3 mllllon people are
non-nauonals. 1he 30-year-old
kuwalL 1owers ls one of Lhe besL
known landmark on Lhe Arablan enlnsula. kuwalL ls a
consuLuuonal monarchy wlLh a parllamenLary sysLem of
governmenL. 8oLh sLamps and currencles of kuwalL always have
falcons on Lhem. 1hese blrds are found everywhere ln kuwalL.

Cha||enges for rayer:

LxpaLrlaLe Chrlsuans have a good repuLauon Lhanks Lo a
hundred years of medlcal mlsslon hlsLory. 1he churches have been
allowed Lo grow, buL evangellsm of Musllms ls lllegal, pray for
greaLer freedom or shrewder boldness ln Lhls regard.

ray LhaL Lhe rlch dlverslLy of congregauons would be
unlLed ln maklng Lhe klngdom of Cod manlfesL, raLher Lhan merely
Lendlng Lo Lhelr own lnLeresLs. 1he pasLors musL lead Lhe way ln
Lhls regard. kuwalL's CaLhollcs, CrLhodox, Angllcans and roLesLanLs
have formed Lhe lellowshlp of Chrlsuan Churches ln kuwalL, for Lhe
purposes of worklng LogeLher Lo play a larger role ln socleLy and
havlng a greaLer volce and lmpacL Lhereln. Advocacy on behalf of
Lhe poor and dlsadvanLaged ls a sLrong polnL of Lhe Church's
presence ln kuwalL.

lurLher growLh ls hampered by Lhe facL LhaL meeungs are
permlued only on a handful of compounds, each of Lhese ls Lhen
used many umes by many congregauons Lhrough Lhe week. ray
LhaL Lhe governmenL mlghL release more land Lo Lhe churches so
LhaL Lhey mlghL conunue Lo lncrease.

ray also LhaL lndlgenous kuwalu bellevers mlghL be glven
Lhe chance Lo lncreaslngly Lake Lhe lead ln mlnlsLerlng Lhe gospel Lo
Lhe peoples of kuwalL.

How then will they call on him in whom they have
not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom
they have never heart? And how are they to hear without
someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless
they are sent? Romans 10:14-15
Day Fourteen: Bahrain
1he lsland of 8ahraln ls Lhe mosL open counLry ln Lhe Culf
reglon. 1here has been a Chrlsuan-run hosplLal and school for more
Lhan 100 years (Lhe rsL wesLern-sLyle hosplLal and school ln Lhe
enure Culf). 8ooksLores are also allowed Lo provlde 8lbles and
Chrlsuan Leachlng openly Lo Lhe publlc.

A 1our|st notspot
8ahraln, aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe Culf, ls llnked by a causeway
brldge Lo Lhe mosL closed Culf counLry, Saudl Arabla. Many Saudls
come Lo 8ahraln's freer aLmosphere for hollday and weekend
breaks, as well as vlslLors from oLher nearby nauons llke CaLar and
kuwalL. ray LhaL Lhe Lord !esus would send ouL more laborers Lo
lmpacL 8ahralnls and LourlsLs for ChrlsL.

1he Church |s Awaken|ng
Many of Lhe expaLrlaLe churches are caLchlng Lhe vlslon of
maklng dlsclples. 1here ls a renewed devouon for prayer and
wlLnesslng ln 8ahraln. Lncouraglngly, Lhere ls also an lncreaslng
hunger for Lhe Word of Cod and a wllllngness Lo hear Lhe hope of
Lhe gospel. May Lhe Lord work among 8ahralnl bellevers desperaLe
for more of Plm. May Pe bulld up Pls Church Lo be a unlLed and
powerful volce ln Lhls dlvlded land.

A |and w|th D|v|s|ons
ray for Lhe pollucal Lenslons. roLesLs lnsplred by Lhe recenL
Arab uprlslng ln Lhe reglon, placed a greaLer sLraln on Lhe Lenslons
beLween auLhorlues and opposluon, and beLween Sunnl and Shla
communlues. May leaders and people of lnuence pursue Lhe besL
condluons for all cluzens of 8ahraln.

807, 131
83.2 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,
intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1
Timothy 2:1
Day Fifteen: Qatar
1hroughouL Lhe world, mlsslonary eorLs oen begln wlLh a cup
of cold waLer" (Mauhew 10:42)-compasslonaLely meeung physlcal
needs ln !esus' name, and Lhen ulumaLely sharlng Lhe Cospel. ln CaLar,
Lhere ls no need for a soclal gospel. CaLar, Lhe rlchesL counLry ln Lhe
world, ls engaged ln lLs own phllanLhroplc pursulLs. nowevet, tbe lock of
oppoteot pbyslcol oeeJ Joesot meoo tbete ls oot o spltltool oeeJ.
We musL pray for CaLarl seekers. 1he cosL of followlng !esus ls
hlgh. !usL as Lhe rlch young ruler had Lo accepL LhaL cosL ln !ohn 3, CaLarl
people may be pumng Lhelr nances, Lhelr fuLures, Lhelr famllles, even
Lhelr llves on Lhe llne when Lhey make a declslon Lo follow !esus. Access ls
perhaps Lhe greaLesL challenge ln reachlng Lhls uC. Slnce CaLarls make
up only abouL 13 of Lhe nauon's populauon, connecung wlLh Lhem lsn'L
easy and lLs expenslve for Chrlsuan workers Lo llve among Lhem.
lorelgners consuLuLe as much as 83 of CaLar's LoLal populauon.
MosL forelgners are from nauons easL of CaLar and are wooed Lo Lhe
counLry by [obs and hlgh earnlng poLenual noL avallable ln Lhelr home
counLrles. eople are oen mosL open Lo changes ln bellef aL crlucal
[uncLures ln Lhelr llves, such as a cross-culLural move may deslre Lo
connecL, openlng Lhe door for Lhem Lo recelve Lhe Cospel.
ray for creauve access Lo CaLarls
ray for CaLarls Lo be open Lo Lhe message of Lhe Cospel, Lo have dlvlne
encounLers wlLh oLher bellevers, Lo have dreams and vlslons from Cod
and for forms of medla LhaL reach lnLo places where lndlvlduals and
groups cannoL
ray LhaL CaLarl bellevers would be able Lo wlLhsLand LesLs and
persecuuon from Lhelr famllles and Lhe governmenL
ray LhaL expaLs movlng ln and ouL of CaLar would be drawn Lo Lhe
message of !esus ChrlsL.
ray LhaL Cod would sLraLeglcally send expaLs wlLh naLural means of
access (employmenL opporLunlues) and hearLs for
evangellsm Lo connecL wlLh CaLarls
ray LhaL expaL Chrlsuans would llsLen and respond
Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL llke Ananlas ln AcLs 9, even when
LhaL means LhreaLs and poLenual persecuuon
llke deporLauon
ray for fear Lo be
abollshed ln expaLs'
llves and LhaL LhreaLs
would noL keep Lhem
from sharlng Lhelr falLh
88.39 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
V|s|t: www.prayforqatar.com
United Arab Emirates
ursulng prayer ls prayer
on a mlsslon. lL ls
dlllgenL, fervenL,
consLanL, perseverlng,
deLermlned, and
convlnced. ~ uavld 8ryanL
Pursing prayer is prayer on a mission. It is diligent,
fervent, constant, persevering, determined, and convinced.
United Arab Emirates
Day Sixteen: U.A.E.
What God Is Do|ng |n Duba|

uubal ls an emlraLe ln Lhe unlLed Arab LmlraLes federauon. 1he
maln clLy of Lhe emlraLe ls also called uubal. 1he emlraLe ls
locaLed on Lhe souLheasL coasL of Lhe erslan Culf and ls one of
Lhe seven emlraLes LhaL make up Lhe counLry.

roselyuzlng ls agalnsL Lhe law ln Lhe uAL. 8uL whaL LhaL means
ln essence ls: ?ou can'L pay someone Lo converL (as lf LhaL were
posslble) or unduly coerce Lhem Lo change rellglons. 8uL
speaklng Lhe gospel of !esus ChrlsL abounds.

1here are many Chrlsuan churches, and Lhe ruler of Lhe emlraLe
ls favorable Lo Lhem for Lhe sake of Lhe expaLrlaLes. Cnly abouL
13 of uubal's local populauon ls local Lmlrau people. 1he
oLher 87 are expaLrlaLes, half of whom are of lndlan descenL.
1housands of Lhese are Chrlsuans.

1herefore, Lhe gospel sounds forLh weekly ln uubal. And on Lhe
unlverslLy campuses, Lhere are organlzauons LhaL aggresslvely
seek Lo speak Lo sLudenLs abouL whaL Lhe 8lble really Leaches.
uubal ls a greaL place Lo reach people who mlghL be beyond Lhe
reach of Lhe gospel ln Lhelr home counLrles.

7S Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
Abu uhabl
Pere's Lhe challenge.
1he number of known
Lmlrau bellevers ls less
Lhan 20. 1hls counLry
has exploded economlcally,
and hundreds of Lhousands of forelgn Chrlsuans have
worked ln uubal over Lhe pasL few decades, buL Lhe
local populauon remalns largely un-lmpacLed by Lhe

Wou|d you pray w|th us that God w||| ca|| thousands
of fo||owers of Iesus to Duba| and the other
em|rates of the UAL--workers who w||| str|ve not for
s||ver and go|d but for the g|ory of God among the
unreached of th|s great country?

There has never been a spiritual awakening in any
country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.
D.A.T. Pierson
Day Seventeen: Oman
D|d you know
LhaL Lhere are m
SLarbucks ln Cm
an Lhan Lhere are
nauonal follow
ers of !esus? lf
SLarbucks can have a vlslon for Lhls
nauon, can'L Lhe church?
88.7 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
rayer o|nts:
?oung Cmanls have a deslre for
freedom. ray LhaL Lhls search for
freedom wlll brlng Lhem Lo Lhe Cross of ChrlsL as Lhey look for
answers ln Lhe world around Lhem.
1he fear of evll splrlLs ls a reallLy Lo mosL rural Cmanls. 1hey oen
carry ouL pracuces Lo appease Lhe splrlLs. ray LhaL Cod would
release Lhem from fear and reveal Plmself Lo Lhem ln dreams or
1he soclal medla has come qulckly Lo Cman. ray LhaL Lhls medla
wlll be a means for Cmanls Lo be exposed Lo Lhe 1ruLh of ChrlsL.
ray for Lhe Chrlsuans worklng ln Cman wlll be open ln Lhelr falLh and
love for ChrlsL and wlll share lL dally wlLh Cmanls.
Many Cmanls sLudy abroad.
ray LhaL Chrlsuans ln Lhese
counLrles wlll reach ouL Lo
Lhem wlLh hosplLallLy and love.
lmporLanL declslons are made ln famllles, clans and Lrlbes.
ray LhaL whole famllles would belleve Lhe Cospel.
Many areas of Cman are almosL compleLely unLouched
wlLh Lhe Cospel
message. ray LhaL
Cod would call
workers for Lhese
unreached areas.
May God break my heart so completely that the
whole world falls in. Mother Teresa
Day Eighteen: Yemen
?emen has almosL been forgouen for cenLurles by Lhe
wesLern world. 8enowned for lLs remoLeness Lhls nauon has had
llule deslre Lo come Lo Lerms wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe world. ?emenls
Lhemselves are a hard lndependenL people noL easlly Louched by
Lhe Cospel message. 1he few known nauonal bellevers are lsolaLed
wlLhouL an lndlgenous church. As a resulL of Lhe prayers of Cod's
people over Lhe pasL few years Lhere ls now a soenlng and
growlng lnLeresL from among some ?emenls. Many llsLen Lo
Chrlsuan radlo broadcasLs from ouLslde ln Arablc and Lhere ls
demand for 8lbles even Lhough lL ls dlmculL Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhem.
rayer o|nts
ray for Lhe nauon's leaders Lo come Lo know ChrlsL and for
wlsdom Lo rule Lhelr land ln rlghLeousness and [usuce.
ray for ald opporLunlues Lo open up ln Lhe nauon for
Chrlsuan workers.
ray for Chrlsuan 8adlo programs Lo reach lnLo remoLe
vlllages as well as Lhe clues.
ray for Lhe rsL Llve uead church-planung Leam Lo go Lo
?emen and for many more Lo follow.
99.9 Is|am|c
CaplLal ClLy:
lotbet, os we ptoy toJoy fot fellow bellevets lo emeo, we ptoy tbot
oo woolJ especlolly ptotect oew bellevets, ptovlJloq Jlsclplesblp tbot
tbey mlqbt qtow sttooq lo tbe wotJ, Jlscetomeot of tbe ttotb ooJ
cootoqe to stooJ sttooq lo tbe foce of opposluoo. we ptoy fot tbe
qovetomeot tbot lt woolJ be oble to ptotect tbose wbo ote voloetoble
to ttlbol bosullty, ooJ ptovlJe qteotet fteeJom to ptocuce tellqloo
otbet tboo lslom. llll tbe beotts of bellevets wltb botb cootoqe to stooJ
ftm ooJ compossloo fot fomlly ooJ oelqbbots wbo temolo lo Jotkoess.
lo tbe oome of Iesos wbo beots oot ptoyets ooJ ooswets, Ameo.

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