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/* cc.lex see license.txt for copyright and terms of use * flex description of scanner for C and C++ souce */ /* ----------------------- C definitions ---------------------- */ %{ #include "lexer.h" // Lexer class #include "cc_lang.h" // CCLang (actually gnu.lex needs CCLang, but can't add the #include by itself due to the way lexer extensions work ...) // this works around a problem with cygwin & fileno #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 %} /* -------------------- flex options ------------------ */ /* no wrapping is needed; setting this means we don't have to link with libfl.a */ %option noyywrap /* don't use the default-echo rules */ %option nodefault /* I don't call unput */ %option nounput /* generate a c++ lexer */ %option c++ /* use the "fast" algorithm with no table compression */ %option full /* utilize character equivalence classes */ %option ecs /* the scanner is never interactive */ %option never-interactive /* and I will define the class (lexer.h) */ %option yyclass="Lexer" /* output file name */ /* dsw: Arg! Don't do this, since it is not overrideable from the command line with -o, which I consider to be a flex bug. */ /* sm: fair enough; agreed */ /* %option outfile="lexer.yy.cc" */ /* start conditions */ %x BUGGY_STRING_LIT /* ------------------- definitions -------------------- */ /* newline */ NL "\n" /* anything but newline */ NOTNL . /* any of 256 source characters */ ANY ({NOTNL}|{NL}) /* backslash */ BACKSL "\\" /* beginnging of line (must be start of a pattern) */ BOL ^ /* end of line (would like EOF to qualify also, but flex doesn't allow it */ EOL {NL} /* letter or underscore */ LETTER [A-Za-z_] /* letter or underscore or digit */ ALNUM [A-Za-z_0-9] /* decimal digit */ DIGIT [0-9] HEXDIGIT [0-9A-Fa-f] /* sequence of decimal digits */ DIGITS ({DIGIT}+) /* sequence of hex digits */ HEXDIGITS ({HEXDIGIT}+) /* sign of a number */ SIGN ("+"|"-")


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/* integer suffix */ /* added 'LL' option for gcc/c99 long long compatibility */ ELL_SUFFIX [lL]([lL]?) INT_SUFFIX ([uU]{ELL_SUFFIX}?|{ELL_SUFFIX}[uU]?) /* floating-point suffix letter */ FLOAT_SUFFIX [flFL] /* normal string character: any but quote, newline, or backslash */ STRCHAR [^\"\n\\] /* (start of) an escape sequence */ ESCAPE ({BACKSL}{ANY}) /* double quote */ QUOTE [\"] /* normal character literal character: any but single-quote, newline, or backslash */ CCCHAR [^\'\n\\] /* single quote */ TICK [\'] /* space or tab */ SPTAB [ \t] /* preprocessor "character" -- any but escaped newline */ PPCHAR ([^\\\n]|{BACKSL}{NOTNL}) /* ------------- token definition rules --------------- */ %% /* this comment is replaced, by an external script, with whatever * additional rules a language extension author desires */ /* EXTENSION RULES GO HERE */ /* operators, punctuators and keywords: tokens with one spelling */ "asm" return tok(TOK_ASM); "auto" return tok(TOK_AUTO); "break" return tok(TOK_BREAK); "bool" return tok(TOK_BOOL); "case" return tok(TOK_CASE); "catch" return tok(TOK_CATCH); "cdecl" return tok(TOK_CDECL); "char" return tok(TOK_CHAR); "class" return tok(TOK_CLASS); "const" return tok(TOK_CONST); "const_cast" return tok(TOK_CONST_CAST); "continue" return tok(TOK_CONTINUE); "default" return tok(TOK_DEFAULT); "delete" return tok(TOK_DELETE); "do" return tok(TOK_DO); "double" return tok(TOK_DOUBLE); "dynamic_cast" return tok(TOK_DYNAMIC_CAST); "else" return tok(TOK_ELSE); "enum" return tok(TOK_ENUM); "explicit" return tok(TOK_EXPLICIT); "export" return tok(TOK_EXPORT); "extern" return tok(TOK_EXTERN); "false" return tok(TOK_FALSE); "float" return tok(TOK_FLOAT); "for" return tok(TOK_FOR); "friend" return tok(TOK_FRIEND); "goto" return tok(TOK_GOTO); "if" return tok(TOK_IF); "inline" return tok(TOK_INLINE); "int" return tok(TOK_INT); "long" return tok(TOK_LONG); "mutable" return tok(TOK_MUTABLE); "namespace" return tok(TOK_NAMESPACE); "new" return tok(TOK_NEW); "operator" return tok(TOK_OPERATOR); "pascal" return tok(TOK_PASCAL); "private" return tok(TOK_PRIVATE); "protected" return tok(TOK_PROTECTED); "public" return tok(TOK_PUBLIC); "register" return tok(TOK_REGISTER); "reinterpret_cast" return tok(TOK_REINTERPRET_CAST); "return" return tok(TOK_RETURN); "short" return tok(TOK_SHORT); "signed" return tok(TOK_SIGNED); "sizeof" return tok(TOK_SIZEOF); "static" return tok(TOK_STATIC); "static_cast" return tok(TOK_STATIC_CAST);


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"struct" return tok(TOK_STRUCT); "switch" return tok(TOK_SWITCH); "template" return tok(TOK_TEMPLATE); "this" return tok(TOK_THIS); "throw" return tok(TOK_THROW); "true" return tok(TOK_TRUE); "try" return tok(TOK_TRY); "typedef" return tok(TOK_TYPEDEF); "typeid" return tok(TOK_TYPEID); "typename" return tok(TOK_TYPENAME); "union" return tok(TOK_UNION); "unsigned" return tok(TOK_UNSIGNED); "using" return tok(TOK_USING); "virtual" return tok(TOK_VIRTUAL); "void" return tok(TOK_VOID); "volatile" return tok(TOK_VOLATILE); "wchar_t" return tok(TOK_WCHAR_T); "while" return tok(TOK_WHILE); "(" ")" "[" "]" "->" "::" "." "!" "~" "+" "-" "++" "--" "&" "*" ".*" "->*" "/" "%" "<<" ">>" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "==" "!=" "^" "|" "&&" "||" "?" ":" "=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" "&=" "^=" "|=" "<<=" ">>=" "," "..." ";" "{" "}" return tok(TOK_LPAREN); return tok(TOK_RPAREN); return tok(TOK_LBRACKET); return tok(TOK_RBRACKET); return tok(TOK_ARROW); return tok(TOK_COLONCOLON); return tok(TOK_DOT); return tok(TOK_BANG); return tok(TOK_TILDE); return tok(TOK_PLUS); return tok(TOK_MINUS); return tok(TOK_PLUSPLUS); return tok(TOK_MINUSMINUS); return tok(TOK_AND); return tok(TOK_STAR); return tok(TOK_DOTSTAR); return tok(TOK_ARROWSTAR); return tok(TOK_SLASH); return tok(TOK_PERCENT); return tok(TOK_LEFTSHIFT); return tok(TOK_RIGHTSHIFT); return tok(TOK_LESSTHAN); return tok(TOK_LESSEQ); return tok(TOK_GREATERTHAN); return tok(TOK_GREATEREQ); return tok(TOK_EQUALEQUAL); return tok(TOK_NOTEQUAL); return tok(TOK_XOR); return tok(TOK_OR); return tok(TOK_ANDAND); return tok(TOK_OROR); return tok(TOK_QUESTION); return tok(TOK_COLON); return tok(TOK_EQUAL); return tok(TOK_STAREQUAL); return tok(TOK_SLASHEQUAL); return tok(TOK_PERCENTEQUAL); return tok(TOK_PLUSEQUAL); return tok(TOK_MINUSEQUAL); return tok(TOK_ANDEQUAL); return tok(TOK_XOREQUAL); return tok(TOK_OREQUAL); return tok(TOK_LEFTSHIFTEQUAL); return tok(TOK_RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL); return tok(TOK_COMMA); return tok(TOK_ELLIPSIS); return tok(TOK_SEMICOLON); return tok(TOK_LBRACE); return tok(TOK_RBRACE);

/* "alternative tokens" of cppstd 2.5p2 */ "<%" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_LBRACE); "%>" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_RBRACE); "<:" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_LBRACKET); ":>" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_RBRACKET); /* "%:" and "%:%:" correspond to "#" and "##", which are only for * the preprocessor, so I will ignore them here */ "and" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_ANDAND); "bitor" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_OR); "or" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_OROR); "xor" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_XOR); "compl" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_TILDE); "bitand" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_AND); "and_eq" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_ANDEQUAL); "or_eq" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_OREQUAL); "xor_eq" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_XOREQUAL); "not" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_BANG); "not_eq" return alternateKeyword_tok(TOK_NOTEQUAL);


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/* this rule is to avoid backing up in the lexer * when there are two dots but not three */ ".." { yyless(1); /* put back all but 1; this is inexpensive */ return tok(TOK_DOT); } /* identifier: e.g. foo */ {LETTER}{ALNUM}* { return svalTok(TOK_NAME); } /* integer literal; dec, oct, or hex */ [1-9][0-9]*{INT_SUFFIX}? | [0][0-7]*{INT_SUFFIX}? | [0][xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+{INT_SUFFIX}? { return svalTok(TOK_INT_LITERAL); } /* hex literal with nothing after the 'x' */ [0][xX] { err("hexadecimal literal with nothing after the 'x'"); return svalTok(TOK_INT_LITERAL); } /* floating literal */ {DIGITS}"."{DIGITS}?([eE]{SIGN}?{DIGITS})?{FLOAT_SUFFIX}? | {DIGITS}"."?([eE]{SIGN}?{DIGITS})?{FLOAT_SUFFIX}? | "."{DIGITS}([eE]{SIGN}?{DIGITS})?{FLOAT_SUFFIX}? { return svalTok(TOK_FLOAT_LITERAL); } /* floating literal with no digits after the 'e' */ {DIGITS}"."{DIGITS}?[eE]{SIGN}? | {DIGITS}"."?[eE]{SIGN}? | "."{DIGITS}[eE]{SIGN}? { err("floating literal with no digits after the 'e'"); /* in recovery rules like this it's best to yield the best-guess * token type, instead of some TOK_ERROR, so the parser can still * try to make sense of the input; having reported the error is * sufficient to ensure that later stages won't try to interpret * the lexical text of this token as a floating literal */ return svalTok(TOK_FLOAT_LITERAL); } /* string literal */ "L"?{QUOTE}({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{QUOTE} { return svalTok(TOK_STRING_LITERAL); } /* string literal missing final quote */ "L"?{QUOTE}({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{EOL} { if (lang.allowNewlinesInStringLits) { warning("string literal contains (unescaped) newline character; " "this is allowed for gcc-2 bug compatibility only " "(maybe the final `\"' is missing?)"); BEGIN(BUGGY_STRING_LIT); return svalTok(TOK_STRING_LITERAL); } else { err("string literal missing final `\"'"); return svalTok(TOK_STRING_LITERAL); // error recovery } } /* unterminated string literal; maximal munch causes us to prefer * either of the above two rules when possible; the trailing * optional backslash is needed so the scanner won't back up in that * case; NOTE: this can only happen if the file ends in the string * and there is no newline before the EOF */ "L"?{QUOTE}({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{BACKSL}? { err("unterminated string literal"); yyterminate(); } /* This scanner reads in a string literal that contains unescaped * newlines, to support a gcc-2 bug. The strategy is to emit a * sequence of TOK_STRING_LITERALs, as if the string had been * properly broken into multiple literals. However, these literals * aren't consistently surrounded by quotes... */ <BUGGY_STRING_LIT>{ ({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{QUOTE} { // found the end BEGIN(INITIAL);


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return svalTok(TOK_STRING_LITERAL); } ({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{EOL} { // another line return svalTok(TOK_STRING_LITERAL); } <<EOF>> | ({STRCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{BACKSL}? { // unterminated (this only matches at EOF) err("at EOF, unterminated string literal; support for newlines in string " "literals is presently turned on, maybe the missing quote should have " "been much earlier in the file?"); yyterminate(); } } /* character literal */ "L"?{TICK}({CCCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{TICK} { return svalTok(TOK_CHAR_LITERAL); } /* character literal missing final tick */ "L"?{TICK}({CCCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{EOL} { err("character literal missing final \"'\""); return svalTok(TOK_CHAR_LITERAL); // error recovery } /* unterminated character literal */ "L"?{TICK}({CCCHAR}|{ESCAPE})*{BACKSL}? { err("unterminated character literal"); yyterminate(); } /* sm: I moved the user-defined qualifier rule into qual_ext.lex * in the cc_qual tree */ /* preprocessor */ /* technically, if this isn't at the start of a line (possibly after * some whitespace), it should be an error.. I'm not sure right now how * I want to deal with that (I originally was using '^', but that * interacts badly with the whitespace rule) */ /* #line directive: the word "line" is optional, then a space, and * then we accept the rest of the line; 'parseHashLine' will finish * parsing the directive */ "#"("line"?){SPTAB}.*{NL} { parseHashLine(yytext, yyleng); whitespace(); // don't increment line count until after parseHashLine() } /* other preprocessing: ignore it */ /* trailing optional baskslash to avoid backing up */ "#"{PPCHAR}*({BACKSL}{NL}{PPCHAR}*)*{BACKSL}? { // treat it like whitespace, ignoring it otherwise whitespace(); } /* whitespace */ /* 10/20/02: added '\r' to accomodate files coming from Windows; this * could be seen as part of the mapping from physical source file * characters to the basic character set (cppstd 2.1 para 1 phase 1), * except that it doesn't happen for chars in string/char literals... */ [ \t\n\f\v\r]+ { whitespace(); } /* C++ comment */ /* we don't match the \n because that way this works at EOF */ "//"{NOTNL}* { whitespace(); } /* C comment */ "/""*"([^*]|"*"*[^*/])*"*"+"/" { // the pattern is a little complicated because the naive one, // "/""*"([^*]|"*"[^/])*"*/" // fails to match e.g. "/***/" whitespace(); } /* unterminated C comment */ "/""*"([^*]|"*"*[^*/])*"*"* { err("unterminated /""*...*""/ comment"); yyterminate();


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} /* illegal */ . { updLoc(); err(stringc << "illegal character: `" << yytext[0] << "'"); } <<EOF>> { srcFile->doneAdding(); yyterminate(); } %% /**************/ /* extra code */ /**************/

// another C comment system using a start state; I chose to (fix and) // use the single-line rule instead, so that the entire thing would be // matched at once within the FSM instead of dropping out for user // actions #if 0 /* exclusive start state for when inside a slash-star style comment */ %x IN_C_COMMENT /* C comment; dsw: one that actually works! */ "/""*" { yymore(); BEGIN IN_C_COMMENT; } <IN_C_COMMENT>[^*]+ { yymore(); } <IN_C_COMMENT>"*"+"/" { whitespace(); BEGIN INITIAL; } <IN_C_COMMENT>"*"+ { /* NOTE: this rule must come after the above rule */ yymore(); } <IN_C_COMMENT><<EOF>> { /* TODO: I don't know why flex doesn't give me an error if I omit this rule, since -f is used */ err("unterminated /**/ comment"); whitespace(); /* dsw: TODO: I think I just have to replicate this here or we could factor it out */ srcFile->doneAdding(); yyterminate(); } #endif // 0


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