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What are the basic steps in designing a database application?

Database design is defined as: designing the logical and physical structure of one or more databases to accommodate the information needs of the users in an organization for a defined set of applications. The design process roughly follows five steps: . ". $. &. '. !lanning and analysis #onceptual design %ogical design !hysical design (mplementation

)tate five advantages of using a Database management )ystem

The advantages of D*+) include: . ". $. &. '. ,. data independence and efficient access reduced application development time data integrity and security uniform data administration concurrent access recovery from crashes

".-.plain the following Database recovery terms: i. ii. iii. iv. v. *efore (mage /fter image 0ollbac1 0oll forward #hec1points

Before Image: / copy of the table record 2or page3 of data before it was changed by the transaction. After Image: / copy of the table record 2or page3 of data after it was changed by the transaction. Rollback: 4ndo any partially completed transactions 2ones in progress when the crash occurred3 by applying the before images to the database. Rollforward: 0edo the transactions by applying the after images to the database. This is done for transactions that were committed before the crash. Checkpoints can also be ta1en 2less time consuming3 in between database saves. 5 The D*+) flushes all pending transactions and writes all data to dis1 and transaction log. 5 0ecovery process uses both rollbac1 and rollforward to restore the database. 5 (n the worst case6 we would need to rollbac1 to the last database save and then rollforward to the point 7ust before the crash.

What do you understand by the term 8eneralization 9ierarchies

. -.plain the following -:0 +odeling #onstructs with e.amples: i. -ntity ii. 0elationship iii. /ttributes iv. (dentifiers

!/8- ", )-#T(;< $., 3.6.5 Generalization ierarchies

/ generalization hierarchy is a form of abstraction that specifies that two or more entities that share common attributes can be generalized into a higher level entity type called a supertype or generic entity. The lower:level of entities become the subtype6 or categories6 to the supertype. )ubtypes are dependent entities. 8eneralization occurs when two or more entities represent categories of the same real: world ob7ect. =or e.ample6 Wages>-mployees and #lassified>-mployees represent categories of the same entity6 -mployees. (n this e.ample6 -mployees would be the supertype? Wages>-mployees and #lassified>-mployees would be the subtypes. )ubtypes can be either mutually e.clusive 2dis7oint3 or overlapping 2inclusive3. / mutually e.clusive category is when an entity instance can be in only one category. The above e.ample is a mutually e.clusive category. /n employee can either be wages or classified but not both. /n overlapping category is when an entity instance may be in two or more subtypes. /n e.ample would be a person who wor1s for a university could also be a student at that same university. The completeness constraint re@uires that all instances of the subtype be represented in the supertype. 8eneralization hierarchies can be nested. That is6 a subtype of one hierarchy can be a supertype of another. The level of nesting is limited only by the constraint of simplicity. )ubtype entities may be the parent entity in a relationship but not the child.

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