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How can I customize/disable notification bubbles?

Is there a way you can disable or customize the notification bubbles on Lucid?

10.04 2145 customization 389 notification 316



notify-osd 143

asked 3 years ago viewed 13812 times active 1 month ago

10.04 notification customization notify-osd

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asked Nov 16 '10 at 5:21 Mussnoon 2 8 21 1,277 event 2014 Community Moderator Election
ends Feb 25

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edited Nov 16 '10 at 5:23 Jorge Castro 62 269 20.3k


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Yes you can, using a tool called Notify OSD Configuration.

In D&D 3.5 Why does Withdraw not trigger an Attack of Opportunity?

If you want to disable them rename the file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service : sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service{,.disabled} To re-enable: sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service{.disabled,} You need to restart your computer after either one of these changes for them to take effect.
share improve this answer edited Sep 22 '13 at 0:41 ulidtko 9 26 2,093
answered Nov 16 '10 at 6:19 Alvin Row 6 70 115 23.5k

3 4

How to turn off the pop up notification in 12.04?

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This tool presume that you patch your original notify ost libraries, and you cannot disable them. I wouldn't recommend this.

Nov 16 '10 at 12:46 @OpenNingia, using a patched NotifyOSD is necessary because the default doesn't allow any configuration. Edited my answer to show how to disable them entirely.

Alvin Row
Nov 16 '10 at 18:04
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http://askubuntu.com/questions/13464/how-can-i-customize-disable-notification-bubbles[2/10/2014 3:52:21 PM]

10.04 - How can I customize/disable notification bubbles? - Ask Ubuntu

You can also turn off particular notification.To turn off pidgin notification,Open pidgin-->Tools--->Plugins

0 3 1

Uncheck libnotify popups there..

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12 How can I temporarily mute

1 0 0

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To turn off notify-osd notifications,type the following in terminal and restart your system. sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.disabled To disable rythmbox song pop up notification: Go to: Edit -> Plugins and uncheck the Status Icon plugin. Another way: Edit --> Plugins Select Status Icon, click the configure button Choose the never shown option for notifications.
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answered Nov 16 '10 at 10:29 karthick87 15 91 160 10.9k

Thanks. However, the one piece of software I would really want to disable notifications for is Banshee, but there doesn't seem to be any options for that at all, unless I'm really missing something.

Nov 18 '10 at 16:07
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To alter these settings, install gconf-editor from the software-center.

http://askubuntu.com/questions/13464/how-can-i-customize-disable-notification-bubbles[2/10/2014 3:52:21 PM]

10.04 - How can I customize/disable notification bubbles? - Ask Ubuntu

Scroll to / apps nm-applet and check disable-connected-notifications and disabledisconnected-notifications settings there. Check the attached image for clarifications.

As For the VLC, you need to visit VLC Preferences (Press Ctrl + P, or access it from tools Menu) And Disable SysTray Popup when Minimized (Hover the move over that option and read the descripton)

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answered May 2 '12 at 17:28 sarveshlad 6 19 1,637

http://askubuntu.com/questions/13464/how-can-i-customize-disable-notification-bubbles[2/10/2014 3:52:21 PM]

10.04 - How can I customize/disable notification bubbles? - Ask Ubuntu add comment

To disable the Notification bubbles you can remove the 'Notification Area' item from the panel. Just right click on the notification area item and select 'Remove From Panel'.

UPDATE: The Notification Area will be no more from Ubuntu 11.04

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answered Nov 16 '10 at 6:23 aneeshep 2 25 51 8,810

I don't want to get rid of the notification area entirely, but only the bubbles.

Nov 16 '10 at 6:31
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The question

How to turn off the pop up notification in 12.04? was redirected here but this question's context is framed for lucid 10.04 which uses notificationdaemon and not Pangolin 12.04 which uses notify-osd (On Screen Display) to make pop-up bubbles. This can be seen in the 12.04 system file (NB 10.04 predates this): view-source:file:///usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service with notifying content uniquely specific to either the Unity or Gnome default interface: [D-BUS Service] Name=org.freedesktop.Notifications Exec=/bin/sh -c 'if [ ! -x /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon ] || [ "$GDMSESSION" = guest-restricted ] || [ "$GDMSESSION" = gnome-classic-guest-restricted ] [ "$GDMSESSION" = default -a "$(basename `readlink /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager`)" = gnome-session ] || [ "$GDMSESSION" = ubuntu ] || [ "$GDMSESSION" = ubuntu-2d ]; then exec /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd; else exec /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon; fi' What follows is explicitly for the 12.04 redirected question. The complete stack of pending notifications can be disabled and cleared using a terminal window
( Ctrl + Alt + T ) and entering killall notify-osd after which notifications resume. To disable for an arbitrary length of time use: dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'" | grep --line-buffered "member=Notify" | sed -u -e 's/.*/killall notify-osd/g' | bash This crude solution can be stopped by closing the terminal window or typing

\ \ \ + .

Change "member=Notify" to customize the desired selection of notifications for purging. For more control see: Can org.freedesktop.Notifications.CloseNotification(uint id) be triggered and invoked via DBus? Other techniques are documented in the references.

http://askubuntu.com/questions/13464/how-can-i-customize-disable-notification-bubbles[2/10/2014 3:52:21 PM]

10.04 - How can I customize/disable notification bubbles? - Ask Ubuntu

ref.: How to disable notification from network-manager Is it possible to block NotifyOSD for one application? filter messages to "notification area" applet How can I customize/disable notification bubbles?
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answered Sep 30 '13 at 6:47 troll la la la 3 123

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go to package manager and remove pop-up notification ;; it will auto install another that the system needs .BUT will not show a pop-up window when a new song comes on . did this to mine mint 16 mate.
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answered Dec 31 '13 at 18:27 ubuntuer 1

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