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EXAMPLE EXTRACT OF ARTICLE REVIEW An example extract of an article review. Only the introduction and conclusion are included.

Structural Features

Academic conventions and language eatures

Bibliographic details of the text

This is an article review of Sanzo et al. 2011, which investi ated the !eadership practices of successful middle school principals. The articles was pu"lished in the Journal of Educational Administration, #ol. $%. &o. 1, pp. '1($).


*esearch +,oyan, 1%--. /inham, 200). 0ur et al., 2001. 2allin eer and hec3, 1%%-. !ei hwood and *iehl, 200'. 4arzano et al., 200)5 has shown that effective principals

Introduces the authors and topic area Presents the aim/purpose of the study States the methodology/ design used Key findings

positively influence students6 success. Thus, Sanzo et al. +20115 conducted a study on the leadership practices of successful middle school principals. This research was one in a series which aimed to examine how leadership "est practices of middle school principals can positively influence student achievement in a climate of educational accounta"ility. The study was exploratory in nature and data were analyzed inductively. The study reveals some common themes of successful practices employed "y these principals. These themes were cate orized into sharin facilitatin professional development, leadin instructional orientation and actin leadership, with an

eporting !erb

openly and honestly.

These findin s indicate that these successful principals have

e!ie"er#s $udgment

vision, which are in line with 4anasse6s +1%-15. ,ecause this Transition signals study is exploratory in nature, results of this study provide insi hts into the "est practices of successful principals with the view of incorporatin these practices into leadership pro rammes. 2owever, in interpretin the findin s, several limitations must "e considered.

Article review7lpc8 3s

Body Significance and contribution to the field

9 9 9 9 9 9 9

:hat is the author6s aim; To what extent has this aim "een achieved; :hat does this text add to the "ody of 3nowled e; +in terms of theory, data and<or practical application5 :hat relationship does it "ear to other wor3s in the field; :hat is missin <not stated; =s this a pro"lem; :hat approach was used for the research; +e. . >uantitative< >ualitative, analysis<review of theory or current practice, comparative<case study, personal reflection etc?5 2ow o"@ective<"iased is the approach; Are the results valid and relia"le; :hat analytical framewor3 is used to discuss the results; =s there a clear pro"lem, statement or hypothesis; :hat claims are made; =s the ar ument consistent; :hat 3inds of evidence does the text rely on; 2ow valid and relia"le is the evidence; 2ow effective is the evidence in supportin the ar ument; :hat conclusions are drawn; Are these conclusions @ustified; /oes the writin style suit the intended audience; +e. . expert<non(expert, academic<non( academic5 :hat is the or anizin principle of the text; Aould it "e "etter or anized;

%ethodology or approach

9 9 9

Argument and use of e!idence

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

&riting style and text structure 'onclusion Summari(es re!ie"er#s $udgment )ffers recommendatio n

=n summary, the results of the current study are far from "ein conclusive. As was ac3nowled ed "y Sanzo et al. themselves, eneraliza"ility to the eneral middle school principal population is not possi"le due to the small sample used in the study. Bor the study to "e eneraliza"le, further studies usin a "i er sample must "e ta3en for it to "e representative of the population. /espite the fact that this is an exploratory study, it has nevertheless provided a rare insi ht into the "est practices of middle school principals. Buture research into the comparison "etween the "est practices of elementary school, middle school and hi h school principals can "e determined.

%odality used to express certainty and limit o!ergenerali(atio n 'oncessi!e clauses assist in expressing a mixed response

Article review7lpc8 3s

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