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Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement

Rev. l/08
Ofiicial Use Onlv
Page I of 17


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tr.itr*n.Na MFI
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Title First lvil Las2- Suffix

*,-L.n*- __Lj bas

Street Address ciB'_.- i State Zlp Code

' _)/.e-Lu
/,r*^ 3 '"J .t
c--r- oG*g
'r" lI
l/ / e,q lo< oL'.i Hqr..
Titl e
'S*o ffi. -,'

f; '.TWpU'.::,f.l|]' QIiPI'|Illf /f'ktdr::llaa Rnil

n January 10 hling fl 7th day preceding primary n 7th day preceding referendum U Initial Contribution or Disbursement
D April 10 hling fl 30 days follorving primary [ 45 days follorving relerendum
n Amendment to

l-l .Iulr' l0 filins [7th day preceding elecrion D Deficit T,vpe of Report:

D October 10 fi1ing [J l2th day preceding election fl Termination

(Slqte Cefltrsl Committea Only)

I Independent Expenditure
fI45 days follorving election
E Primf,r) E Elecrion
not held in November

s., FF,RI{:}Tir'€OVtRtr..n .:

Beginning Date Ending Date

/0/drla9 thru

I hereby certifu and state, under penalties of false statenent, that all of the information set lorlh on this ltemized Campaign Finance
Disclosure Statement for the period covered is true, accurate and complete.

- -



Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement
Page 2 of 17
Rev. 1/08

NnMFjnI' anM]l{{.f1f.Fli INGDIIF DA:|E:::

S-*a{#i" .. -( o.., o t- /6-- ,12- '?co7

This Period Asgregate

l1 Balance on hand January 1 of current year for Ongoing and Parti' Comrnittees OR
Balancc on hand from daY Committee q'as formed for all other comnittees
1 2. Balance on hand a1 the beginning of Reporting Period
7, a Y/, Da

13. Contributions received from Individuals (Sections A and B) t a-r^o' ob Ag 3 qtt'ol)

1.1. Receipts lrom Other Committees (Sections C1 and C2)
a X-r-b. *u

i5. Other l\4onetary Receipts (Sections D-K) :fG, t:e J-e, oo

16a. Total Small Food and Beverage Receipts at l-air (Section Ll) To*-n Committees ONLY ?S\ 'a
l6b. Total Proceeds from Small Purchases at Tag Sales, Auctions or Other Sales (Section L2)
b' 6.
Municipal and Town
15c Tolal P h ase I Advertisins in a Prosram Book (Section L3) Commitlees ONLY X L. t '1,s1

i7. Total lr,lonetan'Receipts (add totals for lines 13-16c)

g,3oo,60 3'l ,g /f ,ao

3 ,lt 34, g ti ao
/' ,r'
18. Subtotals (add totals ir line 12 + line 17 in Column A: and in line I I + 17 in Column B) t3, ,a/.
19. Erpenses Paid by Committee (Section P)
q4 ?z 47 g3 g "f | ,8f
20. Balance on hand at close ofReporting Period (Subtract line 19 from iine I 8 in both Columns) -{ 9 a t,?r tgc.l ,w
21. In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions Received (Section L4) d &
22. In-Kind Contributions Received (Section M) & F,

& K,
23. Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company (Section N)

24. Receipts of Organization Expenditures (Section O) & q

25. Beginning Loan Balancc & A
* T,nun. Received (Section D)
6.' x
25b f Interest and Penalties on Loan & K
25c. - Payments on Loan X a
l5d. Total Oulslanding Loan Amount K 8\

26. Campaign Expenses Paid by Candidate (Section Q)

t' 4
27. Expenses lncurred on Committee Credit Card (Section R) &
28. Expenses Incuned b)' Comn-rittee During this Period bur Not Paid (Section S) 6
28a. Total Outstanding E.xpenses lncuned b,v Cornmittee still L)npaid (Section S) \
I. I\IONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A-K'l Page 3 of 17
NAMF.OF COMMITTFS ri:i\I4:rflr rF ,r]r:rt:
Sl.. {4',n., #- n irv| aF ,/b"."7)-/ao'1
$ nVjra,eo
g;,, Ii6iniiba, €onttitrutiuns f*.nm.ndivialthii
First- ,
'*i3"o* /r^ P-t
I A.-
a >t ti l,
l T
Princioal Occuoalioo

-q lnr,-.^n
Amount of
Kesldetrtlal Stleet Address lrp Looe olo\ er
+ C),***,,f 'y'r,u. 1-a^ 0 /" Vt9 l' ,oo't
Is contributor a lobbyist. spouse, D Yes Ifcontrrbution(is in excess of$400 to a candidate commrttee ior a chiefexecutive officer ola
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated rvith have a contract \\'ith said
municipality valued at more than $5.000? DYes INo
ls thrs corrtrrburron associated witb a -F
y.. Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? I Yes 5-D, N
fundraising event listcd in Section Ll? E t'lo f1'es, indrcate u,hroh branch or branches !No
IJ.y-es,listEvent# I b. /A * C I of govemment the contract is with: fl Executive I Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Received t Aggregate contflbut !ons

frCastr Personal n Check I CreditDebit Card D Pa1'roll Deduction I Money Order tofrz/a1 / 4 4, ca
Lxt Nme
(t oto.
Xc sr= rr'.('
' .S <)+- <wpl"r<J
PrircipalOccupation e, t I Amount of
Residential Strdet Address
'-l'- ,l)--.) ttate hp Code Name of Emplol'er

it 7-- ll"r,,.^ l,/o, .-

b", A LVR
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, n Yes lfcontributioh is in excess of$400 to a candidate conrmittee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
or dependent child of a lobb-vist? [ No muricipality does contributor or business he/she is associated rvith have a contract rvith said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? nYes ENo
a fr Y"t D
Is this contribution associated with
fundraising event lisled in Sectron L I? n No
is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
{fyes, indicate rvhich branch or branches n
f.1'es. Irst Etentt /O-14'c7 ofgovemment the contract is rvith: D Executive D Legislative
Date Received Aggregate conb butions

J q4,*
Method of contribution:
Cash lB
Personal Check n Credit/Debit Card n Pavroll Deduction I Money Order 7e/arfaq
I-art Naine Ft'"t i{I
(-l^* Ior,t 'F,rtnLor-- 'ryi::"'ff:, Amount of
{csjdential Sqeet.{ddress / )Iate 11p Code
tt l-hne, Lo^" S-*L ll""k /f A 64q2, o€ 1Dn,L,
spouse. fl
Is contributor a loUbyist, Yes Ifcontrittutron is in excess of$400 to a chiefexecutive ollic'er ofa
a candidate committee foi
ordependentchildofalobbl,ist? n No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated r.vith have a contract with said
municipaliw valued at more than $5.000? D Yes I No
a ts Yet I Yes
J*Z d'
Is this connibution associated rvith ls contributor a principalofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
fundrarsins event listed in Section Ll? fl No IfJ,es,indicate u,hich branch or branches nuo
fles. lisiEvent # /D'l& 'A 7 ofgovenrment the contract is with: I Executive n Legislative
Date Recerved Aggregate confibutroDs
N{ethod of contribution:
Casn ft
Personal Check fl CredilDebit Card [1 Payroll Deduction I Money Order .ro
/V51 n
'nT ,.llo - j',, /,4.,n,
N{I Pnncioal Occunarion
'---L-/-a^sO. (f, iu,{ l f-
Amount of
(eirOeDtlal )trcct AOffesS I Itate ltp Code arne 01 LmDl()\'er v

R.r.. 7o..".# KJ - 'flJ

?rF eT' ^/;, Q-7' I'1: i^'.; - l'1^,.-l-,,-.t"t nn
Is contributor a lobbvist, spouse, fl Yes Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
ordependentchildofalobbyist'l n No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated rvith have a contract with said
mLnicipality valued at more than $5,000? nYes []No
Is this contribution associated with a ! Yes Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? I Yes {fr'a a
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? KNo Ifyes, indicate rvhich branch or branches lNo f
If)'es,list Event # of govemment the contract is with: Executive n Legislative fl
Date Recelved / Aggregate cortnbutrons
Method of coqtribution:
tr Castr { Personal Check fl Credit/Debit Card fl Payroll Deduction I Money Order /tr /t=-/01

SUBTOTAL Section B-This Page
"i {a
7.Ssn '


l. NIO\ETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A-K) Page 4 of 17

Nrtf,tEnc cntftffiEF :TIr:IN(?: Ill'lf l-l ATF

€+^{+t' e-r-; J4r A)i a f- la*)-/an7

Neme of Committee \me of Treasurer

\ddress a I Yes f1,es, list Amount of Contribution

Is this contribution associated rvith
fundraistngeventlisted in SectronLl? fl No Event#
litr- fate Zip Code Aggregate

Name of Committe e
\ame ol freasurer

Amount of Contribution
Address ls this contrrbution associated *'ith a il Yes fyes, ltsl
fi.urdraisrngeventlisted in SectionLl? [ No Event#
Zip Code Date Received A.glregate Cootn

Name ofTreaswer
Name of Comitlee

-{ddress Amount of Contribution

thiscontributionassociatedwitha D Yes {fyes, list
lrndraising event listed in Sectron L1? fl No Event #
r1} Date Received Aggregate Contn butlons

.,lme of Treaswer
ame of Comrnittee

Address a fl Yes If yes,lst Amount of Contribution

ls this contribution associated with
firndraisrngeventlisted in SectionLl? [ No Event#
Zip Code Aggregate

Name of Committee Nme of Treasuer

a I Amount of Contribution
ddress ls this contribution associated with Yes If yes, lisl
fundrarsing event listcd in Section Ll? fl No Event #
lty State Zip Code Date Received Aggregate

Name of Comittee Nme of Treasuer

a I Amount of Contribufion
Address Is this contrbution associated *ith Yes If yes,bst
fimdrarsing event listed in Section L 1? fl No Event #
_rn Zip Code Date Recelved

{ame of Conmittee Name ofTreasrrer

Address )ate Received Amount of Receipl

rty itate Zip Code

D Reimbwsement for shared expense [l Surplus
! Payment for goods and sen'ices Distribution

ffi Nme of Treasuer

Ad&ess Date Received Amount of Receipl

1t} )tate Zip Codc

D Reimbrrsement for shared expense I Surplus
tl Pavmcnt for goods and sen'ices Distribution

ilrnTOTAt Se.itign.C,;lhis Fagq, r\

TOTAL of aildilr9na'I:Section C PLgcs \)r.\
iil*ar. 11rr ni;i,1on,ru E CSNiRfBUTIONS .RE{'FJJTS Entnililal on.Lini'14 nf.Sniiniary Paagl. :
Section B. Additional Pase
ai i ar- nE
1-& n',; {}- /1 aqo r t4'J2 --"6o fl
B. Itemized ContriUutions from Individuals
Lasr Mme FJ's-,
Iu-f Prbcipal Occuprtion
IVlI Amount of
C/*,, o f(o AEb Contribution
/ rla4 L o^' '# t I n
.eslucnTlal )reglsqesr - . I i tate irp Codei\me o1 LlnDlovur,
lga ry /-,,,.,* 1.s., L'^ ,n, n o'l*n -t-_L
'^ i)4r^
spouse, fl"

Is contributor a lobbyist, Yes If contribution-Kin excess of $400 to a candidate committey'lor a chief executive officer of 6
ordependentchildofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract rvith said
municipalitv valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes E llo
Is this contribulion associated u,ith a
fundraising event listed in Section Ll ?
D Yes ls contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes /oD, ae
E No If,es, indicate u'hich branch or branches ENo
fyes. list Event # of govemment the contract is with: n
Executive D l-egislative
Date Received -A ggregatg contnbutrons
]r4ethod of contribution:
ICash Personaldl Check I CrediLDebit Card n Payroll Deduction n N{oney Order ro/as/d?
MI Principal Occupation Amount of
'"tY^ ?^ L, *-l- O{a
Kesroenrral Jtrej!+otress / / ti81u",.,..=An ,Ate ,rP LOOe Name of F-nrnlo\ d

lci n ,> '' Yn,,,"* lr'ctn e- t-_r Lt?a'/ 1.*'4,/1 A'nF^7

Is contributor a lobb_vist, spouse, D Yes a candidate committee,/for a chief executive officelof a
If contribwl'on is in excess of $400 to
or dependent child ofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? No E Yes I
Is this contribution associated rvith a n Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? tr Yes
fundraisrng event listed in Section Ll?
{f1'es, list Event #
X No If yes, indtcate rvhich branch or branches
of govemment the contract is u'ith:Executive I Legislative !
E No
Method of contribution: Date Reeir ed , Aggregate cootnbutrons

tr Casn $ Personal Check I CrediilDebit Card D Payroll Deduction I Money Order to /os /eQ 4 o t.t-c
u'"?ol# MI Principal Occupation Amount of
r"rna dnn Contribution

;; /rffil;)"tr",.1'
Kesrdentral Sr*et Addresv
spouse, fl
Is contributor a lobbyist, Yes
'ilo* ,/o
If contribution
^ is in excess of $400 to
LOOe Nme ot .bmployer

a candidate committee for a chief executive officer ol a

ordependentchildofalobbyist? [J No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated rvith have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? nYes nNo
Is thrs contribution associated rvith a I Yes Is conlributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? tr Yes
fundraising event listed rn Section L I ?
XNo Ifyes. indicate *'hich branch or branches I No
{f1'es,list Event #_ of govemment the contract is r,r,ith:
Executive E Legislative fl
Method of contribution: l)ate Received t A.ggregate contnbutrols

tr casl l( fersonal Check I CreditiDebit Card n Payroll Deduction I Money Order /a/aq/u,z
LTltNme i First l!{I Itucipal O;glpatiop . / Amount oi
[ ,.-an/rr ;flf,^es itate hp Code
Ke-J: n.-d
ame 01 l,mploJ'er

,ruiil'.i-H "* /1,. 6 t',llt

is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, ! Yes If contributioh is in excess of $400 to
a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or busrness he/she is associated with have a contract *'ith said
municipality valued at more than $5.000? lYes f]No
Is this contribution irssociated a fi with Yes Is conb-ibutor a principal ofa state contractor or prospectlve state contractor? I Yes /o-t 'n
L1? []
fundraising event listed in Section No fyes, indicate u,hich branch or branches !No
Ifyes,listEvenr# lD .' / L 'a Q of govemment the contract is with: Executive n Legislative I
Dcte ReceiJed / Aggregate conmbuhons
Method of contribution:
@ Cash I Personal Check fl CredilDebit Card E Payroll Deduction n Money Order to/tL/af 4ti^
LlYme l.
o"hi,..1 MI PincWcuvatio"fGr* Amount of
I a{\ n^ 1(.}, C - ^ r,, I Contribution
";);"/il;.I*","+-," J
r" .
cf 6[,tV3
Zip Code NanreotErhprol'er
(<r/" ,+ 2-1, f
Is contribuior a lobbyist. spouse, D If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief\xecut'ive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbvist? " I
No municipality does contributor or business he/she i.s associaled rvrth have a contract *'ith said
municipaliS,valued at more than $5,000? E y"r n No
Is this contribution a-ssociated rvith u & Y". Is contributor a principal of a slate contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
lLrndrlrsrng erent lrstcd rn SecLion I l_" D No d,.*o
fles lrsi l-temf /D . 14 tJA
f,r'es. indicate n'hrch branch or branches
of govemment tlie contract is *ith: Exccutive n I-egislative I I e1). ffi
N'lethod of contribution: Date Receir ed I / Aggregate contrlbutlons

I Casn S fersonal Check fl CrediVDebit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money Order t a /rz /a? d 4f. oo

SUBTOTAL Section B-This Page x \z. /), lr


vage / of /3
Section B. Additional Page
la *t?-2oa/
S* 1{, e.; {: - l\'(at o -
'}.. Itemized Contributions from Individuals
Fint 1r l
{ J".;
MI Principal Occupcion Amount of
1a,-) itate pip Code Nme of Employer
ij'o;"n'o*ss" qy' ,lte-,-b v
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, E Yes If contribution ii in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive ofhcer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? []No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a conkact with said
municipality valued at more than $5,0O0? fl Yes n No
Is this contribution associated with a X v"t Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state confactor? fl Yes Ji-A , tr
li.rndraisingevent listed in Section Ll? DNo fyes, indicate which branch or branches DNo
If yes.listEventf - / A -D ?
/C olgovemment the conkact is with: fl Executive fl Legislative
Date Received Aggegate conhbutroos
Method of contribution: , ,

lQCastr I personal Check n Credit/Debit Card D Payroll Deduction D Money Order /o /tt /aq / 3V. eo
t^P*l[^. "'*;). * r*//
MI Amount of
{esldmhal Stret Addess ,r?-iln,- ;tat€ ap LO{e Nme ol bmDlovtr
!1* t6qtt (J 4.rt(

/.q2 7n*l< A,o -fr*"trlb"tt."ls

L,, ?o' .'Ao- l'"
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, tr Yes in excess of $zl00 to a candidate ccimmittee folr a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? fl yes B No
Is this contribution associated with a Is contributor a principal ofa Sate conFactor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes /do'*
frmdraising event listed in Section Ll? € L"; I/yes, indicate which branch or branches
oigovemment the contract is with: I Executive 0 Legislative
fl No
fyes, listEvent# /b -){"'9q
Aggrcgate mntnDunons
Method of contribution:
tr castr Q Personal Check E Creaiyoebit card D Paymll Deduction fl Money order /o - /4-a? 4rya,n
L6tNme Fi$t MI Principal Occupation Amount of
(1n-"r-, $-J -t ,'l
,+-. J^ r€ -
ifate Loce Name oI


;Tf LIi"J:i ? &*1" ln.,^ l7- A 6 r\J*/ . ir"'-' .* Nar' '3ro

Is coritributor a lobbyis{ spouse, tr
Yes If contribution is in excess of $4O0 to a candidate committee
for a chief executive officer of a
" *',
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? tr No municipality does contributor or business hey'she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? []Yes DNo
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state confactol? D Yes
/ta' o.,}
fiindraising event listed in Section Ll ? ts. No fyes, indicate which branch or branches nNo
fyes, list Event # _ olgovemment the contract is with:
Execuhve 0
Legislative I
Date Rffived. ) Aggregale cmtnbutlotr
Method of contribution:
[J Castr N! rersonal Check E C."diynebit Card D Payroll kuction fl Money Order to /r-t/aq
( t,lvuo Ro^
' n
Princioal Occmatim
pt,J Amount of

l; -.<J";;; ?'J ]s'1

Resdmual Street Ad(llss itate rp Uode Nmeol bmployq ^ I
- -/-"
ba :r 9b!.t( (:,1' o K -//o*b7
Is contributor a lobbfbt, spouse, E Yes Ifconkibudon is in excess of$400 to a candidate committ# for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? tr No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00@ E Yes ,X No
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state coiltractor or prospective state conlractor? l-,l. Yes /oo,oo
fundraising event listed in Section L1? KNo fyes, rndicate which branch or branches No ,E
I/yes,listEvent* /D' lL-aQ o}government the contract is with: fl
Executive D kgislative -
Date Rweived Aggregaie conmDu!
Method of contribution:
{C*h fl Personal Check E Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Muction D Money Order /ol7a/nf j t-t t'
otl Mi *\W*fr^,,no*".* Amount of

l/a lY7 ,h6 Contribution

tesrden0al strget Agdress -lN ^ , lJare 1ip Code Nme of .tlmptoyq
t}c, Ml ,',^u
^,l* -\*
' t)onb., I cr a 6llr t-- . ,.. N.g
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, fl Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dcpendent child of a lobbyist? DNo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipali$ valued at more than $5,000? D yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a
fundraisrng event listed in $ectiol L I ?
fifl v""
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state conkactot?
fyes, indicate which branch or branches
I Yes
fyes. list eventH /a //b/dQ olgovemment t}re contract is with: fl Executive D kgislative
/A A"eR'
Aggregate contnbuoons
Method of contribution:
D C*fr Q Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction fl Money Order
Date Received
to /;/o?
,4F o, *
SUBTOTAL Section B-Thj1P4gg, { h d,b-
Page 1 of
Section B. Additional Page
FII IN.l nITF r)AT'tr
S/={$,e-'r', $^ )vl "tVf
,/b--e?2-X oc g
B. ltemized Contributions from Individuals
"UJt, Fint / -'
l h *mcs
MI Principal OccqpgtioD
E Lr; t 1taQ-l
Amount of
"*"'?t':*FHrl" -r- i .i{,.^-l{t{ itate
4ip Code
o 6rt? "fq:'"ff::'; fus.*fi ,.,,,
spouse, I
Is contributor a lobbyist, Yes If contnbution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive offlcer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyis? [ No municipality does ccntributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? ilYes DNo
Is this contribution associated with
a D
inSectionLl? E
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state con@ctor?
!/yes, indicate which branch or branches
.I/yes, list Event # of govemment the contract is with: E Executive I Legislative
Method of contribution: Date R€qvefl i Aggegate contributions
E Curn fff"nonal Check D CreditlDebrt Card fl Payroll Deduction D Money Order /o ftz/a?
6t-Nlme I o"'b MI Prinopalocgpg$on 7 r
D' 4t^ I' n,'.,'D L,^l*+lt ' K -J-.r.sJ
l Amount of

/Q( ^Y.(r.t\ rydess

Is contributor lobbyist, spousg I Yes
^il*r,., ,i
Ifcontribution is in excess of
3/* o6vo/
aip Code

$40O to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer of a


ordependentchildofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipaliry valued at. more than $5,000? Yes No n fl
a E Y*
Is this contribution associated with
Ll? E No
fi.rndraising event lisied in Section
Is contribdor a principal ofa state contractor or prosp€ctive state contractor?
I/yes, indicate *fiich branch or branches
No f aa,m
Ifyes,lixEvent# I O - tO - o? of govemment the con{ract is with: E
Executive D Legislative
Method of contribution: Dare Rreired Aggregate mlntrutros
fl Casn { fersonal Check D CrediyOpbit Card [J Payroll Deduction I Money Order zal,-? /ol ,?45,*
st Nme FiBt ji l MI h'*i'"tftTTTf. Amount of
l)r-et"l^^" V ancy 13u i^,, ^J
^ Contribution

;;;-F:;"-:;,." ?J
Is contribuior a lobbyis! spouse, U Yes
If contribr,rtion is in excess of
,lp L{Jde
Name oI bmployer

$4O0 to a candidale committee for a chief executive officer of a

or dependent child ofa lobbyist? u No municipality does contributoror business hey'she is associated with have a confact with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? Yes No I fl
Is this contribution associated with a { Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? tr Yes
fi.ndraising event listed in Section L1? D No -Ilyes, indicate which branch or branches il No / 4-v"otl
fyes, list Event ) # b
-16 -o q of govemment the contract is with: fl Executive E legislative
Method of contributicn: Date Rmived Aggregate conributims
tr Casfr
{ Personal Check D CrediyDebit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money Onder b/e/oa
LstN@e rijs! I M PriscipdTgrym t / Amount of
lLlto.r,n. (on-" /u- l-tlsa lle,a I Contribution
FrP L me Nme or tsmDtovg Y
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, I Yes
If contributidn is in excess of M@ to
Yr I a6+tr Pi.,',io' fl"n-1,'
a candidate committee fora chief e:lecr/tive offi&1of a
f",, LLc
or dependent chiid ofa lobbyist? fl lto mrmicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00O? E Yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a $Y", Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section L1? INo fyes, indicate which branch or branches INo
.I/yes, listEvent# /A- U -a9 ofgovemmentthecontractiswith: DExecutive ILegislative 5-z,t-
Method of contribution: DateRffiiv+ j Aggregate contributions
[J Cash .( e"rsonal Check ! CreaiyOebit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money Order ta/t/a€ a 3 a,t'
-E) l,' Nmd o"hl MI Princioal Ocuoatiot I / Amount of
Resrdfltral Stregt Address '-
h t'tc
itate l.lp Code Name ot
*,lnr"-d. Contribution

/r'.,, ^ U,^
s-,-...,,-- :";fr 66(R,.i
Iscontributoralobbyist,spouse, fl Yes If coritribution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? D No municipality does contribtrtor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes I No
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractod tr Yes
f'undraising event listed in Section L l? fl No fyen, indicate which branch or branches u No
/ t-t-' r-u
/yes, lisiEvent # /D - il -o f ofgovemmenttiecontractiswith: IExecutive ILegislative
Method of conrribution: f)ateReceivsl r / Aggregate mntnbuIons
tr Casn ,{
Personal Chcck D Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction fl Money Order ta/r /a I J6::*
SUBTOTAL Section B-This Paee ({t e
v^g" 3
Section B. Additional Page

1a -s?-Rat?
*T/a4e on-i -j*- (\x, D f-
B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals
Last Nme Fint MI Principal Qcupation /\ Amount of
(4, l,-,n- s hn Contribution
'fil^l{,n ttate Zip Code \me 9r bmproytr J
Is contributor a lobbyist,
1,. RJ
spouse, D Yes ".CJ ,l a elq2 I1;(on, -
If contributi/on is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for
a chief executive officer of a

ordependentchildofalobbyist? U No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,(F0? il Yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? tr Yes
ftrrdraising event listed in Section Ll? EI, lto fyes, indicate which branch or branches n No ,11'z 'w
fyes, list Event #_ of govemment the contract is with: fl Executive E Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Raeived ; , Aggegate contributioN

E Casn {fersonal Check fl Credit/oebit card fl Payroll Deduction D Money Order /a /gh1
L2r{me I
t-r-toc (1 q.na
' Occuarim
Prircioal t
I Amount of
(esrdenuat sEet Aoorss

to Io,,^LJ,ll JL,n -V"t{,, cr

Jtate .Ip uo{re
b L{el

Is contributolalobbyist, spouse, fl Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? E No municipality does contributor or business helshe is associated with have a contract with said
municioalitv valued al more than $5,000? EYes ENo
Is this contribution associated wth a E y"t Is contributor a principalofa state contractor or prosp€ctive slate conkactor? Yes g /oa,fi
fundnising event listed in Section Ll? E No fyes, indicate *thich branch or branches No tr
fyes, lisi Event # / b -lL -O I of govemment the contract is with: I Executive D Legislative
Date Recived Aggregate mtrrbutrotrs
Method of conbibution: /
D C*n flr"rsonal Check I Credit/Oebit Card [1 Payroll Deduction D Money Order / a/r z/a?
L9Lf.\rame Fi'"t I I\.{ Principal Occupation Amount of
(==Ou.rn 7{oon ra{-, I f) n.,n42 f Contribution
LNdmtnl ,
Sfteet Address -PD- itate lrp Looe Name ol bmDloYer -
cr *

s1, tL.L"^ (,\^.J, L.o lro,^ 0lrtz> M; 1,", /M..3*oo-

s spouse, E
contributoialobbyis! Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate commifiee for a chief executive officer of a
rrdependentchildofalobbyist? fl No municipality does contribtrtor or business he/she is associated with have a contract !t th said
municioality valued at more than $5,@0? nYes ENo
Is this contribution associated with a I Yes ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed in Section L1? B-No
Is contributor a principal
I/yes, indicate rfiich branch or branches tr No ,1n.n
If yes.list Event # _ of government the contract is with: fl Executive il Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Rffiived i Aggegate mtnbunom
tr C^ft p Personal Check fl Credit/oetit Card fl Payroll Deduction I Money Order tofp/oq
MI Principy'-Occupatigu F- Amount of
(Tree n? r1" J^"-i L!',rl I F *{tv114r Contribution
Raidential Str€t Ad&ess / ;tate ,lp uode Nme or -EmDlovg J
T,\,^|S;,'7" NE ,J^^JJ^^, Lr A 6C q8' N t;';' * l,l* Vno, ^
ls contribulor a lobbyist, spouse, Yes Ifcontribution & in excess a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive off-rcer ofa
of$400 to
ordependent child ofa lobbyist? I: No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00O? Yes No [f E
Is this contribution associated withfl Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state coiltractor or prospective state contractofl E Yes
fundraisingeventlisted inSectionLl?
4 "o lryes, indicate which branch or branches ENo /5a"ro
Ifyes,list Evenl # _ of govemment the contract is with: D Executive I Legislative
I DateRseivts
Aggr€ate contnbufions
Methodof contribution: /
trCash QPenonalCheck ICredit/DebitCardDPayrollHuctionEMonevOrder | /O/f/A?
Amount of
Keslcennar J(eet Aooress ,h, itate lZrP L ode NmeHmDlovtr I
t ,,/- b,.^,::"-^ *(, --i?r "&.,J, " :r lnltqe 1,4. ln'^. n 7-1f," !,*ocn
iscontributoralobbyiSt,spo/se, D Yes If contribution is 'in excess
$4O0 to a candidate committee for a chief executive offtcer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? E No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? No [ yes El
I Yes n
Is this contribution associated with a
fundraising event listed in Section L 1?
Ilyes,lrstEvent# _
ENo fyes,
ofa state contractor or prospective state contractol?
Is contributor a principal
indicate u,hich branch or branches
of govemment the contract is with: D Executive fl Legislative
No An^
Method of conkibution: Dare Received I Aggregate €ontnbuuons

tr cu.tr fl Personal Check I Credit/DebitCard I Payroll D€duction fl Money order / c/tt f aj

SUBTOTAL Section B-T!!C!4C9 4 rso.o
Page of /3
Section B. Additional Pase
xTAf,rc ]fi INTC N TF f}ATtr

S*o#|,"i; J..^ {- AUo i- la 12-4oaQ *

Lgy Nmef
l-l-'u* Ao <
R. ltemized Contritrutions from Individuals

MI *"'ffii} e.n^-kr./ Amount of
livn r
(e\Idesrtal Streel Addr6sl tl lsl?re :lp Lde /
4)o lr),-'L'te,, lluo h-r aL(/r
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, D Yes Ifcontributioh is in excess of$400 1o a candrdate committee for a chiefexecutrve ofhcer ofa
ordependentchildofalobbyist? [1 No municipality does contributor or business hey'she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,@0? D Yes fl No
ls this contribution associated wth .E Vo Iscontributoraprincipal ofastatecontractororprospectivestatecontractor? [ Yes
fmdraising evcnt listed in Section
Ifyes.lrslBvent# j r: - / L' 6 4
[ No I/yes, indicate which branch or
of govemment the contract
is with: U Executive fl Legislative
D No tzrtr
Method of contribution: l)ate R4eivql Aggregate conmDuuo{ls

D casfr ft
Peisonal Check fl CrediVDebit Card fJ Payroll Deduction I Money Order to /tr / ot J / {,to
Nme '
Eist-- I I MI
/"J Amount of
Last I Primipal Scgpation
:aE. k.u n *1"
t\t, r,l tv o I Contribufion
",'';; "2::";: */"- 2.-
(nLllonJ, lP
lr'- I6f32 N, G,; L q( IYo. ,7*.,n
lstate u@9 Nme otJ]mDlovq

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, I ^ Yes If contributionis in excess of $40O to a candidate committee for a chief executive ofltcer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated v.ith have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? ENo Eyes
Is this contribution associated with a I Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prosp€ctive state contractor? fI Yes 3 o-a,a*
fi.mdraising event listed in Section Ll? E$ N" I/yes, indicate **rich branch or branches U No
fyes, list Event # of government the contract is wit}l:
U Executive E Legislative
Method of contribution: Dare Raeiv{ l Aggregate mtnbutiom
D C*n Et-p"rsonal Check fl Crediyoebit Card I Payroll Deduction I Money Order /o lz/a4
L6t Nme t'trtt /' - I MI Principal Ompatioo I / Amount of
q, /C e^ n laue<:(

1-a /a* ,-- Nmeof Employa

lrp Lme
J""rTi-:ff"::: ?.1 fi."J Lr,Jr. f5- ^L57,9-
Is contributor a lobbyiiq spouse, [, Yes ofSztO0 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
Ifcontribution is iir excess
ordependentchildofalobbyist? & No municipality does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
mrmicipality valued at more than $5,000? E yes d No
ls this conribution associated with a fi Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospectiye state contractor? E.Yes
iimdraisingevent listed in Sectipn Ll?
Ifyes,listEvent# 1of tb f DJ
E No fyes, indicate *trich branch or
of govemment the contract is
with: I Executive I Irgislative
,4 No 4c-t''o
Method of contribution: Dare Rmived t Aggregate catrtnbutrons

tl Casft
ft Personal Check D CreOitneUit Card I Payroll Deduction f] Money Order rc/r/oQ 5-?5-, *
L6(Nme Finf .t MI Amount of
-a7u,," I

I M,.ln""t
Principal 9ggqpglm

--"j;;. o. (' ,,,1 fl,,e)"tr Contribution

(esrdflnalbr€t Atttrcs
t2 A u^ lon -fla.<
Is cond'ibutor spouse, O
a lobbyist,

l1",il*,"J;r )
If conkibution is in excess of M00 to
lY f')fr' rq
a candidate committee for a chief executive offtcer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? E Wo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with lrave a contract with said
municipalityvaluededmorethan$5,000? E yes I No
ls this contribution associated with a u Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractod n Yes l5z,e
fundraising event listed in Section L1? -9, No Ifyes, ndicate which branch or branches n No
If yes,list Event #_ ofgovernmentthecontractiswith: flExecutive DLegislative
Method of contribution: Date Rtreivf Aggregate contrrbutons
tr Casfr fr Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card E Payroll Deduction I Money Order /D /t3 /D g
Nme MI Occup4ion i
U- il,-lnu.
"f'Lr.Lo./ Principal
k Isc -tT ,crcrn
Amount of

'k"lln r iea ?", t*D.rL, itate ,lp Code

Nme oI b.mDlovel

- q,o UY
Iscontributoralobbyist,spouse, Yes tf contributidn is in cxcess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildolalobbyist? fl No mrmicipality does conkibutor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? IYes INo
ls this contribution associated rvith a EI Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? I Yes
fundraising event listed in Section L!? n DNo
/ya', list Event #
No fyes, indicate which branch or branches
of government the contract is with: D Executive fl Legistative 5a,*
Ilate Received Aggrcgate mntrbuhons
Method of contribution:
Curi, I Persona] Check il CreditDebit Card D Payroll Deduction fl Money Order ,,o /ta /t i /s-2,"n
SUBTOTAI, Section B-This :Pase '7 {o.r
Yage f d /3
Section B. Additional Page

$..44-;n l-' t-n-. l'(*, u - /o -;) J c a9

B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals
Finl /1 i MI Principal Occupation Amount of
V ln^ J"r -ilt'
do '*- ap Lme \me of Employel

X-a;ffi?J ?J u
Is coirtributor a lobbyist, spouse, Yes
- \s a c i-tt.-
l(f 66Ys3
lf con'tribution is in excess of 5400 to a candidate committee fora chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? n No municipality does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a .E vo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? n Yes /a d"t
fiindraising event listed in Section Ll? ENo fyes, indicate which branch or branches DNo
fyes, list Event # 1A-/_Q_*a 7_ of govemment the contract is with: I Executive D Legislative
Date Recqved Aggegate confibutlons
Method of contribution:
Qcastr I Penonal Check E Credit/Debit Card fl Palroll Deduction I Money Order to /rt /o?
Lasl Nme ' I h rrst MI Prircipal Opcqpaion ,1 Amount of
P,' /t ) , /l,o^ 5-lf 'ar^ , /"r./ Contribution
{esrdmtial "tlq./,u^
StIffit Address itate 4p L@e Name oI bmproyer

-S/,"^ il t/ 7d 2-1", a7* 66(tr

Is contributor a lobbyist,spouse, I Yes a chief executive officer of a
If contritrudion is in excess of $40O to a candidate committee for
or dependent child of a lobbyist? -E NO municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,00O? E Vo E No
Is this contribution associated with a ;[i Yss Is contritrutor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes loa"n
frrndraising event listed in Section Ll? !No I/yes, indicate which branch orbranches ffl..rqo
fyes, list Event # jb ^ jt - cq of govemment the contract is with: I Executive O Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Received Aggregate marbuioN
pcastr E Personal Check E Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money order 4 4 n,,o
Lst N?me
L u nn q c
tesriy,na street Ad€tess
a^ itate

xp code
Principal Occupation

Name ofEmployer
Amount of

4 ovv J r,4 Y*,,/* ii //", o b-- E Iv/e

,s contributor a lobbyis! spouse, ! Yes Ifcontriliution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
rrdependentchildofalobbyist? E l,Io municipality does contributor or business hey'she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,0@? EYes []No
Is this contribution associated with a ,)E vo ls contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section L I ? ENo fyes, urdicate which branch or branches []No
IJyes,listwent# /C /L - -o ? ofgovernment the contract is with:
Ll Executive D L,egislative
Method of contribution: DareRmived t Aggregale sntnbutros
ts C*n E Personal Check E CrediyD€bit Card D Payroll Deduction I Money order t o /r/ /aq
L6tNme ffit MI Princip{.Occupa1ign , / Amount of
l*^,tu l,
:r.eel Addrss
/ an,a Lme
Sr-/f - Q*n .-lou e{
B,mployer (
esloennd I Lrp Nane ot
;;;*?-';;,*,",J-l- 1)
rR,_ tu'!j,\ ll,- 664?3
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, fl Yes If corlbibution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee fora chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? ENo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract wilh said
municipalityvalueddmorethan$5,000? E yes I No
Is this contribution associated with a
fundraising event listed in Section Ll?
v"' Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractoil fl Yes
nNo jP,Ea
.Ifes, indicate which branch or branches
fyes, listEvent # /9:lb_-O ? of govemment tlre contract is q.ith: E Executive fJ Legislative
Date R€eivgd Aggregate contrrbuuons
Method of contribution:
frC*n E Personal Check E Credit/Debit Card E Payroll Deduction n Money Order t e /rt /a? d N,n
M Prircipalffopatioo
'tTT:^, 11" coJ4"
-R -u "^J *hu <2, w, *e'
l-) Amount of
I lirv
, ttate
lrp Lme Nme ol lrmploytr
4 A- lla v teu, -?-', ,.1

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, fl Yes Ifcontribudon is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? ENo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? U yes El No
Is this confibution associated with a Eo yo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? E No fya, indicate which branch or branches fl No
fyes, listEvent# ia- lL-oai of govemment the contract is with: Executive fl Legislative I
Method of contribution Date Rrceiyed / 5-o.ro

I [1 Payroll Deduction I I .-/ /lD.n

tr Castr 7Q Personal Check Credit/Debit Card Money Order ,/D/15 /01^
SUBTOTAI Section B-This Page 4 aD,n
Page 6 of /J
Section B. Additional Pase

^ti'/.{4r,,,. '+!
l"(a^, u - /D " -2)- o? e o7'
B. Itemized Contributions from.Individuals
Nt Namh Fisf 1 - MI PnpopalQccupation / ; . /
Kesloenltd Street Address l

/n^,J"..",* 'fl",. I A,.V
\mc ol
Amount of
IZIP Lode hmDldtver

/" l a, tt c. -<q l*-, tr ltb 75'/ N. /,',.,'n /4o. 3-.u,^

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, ! Yes If contribution is in
excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a cbiefexecutive officer ofa
ordependentchildofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business hey'she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? Yes ]qo I L
Is this contribution associated with
inSectionLl? E
Is contributor a principal of a state conkactor or prospective state
contractor? [
No Jo*F
{fyes, list Event # of govemment the confact is with: ! Executive fl Legislative
Method of contribution: Date ReqPivedT Aggegate contrlbutlom
D Casn E penonal Check I CreditDebit Carci fl Pavroll Deduction fl Monev Order ta/e/oe
Last Nme I i First / MI $ugipa oca4ptim f, Amount of
M^ L,tn*-l-o l?u, f I U; 2* )-t.tqnt'z UPaT ' Contribution
"#"?:';:T: , iltlKJ 'U,.LO ;tate fip
i'1- 16l.flr
Cgde l\meolLmptoytr,
Q-. tr -\1.- ( A5T

Is conhibutor a lobbyist, Jporise, fl Yes Ifconkibrttion is in excess of$400 to a candidate comfitttee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? D No municipality does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? !Yes INo
Is this contribution associated with
firndraising event listed in Section L I ?
a .& Vo
E No
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospecfive state contractor?
I/yes, indicate **rich branch or branches
Ifyes,liiEtent# /D " t L " o of govemment the contract is with: I
Executive LJ Legislative
" DateRmeived Aggregate mlrrDuuons
Method of contribution: L

NC*n D Personal Check fl Credit/Debit Card D Payroll Huction E Money Order ta/a/og /Q b,ca
L6tNme frb MI Princioal Ckruration Amount of
lrl- Plnnu,
Stret Addrcs
( ,n *r,n8-t
''"fu^," itate ,rp Loce
\ame Fmproytr
h". "- Contribution

J^ iT:,A,
Is contributor a lobbyis! spotse, fl
o n
Ifcontribution is in exccss of$400 to
r7- D6tb/ l.* i4-."r..",^ -A-Llo T;< /]\
a candidate committee fora chiefexecutive officer ofa
ordependentchildofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business hey'sbe is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? E Yes fl No
Isthiscontributionassociatedwitha -( Vo Is contributor a principal ofa state conFactor or prospective state conFactor? D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? [ No fyes, indicate which branch or branches ENo
fyes, listEvent# I SJL ^ O? of govemment the contract is with: I Executive il Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Received Aggegate cootfibutoN
tl Casn ,{ Penonal Check E CreAitfOeUit Card I Payroll Deduction fl Money Order
'T4T"1",* j-. '^:tt
,n l*
" / l- ,-. ,
Amount of
-eslofluil Jue Aoq6s I uode {me 9t
arp EmpldDrq

,.,. 1kl
]l-.rc--lv 1nr.ln,*. kl- o L+to M: /- ^, (! H o,, V. ,, ,n
ls contributor a lobbyist" U spoue, Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to
a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? El No muicipality does contributor or brsiness helshe is associated with have a contract \ .ith said
rnunicifality valued d morethan$5,000? M y* D No
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contmctor or prospective state contractofl n Yes
fundraisingeventlistedinSectionLl?'B No fyes, indicate which branch or branches E No
I/yes, list Event # ofgovernmentthecontractiswith: DExecutive DLegislative ",iloo.n-
Method of contribution: Date Rrceived Aggregate contrr butrons
[J Cash E Penonal Check E Credit/Debit Card D Payroll Deduction tl Money Order /,t f rzJ oq
Mo o.< '")16;r,, l* Amount of
Ras'ideitial Stret Adrh eis

lJ.^-rl,nr,. ?J
/ itate

Nme of Employer t I

Iscontributoralobbyist,spous6, fl Yes If contributidn is in excess of M00 toa candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business hc/she is associated with have a confact with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? D Yes No fl
Is this contribution associated with [l E Yes
fundraising event listed in Section fl
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
fyes, indicate which braoch or branches DNo 5a.r
{fye-r, listEvent # i D -)b " D? of govemment the contract is with:
D Executive Legislative n
Me^thod of contribution: Date Receiyed

flCuth [l Personal Check I Cre.dit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction I Money Order tolrLl,? J9o'n
SUBTOTAL Section B-This P ase lD {o.F
I'age of LJ-
Section B. Additional Page

^CLG.-, J-: P(a'r, - .)d -: r-a 867

B. 'Itemized Contributions from Individuals
Last l.'lame MI Principal Ocrrpqfioq I Amount of
.1vln ran ?o,'o*1, J(4, -z1' Contribution

ffi'zln:':: H/l ?J '2rl Y :r

itate llp Lode
,'Ime of Employn

Is contributor a lobby'ist, spouse, Yes If contribufion is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive ofhcer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? n No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
mwricipality valued at more than $5,0O0? El Ves fl No
Is this contribution associated with a
fi.urdraising event listed in Section L1 ?
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
fyes, indicate u*rich branch or branches
Yes fl
ffyes,listEvent # /b - ll' b? olgovemment the contract is with: Executive ! Legislati"e fl
Date Rseivcd Aggegate cof,tnbutons
Method of contribution:
Qcash I Penonal Check fl Credit/DebitCard I Payroll Deduction il Money Order lo /rt /a f /5-o, aa
First MI PrincipalOccpp4lim ; / Amount of
a4'r , :f;.

'^'"P? bs r L-o 3, /{-^ e-n, n 1,,,<d Contribution

stltrt Aodrss
(esrdentlal itate .Ip Lroe Nme of Employer
.74 lo^uu.f+ "o'72*1,, CT 6(,ltg
Is coirtributor a lobbyist, spouse, tr Yes If contributioh is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? tr No mruricipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract wi& said
municipali8 valued at more than $5,000? E yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a Evo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective s&ate contractor? O
fimdraisins event listed in Section Ll? fl
No I/yes, indicate which branch or branches .fD.m
fyes, lisi Event #/
O - /6 'a q olgovemment the contract is with: E
Executive E Legislative
Date R6dved. Aggr€inemuouuos
Method of contribution:
flCasn E Personal Check fl CrediDeUit Card E Paymll Huction E Money Order t a /il, /a9 .71!,r"
NNME I Frst I MI Principal Occupation / t / Amount of
lul ^.c^qr Q "b
itate ,rP LOOe Name ofEmployer
K e-*t ed Contribution

ff:Ttr/Tffi**T LJ"-JL FL 333c9

Is contributor a lobbyist spouse, fl Yes $z{00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
If contribtrtion is in excess of
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? INo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municioalitv valued at more than $5,000? O yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a & Y"s Is contributora principal ofa state contractororprospective state contractor? D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section I.l ? INo I/yes,rndicatervhichbranchorbranches E No
fyes, lisiEvent* tA -lL-BQ of government the contract is with: E Executive il kgislatine
Method of contribution: DateR#ived i Aggregate contnbutroN

fi C^n E Personal Check fl Credit/Debit Cad fl Payroll Deduction E Money Order tD// z /? J,?s "o*
'^'Br"Yt^rlo, l'*'sl,,lo
MI PrinciB{Occupatim ,
( 'o
^^ u
nih, -2o *lus,.n#
t Amount of

ls contributor a lobbyist, spouse, Yes -If contribution
Code Name of

.-+ -T] J
is in excess of $400 to a candidate committed for a chidf executl?e offrcer of a

or dependent child ofa lobbyist? fl No municipatity does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00o? No [f Yes il
Is this contribution associated with a S Yes Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospectiv€ state conlmctor? [ Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? INo fyes, lndicate which branch or branches E No 5'D,',;"
fyes,tistEvent* l6 "lL - OQ of govemment the conlract is with: D Executive fJ Legislative
Method of coniribution: Date Reeived, ; Aggregate conlrrtluuoro

E c*n { Personal Check E CrediVoebit Card B Payroll Deduction D Money Order to /B/o9 l4o,w
F[st_- I MI Amount of
tP- la cc,:,.
LdtNane I
l--and Contribution
lesidenhal Street Address .&L,tJ^ itate 1ip Code ,b::J::'":??J,
4 z ()^l< /tru- :r- a4vtu
ls contributor a lobbyist, spouse, I Yes If contribution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committ& for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? dNo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes E No
ls this contribution associated wath a K Ym Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state conlractofl fl Yes
fundraising event I isted in Section L I ? tr No fyes, indicate which branch or branches ENo Joa,fr
If yes. list Event# f1! ;1!l! | of govemment the confact is with: I Executive il kgistative
Dale Rrceived Aggregate mnlnbuooN
Method of contribution:
tl casn { Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card fl Payroll Deduction fl Money Order toliz/dt 7 oo,a'
SUBTOTAL Section B-TEU lggg 4 {ud
Page 0 ot /3
Section B. Additional Pase
9V. 44.l, -!)-
'" ,/a - X 7 -1oc?
B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals
Lpry)me FBt-,=- / MI o"o'SflZ
tesider{tia!}rcet Addre_ss
fr "(
ttY--<') Nme ot h,mployer
?- n^, l,r./ Amount of
itate Zip Code

/a y'Lun,. e n /t--t z- (:/ deqltr

Is contributor
a lobbyist, spouse, il Yes If contributioh is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? D llo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,@0? [ Yes n No
Is tJris contribution associated with a g(ves n
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? lNo
Is contributor a principal ofa state confactor or prospective statc contractor?
Ifyes,indicate which branch or branches fl
I mJ,F
-Ilyes, lisiEvent# /6 -/L-t? ofgovemmenttheconfactiswith: fl Executive fl tegislative
Method of contribution: Datc Raeived r Aggregate cotrfibulons

l(C*h D Personal Check fl CreditlDebitCard fl Payroll Deduction I Money Order

7o /r//a 7 .2 r|,, n
Lagllqne I First MI Primipal Ompatjon Amount of
(esrdflhal Str€t Addresy
ftaq ftrc'-h,
+"J Contribution

q'/ Pl*r^o* 9t 7)- /.nr

L7' tL?ro
f,p ume
Name or
Is contributor
a lobbyist, spousg I Yes lf contribution is ii
excess of MOO to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? DNo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? fl yes D No
Is this confibution associated with a ,8I Y"" ofa state contractor or prosp€ctive state contractor?
Is contributor a principal fl Yes
fimdmising event listed in Section Ll? ENo indicate which branch or
fyes, branches fl No
Ifya,liJEvent# / o - l6-af
Method of contribution:
of govemment the contract is with: fl
Executive D Legislative
DileK€cqYe9/ Aggregate mriDunoN
D Custr p.fenonal Check D CreaitfOeUit Card E Pay'roll Hrrction fl Money Order 1o /ts* /a7
Las$ame I MI
'y'" /la.+-" 4- i
Prirctpal Oc.qqmtroD
,r\*/+- ew, p
I Amount of
Kesldmtral Weel *7o*1" ttate ip L4ce Name ofEmpioysr

) S'/.,nLr^ q/-. cl-- Dlfig

Is contributor'a lobbyis! spousc, tr Yes excess of$4O0 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
Ifcontribtrtidn is in
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? D No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? [ yes D Uo
ls this contribution essociated with a KYo ls conkibutor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? D Yes
fundraising event hsted in Secrion Ll? fl No fyes, indicate u*iich branch or branches ENo 5-a,n
fyes. lisi Event # /o - l6 -aQ of govemment the contract is with:
D Executive Legislative fl
Method of contribution: Date Rmived;
,1 C^h fersonal Check
fr D Credit/DebitCard fJ Payroll Deduction E Money Order to/s/o ? .7Ad,to
L6tNme I I Ocupation
:4^ / /a s'Fn.rr :7: q;l, o*^o MI Principal /
N. /.f: e^ n /o.e (
t Amount of
{esiAeotlal Stret Add{ss Itv itate ,{p Uode NmeofEmploya
4 =+* 4, ^ q+- l) ^bt !:r- 46*r
Is contributola lobbyist, spouse, u Yes If contributiohis in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a cbief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? F No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued ad more than $5,0O0? E yes K No
Is this contribution associated with a $ v". Is conFibutor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractoil E Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? Ewo f,'es, indicac which branch or branches 4No
fyes, IistEvent# lD -lb-Oq of govemment thc contract is with: fl Executive D Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Rrceived Aggregate contnbuions
Lat Nanr-
fl Personal Check
I Credit/Debit Card
I Payrolt Deduction fl Money Order
MI Ckmoation
Prircioal i
4// o,au
Amount of
-l/ Strtrt
-'/*t'- P/ary S" l-6:- -aY>i D/"r"t{ Contribution
Residtntral Address itr-'-) t' i[ate lzrp Code Nme of Employa
3;; PI,;,;, ST
Iscontributoralobbyist,spouse, E yes
jLn-bq cr lt/,vtr
If contributlon is in cxcess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildolalobbyist? D No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a conlract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a
fundraisirs event hsted in Scction L I ?
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospe.tivo state contractol?
fyes, indicate which branch or branches
[] Yes
DNo /a.'*
/yes, lrsi Erent H lD -/ 6 ' c of govemment the contract is with: fl Executive I Legislative
Dale Received Aggregate conhrbubons
Method of contritrution:
fi Casn I Persona] Check D Credit/Debit Card D Payroll Deduction I Money Order
ta/ra/a? e
SUBTOTAI, Section B-This.Page ffa .*
Page / of
Section B. Additional Page
tri{-. {'(} ",*, -ir'^ /'(rr,o- lC *.42-2ad7

/ g. Itemized Contributions from Individuals

194{me / FtsL/) I MI Principal Occupatron t- ) / / Amount of
' fnnrt cSf -t/
fa-fn cr<-
fleT't"st Confribution
ItY^ 1 Nme of Employer
X-I",TJ;, lll/RJD
Is contributor a lobbyistl spouse, Yes
iJo -1t,
If contributiodis in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for
a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? n No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
mrmicipality valued at more than $5"000? IYes INo
Is this contribution associated with a E[ Y* Is confibutor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes fl
fundraisins event listed in Section Ll? UNo fyes, indicate which branch or branches No fl
fyes. lisiEvent s /O -ib 'fi' of govemment the conkact is with: fl Executive fl Legislative 3-7,to
Date Raqved Aggregate conhbuhons
Method of contribution:
QCastr D Penonal Check E Credit{Debit Card
fl Payroll Deduction I Money Order
to /tG /oQ
La.iil!4pe r
Priocipal t / Amount of
*'^ k'StrelAd&ess S" /J ! , atn zlu/ o</ Contribution
:i\----.t t Employer

.E/"* ''D'-L't A,- n

CT "p6d,l/F
L@e \ame of

Is contributor a lobbyidt, spouse, tr Yes a candidate committee for a chief executive ofltcer of a
If contributioh is in sxcess of $400 to
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? & No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
mudcipality valued ai more than $5,000? F yo D No
Is this contribution associated with a FYo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? []No {/yes, indicate which branch orbranches El No /o-e, t-x
.I/ya, lisiEvent * t_X t L -o?_ of govemment the contract is with: E Executive E Legislative
Lrarc Kecerveo , AggreSare conmDunoN
Method of contribution:
tr Casfr fi Personal Check D CreaitfOeOit Card E Payroll Huction El Money Order ta/r a /a? | 2s1p
'K" h *"- i
'^4/, I; Ls€
MI Priqcippl Occlpation,
(rA,a( iJ^ /s1{',"",
\me tmolovs oI
. Amount of

rtare :rp
"7"1, L
aA qto C /n ol /"-b,
.s contributor a lobbyis! spouse, I Yes Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committedfor a chiefexecutive qfftcer of a
rr dependent child ofa lobbyist? []No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a Evo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? D Yes
fi.mdraising event listed in Section Ll? []No ftss, indicaJe which branch or branches INo 5:o,r+
fyes, listEvent# l8- /(*a? of govemment the contract is with:
Executive E kgislative I
Method of contribution: DareReceivfl I Aggregale coofibuhoDs
fl Cash ( Personal Check fl Credit/Debit Card El Payroll Deduction I Money Order /o/a/o? / %:*
Lgtrlsl.flme MI Principal pqgpatlopr / / Amount of
X vss, "t1 ^iln SalJ- - a-+^'?layed Contribution
StreetA0{lr6s alp uooe Nme olEmploytr
- )i 'No^q"'/o"A itate
, Dn C.*,."*l '1o11"- 1) nA ))c
Is confibutor a lobbyist, spousc, E Yes If contrlbution is in excess of MOO to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? INo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,00O? B yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a ff Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section L1? fl No ENo
/ d*'*
fyes, indicate which branch or branches
fyes, listEvent # E;lL:!!_ ofgovemmenttlrecontractiswith. IExecutive flLegislative
Method of cqnqibution: Date R4eived / Aggregate contnbutroN

E Cash ftPersonal Check E Credit/Debit Card E Payrolt Deduction D Money Order t o/2 /of / la,oo
"W: l"^ x-/n,; Fint
r, l -
MI *"totY?T- Amount of
l,l1 tD u^ ^ 1",.1 Contribution
dentgrytreet Af dress
.?v 'k"ti ar- L)..

Is contributof a lobbyist, spouse, n Yes

"L4, tGJ WT
if contribution is in excess of $400 to
Nme oi.Umployer

a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a

or dependent child of a lobbyist? D No municipality does conFibutor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? O Yes I No
Is this contribution associated with a .8, Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundrarsins event listed in Section Ll?
fyes, lii Event # /D - /b -&'
INo fyes, indicate which branch or branches
of govemment the contnct is with: I Fxecutive n Legislative
INo Afi,*
Date Recerv€d Aggregate contnbrtrons
Method of contribution:
E casn & Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card fl Payroll Deduction I Money order lo /r t"/a?
SUBTOTAL Section B-This Pase 4 {o.P
Section B. Additional Pase

J3+.(4i*-: Jj',- f4urun' /a.-A2- Aatf

'F,. ltemized Contributions from Individuals
l.a$-Nme Fitst I MI llincipal Occupation Amount of
5-a C C-t -P
-)e[, n Contribution

:;;^y;"::YL^,t A"
Is contributor
a lobbyist, spouse, I Yes
2-1, ttate
lrp LJXe
ob,{t 8
Name ot bmployer

excess ofM00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive ofhcer ofa

Ifcontributibn is in
or dependent child of a lobbyist? I I'to municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,(F0? fl Yes D tto
Is this contribution associated with a 1$ v"s Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospectivs state contractor? I Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? lNo I/yes, indicate which branch or branches fl No
-Ilyes, list Event # lO-/ 6 "a?' of govement the contract is with: ExecutiveE Legislative fl
Method of contribution: Date R€sved Aggegate contrlbuhoro
D Cash Penonal Check
ft fl Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction fl Mooey Order to /ta/a ? /d--4, e-e

Y':,T:T", ,l*t J=..V

Last Name Fist i MI Amount of
qL- I -rto^c'-s Contribution
i;,:t;l; n:;,', J
:(srqeuua DE€t ruoress

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse,

2U Yes
" l:,.

lip Code
n Lz/r o p,"F:?"! 't\n 3*-..^
If contribution is in excess of MOO to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? INo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? D yes U No
Is this contribution associated with a I Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospectiye state contmctor? D Yes
fi.mdraising event listed in Section L1?
,fyes, list Event #
.El N" I/yes, indicate which branch or branches
of government the contract is with: I
Executive f1 Legisiative
4 ro''o
Method of contribution: Date Reeived r / Aglfegate cotrmbutrotr
D C*fr fr Personal Check D Credit/DpbitCard n Payroll Deduction I Money Order /o/'o /"q
Lasl Nase o*''fln*don, MI hincinal Omatim Amount of
**4r'.-'. l''{a,t or Contribution

lttr ( ,J" :., + -k,[r

lity---1 j itate NameottmDlovef , t n I
);%'K)Ti,;- Al
lZrP Lode
) Lrrb" ur I o
ls contributor a lobbyis! spouse, I Yes If confibutiob is in excess of$4O0 to a candidate commi$& for a chief executive officer of a
:r dependent child ofa lobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? D yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a
fundraising event Iisted in Secrion LJ?
Fl Y*
Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
I/yes, indicatewtrichbranch orbranches
fl Yes
D No / fo.^
fyes, lisi Event # I t, ib -cq of govemment the contract is with: E Executive il Legislatiue
Method of contribution: -CredirDebit DateRmived L Aggegate contnbuhom
tr Cash
^{ Personal Check fl Card D Payroll Deduction fJ Money Order to/z/of J I D.''
st Nme I Fint t MI Priucipal Oaupallg7 Amount of
Qt ou, c- zv
*i)^)""Wfl6r"rl i< 1-, /u Contribution

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse,

O Yes
try .-:1
If cb-ntribution is in excess
l:mre lap
d 4'ttY

a candidate committee for a cbieGiecutive off&iof a

of M00 to
lpprPyJIT vl ,
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipalityvaluedafmorethan$5,000? [ yes f] No
ls this eonkibution associated with a Xvo Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor, U yes
fundraising event listed in Section L1? []No I/res, indicate which branch or branches I No
.I/yes, lisi Event *
)O -l/" of govemment the contract is with: D Executive D Legislative
DateRtreived/ /
Method of contribution: lAggregatesntrlbutr,
Lst Nahe
Cash ( Personal Check U Credit/Debit Card
I Payroll Deduction fl Money Order
iou4 .
I Ao-y,'a
J Amount of
I At'n n-9eft
f ,r -*,n.d Contribution
i zrp Lme or EmProytr

z5Tr:'i'T:*, /, ttal
Iscontributoralobbyist,sfouse, I Yes
If contridution is in excess of $400 to
brl 6L 1iltr
a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract *,ith said
municipatity valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes I No
Is this contribution associated with a $, v"s Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? n Yes
flrndraising event lisieil in Section L1? []No u l\o
fyes. lisiEvent# Ib-tL-o ?
fyes, indicate which branch or branches
of government the contract is with: fl Executive I Legislative Jz,n
Date R6eived Aggregate cotrtrrbuhons
Method of contnbution:
{Castr I Persona] Check n Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deductron D Moncy Ordcr
to /tt/rq t qj:''
SUBTOTAL Section B-This Page (nn.o"
Page of lJ
Section B. Additional Pase

5{o {,'",-; ( -L'^ /"1 oro, lo --?2 -J a c7

B. Itemized Contributions fiom Individuals
I-ast Name . l Fint I MI Principal Occup?tion Amount of
-7{r* ll, ;1: A.c' ir'ts E nTt nee:' Contribution
Addrss '*,7,*
il(L-/" -*
ie'sidential SFget
---l / itate 1rp )8n€orEmproyBr
1*q /1tq14^a-th 1.,o,- :-r b Lqe2 -tL ll
Is contribrltor a"fo6byist, spouse, ^d I Yes If contribution is in excess of M00 toa candidate committee for a chief executive ofhcer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? ENo municipality does contributor or business he/she iq associated with have a contract with said
municipatity valued at more than $5,@0? .fi V"s fl No
Is this contribution associated with a FYo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? n Yes vo.*
f,ndraising event listed in Section L I ? ENo Ifyes, ndicate which branch or branches EI No I
ffyes, list Event * i6 -ll
- t,9 of govemment the contract is with: D Executive fl Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Rffeived t Aggregate conmDunons

n Cash Q Personal Check f] Credit{Debit Card I Payroll Deduction I Money Order ta/?/a? 4e*.t'
First ,)- PrircipalOccupatqtl, I , /
tfft Name
/jA" r /;

a-^.o n
'K.*r.d. Amount of
(eslomud }tre€t AddreSS t 'ivfrJ / itate f,p Lme Name ofEmployer
qq C1"". l,t, ^/<d L / A le.,^ /)tt f't 3r
Is contributor a lobtyist, spouse, tr Yes If contribution is in €xcess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive offictr of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? tr No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated wilh have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? E Yes D No
ls this contribution associated with a e Yes ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor?
Is contributor a principal fl Yes
firndraising event listed in Section Ll? tr No {yer, indicate which branch or branches fl No
fyes, list Event #
/ 6 -/4 -b? of govemment the contract is with: I Executive E Legislative -i--4.*
Method of contribution: Date RtreiYed,.
t1 Cast ft Personal Check E Credit/Debit Card E Payroll Deduction fl Money Order /o/ts/o1' 216,64
-$t^aqe I
Vn l^^{tnn
' /,/" ,c k
I MI Princinal
' Ocuoation /
'3 " +,.;J
t Amount of
iesloeuDa Jtreet Aooress
--, a -\tm mi I
Ir ^/
J '2--1, itate
rp Lme
),lame of Emplot'u

.s contributor a lobbyis! spouse, U Yes Ifcontributlon is in excess of $400 toa candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
rr dependent child ofa lobbyist? trl No municipality does contributor or business hey'she is asscciated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? E yes E No
ls this contribution associated wilh a E[vo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? INo I/yer" indicate which branch or branches INo /aa'm
{/yes, listEvent# IO -/4-c'i ofgovernmenttlrecontractiswith: EExecutive ILegislative
Date Rffived / Aggregarp mrrDuDom
Method of contribution:
D Cash p Penonal Check fl CrediyOeUit Card D Payroll Huction fl lr{oney Order to/, /u ? Ll rt,.*o
/ rs/ MI Amount of
/t/m hnD k durQ, Contribution
Kesrdfl tral str€t Addx6s t'U"^-ln *
;tate ap usre Nme oI tmDroyer I
IVQ tJ. A,- aa+tf, n.L "# ,/r*tt
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, E Yes a chief executive offr&r of a
If contribiltion is in excess of $400 to a candidate committed for
or dependent child of a lobbyist? fl No municipalrty does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,00O? E yes E No
Is this contribution associated with a {v". Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? E Yes
fundraisrns event listed in Section Ll?
I/yes. lisT Event /O * -il -a?
ENo ,I/yes, indicate which branch or branches
of govemment the contract is with: D Executive E Legislative
ENo Jn.^
Date Raeived ; rggregare auuouuorN
Method of contribution:
fiC^tt E Personal Check E Credit/Debit Card E Palroll Deduction I Money Order td/a/t'7 oV c-rit*
Frst / J MI Princip{Oaupagipn t / Amount of
nff\,1JretJAddless /,//,r*
), J> /+ - €q D lor.ol Contribution
{esrdenftar I ,o ttate Llp Loce Nme oi.tfiployer /

5'3. '.$haPc.'-<{ /\'e &*Jnn /f/t/(

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, fl Yes If contribution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief execr{ive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? DNo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? E Yes il No
ls this contribution associated with a Evo Is contributor a priraipal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed m Section Ll? DNo fyes, indicate which branch or branches []No
If yes. tisT Event H i!21/L'!f;- of govemment the contract is with: fl Executive I kgislative
Method of contribution: Date Receiv$ / Aggegate contnbunons / Do,*
,{ Castr I Penonal Check I Credit/Debit Card fJ Payroll Deduction fl Money Order lo/16/x f *7?5n"
SUBTOTAL Seciion B-This Page 4 nt,e
Y^g" /4 ,f 13
Section B. Additional Pape

-sLCt", G./-
vl^, o r- /n -Jt-A tc7
B, Itemized Contritrutions from Individuals
Last Name/ Fnt 1, , MI Pmcipal Occupation t/ Amount of
[r) ) h^,^ cr^n vl5a4y ee n
f N un;q Contribution
<es'0(iluil Jtreet Aooress
t /-t .l
b? (;"-,,.", +r. ---I <-rr
''.A^to" ,L
(:T' lip Code
A le10 I
Nme ot

k^ //r,*/
spouse, fl
Is cnntributor a lobbyist, Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to
a candidate committee for a chief executive'ofhcer of a
ordependentcbildofalobbyist? D No municipality does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? No fl Yes n
Is this contribution associated with a fi Yes Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? [ Yes
fundraising event listel in Section
fyes, list Event #
Ll? n No fyes, indicate which branch or branches
of govemment the contract is with: I Executive I Legislative
fl No
/ D4 .''
Method of contribution: Date Raeived. AggIegate contrrbuhoN
D Casn ,Q Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card fJ Payroll Deduction D Money Order )o /tz /o7 JAo't-d
Last Name First MI Principal Ocirpation Amount of
<esrdennal SlI€t Ad&ess lity Itate 1ip Code Narne 01 bmptoytr

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, D yes If conaibution is in excess of$40O to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? E No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipali{ valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes U No
Is this contribution associated with a I Yes ofa state conFactor or prosp€ctive state contractor?
ls contributor a principal I Yes
fi.mdraisingeventlistedinSectionll? fl No I/yes, indicate which branch or branches DNo
fyes, list Event # of govemment the contract is with: E Executive E Legislative
Method of contribution: Dale Rssved Aggregate mln-tlutros
Casn n
Personal Check n CrediyDebit Card fl Palroll Deduction I Money Onder
LiltNme First MI Principal Occupatioa Amount of
<6rdflial Str€t Address lity itate :rp Code

s contributoralobbyis! spouse, I Yes excess of$4O0 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofa
Ifcontribution is in
>rdependentchiidofalobbyist? [ No municipality does contributor or business hdshe is associated with have a contract v.ith said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? E Yes No fl
Is this contribution associated with a E Yes ls contributor a principai of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? n Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? fl No I/yes, indicate utrich branch or branches D No
/yes. list Event # of govemment the confact is with. n
Executive D kgislatit
Aggregate mnttrbilUoos
Method of contribution:
D Castr fl Personal Check fl CreditDebit Card I Payroll Deduction fl Money Order
NtNme Fist MI hincipal Occupatim Amount of
lesidflhal Stret Addrss 'tty itate ilp Code Nme of Fnployu

ls contributor a lobbyisl spouse, E Yes If contribution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
ordependentchildofalobbyist? E Uo mruricipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with bave a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00O? [Yes []No
ls this contribution associated with a fl Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? n Yes
hrndraising event listed in Section Ll? INo df}es, indicate which branch or branches fI No
{fyes, list Event # of govemment the contract is with:
D Executive D Legislative
Method of contribution: Date Rrceived Aggregate conkrbutrons
fl Cash E Personal Check C Credit/Debit Card E Payroll Deduction ! Money Order
I -ast Nme First M] Principai Ocmpation Amount of
Residentral Sa€t Address \ry itate 4rp Code \me ol bmptoyfl

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, I Yes If contribution is in excess of M00 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child of a lobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract u,ith said
mrinicipality valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes D No
Is this contribution associated with a I Yes Is contributor a prirrcipal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractod D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? fl No fyes, indicatc which branch or branches u No
/yes, list Event # of govemment the contract is with: fl
Executive Legislative n
Date Reccived Aggregate sntnbuhons
Method of contribution:
! Cash D Personal Check fl Credit{Debit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money Order

SUBTOTAL Section B-This :Page ./ oooo'

v^g" /J 'f/3-
I. N'IONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A-K) Page 6 of 17

rT^ l,fil flE J-lltrAtl?rfiF FJIINGTD{IE I}ATE

,Sla K-i" 4t- 'vl uro- ,ta --/2Jaa f

l-i;A;tmori:ton trirUtdrsi'iip #*i'iitil,a*", ", "y
E 1i14re a, e4)
'f otal
Amomt Date Recerved AmoEt
)aie Reccrl ed I

to lra/ o? 5-Z , s-<,

Amount Received

$i bills $5 bills $1 bills $5 btlls


coins $10 bill coins $ 10 bill

lntL.n -
$ J"v, B4

J-,rnteiest f.aiit
Amomt Amoml Total
Date Received Date Received -
Amount Received

Nane of Instimtion Name of lnstitution

Street,A.ddress reet Address

Crty Slate Zip Code City State Zip Code

K.'lUi".tU"*" "*tan'Receipts
Date of Tresaction
Name Amount Received

ciry Statc Zip Code

Street Ad&ess


s e.
Nme Date of Trmaction Amount Received

Sreet -{ddress Ctt) State Zip Code


Name Date ol lrmactron Amount Received

cilr' Sate Zip Code

Street Address



fotal Loans Received this Period (Section D) s

Total Receipts from Entities other than Individuals or Other Committees (Section E) + 'a
Total Amount Transferred from Affiliated Business Treasury (Section F) + \
Total Amount Transferred from ,,lffiliated Labor Union or Other Organization Treasury (Section G) + \
Total Amount of Personal Funds of the Candidate Received this Period (Section H) + \
Total Amount of Anonymous Contributions (Section I) + 4-D. oc
Total Amount of lnterest from Deposits in Authorized Accounts (Scction J) + 1\
Total N{iscellaneous l{onetarl'Receipts not considered contributions (section K) + b
Tothl of O'theiMon*ary ReCCipts (Add SectionsD-Iq
(Entir total on Line t 5 of Summory Page) J-C. oo

v A MF,,{}F', r'C}1\ll\'r:tTi,:FF flI.::nTr: :r)I:TE. rt A.rF

-q+-. (;{,' ..,- Mo ,/o..1 ),-?6a?

t' Li. Fundraiser Event Information
Fundraising Er ent L Locatron: StreetAddress lq )tate Zip Code
Date of Fmdmiser Lener ll )escnptlon
i',,. 8s"-* St"J;" a ?5
/D-/4,'o? l' lo-"*d"r"uv "-e.st l!a,.n .Y{*..'* ?,-*1,1 *7- o6(/t
Subpart 1: (All Committees)
Was this fundraising event hosted at a personal residence? fl Yes (f1,es. go to Section L4 In-kind Donations not Considered Contributions
and complete required informalion for purchases made by host(s) for food,
beverage and invitations.)
El No
Did this fundraiser include items donated b.v a business entif of up to n Yes (fyes, go to Section I-4 In-kind Donations not Considered Contributions
S100 or items donated by an individual ofup to $50? and complete required information. )
.Xl N^
Was this fundraiser a tag sa1e, auction, or other sale of donatcd items IYes (fyes, go to SectionL2 Proceeds from Tag Sale, Auction, or Other Sale of
u'ith purchases from an individual ofup to $50? Donated Items.)
Subpart 2:
(Town Committees and trfunicipal Candidate Commitlees ONLI)
Were there purchases ofadvertising space in a program book associated tl Yes (f1'es. go to Section L3 Purchases ofAdvertising Space in a Program Book
rvith this fundraiser? and complete required information.)
ts No
Subpart j: (To**n Committees ONLI)
Did your committee sell food or beverage at a fair or sin-rilar mass n Yes (f1'es, enter Total Receipts from small Purchases herel
gathering held rvithin the state?
D No
. a,:): t: ::a:.: : :: : :: : : ::1'!.1
:, | :
: :', aa::

Fundraising Event # Location: StleetAddress lit_v State Zip Code

f)ate of Frrndrarser Lener Description

Subpart 1: (All Committees)

Was this fundraising event hosted at a personal residence? [ Yes (f1es, go to Section L,l In-kind Donations not Considered Contributions
and complete required infomation for purchases made by host(s) for food-
beverage and invitations.)
n No
Did this fundraiser include items donated by a business entity of up to ! Ycs (f1,es- go to Section L'+ In-kind Donations not Considered Contributions
$100 or items donated by an individual of up to $50? and complete iequired information.)
l-l xl^
Was this fundraiser atag sale, auction, or other sale of donated items I Yes (fyes, go to Section L2 Proceeds from Tag Sale, Auction, or Other Sale of
rvith purchases from an individual ofup to $50? Donated Items.)
Subpart 2:
(Town Committees and Municipal Candidate Committees ONLL)
Weie there purchases of advertising space in a program book associated D Yes (fyes, go to Section L3 Purchases of Advertising Space in a Program Book
u'ith this fundraiser? and complete required information )
Subpart 3: (Town Committees ONLI)
Did your committee sell food or beverage at a fair or similzir mass fl Yes (fyes, enter Total Receipts from small purchases here]
gathering held u'ithin the state?

s.rrs. TqfAL s 9.q"tylt'rli,oii'iCa .o. "ifii*ipls

:t::;::::::=::'1j:,';i:,: .,:::,::.1;li.i.::::::,:::t':it::::;:;::ti:-1,.:.liiri,ii::r:l::::,',+.i1,ji:
TOr.ail of additional Section Lt Pages + ..-
:a!t: ;i


NAMF,I')F T:r)MMI"ITEF trII InlG ]'}I Ttr' }A :TE]::l

5-+d $C"-.; J-'1,^ Aq n !i- /o -;?- joc?

e*p5ils*rtiA rC,druffi
Nme r ate ofPaymsnt {ethod ofPayment Amount
( n.A
Sh..t; Cit_vf Zrp Code
/o --f- Dq Dcnec*.# // 3 3
11 04 ct r- A[,Va I Debit Card
vent #
4 sL A,J-.-,r"- +,-l.A /a -/A - al
Type of Expendilur e (if applicabl e). Cmdidate(s) Nme Office Sought I Supported
I Coordinatcd rvrth reimbursement soughl
(ifapplicable) fl opposed
fl Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
fl Independent
I Organization (see Instuctiorc)
tra trB !c trl trn 4f' ta
)ate ot l'a)ment Meihod of Payment Amounl

Street Address itate ,lp Looe

/D -DL-6f Zch"cx# //3V
r{r A[eu{Lu"n Au* ':p.-1,, cT- o L.{t9 D Debit Card
Event #
(blcode) '")JJ1"
l,n. ft!o'. fzrs
A- D14 J
Cmdidate(s) Nme Office Sought Ll Supported
fl pe of Expenditue (if applbqble):
I Coordinated with reimbursement sought
(if applicable) I opposed
D Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
fl independent
fl Organization (see I nstructions) s],9'71' lo
n'-[j]:* )ate ot Pa),ment Method of Payment Amount
ll*. {",
"i;;-ii]"- t1.,,,. /4u- cittri- I
4rp Looe

86{ltr r/'*f,r d1cr'""xx

fl Debit Card
)escnDtlon Erent #
bv coae) z-d
6, y _ S*n^/* / qss
fvpe of Expenditure (if applicable). Cmdrdat0$; N#e L,' -e Soughl D Supported
(if appliruble) D Opposed
fl Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought
n Coordinated u'ithout reimbursement sought
E Independent
I Organizatron (see Instntctions)
trA trB f]C trO f]T
s lql,u
NalDe{tra)ee, )ate of Pa\Dcot Amount
l),-".* No: l S, ,24,,s /14
5neet -{dtre)S.
)ae Zip

FL 33rbt
I Code
to f ,, f ,7 Echect*
kq.rc 41,^-L,L atC E Debit Card
l-\rmose ot ExDendrMe
- / A _ V pl
'H::7,;. //\o, 1,, Tlu.rs Event #

pe of Expendi tur e (f app lirahle). Cmdida2€(s) Nme 0flice Sought U Supported
(if upplictule) D Opposed
I Coordinated with reimbursement sought
n Coordinated rvithout reimbursemenl sought
D Independent
fl Organization (s ee Instructions)
tla trB nc !n trn J,33A.oB
Nme Method olPayment Amount

:1p LOOc

B b,1I[ rof,^f * ilct"ru+

F*iT-- ,i-
Debit Card
(by code)
:+ f" -Q, "t^Jru,r"- ro/16/o1
Cmdidat{s) Office Sought
Type of Expendilure (i,f applicable)'.
D Coordinated wrth reimbursement sought
(if applicablz) I opposed
D Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
I hdependent
fl Organization (see I nstructionsl
Dr trB trc lo ne ,0c
'7 ort q.xg
fl L 33,/,X
imm iiiaii.sa'ffiiiii;,ttoo1suiio,vrasu1 I b'l'7 .a',
Secfion P. Additional Pase
^ I AA
SJz, 4, o n,
c^l 6-",i e /-* /a --?r-J66?
P. Expenses Paid trv Committee
Nane ofPavee )ate of Palment r{ethod ofPayment Amount
7t s '/t uf eQQ.u
Ectrect# ll.tg
() l,u i,, Sl
tlq-t I
'y'o,-b n

tate alp Lode

66lrr rafrz f"f fl Debit Card

!\rrpose ot Lxpendltue
(b1,code),?osf ""'ffI:*..'= * o, I r, " .sJn^ <-
E\,ent #

Type of Expenditure (if applirable). Cmdidate(s) Nme /OIIice Sought D Supported

(if'opplicable) fl opposed
I Coordinated rvith reimbursemcnt sought
fl Coorclinated without reimbursement sought
I Independent
D Organization (see Instructions)
Dr trB nc nt !8, s 1 z,J-a
Nme gj Paveel )ate ol Pavment Method ol Payment Amount
'-L, h^*J A ^-l-^^ t,(,.,1
Jtate alp Loqg o/n/,r Elcheck # /Bq
b6(?3 t

frii,L,"^ Ll Debrt Card

Purpose ot L.xpendthue Fr enr #
? Ef Et;'J"-. s,4.,w e i,(s h " o lo o q/,+frq,*]. -J,
Type of Expendilur e (if app licab le). Nme
Clmdidate(s) Oflice I Supported Sought
(if a]lplicable)
n Coordrnated with reimbursement sought noppos.d
n Coordinated without reimbursement sought
n independent
n Organization (see Instntctions)
tra trB Dc t]o no s LJ-b,ca
Name of Par ee / )ate of Palment Method of Payment Amoun{
.S{,",J,o i 2t


Jtate Lrp I ooe
b /' Lllf
r" f $f,r &cttecu* I i4
E Debit Card

Yurpose ol bxpendlhfe
'i':T:.-)", Lvent # J /
FN n ? A
C-J*u.', ic/r/,/oQ
Type of Expendit\tre (if qpplicable) -. Cmdidate(s) Nme Office Sought fl Supported
(if applXable)
fl Coordinated rvith reimbwsement sought [1 Opposed
I Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
D Indcpendent
I Organization (see Instructions)
[-"] a l-1 p l-l r- T-I n Tl s f,td,c c
me or ravee te or ra]Dem tvremoo ot raymenl Amount
' l,/,,; vr'\ t
c- M^*. -c

""')of'-f'., Srare Zip Code

, "fuf,u Achecu# /ll/,

eu a b'fo ( n
^, on.o-- lci-"
n Debit Card
rrpctrdtuc^ *" #
lT,J". 4- {:-J,n*u.r
rurpos€ 01 Event / ,
Fil n p to//d/oq
T_vpe of Expendihtre (d applicoble). Candidate(s) Nmie Office Soug)rt D Supported
! Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought
(if upplitable) I Opposed
I Coordinateti rvithout reimbursement sought
I lndependent
fl Organization (s e e Instructions)
l.q. !B flc Dr Un
s 14t1rc
ofParee i )ate ofPavment Method of Payment Amounl
V-',. {Ju^ Lot
;";;Tfil lhu, lw?",,l, "h- 5At9

,lp Lode

oL"lt{ r, /q/r Dcheck*

fl Debit Card
1L lQ
Purpose 01 bxpendrtue
'Sil; Er ent #
Q f l^/ lo /..t1
'CandidEte(s) Nme
plonn .,ou'/s /r,l ':/.-
Oiice Sought I
Type of Expcnditttre (iJ applicable) .
(if applicable)
1' Supported
n Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought I Opposed
I Coordinate<1 rvithout reimbursement soughl
! lndependent
! Organization (see Instructions)
$ Fd g,7t
SIIRTfITAIr Snn*ion P-rf-hit Pa:s+ JLI D) Pq
Pase -< of tJ
Section P. Additional Pase

S+^ (V,r'ri
4o'. f(aot a r /4 --?2" .t eaJ
P, Expenses Paid by'Committee
-TTi.,^o- Ll" )ate ofPayment Method of Payrnent Amount
I-t ar,,s tt
)tleet Address tc/r e fcl S tate arp Code Kcn""ux //{ 3
;;- 1".i," J [,.,L u' Au. 3nuehte\
c.-r- abfa I
r ,\ I
n Debit Card
Event # I I
3,,j,;A * s ol.- /*^,*, f i' dt..'s*
Purpose ot bxpendllue
f tg.lQ
Type of ExpendiluTe (iftpplicable)
Cadidate(s) Nme OfEce Sought LJ Supported

Coordinated with reimbursement sought

(iJ applicable) ! Opposed
n Coordinated without reimbursement sought
! Independent
D Organization (see Instructions)
n,l ls []c nl trn
s 4 3,91
**""'f,::^ tr'2 Amount
€- s Ae.*a..rni, ir Method 01 Payment

ll | {
)ueetAddrFSs I J / 99- i itate Zip Code
icfrof,:? ,frcn""u*
*'r 81, ^oLrtl't 3-l- )/-rb t :t Debit Card
rumose ol bxDendltue o"'H-i'J,'o, Event 4 / i
nv',"a"t f fyi pB r*,,a/,,/u?' k)t, eJ /0/14/a7
Cmdidate(s) Nme Olfice Sought Ll Supported
fype of Lxpenditure (if applicable) .
n Coordinated with reimbursement sought (ifappticable) I opposed
n Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
D lndependent
n Organization (see Instructions)
!a UB flc nD nE
s I a'/. aa

Nane ofPayee Date ofPayment r{ethod ofPayment Amount

Street Address City Zip Code I Check #-

I'o" n Debit Card
rurpose oI txpenolue )escription F-vent #
(by code)

Type of Expenditvre (if applic able). Cadidate(s) Nme Oftrce Sought L-J Supported
I Coordinated with reimbursement sought (if applicable) I opposed
fl Coordinated without reimbursement sought
n Independent
I Organization (see Instructions) J
trA DB f]C trD trI
Nare ofPayee tate oI raweot Method 01 Payment Amount

St eet Address lity ifafe Zip Code [J Check #-

I Debit Card
rurpose oI Expenorue )escription Fvent #
(by code)

lype of Expendittt e (if opp I ic flb le).

Cmdidate(s) Nane Of6ce Sought I Supported
n Coordinated with reimbursement sought
(if tpplicable) n Opposed
n Coordinated without reirnbursement sougl.tt
n hdependent
I Organization (see Instructions) $
trA. DB f]C trD trE
Nane ofPayee Date ofPaymenl Method of Payment Amounl

SS City [l Check #_
n Debit Card
DescnptroD Event #
(by code)

Type ol Expendilure (d applicable).

Cudidate(s) Nane Soughr fl Supported
(iJ tpplicable) !Opposed
I Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought
I Coordinated without reimbursemenl sotlg].it
I lndependent
n Organization (see Instrucrtons)

SUBTOTAL Scction P- this Pagc 3 6,qa
Page J of J
IV. EXPENDITURES I'age 17 of 17

-*, .J. ,^ l\a-, II INGN{IFI}A'lF-
/a * a7-aaa 7
S-''\+a {4, u
.{ "-
T. Itemizatiiln of Reimbursemenfs to Committee Workers and Consultants
L.ast Nme of Worker/Clonsultmt o""bk*l. MI Date of Pp;me4t
Method of Payment Amount
M. lYo^.,." 7t /o, /o 7
I furpose ot Expendliue
{cn"ct* l/33
4.-o.r.t rLo .bvcode) p, N OR I Debit Card

/1o,, #
State 1-io Code
"'/h t,,nrn a"7* a6Vol
De scnDtion

4I r',n'f<A
tl +. l'/' $- A^J*,,s":
Tvpe of Expendilrr e (if applitable). Cmdidate(s) Nme Office Sought f-l Suooorted
I Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought (iJ applkahlz) fl C)noosed
D Coordinated u.ithout reimbursement sought
I Independent
D Organization (see Instructions)
l-la l-1 n l-lc nD DE ,L/4 -t'<
Last Nme of Worker/Consultalt First I NI1 Date of Pa\ment , A mou nt
Method olPal'ment
Llu",l,"' K". ro /o s /o"i
Jcrr"ru* f / 3-t-
iecondarj Clyee rurpose bt Expendlture
w*4"1fl VL
er:" Ul,of"r^ L cl"[
5treet Adffess cl}-:--r i State
n Debit Card
Zip Code

,2a y'tdtsr",, S* J-./<-'- b 1 C:T s[,t/g

L 1,14. lltlr, ,, -uno /u u/-
Cmdidlte(s) Nme
'Vpe of Expenditure' (if appticablQ. Office Sought I Supported
fl Coordinated with reimbursement sought (if apptirable) ! Opposed
I Coordinated rvithout reimbursement sought
E Independent
n Organization (see Instructions) s 3i1ia

1,,. I
Last Nme ol I\ orler Consultant I l- irst t N{I Date of PalDettt I N4ethod ofPal,ment Amount
il^^ f/.,, ot fil /oq
iecondm']ar ee r \rpose ofExpenditwe
ncheck# /13 J
SJ=* [.
w*d")67f (c { fl Debit card
Sfteet Address
CitL t JIAIE Zip Code

Lo, li"* /Luo^An"- c1- O61r{'

o I
l'ad's 4z't5 co in (berci-
J s*opf^ 5+,-L,u s lwl* ./-
Type of Exp6nditwe (if hpplicfile) . ' Cmdiddte(s) Nme Office Sought fl Supported
n (d qpplicable)
Coordinated rvith reimbursement sought I Opposcd
Coordinated rvlthout reimbursement sought
D lndepender.rt
fl Organization (s ee Instructions)
* l_t-1.fi
I-l ,r l-l n l-l c I-l n I-l n
Last Nme of Norker'Consultant First I NlI Date of PglmeDJ
Method of Payment Amount
il,', 1,,
Me,n ro /rs/01
\rpose of Expendrtue
brcode| Screcr.* / lY4.
n Debil Card
lir rq ,^
Sbeet AddFlss
/ (o L; l" clqy Stat€
Fi: t cF
Zip Code

Dcscnption I

p 1,"." 5 ,n i^uln
Type ol Expenditwe (if app lica
Coordinated '"vith reimbursement sought
ble). landidate(s) Name
'if applicable)
OfEce Sought I Supported
l-l Onnosed
I Coordinated u.ithout reimbursement sought
orgrnrzrlion lsee Instructionst
l-ln trs trc tro fl e *31tr, r'
$. UBTCITAL S glf i.o-n.l:I!E,te* { iq,li
, :;;";-: ;:t,,t'.,:=;;:... a... t'a:: , :::lt:::::::..: ;: : :1.',

{t f,'?A

TOTA' o.f,ad{lfiqnnf Seiti.on,T,Plger

Section S. Additional Page



"+t 4-Q,.-, h,^ Flol

o . 16:J 7--(ao7
T- itemit;iion of Reimbursements to Commiitee tVoit<ers and Consultants
\ame of frorker ( on.'rltzn/ Date ofPayment Method olPayment {mou n(
Ke,. Ll--ts' he
Secondar! Pavee,

7a f ufo? Elcheck
Debil caid
I l'12
Jtre€t.\ddrels I ltrpose oi bxpendltwe
(bvcode) dtrFlCtr
boa l\,*- lJorr,, A* Zip Code Description
Citv State
?D" n(v I.
-,[ Ct- d6 Vt? /)**jct, 5 *,Pol t €S
lype of Expendlture (if applicable) .
Cmdidate(s) Nme Office Sought ! Supported
(if applicable) I
I Coordinated rvith reimbursemenl sought Opposed
n Coordinated u.ilhout reimbursement sought
fi lndependent ?a,'eI
D Organization (see Instructions)
La flB trc lD DE
Nane of Wolker,Con'ulud I Date ofPayment Method of Pa.vment Amount
Vo ^ llr^c A" s
Secondn Pavee
/JX"l"r^l- CLl
t " f,,fut &cnecu* t IV"4
D Debit Card
iu eet Ad&ess Purpose ofExpendltue

Ju C.,l- (bl'code) A trtrtC{

-J),rl ,sca/1 -)i
Citl _--r State Zip Code Descsiption t
' l)**L u I

oi- D. LLT IT
it*.-= r"J. o/rrrT,, /Sy:fu
iroK. ).-..a
T1,pe of ExpenditrrE gf app ticable) :
Cmdidate(s) Nme Office SoYght fi suppoffea
fl (iJ applirable)
Coordinated with reimbursement soughl Opposed
fl Coordinated without reimbursement sought
D Independent
fl Organization (s ee I nstructions)
['\ DB Dc [n trn
Name orBorka/c'ffit )ate ofPalmetrt Method of Payment Amount
r,, f- t

Semndu Par ee
-/ n/sf7 .r.cn*r* 11/4
fl Debit Card
Street Addrss Pwose ol hxDeDdrfue J
bycod<) D FFlcr
City State Zip Code Desqiohon. /

l).1 s,/a
T-vpe of Expendihtre (if applicuble): Cmdidate(s) Name Offce Sought l-l Sunnorled
(if applicoble)
n Coordinated with reimbursement sought fl opposed
D Coordinated without reimbursement sought
n hdependent
I -
Organization (spe Inslrucrions)
n,\ ns lc nD trE lt.ri
Name of Worker/Consultut * )ate ofPayment Method of Pa_vment Amounl
R .. :;;; tr1n /via n ..q
Secoodrr Pavee
7o f tufo'i -ffcheuk # //
'd 13
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