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Gwanju Human Rights Folk School 2004

The Korean Student Movement Major !ases and Their !haracteristics Presented by Hogi Jeong (Honam Culture Research Center, Chonnam National Unviersity)

"ntroduction the !onte$t and the Goals o% the &ecture The Korean student movement %irst a''eared in the (a'anese colonial 'eriod) and has taken im'ortant roles in the social movements in Korea in times o% disorder and ra'id change# The student movement has contri*uted to the democrati+ation o% South Korea) es'eciall, through the %ollowing social movements the -'ril .'rising in /010) the struggle against the 2(une 3rd R4K5(a'an Talk6 in /013) the 7uma .'rising in /080) the Ma, /9 .'rising in /090) the (une .'rising and the struggle %or the reali+ation o% the -ugust /:th South5;orth Korean Students Meeting in /098) the reuni%ication movement in /090) and the Ma, Struggle in /00/# The student movement was not limited in the democrati+ation movement in the 'olitics) *ut closel, related to ever, social movement in the %ields o% la*or movements) 'easant movements) movements %or the 'oor) and educational movements# The student movement activists 'artici'ated in each %ield one o% the most %re<uent modes o% their 'artici'ation was the so5called 2site entering)6 i#e#) %or them to get a jo* in the actual working sites o% the la*orers# The government de%ined this 2site entering6 as a disguised em'lo,ment and su''ressed it# Having moved into various %ields and leading the social movements) the 'artici'ants o% the 'ast student movements are now contri*uting to the develo'ment o% the democrac, and human rights in the Korean societ,# This lecture will introduce some o% the major Korean student movements and their conte$ts) %ocusing on their goals) activities) and su%%erings# "t will introduce the student movements largel, in two 'ers'ectives %irst) through the major cases o% student organi+ations) and) second) the major cases o% meetings and demonstrations occurred in the 'rocess o% the student movements in Korea# The lecture will give a lot o% s'ace to the student movement in the /090s when the democrati+ation movement was ver, active in South Korea#



!ases o% student 4rgani+ations

Gwanju Human Rights Folk School 2004


The !ase o% The ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students ?-'ril 3) /084@

A The !onte$t Bith the a''earance o% the >ushin S,stem that denied even the 'er%unctor, democrac,) the elated social movements *ecame de'ressed in the earl, /080s# The Cark (unghee -dministration invoked the garrison decree) as the struggle against the militar, training at school s'read in /08/# The Cark -dministration took a strong measure it stationed the arm, in educational institutions) took /)990 students to the 'olice station) and arrested //0 o% them# -s the >ushin S,stem a''eared a%ter the leadershi' o% the student movement was arrested on a large scale and 'ressed to the arm,) the student movement sto''ed taking overt actions# -s o*served in the case o% 2the ;H Societ,6 o% Korea .niversit,) also known as the 2Minuji6 case) in (une) /083) the case o% 2the 7lack 4cto*er Grou')6 or the case o% 2Hamseongji ?cries@6 o% !honnam ;ational .niversit,) the student movement in this 'eriod hoarded u' its a*ilit, and conducted its struggle through underground 'rint materials# The Cark -dministration) however) came to %ace with high criticism *oth %rom the inside and the outside o% the countr, due to 2the Kim =aejung kidna''ing case6 in -ugust) /084) and the raised anti'ath, against the >ushin S,stem# The %irst demonstration against the >ushin S,stem took 'lace on 4cto*er 2nd) /084) led *, the students at Seoul ;ational .niversit,# Bith this demonstration) the student movement renovated its stagnant atmos'here and reassured its leadershi' in social movements# -%ter the demonstration at Seoul ;ational .niversit,) the anti5>ushin S,stem demonstrations s'read not onl, through di%%erent universities and high schools around the countr, *ut also through the societies o% religion) journalism) and outside the 'u*lic o%%ice# This nationwide struggle resulted in 2the Million Signature5!ollecting !am'aign %or the Cetition %or the !onstitutional -mendment#6 The Cark -dministration took a ver, %irm line on this 'eo'leDs movement) declaring the Emergenc, Measure ;o# / and ;o# 2 which said that no discussion on the constitution would *e allowed and that those who violate this measure will *e *rought to the emergenc, court5martial and 'unished without the warrant o% a judicial o%%icer# -t the same time) the Cark -dministration %ostered an intense social atmos'here) 'urging the 'u*lic o%%icers ?re'rimanding 128 'u*lic o%%icers including the then de'ut, 'rime minister@) controlling the 'ress media) and holding a nationwide anti5communist demonstration in the cause o% the return o% the %ishing *oat ca'tured *, the ;orth Korean marine while working in the >ellow Sea#

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-s the anti'ath, against the >ushin S,stem grew intense des'ite this su''ressive atmos'here) the Cark -dministration invoked the Emergenc, Measure ;o# 4 on -'ril 3rd) /084) claiming that the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students tried to u'set the government instigated *, ;orth Korea# The Emergenc, Measure ;o# 4 was an o''ressive action that allowed the government to sentence the death 'enalt, to those who 'artici'ated in the demonstrations against it or critici+ed it) as well as the mem*ers o% the ;ational &eague o% the =emocratic >ouths and Students) and to close down its violatorDs school# A The 4utline -t the *eginning o% /084) the student movement searched %or a new direction in their activities %aced with the un'recedented iron5%isted rule in the %orm o% the Emergenc, Measure ;o#/ and ;o#2# Bith the recognition that their struggle against the >ushin S,stem could not have its e%%ect through scattered) individual demonstrations at di%%erent universities) the leadershi' o% the student movement centering around Seoul ;ational .niversit, tried to %orm a nationwide) united organi+ation %or their struggle) i#e#) the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students# The leadershi' consisted o% the senior student grou' that led earlier struggles against the constitutional amendment %or the third term o% a 'resident in /010 and against the militar, training at school in /08/) and the junior student grou' that organi+ed the demonstration at Seoul ;ational .niversit, in 4cto*er) /083# The leadershi' tried to *uild a network among di%%erent universities and regions) as well as constant ties with the o''osition 'ersonages and the religious %igures# The 'lan) however) was detected *, the authorit,) and the mem*ers o% the leadershi' were chased and arrested *, the investigation agencies# !onse<uentl,) the united demonstration 'lanned %or -'ril 3rd) /084) turned out small5si+ed scattered demonstrations at di%%erent universities# -ltogether /10 'ersons concerned with the case o% the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students had *een arrested until the end o% ;ovem*er) /084# A The !haracteristics The case o% the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students that resisted against the Cark (unghee -dministration under the slogan o% 24verthrow the >ushin S,stem)6 has its signi%icance in the histor, o% the Korean student movement in several wa,s# First) the 'rogressive student activists %ormed through the case o% the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students came to constitute the middle leadershi' o% the democrati+ation struggle since the mid /080s# - considera*le num*er

Gwanju Human Rights Folk School 2004

o% 'artici'ants in the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students su''lemented the 'ersonnel %or the social movements) devoting their lives in the democrati+ation movement a%ter their release %rom con%inement) as well as connected each social movement in di%%erent %ields in an organic wa,# Second) through the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students was tried) though elementar,) a nationwide organi+ation and task allotment through linking di%%erent universit, and regional organi+ations# The leadershi' o% the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students 're'ared %or a nationwide demonstration %ollowing the so5called 23#3#3 'rinci'le#6 The, tried to link di%%erent colleges o% Seoul ;ational .niversit, with the %irst three a$es o% the organi+ation the !ollege o% &i*eral -rts and Sciences) the !ollege o% &aw) and the !ommercial !ollege# The,) then) tried to *uild a network among di%%erent universities in the Seoul area with the second three a$es Seoul ;ational .niversit,) >onsei .niversit,) and Korea .niversit,# The nationwide organi+ation was to *e com'leted with the linkage among the third a$es Seoul ;ational .niversit,) K,ung'ook ;ational .niversit,) and !honnam ;ational .niversit,# The leadershi' also tried *uild a network that include high school students and the 'ersonages in the religious world# Third) to evaluate the level o% the social consciousness o% the leadershi' *ased on the 2=eclaration %or Ceo'le) ;ation) and =emocrac,6 distri*uted under the name o% the ;ational &eague o% =emocratic >ouths and Students) the characteristics o% their management s,stem and 'lans %or social re%ormation seem to have much to *e desired# Their line o% struggle) however) *ecame the guide 'ost %or the Korean societ,) *eing %urther develo'ed es'eciall, in the mid /090s#

2# The !ase o% the .niversit, Student .nion Cresidents Taken to the Colice Station ?Ma, /8) /090@ A The !onte$t Street demonstrations *, universit, students and emergenc, declarations *, 'ro%essors were s'reading throughout the nation# The more intense the 'eo'leDs demand %or democrati+ation *ecame) the worse the governmental su''ression *ecame# The countr, was still under the martial law 'roclaimed at 4 '#m# on 4cto*er 28) /080) a%ter the death o% the %ormer 'resident) Cark (unghee# The 'residents o% the student unions at 23 universities around the nation agreed u'on holding nonviolent intramural demonstrations until %urther notice) and announced their statement demanding the

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withdrawal o% the martial law# 4n Ma, /4th) altogether 28 'residents o% the universit, student unions resolved to hold street demonstrations) and around /00)000 students %rom 34 universities around the countr, 'artici'ated in the street demonstrations# 4n Ma, /:th) the street demonstrations o% universit, students reached its clima$) including the one in the s<uare in %ront o% the Seoul Station where more than /00)000 students gathered and demanded the withdrawal o% the martial law# A The 4utline -%ter the nationwide street demonstration on Ma, /:th) 0: re'resentatives %rom :: universities around the countr, gathered together at Ehwa BomenDs .niversit, and held the %irst meeting o% the universit, student union 'residents %rom : 30 '#m# on Ma, /1th# The, decided to sto' all demonstrations *oth on the cam'us and in the street tem'oraril,) and were discussing their %uture measures) when hundreds o% the 'olicemen made a raid on the cam'us and arrested /9 mem*ers o% the leadershi'# -t midnight on Ma, /8th) the martial law was e$'anded and air*orne units marched into di%%erent universities# The students at school were taken to the 'olice station indiscriminatel,) and agents %rom the joint investigation head<uarters went to the houses o% the student union leaders and o% the students who returned %rom the arm,) and arrested them at discretion# More than 200 students %rom a*out 39 universities around the countr, were either taken to the 'olice station or arrested around Ma, /8th# A The !haracteristics The leadershi' o% the student movement decided to sto' the street demonstrations that had *een held %or several da,s in a large scale) so that the, would not give the cause %or the militar, authorities to e$'and the martial law# The new militar, authorities e$'anded the martial law when the studentsD demonstrations were in a state o% lull) and o''ressed the leadershi' o% the student movement who %ormed the core o% the demonstration %or the withdrawal o% the martial law and democrati+ation# The new militar, authorities tried to shut out the resistance against the e$'ansion o% the martial law in advance) *, se'arating the student movement %rom the 'eo'le# The leadershi' o% the student union o% !honnam ;ational .niversit, hid themselves at the news that the leadershi' o% each universit, student union had *een taken to the 'olice station# -round // '#m# on Ma, /8th) a num*er o% ,oung 'eo'le) students) 'ro%essors) the leaders o% di%%erent social movement organi+ations) and the o''osition 'ersonages were taken *, the martial arm,# Bhen the leaders o% the student union o% !honnam ;ational .niversit, were still in re%uge) the Ma, /9 .'rising took

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'lace# Bith this case) the Ma, /9 .'rising *ecame isolated) and the struggle to search %or the truth o% the .'rising *ecame %ractured#


The !ase o% the Student Federation %or Salvation o% the ;ation ?4cto*er /8th) /091@

A The !onte$t The Student Federation %or Salvation o% the ;ation was originated in the 2=anjaeDs Theor, Stud, Grou'#6 "t was the %irst grou' o% students that 'ro%essed %or an ideological movement) and insisting the %ollowings the immediate dismantlement o% the ideolog, circle s,stem which was the *asic %rame %or the student movement in Seoul ;ational .niversit,) the e$'osition o% sectarianism) the a*olition o% the student num*er s,stem and other vestiges o% the %eudalistic s,stem in the student movement organi+ations# -s an alternative to the e$isting s,stem) the grou' also suggested to make a united organi+ation %or the student movement# The Student Federation %or Salvation o% the ;ation assem*led the student activistsD will that was scattered *e%ore due to the a*sence o% a united organi+ation) %ormulating main 'rinci'les and rules and organi+ing the grou' through 'ersuading other students# The Federation had its inaugural meeting along with more than /00 students in Room 404 o% the ;atural Sciences !ollege in Seoul ;ational .niversit, on March 20) /091# A The 4utline The Student Federation %or Salvation o% the ;ation dis'la,ed %ull5out activities as 2the Struggle !ommittee %or -utonom, -gainst -merican and =emocrati+ation -gainst Fascism6 was inaugurated on -'ril /0th) /091# The Federation divided their struggle sectors into the struggle %or autonom, against -merica) the struggle %or democrati+ation against Fascism) and the struggle %or the 'romotion o% the Korean reuni%ication) *ased on the ;&C=R ?;ational &i*eration Ceo'leDs =emocrac, Revolution@# "n Ma,) /091) the Federation carried out their movement through 2the S'ecial Struggle !ommittee %or Ma,)6 demanding the 'unishment o% those res'onsi*le %or the massacre in Gwangju and the constitutional amendment %or democrac,# 4n Ma, 2/st) the, occu'ied the .#S# !ultural !enter in 7usan and staged a sit5down demonstration# -s the Federation was e$'osed to the intelligence service) man, relevant 'ersons were

Gwanju Human Rights Folk School 2004

arrested# .nder such conditions) the Federation 'ushed on a 'lan to organi+e a student movement %ederation in order to construct and solidi%, the nationwide solidarit,# The Federation was dismantled 'racticall, when the (eon =uhwan regime <uelled the %ounding ceremon, o% 2the Catriotic Students Struggle Federation6 held in Konkuk .niversit, on 4cto*er 29# A The !haracteristics The Student Federation %or Salvation o% the ;ation that created a sensation amongst universities and in Korean societ, %rom the end o% /09: until the earl, /091# Their arguments and activities have their signi%icance in the histor, o% student movement in Korea# The, 'ointed out the .#S# as the source o% the dominating 'ower in Korean societ, and argued that the ultimate re%ormation o% the Korean societ, would *e 'ossi*le onl, through the anti5-merica struggle# "n this conte$t) the Federation suggested the -nti5-merican Save5the5;ation and Reuni%ication Front as the main *od, o% the re%ormation# The %ederation has its signi%icance in 'ro%essing %or an ideological movement %or the %irst time in Korea#


The !ase o% the !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' ?Ma,) /091 F Fe*ruar,) /098@

A The !onte$t The demands %or democrati+ation through a constituent amendment raised since the Fe*ruar, /2th general election in /09:) *rought on the 'olitical situation that the entire countr, was divided into two grou's) with the meeting *etween the governmental and the o''osition 'arties at the Cresidential Residence on -'ril 30th) /091# Some su''orted the constitution 'rotection while others su''orted the constitutional amendment# The social movement sector in Korea) including the student movement) carried out their struggle to esta*lish the constitution %or uni%ication and to a*olish the %ascist constitution# The %oundation o% the Cromotion !ommittee %or the !onstitutional -mendment *, the ;ew Ceo'leDs Cart, ?Shinmindang@ in Ma,) /091) %urther instigated the nationwide struggle against the dictatorshi' o% the (eon =uhwan regime) and led to the 2Ma, 3rd "ncheon Meeting#6 -s the ;ew Ceo'leDs Cart, 'artici'ated in the 2;ational -ssem*l, S'ecial !ommittee %or the !onstitution)6 the 'olitical situation o% the conservative vs# the united seemed to *e %ormed# The (eon =uhwan regime) however)

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su''ressed the social movement a%ter the -sian Game in Se'tem*er) /091) claiming that the discussions on the constitutional amendment were *reaking u' the 'u*lic o'inion) and made various 'olitical moves to converse the o''osition 'arties into their s,stem# A The 4utline -round Ma,) /091) the !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' asserted the esta*lishment o% the 'eo'leDs democratic constitution through convening the !onstituent -ssem*l,) not through amending the constitution to introduce the direct 'residential election s,stem# The, insisted on convening 2the Ceo'leDs -ssem*l, %or the !onstitution Esta*lishment6 %or their struggle# The grou'Ds a%%iliated student organi+ation) 2the Student Struggle !ommittee %or the Ceo'le and =emocrac,6 organi+ed 2the ;ational Student Struggle !ommittee %or the Ceo'le and =emocrac, against "m'erialism and Fascism6 in ma,) /091# The student organi+ation carried out activities around the Seoul area during the summer vacation) /091) including the sit5in demonstration at the head<uarters o% the ;ew Ceo'leDs Cart, and the 'ro'agation in the Seongnam industrial +one# The !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' argued that South Korea was under the indirect rule o% the im'erialism as its new colon,) and advocated the 'olitical inde'endence o% the nation# The, also o*served that the South Korean societ, had e$'erienced a condense develo'ment o% ca'italism through su*ordinate relationshi' with the 'ower%ul) and de%ined the Korean ca'italism as the mono'olistic ca'italism o% a new colonial state# The !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' recogni+ed the then situation as e$'ecting a revolution) thus) decided to take the 're'arator, tasks %or the im'ending revolution# 4ne o% the most im'ortant tasks was to e<ui' the 'eo'le with the consciousness as the su*ject o% the state 'ower# Recogni+ing that the constitutional issue was not onl, a matter o% the 2com'rehensive s,stem re%ormation struggle6 ?the struggle %or all the democratic rights@) *ut also a 2medium %or the 'ower struggle)6 the grou' insisted on de%ining the 'eriod as a 2constitutional struggle 'eriod#6 The, argued that the constitutional 'ro*lem could *e solved onl, through e$'osing the 'ro*lems o% the 'ower ?i#e#) the 'ro*lems o% the su*ject and the methodolog, in esta*lishing the constitution@) s'eci%icall,) through summoning the constituent assem*l,# From their view'oint) the ;ew Ceo'leDs Cart,Ds 'ro'osal o% the constitutional amendment %or the direct 'residential election was a mere timeserving measure# Though a great num*er o% students were arrested related to the !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou') to limit the categor, to those at the core o% the organi+ation) the

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num*er sums u' to around 20# A The !haracteristics The !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' had its aims in resisting the authoritative (eon =uhwan -dministration) and claimed to overthrow the regime) to esta*lish a democratic constitution) and to secure the *asic rights o% the 'eo'le# Their activities and inclination contri*uted to the e$'ansion o% the student movement into various %ields o% the democrati+ation movement in Korea) and le%t a great in%luence on late social movements as well as the student movement#


The !ase o% the ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives ?-ugust) /098 F March) /003@

A The !onte$t Through the e$'erience o% the (une .'rising in /098) the Seoul !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives recogni+ed the di%%iculties in the <ualitative and <uantitative e$'ansion o% the 'eo'leDs struggle due to the lack o% s,stematic organi+ation) and suggested to esta*lish a nationwide leadershi' that can unite the consciousness and 'ractices o% the struggle# "n /098) the student movement had two %actions the ;ational &i*eration %action and the !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' %action# Those in the ;ational &i*eration %action) which %ormed the majorit, o% the student movement then) constituted local organi+ations) such as the Seoul !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives) the Student .nion Federation in the Honam -rea) and the 7usan Student .nion !ouncil# -%ter the (une .'rising) these local organi+ations contrived a national union) and 'ushed on the esta*lishment o% the ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives) centering around the student unions o% each universit,# The ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives had its inauguration on -ugust /0th) /098) in !hungnam .niversit, where a''ro$imatel, 30)000 students gathered %rom 0: universities around the countr,# "n the declaration that the students ado'ted %or the inauguration were included their claims %or the dictatorial militar, regime to resign) %or the .nited =emocratic Cart, ?Tongilminjudang) the o''osition 'art,@ to re%lect the 'eo'leDs interests and demands in its 'olitical negotiations with the government 'art,) %or the arm, to kee' neutralit,) and %or the .S to sto' intervening in the domestic a%%airs o% South Korea#

Gwanju Human Rights Folk School 2004

Bith an indirect election through the re'resentatives o% the 1 regions and /0 districts in the countr,) the students elected "n,eong &ee ?Student Cresident o% Korea .niversit,@ as the chairman) and Sangho Boo ?Student Cresident o% >eonsei .niversit,@ and three other students as the vice5chairman o% the ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives# A The 4utline The ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives carried out activities through the %ollowing struggles %or autonom,) democrac,) and reuni%ication the %air election monitoring grou' during the 'residential election in =ecem*er) /098G the struggle to achieve the South5;orth >ouths and StudentsD Meeting on (une /0th and -ugust /:th in /099G the ;ovem*er struggle to li<uidate the Gwangju issue and the : th Re'u*licG "m Suk,eongDs 'artici'ation in the C,eong,ang commemoration in /090G organi+ing the -ugust /: national meeting in /000G the struggle to commemorate and succeed the s'irit o% the Ma, /9 .'rising# Facing the 'residential election in =ecem*er) /098) those in the student movement were divided into two %actions according to their 'ositions those who advocated the 2critical su''ort6 to Kim =aejung) and those who advocated the 2uni%ication o% the candidate %or the o''osition 'arties#6 "n this conte$t) the !onstituent -ssem*l, Grou' came to 'artici'ate in the ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives %rom /099# To highlight some o% the major activities o% the ;ational !ouncil o% the .niversit, Student Re'resentatives until its dissolution in March) /003 5 """#

Major Meetings and =emonstrations Related to the Student Movement The -'ril Revolution ?Fe*ruar, 29th F -'ril 21th) /010@

A The !onte$t The -'ril Revolution started as the resistance against the injustice and illegal conducts o% the &ee Seungman -dministration during the 'residential election on March /:th) /010# "ts actual cause) however) was the e$'losion o% the 'eo'leDs anger against the &ee -dministrationDs contradictor, structure in general# Through the March /: election) the &ee -dministration o% the /st Re'u*lic committed un%air conducts mo*ili+ing all the state institutions in order to gras' the 'olitical 'ower again# The state

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'ower o''ressed the o''osition 'arties and terrori+ed the candidates o% the o''osition 'arties and the voters even in *road da,lights# The 'olice su''ressed the demonstrations against the violence and injustice o% the &ee -dministration) instead o% monitoring the un%airness o% the election# The 'olitical gangs) es'eciall,) such as the anticommunist ,ouths grou's used violence all around the countr, and man, were victimi+ed *, them# -s the result) &ee Seungman won the election with 0)113381 votes amongst //)/01)400) and &ee Gi*ung *ecame the vice5'resident with 9)338):08 votes# The =emocratic Cart,) on the other hand) won /)943)8:9 votes# A The 4utline The demonstrations to censure the un%air election started %rom the 'rotest against the &ee -dministration sto''ing the 'eo'le %rom 'artici'ating the cam'aign meeting o% (ang M,eon) the vice5'resident candidate o% the =emocratic Cart, on Fe*ruar, 29th) /010# "t was high school students in the G,eongsang*uk5do area who led the demonstration# -%ter the demonstration) the situation seemed to resume 'eace) *ut) studentsD demonstrations %or the %reedom o% the schools and %or -s %or the ideological as'ect o% the student and the intellectualDs movement in the /090s) one o% the most distinctive %eatures is the a''earance o% the class 'ers'ective and the nationalist 'ers'ective# "n other words) the students and the intellectuals in South Korea took their 'eo'leDs or their nationDs interests and tasks as theirs# Even in the %ields o% culture) art) and academia) the national democrati+ation was the most im'ortant task

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