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Hernandez Salomon 1 Victor Hernandez Salomon Professor Wolcott ENC 1102 24 April 2014 Portable Biomedical Applications of i!

ital Si!nal Processors" Annotated Biblio!rap#$ %#is annotated biblio!rap#$ is directed to en!ineerin! professional and st&dents interested i!ital Si!nal Processin! and t#e impro'ement of efficienc$ in po(er cons&mption of s$stems (it# applications in t#e medical and #ealt#care field) *t is important to de'elop a(areness t#at d&e to t#e abilit$ of implementin! a i!ital Si!nal Processor + SP, as a S$stem-on-C#ip +SoC,. t#e po(er cons&mption is considerable lo(ered s&c# t#at portable applications are #a'e lon! lastin! batter$ life as (ell as po(erf&l acc&rate processin! po(er) %#is (ill #elp $o& ta/e a loo/ in some of t#e most common and most needed applications no(ada$s in meas&rin! bod$ si!nals s&c# as Electrocardio!rap#$ +EC0, and Electroencep#alo!rap#$ +EE0, si!nals as (ell as processin! &ltra so&nd ima!in!. in man$ cases a Brain Comp&ter *nterface +BC*, is bro&!#t into t#e con'ersation d&e to t#e potential medical applications) %#e so&rces of t#is researc#es come from all o'er t#e (orld. it is notable #o(e'er imec, a non-profit researc# or!anization t#at !i'es importance to medical applications and also t#e *nstit&te of Electrical and Electronics En!ineers +*EEE, t#at promotes t#e collaboration and researc# all across t#e (orld) B&1i. ilpreet. et al) 2Wireless 3-lead EC0 S$stem (it# 4n-board i!ital Si!nal Processin! for Amb&lator$ 5onitorin!)2 Biomedical Circuits and Systems

Hernandez Salomon 2 Conference (BioCAS), 2012 IEEE +2012," 306-11) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1 5ar) 2014) %#is p&blication (as a collaboration of se'eral researc#ers of imec. micro- and nano-electronics researc# center. specificall$ t#e #ead7&arters in 8e&'en. Bel!i&m and *5EC9s Holst Centre in %#e Net#erlands) %#is p&blication proposes a (ireless EC0 monitorin! s$stem t#at is able to perform EC0 si!nal ac7&isition &sin! imec9s CoolBio di!ital si!nal processor. (#ic# is capable of performin! certain operations (it# red&ced po(er cons&mption) %#e inno'ati'e contrib&tion is t#e inte!ration of a lo( po(ered di!ital si!nal processor into a (earable EC0 platform (#ic# incl&des details on #o( s#o&ld t#e interfacin! be performed bet(een lo( po(ered components to red&ce t#e po(er cons&mption) C#en. :i-C#&n!. ;on!-Han Hsie#. and Wai-C#i <an!) 2A Wireless =eado&t <ront-end e'ice for Portable EE0 Ac7&isition S$stem)2 Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2013 IEEE 1 t! International Symposium on +2013," 223-24) IEEE Xplore) Web) 11 5ar) 2014) %#e researc#ers in'ol'ed in t#e p&blication are members of *EEE as (ell as members of t#e epartment of Electronics En!ineerin! and *nstit&te of Electronics of t#e National C#iao %&n! >ni'ersit$ in %ai(an) %#is paper. tal/s abo&t a front-end de'ice (it# a Bl&etoot# 2)0 mod&le and a 5SP430 &ltra-lo( po(er microcontroller for portable EE0 ac7&isition is presented) %#e s$stem is presented as lo( po(ered. (it# lo( noise. and #i!#l$ efficient c#ip area &sa!e) %#e ad'anta!es of t#e s&ccessf&l de'elopment of t#e (ireless reado&t front-end s$stem incl&de portabilit$ for &bi7&ito&s and real-time lon!-term dia!noses)

Hernandez Salomon 3 <&ller. 5ic#ael *. et al) 2=eal %ime *ma!in! (it# t#e Sonic Windo(" A Poc/et-Sized. CScan. 5edical >ltraso&nd e'ice)2 "ltrasonics Symposium (I"S), 200# IEEE International +200?," 1?@-??) IEEE Xplore$ Web) 14 5ar) 2014) %#is p&blication is a collaboration of se'eral researc#ers of t#e >ni'ersit$ of Vir!inia as (ell as Poc/etSonics. *nc) *t proposes a poc/et-sized. C-scan &ltraso&nd de'ice desi!ned to e1pand &ltraso&nd into clinical settin!s and applications. (#ic# size and lo( cost distin!&is# t#is de'ice from t#e con'entional &ltraso&nd s$stems. it #as a lo( po(er cons&mption and t#e protot$pe operated contin&o&sl$ for t(o #o&rs) %#e front-end circ&itr$ obtains t#e data for one C-scan slice per transmit e'ent and sends di!ital data to t#e SP. besides pro'idin! t#e ima!in! it also #as some ad'anced capabilities) <inall$ t#e$ mention t#at f&rt#er de'elopment (ill (or/ on t#e impro'ement of ima!e 7&alit$) 0alan. WAatsc#esla(. et al) 2A Portable SoC-based EC0-s$stem for 24# B Cd 4peratin! %ime)2 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 200%$ BioCAS 200%$ IEEE +2006," 6D-66) Web) ? 5ar) 2014) %#is p&blication is t#e !ro&p (or/ of t#ree academic instit&tions. t#e article portraits a portable batter$ po(ered 3-c#annel EC0-s$stem t#at can be operated for an e1tended period of time on re!&lar AA batteries and it ac7&ires EC0 si!nals (it# a dedicated SoC feat&rin! a po(erf&l SP for data processin!) Ha'in! a SP on a sin!le c#ip opens de possibilit$ of red&ction of s$stem size and po(er cons&mption) B$ &sin! SoC and ot#er lo(-po(ered components t#e po(er cons&mption can be red&ced do(n to less t#an 10 mA at 3)3 V. (#ic#

Hernandez Salomon 4 translated in a batter$ life of 10 da$s &sin! re!&lar batteries t#an/s to t#e red&ction of t#e n&mber of s$stems components) Eim. H$eA&n!. et al) 2A Confi!&rable and 8o(-Po(er 5i1ed Si!nal SoC for Portable EC0 5onitorin! Applications)2 IEEE &ransactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems PP)?? +2013," 1) IEEE Xplore) Web) 26 <eb) 2014) %#is p&blication (as a collaboration of si1 octors of P#ilosop#$ +P#) ,. a st&dent (or/in! to(ards #is P#) . and an en!ineerin! professional (it# o'er t(ent$ $ears of e1perience on researc#. all of t#em foc&sed in t#e st&d$ of different fields of electronics incl&din! di!ital si!nal processin! and more. in addition to t#is t#e$ are all members of t#e *nstit&te of Electrical and Electronics En!ineerin! +*EEE,) %#is paper tal/s abo&t an electrocardio!rap#$ EC0 SoC. t#at is capable of implementin! a !ood f&nctionalit$ t#at is pro'ided b$ a c&stom di!ital si!nal processor at t#e same time t#at red&ces t#e total s$stem po(er cons&mption) *n ot#er (ords. t#an/s to t#e ad'anced feat&res of t#e SoC s&c# as t#e implementation of t#e di!ital si!nal processors. pro'idin! local processin! it is possible to red&ce t#e po(er cons&mption allo(in! lon!-term acc&rate EC0 monitorin!) 8ee. H$&ntae/) 2Soft(are-based Hand-Held >ltraso&nd Color oppler *ma!in! S$stem)2"ltrasonics Symposium (I"S), 200# IEEE International +200?," 164464C) IEEE Xplore) Web) 14 5ar) 2014) %#e researc#ers t#at participated in t#e de'elopment of t#is paper are members of t#e So!an! >ni'ersit$ in So&t# Eorea) &e to an impro'ement in portabilit$ and

Hernandez Salomon D patient acceptance a recentl$ de'eloped #and #eld &ltraso&nd mac#ine #as been tested in emer!in! clinical applications in amb&lator$ #ealt#care. t#is paper presents a soft(are based &ltra so&nd s$stem (#ere a sin!le SP is &tilized to process color oppler ima!in! in real time) %#is paper introd&ces t#e alread$ /no(n option to implement a SP in soft(are to be able to obtain color oppler ima!ini!) 8ee. S#&enn-:&#. et al) 28o(-Po(er Wireless EC0 Ac7&isition and Classification S$stem for Bod$ Sensor Net(or/s)2 Biomedical and 'ealt! Informatics, IEEE (ournal of PP)?? +2014," 21@6-1?4) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1D 5ar) 2014) %#e researc# team consists of doctorate le'el researc#ers as (ell as P# st&dents of t#e National C#&n! C#en! >ni'ersit$ in %ai(an) %#e paper portraits a lo(po(ered s$stem for t#e ac7&isition and classification of biolo!ical si!nals for bod$ sensor net(or/s also /no(n as BAN) %#e s$stems consists of a processor for ac7&isition. a lo( po(ered s#ort ran!e (ireless transmitter and a SP for t#e classification of EC0 si!nals. (#ic# can be operated for o'er ?0 da$s in a @00 mA# zinc-air batter$. (it# t#e potential of bein! paired (it# smartp#ones or ot#er de'ices and an EC0 classification acc&rac$ of o'er ?CF) %#is paper brin!s t#e possibilit$ of pairin! (it# portable de'ices s&c# as smartp#ones into pla$) 8i. B&(en. Gian! W&. and S#&icai W&) 2Hard(are esi!n 4f A SP-B<D46 Based Portable Patient 5onitor)2 Electrical and Control En)ineerin) (ICECE), 2011 International Conference on +2011," D?46-?D1) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1D 5ar) 2014) %#is paper is a collaboration of t#e Colle!es of H8ife Science and Bioen!ineerin!9 and t#e HColle!e of Electronic *nformation and Control En!ineerin!9 of t#e

Hernandez Salomon @ BeiAin! >ni'ersit$ of %ec#nolo!$) %#e paper describes a #ard(are desi!n of an inno'ati'e patient monitor based on a specific SP mod&le. s&ccessf&ll$ meas&rin! t#e blood press&re. EC0 si!nals. o1$!en sat&ration as (ell as bod$ temperat&re) A to&c#screen is &sed as a &ser interface o&tp&t to displa$ all monitored parameters and on top of t#is t#e data can be stored into different interfaces) A po(erf&l SP pro'ides t#is desi!n a po(er comp&tation performance t#at !&arantees acc&rac$) %#is researc# !oes a step for(ard in t#e con'ersation addin! t#e possibilit$ of meas&rin! m&ltiple biolo!ical si!nals and also storin! t#em for later interpretation) 8in. =ic/) 28i'e emonstration" Wireless Sensors and S$stems for Bod$ Area Net(or/ +BAN,)2 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2012 IEEE+2012," ?4) IEEE Xplore) Web) 14 5ar) 2014) %#e researc#ers t#at made t#is li'e demonstration are part of *5EC) %#ere #as been an increasin! interest on bod$ area net(or/ +BAN, beca&se of t#e increasin! need for lon!-term monitorin! of 'ario&s #ealt# parameters. s&c# as EE0 and EC0. in medical applications. and also from t#e tec#nolo!$ ad'ances t#at ma/e lo( po(er sensor s$stems and miniat&rization a'ailable for portable &se) Wit# t#e #elp of t#e al!orit#ms b&ilt-in on t#e &ltra-lo( po(er SP. t#is (ireless patc# is capable of monitorin! and processin! local si!nals (it# &ltra-lo( po(er cons&mption) *n t#e demo. a (ireless EE0 #eadset is made compatible (it# dr$ electrodes and portable) Wit# EC0 patc#. participants can see t#e recorded (a'eforms. alon! (it# #eart beat data from said patc# on a &ser !rap#ic interface in a comp&ter) %#e

Hernandez Salomon C importance of t#is demonstration is t#e abilit$ to acc&ratel$ meas&re biomedical si!nals &sin! portable de'ices) 8on!. :an. et al) 224)4 A @60nA <&ll$ *nte!rated *mplantable EC0-ac7&isition *C (it# Analo! <eat&re E1traction)2 Solid*State Circuits Conference +i)est of &ec!nical ,apers (ISSCC), 201- IEEE International +2014," 416-1?) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1D 5ar) 2014) %#e researc#ers of t#is paper are part of t#e imec) >ltra-lo( po(er cons&mption and small size are t#e most important desi!n re7&irements for implantable pacema/ers. also. to !&arantee a lon! life span of t#e de'ice. sa'in! po(er in t#e sensin! *C is a primar$ concern as cardiac r#$t#m disorders m&st be contin&o&sl$ monitored. t#e s#iftin! t#e f&nctionalit$ can red&ce s$stem-le'el po(er cons&mption of #eartbeat detection si!nificantl$ t#ro&!# minimizin! comp&tational comple1it$ of t#e SP. *n addition. c&rrent biomedical *Cs still re7&ire f&rt#er impro'ement of po(er efficienc$ as t#eir analo! bac/ ends cons&me si!nificant po(er) <or t#at. t#e presented analo! si!nal processor +ASP, introd&ces a po(er-efficient analo! feat&re e1traction. a c&rrent-m&ltiple1ed A C dri'er and a fle1ible A C) %#is lo(-po(er #eartbeat detection for implantable pacema/ers) %#is paper #as an important addition to t#e researc# con'ersation beca&se it proposes a (a$ to si!nificantl$ red&ce t#e po(er cons&mption. and t#&s impro'e t#e performance of all implantable SP S4C applications. (#ic# (o&ld impro'e portabilit$ 8o'elace. Iosep# A). %$ler S) Witt. and <red =) Be$ette. Ir) 2Bl&etoot# Enabled Electroencep#alo!rap# +EE0, Platform)2 Circuits and Systems (./SCAS), 2013

Hernandez Salomon 6 IEEE 01t! International .id2est Symposium on +2013," 11C2-1CD) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1D 5ar) 2014) %#is p&blication is t#e res&lt of researc#ers from t#e Sc#ool of Electronics and Comp&tin! S$stems of t#e >ni'ersit$ of Cincinnati) %#e paper proposes t#e desi!n of a compact and acc&rate (ireless EE0. (#ic# b$ &sin! a SP can ac7&ire ne&ral f&nctions t#at can represent important c#aracteristics of brain acti'it$ t#at can later. b$ &sin! a n&mber of circ&its. transmit di!itized brain(a'es 'ia Bl&etoot# for an end application &se) EE0 si!nals are &sed for a !reat n&mber of applications. it can be &sed to determine epileps$. coma. brain deat# and a 'ariet$ of sleep disorders) %#e po(er mana!ement is controlled b$ a n&mber of analo! prod&cts t#at comm&nicate (it# t#e SP so t#at a 8it#i&m-Pol$mer batter$ can be &sed (#ile c#ar!in!) %#is paper adds to t#e con'ersation t#e &se of Bl&etoot#. (#ic# can pro'ide more portabilit$. and co&ld #a'e potential applications d&e to its compact and mod&lar desi!n. e'en #a'in! t#e potential of #elpin! a paraple!ic control a BC*-controlled e1os/eleton t#at (o&ld allo( t#e patient to f&nction indenpendentl$) Pen!. 5eiran. et al) 2A Wearable Heart =ate Belt for Amb&lant EC0 5onitorin!)JE* 'ealt! 3et2or4in), Applications and Ser5ices ('ealt!com), 2012 IEEE 1-t! International Conference on +2012," 3C1-C4) IEEE Xplore) Web) 0? 5ar) 2014) %#is article (as de'eloped b$ a !ro&p of researc#ers epartment of Biomedical En!ineerin! in t#e Sc#ool of 5edicine of %sin!#&a >ni'ersit$ in BeiAin! C#ina. beca&se of monitorin! EC0 si!nals is so important in #ealt#care t#ere is a need for a (earable de'ice) %#is p&blication proposes a (earable belt t#at b$ &sin!

Hernandez Salomon ? te1tile electrodes meas&res t#e EC0 si!nal (#ic# is processed b$ a SP and also incl&des a (ireless comm&nication mod&le and #as a !oal of lon! term EC0 monitorin!) %#is #o(e'er is a medical application t#at (o&ld not appl$ for e1traneo&s sit&ations s&c# as Ao!!in!) %sai. Pai-:&an. et al) 2A Portable e'ice for =eal %ime ro(siness etection >sin! No'el Acti'e r$ Electrode S$stem)2 En)ineerin) in .edicine and Biolo)y Society, 200#$ E.BC 200#$ Annual International Conference of t!e IEEE +200?," 3CCD-CC6) IEEE Xplore) Web) 0? 5ar) 2014) %#is p&blication (as made b$ members of *EEE in 200? at t#e En!ineerin! in 5edicine and Biolo!$ Societ$ *EEE ann&al national conference. ac7&irin! ad processin! EE0 si!nals on a real time portable s$stem it can discriminate 'i!ilance states of classification b$ processin! and anal$zin! t#e si!nals (it# a SP) Alt#o&!# dri'in! dro(s$ is not considered as dan!ero&s as dr&n/ dri'in! it still is a maAor factor in cras#es. t#is s$stem &ses t#e reaction time based on t#e EE0 si!nals meas&red &sin! Hdr$ electrodes9. electrodes t#at do not re7&ired t#e &se of cond&cti'e !el. and it 7&antizes t#e le'el of dro(siness. and alerts t#e &ser b$ emittin! a noise) Wen. 5ei$in!. :a$& C#en!. and :e 8i) 2A <&ll C&stom Analo! <ront-End for 8on!time EC0 5onitorin!)2 En)ineerin) in .edicine and Biolo)y Society (E.BC), 2013 30t! Annual International Conference of t!e IEEE +2013," 3234-23C) IEEE Xplore) Web) 1D 5ar) 2014) %#is paper (as presented in t#e 2013 3Dt# Ann&al *nternational Conference of t#e *EEE and it portraits an analo! front-end t#at can be &sed for EC0 monitorin! for

Hernandez Salomon 10 commercial application. t#e po(er mana!ement of t#e s$stem pro'ides (it# and stable s&ppl$ of 'olta!e and lo( po(er cons&me) %#e EC0 c#ip #a'e demonstrated t#e f&nctionalities s&ccessf&ll$ and it is also s&itable for portable lon!-time EC0 monitorin! de'ices applied in #ealt# care) ;elA/o'ic. V). et al) 2A&tomated Pre-*ctal P#ase etection Al!orit#m from EE0 Si!nal)2 'ealt! Care E6c!an)es (,A'CE), 2013 ,an American +2013," 1D) IEEE Xplore) Web) ? 5ar) 2014) %#is article is t#e (or/ of researc#ers of t#e Sc#ool of En!ineerin! and Comp&tin! Sciences of t#e Ne( :or/ *nstit&te of %ec#nolo!$. t#e department of Electrical En!ineerin! of California State >ni'ersit$. t#e Clinical Hospital Center K r) ra!isa 5iso'ic- edinAeJ in t#e =ep&blic of Serbia and t#e %ec#nolo!ical *nstit&te of 5e1icali in 5e1ico) %#is researc# foc&ses in t#e de'elopment of a ne( classification tec#ni7&e and t#e prediction of pre-ictal states t#at anno&nce epileptic seiz&res b$ &sin! a di!ital si!nal processor. (#ic# (#en &sed co&ld potentiall$ alert t#e &ser of possible seiz&re attac/s

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