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Pat biought suit against the weekly news magazine !"#$% foi uefamation. To
establish uamages, Pat calleu seveial witnesses who testifieu to his steiling
ieputation in the city in which he lives piioi to the allegeuly uefamatoiy publication
anu to his sullieu ieputation aftei the publication. In its case-in-chief, !"#$% calleu
Becky (Richaiu's sistei anu business paitnei). 0vei Richaiu's objections, Becky
testifieu that Richaiu knowingly unueistateu his income in his tax ietuins foi the
past thiee yeais, is uelinquent on chilu suppoit payments he owes, anu was
convicteu thiee yeais ago of misuemeanoi shoplifting in the small anu iemote
mountain community wheie Richaiu maintains his summei home. Was the juuge
coiiect to oveiiule Richaiu's objections.
Bonna is being piosecuteu foi embezzlement of funus fiom a chaiitable
oiganization she uiiects. Bonna calleu Whitney to the stanu to testify to hei opinion
that Euna is honest anu a peison of integiity. 0n cioss-examination, anu ovei the
uefense's objection, Whitney acknowleugeu that she was awaie that Bonna hau
been embioileu in contioveisy six yeais eailiei when, as a high-ianking state
goveinment official, Bonna was accuseu of using a state helicoptei on multiple
occasions foi peisonal tiips. 0nly aftei the mattei was publicizeu uiu Bonna
ieimbuise the state foi tiips, claiming that hei failuie to uo so eailiei was an
In hei final aigument to the juiy, the piosecutoi aigueu as follows: "People iaiely
change, lauies anu gentlemen. Six yeais ago, Bonna appiopiiateu the piopeity of
the taxpayeis of youi state. Yes, she ieimbuiseu the state, but only aftei she was
caught. Woulu it suipiise you to leain she'u uo it againthis time misappiopiiating
funus fiom a chaiity. People iaiely change, lauies anu gentlemen."
You aie counsel foi Bonna. Bo you object. |Note that while objections aie not
alloweu uuiing opening statements anu closing aiguments in mock tiial, they aie
alloweu in ieal life.j

Benny is chaigeu with the muiuei of vince. Be aumits stabbing vince with a switch-
blaue knife, but states that he uiu so in self-uefense aftei vince attackeu him with an
ice-pick. Although the fight occuiieu in a tavein in fiont of many people, the
testimony of the eyewitnesses is conflicting.
As pait of its case-in-chief, the piosecution seeks to intiouuce eviuence of othei
violent fights in which Benny has engageu, incluuing seveial in which he useu a
switch-blaue knife, like the one useu on vince, on his opponent. The knife has an
unusual cuiveu blaue anu a uistinctively caiveu hanule. Is the piosecution's
eviuence aumissible.
Assume that the eviuence in pait (a) is not aumitteu. Buiing the uefense case, the
uefenuants seeks to offei eviuence of fights in which Elliot hau been involveu anu in
which he staiteu the fight by attacking anothei peison with an ice-pick. Is the
uefenuant's eviuence aumissible.
Assume that the eviuence in paits (a) anu (b) is not aumitteu, but that seveial
witnesses testify on behalf of the uefenuant that vince has a bau ieputation in the
community as a violent man. In iebuttal, the piosecution offeis the testimony of a
witness who will testify that Bectoi also has a bau ieputation in the community as a
violent man. Is the piosecution's eviuence aumissible.
Assume that the eviuence in paits (a), (b), anu (c) is not aumitteu. Buiing its case-
in-chief, the uefense piesenteu testimony of seveial witnesses who stateu that vince
hau been the aggiessoi in the fight. No pioof of vince's ieputation foi violence was
intiouuceu. Buiing its iebuttal, the piosecution offeis the testimony of a witness
who will testify that vince has a goou ieputation in the community as a non-violent
man. Is the piosecution's eviuence aumissible.

In the piosecution of Whit Bowman, the piosecution calls Roiy Shelton to testify
that Shelton hau woikeu with Cameion Poole anu Bowman at Ruel's Rivei Town.
While at Ruel's Rivei Town, Shelton heaiu iumois that Poole was hanuing out piizes
to people if they slippeu him some extia cash. Shelton then founu out that Bowman
was uoing the same thing. Then Bowman anu Poole both got fiieu. Is this eviuence

In the piosecution of Whit Bowman, }.C. Longstieet is calleu by the state. 0n cioss
examination, the uefense offeis that Longstieet was convicteu of tax evasion twelve
yeais ago. Is this eviuence aumissible.

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