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Submitted By: Bre d! D" !#d $!#%er De&uty M!y"r '"r C(i#dre ) Y"ut() *!mi#ie+ ! d E#der+ ! d Ed,!rd Rei+%i De&uty M!y"r '"r Pub#i- S!'ety ! d .u+ti-e

De-ember /001


I. II.



/ 1 1 7 8 9 : <0 << <=



BACKGROUND In 2004, the city experienced an alarming increa e in !"#enile h$micide % 24 !"#enile "nder the age $& '( )ere m"rdered in the Di trict, nearly d$"*le the n"m*er $& !"#enile h$micide in 200+, -hi pi.e $cc"rred again t the *ac.dr$p $& decrea ing crime &$r the Di trict a a )h$le, &$rcing the city t$ examine the peci&ic &act$r that place y$"ng pe$ple at ri ., -he re "lting inter#ie) , c$mm"nity li tening e i$n , and )$r.ing meeting c$n#ened *y the O&&ice $& the Dep"ty /ay$r &$r Children, 0$"th, 1amilie and 2lder 3OD/C0124, al$ng )ith the hearing held *y the 5pecial C$mmittee $n the 6re#enti$n $& 0$"th 7i$lent Crime chaired *y C$"ncilmem*er 7incent Gray, re#ealed that )hile the Di trict ha made igni&icant in#e tment in children and y$"th, $"r city d$e n$t ha#e a c$mprehen i#e y$"th de#el$pment plan n$r the in&ra tr"ct"re t$ implement c$$rdinated trategie t$ addre the need $& y$"ng pe$ple, partic"larly $lder y$"th, /ay$r Anth$ny A, 8illiam ha made a c$mmitment t$ cl$ e thi gap, -he D.C. Youth Development Strategy $"tlined *el$) chart h$) thi )ill *e implemented $#er the next year, 6UR6O52 -he p"rp$ e $& the D.C. Youth Development Strategy i t$% 9a"nch a y$"th #i$lence inter#enti$n trategy that can deli#er near:term, p$)er&"l re "lt ; and 9ay the gr$"nd)$r. &$r a " taina*le in#e tment in $"r city< y$"ng pe$ple g"ided *y the #al"e $& p$ iti#e y$"th de#el$pment, -=2 69AN -he trategy ta.e a three:pr$nged appr$ach% 5a&ety 1ir t>% /a.ing immediate inter#enti$n &$c" ed $n y$"th m$ t at ri . $& *eing #ictim $r perpetrat$r $& #i$lence; /id:term 6ri$ritie % 9e#eraging and c$$rdinating the pre#enti$n trategie ; and 9$nger:term 6ri$ritie % Organi?ing y temic in#e tment in the Di trict< y$"th de#el$pment in&ra tr"ct"re, -he c$mp$nent $& the plan, incl"ding initiati#e , lead agencie , &"nding and time&rame, are ill" trated in the &$ll$)ing chart, An $#er#ie) $& the plan< management tr"ct"re &$ll$) ,

S!'ety *ir+t3 Vi"#e -e I ter>e ti" E''"rt+ 7i$lence Inter#enti$n 6artner hip 37I64 Inten i#e Inter#enti$n &$r =igh Ri . 0$"th 5ec$nd Re p$nder 6r$gram -r"ancy Di#er i$n 6r$gram

Le!d A?e -y /6D

*u di ? S"ur-e

*Y07 A##"-!ti"

St!rt D!te Dec 0B Ean 0F Ean 0F Oct 0B

D=5 @ -AN1 B$n" /6D D0R5, /6D OD/C012 D=5 5tr$ng 1amilie Reall$cati$n 1amily C$"rt C15A

A(00,000 -BD A(00,000 A400,000

T!r?et Are!@T!r?et A "' y"ut( +er>ed 8ard C D ( City)ide +0 y$"th 8ard C D ( 200 y$"th 8ard ' 3addtl, -BD4 2B &amilie per ch$$l 8ard 4: 6et)$rth City)ide

-argeted Redepl$yment $& R$#ing 9eader 5ch$$l:*a ed /ental =ealth 6r$gram expan i$n t$ '2 ne) ch$$l

D6R D/=

D6R D=5 -AN1 B$n" D/=

A+B0,000 A',4m

1e* 0F Ean 0F

Mid;term Str!te?i- Pri"ritie+ 0$"th pr$gram tandard 0ear:r$"nd interagency planning &$r $"t:$&: ch$$l time pr$gram 0$"th )$r.er training GAn )er , 6lea e>H "pdate =ealth In&$rmati$n Re p$n e -eam 3in!"ry and #i$lence data analy i 4 Girl < t"dy gr$"p C$mm$n $"tc$me D per&$rmance mea "re 2#al"ati$n L" ?er;term Str!te?i- Pri"ritie+ 0$"th participati$n Children< B"dget Data haring 35a&e 6a age In&$rmati$n 5y tem4

Le!d A?e -y OD/C012 OD/C012 C0I-C D=5 DO= OD/C012 OD/C012 OD/C012 Le!d A?e -y OD/C012 OD/C012 OC-O

D!te "' C"m&#eti" April 0F 5eptem*er 0F 5eptem*er 0F /arch 0F Ong$ing :9a"nched N$# 0B April 0F /arch 0F /ay 0F D!te "' C"m&#eti" Ean"ary @ E"ne 0F /arch 0F Decem*er 0F

ACCOUN-ABI9I-0 AND O72R5IG=-he Dep"ty /ay$r &$r Children, 0$"th, 1amilie and 2lder 3D/C0124 )ill lead the $#erall y$"th de#el$pment e&&$rt and )ill *e re p$n i*le &$r directing the )$r. $& agencie &r$m her cl" ter a igned t$ the di&&erent element , -he Dep"ty /ay$r &$r 6"*lic 5a&ety and E" tice 3D/65E4 )ill "pp$rt the trategy de#el$pment and implementati$n and direct the )$r. $& the p"*lic a&ety and !" tice agencie , An exec"ti#e teering c$mmittee, c$mp$ ed $& the City Admini trat$r, the Di trict $& C$l"m*ia 6"*lic 5ch$$l 5"perintendent, the 6re ident $& the DC Children and 0$"th In#e tment -r" t C$rp$rati$n and the t)$ Dep"ty /ay$r , )ill *e re p$n i*le &$r trategy $#er ight, p$licy de#el$pment and re $"rce all$cati$n,

DC Youth Development Strategy Management Structure

Executive Steering CA, DMCYFE, DMPSJ, Supt., CYI C

Implementation Support eam

Strategy Lead DMCYFE Mi"! erm

Strategy Support DMPSJ #ong! erm

Short! erm
$iolence intervention MPD %DY&S' Secon" &e(pon"er )DMCYFE %MPD, D*S, DM*, DY&S' *igh!&i(+ Intervention MPD %DY&S, CSS, DM*' ruancy &e"uction DCPS %CFSA, )A,, MPD, DCSC' School!-a(e" Mental *ealth DM* %DCPS' &oving #ea"er( Deployment DP& %DY&S, MPD'

Stan"ar"( )DMCYFE Planning )DMCYFE raining )DMCYFE An(.er(, Plea(e/ D*S *ealth In1ormation &e(pon(e D)* %DM*, DY&S' ,irl(0 Stu"y ,roup )DMCYFE %MPD, DCPS, CYI C' )utcome( )DMCYFE Evaluation )DMCYFE

-u"get )DMCYFE Data Sharing )DMCYFE Youth Participation )DMCYFE


S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! : Vi"#e -e I ter>e ti" P!rt er+(i& 4VIP5 -he mi i$n $& the 7i$lence Inter#enti$n 6artner hip 37I64 i t$ red"ce y$"th #i$lence in c$mm"nitie ea t $& the Anac$ tia Ri#er thr$"gh inn$#ati#e la) en&$rcement, c$n&lict re $l"ti$n and inter#enti$n and pre#enti$n trategie , /$deled a&ter the highly "cce &"l N8 Gang Inter#enti$n 6artner hip 3GI64, 7I6 )ill in#$l#e a c$lla*$rati#e e&&$rt *y c$mm"nity leader , la) en&$rcement $&&icer , g$#ernment agencie , &aith:*a ed in tit"ti$n , c$mm"nity:*a ed $rgani?ati$n , ed"cat$r and y$"th $"treach )$r.er , C$re c$mm"nity partner incl"de 2a t $& the Ri#er Clergy 6$lice C$mm"nity 6artner hip 32RC6C64, 6eace$h$lic , 2a t Ri#er 1amily 5trengthening C$lla*$rati#e 32R15C4 and the 1ar 5$"thea t 1amily 5trengthening C$lla*$rati#e 31515C4, Outcomes Red"cti$n in y$"th #i$lent crime Red"cti$n in y$"th delinI"ency Red"cti$n in tr"ancy Red"cti$n in recidi#i m Performance Measures N"m*er $& y$"th h$micide in 8ard C and ( N"m*er $& !"#enile arre t &$r #i$lent incident in 8ard C and ( Rate $& !"#enile recidi#i m Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: C"rrent thr$"gh 1e*r"ary 200F Ean"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F /$nthly /ay 200F 5tart:"p : de#el$pment $& pr$t$c$l , pr$ced"re and p$licy d$c"ment peci&ying c$mm"nity and la) en&$rcement r$le /6D 5pecial Unit team ta&&ed and $perati$nal 5electi$n $& c$re 7I6 mem*er Orientati$n c$mplete /anagement -eam /eeting and ta.eh$lder training $pp$rt"nitie 1$rmal re#ie) $& implementati$n

St!%e("#der+% /6D, U5 Att$rney< O&&ice, OAG, D0R5, 6eace$h$lic , 2RC6C6, 2R15C, 1515C, 2a t Capit$l Center &$r Change, C5O5A, D6R R$#ing 9eader , DC Children and 0$"th In#e tment -r" t C$rp$rati$n Le!d Im&#eme ter% /6D O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% D/65E M! !?eme t Stru-ture@A&&r"!-(: Bim$nthly management meeting &$r the &ir t three m$nth , a&ter )hich meeting $cc"r m$nthly, 8ee.ly meeting $& c$re 7I6 team, Bud?et% A(00,000 *i+-!# S"ur-e% D=5 3-AN1 B$n" 4

S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! : I te +i>e I ter>e ti" '"r Hi?( Ri+% Y"ut( -hi initiati#e i de igned t$ immediately increa e a&ety, "pp$rt and pr$d"cti#e $pp$rt"nitie &$r a targeted gr$"p $& +0 y$"ng pe$ple )h$ ha#e the highe t ri . $& *ec$ming #ictim $r perpetrat$r $& &atal #i$lence, -hi interagency inter#enti$n )ill pr$#ide inten i#e "per#i i$n, m$nit$ring and "pp$rt &$r th$ e y$"th )h$ p$ e a heightened ri . t$ p"*lic a&ety andJ$r may *e at ri . &$r retaliat$ry #i$lence, -he primary target &$r er#ice )ill *e y$"th *eing relea ed &r$m Oa. =ill andJ$r tran iti$ning t$ c$mm"nity:*a ed placement )h$ are at highe t ri . t$ c$mmit $r *ec$me target $& #i$lence, -hi inter#enti$n i *a ed "p$n a m"lti: y temic appr$ach t$ y$"th #i$lence pre#enti$n gr$"nded in p$ iti#e y$"th de#el$pment, Outcomes Red"cti$n in y$"th #i$lent crime Red"cti$n in y$"th delinI"ency Red"cti$n in recidi#i m Performance Measures N"m*er $& y$"th h$micide Rate $& !"#enile recidi#i m Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: C"rrent thr$"gh Ean"ary 200F Ean"ary 200F Bim$nthly E"ne 200F 5tart:"p% de#el$pment $& pr$t$c$l , pr$ced"re and p$licy d$c"ment peci&ying c$mm"nity and la) en&$rcement r$le Orientati$n and ta.eh$lder training c$mplete Ca e re#ie) and planning meeting 1$rmal re#ie) $& implementati$n

St!%e("#der+% /6D, D0R5, DC 5"peri$r C$"rt 5$cial 5er#ice , 6eace$h$lic , Alliance $& C$ncerned /en, D6R R$#ing 9eader Le!d Im&#eme ter% /6D O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% D/65E M! !?eme t Stru-ture@A&&r"!-(: Bim$nthly ca e re#ie) and planning meeting Bud?et% -BD *i+-!# S"ur-e% -BD

S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! : Se-" d Re+&" der Pr"?r!m

-he p"rp$ e $& the 5ec$nd Re p$nder 6r$gram 35R64 i t$ pr$#ide inter#enti$n and &amily ta*ili?ati$n er#ice t$ y$"th $n the *rin. $& !"#enile delinI"ency, 5R6 i tr"ct"red t$ pr$#ide rapid "pp$rt t$ /6D in it re p$n e t$ y$"ng pe$ple )h$ c$mmit, threaten t$ c$mmit $r are the #ictim 3act"al $r p$tential4 $& act $& #i$lence, -he 5R6 )ill *e pil$ted in 8ard C and (, -)$ team h$" ed at the 1515C and 2R15C )ill )$r. )ith "p t$ '00 y$"th each in the pr$gram< pil$t year,
Outcomes Red"cti$n in y$"th #i$lent crime 0$"th maintain high $cial c$mpetency 0$"th *eha#i$r d$e n$t e calate t$ #i$lent act Performance Measures N"m*er $& y$"th h$micide in 8ard C and ( N"m*er $& re&erral made *y /6D t$ 5ec$nd Re p$nder $cial er#ice )$r.er N"m*er $& y$"th er#ed *y 5R6 N"m*er $& ta*ili?ati$n plan implemented N"m*er $& participant pre ent at 1amily -eam /eeting Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: C"rrent thr$"gh 1e*r"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F /$nthly /ay 200F 5tart:"p 3hiring, de#el$pment $& pr$t$c$l , pr$ced"re and p$licy d$c"ment , de ign $& ta&& and ta.eh$lder training c"rric"la, etc,4 Orientati$n, training and mini:pil$t e&&$rt c$mplete /anagement -eam /eeting 1$rmal re#ie) $& 6ha e ' pil$t implementati$n

St!%e("#der+% 2R15C, 1515C, /6D, D/=, D0R5 Le!d Im&#eme ter% =ealth 1amilie -hri#ing C$mm"nitie C$lla*$rati#e C$"ncil O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% D/C012 M! !?eme t Stru-ture@A&&r"!-(: /anagement -eam t$ incl"de lead repre entati#e &r$m .ey ta.eh$lder )ith m$nthly meeting , Bud?et% A(00, 000 *i+-!# S"ur-e% C15A 3Reall$cati$n &r$m D=5 5tr$ng 1amilie 4

S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! : Tru! -y Di>er+i" Pr"?r!m

-he tr"ancy pr$gram )a la"nched at Garnet 6atter $n /iddle 5ch$$l thi &all, /$deled a&ter E"dge Byer< -r"ancy C$"rt Di#er i$n 6r$!ect in Kent"c.y, thi pr$gram i targeted at t"dent )ith chr$nic "nexc" ed a* ence , -he $*!ecti#e i t$ addre tr"ancy )ithin the c$ntext $& the &amily )ith$"t ha#ing the t"dent *ec$me c$"rt:in#$l#ed, A !"dge )$r. )ith a team that incl"de a &amily ad#$cate, ch$$l attendance cler., ch$$l c$"n el$r and ed"cati$nal liai $nJteacher, Di#er i$n e i$n , $r ca e planning meeting , are held )ee.ly at the elected ch$$l and the empha i $& the e i$n i $n the t"dent < "cce e , -he inten i#e '2:)ee. pr$gram )ill *e la"nched in additi$nal middle ch$$l J!"ni$r high in the pring,
Outcomes Red"cti$n in tr"ancy Increa e in t"dent academic achie#ement Performance Measures N"m*er $& t"dent and &amilie enr$lled in pr$gram 5ch$$l attendance $& participant Academic per&$rmance $& participant Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: C"rrent thr$"gh Ean"ary 200F Ean"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F /$nthly E"ly 200F C$nd"ct &ir t '2:'F )ee. pha e at Garnett 6atter $n 2xpan i$n ite elected C$nd"ct $rientati$n and training &$r expan i$n ite 9a"nch pha e 2 e i$n at *$th ite -r"ancy -a .&$rce /eeting 1$rmal re#ie) $& &ir t year implementati$n

St!%e("#der+% DC 5"peri$r C$"rt, DC BO2, DC65, C15A, =1-C C$lla*$rati#e , OAG, D/= Le!d Im&#eme ter% DC 5"peri$r C$"rt @ E"dge 9ee 5atter&ield and Anita E$ ey =erring O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% OD/C012 M! !?eme t Stru-ture@A&&r"!-(: -he tr"ancy ta .&$rce meet m$nthly and incl"de lead repre entati#e &r$m .ey ta.eh$lder , Bud?et% A400,000 *i+-!# S"ur-e% C15A, C$lla*$rati#e

S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! : T!r?eted Rede&#"yme t "' R">i ? Le!der+

R$#ing 9eader &r$m the Department $& 6ar. and Recreati$n 3D6R4 )ill *e redepl$yed t$ c$nd"ct targeted treet $"treach e&&$rt in critical neigh*$rh$$d , -he &ir t redepl$yment )ill $cc"r in 8ard 4< 6et)$rth neigh*$rh$$d in re p$n e t$ the recent m"rder $& a 'C:year: $ld, 5elect R$#ing 9eader )ill *e re p$n i*le &$r reaching $"t t$ y$"ng pe$ple, pr$#iding in&$rmal ment$ring, and lin.ing them t$ critical er#ice and "pp$rt that can help them t"rn their li#e ar$"nd, -hi depl$yment )ill *e anch$red *y the Neigh*$rh$$d 5er#ice C$re -eam c$rre p$nding t$ the targeted neigh*$rh$$d, Additi$nally, the R$#ing 9eader )ill *e lin.ed t$ .ey c$mm"nity $rgani?ati$n that are already L$n the gr$"ndL in $rder t$ dramatically expand the city< treet $"treach capacity in a #ery h$rt time &rame,
Outcome Red"cti$n in y$"th #i$lent crime Performance Measures N"m*er $& y$"th lin.ed t$ empl$yment Rate $& " pen i$n in ch$$l er#ing targeted neigh*$rh$$d N"m*er $& $lder y$"th participating in &$rmal y$"th pr$gram at recreati$n center in targeted neigh*$rh$$d 9e#el $& c$mm"nity ati &acti$n Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: Ean"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F 1e*r"ary 200F /arch 200F C$mm"nity ta.eh$lder meeting 9a"nch 6et)$rth redepl$yment Implementati$n $& ta.eh$lder lin.age 5electi$n $& additi$nal neigh*$rh$$d3 4

St!%e("#der+% D6R, O&&ice $& Neigh*$rh$$d 5er#ice c$re team , DC65, DOE 8eed and 5eed Initiati#e, l$cal ANC , CBO Le!d Im&#eme ter% D6R O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% D/C012 /anagement 5tr"ct"reJAppr$ach% Redepl$yment deci i$n made *y R$#ing 9eader "per#i $r in c$lla*$rati$n )ith Neigh*$rh$$d 5er#ice c$re team and .ey ta.eh$lder Bud?et% A+B0,000 *i+-!# S"ur-e% D6R 3in .ind4, D=5 3-AN1 B$n" 4


S!'ety *ir+t3 A-ti" P#! EC&! +i" "' t(e S-(""# B!+ed Me t!# He!#t( Pr"?r!m

D"ring the c"rrent &i cal year, the Department $& /ental =ealth 3D/=4 5ch$$l /ental =ealth 6r$gram )ill expand &r$m 2K ch$$l t$ 4', )ith the additi$n $& '0 DC 6"*lic 5ch$$l and t)$ p"*lic charter ch$$l , In thi pr$gram, mental health pr$#ider $&&er a &"ll array $& er#ice t$ t"dent in the p"*lic ch$$l and their &amilie , incl"ding a e ment, treatment, pre#enti$n, c$n "ltati$n, training and ca e management, 5er#ice are pr$#ided $n: ite and in c$$rdinati$n )ith $ther er#ice *eing $&&ered *y the ch$$l ta&&, 2arly inter#enti$n er#ice are pr$#ided at the &ir t $cc"rrence 3$r early:a&ter:$n et4 $& an em$ti$nal, *eha#i$ral $r $cial pr$*lem )ith the aim t$ pre#ent &"rther deteri$rati$n $& &"ncti$ning, Cri i er#ice , inter#enti$n pr$#ided &$r emergent it"ati$n and need , are al $ a part $& thi c$mprehen i#e m$del $& care,
Outcomes Impr$#ed t"dent $cial &"ncti$ning am$ng peer Impr$#ed t"dent &"ncti$ning @ depre i$n, aggre i$nJanger, tra"ma Impr$#ed &amily &"ncti$ning Impr$#ed ch$$l climate 1e)er re&erral t$ pecial ed"cati$n &$r em$ti$nal di $rder Performance Measures Impr$#ement in t"dent empathy a&ter R2562C- inter#enti$n Red"cti$n in depre i$n, angerJaggre i$n, tra"ma ympt$m$l$gy c$re pre:p$ t inter#enti$n 6$ iti#e re p$n e $n item in ati &acti$n "r#ey related t$ &amily &"ncti$ning 5el&:rep$rted impr$#ement in cla r$$m management Decrea e rate $& re&erral t$ pecial ed"cati$n pr$gram &$r em$ti$nal di t"r*ance Im&#eme t!ti" Mi#e+t" e+: C"rrent thr$"gh Ean"ary 200F Ean"ary 200F 5pring /$nthly St!%e("#der+% D/=, DC65 Le!d Im&#eme ter% D/= @ Olga Ac$ ta 6rice O>er+i?(t Re+&" +ibi#itie+% D/C012 M! !?eme t Stru-ture@A&&r"!-(: -he ch$$l *a ed mental health pr$gram ha a t)$: tiered management y tem )ith ite:*a ed team and pr$!ect leader , 5"per#i i$n and $#er ight are data dri#en and anch$red t$ the pr$gram< l$gic m$del, Bud?et% A',4m *i+-!# S"ur-e% D/= =ire ta&& Re&ine re&erral criteria Begin $perati$n 5ta&& meeting



8e )ill &$c" $n the &$ll$)ing mid:term g$al % Y"ut( &r"?r!m +t! d!rd+: -he DC Children and 0$"th In#e tment -r" t C$rp$rati$n 3C0I-C4 ha de#el$ped GDC 5tandard &$r O"t:$&:5ch$$l -imeH t$ g"ide their grant:ma.ing and grantee e#al"ati$n, -he O&&ice $& the Dep"ty /ay$r &$r Children, 0$"th, 1amilie and 2lder 3OD/C0124 )ill )$r. )ith the C0I-C t$ en "re that the tandard are age: appr$priate and that they are adapta*le t$ p"*lic agency &"nding c$n traint , Additi$nally, *y April 200F, the O&&ice )ill identi&y t)$ agencie $r $&&ice t$ pil$t ad$pti$n $& the e tandard t$ their &"nding and m$nit$ring $& y$"th pr$gram and er#ice , Ye!r;r"u d &#! i ? '"r "ut;"';+-(""# time &r"?r!m+: -he city n$) ha a "cce &"l 5"mmer C$$rdinati$n -eam that lin. c$mm"nity and g$#ernment re $"rce at the implementati$n le#el, -he team ha impr$#ed the c$$rdinati$n $& tran p$rtati$n, &eeding pr$gram , and &acilitie , O#er the next year, thi e&&$rt )ill incl"de year:r$"nd interagency planning &$r $"t:$&: ch$$l time pr$gram and er#ice , Y"ut( de>e#"&me t tr!i i ? '"r y"ut( ,"r%er+% -he city )ill partner )ith C0I-C t$ deli#er their *e t practice c"rric"l"m t$ '00 p"*lic agency )$r.er and 2B "per#i $r &r$m the h"man er#ice cl" ter and t$ de ign an inten i#e +:day )$r. h$p &$r '0 pr$gram manager in the area $& p$ iti#e y$"th de#el$pment pr$gram de ign and management, DA +,er+) P#e!+e3E u&d!te: -he city )ill )$r. t$ increa e p"*lic acce t$ y$"th &$c" ed in&$rmati$n and er#ice *y "pdating the GAn )er 6lea e>H re&erral er#ice t$ incl"de a m$re c$mprehen i#e li ting $& y$"th pr$gram and er#ice , He!#t( I '"rm!ti" Re+&" +e Te!m: -hr$"gh a partner hip )ith the =$)ard Uni#er ity Department $& 6ediatric , the Department $& =ealth )ill e ta*li h a =ealth In&$rmati$n Re p$n e -eam 3DC @=IR-4 t$ impr$#e acce t$ timely, y$"th in!"ry and #i$lence data, DC:=IR- )ill pr$#ide a &$r"m &$r expert in the &ield $& medicine, p"*lic health, mental health, $cial )$r., la) en&$rcement and $ther t$ trac. .ey data and hare re $"rce , Gir#+F +tudy ?r"u&: In recent year , the #i$lence *et)een girl gang ha e calated dramatically, =igh pr$&ile incident "ch a the a a"lt $& a y$"ng girl at Card$?$ =igh 5ch$$l la t year and the *eating $& a *" dri#er in 52 ha#e &$rced many y$"th er#ing $rgani?ati$n t$ pay greater attenti$n t$ the Di trict< y$"ng )$men )ithin the arena $& y$"th #i$lence pre#enti$n, -he OD/C012 )ill *ring t$gether a mall gr$"p $& y$"ng )$men, c$mm"nity pr$#ider , &"nder , and .ey p"*lic agencie t$ ga"ge the type $& inter#enti$n and pre#enti$n e&&$rt needed, -he gr$"p )ill *e $rgani?ed a the DC Girl 5t"dy Gr$"p m$deled $n the O&&ice $& E"#enile E" tice and DelinI"ency 6re#enti$n initiati#e, &$c" ing $n% creating an in#ent$ry $& c"rrent pr$gram ; de&ining critical gap ; "nder tanding the pr$t$c$l and pr$ced"re related t$ gender: peci&ic #i$lence; and identi&ying *e t practice principle that can *e t meet the #i$lence pre#enti$n need $& DC girl , Out-"me+% -he OD/C012 )ill )$r. )ith a mall gr$"p $& internal and external ta.eh$lder t$ e ta*li h de#el$pmental $"tc$me , indicat$r and per&$rmance mea "re , -he e )ill incl"de city:le#el g$al 3 "ch a the c"rrent 5a&e 6a age g$al 4 em*raced *y the


*r$ader c$mm"nity, a )ell a agency le#el p$ iti#e y$"th de#el$pment $"tc$me:*a ed per&$rmance mea "re , E>!#u!ti" : -he O&&ice $& the Dep"ty /ay$r &$r Children, 0$"th, 1amilie and 2lder , in partner hip )ith C0I-C, )ill c$ntract )ith an external e#al"at$r t$ de ign the e#al"ati$n c$mp$nent $& the y$"th de#el$pment trategy,



And, $"r l$ng term in#e tment in y tem re&$rm &$c" $n% Y"ut( e ?!?eme t% -he OD/C012 )ill )$r. )ith .ey c$mm"nity ta.eh$lder t$ in tit"ti$nali?e y$"th participati$n in pr$gram planning, de ign and y$"th p$licy: ma.ing, 5peci&ically, thi )ill mean !$int c$n#ening $& exi ting y$"th c$"ncil t$ &$ment *etter c$$rdinati$n and en "re $ng$ing y$"th &eed*ac. and g"idance $& the de#el$pment $& thi trategy, C(i#dre F+ Bud?et% -he OD/C012 )ill pri$riti?e the treamlining and integrati$n $& c"rrent, cr$ :agency, y$"th:&$c" ed e&&$rt , partic"larly in the h"man er#ice cl" ter, 5peci&ically, the O&&ice )ill implement a Children< B"dget pr$ce that )ill e#ent"ally tie all &"nding &$r children and y$"th er#ice t$ c$re $"tc$me and mea "re , In the 1i cal 0ear 200C *"dget pr$ce , the &ir t DC Children< B"dget )ill in#ent$ry all &"nded y$"th pr$gram and er#ice , Additi$nally, thr$"gh$"t the next year, the h"man er#ice cl" ter )ill )$r. t$ align &"nding t$ "pp$rt trategic p$$ling, c$$rdinati$n andJ$r decateg$ri?ati$n $& &"nding tream , D!t! +(!ri ?% -he Di trict )ill c$ntin"e t$ de#el$p the ="man 5er#ice /$derni?ati$n 6r$gramJ5a&e 6a age In&$rmati$n 5y tem t$ ena*le all agencie t$ hare central in&$rmati$n a*$"t the children, y$"th and &amilie they er#e .


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