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Indicao de bibliografia alargada da UC 2013/2014

Designao Estudo do Processo Psicoteraputico

Docente (s) (Indicar tambm qual o docente responsvel pela U.C.) Maria Eugnia uarte !ilva

Creditao (ECTS) " EC#!

Funcionamento Uma aula te$rica (% &oras) e uma aula prtica (% &oras)' por semana.

Objectivos Dar a conhecer um modelo relacional de interveno psicoteraputica com uma orientao dinmica Desenvolver conhecimentos e atitudes favorveis interveno psicolgica de orientao dinmica Desenvolver conhecimentos de procedimentos clnicos aplicveis a casos de indivduos em diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento Proporcionar aprendizagens de manejo de casos clnicos da prtica para a teoria Desenvolver competncias de compreenso e discusso de casos clnicos numa orientao psicodinmica

Competncias a desenvolver !"uisio de competncias #sicas de o#servao avaliao discusso e compreenso de casos clnicos dentro do processo de interveno psicoteraputica no "uadro da orientao psicodinmica relacional !"uisio de competncias de manejo de casos clnicos em diferentes fases do processo psicoteraputico !"uisio de conhecimentos do modelo relacional de $% &o#son

r!"#e$uisitos (Precedncias) % !conselha'se "ue os alunos tenham fre"uentado as unidades curriculares de Psicopatologia Dinmica da (riana e do !dolescente e (onsulta Psicolgica da (riana e do !dolescente%

Conte&dos program'ticos Conte&dos program'ticos !% ) processo psicoteraputico numa perspectiva dinmica relacional

*% ) processo psicoteraputico como processo de desenvolvimento e ajuda mudana +% ) processo psicoteraputico como e,perincia duma relao -nica e especial .% ) processo psicoteraputico como relao de mutualidade e co'responsa#ilizao /% ! responsa#ilidade do psicoterapeuta0 caractersticas assim1tricas da relao 2% 3,igncias pessoais do papel de psicoterapeuta 4% ! necessidade e a funo da superviso 5% ! aliana teraputica 6% 7ransferncia e contratransferncia 8% ! nova relao *9% ) foco relacional0 a relao como elemento da mudana **% Da e,perincia emocional correctiva viso da intersu#jectividade do campo psicoteraputico :% ) modelo de psicoterapia interpessoal dinmica de &o#son *% ) Conversational Model de $o#ert &o#son0 insero no campo da interveno psicodinmica *%*% ) foco interpessoal e relacional *%+% !s emo;es como aspecto fulcral do funcionamento psicolgico +% 3studos do modelo0 da eficcia do seu treino e da sua eficcia em comparao com outros modelos .% <ndica;es e limita;es deste modelo na interveno psicoteraputica /% !titudes e estrat1gias teraputicas 2% )s componentes integrados do modelo em relao com as estrat1gias utilizadas nas diferentes fases do processo psicoteraputico 4% ! se"uncia do processo psicoteraputico0 !titudes e estrat1gias 5% ) tra#alho partilhado num modelo em "ue o paciente cola#ora activamente 6% 7erminar o processo psicoteraputico

(ibliogra)ia alargada !ron =% >*884?% A meeting of minds. Mutuality in psychoanalysis% &illsdale @% A%0 7he !nalBtic Press% :eier 3% C% D Eoung D% F% >*86/?% The silent language of psychotherapy% >+nd ed%?% !ldine de CruBter0 @eG EorH% :ergman F% I% >+995?% 71rmino e reanlise% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise >pp% +/6'+28?% Porto !legre 0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992? :randell A% $% >*88+?% Counter-transference in psychotherapy with children & adolescents % @orthvale @% A%0 Aason !ronson% (ancelmo A% >+998?% 7he role of the transitional realm as an organizer of the analBtic process0 7ransitional organizing e,perience% Psychoanalytic Psychology ! *'+2% (aper $% >+998?% "uilding out into the dar#. Theory and o$servation in science and psychoanalysis % =ondon0 $outledge% (arr !% >+998?% %hat wor#s with children& adolescents& and adults' A review of research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy% =ondon0 $outledge% (oim#ra de Fatos !% >+99+?% Psicanlise e psicoterapia psicanal(tica% =is#oa0 (limepsi 3ditores% (oren !% >+99*?% )hort-term psychotherapy. A psychodynamic approach% =ondon0 Palgrave%

3mde $% @% >+995?% Jma orientao desenvolvimentista para a psicanlise contempornea% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise >pp% *+8'*/+?% Porto !legre 0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992?% Celso A% C% D &aBes A% !% >*886?% The Psychotherapy *elationship+ Theory& *esearch and Practice % @eG EorH0 Aohn KileB and Ions% Cill F% >*86+?% 7he analBsis of the transference% <n I% Ilipp >3d%? Curative factors in dynamic psychotherapy >pp% *9/' *+4?% @eG EorH0 FcCraG'&ill% Cill F% >*882?% (lassical and relational psBchoanalBsis% Psychoanalytic psychology , 68'*95% Cilli1ron 3% >*886?% A primeira entrevista em psicoterapia% =is#oa0 (limepsi 3ditores% >Pu#licao original *884?% Ciovacchini P% =% >*868?% Counter-transference triumphs and catastrophes% @orthvale @% A%0 Aason !ronson% Cuthrie 3% >*888?% PsBchodBnamic interpersonal therapB% Advances in Psychiatric Treatment - *.2'*/2% &ansell A% >+9*+?% <ntegrating the intrapsBchic and the interpersonal in psBchoanalBsis0 =aplancheLs contri#ution% Psychoanalytic psychology +8 88'*96% &arris !% >+995?% 7ransferncia contratransferncia e o relacionamento real% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise >pp% +*9'++2?% Porto !legre 0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992? &edges =% 3% >*88/?% .n search of the lost mother of infancy% @orthvale @% A%0 Aason !ronson% &o#son $% M% >*862?% /orms of feeling. The heart of psychotherapy% =ondon0 7avistocH Pu#lications% Aaco#s F% >*886?% The core of psychodynamic counselling and therapy% :ucHingham Philadelphia0 )pen JniversitB Press% Nahn F% >+99*?% "etween therapist and client. The new relationship >2th ed%?% @eG EorH0 K%&% Mreeman and (ompanB% Nuznetsoff A% (% >*88.?% Psicoterapia $reve na adolescncia% Porto !legre0 !rtes F1dicas% =aFothe $% >+992?% (reating space% 7he four dBnamics of potential space% Psychoanalytic Psychology +95'++.% =eal F% $% F% >*88.?% A psicoterapia como aprendi0agem. 1m processo din2mico de transforma34es % :raga0 !PP)$7% =emma !% >+99.?% .ntroduction to the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy % (hichester0 Aohn KileB D Ions% =u#orsHB =% >*86/?% Principles of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A manual for supportive-e5pressive treatment % @eG EorH0 :asic :ooHs% =u#orsHB =% FarH D% &ole !% Popp (% Coldsmith :% D (acciola A% >*885?% Iupportive'3,pressive DBnamic PsBchotherapB of depression0 ! time'limited version% <n A% P% :ar#er D (rits'(hristoph >3ds%? Psychodynamic Psychotherapies for Psychiatric 6isorders >!,is <? >pp% *.'/+?% @eG EorH0 :asic :ooHs% FahoneB F% A% >+999?% 7raining future psBchotherapists% <n (%$% InBder D $% 3% <ngram >3ds%? 7and$oo# of psychological change. Psychotherapy processes & practices for the ,th century >pp% 5+5'5.2?% @eG EorH0 Aohn KileB and Ions% Fargison M% D Ihapiro D% !% >*864?% &o#sonLs (onversational Fodel of psBchotherapB O training and evaluation0 discussion paper% 8ournal of the *oyal )ociety of Medicine 9: /46'/5+% Filler F% =% >+996?% 7he emotionallB engaged analBst <0 7heories of affect and their influence on therapeutic action% Psychoanalytic Psychology - .'+2% Fisch D% >+999?% Creat e,pectations0 FistaHen #eliefs of #eginning psBchodBnamic psBchotherapists% American 8ournal of Psychotherapy -; 86'+9.% )L:rien A% D% PiloGsHB D% A% D =eGis )% K% >*88+?% Psychotherapies with Children and Adolescents+ Adapting the

Psychodynamic Process% Kashington0 !merican PsBchiatric Press% ParrB $% >*852?% A guide to counselling and $asic psychotherapy% =ondon0 (hurchill =ivingstone% Patton F% A% D Feara @% F% >*88+?% Psychoanalytic Counseling% @eG EorH0 Aohn KileB and Ions% Iam#erg 3% D Farcus 3% $% >+995?% Processo resistncia e interpretao% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise >pp% +.5'+/5?% Porto !legre 0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992? Ihedler A% >+9*9?% 7he efficacB of psBchodBnamic psBchotherapB% American Psychologist !- 86'*98% Itern D% >+995?% <ntersu#jectividade% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise <pp% 68'*9/?% Porto !legre0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992? Itrupp &% &% >*855?% ! reformulation of the dBnamics of the therapistLs contri#ution% <n !% I% Curman D !% $azin >3ds%? =ffective psychotherapy. A hand$oo# of research >pp% .'++?% ),ford0 Pergamon Press% Itrupp &% &% >*855?% PsBchoanalBtic psBchotherapB% <n F% &ersen !% Nazdin D !% :ellacH >3ds%? Clinical Psychology 7and$oo# >pp% /5*'/65?% @eG EorH0 Pergamon Press% Itrupp &% &% D :inder A% =% >*86/?% Psychotherapy in a new #ey. A guide to time-limited dynamic psychotherapy % @eG EorH0 :asic :ooHs% Iummers M% >*888?% PsBchoanalBtic #oundaries and transitional space% Psychoanalytic Psychology ,! .'+9% Iummers M% >+992?% 7he self and the analBtic techni"ue% Psychoanalytic Psychology ./*'.24% - +69'+8/% - /*.'/+/% Iummers M% >+996?% (linging o#ject ties0 Kithout desire or plaB% Psychoanalytic Psychology

Iummers M% >+996?% 7heoretical insularitB and the crisis of psBchoanalBsis% Psychoanalytic Psychology Cuilford Press% IBmington @% >*888?% A e5perincia anal(tica% =is#oa0 (limepsi 3ditores%

Iummers $% M% D :ar#er A% P% >+9*9?% Psychodynamic therapy. A guide to evidence-$ased practice. @eG EorH0 7he

Izur $% D Filler I% >*88*?% =5tending 7ori0ons. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with children& adolescents and families% =ondon0 Narnac :ooHs% Kallerstein $% >*886?% As psicanlises e as psicoterapias. A cura pela fala% Porto !legre0 !rtFed% Eanof A% !% >+995?% 71cnica na anlise de crianas% <n 3% I% Person !% F% (ooper D C% )% Ca##ard >3ds%? Compndio de Psicanlise >pp% +5*'+6/?% Porto !legre 0 !rtmed% >Pu#licao original +992? Paro A% :arach $% @edelman D% D Drei#latt <%I% >*855?% A guide for $eginning psychotherapists% (am#ridge0 JniversitB Press% Bibliografia adicional !le,andre F% M% >+995?% Mudan3as ps(>uicas no processo teraputico. ? papel do narcisismo% =is#oa0 Menda% :ornstein $% >+99*?% 7he impending death of psBchoanalBsis% Psychoanalytic Psychology ,@ .'+9% :ornstein $% >+994?% ! Mreudian construct lost and reclaimed0 7he psBchodBnamics of personalitB pathologB% Psychoanalytic Psychology A ..8'.2.% :ooH &% 3% >*886?% 7ow to practice $rief psychodynamic psychotherapy. The core conflictual relationship theme method% Kashington D(0 !merican PsBchological !ssociation% :riggs I% >+9*9?% 7ime'limited psBchodBnamic psBchotherapB for adolescents and Boung adults% 8ournal of )ocial %or# Practice ; *6*'*82% 9 *2.'*4.% @ *52'*6+% (arrere $% >+9*9?% PsBchoanalBsis conducted at reduced fre"uencies% Psychoanalytic Psychology (rum#leB !% >+9**?% ! conversation Gith AaB Creen#erg% Psychoanalytic Psychology

Davis A% 7% >+99+?% (ountertransference temptation and the use of self'disclosure #B psBchotherapists in training% ! discussion for #eginning psBchotherapists and their supervisors% Psychoanalytic Psychology ,: /.2'/2/% 3vans I% D Carner A% >3ds%?% >+99/?% Tal#ing over the years. A hand$oo# of dynamic psychotherapy with older adults % &ove 3ast Iusse,0 :runner'$outledge% Mield @% P% >+996?% Khether to relin"uish or maintain a #ond Gith the deceased% <n F% I% Itroe#e $% )% &anssons &% Ichut D K% Itroe#e >3ds%? 7and$oo# of $ereavement research and practice. Advances in theory and intervention >pp% **.'*.+?% Kashington D(0 !merican PsBchological !ssociation% &olinger P% (% >*888?% @on interpretative interventions in psBchoanalBsis and psBchotherapB% ! development perspective% Psychoanalytic Psychology ,! +..'+2.% Aorgensen (% $% >+99/?% !ctive ingredients in individual psBchotherapB% Psychoanalytic Psychology Aurist 3% =% >+9*9?% 3lliot Aurist intervieGs Peter MonagB% Psychoanalytic Psychology Nnight :% C% >*884?% Psychotherapy with older adults% =ondon0 Iage% Nunst A% =% >+99+?% =essons from FacCBver0 KorHing psBchoanalBticallB under less than optimal conditions% "ulletin of the Menninger Clinic !! */2'*42% =erner P% F% >+995?% )n preserving a legacB0 PsBchoanalBsis and psBchological testing% Psychoanalytic Psychology +96'+.9% Fagnavita A% A% >+996?% 7oGard unification of clinical science0 7he ne,t Gave in the evolution of psBchotherapBQ 8ournal of Psychotherapy .ntegration ,@ +4/'+8*% FcKilliams @% >+99.?% 7he educative aspects of psBchoanalBsis% Psychoanalytic Psychology A 4*8'4/.% Feissner K% K% >+995?% 7herapeutic alliance% 7heme and variations% Psychoanalytic Psychology @atterson A% F% >+99.?% =ove in psBchotherapB% Psychoanalytic Psychology issue% Psychoanalytic Psychology A 29/'2+4% A *'5% B 455' B 298'2+*% ; +.*'+2/% B +/2'+49% Feissner K% K% >+994?% 7ime on mB hands0 7he dilemma of the chronicallB late patient% Psychoanalytic Psychology ; 9 +'5% , 2*4'2/9%

Pee#les'Nleiger F% A% D &orGitz =% >+994?% PsBchological testing and analBza#ilitB0 :reathing neG life into an old Pine M% >+994?% <f < HneG then Ghat < HnoG noG0 7heme and variations% Psychoanalytic Psychology 489% Iafran A% D% >+998?% <ntervieG Gith =eGis !ron% Psychoanalytic Psychology PsBchological !ssociation% Iafran A% IhaHer !% :outGell (% D (avalca 3% >+9*+?% <ntervieG Gith Forris 3agle% Psychoanalytic Psychology *.2'*//% Ichafer $% >+99+?% 7he psBchotherapistLs a#sence% Psychoanalytic Psychology ,: 29'4/% Itrenger (% >+99/?% @o#roG0 <dentitB formation in a fatherless generation% Psychoanalytic Psychology Psychology ,@ 4.2'422% Iummers M% >+9**?% PsBchoanalBsis% $omantic not Gild% Psychoanalytic Psychology +6 *.'.+% Kachtel P% =% >+998?% NnoGing oneself from the inside out HnoGing oneself from the outside in0 7he RinnerS and , /88'2*2% Iummers M% >+99*?% Khat < do Gith Ghat Bou give me0 7herapeutic action as the creation of meaning% Psychoanalytic : ! 88'**4% Iafran A% D% D Furan A% (% >3ds%?% >*886?% The therapeutic alliance in $rief psychotherapy % Kashington D(0 !merican

$a#in &% F% >+99.?% =ove in the countertransference0 (ontroversies and "uestions% Psychoanalytic Psychology

RouterS Gorlds and their linH through action% Psychoanalytic Psychology PsBchological !ssociation%

! *26'*59%

Kachtel P% =% >+9**?% <nside the session% Khat reallB happens in psBchotherapB% Kashington D(0 !merican

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