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Medla 8elease

28 Aprll 2014

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1oday uu8 new Zealand announced a ma[or coup, wlLh Lhe appolnLmenL of world-renown creaLlve
uamon SLapleLon as Chlef CreaLlve Cfflcer, [olnlng Shane 8radnlck who has been conflrmed as
permanenL LxecuLlve CreaLlve ulrecLor.
uamon ls one of Lhe world's mosL awarded creaLlves, recognlsed for leadlng Lhe 1rllllon uollar
Campalgn for 1he Zlmbabwean newspaper. Pe has won over 100 lnLernaLlonal awards lncludlng a
Cannes Crand rlx, a Crand Cllo, an AuC 8lack Cube, a u&Au 8lack encll and Look flrsL place on Lhe
All Cuns 8lazlng llsL ln Lhe Cunn 8eporL.
uamon was responslble for leadlng Lhe lncredlbly successful Adldas campalgn for Lhe 2010 lllA
World Cup ln SouLh Afrlca, whlch sold over a mllllon fooLball [erseys. CreaLlvlLy magazlne ln Amerlca
and 8lg Won 8eporL ln Lhe uk have ranked uamon ln Lhe Lop 10 LCus globally.
!usLln Mowday, CLC uu8 new Zealand, says he ls absoluLely rapL Lo have uamon [oln Lhe agency.
Pe's such a phenomenal LalenL and hls work exLends pasL eplc 1v spoLs and delves lnLo experlenLlal,
acLlvaLlon and dlglLal. uamon knows how Lo produce world-class work LhaL can'L be lgnored. Pe's
golng Lo be a very exclLlng leader of our creaLlve producL.
We've also been on Lhe search for Lhe besL posslble LCu and have reallsed he's already here ln
Shane, so we're exclLed Lo conflrm hlm as our permanenL LCu. uamon and Shane are boLh modern
Lhlnkers and LogeLher Lhey wlll be a Lrue creaLlve force," Mowday adds.
MarLy C'Palloran, Chalrman and CLC uu8 Croup AusLralla and new Zealand, says uamon's hlre ls
anoLher example of uu8 lnvesLlng ln Lhe besL LalenL across Lhe reglon. Pls experlence ls second-Lo-
none and l'm looklng forward Lo seelng LhaL correlaLe lnLo resulLs for our cllenLs."
uamon bullL hls repuLaLlon over more Lhan 14 years worklng as an LCu ln Afrlca and AusLralla aL
18WA Cavln 8eddy, 18WA PunL Lascarls and mosL recenLly aL SaaLchl and SaaLchl AusLralla, and has
worked on brands as dlverse as Pelneken, nlssan, 8MW, Adldas, !ameson, 1oyoLa and Cadbury.
uamon says, l am lncredlbly exclLed Lo be asked Lo lead such a greaL agency and l am really looklng
forward Lo worklng wlLh Shane agaln. 1ogeLher, l know we wlll make some preLLy speclal secreL
LCu Shane 8radnlck, who has known uamon for over 16 years, says he ls an lnsplraLlonal person Lo
be around wlLh a brllllanL, creaLlve mlnd.
lL's greaL Lo be reunlLlng wlLh uamon. l knew hlm before we were ln adverLlslng, l've known hlm
whllsL ln adverLlslng and lf Lhere ls llfe afLer adverLlslng, l really hope Lo know hlm Lhen Loo. Pe's

posslbly one of Lhe funnlesL men ever Lo wln a u&Au 8lack encll and l look forward Lo us dolng
some greaL work LogeLher," Shane explalns.
A man of many LalenLs, uamon ls noL only one of Lhe world's mosL awarded creaLlve dlrecLors buL
has dabbled ln sLand-up comedy, ls an experlenced phoLographer and phoLo[ournallsL, and plays
husband and faLher Lo Lwo afLer hours.
uamon wlll begln aL uu8 on 1 !uly 2014 and wlll work closely wlLh Shane across Lhe enLlre uu8 cllenL

lor furLher lnformaLlon, please conLacL:
Llelsha 8almer
Mango CommunlcaLlons
027 690 1222/09 374 3483

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uu8 Croup ls one of new Zealand's leadlng communlcaLlons agencles, comprlslng uu8 (marcomms),
8A (daLa/dlrecL), lnLerbrand (brand/deslgn) and Mango (8 /experlenLlal/evenLs), each offerlng a
dlsLlncL yeL lnLegraLed communlcaLlon dlsclpllne.
8enowned for creaLlng new Zealand's besL loved work, uu8 ls conslsLenLly recognlsed aL home and
worldwlde for creaLlng unforgeLLable, unlquely klwl work LhaL dellvers ouLsLandlng resulLs.
uu8 was named new Zealand's mosL LffecLlve Agency of Lhe ?ear aL Lhe 2012 and 2013 Lffles, and
was named ulglLal Agency of Lhe ?ear and CreaLlve Agency of Lhe ?ear by Campalgn Asla-aclflc.

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