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The Teacher That I Want To Be

Name: Francisco Norambuena Date:23/04/2014 201410_EDU714

everyone studying pedagogy have a model or image they want to be a teacher someday, of course we all have a different opinion in this essay will show the teacher I want to be.

In the text Mas alla de la estandarizacin chapter 6 pag. 200: aalgunosdocentessi les gustaque se le marque paso a pasolo quetienenqueensear. This is one of the points which I agree because in all the school there is a person who is in charge of gives the objectives for the teacher so you only need to follow and apply, but for me is a better way for the headmaster or the people who is in charge to assess and see that the objective are complied.

I want to be a teacher who always improve and incorporate new tools to my classes, make it more fun, more dynamic and the most important for me is find the easiest way for the student understand the subject.

One of tools that is very important to me is the program ENLACES but I think that this program is focus only in the children for example the three principal objectives of the program ENLACES are: Supporting schools to make classes more effective Promote new ways of learning Developing digital skills in teachers and students. In the text ENLACES, innovacion y calidad en la era digital page. 63 por medio de la RATE, el ministerio de educacin entrego capacitaciones a profesores, asistencia tecnopedagogicas y coneccion a correo electrnico

The RATE was something that only focus in the teacher integration and training but in now days it supposes that the program ENLACES is also focus for the teacher but the problem is that the teacher can not apply to this benefits for himself the school or the establishment where he works can do that. But now the responsibility falls on the director or holder as they decide whether to send teachers to be trained Now the minister of education created a web site call EducarChile.cl an here we can found a lot of information that can help the teacher to make a different class or innovate

new ways to teach and the most important for me is cheering information an also experiences with other teachers from different school, that is a good way to improve and get new ideas.

In the world that we living many things have change, people, clothes, students and also new way of teaching. One of the most important for me is the implementation of ICT in the school. In the text Integracion curricular de TICs conceptos y modelos pag 52 integrar las TIC es hacerla parte del curriculum

With this in the beginning of the year the teacher need to implement the use of ICT in the classroom. Is important to apply in any class for example in mathematics, language, history, etc. Also the government plays a very important role in this point because the curriculum bases in our country have not been modified for the use of ICT in our schools. In some cases you can apply this if the establishment has the proper material to realize a good class with ICT for example computers, projectors, connection to internet, etc.

Other point that have to consider is the learning process of the students and go a little further than that for example In the text Desarrollar la prctica reflexiva en el oficio de ensear, profesionalizacin y razn pedaggica, C. 7, p. 156 un enseante elige las actividades las prepara para optimizar su accin, teniendo en cuenta la historia y lo que sabe de sus alumnos y sus familias

Is very important the learning process of the students but there are other factor in their lives for example in their home we as adult have a lot of problems but in now days some kids have a lot of problems with his parents and also this is a big influence for the performance in the school. We as a teacher need to adapt to this kids who has problems in their home and also to the kids that have difficulty to learn.

Bibliography Mas alla de la estandarizacin chapter 6 ENLACES, innovacion y calidad en la era digital Desarrollar la prctica reflexiva en el oficio de ensear, profesionalizacin y razn pedaggica, C. 7 Integracion curricular de TICs conceptos y modelos

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