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The Business School including ICB Students Referencing Guidelines for Students Referencing all the materials which

which you have used when producing a piece of work is very important. It is a good way of guarding yourself against plagiarism. The Business School favours the Harvard Referencing System (sometimes known as the Author-Date system) Within the te t of your assignment there should !e an indication of where your ideas came from. This in-te t reference is normally the author"s name and the year of pu!lication eg ( #ullins$ %&&'). (t the end of the work you should produce$ in alpha!etical order$ a full list of your references$ including full details. This is called you Reference !ist.


In your te t )ust *uote the author"s surname and date the !ook was pu!lished. If it is a direct *uotation you should use *uotation marks$ and a page num!er$ eg + Several firms have passed !eyond the international division stage and !ecome truly glo!al organisations, ( -otler$ %&&. p.%'& ) In your reference list you would e pand on the details$ giving the author"s name and initial$ year$ title of the !ook$ edition ( other than the first )$ /lace of pu!lication ( optional ) and pu!lisher"s name. Thus 0 -otler$ / et al (%&&.) Principles of marketing. 'th ed. 1arlow 0 /earson 2ducation 3ote that the a!!reviation et al (and others) can !e used if a !ook or )ournal has more than three authors. Sometimes a !ook may have a corporate author$ for e ample a -ey 3ote #arket Report. ( third of all men now use facial skincare products ( -ey 3ote Report$ %&&. ) -ey 3ote #arket (ssessment (%&&.) #en"s toiletries 4 fragrances. 'th ed. 1ampton 0 -ey 3ote Boo"s #ith an $ditor

If you are using a !ook with an editor you should *uote the person who has written the particular chapter or part$ and then give the full details in your Reference 5ist. 2g (6oonroos$788.) in the te t9.and in the reference list 0 6oonroos$ 6 (788.) The rise and fall of modern marketing in Shaw$ ( and 1ood 3 #arketing in evolution. 5ondon0 #acmillan /ress Secondary Referencing Secondary referencing is likely to !e a ma)or occurrence for Business School students. It occurs where one !ook or )ournal is *uoting an earlier source. If this is the case you should name !oth authors in the te t$ !ut only list the full details of the one you have read in the reference list. In the te t therefore9 6ladwell (%&&&) is cited !y (ndreasen (%&&.) as claiming that social causes can !e renamed epidemics. If you have read the !ook !y (ndreasen$ only the full:details of this are included in your final list. (ndreasen$ (. (%&&.) Social marketing in the %7st century. 5ondon 0 Sage

%ournals Within the te t of your work the 1arvard reference is similar to that for a !ook$ ie simply the author"s name ; names and the date of pu!lication. Sekera 4 Bago<<i (%&&=) stress the importance of ethical decision making at work In your reference list 0 Sekera 5 4 Bago<<i$ / (%&&=) #oral courage in the workplace Business ethics : a European Review 7. (%) p.7>':7'8 &e#s'a'ers 3ewspapers should !e treated as )ournals. (n author should !e *uoted if their details can !e traced. It is likely that you may of course find many newspaper articles online There has !een controversy a!out the fact that many gym mem!erships tie customers into lengthy contracts ( Beale$ %&&8)

Beale$ 3 (%&&8) 3ot fit for purpose. Guardian$ 7?th (ugust via 3ews!ank @onlineA (vaila!le at http0;;li!rary.!eds.ac.uk ((ccessed %7st (ugust %&&8) If no author is given *uote the newspaper name in the te t and reference list. Bheap flights have given a ma)or incentive to those undertaking a snow!oarding holiday ( Cinancial Times$ %&&8) Financial Times (%&&8) Snow!oarding in Swit<erland$ =th Ce! p.7> $lectronic %ournals ( found via data)ases * If you access a )ournal electronically you need to state the name of the data!ase which you used$ and how you accessed it. Cor e ample you may have done this through the Dniversity of Bedfordshire li!rary catalogue. With any electronic reference you are also re*uired to include the date that you used the material. Sekera 5 4 Bago<<i$ / (%&&=) #oral courage in the workplace Business ethics : a European Review 7. (%) p.7>':7'8 Business Source /remier @EnlineA (vaila!le at 0 http0;;li!rary.!eds.ac.uk ( (ccessed0 %7st (ugust %&&8 )

$lectronic %ournals and other #e)'ages When you are citing material found on we!pages you must provide enough information so that a reader would !e a!le to locate your source. If an author can !e located use their name$ otherwise use the name of the we!site or even the DR5. In Fanuary it was reported ( BBB we!site$ %&&Ga) that house prices were rising at the lowest levels for over a decade. /roof of a recession was further evidenced !y poor Bhristmas sales (BBB we!site$ %&&G!) 3ote that if you are citing several articles pu!lished in the same year use a$!$c etc. These can then !e distinguished in your reference list BBB We!site (%&&Ga) 1ouse prices Hslowest since 788." (vaila!le at http0;;news.!!c.co.uk;hi;!usiness;=7.>&..stm. ( (ccessed Gth Fanuary %&&G ) BBB We!site (%&&G!) Cestive sales at Hthree year low" (vaila!le at http0;;news.!!c.co.uk;hi;!usiness;=7?%.7.stm. ( (ccessed Gth Fanuary %&&G ) +aterials from BR$, Bite the name of the person who put the materials on BR2E$ eg 9friends can share online files of music with little fear of criminal prosecution ( Beaumont:-erridge$ %&&G )

Beaumont:-erridge$ F (%&&G) Week % 5ecture on the music industry @onlineA. Business Bore /rogramme BR2E site (vaila!le at http0;;!reo.!eds.ac.uk . ( (ccessed %7st (ugust %&&8 ) Ho# to find out more a)out referencing If you need further advice a!out referencing your work contact your su!)ect li!rarian$ or consult the 6uide to Referencing on the 5R we!page http0;;lrwe!.!eds.ac.uk;help;guide:to:ref /ears and Shields (%&&G) have written an e cellent guide to referencing which may answer *uestions not covered in this !rief guide. Reference list /ears$ R 4 Shields$ 6 (%&&G) Cite them right : The essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Rev ed. 3ewcastle:upon:Tyne 0 /ear Tree Books. (lan Bullimore Business Su!)ect 5i!rarian alan.!ullimoreI!eds.ac.uk

/roduced Fanuary %&&G revised (ugust %&&8

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