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through Bertha Dudde 7816

The right concept of God....

And it will e re!ealed to "ou through #" $pirit that there i$ onl" one God and that thi$ God %anife$ted &i%$elf in 'e$u$ (hri$t) ecau$e &e i$ a *pirit. +t wa$ not po$$i le for #e to eco%e !i$i le to #" created eing$ a$ a li%ited Being) ut in Jesus Christ + eca%e a ,!i$i le- God for all #" li!ing creation$) and therefore you cannot speak of 'e$u$ (hri$t and the Father) for + A% one with &i%) $o when "ou $pea. of 'e$u$ (hri$t "ou are $pea.ing of #e) "our God and (reator) "our Father of eternit".... For the infant 'e$u$ $heltered #" $pirit within &i%$elf) and after &i$ irth + wa$ alread" re%ar.a l" acti!e in &i% in order to $how the people in &i$ neigh ourhood that #" $pirit dwelt within the infant. The %an 'e$u$ e/haled hi$ la$t reath on the cro$$.... 'e$u$ od") howe!er) wa$ $pirituali$ed and &e ro$e fro% the dead.... For all &i$ $u $tance$ had %erged with #e) #" $pirit had per%eated od" and $oul and nothing hu%an re%ained in &i%.... What aro$e fro% the dead on the third da" wa$ + #"$elf) the Father0*pirit of eternit") the God Who% the eing$ de$ired to ehold and Who had now %anife$ted &i%$elf in the outward appearance of 'e$u$ (hri$t.... 'e$u$ (hri$t i$ ,God-) for + A% a *pirit and thu$ eca%e !i$i le to all #" eing$ in the $hape of 'e$u$ (hri$t) and "ou cannot !i$uali$e #e in an" other wa" than the di!ine Redee%er 'e$u$ (hri$t.... And if "ou want to call upon #e) if "ou want to %a.e contact with #e) "ou ha!e to call upon 'e$u$ (hri$t) "ou ha!e to tal. to &i%) "ou ha!e to ac.nowledge &i% a$ "our Father of eternit") and then "ou will al$o ha!e the right concept of God.... which,

however, can never be right if you pray separately to Me as `God' and to Jesus Christ as `Son of God'.... The $oul which dwelt in the %an 'e$u$ wa$ #" ,*on-.... a $upre%el" perfect eing created " #e which re ained with #e when the great apo$ta$" of the $pirit$ too. place.... And thi$ ,*on of God- %ade it po$$i le for #e to e% od" #"$elf in a hu%an $hell.... $o that the co%plete %erger of the eternal Father0*pirit with 'e$u$ (hri$t could ta.e place) ut then there no longer e/i$ted two $eparate eing$ ut onl" one God) for the ,di!ine *pirit-) #" funda%ental nature) utterl" per%eated the hu%an $hell and li.ewi$e $pirituali$ed it.... 1!er"thing wa$ ,di!ine *pirit- it wa$ the *pirit which per%eate$ all of infinit" and %erel" %anife$ted +t$elf in a for% !i$i le to people) $o that the" were a le to de!elop a concept of #e) $o that the" were a le to pra" to a Being in order to unite with thi$ Being.... For the original $in of the $pirit$- apo$ta$" con$i$ted of their !oluntar" ,$eparation- fro% #e because the" were una le to behold #e. And thu$ + pro!ided for the% the po$$i ilit" of willingl" 2oining with #e again " %a.ing #"$elf !i$i le to the% in 'e$u$ (hri$t. !ut you ust never separate `Jesus Christ' and `Myself'.... For &e and + are one3 and whoe!er call$ upon &i% al$o call$ upon #e.... whoe!er $ee$ &i% $ee$ #e) Who i$ and wa$ eternal and $hall re%ain $o in all eternit".... A%en

4u li$hed " friend$ of new re!elation$ of God 5 +nfor%ation) download of all tran$lated re!elation$) the%e0 oo.let$ at6 http677www. ertha0dudde.info7engli$h7inde/.ht%l 8 http677en. ertha0dudde.org7

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