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Atomic weight

Atomic weight (symbol: Ar) is a dimensionless physical quantity, the ratio of the average mass of atoms of an element (from a given source) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon-12] he term is usually used to refer to the standard atomic weights published at regular intervals by the !nternational "nion of #ure and $pplied %hemistry (!"#$%)]and &hich are intended to be applicable to normal laboratory materials' hese standard atomic &eights are reprinted in a &ide variety of te(tboo)s, commercial catalogues, &allcharts etc, and in the table belo&' he fact *relative atomic mass* may also used to describe this physical quantity, and indeed the continued use of the term *atomic &eight* has attracted considerable controversy since at least the 1+,-s./] (see belo&)' $tomic &eights, unli)e atomic masses (the masses of individual atoms), are not physical constants and vary from sample to sample' 0evertheless, they are sufficiently constant in *normal* samples to be of fundamental importance in chemistry'

Table Z 2 1 14 + 5 14 ;, /7 15 4, 4;/ 45 // ;1 ;5 1/ 1+ 11 /; 1, 7+ ; Name 1elium 1ydrogen 0eon 9(ygen :luorine 0itrogen $rgon 8rypton <enon %hlorine =adon >ercury ?romine :rancium %aesium @allium =ubidium #hosphorus (&hite) #otassium Aodium !odine Aulfur !ndium Bithium Symbol 1e 1 0e 9 : 0 $r 8r <e %l =n 1g ?r :r %s @a =b # 8 0a ! A !n Bi Melting Point C (K) n/a 2 32/4'+5/ 6% (17'2 8) 3274'775 6% (27'5 8) 3222',/ 6% (/-'/ 8) 321+'/2 6% (/;', 8) 32-+'4, 6% (,;'; 8) 314+'1+ 6% (47'- 8) 31/5'22 6% (11, 8) 3111'5 6% (1,1 8) 31--'47 6% (152 8) 351 6% (2-2'1 8) 3;4'52 6% (2;7 8) 35'1 6% (2,, 8) 25 6% (;-- 8) 24'// 6% (;-1'5- 8) 2+'5, 6% (;-2'+1 8) ;+',7 6% (;12'5+ 8) 77'1 6% (;15'; 8) ,;';/ 6% (;;,'/- 8) +4 6% (;51 8) 11;'/ 6% (;4,'5 8) 11/';, 6% (;44'/1 8) 1/,'5, 6% (72+'+1 8) 14-'5 6% (7/;'+ 8)

[edit] Temperature with most liquid elements he temperature ranges at &hich the most elements are liquid are 25;+ - 25728 and 25/- 25+28 (27,, - 27,+6% and 2755 - 2/146%C 7751 - 775,6: and 77+1 - 7/,,6:)' he four )ey temperatures in these ranges are respectively, the melting point of iridium, the boiling point of beryllium, the melting point of niobium, and the boiling point of aluminium

Definition he !"#$% definition.1] of atomic &eight is: $n atomic &eight (relative atomic mass) of an element from a specified source is the ratio of the average mass per atom of the element to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of 12%' he definition deliberately specifies *An atomic &eightD*, as an element &ill have different atomic &eights depending on the source' :or e(ample, boron from ur)ey has a lo&er atomic &eight than boron from %alifornia, because of its different isotopic composition'.,].5] 0evertheless, given the cost and difficulty of isotope analysis, it is usual to use the tabulated values of standard atomic &eights &hich are ubiquitous in chemical laboratories'

Atomic number !n chemistry and physics, the atomic number (also )no&n as the proton number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom and therefore identical to the charge number of the nucleus' !t is conventionally represented by the symbol Z' he atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element' !n an atom of neutral charge, the atomic number is also equal to the number of electrons' he atomic number, Z, should not be confused &ith the mass number, A, &hich is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom' he number of neutrons, N, is )no&n as the neutron number of the atomC thus, A E Z F N' Aince protons and neutrons have appro(imately the same mass (and the mass of the electrons is negligible for many purposes), the atomic mass of an atom is roughly equal to A' $toms having the same atomic number Z but different neutron number N, and hence different atomic mass, are )no&n as isotopes' >ost naturally occurring elements e(ist as a mi(ture of isotopes, and the average atomic mass of this mi(ture determines the elementGs atomic &eight' he current standard for the atomic mass unit (amu), also termed the dalton (Ha) is defined to be e(actly 1I12 of the mass of a free (unbound) neutral 12% atom in its ground (lo&est-energy) state'.1] 1 Ha E 1',,-/;4542(4;)J1-325 )g'

Melting Points and Atomic Weights Aymbol Klement >elting #oint $tomic Leight

$l Ab $s ?a ?e ?i ? %d %s %a % %e %r %o %u @a $u !n !r :e Ba #b Bi

$luminum $ntimony $rsenic ?arium ?eryllium ?ismuth ?oron %admium %aesium %alcium %arbon %erium %hromium %obalt %opper @allium @old !ndium !ridium !ron Banthanum Bead Bithium

,/4'5 ,;-'/ 417'4/-'124/'251'2;--';2-'+ 2,'4/1 ;/--'55/ 1//-'17+-'1-4;';1-,;'1//'27-+'1/;/'42,';25'7 14,'-

2,'+5 121'5, 57'+1 1;5';, +'-2 2-+'-1-'42 112'71 1;2'+1 7-'-4 12'-1 17-'1; /2'-1 /4'+7 ,;'/5 ,+'52 1+5'2 117'5, 1+;'1 //'47 1;4'+2 2-5'21 ,'+7

Abbre iations and !e"initions# 0o' - $tomic 0umber >'#' - melting point ?'#' - boiling point 2 Hensity of elements &ith boiling points belo& -6% is given in g/l 2 Karth crust composition average values are from a report by :' L' %lar)e and 1' A' Lashington, 1+27' Klemental composition of crustal roc)s differ bet&een different localities (see article)' 2 @roup: here are only 14 groups in the periodic table that constitute the columns of the table' Banthanoids and $ctinoids are numbered as 1-1 and 1-2 to separate them in sorting by group' Atomic number# atomic number' he number of protons in an atom' Kach element is uniquely defined by its

Atomic mass# he mass of an atom is primarily determined by the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus' $tomic mass is measured in $tomic >ass "nits (amu) &hich are scaled relative to carbon, 12%, that is ta)en as a standard element &ith an atomic mass of 12' his isotope of carbon has , protons and , neutrons' hus, each proton and neutron has a mass of about 1 amu' Atomic weight# $tomic &eight values represent weighted a erage of the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of an element' he values sho&n here are based on the !"#$% %ommission determinations (#ure $ppl' %hem' 5;:,,5-,4;, 2--1)' he elements mar)ed &ith an asteris) have no stable nuclides' :or these elements the &eight value sho&n represents the mass number of the longest-lived isotope of the element' $lectron con"iguration# he distribution of electrons according to the energy sublevels (subshells) in uncharged atoms' he noble gas sho&n in square brac)ets (e'g' .1e]), mar)s that all the subshells associated &ith that element are fully occupied by electrons' :or further information see another &eb site' $nergy le els and suble els #rincipal energy level Aublevels available (Muantum number: n) (Muantum number: l) 1 2 ; 7 / , 1s 2s 2p ;s ;p ;d 7s 7p 7d 7f /s /p /d /f /g ,s ,p ,d ,f ,g ,h

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