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Attract Abundance with Fun Visualization

amy@empoweringyourbrain.com1 Comment April 21 2014 Many of us know about visualization. isualization is one great way to activate t!e "aw of Attraction in our lives# but we often go about it in suc! a serious way. $e me%itate# we create our vision boar%s# we painstakingly create a picture in our min%s of w!at we want our outer circumstances to reflect. &!is is a goo% practice overall# but one important component we often forget 'or %on(t know !ow to generate) is infusing our vision wit! powerful emotions. *eelings like +oy# love# e,citement# an% gratitu%e can emit powerful vibrations t!at act as a magnet to attract w!atever we %esire. -ut !ow %o we generate t!ese feelings over somet!ing t!at(s .make believe/0 &!ere(s a very simple way to %o t!is# an% it involves one secret ingre%ient1 *234 -y making our vision fun an% lig!t!earte%# we automatically begin to feel correspon%ing emotions. 5on(t +ust visualize yourself wit! a new car6 visualize yourself %riving t!at new car an% !aving a blast %oing so4 5on(t +ust visualize yourself wit! t!e partner of your %reams6 visualize yourself locke% in a passionate embrace or laug!ing wit! your partner over somet!ing silly. 7ot t!e i%ea0 8ust to get you starte%# 9(% like to s!are a ultra fun visualization 9(ve been using to attract greater abun%ance into my life. 9t(s very simple# but as you(ll soon see# it can be incre%ibly powerful because of t!e feelings it invokes. *irst# fin% a private place w!ere you won(t be %isturbe% for a s!ort amount of time. :erform your usual rela,ation tec!ni;ues '%eep breat!ing# min% ;uieting# etc.) so you feel calm an% centere%. &!en visualize yourself stan%ing in t!e center of your !ome. 9t(s a beautiful warm %ay outsi%e# so you !ave all t!e win%ows an% %oors open. <u%%enly# off in t!e %istance# you !ear a %eep rumbling soun%. =ou cock your !ea% an% listen intently# won%ering w!ere t!e noise is coming from. 9t gets lou%er an% lou%er# an% t!e !ouse begins vibrating an% s!aking all aroun% you. =ou know somet!ing big is coming# but strangely you %on(t feel frig!tene%# only e,cite%. &!e roar reac!es a crescen%o# an% su%%enly# in t!roug! your win%ows an% %oors comes a massive floo% of %ollar bills. 3ot +ust %ollar bills but also !un%re% an% t!ousan%>%ollar bills44 &!e money is rus!ing in so ;uickly t!at it causes a mini>!urricane over your !ea%# greenery flying everyw!ere. &!e bills are accumulating on t!e floors# furniture# appliances. 9t(s gus!ing in t!roug! t!e %oors an% win%ows# %own t!e c!imney an% t!roug! t!e fireplace# coming up t!roug! t!e plumbing# even seeping t!roug! t!e walls4

As you see t!is unbelievable abun%ance swirling all aroun% you# you su%%enly let out a w!oop of pure +oy4 =ou begin gat!ering up !an%fuls of money as if t!ey were fallen leaves an% tossing t!em into t!e air# letting t!em rain %own aroun% you. =ou laug! an% laug! because you know you !ave create% t!is floo% of prosperity in your reality. =ou calle% it fort! wit! t!e power of your t!oug!ts# an% you feel so prou% of your accomplis!ment4 =ou raise your face to t!e ceiling an% s!out your gratitu%e to t!e 2niverse1 .&?A3@ =A2 for t!is amazing gift4 &!ank you so muc! for t!e free%om# fun# an% pleasure 9 will en+oy wit! t!is money4/ -y now t!e bills !ave accumulate% to c!est>level# an% you(re wa%ing +oyfully t!roug! t!e rooms of your !ome# letting your !an%s trail along t!e surface of t!e money. =ou take a %eep breat! an% !ol% it# t!en %ive beneat! t!e surface an% swim t!roug! t!e green murk. =ou surface a few feet away# flipping over to %o t!e backstroke for a bit. All t!e w!ile# you(re laug!ing an% laug!ing# !aving great fun wit! your newfoun% wealt!. <u%%enly you %rop your feet to t!e bottom an% stan% up again# won%ering +ust w!at you(re going to %o wit! all of t!is money. =ou recall t!e single mot!er w!o lives %own t!e street# an% you %eci%e to sen% !er a big bo, of cas!# anonymously. =ou envision t!e beaming smiles on t!e faces of t!e mot!er an% !er c!il%ren w!en t!ey receive your gift of love. &!en you remember t!e el%erly woman w!o lives ne,t %oor# s!e coul% probably use some !elp too. <o you bo, up some more cas! for !er. =ou begin t!inking about your frien%s an% family members# an% %eci%e to bless t!em wit! some cas!. A!# you also know some great c!aritable organizations t!at coul% probably use %onations4 *inally# you remember a few t!ings t!at you want to buy for yourself# so you stuff some bills in your pockets wit! w!ic! to go s!opping. As you prepare to leave on your s!opping e,cursion# you gaze back at t!e piles of money you attracte%# an% you are overcome wit! a feeling of immense gratitu%e. =ou(ve never felt so blesse% as you %o rig!t now# an% you know it will only get better in t!e future. *inally# you un%erstan% t!at true wealt! comes from wit!in# an% you(ll never again !ave to feel powerless or frig!tene%. &!e prosperity you(ve calle% fort! will continue to grow an% multiply# w!enever you c!oose it. $it! a ra%iant smile an% a wink to t!e 2niverse# you close t!e %oor be!in% you an% !ea% off to t!e first of many e,citing a%ventures waiting in your future. Coul% you feel t!e emotions w!ile you were rea%ing t!at0 5o you feel e,cite% an% eager to give it a try0 7o a!ea% B 9 assure you it(s a ton of fun4 -y t!e way# 9 in+ecte% imagery t!at 9 feel is fun# but feel free to alter it to better suit your ob+ectives 'like replace t!e money wit! somet!ing else# if t!at(s w!at you want). $!atever you %o# !ave *23 wit! it4 &!e key point is to get your +uices flowing an% make you feel 7AA5. 9t(s all t!at matters in t!e en%.

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