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The Race Horse

by Bob Buess

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#ntroduction...........................................................5 *hapter , The .ace /orse......................................................& *hapter 0 $avid the .ace /orse.........................................3) *hapter 3 .uth the .ace /orse...........................................55 *hapter ! "sther The .ace /orse........................................15 *hapter 5 A .ace /orse 2ust Believe /e #s a 3inner.....)) *hapter 1 The /urdles in a .ace /orse4s *areer..............-) *hapter ) A /orse 5no6s /is 2aster7s 'oice................,0&

God Uses His People as Horses in Battle.
Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the Lord of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in battle. ut of him came forth the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the battle bow, out of him every oppressor together. !nd they shall be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle: and they shall fight, because the Lord is with them.... "ec. #$:%&'

8/is goodl+ horse in battle.9 A good 6ar horse is faithful. /e is fearless. /e is obedient. /o6 beautiful it is 6hen :od describes /is people as /is faithful horse or goodl+ horse in battle. ;igurativel+( he rides the believer into battle. :od in the believer charges against the enem+( and :od al6a+s 6ins. 9Out of him the battle bo6.<

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:od brings /is ministr+ forth through /is people. /e describes the believer as the horse. Then /e describes him as the battle bo6 or 6eapon of 6ar. All of these 6ere fulfilled in =esus. =esus *hrist is in the believer> therefore through =esus *hrist the believer becomes the 6ar horse( race horse( battle bo6( etc. $oesn7t this e cite +ou? @ou are /is goodl+ horse that /e rides into battle. @ou are /is battle 6eapon. /is po6er flo6ing through +ou makes +ou the race horse or 6ar horse. All of the promises given in the 3ord focus on =esus.
+ow to !braham and his seed were the promises made. *e saith not, and to seeds, as of many, but as of one, and to thy seed, which is -hrist. .al. %:#/

"ver+ person 6ho accepts =esus *hrist becomes a recipient of those promises as the+ are applicable or are applied b+ :od7s sovereign plan. =esus *hrist in +ou means the living :od is in +ou. All of /is 3ords are for +ou. The+ are life and victor+. =esus *hrist is the 3ar /orse.

Introduction /e is the .ace /orse. /e is the 5ing. /e is the *onAueror. /e is the Battle Bo6. /e is the *orner Stone. /e is the Bail. Through =esus *hrist +ou are might+ men. =esus *hrist in +ou treads do6n the enem+ in the mire of the streets. =esus *hrist in +ou is the fighter. :et all e cited. @ou are :od7s race horse andCor 6ar horse.

Chapter 1

The Race Horse

Many Christians Are Beginning to Realize Their Potential

*hristians are beginning to see *hrist in them 6hich is the hope of :lor+.
... -hrist in you, the hope of glory. -ol. #:01

The *hristian has taken on =esus *hrist.

2or as many of you as have been bapti3ed into -hrist have put on -hrist. .al. %:01

The purpose of the resurrection 6as to bring the victories 6hich =esus *hrist 6on at the cross to ever+ believer.
... (hrough death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. *eb. 0:#4

The believer does not fear an+ limitation. /e has no limitations. =esus *hrist is in him.

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Satan7s po6er has been destro+ed.

*aving spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. -ol. 0:#'

The believers are beginning to identif+ 6ith their victories. The *hrist in the believer is Dust as po6erful as /e 6as 6hen /e 6alked in /is earthl+ bod+. *hrist in the believer opens up a potential that mankind has not kno6n heretofore. The ver+ 6orks of *hrist are to be duplicated in the individual believer. =n. ,!%,0 5*e that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my 2ather.6 *hrist rose from the dead. The believer has the resurrection po6er as a bonus.

The Belie er Is Beginning to Identi!y "ith the #i!e o! $esus Christ

(here are three things which go well, yea, four are comely in going: ! lion which is ,0

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strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any, ! greyhound, an he goat also, and a king, against whom there is no rising up. 7rov. %$:08&%#

:od likes the spirit of a lion. =esus is called the Eion of the tribe of =udah. The lion is called the king of the beasts. =esus *hrist is the lion in +ou. /e is stronger than an+ demonic force 6hich can come against +ou. Bo sickness can overcome =esus. Bo failure can overcome =esus. Bo circumstance is too great for =esus the Eion. The *hristian is identif+ing 6ith =esus *hrist in him. /e is beginning to see each problem he faces through the resurrection e+es of 5ing Eion =esus. "ver+ problem is under his feet because of his position in *hrist =esus. =esus is the strongest of all. # heard a *hristian business man give this

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testimon+. # 6as sitting in a restaurant eating 6hen a man came in 6ith his 6ife and child. Soon the child 6as cr+ing and fussing. The man began to beat the child till blood ran out of its mouth. # Dumped up( grabbed the man( and commanded him to stop. /e stopped alright but pulled a knife on me. /e screamed out( 7# am going to cut +ou in little pieces.7 # told him to stop in the name of =esus. # told him that # 6as a *hristian and he could not touch me. The man stopped 6ith his arm in mid air and looked around be6ildered. /e closed the knife and put it in his pocket. Then he apologiFed. After this he 6ent to his child and 6iped the blood from its face. Then he handed the child to his 6ife and apologiFed to her. 3hen a man is flo6ing in the /ol+ Spirit( Satan cannot touch him out of the divine plan

(he )ace *orse of :od for his life. $o not forget that there are mart+rs 6ho die for =esus. The+ are in the flo6( too. *hristians are beginning to see that Satan 6ill take a life prematurel+ out of :od7s plan once the believer submits to Satan7s lies. Believers are beginning to see that the lion( =esus( in them is read+ to overcome the forces of Satan. 9*e destroyed him that had power over death. 5 This *hristian business man 6ho 6as Spirit filled +ielded to the *hrist that 6as in him. =esus *hrist spoke those 6ords to that man. The man responded to =esus( the Eion( 6hich is the strongest of the beasts. *ome alive in a ne6 level toda+( believer( in =esus *hrist. $o not sit do6n under problems an+ longer. The lion is in +ou. The 6inner is in +ou. @ield to /im toda+. @es( the Eord likes the spirit of a lion.


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The Greyhound
Then the Eord mentions a gre+hound. The Eord likes a gre+hound. This is a slim sleek animal that runs fast. #t is a 6inner. Some translate the original /ebre6 6ord as 6ar horse rather than gre+hound. Others translate it as fighting cock rather than gre+hound. "ach of these animals is a 6inner. The+ 6ill not give up. A fighting cock 6ill die fighting. /e is bred to be a 6inner. A 6ar horse is trained to be stead+ under pressure. /e is chosen because of his fearlessness and obedience to the commands of its master. # heard an interesting stor+ about training horses. #n this case it 6as a race horse( but it illustrates the same principle of learning and obedience and moving into the full purpose for his life. .oger Braugh in South Te as related this stor+ to me one da+ 6hen # 6as visiting on his ranch. 3e 6ere having a Bible teaching seminar on his ranch. .oger and his lovel+ 6ife 5atie raise race

(he )ace *orse horses along 6ith man+ other things. .oger said 6e do not bronco bust our horses as +ou see in rodeos. 3e take them one step at a time and are gentle 6ith them so as not to break their spirits. /e said( 93hen 6e get read+ to train them for the halter( 6e put a halter on the fill+ or colt and hook it to a mule. Beither the mule nor the fill+ likes this arrangement> but it is not long until the fill+ or colt( 6hich ever it ma+ be( learns to submit to that mule.9 The fill+ learns to do e actl+ 6hat the mule 6ants her to do. /o6ever( it ma+ be noted here that the mule also had to submit to some e tent to the fill+ since she( too( had a mind of her o6n. An+ submission teaching that does not include "p. ,%0, 5:ubmitting yourselves one to another in the fear of .od5 is evil. .oger told ho6 the mule learns to take advantage of the fill+. /e learns that if he 6ill hold his head Dust right( then the fill+ cannot get up once she la+s do6n. The mule holds the little fill+ do6n at his 6ill. # have observed this in some superGdiscipleship programs. The

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shepherd often delights in taking advantage of the situation and holds the poor disciple do6n under his authorit+. Soon it is time to move the fill+ from the mule e perience. The mule does not kno6 enough to lead this fill+ into her rightful position. /er initial haltar training is over( and it is time to go further so she can learn to be a race horse. This is 6hat she 6as bred to be. She 6as bred to be a 6inner( not an old mule. 2an+ strong *hristians are hooked up to mules in various situations. #t is time to break 6ith the mule and go on to 6hat :od ordained +ou to be in /is plan. .oger said% 93hen the mule and fill+ are unhooked( each is hurt. The+ have gro6n to like each other. #t is almost like a funeral. The+ act sad for several da+s.< This is Dust like man+ believers. The+ are hooked up to denominational doctrines and situations and are miserable Dust as the fill+ and the mule. Beither could be free to do its 7thing7. But 6hen the+ 6ere disconnected( the+ fought it.

(he )ace *orse :od has called +ou to be a race horse. =esus *hrist is that race horse. /e is in +ou. /e is the 6inner. $o not hesitate 6hen the Eord leads +ou to drop some mule doctrine in order to go to a higher level and fulfill +our real calling in life. @ou are called to be a 6inner. @ou can never do it sitting there in a dead church 6ith a dead program. $o not resist the separation. Hermit :od to take +ou to a ne6 place in =esus. Some of +ou must get rid of the mule immediatel+ or +ou 6ill revert to the mule life. Others 6ill go on to +our ne6 calling but continue to visit the old mule corral to help some of the other race horses become free of the mule doctrine. :od must lead +ou in this. The fill+ is then trained to the harness( bridle( saddle( etc. All of this takes place 6ithin sight of her little denominational structure. She can look out of the corner of her e+e and see the little denominational stable 6here she 6as raised. "ach ne6 phase the little colt or fill+ goes through is a tr+ing e perience. #t is a nerve

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racking e perience for the little race horse. "ach ne6 phase brings about a nervous reaction. The tail starts t6isting. The rear legs turn to rubber and become unstead+. #t takes several hours or even da+s for the little thing to regain its calm composure. Soon the big da+ for foreign mission 6ork arrives. #t is time for the race horse to step out of its denominational corral and go do6n to the race track about a Auarter of a mile a6a+. The great da+ arrives. Something different is in the air. The little race horse kno6s that he is about to move into a ne6 dimension of his ministr+. /is tail is alread+ spinning and t6isting. To comfort the little race horse .oger has a saddle pon+ to go b+ his side. All the 6a+ to the race track that tail is t6isting( and the rear legs are rubber. 3hat a traumatic e perience it is to move from the denominational corral to this charismatic race track. $a+s go b+. Soon the little colt or fill+ learns to feel at ease in this ne6 e perience. This race

(he )ace *orse track business begins to make him feel at home. /e feels like he belongs. #t is e citing to stretch his legs and feel the 6ind blo6ing through his mane. /e never did get this e perience all cramped up back there in his denominational stable or corral. /e begins to 6onder 6h+ he ever resisted this ne6 venture in the first place. /e 6as born to be a race horse. /e 6as not born to sta+ hooked to the denominational mule. /e 6as not born to sta+ in that limited stable either. #t is soon time for another change in this little charismatic colt. This morning the little colt senses something is seriousl+ 6rong in the routine. As he glances to his side the old familiar saddle pon+ is not there. /e keeps looking( but the saddle pon+ has not arrived( and the trainer is alread+ mounted. The tail begins to spin around. All nerve fibers are alerted. The trainer gives the usual command( and the+ are off to the race track. /is little legs have turned to rubber again. 3hat a terrible

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e perience to have to step out in this big 6orld all b+ himself. /e 6ould Dust 9love to la+ do6n and cr+.< Oh for the opportunit+ to run back to his little stable and hide 6ithin the 6alls of his denominational structure. There is no hope for this if he 6ants to go on and become the race horse he 6as born to be. /is trainer is urging him on. /e is speaking softl+ to him. I*ome on little fello6. :et along no6. @ou 6ill make it. :o ahead.4 ;inall+ the+ arrive at the race track. After a fe6 da+s of this( he again begins to feel the glor+ of it all. 93h+ 6as # so stupid?9 /e asks himself. 93h+ did # resist this ne6 e perience? The saddle pon+ 6as nice and served a great purpose in m+ life( but no6 # must move on to m+ higher calling. The saddle pon+ 6as reall+ a drag to me after all. /e never could keep up 6ith me out there on the track. # 6asn4t born to be a saddle pon+. # 6as born to be a race horse. # am a 6inner.< @es( +ou are Dust like that colt. @ou 6ant to

(he )ace *orse identif+ 6ith the saddle pon+. @ou 6ant to sta+ bound to 6hat +ou have been accustomed to all of +our life. "ach of +ou is a 6inner. The 6ar horse( =esus( is in +ou. The race horse( =esus( is in +ou. @ou have the 6inner in +ou. $o not sta+ hooked to the mule. 2ove along no6( little one. $o not sta+ hooked to the saddle pon+. /e 6ill onl+ hold +ou back. Too often a person identifies 6ith 6hat he has been all of his life rather than 6hat he is called to be. $o not continue to identif+ 6ith the mule or the saddle pon+ e perience. The+ are onl+ levels one must go through. #dentif+ 6ith =esus and /is life. @ou are a 6inner. @ou are a race horse. The stor+ of the race horse continues. At times the+ find the+ have a 6inner. B+ the stop 6atch this little colt is faster than an+thing running the tracks toda+. The+ have a 6inner. So the+ place the little colt in the big race. 3hat e citementJ This feels greatJ /e 6as born for this.

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The+ are all coming do6n the home stretch no6. The Dockies are urging them on to the finish line. The little colt comes up behind the leader. This leader has 6on man+ ribbons. /e kno6s the feel of a 6inner( but the little colt can outrun him. The stop 6atch has proven this. So the little fello6 at the urging of the Docke+ pulls out and begins to stretch his legs to leave the leader in the dust. .oger sa+s at this point something often happens in the race. The old leader communicates in horse language to the little colt something to this effect% 9@ou( Eittle Kpstart( if +ou go around me( # 6ill kick +our insides out.< 3hat ever the old horse sa+s to the little fello6 it is ver+ effective. /e falls behind the leader and eats dust for the rest of the race. Bo matter 6hat the Dockie does or sa+s he 6ill not go past that leader. The little horse is doomed to failure if something is not done. .oger takes this little horse and places him in an inferior race. The little colt can 6in this race 6ith ease. /e 6ins several races. /e get the feeling of

(he )ace *orse the glor+ of being a 6inner. The inferiorit+ comple is broken. /e is no6 read+ for that big race again. The+ are in that race. The+ are again coming do6n that home stretch. The little colt pulls up beside the same old leader 6ho has a bedroom LstableM full of trophies and ribbons. /e kno6s the feel of 6inning. Again the old leader looks to the +oung colt. The same communication is passed from the leader to the colt. This time it does not affect the colt. /e Dust gives a little snort( laughs inside( and puts the Ipeddle to the metal4 and leaves the leader in the dust and goes on to 6in the race. ;rom then on the little colt is a 6inner( and he kno6s it. /e 6as a 6inner before( but he did not kno6 it. Believers( like this colt( are beginning to realiFe that the+ are born to be 6inners. =esus *hrist in them is that 6inner. The+ have submitted themselves in the past to insecurit+ and inferiorit+ comple es. The+ have come up behind denominational or charismatic leaders and fallen in behind them rather than taking

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their place in the bod+ and becoming that 6inner.

The He Goat
@es( that is right. #n Hrov. 30%3, the he goat is mentioned as one of the four things that :od likes. 'erse 0& sa+s these are comel+ or beautiful to :od. The he goat or goats are sometimes used to represent the enem+. =esus said /e 6ould separate the sheep from the goats. .emember that allegories change and var+ depending on 6hat :od 6ants to emphasiFe. /e also tells us 6e are to be 6ise as serpents and harmless as doves even though the serpent is used man+ times to represent Satan. The he goat 6as often used in sacrifice in the Old Testament so it 6as not an unclean animal. #t 6as listed among the clean animals. The first born male of ever+ clean animal 6as brought as a sacrifice. The he goat 6as used once a +ear on the da+ of atonement picturing =esus *hrist> so do not look do6n +our

(he )ace *orse Ireligious noses4 at the goat. 3h+ does the Eord mention a he goat? Herhaps it 6as s+mbolic of the coming of =esus as our sin bearer. /o6ever( # feel that the Eord is telling ever+ *hristian that he is to be a leader as the he goat. 2an+ believers are beginning to realiFe that =esus( the /e :oat Eeader( is in them. The+ are not to be satisfied to be a nobod+. The+ are beginning to realiFe that the+ are 9the head, and not the tail.6 $eut. 0-%,3. The+ are beginning to realiFe that the+ are to 9possess the gate of their enemies.6 :en. 00%,) Toda+ the believer is coming a6ake. /e sees himself coming into his place. /e is taking his place as a leader. /e is believing :od for Dobs he did not dare to anticipate in the past( and he is getting those Dobs. A 6oman said to me( 8After reading +our book on 2avor (he )oad to :uccess, # made application for a Dob that in the past # 6ould

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never have attempted.< She got it. /alleluDah. The believer is beginning to see himself fulfilling part of the scripture in #saiah ,!%0 9(hey shall take them captives, whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors.6 Hart of this 6as fulfilled in the Bab+lonian captivit+ for #srael. Hart of this scripture is Auoted in "sther &%, 9... (he Jews had rule over them that hated them.5 Hart 6as fulfilled in $aniel7s ministr+ as he took a strong place of leadership during this same captivit+ period. Hart of it 6ill be fulfilled as the =e6s again take their place in the end time. A great part is being fulfilled in the individual believer toda+ as he is beginning to move out of the shado6s of failure and selfGpit+ into the he goat ministr+. The *hrist in him is still a leader. *hrist is still in demand. Heople 6anted =esus then( and the+ still 6ant =esus. /e is coming alive in the believer. /e is no longer a religious and traditional *hrist. /e is alive. /e lives in the heart of the believer.

(he )ace *orse The believer no6 recogniFes that he is part of the bod+ of *hrist.
+ow ye are the body of -hrist, and members in particular. 1 -or. 10:01

=esus is alive toda+ in +ou. @ou are /is bod+ on earth. /alleluDah.

Christ Is in the Belie er%He Is a He Goat

If -hrist be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the :pirit is life because of righteousness. But if the :pirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up -hrist from the dead shall also ;uicken your mortal bodies by his :pirit that dwelleth in you. )om. <:#$&##

=esus *hrist in full resurrection po6er is in +ou. @ou o6e him ever+thing. @ou do not o6e the flesh an+thing. The flesh has not been redeemed from the original Dudgment. $eath still operates. 2an is not back in the garden. /is spirit is in the garden but not his flesh. /is flesh is dead inasmuch as it is under

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condemnation and 6ill die. This flesh 6ill not inherit the kingdom of heaven. #t must be changed.
... in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye... we shall be changed. 2or this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. # -or. #':'0&'%

"ven though +our bod+ is under the condemnation of death( it has provision made for it. 9*e shall also ;uicken your mortal body by his :pirit that dwelleth in you.5 #t is the ;ather that Auickeneth +ou 6ith /is Spirit. 9*e that raised up -hrist from the dead shall also ;uicken your mortal bodies by *is :pirit that dwelleth in you.5 Believers toda+ are recogniFing that the+ have a part in this Auickening. As the+ submit to :od7s 3ords of victor+( the ;ather goes to 6ork. The+ do not die prematurel+. The+ do not put up 6ith sickness that Satan 6ould tr+ to hang on them. The+ do not accept failure. The+ are moving out to ne6 places. The resurrected *hrist is in them. The+ are

(he )ace *orse assuming their ministr+ as he goats.

=hat is the e>ceeding greatness of his power to us&ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in -hrist, when he raised him from the dead.... ?p. #:#8&0$

Believers are getting e cited. The+ visualiFe =esus taking over in them. The+ are standing aside and 6atching =esus do e ploits through their lives.

The &lesh Is 'o #onger (ing

@e are dead, and your life is hid with -hrist in .od. -ol. %:%

The flesh is dead. #t has been crucified 6ith *hrist.

Anowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed.... )om. /:/

@our fleshG6ill is no longer king. =esus *hrist is no6 legall+ in control. Turn it all over

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to /im. =esus *hrist pleased not /imself. .om. ,5%3 9-hrist pleased not himself.6 @ou( as a believer( are beginning to see that the flesh is no longer the master.

The Belie er Is a He Goat%He Is )ne "ith $esus

If ye then be risen with -hrist, seek those things which are above, where -hrist sitteth on the right hand of .od. -ol. %:#

3e see ourselves as Doined to =esus. 3e are learning to submit to /is life rather than our flesh life.
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry. -ol. %:'

3e are leaving off the fleshl+ desires more and more. =esus is coming to the surface. The race horse is coming alive. The he goat is

(he )ace *orse coming forth. 3e are possessing the gates of the enem+. 3e are ruling over our oppressors. /alleluDahJ :et all e cited. =esus *hrist is no longer confined to that little denominational( historic stable into 6hich man had placed /im.

The Belie er Is )ne "ith the #ord

*e that is Boined unto the Lord is one spirit. 1 -or. /:#1 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Jn. #1:0%

3e are no6 seeing ourselves as one 6ith =esus and the ;ather. 3e see that /e loves us as /e loved =esus( the onl+ begotten Son. /e gives us miracles as /e did the Son because 6e are adopted sons.

"e Are Putting on $esus

7ut ye on the Lord Jesus -hrist, and make 3,

(he )ace *orse no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. )om. #%:#4

=esus *hrist is Eord. 3e love /im. 3e put /im first. 3e are putting /im on in the fullness. 3e e pect miracles. 3e e pect /is life to come alive in us. Our flesh profiteth nothing. 3e do not submit to it. @ou ma+ still have trouble 6ith +our flesh( but do not consider it impossible. Begin to identif+ 6ith =esus.

The Belie er Rec*ons Hi+sel! A,le Through $esus Christ

/e is a race horse. /e is a he goat. /e is buried 6ith =esus. .om. 1%!a /e 6alks in /is ne6 resurrected life. .om.

(he )ace *orse 1%!b. /e is free from sin. .om. 1%). /e is not sinless( but sin4s po6er has been broken. /e can move from the pit to higher ground 6hen he decides to be the race horse and the he goat. Hraise the EordJ # am about to preach m+self happ+ as 5enneth /agin often sa+s. /e lets not sin reign in our mortal bodies( that 6e should obe+ it in the lusts. .om. 1%,0. /e does not submit to the flesh. @ou ma+ sa+( 9But # do.9 That is m+ point. Begin to realiFe that +ou do not have to identif+ 6ith +our past failures. .emembered failure onl+ brings more defeat. 3hen +ou identif+ 6ith the victor+ of =esus( +ou are beginning to believe /is 3ord. @ou reall+ are dead to sin. @ou are alive 6ith =esus. Sin does not reign in +our earthl+ bod+. @ou do not obe+ the lusts thereof. As +ou identif+ 6ith this victor+ of =esus 6hich is +ours( soon the victor+ is 6orking in +ou. #t is the same thing 6hen +ou identif+ 6ith /is righteousness. @ou do not identif+ 6ith

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+our righteousness. @our righteousness is as filth+ rags. @ou must al6a+s come back and identif+ 6ith /is righteousness. @ou no6 5)eckon also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto .od through Jesus -hrist our Lord.6 .om. 1%,,. 3e reckon ourselves in the victor+. 3e reckon ourselves dead to sin. 3e are dead to failure. 3e are dead to earthl+ limitations.

The Belie er -ees Hi+sel! as a (ing in $esus

C ! king, against whom there is no rising up. 7rov. %$:%#

@es( the king is one of the things that :od sa+s /e likes. =esus is the 5ing of 5ings and the Eord of Eords. =esus has made +ou a king.
*ath made us kings and priests unto .od and his 2ather.... 3!

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)ev. #:/

@ou are reigning in this life right no6.

... (hey which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus -hrist. )om. ':#1

@ou have received the abundance of grace or favor. Open +our vents and let the king7s ministr+ full+ manifest itself. # can see +ou as a king against 6hom there is no uprising. @ou cannot fail. @ou are in the kingdom of :od. Bo enem+ that rises against +ou can defeat +ou. @ou are a king against 6hom there is no uprising. BoJ Bo more identif+ing 6ith failuresJ #dentif+ 6ith this kingship. This is +our life. The other is something from the old life. #t is Dunk Satan is tr+ing to put on +ou. .eDect it. @ou

(he )ace *orse

are a king. Accept this. There 6ill be times 6hen +ou 6ill be on the 6rong track. @ou must not be discouraged if the king seemingl+ failed. =esus never fails. Straighten up. *onfess +our kingship. @ou are a Doint heir 6ith =esus. /e is the 5ing. @ou are one 6ith /im. That king ministr+ is coming forth. All four of these things in Hrov. 30%30G3, 6ere 6inners. The lion 6as a 6inner. The 6ar horse( Lrace horse( fighting cock( and gre+houndM 6as a 6inner. The he goat 6as a 6inner. The king against 6hom there 6as no rising up 6as a 6inner. *an4t +ou see +ourself as a 6inner? #n the ne t chapter 6e 6ill discuss 5ing $avid( the 6ar horse( the race horse( the fighting cock( the he goat( and the king against 6hom there 6as no uprising.


Chapter .

/a id the Race Horse

A Race Horse Has a Positi e )utloo* on #i!e

2or thou art my lamp, will lighten my darkness. Lord: and the Lord 0 :am. 00:08

$avid Lthe race horse( the 6ar horse( the fighting cockM had problems Dust as +ou do. /e did not let the problems dictate to him. /e looked at the problem and then looked back to :od and /is 3ord. Then $avid made his confession% 9:od is m+ lamp. The Eord 6ill lighten m+ darkness.9 There ma+ be darkness in +our life. *onfess 6ith $avid% 9The Eord 6ill lighten m+ darkness.< See +ourself coming into light and victor+.


(he )ace *orse

A Race Horse 0"ar Horse1 Runs Through Troops and #eaps ) er "alls 2or by thee I have run throught a troop: by my .od have I leaped over a wall. 0 :am. 00:%$ *an +ou not see $avid under the precious anointing of the /ol+ Spirit? A compan+ of soliders is guarding the cit+. $avid runs right through the soldiers( and( 6ith the po6er of the /ol+ :host( he leaps over the cit+ 6all. After $avid leaps over the 6all( perhaps the gates of the cit+ 6ere make of iron or steel( he leaps to the gate and the same anointing 6hich had been upon Sampson

came upon $avid. 5*e teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.5 0 Sam. 00%35. The obstacle could not 6ithstand the anointing. A race horse for =esus kno6s no defeat. /e cannot fail. =esus never lost one battle. /e never

David the )ace *orse 6ill either.

A Race Horse (no2s He Is a "inner

.od is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect. *e maketh my feet like hindsE feet: and setteth me upon my high places. 0 :am. 00:%%&%4

A 6inner4s spirit is bred into a race horse. A race horse must not have his spirit broken. #f his spirit is broken( he is a loser. A race horse 6ith a 6inner7s spirit is 6orth thousands of dollars Dust for breeding purposes. 2ore 6inners 6ill come from such a horse. $avid said% 5.od is my strength and power.5 3hat a confession. /e identified 6ith the strength of the Eord. .each up toda+( little race horse. .each up toda+( 6inner. ;ighting cock( take hold of this. 9:od is +our strength and po6er.9 @ou cannot fail. @ou 6ere bred to be a 6inner. @ou are from chosen stock> the onl+ begotten Son of :od is +our blood line. 3hat a pedigreeJ 5*e maketh my way perfect.<

(he )ace *orse

A 6inner does not confess 6eakness. /e confesses the victor+. :od is m+ strength. :od is m+ po6er. /e is perfecting things for me. BeautifulJ 3onderfulJ @our life has been a mess. $o not bother. .ela into the arms of =esus and confess /e is making it all perfect. /e is perfecting +our personalit+. /e is perfecting +our attitudes. /e is perfecting +our relationships. /e is perfecting +our understanding of /is 3ord. Believe it. Speak it. #t 6ill begin to gro6 in +ou. :et alone 6ith :od. See this perfection coming. $o not see failure. See onl+ the victor+. *ome on( fighting cock. $o not give up. =esus *hrist has alread+ run the race. 9*e maketh my feet like hindsF feet.6 /e makes +our feet like a deer. @ou can move fast. @ou can Dump an+ 6all Satan erects in front of +ou. Some of this $avid could see from past e periences. Harts of this confession

David the )ace *orse 6ere a confession of faith. /e believed that it 6as so b+ faith. # believe that :od makes +our feet like hinds4 feet. @ou are moving in strength and po6er. @ou are moving in prosperit+ and health. @ou do not give up. @ou are a fighting cock. @ou are a deer. @ou do not need open doors in one sense of the 6ord. @ou Dump the 6all at an+ given point. A 6inner is in demand. /e creates his o6n opportunities. Heople pa+ good mone+ for a 6inner. #f +ou are a 6inner( people 6ill pa+ thousands of dollars to have +ou on their time. 5:etteth me upon my high places.< A 6inner sees the end. /e does not see 6ith the natural e+e. /e looks be+ond the present and sees the finished product. $avid( the 6ar horse( could see himself 7sitting upon the high places7 6ith :od. Take time to 6ork this into +our spirit( race horse. See +ourself in the full strength of +our calling. $o not settle for less.


(he )ace *orse

A Race Horse Has Con!idence and Trust in His Master or Trainer

(hou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath made me great. 0 :am. 00:%/

.oger Braugh said% 8@ou must be gentle in order to protect the spirit of the race horse. @ou must not break his spirit. A gentle trainer is ver+ important. @ou can al6a+s tell if the trainers have abused the horses. The+ 6ill not come to +ou. The+ run to the far side of the stall.< :od( the ;ather( is a gentle trainer. /e is a gentle master. $avid had absolute confidence in the Eord. /e did not run off in the corner from :od. A race horse must kno6 the master is gentle. /e must al6a+s be looking for a blessing. A race horse that has been properl+ loved 6ill 6ant attention. /e 6ill come to +ou. /e 6ill 6ant +ou to stroke his neck( etc.

David the )ace *orse $evelop the race horse spirit( little one. *onstantl+ come to +our master for fello6ship. /unger for /is presence. *ome to /im. $o not fear. /e is gentle. /is gentleness makes +ou great. /e has a shield around +ou. /e protects +ou from others 6ho 6ould hurt +ou.

A "inner 0Race Horse3 "ar Horse3 &ighting Coc*1 (no2s There Is an Anointing on Hi+
All of the training is geared to bring confidence to the surface in the race horse( fighting cock( or 6ar horse. :o to the 3ord. Train +ourself to see the race horse( =esus( in +ou. /e is that 6inner. #t has been bred into /im. @ou are /is seed. /is life is in +ou. /is victor+ is in +ou. #nstill in +ourself the 6inner4s spirit. Satan has destro+ed +our spirit. /e has co6ed +ou. =esus has broken his po6er. 5*e destroyed him that had power over death....6 =esus( the :reater One( is in +ou. /is personalit+ is no6 developing in +ou. /is love is no6 surfacing in +ou. /is victories are +ours. Eive e pecting. Eive e cited.

(he )ace *orse I have pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them, and turned not again until I had consumed them. !nd I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not arise: yea, they are fallen under my feet. 2or thou hast girded me with strength to battle: them that rose up against me hast thou subdued under me. (hou hast given me the necks of mine enemies.... 0 :am. 00:%<&4#

A *hristian race horse sees the enem+ completel+ destro+ed. /e sees the enem+ completel+ consumed. /e sees Satan 6ounded under his feet through =esus *hrist. /e sees that special anointing upon his o6n head 6hich makes him a 6inner. /e kno6s that an+ force that rises against him 6ill be subdued. # can see +ou going fromIglor+ to glor+7. # can see +ou getting all e cited about the race horse( =esus( in +ou. #t is e citing to see the Eord going before +ou toda+. /e is fighting +our battles. /e is making the crooked places straight.


David the )ace *orse

A Race Horse /oes 'ot -u,+it to I+possi,ilities

(he inhabitants of Jebus said to David, (hou shalt not come hither. +evertheless David took the castle of "ion, which is the city of David. # -hr. ##:'

A 6inner kno6s he can 5do all things through -hrist....6 Hhil. !%,&. A 6inner kno6s he is 9more than a con;ueror....5 .om. -%3). A 6inner kno6s that faith puts him in the realm of the impossible.
... If ye have faith... nothing shall be impossible unto you. Mt. #1:0$

/e does not submit to failure. /e does not submit to the 6ords of the enem+ 6hich declare 8Thou shalt not come hither.<


(he )ace *orse

4ou Are ) erco+ing 5 ery Challenge o! the I+possi,le

@ou are seeing each threat of 7+ou cannot do it7 as an open door from heaven. 9David took the castle.6 A 6inner 6ill possess the castle. The enem+ occupies +our castle right no6. :et in there( and boot the devil out. Take possession( fighting cock.

4ou Are to Possess the Gate o! 4our 5ne+y

C Let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them. .en. 04:/$

$avid 5dwelt in the castle.6 Satan is sitting on +our ministr+. *ast him out. Satan has al6a+s bro6beaten +ou till +ou accepted the lo6est places. :et him off of +our back. @ou are a 6inner. Heople 6ant +our services. The+ like 6inners. @ou are a king against 6hom there is 9no

David the )ace *orse rising up.< The best Dobs are for the 6inner. The strongest churches are for the 6inners. The most successful businesses are for the 6inners. The greatest sales go to the 6inner. /e is top man. The scripture teaches this over and over. 5*umble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and *e will lift you up.6 Too often +ou have mistaken timidit+ for humilit+. @ou have cra6led off in the hole of timidit+( fear( and insecurit+. This is Satan7s corner. :et out of it( 7race horse.7 A friend of mine leads his compan+ in sales. /e kno6s he is a 6inner. /e applies positive faith in =esus *hrist and /is 3ord to the business 6orld. /e is a 6inner. Often he comes out 6a+ ahead of the other salesmen in the compan+ 6ithout follo6ing the regular patterns for sales. ;aith in =esus *hrist goes be+ond the human( ps+chological approach to sales.


(he )ace *orse

One time this man 6anted to go to a *harismatic meeting in another cit+. /is supervisor 6as 6ith him and told him it 6ould not be 6ise to go. /e must needs sta+ there and go through the regular routine of compan+ polic+. This +oung man said to his supervisor% 8# 6ill sell more in the ne t telephone call than compan+ polic+ 6ill all da+.9 This +oung man picked up the phone and made a Auick call. /e hung up the phone 6ith success. The supervisor 6as so impressed at this tremendous sale that he insisted that the+ both go to the *harismatic meeting. Bo one 6ill argue 6ith success.

&ear and Insecurity "ill Bind Race Horses

A friend did not accept a certain position in the compan+ due to fear and uncertaint+. The compan+ continued to offer the promotion 6hich reAuired more from the man than he thought he could produce. This brother 6as e posed to some good solid faith teaching for a fe6 months. Soon the

David the )ace *orse race horse spirit came alive. The fighting cock spirit came alive. /e accepted the position. /e became a tool pusher on an oil rig. A tool pusher is the top man over that immediate cre6. This 6as a bold race horse. The+ had originall+ told him he could not have Bible classes on the Dob 6ith the men 6ho desired it. /e did not submit to that. /e said the+ could have the Dob. The+ 6anted him even if it meant the+ had to take his Bible. /e became the best tool pusher the compan+ had. /is accident rate 6ent do6n. /e had miracle healings on the Dob. Oh( this 6as a real race horse. /e 6as a 6inner for =esus. The supervisors called him in to give reports. 8/o6 do +ou have such a lo6 accident rate?< 6as their constant Auestion. This race horse 6ould smile and give =esus the glor+. Bot too long ago the compan+ offered this race horse another promotion. /e 6as to be supervisor over several rigs. Again uncertaint+ began to push this race horse back into a corner. The spirit of the race horse 6on out. /e accepted the ne6 challenge.

(he )ace *orse

@es( 9@ou are to possess the gate of +our enem+.9 /alleluDahJ # am beginning to feel that race horse spirit arise in +ou and me( also. Hraise /is lovel+ name. A man 6ho has a 6inner4s spirit kno6s :od and e pects the impossible to operate on his shift in =esus name. The above mentioned brother used to come on his shift 6ith a ver+ bad report from the former drill pusher. 9Things are bad(9 he 6ould sa+ to m+ friend. 9"ver+thing Dust keeps breaking do6n. 3e can4t make an+ head6a+.9 2+ friend 6ould Dust smile and sa+( 9This 6ill be our best shift.9 :od never let him do6n. /e 6as some6hat limited in his kno6ledge of the 6ell( but :od b+ /is Spirit 6ould sho6 him 6hat to do. Oh( halleluDah. .ace /orse =esus is in +ou. Eet /im come alive in +ou.

/a id6s Men "ere "inners 0"ar Horses3 Race Horses3 and &ighting Coc*s1
(hey set themselves in the midst of that parcel, and delivered it, and slew the 7hilistines, and the Lord saved them by a great deliverance. 50

David the )ace *orse

# -hr. ##:#4

.ace horse( visualiFe +ourself 6ith a great deliverance from +our enemies. =esus is in +ou. /e is read+ to go. .elease /im. Success is +ours. #t 6as purchased at *alvar+. /e spoiled principalities and po6ers. L*ol. 0%,5. M 9!ll things are yours.6 , *or. 3%0,. :et up out of the dirt of failure. *ome alive to =esus4 po6er toda+. All of these things in :od7s 3ord 6ere given for our learning. L.om. ,5%!. M
... (he 7hilistines. people fled from before the

# -hr. ##:#%

:od7s children are fleeing before their enem+ toda+. *ome alive( 6inner( and stand up in the midst of that parcel and deliver it. Eead :od4s people to victor+ toda+. "ver+one of +ou has some t+pe of ministr+ in the bod+ of *hrist. #t is high time +ou realiFe it and stop dragging +our nose on the ground in selfGpit+. *ome


(he )ace *orse


"inners Are &earless

!nd the three brake through the host of the 7hilistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem... and brought it to David.... # -hr. ##:#<

These men mightiest.<





:od has leaders. /e has leaders of leaders. 3here are +ou? #s +our ministr+ still bound 6ith tradition? Break through the host of the modern Hhilistines toda+. $o 6hat +ou had previousl+ thought impossible. :o get that fresh 6ater 6hich flo6s from :od4s o6n 6ell. /e has fresh( cool 6ater for +ou and for the needs of societ+.

"inners /o 'ot Ma*e 57cuses

Hroblems are onl+ challenges to the 6inner.
Benaiah... slew two lion&like men of Moab: also he went down and slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day. 50

David the )ace *orse

# -hr. ##:00

Hroverbs speaks of the man 6ho makes e cuses because it is so cold he 6ill not plo6. #t is too hot so he sta+s home. The laF+ man al6a+s looks for a reason for not doing it toda+. The 6inner al6a+s considers toda+ as the time to move. L*ertainl+ there is a time to so6 and a time to harvest. 3isdom must be e ercised.M Benaiah did not la+ up in bed complaining that it 6as too cold and sno6+. /e cra6led out of that bed( gave a 8=esus +ell(9 and headed out to battle. "ver+thing in the natural 6as against him( but he did it an+6a+.
*e slew an ?gyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits high, and in the ?gyptianEs hand was a spear like a weaverEs beam: and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the ?gyptianEs hand, and slew him with his own spear. # -hr. ##:0%

#t is not al6a+s the latest 6eapons that 6in the 6ar. This "g+ptian had the latest missile. /e 6as a man of great stature. /e had a spear in his hand like a 6eaver7s beam. Benaiah had

(he )ace *orse

nothing but a stick in his hand. /alleluDahJ .ace /orse Benaiah kne6 that :od made up the difference. Eook +our "g+ptian in the e+e toda+. $o not fear the odds against +ou. :od makes up the difference. Start no6 to take the lead. @ou are a he goat. 9*e plucked the spear out of the ?gyptianEs hand.EE This reminds me of the #sraeli commandoes boarding that hiDacked plane and taking the spear out of the enemies hands. The Halestinians had the advantage in the natural( but #srael did not consider the natural.


Chapter 8

Ruth the Race Horse

Things 6ere going great for .uth. She 6as a :entile girl married to one of :od4s chosen children. Hrosperit+ 6as in their home. =o+ 6as in their home. Then one da+ this little race horse 6as faced 6ith trouble. All of the 6orld fell in upon her. /er husband died. She 6as left alone. She had to make a decision. Should she go back to her people and to their gods or should she take a daring step of faith and go on 6ith :od. She 6ould have been better off in the natural 6a+ of looking at the situation if she had returned to her people and to her former gods. She made her decision. She 6ould g o o n 6ith :od. This meant the possibilit+ of never getting married again. #t meant the possibilit+ of never having an abundance of things in this 6orld.
?ntreat me not to leave thee... for whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I 55

(he )ace *orse will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy .od my .od. )uth #:#/

She made her decision to identif+ 6ith Baomi( her motherGinGla6( and 6ith Baomi7s :od.

A Race Horse Has a -pirit o! /eter+ination

9(hy people shall be my people, and thy .od my .od.5 She had her heart set on :od. At an+ cost she 6as determined to identif+ 6ith the Eord and 6ith /is people. Eittle race horse( if adversit+ has struck +our home( do not look back to the 6orld. Eook to =esus. The spirit of race horse =esus 6ill bring +ou through ever+ time.
:eest thou a man diligent in his businessG he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men. 7rov. 00:08

The 6ord diligent means to be determined. #t has the idea of setting +our face like a flint and not giving up. #t is the spirit of a race horse.


)uth the )ace *orse /e kno6s he is a 6inner. Hroblems do not stop him. /e sees the end. @ours is not an ordinar+ race. =esus cannot lose. /e has alread+ defeated Satan. @ou cannot lose. Hraise =esus. :et all e cited. A *hristian race horse kno6s 6hen he sets his heart to do something that he 6ill soon come through the smog and the fog. /e 6ill soon be out of the tunnel of darkness and despair. /e 6ill soon stand forth as a success. 9/e 6ill stand before kings.9 ...(he hand of the diligent maketh rich. 7rov. #$:4 A *hristian race horse kno6s( if he is determined( he 6ill soon be rich in :od. /e kno6s prosperit+ is a gift from :od. /e refuses to eat the dust of others. /e digs in his little feet. /e lifts up his head. /e gives a little IheG heGhe(4 and goes on do6n the race track of life to success.
(he hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. 7rov. #0:04 5)

(he )ace *orse

A race horse has to pa+ the price. There are the dail+ 6orkouts. /e has to 6atch 6hat he eats. /e is determined to stick 6ith it. /e kno6s he 6as born to be a 6inner. /e kno6s that the *hrist in him cannot lose. /e is determined to rule in each situation. /e refuses to give up. A laF+ race horse is not in demand. Bo one 6ants a laF+ horse. One that does not take his racing seriousl+ 6ill soon be out of the race. 5(he slothful shall be under tribute.5 A race horse that is laF+ submits to others. /e is never the head. /e has to eat the dust of the 6inners. /e is in bondage to them. /e never gets the breaks. /e is never in the glor+. .uth 6as steadfast in her mind to serve the Eord.
:he saw that she was steadfastly minded... she left speaking to her. )uth #:#<

A 6inner has to go be+ond the norm. /e reaches out into the spirit of success kno6ing that he can do all things through =esus *hrist.

)uth the )ace *orse A Race Horse (no2s Ho2 to Con!ess &a or "ith )thers
)uth... said, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace.... )uth 0:0

.uth 6as a 6inner. The spirit of success 6as upon her. "ver+thing 6as against her in the natural. She 6as of a minorit+ race. She 6as a :entile in #srael. She 6as an underdog. She did not let her problems dominate or dictate to her. She made her confession% 9Let me go to the field and glean ears of corn ... I shall find grace.5 She e pected to see success. She e pected to find favor 6ith the right person that da+. She 6ent to the field or BoaF. /er success 6as immediate. BoaF sa6 her( and his heart did flips.
*earest thou not, my daughterG .o not to glean in another field... abide here fast by my maidens: )uth 0:< 5&

(he )ace *orse ... *ave I not charged the young men that they shall not touch theeG !nd when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drawn. )uth 0:8 Boa3 said unto her, !t mealtime come thou hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. !nd she sat beside the reapers: and he reached her parched corn, and she did eat, and was sufficed, and left. )uth 0:#4 ... Boa3 commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not: )uth 0:#' !nd let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not. )uth 0:#/

:od 6ent before .uth and made a 6a+ 6here there 6as no 6a+. She leaped over 6alls. She created victories 6ith her attitudes. 3hen +ou operate in a 6inner7s spirit( :od 6ill use +ou. Heople 6ill 6ant +our service. @ou 6ill be

)uth the )ace *orse received.

=ithout faith it is impossible to please him.... *eb. ##:/

.uth confessed favor. She believed for favor. She received favor. She received so much favor that she married BoaF( the o6ner of the land. A "inner #oo*s Beyond the Pro,le+s and -ees the 5nd Result A 6inner is not afraid to take a fe6 risks. /e is bold. /e is aggressive. /e has creative thinking.
=ash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor: Hthreshing floorI but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking.... when he lieth down... mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, and lay thee down, and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. !nd she


(he )ace *orse H)uthI said unto her, H+aomiI !ll that thou sayest unto me I will do. )uth %:%&'

A 6inner makes himself presentable. She took a bath. She put on nice clothes and anointed her bod+ 6ith nice smelling perfumes. @ou have =esus *hrist in +ou. 3hen +ou move in /is nature it is impossible to fail. :od7s nature is order( cleanliness( and good smells. .uth listened to advice from her elders. She heard 6hat Baomi had to sa+. She Dudged it. #t seemed good advice for her. Baomi kne6 the customs of her people better than .uth did. Then in 6isdom she acted.
:he went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother&in&law bade her. )uth %:/ =hen Boa3 had eaten and drunk... he went to lie down ... and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down. !nd it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. !nd he said, =ho art thouG !nd 10

)uth the )ace *orse

she answered, I am )uth thine handmaid: spread therefore your skirt over thine handmaid, for thou art a near kinsman. !nd he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich. !nd now, my daughter, fear not, I will do to thee all that thou re;uirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. )uth %:1&##

This 6as a proposal of marriage on the part of .uth. There 6as no se involved here. @ou must consider the customs of the da+ to understand this. The main thing is the results. She 6as soon married to a ver+ successful man( and =esus7 linage is traced back through .uth. A 6inner has to use 6isdom( but he must step out and make things happen. Once # had a series of meetings 6ith a 6inner. ;ormerl+( he 6as a successful business man until :od called him to preach. /e transferred all of his success spirit into the gospel. /e had so man+ things going that it

(he )ace *orse

nearl+ made m+ head spin. A fe6 +ears later # visited his church again. #t had developed from t6o hundred in attendance to three thousand. /e had made man+ mistakes( but his successes far out6eighted the mistakes.


Chapter 9

5sther The Race Horse

"sther is a good illustration of a 6inner. /er nation 6as in captivit+. She 6as a =e6 in a :entile court. She lived in a time 6hen her people 6ere being killed b+ a 6icked man in high office in that countr+.

A "inner Has a $esus Personality

(he maiden H?stherI pleased him, Hthe keeper of the womenI and she obtained kindness of him, and he speedily gave her her things for purification, with such things as belonged to her... he preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women. ?sther 0:8

"sther had the 6inner spirit. She kne6 she 6as a 6inner. She had a love for people and life. #t flo6ed through her. The =esus personalit+ is normal and natural unless +ou have been tampered 6ith b+ Satan. Situations have t6isted man+ of +ou racehorses into ver+ abnormal personalities. Troubles in life have 6arped +our attitudes.

(he )ace *orse

2an+ of +ou do not even like +ourselves. *ertainl+ others 6ill find it hard to like +ou. Eift up +our head. @ou can recreate +our personalit+. =esus is in +ou. /is personalit+ is in +ou. Begin b+ forgiving +ourself and others. $evelop a love and compassion for others. This 6ill take some training( but a racehorse must be 6illing to develop certain characteristics and st+les. /e must undergo some rigid training and self discipline. Heople loved the personalit+ of =esus. The+ al6a+s 6anted to be near /im. The+ 6ould cro6d around /im and listen to /im. Eearned men 6ould sit at his feet for da+s even 6hen he 6as a t6elve +ear old lad. ;ive thousand men plus 6omen and children follo6ed him out on a retreat. Heople loved =esus. The+ 6anted to be around /im. A true =esus personalit+ 6ill attract people. "sther had that personalit+. @ou have it( too.
... (hou... hast crowned him with glory and honour. 7s. <:' 11

?sther (he )ace *orse

... If any man serve me, him will my 2ather honour. Jn. #0:0/

@ou do not have to struggle too hard to let this personalit+ flo6. =ust encourage it a little. Believe it. 5.reater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.5 @ou have that 6onderful personalit+ of =esus. .elease it. #t 6ill come forth. =esus is far stronger than the enem+. @our =esus personalit+ is semiGdormant 6ithin +ou. The personalit+ of =esus is far stronger than +our bad personalit+. @ou have received the fullness of =esus.
f his fulness have all we received.... Jn. #:#/

The 6inner kno6s the personalit+ of =esus is 6ithin him. /e does not see his imperfect personalit+ as dominating him. /e does not accept an+ defeat he sees 6ith his e+es. /e pushes on be+ond 6hat he has e perienced in the past. /e bases ever+thing on =esus7 fullness in him. /e believes it. /e looks to =esus. /e refuses to believe in failure. "ver+one loved "sther because she 6as

(he )ace *orse

pleasant. She loved people. Be certain that +ou develop this spirit of loving people and loving life. "ver+ da+ is e citing. Eive e cited. @ou have =esus. Heople love =esus. Heople 6ant +ou because +ou breathe success. @ou are the light of the 6orld. This light is the ver+ light of =esus shining through +ou. "ver+6here +ou go +ou are a success. @ou are a blessing. ;olks 6ant +ou around because +ou change their lives. @ou change their business. @ou are a blessing ever+6here +ou go as Brother 2athene+ often preaches. There ma+ be some soreheads 6ho do not 6ant success. The+ do not 6ant life. =esus had some enemies( but =esus 6as so successful that the+ could not kill him until /e submitted to it. The+ came after /im to thro6 him over a cliff( but the+ failed. The+ tried several times to take /im captive( but the+ al6a+s failed. 3hen the+ came to crucif+ /im( all 6ere 9slain under the po6er9 of :od in /im. /e gave /imself over to the enem+ in order that /e might be crucified for +our sins and mine. /alleluDahJ /e /imself said( 5+o man taketh my life from me. I lay it down of myself.5

?sther (he )ace *orse @ou are a 6inner. =esus is still the same 5yesterday, today, and for ever.5 @ou are not =esus( but /e is in +ou. @ield to /im( and that ministr+ 6ill come forth. "ver+one 6ants a 6inner. "sther 6as a 6inner.
C ?sther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked at her. ?sther 0:#'b

:et up in the morning( and face life 6ith anticipation. @ou are a 6inner. :od goes before +ou. /e fights +our battles. Things cannot become too tough for +ou. The greater one is 6orking all things out. /e is smoothing out the rough places. *rooked things are becoming straight. The dark situations are becoming light unto +ou.
I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not, I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.... Is. 40:#/

:od blessed "sther. A 6inner 6ill see the


(he )ace *orse

blessings coming to him.

(he king loved ?sther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her ;ueen instead of Jashti. ?st. 0:#1

$oors 6ill open to +ou that 6ill almost shock +ou. A lad+ told me recentl+ that( after reading our book on 2avor the )oad to :uccess, she 6as encouraged to put the principles in action. She stepped forth and put in an application for a Dob that( prior to this( she 6ould not have considered possible. She 6as hired. She 6as e cited. She 6as discovering that she( too( 6as a 6inner. "sther 6as promoted above the other 6omen. She 6as possessing the gate of them that hated her. 9Let them possess the gate of those which hate them.< @ou 6ill be chosen for number one

?sther (he )ace *orse positions. Take all of this according to +our faith and according to +our 6alk. #t ma+ take time to move from 6here +ou are to 6here +ou should be in =esus. 3e are dealing 6ith the ultimate here. Bo one is perfect( but +ou have the Herfect One in +ou. # am sho6ing +ou +our potential. Eeave room for +our imperfections if +our goals are dela+ed. Bever identif+ 6ith failure. Al6a+s identif+ 6ith =esus. 9Looking unto Jesus.6 /eb. ,0%0.

A "inner /oes 'ot Bo2 to )ther Men

/e does not pla+ politics even though it 6ould serve him to a great advantage.
!ll the kingEs servants, that were in the kingEs gate bowed, and reverenced *aman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence. ?sther %:0

The+ continued to insist that he bo6 to /aman. 2ordecai told them that he 6as a =e6. 2ordecai( "sther7s uncle( 6ould not sell his principles to an+ man.

(he )ace *orse

A "inner (no2s He Is a "inner

/e 6ill not submit to unscrupulous men. /e is read+ to die if need be. /e 6ill not sell out. This reminds me of $an. 3%,)G,-%
If it be so, our .od whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, king. But if not, be it known unto thee, king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

This is the voice of a 6inner. The+ 6ould not abdicate their faith in :od for lesser things. The+ 6ould not sell out. The+ could not be bought. The king became angr+. /e commanded the furnace to be heated hotter than it had ever been heated. The+ 6ere cast into the furnace( but =esus visited them. The king ordered them out. There 6as no smell of fire on them. The king promoted them. The 6inners came through the fire. Botice the spirit of a 6inner. The+ said the+ 6ould not submit to evil even if it meant death.

?sther (he )ace *orse The+ also made a declaration of faith. 9 ur .od will deliver us.5 /e did. A 6inner 6ill ride the 6aves and come out 6ithout the smell of smoke. 2ordecai rode the 6aves. /aman became more angr+. /e built a scaffold to hang 2ordecai. 2ordecai and "sther fasted and pra+ed. The+ e posed /aman7s plan to kill the =e6s. The final outcome sa6 2ordecai in charge. /aman( 2ordecai7s enem+( 6as hanged on the scaffold he had built for 2ordecai. 2ordecai 6as promoted to /aman7s position in the palace.
(he king took off his ring, which he had taken from *aman, and gave it unto Mordecai. !nd ?sther set Mordecai over the house of *aman. ?sther <:0

@es( a 6inner soon comes out of the smoke smelling like a rose.

The In!luence o! a "inner

... Many of the people of the land became Jews, for the fear of the Jews fell upon them. ?sther <:#1 )3

(he )ace *orse

A 6inner stands tall against all odds. "sther and her uncle rode the storm. The+ 6ere a minorit+ group in a :entile court. Before their victor+( all of the =e6s 6ere to be killed b+ order of /aman. After their victor+( man+ :entiles 6anted to become =e6s. The fear of the =e6s fell upon the entire countr+. A 6inner turns the tide of hate to favor. A 6inner changes bad situations into victor+.

A "inner Rules ) er His )ppressors

... (he Jews had rule over them that hated them. ?sther 8:#

This is fulfillment of a prophec+ given in #s. ,!%0 9(hey shall rule over their oppressors.6

A "inner /oes 'ot Gi e Up

The =e6s 6ere captives. The+ 6ere about to be killed. Their faith created "sther and 2ordecai. @ears of persecution came and 6ent. The+ dre6 close to :od and /is promises.

?sther (he )ace *orse The da+ came 6hen "sther and 2ordecai sa6 the complete ans6er. 9(hey ruled over their oppressors.6


Chapter :

A Race Horse Must Belie e He Is a "inner

His -pirit Must 'ot Be "ounded

# have mentioned before the importance of a strong spirit. The race horse is trained in such a 6a+ that his spirit is not broken. /e cannot 6in a race 6ith a spirit of defeat. #n most of us( Satan has succeeded in breaking our spirit in one area or another.

4ou Must Re,uild 4our -pirit

Start 6ith +our legal position. .ecogniFe that +ou are a ne6 creature in =esus *hrist> then identif+ 6ith +our completeness in /im. 9@e are complete in *im.6 *ol. 0%,0. After this identif+ 6ith , *or. 3%0,. 5!ll things are yours.6 @ou are a 9king against whom there is no rising up.6 Hrov. 30%3,.

(he )ace *orse

@ou are more than a conAueror through =esus *hrist. .om. -%3). :od has blessed +ou 6ith all spiritual blessings in heavenl+ places in the Eord =esus *hrist. "p. ,%3 /e has given +ou ever+thing that pertains to living a successful and victorious life. 9*is divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness....6 0 Het. ,%3 :od is no respecter of persons. @ou are the apple of /is e+e.

Read God;s "ord as Though $esus "ere Tal*ing /irectly to 4ou

!braham believed .od, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. )om. 4:%

/ave confidence in :od. =esus is the 6inner. Simpl+ believe /im. @ou can do all things through *hrist. @ou are a great salesman. @ou are a great business person. @ou are a success because +our innermost person or nature is a success. =esus *hrist cannot fail.

! )ace *orse Must Believe *e Is a =inner .ela in /im. Believe that +ou have a great ministr+. Spend much time meditating this truth into +our spirit. Build confidence in +ourself and in the Eord. *ome on( little race horse. "ncourage +ourself toda+. Eisten to the follo6ing. #t is ver+ important.

4ou Must Belie e in 4oursel! Be!ore a Ministry "ill Co+e &orth &ro+ God
9!braham believed .od.5 /e believed 6hat :od said about him and 6hat :od 6ould do through him. 2ost of us do not reall+ believe that :od 6ill do an+thing through us. 3hen Abraham believed :od it 6as established. #t 6as something that 6ould unfold on :od4s time schedule. #t is important to understand( little race horse( that +ou must( first of all( believe in +ourself and in :od. /ere is 6here man+ race horses miss it. The+ tr+ to outrun ever+thing on four feet first. The+ cannot do it. #t is not a

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battle of strength or 6its. #t is :od7s battle. /e must overpo6er the enem+ 6ho is far greater than +ou. #n the natural +ou do not have a ministr+. The best of personalities 6ill fall on their face sooner or later. @ou must rel+ upon :od. Start right no6 to believe that +ou are a 6inner. # have been telling +ou =esus *hrist never lost a battle. Bo6 believe it in +our case. /e is not a loser in +ou. Trust the =esus in +ou. Smile about +ou. @ou are precious in /is sight. @ou are important. @ou are somebod+. 5!braham believed .od and it was counted unto him for righteousness.5 Start right no6 b+ believing +ou have a mission in life. Believe right no6 that :od is interested in +ou. :et e cited about +our calling and +our ministr+. Believe in +ou. Ackno6ledge right no6 that +ou have a

! )ace *orse Must Believe *e Is a =inner successful ministr+( and it 6ill soon come forth for all the 6orld to see. This is of the utmost importance.
+ow faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. *eb. ##:#

@our success starts b+ believing.

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 7s. 01:#%

@ou are in the land of the living. @ou( too( are fainting or about to faint in certain areas of +our life. Some of +ou have almost given up. :et up. $o not lie do6n and give up. @ou must believe in :od and in +ourself to get things 6orking for +ou. 3hen +ou believe( +ou 6ill not faint. 3hen +ou believe( +ou 6ill see the goodness of the Eord in +our life.

Un,elie! "ants a -ign

=hat sign shewest thou then, that we may -,

(he )ace *orse see, and believe thee. Jn. /:%$

The average person 6ants to see some success in his ministr+ first. Then he 6ill ackno6ledge he has a ministr+. This is back6ard to :od. ;irst +ou believe /is 3ord( and +ou believe in /im. LThis is almost the same thing.M Then +ou believe in the :od in +ou. @ou accept +ourself as :od accepts +ou.

$esus Taught That Belie ers "ould /o the "or*s He /id

*e that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my 2ather. Jn. #4:#0

3hen +ou believe +ou can do it through =esus7 po6er( miracles flo6.

$esus Told Martha to Belie e

If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of .od. Jn. ##:4$


! )ace *orse Must Believe *e Is a =inner 2artha 6as not a ver+ good race horse that da+. She spent most of her time complaining and e plaining 6h+ it could not be done. =esus told her( 9If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of .od.6 @ou and # are going to see the glor+ of :od 6hen 6e believe. ;red Hrice told of a gro6th on his chest that persisted for one +ear. A couple of times a da+ he 6ould sa+( 8# believe that # am healed.< The gro6th did not seem to change. ;red Hrice did not change his belief either. /e persisted in faith. The thing still looked the same. One da+ he looked for the gro6th( and it had disappeared. 3hen # have a problem that persists( # Dust sa+% 8# believe that # am healed.< Or if this problem is 6ith people or situations( # sa+% 8# believe :od is 6orking this out.< #t rela es me inside to sa+( 8# believe.< @ou do not have to struggle.

(he )ace *orse

"ver+ person is different. Some people 6hen the+ make a bold statement such as 8# am healed<( have a negative reaction 6hich counteracts all faith. 2an+ people have great results 6hen the+ e ercise their faith b+ sa+ing in a positive manner that the+ are healed in =esus7 name. #f this 6orks for +ou( then continue to do it. ;or me( ho6ever( # find it more effective to sa+( 8# believe that # am healed.< Tr+ it( +ou ma+ like it.

A "inner Must Belie e That He Has Been Anointed (ing

Saul rebelled against :od so the Eord sent Samuel to anoint $avid to be king. Although it 6as done almost immediatel+( it 6as +ears before $avid actuall+ became king. Saul 6as still on the throne. There are times in +our life 6hen :od calls +ou and anoints +ou to come to the front in +our he goat ministr+. ;or one reason or another +ou ma+ sta+ in the hills hid a6a+( so


! )ace *orse Must Believe *e Is a =inner to speak( as $avid and his men did. These 6ill be da+s of training and strengthening for +ou. The time 6ill come 6hen the 6orld 6ill see +our ministr+( and :od 6ill push +ou out to +our position of leadership. $uring this time +ou must 6alk b+ faith. @ou must continue to encourage +ourself. *ontinuall+ sa+% 9# believe # have a great ministr+. # believe this ministr+ 6ill be manifested.< This ma+ be a preaching ministr+( miracle ministr+( or a Dob or business in the secular 6orld. #t is all the same.


Chapter <

The Hurdles in a Race Horse6s Career

A Race Horse Must Cross the Hurdle o! &ear

Bob :uFman( a friend in 3est Eake( Ea.( 6ho used to train Auarter horses said( 9A horse is afraid of the unkno6n.< To keep a horse from being afraid of the saddle blanket( he 6ould keep sho6ing it to him and rubbing it over his face and different parts of his bod+. This is true 6ith the gifts of the Spirit. One lad+ said( 9# am afraid to pra+ in the tongues of the Spirit.< # said( 8Are +ou afraid of =esus?< She ans6ered( 8Oh( no( # am not afraid of =esus.< # e plained that this is Dust more of =esus. Soon she 6as speaking in her heavenl+ pra+er language. # asked her if she 6ere still

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afraid. 3ith great Do+ and e citement she assured me that she 6as no longer afraid. Once +ou enter into a ne6 area( the fear leaves. #t is the fear of the unkno6n that holds man+ good race horses back. @ou overcome fear in some situations b+ entering into them. @ou become accustomed to that area and fear leaves. This ma+ be a business venture. #t ma+ be moving out in the gifts of the Spirit. # remember the time 6hen # 6as afraid to rent large halls to have cit+ 6ide meetings. After # did this t6o or three times( # became accustomed to it. Then # 6as no longer fearful. There 6ere times 6hen # 6as afraid to step out in the supernatural and operate in the 3ord of 5no6ledge or Hrophec+. After doing it for a period of months( # became accustomed to it( and fear left.

A Race Horse "ill Buc* /uring the Training Period )ut o! &ear
Bob :uFman states that during training( a

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer horse 6ill often buck due to fear of the rider on his back. *hristians often buck and rebel at things the+ think :od 6ants them to do because of fear of the pressure( etc. that it ma+ create. =onah is a good e ample of this. :od called him to go to Bineveh. ;ear caused him to buck and rebell and run the other 6a+.

Horses "ill Buc* Also )ut o! Re,ellion and Meanness

3e had a pon+ 6ho 6ould buck 6hen the children rode him. /e 6ould not buck an e perienced rider. 3e had to get rid of this horse. /e 6as no good. /e 6as unteachable. /e 6as made for children( but he refused to submit to his calling. *hristians are often like this. Haul speaks of something similar in , *or. &%0). 9I keep under my body, and bring it into subBection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.6 The flesh in the *hristian race horse often

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tries to rebel and usurp authorit+ over its master( =esus *hrist. This flesh must be dealt 6ith. #t must be brought into subDection lest the race horse miss his calling and be turned out to the 6ild. Bob :uFman( told me of a horse that he once o6ned. This horse 6orked fine 6ith other horses 6hile in training. /e 6ould 6ork fine 6hen hooked to the lead horse in a training situation. /e 6ould carr+ a rider fine( but as soon as Bob 6ould disconnect him from the lead horse( he 6ould rebel and buck. /e 6ould take the bit in his teeth and refuse to submit to authorit+. /e tried several times to break this animal. ;inall+ he Dust turned him out to the 6ild. The horse could not be trained for service. /is rebellious( demonic nature caused him to be placed on the side line. /e 6as 6hat Haul called a 7casta6a+7. So often the *hristian race horse is called to carr+ =esus to the far corners of the earth. /e ma+ even perform fine in a training situation( but once he is placed in a position of authorit+( he goes 9loco<. /e gets the big head. /e refuses

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer to submit to /is master. /e operates in the flesh. /e becomes a 8doGitG+ourselfer<. /e is a king but not in =esus. :od has to put him out to the 6ild. /is mission in life 6ill never be fulfilled. Bob said he had to make a gelding out of this particular horse. /e did not 6ant this horse to sire colts. /e did not 6ant this spirit to be bred into other animals. # have seen the Eord remove strong leaders from a position of leadership and put them in places 6here the+ could not pass their erroneous teachings on to the main flo6 of the bod+ of *hrist. The Eord does not 6ant /is children to be contaminated 6ith such spirits.

The -tu,,orn Re,ellious -pirit Must Be Bro*en

Bob told me of one horse he 6as training 6hich 6ould thro6 its rider and then stomp him. A horse like this must be broken or removed from service one 6a+ or another. Bob said he Dumped on this horse after she had thro6n another rider( but Bob 6as not full+ prepared. /e did not have on his boots or his

(he )ace *orse

raking spurs. The horse took advantage of him( took him in the barn through a lo6 opening( and nearl+ scalped him. /e cut his head to the bone on a piece of tin. The ne t da+ Bob decided to sho6 the horse 6ho 6as the boss. /e 6as eAuipped 6ith his boots( raking spurs( and bronc saddle. /e headed the horse out to a plo6ed field to let him buck himself until he 6as tired of it. Bob said he 6ould rake his spurs do6n over her flanks( and the horse 6ould not buck once. /e did this several times. The little fill+ never bucked once from that da+ on. She learned to submit to authorit+. She became a fine cutting horse. She became a 6inner. *hristian race horse( if +ou do not learn to submit to the authorit+ of the /ol+ Spirit and keep +our rebellious flesh in line( +ou 6ill never be a 6inner.
(hat the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the :pirit. )om. <:4


(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer

(o be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. )om. <:/

Some race horses are not content to rebel and pitch a fe6 fits once in a 6hile( but( like the above mentioned fill+( the+ 6ant to hurt others. 2an+ *harismatic *hristians are like this. The+ have a deacon board spirit. The+ 6ant to stomp and kill other people. #t is the spirit of hate. Saul of #srael 6as like this. :od chose him to be king. /e chose him to be a race horse. /e 6as a great fello6. Once authorit+ 6as placed in his hands( as one of the aforementioned horses( he took the bit in his teeth and refused to submit to the authorit+ of :od. /e 6as constantl+ bucking( rearing( and stomping people. $avid became a prime target. /e bucked $avid out of the position of leadership that he( Saul( had given him. /e drove $avid to the 6ilderness 6here he had to hide. Saul 6as removed from his position as king( and $avid took his place.


(he )ace *orse

Race Horses Must Hurdle the Pro,le+s o! I+proper Training

Bob told me of a horse that he taught to imitate the Eone .anger7s horse( Silver. /e taught this horse to rear before he took off running. Bob thought this 6as great( but he forgot to tell his father. /is father got on the horse 6ithout kno6ing this. The horse reared and took off as he had been taught. #t 6as a perfectl+ natural thing for the horse to obe+ as taught. $ad did not appreciate it. /e took a club and ended the rearing. The horse never reared again. *hristian race horses often get in trouble b+ submitting to the 6rong leaders. #n man+ cases the leaders do not deliberatel+ mislead them or mistrain them. The *hristian needs to learn to search the scriptures to see if these things be so. The *hristian needs to rightl+ divide the 3ord of truth. 0 Tim. 0%,5. The *hristian race horse needs to be married to :od7s 3ord rather than teachers and

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer preachers.

Race Horses Must $u+p the Hurdle o! Bad Con!or+ation

@ou cannot al6a+s Dudge a race horse b+ his conformation. :enerall+ men bu+ horses b+ their appearance. Sometimes the horses 6ith perfect conformation make terrible racers. B+ the same token there are horses that break all the rules of conformation and turn out to be the 6inners. .ed 2an( top Auarter horse during the fifties and si ties 6hose specialt+ 6as the cutting horse field( 6as a ver+ ungainl+ animal. /e tripped over his o6n feet 6hen he 6as first being trained. /is first +ear at the fat stock sho6 in /ouston( one man took a look at him and insisted he needed a vet. .ed 2an 6on the competition that +ear.

God6s Race Horses 'eed to #earn This Rule

... (he lame take the prey. Is. %%:0%


(he )ace *orse 2ear not, thou worm Jacob... I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. Is. 4#:#4&#' *e giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Is. 4$:08 2or our comely parts have no need: but .od hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked. # -or. #0:04 .od hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and .od hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. # -or. #:01

:od delights to take the lame and give it the victor+. /e loves to take a 6orm and put a bulldoFer blade on its nose and let it thresh its mountain of trouble. /e loves to give po6er to that 6hich is

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer fainting. /e loves to take the part that lacks and give it an abundance of honor and grace. /e takes the foolish things and confounds the might+. *heer up( little racehorse. :od loves +ou. @our success is not based on +our abilit+. #t is not based on +our personalit+. @our success is not based on +our good looks. #t is based on :od. Accept :od as +our success in all things. Eook to =esus. Stop looking at +our lack of achievements. =esus has achieved all for +ou. @our best is not good enough. :od 6ill take 6hat +ou have and put /is blessing upon it. Then and onl+ then can +ou be a real 6inner in the full sense of the term.

Racehorses Must #earn to $u+p the Hurdle o! 'o Recognition

Often *hristian racehorses get off in a corner and practicall+ die because the+ are not

(he )ace *orse

recogniFed b+ societ+. The+ accept defeat. .ed 2an( the cutting horse alread+ mentioned( started out 6ith no recognition or pedigree. /e 6as super a6k6ard( but he had a determination. /e 6orked hard. /e had a teachable spirit. All of this is important for success. .ed 2an started in small rodeos and ended up in Hendelton( Oregon( at the biggest championship rodeo at that time. /e 6on this championship several +ears running. After he made a name for himself( the Thoroughbred Association 6anted him for their blood line. The Nuarter /orse Association took him after he 6on a name for himself even though his mother 6as Dust plain old Dane. She had no pedigree. One minister 6rote me complaining that he did not have an+ open doors for his ministr+. /e said it looked as if +ou had to be in a click to get open doors. # replied to his letter b+ telling him that the click 6as =esus.


(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer

A "inner Must "or* Hard to Get to the Top

.ed 2an 6as said to have been ver+ gentle and a ver+ hard 6orker. /e did not need to be controlled b+ the bit in his mouth. /e 6ould move 6ith the movements of the bod+ of the trainer. *hristian race horses need to learn this lesson. 2ove b+ the guidance and 6ooing of the /ol+ :host. :od does not 6ant to put a bit in +our mouth.
!s many as are led by the :pirit of .od, they are the sons of .od. )om. <:#4

#f +ou submit to the /ol+ Spirit( +ou 6ill not be controlled b+ a bit.
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Be not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. 7s. %0:<&8

Thomas "dison 6as driven b+ such a


(he )ace *orse

determination that he 6ould sleep onl+ a fe6 minutes or at the most a fe6 hours during the night.

A #azy -pirit Cannot -ucceed

(he hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. 7r. #0:04

Diligent means to be determined. =ohnn+ 3eismuller 6as burned as a child. The doctors said that he 6ould never 6alk again. /e became a champion Ol+mpic s6immer. /e had a choice to be a 6inner or a failure. One professional hocke+ pla+er 6as so a6k6ard that he 6as not allo6ed to pla+ on the high school hocke+ team. /is determination and hard 6ork has brought him to a top place in hocke+ toda+. /e still looks a6k6ard( but he gets the Dob done better than most of the others on the team. @es( little race horse( +ou have the choice to la+ do6n and give up or to arise and let the *hrist in +ou succeed.

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer

A #azy and /e!eated -pirit Cannot -ucceed

!s the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed. 7rov. 0/:#4

# kne6 a man +ears ago 6ho inherited some land and houses from his father. /e 6as so laF+ that he 6ould not go out to chop 6ood. /e 6ould tear the boards from the house in 6hich he 6as living and use them to heat and to cook. /e 6ould start 6ith the porch and continue until he had onl+ one room left. Then he 6ould move to another house. /e did the same 6ith all of his houses. @es( a laF+ man is as a door that turneth upon his hinges. /e gets no6here. /e sta+s in the same place all of his lifetime.

A #azy -pirit Has a Hard Road

(he way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain. 7rov. #':#8

# 6ould not like to 6alk do6n a road filled


(he )ace *orse

6ith thorns. EaFiness invites trouble at ever+ turn. Obedience to the Eord makes +our road 8plain<.

The #azy Man Is Harassed ,y His )2n "ants

(he desire of the slothful killeth him, for his hands refuse to labour. 7rov. 0#:0'

3hen +ou have nothing( +ou constantl+ complain about others 6ho have plent+ and bemoan +our miserable lot. Set +our heart to be a success. Hut +our hands to the task. @ou have the abilit+ of :od in +ou. @ou are a 6inner. $o not be defeated.

The #azy Man Ma*es 57cuses

(he slothful man saith, (here is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets. 7rov. 00:#%

EaFiness causes a man to make e cuses. /e is afraid to step out in a ne6 adventure. /e is afraid that the lion in the business 6orld 6ill devour him. The *hristian race horse must

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer Dump this hurdle. @ou 6ill make man+ mistakes during the process( but the success gained from the spirit of determination and success 6ill outnumber +our mistakes. Some time ago # read a magaFine article about t6o 6omen in a tuberculosis sanitarium. One had a light case and 6as told b+ the doctors she should be 6ell in a fe6 6eeks. The other 6as an advanced case( and she 6as given ver+ little hope. The first had problems at home 6ith her husband. She gave up and died. The latter had a health+ spirit and a determination to live. She had a pleasant situation at home and a 6ill to live for herself and for her famil+. She did. To the surprise of all( the impossible happened. The one that 6as supposed to fail succeeded( and the one that 6as supposed to succeed failed. @our attitudes and determination to 6ork and fight 6ill pla+ a large part in +our success.


(he )ace *orse

-atan "ill Ta*e Ad antage o! a #azy Person

I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding, !nd, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles... and the stone wall thereof was broken down. 7rov. 04:%$&%#

Eittle racehorse( get up out of the bed of 7doG nothing and despair.7 @ou have the life and victor+ of the Eord in +ou. @ou have the potential of becoming a 6inner. The more +ou lie there and groan( the dirtier the house 6ill get( the more the bills 6ill pile up( and the 6orse the business 6ill become. Satan and all of his negative forces are not idle. The+ are bus+ 6orking against +ou. Hressures LthornsM are reaching out over +ou to defeat +ou. #f +ou continue to submit( +ou 6ill be destro+ed. The 6all of protection has been broken. $isease enters. ;ailure enters at 6ill. :et up. .epair the 6all. Seek the Eord. Hra+ and fast a couple of meals a da+( t6o or three


(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer times a 6eek. 5Draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near unto you.6

A #azy Person Is Bound ,y His )2n Insecurity

#n 2atthe6 t6ent+ five the stor+ of the talents is given b+ =esus. To one man the master gave five talents( to another t6o( and to another one talent( Lverse ,5M. The man 6ith five talents traded and gained five talents. The man 6ith t6o also doubled his talents. The one 6ho received onl+ one talent digged in the earth and hid the mone+. After a long time the Eord returned to reckon 6ith his servants.
*e that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. *is lord said unto him, =ell done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the Boy of thy lord. *e also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I ,05

(he )ace *orse have gained two other talents beside them. *is lord said unto him, =ell done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the Boy of thy lord. (hen he which had received one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. *is lord answered and said unto him, (hou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: (hou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the e>changers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. (ake therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. 2or unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. Mt. 0':0$&08

"ach man 6as given according to his abilit+. The first t6o 6ith confidence in themselves and their abilit+ under :od developed their talents. The+ doubled the

(he *urdles in a )ace *orseFs -areer amount given to their charge. The man 6ho had the least 6as so full of insecurit+ and doubt that he did not double his talent. /e did not even tr+ to invest it. /e 6as even so fearful and insecure that he 6ould not put it in the bank. /e hid it in the earth. The Eord 6as angr+ and took the one talent from him and gave it to the more capable man 6ho had ten. /e kne6 he 6ould take it and make it 6ork and gain more. 5(o him that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.6 .ace horse( do not fear( :od is near. /e is 6ith +ou. /e 6ill go before +ou and fight +our battles. @ou must dra6 near to the Eord. @ou must trust /im. @ou must e pect /im to cover +our steps for6ard in faith. # e pect :od to honor m+ steps for6ard. # e pect a return for each movement # make in =esus. Occasionall+ +ou 6ill make a mistake( but +ou must launch out to ne6 adventures. There is risk involved. As +ou seek =esus and 6alk in

(he )ace *orse

obedience( the overall picture 6ill sho6 a great profit. The Eord then 6ill take from others 6ho are not developing their talents and give them unto +ou. /e kno6s +ou 6ill not be a loss to the kingdom. @ou 6ill be a blessing to the Eord.


Chapter =

A Horse (no2s His Master;s >oice

(he sheep follow him: for they know his voice. Jn. #$:4 ! stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. Jn. #$:'

Eittle race horse( constantl+ confess that +ou do kno6 the voice of =esus. Believe it. #t 6ill come clearer and clearer to +ou. As +ou learn to 6ork 6ith =esus and /is Spirit( +ou 6ill come closer to the place 6here +ou 6ill not mistake his voice. Bob :uFman told me of a Auarter horse that he had trained to come to him 6ith a certain 6histle. Bob left and 6ent to 5orea during the 5orean conflict. 3hen he returned( he took a Dob a6a+ from home. /is horse had not seen him for three +ears.


(he )ace *orse

/is father 6orked Tipp+ for t6o +ears and then turned him out to pasture. Once after this 6hen the+ 6anted to put him in a corral( it took three men to accomplish it. 3hen Bob returned home( he asked about Tipp+. /is father( remembering the hard time he and t6o other hands had had in tr+ing to bring him in prior to this( told him he had been running 6ild for a +ear( and that it 6ould be impossible to catch him. Bob 6ent out behind the barn and began to 6histle. Tipp+ 6ould lift up his head and look around. Then he 6ould return to eating grass. Bob 6histled again( and like6ise Tipp+ 6ould look around. That familiar sound 6as beginning to register. ;inall+ Tipp+ began to move to6ard Bob. As he dre6 near to Bob( he stopped. Bob spoke to him and said( 9*ome up here( +ou .ascal( and put +our teeth on this bit.< Tipp+ submitted. Bob then did a familiar gesture. /e lifted his arm and Tipp+ slipped his head under his arm pit to be loved and caressed.

! *orse Anows *is MasterEs Joice Bob4s father 6as amaFed. As long as Bob4s father rode Tipp+( he 6as obedient( but he never sho6ed him the affection that he did Bob. Be faithful to =esus( little race horse. 3ork 6ith /im and learn /is gentle gestures. $o not follo6 strangers. Strangers 6ill get +ou into trouble. The+ do not love +ou. The are hired hands and do not have the same love and affection that the :ood Shepherd has for his flock.


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