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This is to certify that Miss Jagtap Dhanshri Nagnath completed the action report on A St'd( O) E))*+t,-*.*// O) A P0120344* D*-*516*d T1 I4601-* Th* M303th, P01.'.+,3t,1. O) 5thStd E.25,/h M*d,'4 St'd*.t/. For the partial fulfillment of D.T.Ed course under my guidance and supervision and is being submitted to D. .E.T.

G',d* A3t*73 434


hear by declares that the research Miss Jagtap Dhanshri Nagnath Div ! "# $oll No. %&# 'or( done by the topic of A St'd( O) E))*+t,-*.*// O) A P0120344* D*-*516*d T1 I4601-* Th* M303th, P01.'.+,3t,1. O) 5thStd E.25,/h M*d,'4 St'd*.t/. is original pieces of research 'or( done by me. have specified that sources from 'here the relevant

information has been collected. To the best of my (no'ledge this dissertation is not substantially the same as those 'hich 'ere submitted for any other academic )ualification to this D. .E.T or any other institutions.

J32t36 Dh3./h0, N32.3th 8R*/*30+h*09

*+",E !D"TE !-


My heart felt gratitude to my guide *rof. "ate(a Mam +ecturer *rof. .abrina /han *rinciple of M.,.E. .ociety Jr. ,ollege of education for their valuable guidance# concrete suggestion and encouragement in bringing out study to stature. am also than(ful to all teachers# of +ate. .ha(untala .chool# "nsurda "ll the student of this school 'ithout 'hose co-operation and help this study 'or( and e0periments 'ould not have been possible. o'e special than(s to my friend and class mates 'ho have given me co-operation to complete the dissertation. 'ill be very much than(ful to many authors 'ho all ready completed their research and laid do'n a mail stone to many authors 'ith their research boo( 'ith out their reference this research could not be completed last but not least. am very much than(ful to many authors 'ho raised their helping hand in my completing this tas(.

J32t36 Dh3./h0, N32.3th 1$esearcher2

CHAPTER:% I.t01d'+t,1. 1) t16,+ 1) 0*/*30+h 3.3 ntroduction 4 bac(ground of problem 3.5 3.% 3.6 3.7 3.9 3.; 3.< 3.= Need of the problem mportance of the problem .tatement of aims 8perational definitions 8b:ectives "ssumption and hypothesis .ample .cope and limitation



+anguage is the main part of the communication s(ill the sound system of different language is very vast sub:ect. Marathi is mother tong of people of the Maharashtra. Marathi is very important language for Maharashtra children for achieving their aim and development of their personality. n those days parents 'ant to send their children to English medium schools# therefore students of English medium school student Marathi pronunciation are not good. n Maharashtra Marathi is compulsory sub:ect in school level. Therefore it is necessary for the teacher to (no' proper Marathi pronunciation to inculcate in their children Marathi is communication language of Maharashtra most people understand only the Marathi so# the English medium children in Maharashtra their Marathi language. %.$ N**d 1) th* 601;5*4

Marathi is mother tong of the Maharashtra state . Marathi is compulsory in school level. English medium student English pronunciation are good but they are faced many problems in the Marathi language. Marathi is communication language of Maharashtra# so the children are good in Marathi language. t is necessary for improving their Marathi spea(ing s(ill. t is very important the children are good inn the Marathi language. %.3 I4610t3.+* 1) th* 601;5*4 >uman life depends upon language for development. +anguage is important for conversation.# the fore appropriate pronunciation is important in teaching learning. f the pronunciation is correct then language 'ill also be correct ? student can spea( ? read confidently. @ood pronunciation 'ill develop their personality. To develop the programme for improving Marathi pronunciation 'ill help them the further study. t is very important improving their language. Marathi is boli bhasha of Maharashtra people so it is important to the children are good in this language. 3.6 St3t*4*.t O) A,4/ " .tudy 8f Effectiveness 8f " *rogramme Developed To mprove The Marathi *ronunciation 8f 7th.td English Medium .tudents of +ate. .ha(untala .chool# "nsurda.

%.5 O6*03t,1. d*),.,t,1.. The activity 'hich has been developed by the researcher to help the student in their pronunciation. +anguage! +anguage is a system of communication 'hich consist a set of sound and 'ritten symbols. *rogram! those student have passed %rd std and bet'een the age of = to 3& years.

3.9 O;<*+t,-*/: To find out the mista(es committed by students in Marathi pronunciation. To ma(e list of mista(es committed by the students. To develop the effectiveness for improving the Marathi pronunciation To study the effectiveness of Marathi pronunciation of English medium student. %.= A//'46t,1./ > h(61th*/,/. A//'46t,1./ English medium student (no' Marathi language. English medium student ma(e mista(es during conversation. H(61th*/,/ n research t'o types of hypothesis are there. %# N'55 h(61th*/,/:

There 'ill be no significant difference in the achievement of student performance. $# R*/*30+h h(61th*/,/: There 'ill be significant difference in the achievement of student performance by the programme. 3.< S3465,.2 " sample is the population the researcher has selected 5& student for the sample. .ampling! sampling means the method used dra'ing sample for the population the researcher has selected purposive sample.

3.= S+16* 3.d 5,4,t3t,1. S+16*! Marathi language is the very important in Maharashtra for the communication to each other. Marathi is the 'idely spea(ing language of Maharashtra. Therefore it is necessary for student to understand concept clearly of the Marathi language. "ll Maharashtra people spea( in the Marathi. L,4,t3t,1.! This 'or( is restricted only for the Marathi sub:ect. The researcher 'or(s is restricted only for the std student. This 'or(s is limited only for std 7th of +ate. .ha(untala .chool# "nsurda. This 'or( limited only the 7th .td Div A" student this 'or( is limited only for Marathi pronunciation.

CHAPTER & $ $EB EC $E+"TED + TE$"TD$E 5.3 $EB EC 8F + TE$"TD$E 5.5 NN8B"T 8N ? D.EFD+ENE.. 8F $E.E"$,> C8$/

$.% R*-,*? 1) 5,t*03t'0* I.t01d'+t,1. :: $evie' is to establish intellectual connect to establish perennial state of (no'ledge on the sub:ect .ince action research is the under ta(e to solve the current problem. t may be necessary to revie' the available research material every time. Eut it is )uite natural that every research 'ant to e0hibit that research is different from any earlier research made on the same sub:ect To plant the research method the researcher has to ma(e use of available materials ? too( he can use this material for completing the material for his o'n research This is states that revie' of the research material is re)uired since only then one can establish his o'n identity ? prove that his research is different .ources




Eooch Boum Thesis


$evie' related material Eoo(s F3G Techni)ues of the teaching of Marathi in the ne' millennium ".+ /ohli# Dhanpat $ai publishing company Ne' Delhi ne' edition 5&&& Marathi is spo(en and understand in the state of Maharashtra but one thing is Marathi is that no t'o district have same type pronounication F5G Teaching of Marathi made easy * B .engupta # $.* .hastri doubaa house # Ne' Delhi. 3 edition 3=<% "udio Bisual aids can also be used profitably for teaching pronunciation 5.5 N1-*5t( 3.d '/*)'5.*// 1) 0*/*30+h ?107 The research had ta(en the revie' of various literature the research realiHed that all this research 'ere done M.*hil# *h.D level and this research 'ere carried on higher student The present research is done on B std student previously this research 'as not done at primary level. This research useful for all the student to improve their pronounication This is novelty of research 'or( N1-*5t( & This research 'or( done by primary student


R*/*30+h M*th1d1512( n this the researcher may use method to gather information. $esearch method can be called planning method an e0ecution underta(en by the researcher to solve a specific research problem The research problem can be past problem can be past oriented# present oriented or future divided into three group as given under $esearch Method

>istorical $esearch

E0perimental $esearch

.urvey $esearch

The research has selected e0perimental for the research The research has used e0perimental method EB6*0,4*.t35 R*/*30+h M*th1d :: The research in 'hich effect of one factor on the other is studied is called IE0perimental $esearchJ n scientific terms e0perimental research means e0amining the hypothesis indicating the causes and effect relation E0perimental method provides systematic logical method E0perimental research method is conducted to understand the effect of the factors li(e teaching method education instrument or tools used 'hile teaching or the effect of number of student in the classroom etc. on other

factors li(e their motivation level and the attitude to'ards education For this study only an e0perimental method is considered appropriate The e0perimental method is usefull to the research 'or(

Ch303+t*0,/t,+/ 1) EB6*0,4*.t35 M*th1d F3G For ma(ing a comparative study of e0perimental study of e0perimental and controlled sets a minimum of t'o sets are re)uired F5G This helps in finding out the effect of the action ta(en and in assessing as to 'hich action is more effective F%G The action and to 'hat e0tent it is to be ta(en decided by the research F6G t is not possible to handle independent variables li(e se0 discrimination# age# social and economical conditions F7G .ets or groups are divided e)ually by using random sampling method %.$ S3465* .ample is very important to research 'or(. " sample is a part of the population 'hich represents the e0act population. Every factory of the sample is from the population only " .ample is the basis for dra'ing conclusion. $egarding indications of the population.

.imilarly any difference bet'een the conclusions dra'n from the sample and those studying the population depends on the method used for selecting samples M*th1d 1) S3465*:: .ample means method used for Malistage sample $andom .ampling .tratified sampling Kuata .ample ,luster sample *urposive sample ncidental sample .ample

*urposive .ampling n purposive ..M the research select the sample from population of his purpose and 'hich satisfied 'ith particular purpose e.g. .tudent 'ea( in English prounouncation are selected by the research to give the treatment

%.3 T115/ 3.d t*+h.,C'*/ 1) 3+t,1. 0*/*30+h The research re)uires various tools to conduct his action research The tools of action research is important. There are four main type of tools. This tools used the research 'or(. The main tools used for action research can be divided in to four basic types. Tools

8bservation @'*/t,1..3,0*::




" series of pre-arranged )uestions put for'ard for collecting information is called a Kuestionnaire# the second tool used in "ction $esearch "ccording to Ear# Cell arranged set of the )uestions given to the person form 'hom information is be collected is called a )uestionnaire Eoth )uantities ? )ualitative information can be collected by using this tool free ? bound )uestion can be as(ed in a )uestionnaire. "rrangement o( )uestion is a (ey factor in a good )uestionnaire.

Ch303+t*0,/t,+/ 1) @'*/t,1..3,0* F3G The )uestionnaire should coerces and its language clear and specific F5G The )uestion should be intelligible F%G The )uestionnaire should be clear and unambiguous. F6G Kuestions should be small and correct. F7G Typing of the )uestionnaire should be tidy and neat

Ad-3.t32*/. F3G t is possible to get responses form respondents staying at different location F5G " large number of persons can participate as respondents F%G " respondent can send his response as per his convenience. D,/3d-3.t32*/. F3G There is no provision for :udging the e0actness of the ans'ers given to )uestions in the )uestionnaire F5G $esearch to a )uestionnaire can only be collected from persion 'ho can read and 'rite

3.A R*4*d,35 M3<10 I.t01d'+t,1. *rogramm 'as prepared by research on topic " study of effectiveness of program develop for improving Marathi pronounciation of std B the programme implemented on 5& student. P0120344 n the pre-test researcher had given the passage to student for reading thought this test the research realiHe the students of .td B committed follo'ing mista(es 'hile reading the sentences ? 'ord based on follo'ing pronounciation.

D F J1,.t ?10d/


Th* 60120344* d*-*516*d ;( th* 0*/*30+h*0 ,/ )1551?,.2 D3(

Monday Tuesday

The researcher give the one paragraph of Marathi language boo( Fpre-test The researcher give practice of L M N O 'ords to pronounce orally The researcher give practice ---P and :oint 'ords in Marathi The researcher give the post test to the students the researcher research given the passage to read Fpost-testG

Cednesday Thursday


The $esearcher used follo'ing statistical tools for analyse the data collecting during e0periment E E T R $ Q Q Q Q Q T30 T5 F$G E0periment *re-test Treatment $andomamiHed

"fter implementation of programme post test 'as administrated mar(s 'ere allotted to this post test the scores of pre-test ? post test 'ere analysised ? conclusion 'as dra'n PRE:TEST







6.3 PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION >DATA n previous chapter# mplementation of research in research methodology# sample tools ? techni)ues# remedial ma:ors is given. n present chapter presentation of information ? data analysis ? interpretation ? ,onclusion is given.

Table no 3 ? 5

n this mar(s obtained by the student of std B in pre test in 3table ? 5 table mar(s obtained of post test $oll No Table No.-3 *re-test 3 = 5 < % 33 6 < 7 ; 9 9 ; 7 < 33 = 35 3& 3& 33 = 35 ; 3% 9 36 ; 37 < 39 < 3; ; 3< 9 3= 3& 5& = Total 39% 6.5 "nalysis ? nterpretation "nalysis of data $oll No 3 5 % 6 7 9 ; Table No.-3 *re-test = < 33 < ; 9 7 Table No.-5 *ost-test 36 33 37 39 5& 35 3& D 7 % 6 < 3% 9 7 D5 57 = 39 96 = %9 57 Table No.-5 *ost-test 36 33 37 39 5& 35 3& 3; 3% 3; 3; 37 33 35 3% 35 33 35 37 36 59;

< = 3& 33 35 3% 36 37 39 3; 3< 3= 5& Total

33 35 3& = ; 9 ; < < ; 9 3& = 39%

3; 3% 3; 3; 37 33 35 3% 35 33 35 37 36 59;

9 5 ; < < 7 7 7 6 6 9 7 7 3&6

%9 6 6= 96 96 57 57 57 39 39 %9 57 57 7=6



T Q cal Q3%.<= Balue of ItJ at &.&3 level is 5.97& i.e table Q 5.97&

The researcher analysis the data by using graph# graph is important to analysis the pretest ? post test data The follo'ing @raph is prepared by the researcher.

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Pre-Test Post-test Column2

n this graph analysis the data this graph sho' the pretest ? post test total mar( this sho' the pretest mar(s are very less than the post test after the training give post-test in this post in cress the student mar(s. nterpretation of data T calculated S t table 3%.<= S 5.97 i.e Null hypothesis is re:ected ? research is accepted

There 'as a significant difference in the scores of pre-test ? post-test The programme developed by the researcher proved to be helpful for improving the Marathi pronounciation of the students. That means programme developed by researcher is successful.




INTRODUCTION Marathi language is 'ell (no'n language and a common of Maharashtra state. t is very important for the communication The purpose of this study 'as to improve Marathi pronounciation of English medium student of 7 std No' a days parents 'ants to send their childrenJs in English medium school There for students Marathi pronounciation are not proper. There fore it is necessary for teacher to (no' proper Marathi pronounciation to inculcate the same in their students

N**d > I4610t3.t English medium studentJs English pronouncation are good but they face many problems in Marathi pronounciation t is necessary for improving Marathi spea(ing s(ill " good Marathi pronouncation 'ill help them in the future study and for developing their

St3t*4*.t 1) A,4 " study of effectiveness of a program pronounciation of 6 std student O;<*+t,-* To find out mista(e commited my the student in Marathi pronounciation To study the effectiveness of Marathi pronounciation of English medium student A//'46t,1. 3.d h(61th*/,/ English medium student (no' Marathi English medium student ma(e mista(e during the conversation .tudent 'ill co - operate There are t'o type of hypothesis research ? null hypothesis H(61th*/,/ English medium student ma(e mista(e during the conversation .tudent 'ill co - operate N'55 H(61th*/,/ English medium student 'ill not ma(e mista(e during the conversation and co A operate 'ith this. S3465* The research select t'enty student for sample ? select purposive sample method

S+16* > 5,4,t3t,1. Marathi is 'idely spo(en language of Maharashtra Therefore it is necessary for the students to understand the clear concept of Marathi language. The researcher 'or( is restricted only to Marathi sub:ect. t is limited only to std 7thof ,E. English medium school pune.

5.$ CONCLUSION Most of the students ma(e mista(es because of negligence to'ards the proper pronunciation. There 'as a significant difference in the score of pretest an post-test. "fter implementation of programmed the pronunciation of student improved The student state to recogniHe the difference bet'een the pronunciation ? try to pronounce :oint 'ord properly

5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS:: Teacher should tell the importance of good pronunciation to the student ? parents To improve the pronunciation of the students# teachers should arrange elocution completion Teacher should tell the rules about pronunciation of 'ords at initial stage *arents should pay attention on the pronunciation of their child

$esearcher prepares present research not only for the students but also for the teacher# parents ? for society

5.A S'22*/t,1. 1) )'0th*0 0*/*30+h Chile conducting the research felt that there are same areas further research can be carried out in further as per follo'ing ob:ect. This type of study can be done on different standard in school reated to English sub:ect. This research 'or( can be done on different standard in school related to all language This research can be conducted district ? state level n the present research the research conducted research on English medium student Marathi ? Drdu medium should be consider for the research.

L,/t 1) T3;5* : 8 0*)*0*.+*/ 9

32 A53. S. B01?.# Department of psychology # southern Methodist university# volume 5 # no. 6# 3==& . 52 A53. S. B01?.H " revie' of recent research on spelling# volume 5 no 6# 3==&. %2 A0-,.d L. !3615* > B3./, B,h30, P3.d,tH A+t,1. R*/*30+h > I..1-3t,1.H Nirali *ra(ashan # 5&&;. 62 Th* I105d B117 E.+(+516*d,3 H E Bolume 9 # " .cott FetHer ,ompany. 72 Th* I105d B117 E.+(+516*d,3 /1 & /J -15'4* %KH " .cott FeHer ,ompany # 3==7. 92 P01). R*;*++3 T*0,43. # research on 1 spelling 2 ;2 V,d(3dh30 N. Sh'753 Ed'+3t,1.35 E-35'3t,1. H Nirali *ra(ashan # First year diploma in teacher education.

L,/t 1) A66*.d,B*/ :
.tudents Name Nanda /olape /rushna /ale "sha *a'ar .ameer .hinde .uchita /ale Brushali Mane Tushar Tengle $a: .atpute Dattu Tele .ayali .hinde .hubham .hinde .eema Ca(hare Mangesh "'are $avi .hitole /anchan .hinde .ahil Tivari *ama Dbale .artha( @ore @anesh Dev(ar

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