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Memorandum of understanding made this day 20th of February 2014 between DNC Developers rivate !imited" #hereinafter $alled the %First arty& whi$h e'pression shall in$lude its su$$essors( )'e$utors( *dministrators and assigns of %First ary&( and +ardan ,nfra -eight rivate" !imited" hereinafter refered to as the %.e$ond ary& whi$h e'pression shall in$lude the su$$essors( )'e$utors( *dministrators and assigns of %.e$ond arty&" Now it is hereby agreed by / between both the parties and the ne$rssary elements of understanding are as follows0 1" First party will pay 1s 20(00(00034 to se$ond party for the purpose of future arrangement of land under proposed housing s$heme" 5eside above amount of 20 !a$s First arty will ma6e ne$essary arrangement of road and internal ele$trifi$ation wor6s for the site of +ardan homes phase41"

2" .e$ond party has managed and prepared a fururisti$ plan for vardan homes phase41 and sold drawing9 till today" 2" .e$ond party will provide land of Mai6u !al #6hasra no" 2:;3202 ra6ba "<02 he$tares and land of 1amsaran #6hasra No" 2:2 ra6ba "202 he$tor9" For +ardan phase =, s$heme after entering into the agreement for selling rights to first party" 4" First arty will also en>oy selling right of 70 plots or e8uivalent area whatever has been sold by se$ond party till today for whi$h first party will have freedom to de$ide rates depending upon their own mar6eting strategy" ?hese plots are indi$ated on atta$hed numbered layout plan of site" First party on a$$ount of aforementioned plots will pay amount of average land $ost and development $ost of 70 plots whi$h in$ludes initially paid 20la$s and final $ost of development a$tivities meaning thereby first party will pay to se$ond party an amount after dedu$ting 20 la$s and $ost of road and internal ele$trifi$ation from average land $ost and development $ost of aforesaid land of si'ty plots" <" .e$ond arty will ma6e all ne$essary efforts and arrangements for possession of land from farmer under proposed phase =, of vardan homes as per negotiated $ost with farmers" Details of $ost based on agreed upon rates with farmers is atta$hed herewith" For performing arrangement of land of proposed area first party will pay no further money beyond des$ribed above in $lause no42" 7" 5efore $onstru$tion of road and internal ele$trifi$ation wor6s( se$ond party will provide 6a$h$ha road with leveled earth i"e" formation level over whi$h two $oats of $onsolidation and mi'ed seal surfa$e will be overlaid within the bri$6 edging along road side" .e$ond party will ma6e available the road way free from an en$umbran$es and hindran$e using their networ6 with farmers and land owners" @" No physi$al( finan$ial or legal $laim from farmers shall be entertained by first party regarding transa$tion related with land pur$hase at any time" 70 plots or e8uvalent land #whi$h is shown in atta$hed

;" ,t will be sole responsibility of se$ond party to ma6e ne$essary arrangements for handing over possession of the land whi$h in$ludes da6hil 6hari> of land in the name of $ompanies" :" ?otal a$8uired land under proposed layout of +ardan homes phase = , will be shared3 sold in e8ual proportion in terms of net plotted area as per atta$hed detail map beside those plots whi$h has already been sold by se$ond party( e8uivalent area to be sold by first party and land of Mai6ulal and 1amasaran indi$ated in $lause no42 of this agreement" ?he detail of total a$8uired land is given as under
S.no. Name Khasra no Rakba

1 2 ! 4 5 & ( 8 9 10

Banwari Lal maiku lal(Vardan inftra heights pvt. Ltd. "mprakash Verma #wami $a%al $inesh 'al )ulfam #iddiki *aster +anigan, #hivnara%an )-risankar +amsaran

295.00 298 202 298 202 29&.00 280.00 29( 2(9 208.00 299.00 20(.00 292.00

544.00 502.00 502.00 198.00 2(&.00 442.00 25!.00 12&.00 44!.00 202.00 !488.00


3.488 Hectare

10" ,n $ase of any legal dispute area of >udi$ial >urisdi$tion will be distri$t !u$6now" 11"*ny 6ind of e'penses related with ne$essary permissions su$h as approval under se$tion4 142 for residential usage and approval of map through Aila an$hayt 5araban6i or anything else whi$h is felt by any one amongst both the parties( imposition of any new rule whi$h be$omes binding by the government for su$$essful e'e$ution of the s$heme( will be shared e8ually by both the parties" 12"1oad networ6 and par6 will be developed as per present layout plan" !and re8uired for 40B wide approa$h road through 6ahsra no 2:2 / 2:< will be provided by se$ond party"
First party Second Party



3. !itness



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