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DonRay Petroleum, LLC Announces Completion of the DRP Grace #49 Well


Oklahoma City, Okla. - DonRay Petroleum, LLC, a privately held oil and gas company located in Oklahoma City, today announced the completion of the DRP Grace #4 !oint venture "ell in #o$le, County, Okla% &he DRP Grace #4 "ell $egan production in Decem$er '()' at appro*imately seven $arrels of oil, +,,((( cu$ic feet of gas and '(( $arrels of salt "ater per day then -uickly settled to appro*imately three $arrels of oil, '(,((( cu$ic feet of gas and )(( $arrels of salt "ater per day% .n /arch '()', the "ell "as recompleted% 0s of the end of 1anuary '()4, the production has settled to appro*imately three to four $arrels of oil and 2,((( cu$ic feet of gas per day and (( $arrels of salt "ater per day% 3&he "ell has had three completions performed on it and may or may not improve as the fluid level lo"ers $y continually pumping the "ell,4 said Ray Cor$itt 1r%, president and !oint venture manager of DonRay Petroleum, LLC% 3&his "ell is off structure or do"ndip from some of the more successful producers in the area%4 About DonRay Petroleum, LLC DonRay Petroleum, LLC is a privately held company that engages in 1oint 5entures "ith private investors for the purpose of oil and gas e*ploration, production, operating and return on investment% DonRay Petroleum, LLC secures the services of professionals such as e*ploration companies, geologists, petroleum engineers, landmen, drilling, completion and production consultants, attorneys and accounting firms speciali6ing in oil and gas% DonRay Petroleum, LLC "as founded in '((4 in Oklahoma City $y Ray Cor$itt, 1r% and is a privately held company% &o learn more, go to http788donraypetroleum%com or call toll9free :,;;< +'+9,'('%

Contact Information: DonRay Petroleum, LLC Attn: Ray Corbitt, Jr. 2525 NW. E !re""#ay, $uite %&' ()la*oma City, (+ ,-..2 Office Phone7 4(+94),94=4, &oll9>ree Phone7 ,;;9+'+9,'(' ?mail7 donraypetroleum@s$cglo$al%net

Di"claimer Production and market prices may vary from month to month, therefore, DonRay Petroleum, LLC is not lia$le for production, future production or market prices% &he press release for DonRay Petroleum, LLC is pu$lished for information purposes only% During the development of this press release, every effort has $een made to provide only the most current, accurate and clearly e*pressed information possi$le% &he data and information provided on our press release is for personal non9 commercial usage% #either the information or data presented on this site constitutes a solicitation or offer $y DonRay Petroleum, LLC to $uy or sell any products or services of any kind or to provide any investment advice or services% 0dditionally, DonRay Petroleum, LLC disclaims any responsi$ility for errors or typos and the accuracy of any information found on third party "e$sites% DonRay Petroleum, LLC does not provide specific investment advice to any individual revie"ing our "e$site%


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